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Russian Entomol. J. 15(1): 43–51 © RUSSIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2005 A Checklist of the Longicorn-Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of Moscow Region Òàêñîíîìè÷åñêèé ñïèñîê æóêîâ-óñà÷åé (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) Ìîñêîâñêîé îáëàñòè M.L. Danilevsky Ì.Ë. Äàíèëåâñêèé A.N.Severtzov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky prospect 33, Moscow 119071, Russia; e-mail: [email protected] Институт проблем экологии и эволюции им. А.Н.Северцова РАН, Ленинский проспект 33, 119071 Москва, Россия. KEY WORDS: Cerambycidae, taxonomy, zoogeography, Moscow region. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: Cerambycidae, таксономия, зоогеография, Московская область. ABSTRACT: On the base of own collection and all tor, rusticus, femoratus [Ropalopus femoratus], viola- published records the list of longicorn-beetles of Mos- ceus, pusillus, undatus, plebejus [=Chlorophorus figu- cow Region including 119 species names of 71 genera is ratus], mysticus, caraboides, scabricornis, Leptura given. Three species are recorded for Moscow region aquatica, melanura, rubra, sexmaculata, attenuata, ni- for the first time: Brachyta variabilis (Gebler, 1817), gra, virginea, collaris; Necydalis major, minor, viridis- Agapanthia dahli (Richter, 1821) and A. cardui (Lin- sima. Three of these names (“aquatica”, “caraboides” naeus, 1767). The list of wrong records is also included, and “viridissima”) do not belong to Cerambycidae (Chry- as well as the list of species, which must occur in the somelidae, Lucanidae and Oedemeridae). Six listed spe- region, but are not found yet. Each species name is cies: Aegosoma scabricornis (Scopoli, 1763); Ropalo- supplied with the references to own materials (with the pus femoratus (Linnaeus, 1758); Phymatodes pusillus names of corresponding localities), if available, and/or (Fabricius, 1787); Anaglyptus mysticus (Linnaeus, 1758); to published records, also with the names of collecting Dorcadion pedestre Poda, 1761 and Oberea linearis localities, if available. (Linnaeus, 1761) belong to species, which are not known from Moscow region. So we could recognize only 23 РЕЗЮМЕ: На основе собственной коллекции и всех Cerambycidae species in Moscow region in 1802. опубликованных ранее данных составлен список жу- Fifty nine Cerambycidae species were mentioned for ков-усачей Московской области, включающий 119 Moscow environs by K.E. Lindemann [1871]. видовых названий 71 рода. Три вида указаны для фау- Relatively complete Cerambycidae list of Moscow ны области впервые: Brachyta variabilis (Gebler, 1817), region was published by P.P. Melgunov [1892]. It in- Agapanthia dahli (Richter, 1821) и A. cardui (Linnaeus, cludes already 69 species nearly without mistakes. Only 1767). Приведён список ошибочных указаний, а также Grammoptera ustulata (Schaller, 1763), Cortodera hu- список некоторых видов, которые несомненно встре- meralis (Schaller, 1783), Anastrangalia dubia (Scopoli, чаются в области, но до сих пор не найдены. Каждое 1763), Monochamus sartor (Fabricius, 1787) and видовое название сопровождается ссылкой на соб- Pogonocherus ovatus (Goeze, 1777) are absent in Mos- ственный материал, если таковой имеется, с указани- cow region, but most of these wrong records are ac- ем мест сбора и/или ссылкой на опубликованные cepted in publications up to now. Soon this list was ранее данные, также с упоминанием мест сбора, если enlarged with 6 species [Melgunov, 1893], then with 7 таковые имелись. species [Melgunov, 1894]. According to the last publi- cation, Moscow Cerambycidae fauna consists of 76 Introduction species. The first publication by P.P. Melgunov was equipped with a map of Moscow region. So, we can see, The first list of Cerambycidae of Moscow region was that the borders of the region in XIX century were published by professor of Moscow University Ivan Ale- about same as now with very important exceptions of kseevich Dwigubsky [1802: 92–99]. Each name in the list south districts situated southwards Oka river (Kashira, is supplied with a short morphological diagnosis, often Lukhovitzy, Zarajsk, Serebrjannye Prudy), as well as with synonyms and another genus combination. The list eastern districts (Lukhovitzy, Egorievsk, Shatura). includes 32 species names of three genera: Cerambyx In XX century no Cerambycidae lists of Moscow coriarius, nebulosus, aedilis, sutor, textor, pedestris, region were published, but many regional records are scalaris, linearis, oculatus, praeustus, cursor, inquisi- spread over different articles and books. 44 M.L. Danilevsky Many Cerambycidae records for Moscow region 2. Subfam. Lepturinae were included in a Coleoptera list of Kaluga region [Tshernyshev, 1930]. Tribe Oxymyrini A complete list of xylophilous Cerambycidae of 3. Gen. Oxymirus Mulsant, 1863 Moscow region was published as a part of a list of 3. cursor (Linnaeus, 1758) — MD (Iljinskoe of Ramen- xylobiont Coleoptera of Prioksko-Terrasnyj Natural Re- skoe distr.; Zvenigorod of Odintzovo distr.); Dwigubsky, serve [Nikitsky et al., 1996] with small addition [Nikitsky 1802: 95, as “Cerambyx”; Lindemann, 1871: 205, as “Toxo- et al., 1998]. tus Serv.”; Melgunov, 1892: 41; Tshernyshev, 1930: 11, as Recently many local data from Moscow region to- “Toxotus”; Nikitsky et al., 1996: 149 (Prioksko-Terrasnyj gether with new records were published by N.B. Ni- nat. reserve). kitsky and V.B. Semenov [2001], N.B. Nikitsky and A.F. Tribe Rhamnusiini Tatarinova [2002], as well as N.B. Nikitsky [2003, 2005]. 4. Gen. Rhamnusium Latreille, 1829 Many Cerambycidae specimens, collected in Mos- 4. bicolor (Schrank, 1781) — MD (Moscow city: Marji- cow region are deposited in my own collection. na Roscha, Ostankino, Sokol); Melgunov, 1892: 41; Tsh- So, now I have a good base to summarize all pub- ernyshev, 1930: 11; Nikitsky et al., 1996: 149, as Rh. gracil- lished records with several own data and arrange a icorne Théry, 1894 (Prioksko-Terrasnyj nat. reserve). Cerambycidae check-list of Moscow region using mod- ern nomenclature [Danilevsky, 2006]. In fact Ceramby- Tribe Rhagiini cidae fauna of Moscow region is very far from being 5. Gen. Rhagium Fabricius, 1775 investigated, and many new records are waiting to be 1. Subgen. Megarhagium Reitter, 1913 published. 5. sycophanta (Schrank, 1781) — Nikitsky, 2003: 35 Each species name is accompanied with references (Alpatjevo of Lukhovitzy distr., Stolbovka of Serebrjannye to published records (if available). The records, which Prudy distr.); Nikitsky, 2005: 24 (Lisji Nory of Lukhovitzy are based on own materials are accompanied with: “MD” distr.). and were placed before published records. All records 6. mordax (Degeer, 1775) — MD (Moscow city: Izma- jlovo; Iljinskoe and Udelnaja of Ramenskoe distr.; Zvenigor- include names of localities inside Moscow region (if od of Odintzovo distr.; Chashnikovo of Solnechnogorsk dis- available). References to published records are sup- tr.; Malinki of Sergiev Posad distr.; Misheronsky of Shatura plied with the name from original publication, if it differs distr., Prioksko-Terrasnyj nat. reserve); Melgunov, 1892: from the current name (if the published name is not 41; Tshernyshev, 1930: 11; Nikitsky et al., 1996: 149 (Priok- valid, or used in wrong combination, or was based on sko-Terrasnyj nat. reserve). wrong identification). 2. Subgen. Rhagium Fabricius, 1775 All species names are supplied with the names of 7. inquisitor (Linnaeus, 1758) — Dwigubsky, 1802: 95, corresponding subspecies. Names of localities are list- as “Cerambyx”; Lindemann, 1871: 205 (+ “Rh. indagator ed after the species names, if only species names were L.”); Melgunov, 1892: 41; Tshernyshev, 1930: 11; Nikitsky mentioned in the original publications; or after subspe- et al., 1996: 149 (Prioksko-Terrasnyj nat. reserve). cies names, if subspecies names were mentioned in the subsp. inquisitor (Linnaeus, 1758) — MD (Iljinskoe and original publications or if the records are based on the Udelnaja of Ramenskoe distr., Ozeretzky of Orekhovo-Zue- available materials. vo distr.). 6. Gen. Stenocorus Geoffroy, 1762 Subgen. Stenocorus Geoffroy, 1762 List of taxa 8. meridianus (Linnaeus, 1758) — Dwigubsky, 1802: 97 as “Cerambyx”; Melgunov, 1892: 41, as “Toxotus” (Mozhajsk Fam. C ERAMBYCIDAE distr.); Nikitsky et al., 1996: 150 (Prioksko-Terrasnyj at. reserve). 1. Subfam. Prioninae 7. Gen. Pachyta Dejean, 1821 Tribe Prionini 9. quadrimaculata (Linnaeus, 1758) — MD (Iljinskoe and Udelnaja of Ramenskoe distr.; Zvenigorod of Odintzovo 1.Gen. Prionus Geoffroy, 1762 distr.; Pavlovskaja Sloboda of Istra distr.; Pushkino env. of 1. coriarius (Linnaeus, 1758) — MD (Iljinskoe of Ra- Pushkino distr.; Kamshilovka of Schelkovo distr.); Linde- menskoe distr., Misheronsky of Shatura distr.); Dwigubsky, mann, 1871: 205; Melgunov, 1892: 41; Tshernyshev, 1930: 1802: 93, as “Cerambyx”; Lindemann, 1871: 203; Melgunov, 11; Nikitsky et al., 1996: 150 (Prioksko-Terrasnyj nat. re- 1892: 41; Tshernyshev, 1930: 11; Nikitsky et al., 1996: 147 serve). (Prioksko-Terrasnyj nat. reserve). 10. lamed (Linnaeus, 1758) — Tshernyshev, 1930: 11; Nikitsky et al., 1996: 150. Tribe Meroscelisini 8. Gen. Brachyta Fairmaire, 1864 2. Gen. Tragosoma Serville, 1832 11. interrogationis (Linnaeus, 1758) — Lindemann, 1871: 2. depsarium (Linnaeus, 1767) — MD (Chashnikovo 205, as “Pachyta Serv.”; Melgunov, 1892: 41; Tshernyshev, of Solnechnogorsk distr.; Pavlovskaja Sloboda of Istra distr.; 1930: 11, as “Evodinus”; Nikitsky, 2005: 25. Lesnoj Gorodok of Odintzovo distr.); Nikitsky et al., 1996: ssp. interrogationis (Linnaeus, 1758) — MD (Chash- 147 (“north part of the region”). nikovo