PR/01/7/A AGENDA Procedures Committee 7th Meeting, 2001 Tuesday 18 September 2001 The Committee will meet at 10.30 am in Committee Room 2 1. Declaration of Interests: The Convener will invite Fiona Hyslop to declare any relevant interests. 2. Publication of Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body (and Parliamentary Bureau) Minutes: The Committee will note a paper. 3. Selection Panels – Nominations for Appointments: The Committee will consider a paper. 4. Proposal that Committees be permitted to meet when the Parliament is suspended: The Committee will consider a paper. 5. Guidance on Public Bills: The Committee will consider a paper. 6. Draft Annual Report 2000 – 2001: The Committee will consider the Draft Annual Report. 7. Enquiry into the Application of the Consultative Steering Group Principles in the Scottish Parliament: (i) report from CSG Seminar (Professor David McCrone) (ii) discussion of witness slots John Patterson Clerk to the Procedures Committee Chamber Office, Room 5.19 Ext 85175
[email protected] Papers attached:- Agenda Item 1 Declaration of Interests No papers required. Agenda Item 2 Publication of Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body (and Parliamentary Bureau) Minutes PR/01/7/2 Agenda Item 3 Selection Panels – Nominations for Appointments PR/01/7/3 Annex A Agenda Item 4 Proposal that Committees be permitted to meet when the Parliament is suspended PR/01/7/4 Annex A Annex B Agenda Item 5 Guidance on Public BIlls PR/01/7/5 Agenda Item 6 Draft Annual Report 2000 – 2001 PR/01/7/6 Annex Agenda Item 7 Enquiry into the Application of the Consultative Steering Group Principles in the Scottish Parliament: PR/01/7/7 Annex A Annex B Annex C (i) report from CSG Seminar (Professor David McCrone) (ii) discussion of witness slots PR/01/7/2 FOR INFORMATION SEVENTH MEETING OF THE PROCEDURES COMMITTEE PUBLICATION OF SCOTTISH PARLIAMENTARY CORPORATE BODY (AND PARLIAMENTARY BUREAU) MINUTES 1.