Eighth International Conference on Mars (2014) 1020.pdf FORMATION OF PERCHLORATE FROM CHLORINE SPECIES UNDER SIMULATED MARS CONDITIONS. B. L. Carrier* and S. P. Kounaves, Department of Chemistry, Tufts University, Medford, MA, 02155, USA. (
[email protected]). Introduction: an ongoing mechanism for perchlorate formation from - Perchlorate (ClO4 ) was first discovered on Mars at chloride, and likely indicates the probable presence of the Phoenix landing site in 2008 at concentrations of other oxychlorine intermediates and radicals such as - - ● ● 0.4 to 0.6 wt % [1]. More recently results from Mars OCl , ClO2 , ClO2(g), OCl, Cl and others. The pres- Science Laboratory (MSL) pyrolysis experiments per- ence of these intermediates has serious implications for formed by the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) in- the survival and detection of organics as most of these strument suite indicate the presence of an oxychlorine intermediates, unlike perchlorate, are strong oxidizing species in samples collected at Rocknest, Cumberland agents at Mars ambient conditions. All of this seems and John Klein sites, with calcium perchlorate being to indicate the presence of a complex chlorine cycle on the most likely candidate [2,3]. Perchlorate has also the martian surface. been identified in martian meteorite EETA79001 [4] Our current reseach aims to investigate factors that and has been proposed as a possible explanation for the may influence the rate of perchlorate formation such as detection of chlorinated hydrocarbons at the Viking UV dosage, exposure time, relative humidity, concen- landing sites [5]. Taken together this seems to indicate tration of atmospheric oxidants and effects of direct a global distribution of perchlorate on the martian sur- exposure to UV photons vs.