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Current Biology, Vol. 13, R104–R114, February 4, 2003, ©2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII S0960-9822(03)00039-3

Chromosome Cohesion and Review Separation: From Men and Molecules

Frank Uhlmann It would seem most sensible for cells to couple DNA replication directly to the establishment of sister chromatid cohesion, so as never to give replication Sister chromatid cohesion and separation are products a chance to drift apart. Experimental evi- fundamental for accurate genome inheritance over dence indeed suggests that there is a tight temporal cell generations. Work over recent years has coupling of DNA replication and cohesion establish- established the existence of a chromosomal protein ment [7], and proteins that participate in DNA replica- complex, , that connects sister chromatids tion are also involved in the establishment of cohesion from the time they are generated in S phase [8,9]. Despite recent progress, ideas about the molec- onwards, and which is destroyed at the onset of ular basis of this coupling remain vague. Among the through cleavage by the protease most significant advances over the last year have . Over the last year, the function of cohesin been structural and biochemical studies on the has been investigated in higher eukaryotes, including cohesin complex which for the first time have given us humans, with results that have uncovered important a firm basis from which to develop models of how new aspects of this process. The first structural cohesin might act as a glue between, or around, two views of cohesin have become available, and signifi- strands of DNA [10,11]. cant steps been made towards a mechanistic under- The resolution of cohesion in mitosis happens in standing of cohesion. Studies on two steps. In higher eukaryotes, a significant portion separase have revealed new levels of regulation of of cohesin is removed from as they . condense in prophase [12–14]. This is important, allowing much of the sister sequences along chromo- some arms to separate so as to form the distinct sister chromatid axes characteristic of metaphase chromo- Introduction somes. While the mechanism underlying this first step The genome in each of our nucleated cells was inher- of cohesin removal is not yet understood, mitotic ited from a mother cell in the form of chromatids that kinases have been shown to play a critical role had separated from their sisters during the metaphase- [14–17]. The final and irreversible loss of cohesion at to-anaphase transition of a mitotic or (in the case of anaphase onset is triggered by separase, a protease germ cells) meiotic division. In order to obtain the full that destroys remaining cohesin by cleaving its Scc1 genetic complement, cells need to ensure that each subunit [13,18,19]. chromosome, faithfully replicated during S phase, is Because of the definitive and irreversible nature of accurately split and distributed during mitosis or Scc1 cleavage, separase activity is tightly regulated at meiosis. Each cell must receive one copy, or chromatid, a number of levels. The mechanism of action of the of each and every chromosome. If this process fails, critical separase inhibitor securin has now been and a cell inherits one chromatid too many or too few, studied in detail [20–22]. At least in some eukaryotes, the consequences for the aneuploid cell that is gener- including humans, the activity of separase has been ated are dire. Most aneuploid human embryos are not shown to be regulated by its phosphorylation status viable, and if they are, they develop severe birth [23]. And separase not only cleaves cohesin at defects. Aneuploidies later in human life are often asso- anaphase onset, but also cleaves itself [22,24,25], ciated with the development of malignant cancer [1]. promoting the downregulation of separase after Research over the last six or so years has estab- anaphase. Finally, new ideas have emerged that might lished that replicated sister chromatids are kept con- help explain how cohesin cleavage during meiosis is nected to one another, from the time of their synthesis performed in a stepwise manner, first at the chromo- onwards, by the chromosomal protein complex known some arms and then at the centromeres, over the two as cohesin [2]. Sister chromatid cohesion is the basis nuclear divisions. for the pairwise alignment of chromosomes on the spindle apparatus during mitosis, making possible the Cohesion in Humans bi-oriented segregation of chromatids at anaphase Earlier genetic studies in yeast and biochemical [3,4]. While cohesin’s crucial importance in holding analyses in a Xenopus cell-free system led to a sister chromatids together has been well established largely consistent view on the role of the chromoso- in a number of model systems [2], information has mal cohesin complex in sister chromatid cohesion [2]. now become available on vertebrate cells that confirm But the analysis of cohesin function in higher eukary- the universal importance of cohesin for sister chro- otic cells was still much awaited. Three studies matid cohesion [5,6]. [5,6,26] have now achieved this, one using a chicken cell line constructed so that its sole source of Scc1 is Lincoln’s Inn Fields Laboratories, Cancer Research UK, 44 expressed under control of a tetracycline-repressible Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PX, UK. promoter [5]; one using RNA interference (RNAi) in E-mail: [email protected] cultured Drosophila cells [26]; and a third using a Current Biology R105

dominant-negative Scc1 fragment expressed in SCC1+ human cells [6]. These studies all found that Scc1, and thus cohesin, is required for sister chromatid cohesion during G2 phase and metaphase. Strikingly, in the presence of the dominant-negative Scc1 frag- ment, the two replicated sister chromatids lost any apparent contact with each other and were found at Ð separate locations within G2 nuclei. This indicates scc1 that, in the absence of cohesin, there is little else that Mad2 connects the sister chromatids in human cells [6] (Figure 1). At metaphase in these cells, the unpaired chromatids failed to align on the mitotic spindle; entry into anaphase was delayed, and when the cells even- Metaphase Anaphase tually progressed into anaphase many chromatids failed to segregate. As a consequence, multinucleate Current Biology and highly aneuploid cells were formed. Chicken cells lacking Scc1 also showed increased Figure 1. Mitosis in wild-type (SCC1+) and cohesin-deficient levels of spontaneous chromosome breaks and were (scc1–) cells. impaired in repairing radiation induced breaks [5]. This In wild-type cells at metaphase, chromosomes (blue) attach suggests that sister chromatid cohesion contributes with their kinetochores (grey) pairwise and in bipolar orientation to recombinational repair of DNA breaks, as has been to the mitotic spindle (green). At anaphase onset, cohesion shown in yeast [27]. It could also indicate that chro- between sister chromatids is lost and the separated sisters are mosomes lacking cohesin are more susceptible to pulled in opposite directions. Chromosomes lacking cohesin do not pair in metaphase, and the individual sister chromatids fail breakage because of their altered mechanical proper- to reach stable bipolar attachment on the spindle. Kinetochores ties. In addition to sister cohesion, budding yeast appear to associate with the spindle from the side, perhaps by cohesin has been shown to participate in the longitu- merotelic attachment to microtubules from both spindle poles. dinal organisation of metaphase chromosomes [28]. The defective attachment is recognised by the Mad2-depen- The properties of higher eukaryote chromosomes dent checkpoint pathway, leading to accumulation of Mad2 at lacking cohesin remain to be studied in depth, but kinetochores and delayed entry into anaphase. When anaphase commences, chromosomes fail to segregate to opposite poles. initial visual inspection of metaphase chromosomes in these three cohesin-deficient cell types did not reveal any obvious defects [5,6,26]. One specific change at kinetochores, however, was noted in cohesin-depleted chicken and Drosophila Attaching Chromosomes to the Mitotic Spindle cells [5,26], and similar observations have previously Unpaired sister chromatids in yeast fail to achieve been made in fission yeast [29]. The INCENP protein, bipolar attachment on the metaphase spindle [3,4]. and probably its associated aurora B kinase Similarly, unpaired chromatids in cohesin-deficient complex, were found to be mislocalised in these tissue culture cells fail to congress into a metaphase cells. This indi-cates that cohesin might have a spe- plate, despite the apparent formation of intact cific role in the recruitment of the aurora B complex. kinetochores [5,6,26] (Figure 1). Individual chromatids It might alternatively be indicative of a relationship do in fact associate with the spindle, but their between proper spindle–kinetochore attachment and kinetochores appear to be connected to spindle aurora B localisation. microtubules from both spindle poles — what is That the latter hypothesis may be true is suggested known as ‘merotelic’ attachment. by observations implicating aurora B kinase in the This can be interpreted as a requirement of cohesin establishment of bipolar spindle attachment [30]. In to direct kinetochores so that they attach to micro- budding yeast, most chromosomes start off after tubules from just one pole. An alternative, perhaps replication with both sister kinetochores attached to simpler, explanation is that two connected kineto- the same spindle pole. Aurora B kinase is required to chores are required to form a bipolar configuration correct this monopolar attachment into the requisite with the right geometry to be stabilised by spindle bipolar attachment at metaphase [30]. This implies tension, and that kinetochores of single chromatids, that aurora B dissolves non-productive kineto- even if attached to microtubules from both spindle chore–microtubule interactions until bipolar tension is poles, cannot reach stable attachment. Consistent reached. Consistent with this idea, interference with with this, many unpaired chromatids are weakly, if at aurora B kinase activity in tissue culture cells leads to all, attached to microtubules. This failure of stable chromosome alignment defects [31–33]. Once bipolar attachment is sensed by the Mad2-dependent check- tension at kinetochores has been established, aurora point pathway, leading to Mad2 accumulation at the B must stop dissolving attachments, and that may be kinetochores [6], and most likely causing the mitotic reflected by a change of its localisation. delay observed in cohesin-depleted cells. A Mad2- Remarkably, kinetochores that gain merotelic dependent delay in mitosis that correlated with the attachment to the spindle in the absence of cohesin accumulation at kinetochores of Bub1, another com- are decorated by Mad2, indicating that spindle ponent of the Mad2 pathway, was observed in fission attachment itself may not be sufficient to turn off the yeast cells with compromised cohesion [4]. Mad2-dependent spindle-attachment surveillance Review R106

One site of strong cohesin deposition in probably all Cohesin eukaryotes is the centromere [38,41–43] (Figure 4). This is where the mitotic spindle attaches to a chromatid Eco1 and exerts the pulling force that cohesin has to coun- Scc2/4 RFC teract. In many organisms, centromeres are packed SNF2 PCNA into transcriptionally silent heterochromatin. In fission yeast, mutations that affect centromeric heterochro- cohesin cohesion matin also prevent binding of cohesin to centromeres loading establishment and thereby abolish centromeric sister chromatid cohe- sion [45,46]. The heterochromatin protein HP1 — Swi6 in fission yeast — is required to recruit the cohesin G1 S phase complex, probably by direct interaction with the Current Biology cohesin subunit Scc3 [46]. Along the chromosome arms, in contrast, cohesin Figure 2. Loading of cohesin (red) onto chromosomes (blue) binding to many sites does not depend on hete- and establishment of sister chromatid cohesion during S phase. rochromatin. There are important differences between In budding yeast, association of cohesin with chromosomes cohesion at centromeres and along chromosome requires the proteins Scc2 and Scc4, but their mechanism of arms. Apart from a particularly high density of action is not understood. In human cells, a SNF2-containing cohesin at centromeres, this site is also special in chromatin remodeling complex is required for cohesin binding that the cohesin bound here must be refractory to the to chromatin. During S phase, the acetyltransferase Eco1 con- separase-independent removal of cohesin that tributes to the formation of functional cohesion sites linking the occurs in prophase (see below). How this difference replication products. The activities of the DNA sliding clamp PCNA and its clamp loader RFC are also required to establish is brought about, and how heterochromatin may con- sister chromatid cohesion. tribute to this difference, are important questions for future studies. Cis-acting sequences from cen- mechanism [6]. In the absence of aurora B, however, tromeres that are sufficient to direct heterochromatin misaligned chromosomes do not elicit a Mad2 formation and cohesin binding to euchromatic loci on response [30–32,34]. This is consistent with the idea chromosome arms have been identified in fission that continued activity of aurora B, until bipolar yeast [47]. They are likely to become a valuable tool attachment is reached, may be part of the mechanism for dissecting the functional differences between that generates the Mad2 signal. cohesion at centromeres versus along the chromo- some arms. Loading Cohesin onto Chromosomes A screen for budding yeast mutants defective in Establishing Sister Chromatid Cohesion chromosome cohesion identified a gene product, Cohesin binds to chromosomes before S phase, but Scc2, which, together with its binding partner Scc4, is during DNA replication it is converted into a physical required for cohesin to bind to chromosomes [35–37] bridge that connects the replication products (Figure (Figure 2). Scc2 homologs are found in most species 2). A protein called Eco1 in budding yeast — Eso1 in — for example, fission yeast Mis4, which is required fission yeast — is essential for this conversion, but not for cohesin binding to chromatin in this species [38], for the maintenance of cohesion during the subse- and Drosophila Nipped-B [39] — but it is still not quent G2 and M phases [8,36,48]. In cells lacking Eco1, known how these proteins act to allow cohesin cohesin binds to chromosomes, but the physical link- binding to chromosomes. It remains unclear whether ages between sister chromatids are never established. Scc2 has a direct role in cohesin loading or whether it Eco1 has now been shown to have acetyltransferase acts indirectly by influencing chromatin structure. activity [49]. Transfer of acetyl groups is most likely the The status of chromatin cannot be neglected when essential function of Eco1 in cohesion establishment, thinking about cohesin loading. This became clear as a mutation in Eco1 that causes a temperature-sen- when a human SNF2-containing chromatin remodel- sitive cohesion defect in vivo drastically reduces its ling complex was found physically associated with acetyltransferase activity in vitro. A substrate protein human cohesin [40]. Transfection of a dominant- that is acetylated by Eco1, however, is still elusive. negative form of SNF2 into human cells significantly Cohesin subunits can be acetylated by Eco1 in vitro, reduced the levels of cohesin binding to chromo- but so far they have not been detected in the acety- somes, indicating that chromatin remodelling may lated form in vivo [49]. indeed be part of cohesin loading. This study also Insight into Eso1 function has come from work on identified loci to which cohesin binds on human the cohesin subunit Pds5 in fission yeast [50]. Pds5 chromosomes [40]: cohesin binding was observed in has all the features of a bona fide cohesin subunit, but intergenic regions, as seen in both budding and it associates with the cohesin complex more weakly, fission yeast [41–45]. More specifically, cohesin was and in fission yeast is essential for cohesion only if found associated with the Alu short interspersed cells are arrested for long periods in G2 [14,50–52]. repeats, but it is too early to know whether Alu Surprisingly, deletion of Pds5 makes Eso1 dispensable repeats have functional significance as cohesin in fission yeast cells [50]. This could mean that one binding sites, or whether binding to Alu sequences function of Pds5 is to counteract cohesion establish- occured by coincidence. ment, reducing the chances of promiscuous cohesion Current Biology R107

of non-sister chromatids, and that this block is over- The Mechanism of Cohesion come during S phase by Eso1. While the importance of chromatin-bound cohesin for While this is an attractive hypothesis, other expla- sister chromatid cohesion is apparent, the mechanism nations are possible. It is hard to exclude the possibil- by which this protein complex holds together two ity that Eco1/Eso1 has a more general effect on replicated DNA molecules is one of the major unan- chromatin structure that might be important for main- swered questions. Cohesin binding to chromatin taining the close proximity of two sister chromatin differs from many other DNA binding proteins in that it fibres after DNA replication. It is noteworthy that the does not show any obvious sequence specificity; it is acetyltransferase domain of Eso1 is fused in one not random, however — cohesin binds at specific polypeptide to DNA polymerase η [48], suggesting chromosomal regions, but these show rather blurred that acetyl transfer by Eso1 might also help this DNA boundaries [41,43,44]. polymerase to carry out its function of catalysing syn- Structural information on the cohesin complex will thesis past DNA lesions. To solve this puzzle, it will be clearly be important for a mechanistic understanding of clearly critical to identify the relevant cohesion, and low-resolution images of purified human targets of Eco1/Eso1. and Xenopus cohesin have now been obtained by elec- In budding yeast, a temperature-sensitive mutation tron microscopy: the images are immediately striking, of Eco1 could be suppressed by increased levels of showing a large proteinaceous ring [10] (Figure 3A). the DNA polymerase processivity factor PCNA, a ring Biochemical analysis of the cohesin complex from shaped ‘sliding clamp’ that encircles double stranded budding yeast has confirmed the arrangement of DNA [8]. Furthermore, mutation of the protein cohesin subunits that form this ring [11] (Figure 3B). complex replication factor C (RFC), which loads Most of the circumference of the ring is spanned by the PCNA onto DNA, causes cohesion defects [9]. An long flexible ‘arms’ of the Smc heterodimer, held alternative subunit of RFC, Ctf18, can replace the together at one end by a hinge — the Smc dimer inter- largest of the five canonical RFC subunits, and has face. This interface provides a strong contact between also been shown to contribute to cohesion establish- the two Smc molecules, and a crystal structure of the ment [9,53]. There is also evidence that DNA poly- hinge shows how the antiparallel coiled-coil ‘arms’ orig- merase σ might be required for sister chromatid inate there [11]. cohesion [54]. At the other end of these arms are the Smc ‘heads’, These observations have made fashionable a joined together by the non-Smc cohesin subunits, ‘polymerase switch’ model for cohesion establish- Scc1 and Scc3. This analysis has also shown that ment. According to this model, the replicative DNA each of the two halves of Scc1, separated after cleav- polymerase δ is displaced from PCNA by polymerase age by separase, binds to one of the Smc heads [11]. σ in order to establish cohesion while replicating This is the basis for a model in which Scc1 stabilises sequences bound by cohesin. This model is inspired a closed ring configuration which is broken up after by the switch to translesion polymerases, such as Scc1 cleavage in anaphase. The diameter of the polymerase η, that allow synthesis past sites of DNA cohesin ring is approximately 40 nm, large enough to damage [55]. There are, however, problems with this encircle two DNA molecules, even when they are model. Polymerase δ is only replaced by a translesion packed into nucleosomes. It has therefore been sug- polymerase if it encounters a covalent chemical gested cohesin might simply embrace the two sister adduct that prevents its progression along the chromatids, holding them together until Scc1 is unwound template strand. Should cohesin get in the cleaved [11] (Figure 3C). way of the replication fork, like other DNA-bound This model also offers a solution to the problem of proteins, it is probably displaced as the helicase at the how cohesion is established during DNA replication. forefront of the replication apparatus unwinds the If the cohesin ring already encircles DNA before repli- double helix. There is no evidence so far that the cation, the replication fork might simply slide through replication fork is delayed by a polymerase switch as the ring, leaving the replication products trapped it progresses through cohesion sites, although this inside. This model would not, however, predict the remains to be formally tested. existence of a protein such as Eco1, specialised for Recent data indicate that polymerase σ, and the cohesion establishment. It would also not be com- family of proteins it belongs to, may be poly(A) patible with a stationary replication machinery that polymerases rather than DNA polymerases [56,57]. This has been suggested to pull DNA rather than slide suggests the cohesion defect seen in polymerase σ along it. Nevertheless, the ‘embrace model’ of cohe- mutants might be an indirect consequence of abnormal sion is very appealing and the rings might be assem- protein expression; this would be consistent with the bled around sister chromatids just as they leave the more pleiotropic phenotypes caused by polymerase σ replication fork. mutations [54]. While the role of polymerase σ is con- To really know how cohesin holds together sister troversial, the case for a contribution of PCNA and RFC strands, it will be vital to visualise cohesin bound to to cohesion establishment is strong. But these enzymes DNA. This has not yet been achieved, but Bazett-Jones may not have to alter the replication fork machinery et al. [59] have come close with their observations on at cohesion sites. Like PCNA-dependent chromatin the chromosomal condensin complex. This complex assembly [58], cohesion establishment may occur just shows a strikingly similar organisation and structure to after a replication fork has passed, using PCNA that is cohesin: it also is made up of an Smc heterodimer with left behind in its wake. non-Smc subunits associated with its heads. Like Review R108

AB Scc3

C Smc1 C Scc1 N N N C Heads


100 nm Smc3




Current Biology

Figure 3. Models of cohesin and sister chromatid cohesion. (A) Electron micrographs of human cohesin, showing large proteinaceous rings (from [10], with permission). (B) The composition of the cohesin ring as derived from interaction studies [11]. (C) The cohesin ring is large enough to encircle one or two molecules of DNA, even when they are packed into nucleosomes. Entry of DNA into the ring might involve ATP-dependent transport through a gate formed by the Smc heads. The gate may spring open after Scc1 cleavage by separase at anaphase onset, thus releasing trapped DNA. (D) Electron spectroscopic image of DNA bound to condensin, a protein complex similar to cohesin (from [59]). DNA may form two loops around the protein. One possible interpretation of this image and its application to cohesin is shown on the right. After transport into the cohesin ring DNA might be wrapped around the Smc heads. Two loops of DNA might stem from two sister chro- matids (dark and light blue, respectively). cohesin, condensin is required to hold DNA together, shuttle many types of cargo across cell membranes; though as it is needed for chromosome condensation it multiple drug resistance transporters and the peptide most likely promotes interactions within one strand transporter associated with antigen processing are rather than between two strands of DNA. two examples [61]. Is cohesin an ATP-dependent DNA Electron spectroscopic imaging of DNA bound to transporter? In vitro assays have so far failed to condensin revealed how the DNA wraps around the observe ATP-dependent cohesin binding to DNA [62]. protein twice [59] (Figure 3D). In the in vitro reaction On the other hand, mutations in the Smc heads of used to achieve this binding, compensatory supercoils cohesin that are predicted to prevent ATP binding and were introduced into the DNA. In vivo, these supercoils hydrolysis render cohesin non-functional in vivo (S. might easily be released by topoisomerases, but if the Weitzer, personal communication). It will be important two loops that wrap around condensin originate from to study how ATP binding and hydrolysis may con- distant enough locations on one strand of DNA, this tribute to closure of the cohesin ring and the possible could achieve efficient compaction. How does this transport of DNA into this ring. relate to cohesin? Might two loops of DNA also wrap around cohesin? And might there be a way of ensuring Reducing Cohesion in Prophase that these two loops originate from sister strands (Figure As mentioned above, when a vertebrate cell prepares 3D)? In this scenario, DNA would encircle the cohesin for mitosis, as the chromosomes condense much of complex in addition to cohesin encircling the DNA. the sister sequences separate to form the distinct The two-fold wrapping of DNA around condensin sister chromatid axes. Accordingly, much of cohesin requires binding and hydrolysis of ATP by the Smc dissociates from chromosomes in what has been heads [59]. The Smc heads belong to the large ABC called the ‘prophase pathway’ of cohesin removal family of ATPases, and a crystal structure of the (Figure 4); at metaphase, cohesin and cohesion are closely related ATPase Rad50 has shown how ATP maintained only around the centromeres and at the binding promotes interactions between two heads interface between the sister axes [13,15]. The [60]. Such a head–head interaction would be equiva- prophase pathway does not use Scc1 cleavage to lent to closure of the cohesin ring. Most members of remove cohesin, and the cohesin complex appears to the ABC family, however, are transport proteins which be largely intact after its dissociation [15]. Current Biology R109

Figure 4. Two steps of cohesin removal during mitosis. During chromosome condensation in prophase, most of cohesin (red) disso- ciates from chromosome arms (blue) to allow formation of distinct sister chro- matid axes. The density of cohesin is highest at centromeres, which requires Polo, package of centromeric DNA into hete- Aurora Separase rochromatin (grey). Cohesin at cen- tromeres is resistant to removal during Prophase Cohesin prophase and provides sister chromatid cohesion in metaphase. At anaphase pathway cleavage onset, separase cleaves the remaining cohesin to trigger sister chromatid sep- aration.

Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Current Biology

How cohesin removal is achieved in prophase is still dissociate from chromosomes in prophase. How sepa- mysterious, though it is known that Polo-like kinase rase recognises and cleaves cohesin molecules bound (Polo) activity is required, and at least the Scc1 and to chromosomes, but not those solubilised by the Scc3 subunits of cohesin — the latter comes in two prophase pathway, is not known. In human cells, less isoforms in vertebrates, called SA1 and SA2 — are than 5% of cohesin is retained on metaphase chromo- targets for Polo in vitro [16,17]. Cohesin phosphory- somes [13,15], so for separase to separate sister chro- lated by Polo binds less well to chromatin in vitro, but matids efficiently, it is important that the enzyme is not phosphorylation by cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) has side-tracked by the 95% of cohesin that does not need a similar effect [15,16]. The latter kinase does not to be cleaved. Much of the uncleaved cohesin is used appear to be required for cohesin dissociation in vivo again soon afterwards, when it reassociates with [14]; instead, the activity of aurora B kinase con- decondensing chromosomes in telophase [13]. tributes to the pathway [17]. Precisely how these It is important that separase is tightly regulated so mitotic kinases promote the dissociation of cohesin that sister chromatid separation does not occur from prophase chromosomes, and what other critical prematurely, but is achieved efficiently at anaphase factors might be required for this unloading reaction, onset. One key regulator of separase, securin, has are important questions that remain to be answered. been shown to be involved in both aspects of sepa- Depletion of Polo and aurora B kinases from a rase regulation [63–67]. Securin has now been shown Xenopus cell free extract system demonstrated the to be a bona fide protease inhibitor of separase importance of the prophase pathway of cohesin [21,22]. Securin inhibits separase both by preventing removal for the generation of mitotic chromosomes. As its access to cohesin and by blocking an intramolec- chromosomes in this extract approached meta-phase, ular interaction that is probably critical to activate the they condensed but the sister chromatid axes failed to protease [21] (Figure 5). While securin inhibits sepa- resolve [16,17]. Anaphase was not observed in these rase, paradoxically it is also needed to activate the assays, but it seems unlikely the chromosomes could enzyme. In budding yeast, securin promotes the con- have progressed through a normal division. Once we centration of separase molecules in the nucleus, know more about the mechanism of cohesin removal where cohesin has to be cleaved at anaphase onset in prophase, it will be important to understand how [21,68,69]. Securin is also needed for full separase cohesin at centromeres is excluded from dissociation activition in anaphase, after securin itself has been by this pathway, so that it can provide critical cohesion degraded; it may act as a molecular chaperone that in metaphase. It will be interesting to see how hete- helps the large separase polypeptide to fold correctly rochromatin proteins present at the centromeres may [21,67]. Phosphorylation of securin by cyclin-depen- be involved in making this distinction. dent kinase in budding yeast enhances its affinity for separase [69], but a possible contribution of securin Cohesin Cleavage and Separase Regulation at dephosphorylation to separase activation in anaphase Anaphase Onset remains to be explored. The final and irreversible separation of sister chro- Securin destruction, mediated by the proteasome matids happens at anaphase onset when separase after ubiquitylation by the anaphase promoting complex cleaves cohesin’s Scc1 subunit [13,18,19] (Figure 4). (APC), is essential for anaphase onset in many organ- Scc1 cleavage is essential for chromosome segrega- isms, and stabilisation of securin in response to spindle tion, yet only a fraction of the total cellular Scc1 is or DNA damage is an efficient way to prevent anaphase cleaved by separase [13,38]. This fraction almost [64,70,71]. The ability of indestructible securin to prevent certainly corresponds to the cohesin that did not anaphase onset has now been confirmed in human cells Review R110

Figure 5. Separase regulation at the U U metaphase to anaphase transition. N ↑ U APC N U In budding yeast, securin prevents an Yeast Securin + Securin interaction of the separase amino termi- nus with the protease active site at the C C carboxyl terminus. Securin is degraded at anaphase onset after ubiquitylation by Separase the anaphase promoting complex (APC). This allows an intramolecular interaction U within separase that may activate pro- U N U tease activity. Human separase is inacti- ↑ U APC N vated by phosphorylation in metaphase; Human P Securin HO + Securin the phosphate has to be removed in Cyclin↓ anaphase, when cyclin-dependent kinase C C activity decreases. During anaphase sep- ∗ arase cleaves itself and the carboxy-ter- Separase minal separase fragment, which contains the protease active site, is rendered Three rows U U unstable (asterisk). In Drosophila, sepa- N ↑ U rase consists of two polypeptides, called APC N U Drosophila Securin + Securin threerows and separase. After securin destruction, separase cleaves its own ↓ C Cyclin ? C C threerows component; the carboxy-ter- N C N ∗ minal threerows fragment, probably required for separase activity, is thereby Separase Current Biology destabilised (asterisk).

[72]. The human genome contains four nearly identical decreases, before separase can become active. In ver- genes encoding securin ([73] and J. Sgouros, personal tebrates at least, this mechanism might ensure that communication), three of which are expressed at least separase is regulated even in the absence of securin. in some tissues. While this might complicate experi- Yet another level of separase regulation has been ments to deplete human cells of securin, a cell line has revealed in human cells and Drosophila embryos. been con-structed in which both copies of the first iden- After its activation at anaphase onset, separase tified securin homologue have been deleted [67]. cleaves itself [13,23,25] (Figure 5). The large human Western blotting indicates that there is little if any separase protein is thus split into two halves; these expression from other securin genes. The mutant cells fragments stay associated with each other, and sepa- show high levels of chromosomal instability, but they rase activity initially does not seem to be diminished can be arrested with unseparated chromosomes by a by this cleavage [22,24]. The carboxy-terminal half of spindle poison, indicating cohesin cleavage can be pre- the protein becomes unstable, however, and disap- vented independently of securin [67]. pears during the following G1 phase [13]. As this part Only one securin gene has so far been found in the of separase contains the protease active site, this will mouse genome. One group has generated apparently lead to downregulation of separase activity. healthy mice in which the securin gene has been In Drosophila, separase is composed of two smaller deleted [74]. It should be noted, however, that in this polypeptides, called threerows and separase [20] work only two of the gene’s five exons were removed, (Figure 5), which may be the result of a primordial sep- leaving sequences coding for securin’s carboxy- arase gene having split on the evolutionary lineage terminal region, potent in regulating separase [21], leading to Drosophila. The threerows polypeptide is which may still be expressed in the mutant mice cleaved in anaphase, and its carboxy-terminal fragment Together, these results suggest that securin is a crit- is destabilised and disappears from cells. Even though ical, but not the sole, regulator of separase. In budding this fragment does not contain the protease active site, yeast, phosphorylation of the cohesin subunit Scc1 by a separase complex without it is inactive [25]; three- Polo was found to contribute to efficient cohesin cleav- rows cleavage thus causes inactivation of separase. age in anaphase [75]. So cohesin cleavage might be Extra copies of uncleavable threerows in Drosophila controlled, not only at the level of separase activity, but lead to cold-sensitive female sterility, most likely due to also by changing the substrate susceptibility. But even excessive separase activity [25]. The fast syncytial divi- budding yeast cells lacking both securin and Polo initi- sion cycles of the early embryos show mitotic abnor- ate cohesin cleavage with correct timing — although malities, but more strikingly cellularisation of the embryo less efficiently than normal — indicating that other after 13 divisions is highly defective. The latter might in levels of regulation control cohesin cleavage by sepa- part be a consequence of the previous mitotic prob- rase [75]. A further securin-independent mechanism of lems, but more specifically it appears that microtubule separase regulation has been discovered in verte- organisation during cellularisation is disturbed in these brates. High cyclin–Cdk activity inhibits separase in embryos. In budding yeast, separase has been shown, Xenopus oocyte extracts, and human separase in not only to trigger anaphase by cohesin cleavage, but metaphase is inhibited by phosphorylation on a specific also to influence microtubule dynamics by cleaving the serine residue [23] (Figure 5). This phosphate has to be protein Slk19 [76]. Separase activation thus appears to removed in anaphase, when cyclin–Cdk activity orchestrate multiple events during anaphase. Whether Current Biology R111

Figure 6. A model for the regulation of Metaphase Anaphase cohesin cleavage during the two successive meiotic divisions in C. elegans. Meiosis I Two homologous chromosomes (dark and light blue) are paired in metaphase I. The homologues are held together by sister chromatid cohesion (red) distal to the point of recombination (chiasma). C. elegans chromosomes are acrocentric in meiosis and the spindle attaches at the chromosome Meiosis II end (green). Aurora B kinase (yellow) decorates chromosome arms distal of chiasmata and may phosphorylate cohesin to make it accessible to cleav- age by separase during anaphase I. During the second meiotic divison Cohesin Aurora B aurora B kinase is found between Current Biology sister chromatids and allows their sep- aration in anaphase II. the downregulation of separase activity after anaphase While in fission yeast Rec8-containing cohesin is is particularly important to control microtubule organi- enriched at centromeres, in budding yeast Rec8 sation remains to be investigated. replaces almost all the Scc1 at the centromeres, as well as along the chromosome arms. Although Rec8 is thus Two Rounds of Cohesin Cleavage During Meiosis required to make centromere cohesion different from Meiosis, where there are two successive nuclear arm cohesion, it does not by itself make the difference. divisions, poses its own particular challenges for Other meiosis-specific cohesin subunits have been chromosome segregation. In the first, reductional divi- reported that either specifically disappear from chromo- sion (meiosis I), when homologous sister pairs are seg- some arms in meiosis I (the mammalian Scc3 homo- regated from each other, sister chromatid cohesion logue STAG3 [86]), or are retained at centromeres until must be dissolved only along chromosome arms. This meiosis II (an Smc1 isoform called SMC1β [87]). Whether allows the resolution of chiasmata after recombination any of these subunits are involved in determining the between the homologue pairs. At the centromeres, susceptibility of cohesin to separase cleavage during cohesion must be maintained until the second, equa- the meiotic divisions remains to be investigated. tional division (meiosis II), when sister chromatids split In C. elegans, a striking correlation has been observed (Figure 6). How are these two subsequent steps of between loss of cohesion in the two meiotic divisions cohesin removal regulated? and the localisation of aurora B kinase [88]. Aurora B is At first sight, the task appears similar to the two found along chromosome arms in meiosis I, distal to steps of cohesin removal in mitosis: during prophase sites of crossing over, and towards the centromeres in and then at anaphase onset. Indeed, Xenopus may meiosis II, exactly where cohesion must be dissolved in use a separase-independent pathway for cohesin each case. Aurora B is not only at the right place at the removal in meiosis I [77]. In most systems, including right time, its depletion by RNAi prevents the dissocia- yeast, Caenorhabditis elegans and mouse ([78,79] and tion of cohesin from chromosomes, with concomitant M. Herbert, personal communication), separase acti- failure of chromosome segregation at both anaphases. vation and consequent cohesin cleavage appear to be Conversely, depletion of PP1 phosphatases, putative required for homologue segregation in meiosis I. This antagonists of aurora B, has the opposite effect: cohesin implies there must be a way of restricting separase dissociates prematurely and sister chromatids split action to chromosome arms and protecting cen- along their entire length in the first division. tromeric cohesion during the first division. In support of a model in which aurora B determines The requisite differential susceptibility to cleavage the susceptibility of cohesin to cleavage by separase, might in part be determined by the cohesin complex C. elegans Rec8 is directly phosphorylated by aurora B itself, which is known to use a number of meiosis- at specific residues in vitro [88]. It will now be important specific subunits in place of mitotic counterparts. In to determine the effect of non-phosphorylatable Rec8 most organisms that have been investigated, the Scc1 on meiotic chromosome segregation in vivo. While the subunit is partly replaced by its homologue Rec8 contribution of aurora B to the pattern of meiotic chro- [80–83]. This is essential for budding yeast cohesin to mosome segregation is intriguing, the underlying ques- be protected from separase cleavage at centromeres tion remains what makes the chromosome arms in in meiosis I [84]. In fission yeast, Rec8 provides the meiosis different from centromeres so that they can be centromeric cohesion required to gain monopolar differentially recognised by aurora B and subsequently spindle attachment for the reductional first division by separase in the two meiotic divisions. [82]. Furthermore, Rec8 is part of the cohesin axis that One molecule that may be involved in making this forms along chromosome arms in pachytene to distinction is Spo13. This protein that has long been support formation of the synaptonemal complex implicated in promoting reductional chromosome [81,85]. segregation in budding yeast meiosis I [89], but its Review R112

molecular function remains mysterious. Cells lacking 9. Mayer, M.L., Gygi, S.P., Aebersold, R. and Hieter, P. (2001). Identi- Spo13 undergo only one meiotic division, in which fication of RFC(Ctf18p, Ctf8p, Dcc1p): An alternative RFC complex required for sister chromatid cohesion in S. cerevisiae. Mol. Cell 7, many sister chromatids split so as to divide equation- 959–970. ally, and Rec8 is lost from chromosome arms and 10. Anderson, D.E., Losada, A., Erickson, H.P. and Hirano, T. (2002). centromeres simultaneously [81]. Spo13 appears to Condensin and cohesin display different arm conformations with characteristic hinge angles. J. Cell Biol. 156, 419–424. be a key regulator that coordinates the timing of 11. Haering, C.H., Löwe, J., Hochwagen, A. and Nasmyth, K. (2002). meiotic events and therefore affects multiple aspects Molecular architecture of SMC proteins and the yeast cohesin of meiotic progression. complex. Mol. Cell 9, 773–788. From experiments in which Spo13 was expressed 12. Losada, A., Hirano, M. and Hirano, T. (1998). Identification of Xenopus SMC protein complexes required for sister chromatid ectopically in mitotic cells, it became apparent that the cohesion. Genes Dev. 12, 1986–1997. presence of Spo13 leads to protection of cohesin from 13. Waizenegger, I.C., Hauf, S., Meinke, A. and Peters, J.-M. (2000). cleavage by separase [90,91]. This protection is specific Two distinct pathways remove mammalian cohesin complexes from chromosome arms in prophase and from centromeres in for cohesin containing Rec8 — Scc1 was protected less anaphase. Cell 103, 399–410. well, as was the separase substrate Slk19. This indicates 14. Sumara, I., Vorlaufer, E., Gieffers, C., Peters, B.H. and Peters, J.-M. that Spo13 may in part function as a substrate-specific (2000). Characterization of vertebrate cohesin complexes and their regulation in prophase. J. Cell Biol. 151, 749–761. protector from cleavage by separase. Because of the 15. Losada, A., Yokochi, T., Kobayashi, R. and Hirano, T. (2000). Iden- pleiotropic effects of Spo13 it will be important to delin- tification and characterization of SA/Scc3p subunits in the eate whether it acts directly on cohesin, or what its Xenopus and human cohesin complexes. J. Cell Biol. 150, downstream targets are that modulate cohesin cleavage. 405–416. 16. Sumara, I., Vorlaufer, E., Stukenberg, P.T., Kelm, O., Redemann, N., Nigg, E.A. and Peters, J.-M. (2002). The dissociation of cohesin Conclusions from chromosomes in prophase is regulated by Polo-like kinase. It is not long since the concept was proposed for how, Mol. Cell 9, 515–525. 17. Losada, A., Hirano, M. and Hirano, T. (2002). Cohesin release is on a molecular level, sister chromatids are held required for sister chromatid resolution but not for condensin- together by the protein complex cohesin, and how the mediated compaction, at the onset of mitosis. 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