To the INTERNATIONAL SKI FEDERATION - Members of the FIS Council Blochstrasse 2 - National Ski Associations 3653 Oberhofen/Thunersee - Committee Chairmen Tel +41 33 244 61 61 Fax +41 33 244 61 71

Oberhofen, 19th November 2014

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting 18th November 2014, Oberhofen (SUI)

Dear Mr. President, Dear Ski friends,

In accordance with art. 32.2 of the FIS Statutes we have pleasure in sending you the Short Summary of the most important decisions of the FIS Council Meeting that took place on 18th November 2014 in Oberhofen (SUI).

1. Members present

The following elected Council Members were present at the meeting in Oberhofen, Switzerland on Tuesday 18th November 2014:

President Gian Franco Kasper, Vice-Presidents: Janez Kocijancic, Sung-Won Lee, Dexter Paine and Sverre Seeberg, Members: Mats Årjes, Dean Gosper, Alfons Hörmann, Roman Kumpost, Flavio Roda, Eduardo Roldan, Peter Schroecksnadel, Martti Uusitalo, Michel Vion, Athletes Commission Observer: Kikkan Randall and Secretary General Sarah Lewis.

Excused: Andrey Bokarev, Aki Murasato, Patrick Smith,

Guest: Urs Lehmann, President of the Swiss Ski Association

2. Minutes from the Council Meetings in Barcelona (SPA)

The minutes from the Council Meetings in Barcelona (SPA) from 2nd to 5th June and 6th June 2014 (newly elected Council) were approved.

3. The FIS World Championships

3.1 Reports FIS World Championships

The Council Members or representative on behalf of the respective organising National Ski Association reported on the following upcoming events in addition to the written reports provided by the Organising Committees:

 FIS Alpine World Ski Championships 2015, Vail/Beaver Creek (USA), 3rd to 15th February: Vice-President Dexter Paine

 FIS Nordic World Ski Championships 2015, Falun (SWE), 18th February to 1st March: Council Member Mats Årjes

 FIS and Snowboard World Championships 2015, Kreischberg/Murau (AUT), 16th to 25th January: Council Member Peter Schröcksnadel

 FIS Ski Flying World Championships 2016, Kulm/Bad Mitterndorf (AUT), 15th to 17th January: Council Member Peter Schröcksnadel

 FIS Alpine World Ski Championships 2017, St. Moritz (SUI), 6th to 19th February: President Gian Franco Kasper, President Swiss Ski Association Urs Lehmann

 FIS Nordic World Ski Championships 2017, Lahti (FIN), 21st February to 5th March: Council Member Martti Uusitalo

 FIS Freestyle Skiing and Snowboard World Championships 2017, Sierra Nevada (SPA), 5th to 19th March: Council Member Eduardo Roldan

 FIS Ski Flying World Championships 2018, Oberstdorf (GER): Council Member Alfons Hörmann

 FIS Alpine World Ski Championships 2019, Åre (SWE): 5th to 17th February, Council Member Mats Årjes

 FIS Nordic World Ski Championships 2019, Seefeld (AUT): 19th February to 3rd March, Council Member Peter Schröcksnadel

 FIS Freestyle Ski and Snowboard World Championships 2019, Park City (USA): 1st to 10th February, Vice-President Dexter Paine

The programme for the Freestyle Ski and Snowboard World Championships 2019 in Park City (USA) will be structured so as to avoid overlapping with five days of the Alpine Championships in Åre (SWE) during which the super G and downhill competitions will take place.

The Council acknowledged the progress reports from the respective Council Members, representatives and Organising Committees and that all the various preparations appear to be going according to schedule.

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Additionally, the Council confirmed the above dates of the 2019 FIS World Championships in Åre (SWE), Seefeld (AUT) and Park City (USA).

3.2 Candidates for future FIS World Championships

The Council appointed Sollefteå (SWE) as Organiser for the FIS Roller Skiing World Championships in 2017.

3.3 FIS Alpine World Ski Championships - Qualification

In Barcelona the Alpine Committee proposed to the Council to reduce the number of competitors for the 2nd run from 60 to 30, so the leader after the 1st run is last to compete as is the case in World Cup. This change was already foreseen for the 2015 Championships. Shortly after the Congress several National Ski Associations raised their concerns, notably because the decision to have 60 participants in the second run of the technical events was a Congress decision in 2010.

Consequently at its Meeting in Oberhofen, the Council decided it would be necessary to submit a proposal to change of the number of participants in the second run from 60 to 30 to the FIS Congress in 2016, Therefore it is not applicable for the FIS Alpine World Ski Championships 2015 in Vail Beaver Creek (USA) and the number of participants in the 2nd run of the technical events at the FIS Alpine World Ski Championships 2015 in Vail Beaver Creek (USA) will remain at 60. In order that the winning athletes are properly celebrated by the spectators and are captured on the live television transmission, a presentation of the winners through a leaders applause will take place after the top 30 are in the finish, before positions 31 to 60 race.

4. The FIS Junior World Championships

4.1 Future Championships

The Council Members or representative on behalf of the respective organising National Ski Association reported on the following upcoming events:

 FIS Alpine Junior World Ski Championships 2015, Hafjell (NOR): Vice- President Sverre Seeberg

 FIS Nordic Junior World Ski Championships 2015, Almaty (KAZ): Council Member Andrey Bokarev on behalf of the Ski Federation of (Council representative at the Championships: Roman Kumpost)

 FIS Snowboard Junior World Championships 2015, Yabuli (CHN): Vice- President Sung Won Lee on behalf of the Chinese Ski Association

 FIS Alpine Junior World Ski Championships 2016 in Sochi (RUS): Council Member Andrey Bokarev

 FIS Nordic Junior World Ski Championships 2016 in Rasnov (ROU): Secretary General Sarah Lewis on behalf of the Romanian Ski Association (Council representative at the Championships: Roman Kumpost)

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 FIS Snowboard Junior World Championships 2017 in Klinovec (CZE): Council Member Roman Kumpost

The Council acknowledged the progress reports on behalf of the various Organising Committees and confirmed that it will be represented at the respective Championships by the Council Member from the host nation where possible, or as indicated otherwise.

4.2 Candidates for future Junior Championships

The Council appointed the following new Organiser:

- Valmalenco (ITA) as Organiser of the FIS Junior Freestyle World Ski Championships in 2015

5. The International Olympic Committee / Olympic Winter Games

President Gian Franco Kasper reported on the activities of the International Olympic Committee. He stated that it is an important time in the history of the Olympic Movement with the Olympic Agenda 2020, a strategic roadmap for the future of the Olympic Movement, defining the direction of the organisation in the future and thus to a large extent international sport.

President Gian Franco Kasper is a member of the Olympic Summit (a group convened by IOC President Thomas Bach comprising the leaders representing groups of stakeholders in the Olympic Movement to contribute to and drive the Olympic Agenda 2020) and he updated the Council about the latest situation.

14 Working Groups were established as part of Olympic Agenda 2020 to help frame some of the key recommendations that were deliberated by the IOC Commissions and Executive Board, before they will be presented to the Extraordinary IOC Session that will take place on 8th and 9th December in Monte Carlo.

The 20 + 20 Recommendations to shape the future of the Olympic Movement which will be presented to the IOC Session were communicated publicly by the IOC coincidentally during the FIS Council Meeting on 18th November and they can be viewed in full through the following link 20_Recommendations-ENG.pdf

Key areas that concern FIS and the Olympic Winter Games are:

- Shape the bidding process as an invitation A sustainable approach for the Games will be endorsed, so that existing venues are used instead of insisting on compact Games in order to avoid building white elephants and prevent an explosion of costs on facilities. - Evaluate bid cities by assessing key opportunities and risks The IOC will provide specialist advice to assist shape the bid and reduce the involvement of expensive consultants who are just focused on winning the election. Expertise from the IFs to assist the OCOGs technical preparations for the Games will be facilitated.

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- Reduce the cost of bidding - Include sustainability in all aspects of the Olympic Games and within the Olympic Movement’s daily operations - Set a framework for the Olympic programme (number of athletes, officials, events) and move from a sport-based to an event-based programme. The limitation of the number of events, athletes and officials for the Olympic Winter Games will remain at the present level of 100 events, 2’900 athletes and 2’000 officials. The Games programme should no longer be limited to sports (IFs) but changed to events. Therefore individual events could be replaced and/or introduced from new sports and disciplines. - Reduce the cost and reinforce the flexibility of Olympic Games management Use the knowledge and competence of the International Federations in preparing the organisation of the Game - Change the philosophy to protect clean athletes and honour clean athletes - Protecting clean athletes and support of anti-doping efforts will be a key focus. Strengthen support to athletes The athletes remain at the centre of all 40 of the proposals, with the protection of the clean athletes being at the heart of the IOC’s philosophy. The central importance of the “athletes’ experience” will be introduced into the evaluation criteria with no compromise on the field of play for athletes, and the paramount importance of the Olympic Village. Presentation of re-distributed medals to athletes following disqualification will be carried out in a more worthy setting than is presently the case. - Launch an Olympic Channel - Review the Youth Olympic Games positioning

5.1 Youth Olympic Winter Games 2016 in

The third IOC Coordination Commission for the Winter Youth Olympic Games in Lillehammer (NOR) 2016 took place on 21st and 22nd May 2014.

The FIS technical experts have undertaken inspections and planning meetings with their counterparts in the Organising Committee, LYOCOG. There are two open issues in regard to the FIS disciplines:

- The halfpipe will not take place in the Lillehammer area since there is no existing facility there and the ski areas and other stakeholders do not support constructing one. Consequently LYOCOG is negotiating to use the existing facility in Oslo. If this does not prove successful the IOC will appoint a venue outside of to organise Freestyle Ski and Snowboard halfpipe events.

- The homologation certificate for the normal hill expires in 2015 and it is necessary to update the hill-profile to the latest standards.

Next winter the 2015 FIS Junior Alpine World Ski Championships in Hafjell will serve as a main preparation event for the Winter Youth Olympic Games the following season.

Candidates Winter Youth Olympic Games 2020

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There are two candidates for the Winter Youth Olympic Games 2022, Lausanne (SUI) and Rasnov (ROU) and the election will take place at the end of July 2015.

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5.2 Olympic Winter Games 2018 in PyeongChang

There have been a number of changes within the PyeongChang 2018 Organising Committee (POCOG) since the last FIS Council Meetings and Congress in Barcelona.

Shortly after the Debrief of the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games in PyeongChang in July 2014, Cho Yang-ho, who is chairman and chief executive officer of the Hanjin Group that includes Korea Air, was appointed as President of POCOG. He also jointly led the 2018 PyeongChang bid.

In early October President Cho met FIS President Gian Franco Kasper and Secretary General Sarah Lewis. The key points addressed were the challenges which are presently hampering the preparations for the Games, namely the construction of the Jeongseon downhill course, the delay with the plans for the Nordic and Freestyle Skiing-Snowboard Venues and the red tape bureaucracy preventing the engagement of experts.

President Gian Franco Kasper and Vice President Sung Won Lee who has been extremely active communicating with the responsible persons in POCOG, Gangwon Province and the Ministry on behalf of FIS reported that there has been notable progress in the past weeks.

The IOC in agreement with POCOG decided to postpone the planned IOC Coordination Commission Meeting scheduled for the end of November 2014 in view of the upcoming IOC Extraordinary Session and the possible changes relating to the organisation of the Games. A one-day conference call will take place instead.

Application for the Olympic Winter Games Programme in 2018

In accordance with the decision of the FIS Congress in Barcelona that FIS should submit proposals for the inclusion of new events on the programme of the Olympic Winter Games following the outcome and in the context of the Olympic Agenda 2020 when the roadmap for the future programme is defined, FIS communicated this decision to the IOC.

Due to the IOC’s administrative processes and timetable, applications for potential events had to be submitted by 1st September 2014 before the outcome of Olympic Agenda 2020. Therefore the detailed documentation was submitted for all the FIS disciplines and events discussed at the Congress: Alpine Skiing nations team event, Ski Jumping mixed team event, team sprint, Snowboard big air and team snowboard cross, Telemark parallel sprint and team parallel sprint.

Based on the existing procedure the IOC Executive Board will review the applications and decide on the composition of the programme in April or July 2015.

5.3 Candidates for the Olympic Winter Games in 2022

There are two Candidate Cities for the Olympic Winter Games in 2022 Almaty (Kazakhstan) and Beijing (). FIS President Gian Franco Kasper stated that the quality of the candidates is more important than the quantity.

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In October, Oslo (NOR) withdrew as a Candidate City after failing to obtain political support. Earlier potential bids for the 2022 Olympic Winter Games from Switzerland, , and were not pursued due to negative public referendums and/or government rejection.

The election of the Host City will take place on 31st July 2015 in Kuala Lumpa (MAL).

The Council decided to approve the request of the candidate from Beijing (CHN) to have one downhill course for men and ladies. This is subject to a second finish area for the technical events ( and slalom) and a lighting system for the downhill course to be able to conduct training runs and eventually competitions in the event of postponements due to weather.


The Association of International Olympic Winter Sports Federations (AIOWF) of which the FIS leadership Gian Franco Kasper is President and Sarah Lewis is Secretary General has had two meetings since the FIS Council last met in Barcelona.

The Debrief from the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games took place in Lausanne mid- June together with the IOC and all seven International Federations in order to review the outcomes and share experiences. The following day AIOWF had a gathering of its’ members to discuss common positions for the Olympic Agenda 2020 Working Group meetings.

An additional AIOWF meeting to prepare for the IOC Extraordinary Session took place in early November in Lausanne in conjunction with the IF Forum. Another meeting will take place on the eve of the IOC Extraordinary Session in Monte Carlo.

The unanimous and clear position of the International Olympic Winter Sports Federations is that the Olympic Winter Games must remain only for sports that take place on snow and ice, in order to protect their identity and ensure that winter resorts and cities will still be able to organise the Winter Games in the future.

7. SportAccord

The International Federation Forum organised by the SportAccord Convention took place on 3rd to 5th November 2014 under the theme Technology and Innovation.

A meeting of the SportAccord Council, of which FIS President Gian Franco Kasper is Senior Vice President and the Winter Sport Federation’s representative, took place immediately before the IF Forum.

The 48th SportAccord General Assembly will take place in April 2015 in Sochi (RUS) and will be renamed the SportAccord Convention “World Sport and Business Summit”. It will still include the General Assemblies of AIOWF, ASOIF (Association of Summer Olympic International Federations), ARIFS (Association of Recognised International Federations) and the IOC Executive Board, alongside a conference and exhibition. The intention is for 7’500 persons to attend in 2015 with a plan to carry out the SportAccord Convention in Sochi for the next 5 years.

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The SportAccord Beach Games in 2017 will take place in Sochi. Other SportAccord initiatives include an Academy which will be launched in December using various Sports Universities, led by the University of Hungary. A partnership has been signed with Euronews to feature a news summary on SportAccord activities of 30 minutes per week.

8. Financial Matters

8.1 Report of the Finance Commission

FIS Treasurer and Chairman of the Finance Commission, Sverre Seeberg reported on the financial matters of the International Ski Federation and the status of accounts since the FIS Congress in Barcelona. He had met with the FIS account manager at Credit Suisse on 2nd October in Zurich for a status review and convened the Finance Commission in Oberhofen the day before the Council Meeting.

The accounts per 30th June 2014 were sent to the Finance Commission previously and the intermediary accounts per 30th September 2014 were distributed at the Council Meeting in Oberhofen (SUI).

Chairman of the Finance Commission, Sverre Seeberg informed the Council that the finances in the early part of the period 2014-15 are on track, the income and expenditure are in line with budget and there have been no major changes since June. Especially pleasing is the 5% profit on the financial investments and a small gain on the currency difference, which is the first time that there has not been a loss on the currencies in many periods.

FIS President Gian Franco added that the total income from the IOC from the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games will only be known in February 2015 as the accounts between the IOC and Sochi 2014 Organising Committee are not yet closed. Following the information given at the Council Meetings in Barcelona, the recent projection from the IOC is that the amount FIS will in fact receive will be USD 3.2 million lower than for Vancouver 2010 due to lower television rights fees, amounting to USD 39 million. Furthermore, due to the exchange rate in comparison to 2010, the income for FIS could be between CHF 9 to CHF 10 million lower compared to the CHF 42 million received from the Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver 2010.

He also reported to the Council that the IOC had informed the Winter IFs the revenues from PyeongChang 2018 should match Vancouver 2010. However all International Federations would be obliged to contribute a share to the new Olympic television channel, which will result in a similar outcome as the revenues from Sochi 2014.

In view of the payments from the IOC in USD and the fluctuations with the currency, the Council furthermore approved the proposal of the Finance Commission to hedge as much of the USD as possible, in order to be on the safe side and not to speculate with the currency market. The FIS Finance Department was tasked with executing the transaction(s) in agreement with the FIS Treasurer and the bank in accordance with this policy, in order not to lose potential time waiting for the next meeting of the Finance Commission.

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The Chairman of the Finance Commission, Sverre Seeberg concluded his report by informing the Council that the Finance Commission decided to table the proposal of the professional auditors to review the provisions for liability until establishing the budget for the next financial period in autumn 2015.

8.2 Requests for financial support from the Technical Committees

In accordance with the proposals and budgets, the Council approved the following proposals for financial support from the:

- Telemark and Grass Skiing Committees for technical courses and activities

- Ski Jumping Committee for support to determine flight-trajectories on jumps with hill size smaller than 110m for the development of jump construction standards, as well as an investigation of the effect of modified suits on speed, flight trajectory, flight distance and landing height equivalent in female ski jumpers.

- FIS Injury Surveillance System (ISS) for prevention of lower back pain in youth alpine ski racing (follow-up project) and Alpine World Cup online questionnaire on course setting, snow conditions and safety.

8.3 Financial Support and Special Distribution to the National Ski Associations

During the discussions about the qualification system and proposed changes for the FIS Alpine World Ski Championships, the method for the calculation of financial support and special distribution by using the number of participants per nation starting in the Alpine and Nordic Championships has been raised by a number of National Ski Associations. They have informed FIS that this system has encouraged them to send athletes to participate who are not at the appropriate performance level.

The system for the calculation of financial support to the National Ski Associations was devised during the times when the Local Organising Committee was not required to cover the costs of accommodation for the qualified athletes. Therefore the FIS financial support was effectively to assist the National Ski Association pay the costs of their team's participation at the Championships. After the level of income for the LOC generated by the television and marketing rights increased, the obligations were therefore adapted so the LOC had to the cover accommodation for the qualified athletes. Consequently the costs for the National Ski Associations' participation at the FIS Alpine and Nordic World Championships decreased dramatically.

In the last few years the number of athletes entered into the FIS Alpine and Nordic World Ski Championships has significantly increased. The consequences have been that the starting fields have become too large and the competitions have been very difficult to organise at the highest technical level and furthermore caused major issues with the broadcast rights holders, since with more participants the races are much longer and do not fit into the available transmission time, including missing out on the post-competition winner presentation.

On proposal of the President, the Council decided that the Finance Commission works out a new proposal to present to the Council to study for the calculation of financial support to the National Ski Associations and the system for the number of

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votes at the Congress. The system should take into account the activity of a National Ski Association including the organisation of competitions and participation in the six FIS disciplines on the programme of the Olympic Winter Games.

8.3 FIS Development Programme

The FIS Development Programme Working Group met during the FIS Technical Committee Meetings in Zürich on 2nd October.

Training camps have taken place for Alpine Skiing in the Southern Hemisphere and the Nordic training camp in Val di Fiemme for Cross-Country Skiing, Ski Jumping and Nordic Combined. Planning is underway for the winter season camps, which will include a Freestyle Ski and Snowboard camp for the first time and take place in Kreischberg (AUT) immediately after the World Championships.

The allocation of training days for the FDP Free Training Day programme have been made during the agreed periods at the Organisers of the FIS World Championships 2015 in Vail Beaver Creek, Falun and Kreischberg.

Concerning the allocation of FIS Development Programme National Ski Associations to the different discipline training camp activities, has been added to the list for Cross-Country Skiing camps (on payment, since the NSA has more than 1 vote) and India and Albania were added for Alpine Skiing. The following nations were added for the Freestyle Skiing and Snowboard training camp: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, China, Croatia, Greece, Iran, Iceland, Korea, Morocco, Mongolia, Poland, Spain, Turkey, , Uzbekistan. Luxembourg is not subject to payment for participation at camps and this has been corrected on the list.

The FDP Working Group confirmed the criteria for FDP NSAs concerning participation and payment at training camps. Full member National Ski Associations are invited to participate at training camps, as defined on the overview list. Applications from Associate Members to participate at training camps may be considered under the following circumstances: i) The camps are not oversubscribed ii) Athlete(s) fulfil performance criteria iii) Payment of own costs (travel, accommodation and meals, lift passes)

The FIS Development Programme is running in accordance with the budget. Andy Wenger, Head of Services and will handle the financial aspects of the FDP at the FIS Office. The budget and accounts will be adapted to a calendar year in the same way as the FIS accounts.

Vilnius (LTU) was appointed to host the Leaders Seminar from 11th - 13th September 2015 (provisional dates). The FIS Development Programme Working Group will meet for the next time during the FIS Calendar Conference on Saturday 6th June in Varna (BUL).

Include up to date list (Julia)

8.3.1 FIS Solidarity Applications

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The focus of FIS Solidarity activities is on supporting the education of coaches in their own nation through sending an expert to a national or regional group course to educate coaches, or to arrange a coach workshop.

On proposal of the FIS Finance Commission, the Council decided to support projects and requests for assistance that conform with the criteria for FIS Solidarity applications from the National Ski Associations of India, Latvia, Norway (for a joint training camp), Portugal and Romania.

8.4 Marc Hodler Foundation

The Marc Hodler Foundation had its’ annual meeting the day before the FIS Council Meeting on 17th November 2014 in Oberhofen. President of the Marc Hodler Foundation, Janez Kocijancic reported on the activities since the Meetings in Barcelona (SPA). He informed the Council that the Board of Trustees underlined the ethical and moral values of the institution in the name of Marc Hodler.

The Board of Trustees received the financial reports from the Treasurer Toni Kägi including the financial assets, which are in line with the agreed benchmarks.

During its’ Meeting the Marc Hodler Foundation Board of Trustees agreed on updated goals of the Foundation in order that the objectives defined in the statutes to undertake initiatives are met. The policy is in line with FIS, whereby there is a stable, sound approach not to overspend, but also not to sit on funds. The purpose behind the Foundation is to have available resources in the event of a crisis, but also to contribute to related fields and support art and culture, humanitarian projects, scientific research and the heritage of the sport.

Thereafter, the Council as the Patronage Committee of the Marc Hodler Foundation, approved the report of FIS Vice President and President of the Marc Hodler Foundation Janez Kocijancic, including the updated goals and acknowledged the accounts per 30th September 2014 and the 2015 budget.

8.5 FIS Travel Service AG

The Council acknowledged the report from President Gian Franco Kasper in his capacity as Chairman of the Board of FIS Travel Service, whereby the financial situation of the company is presently satisfactory.

The 2014 FIS Congress in Barcelona (SPA) was concluded despite some difficulties with the final payments to the overflow hotel, Princessa Sofia: 1175 participants were registered and accredited, whilst 3205 hotel nights were booked through FIS Travel Service.

410 persons from the following National Ski Associations and groups booked travel for summer training camps in the Southern Hemisphere mainly to Ushuaia (ARG) with very few to Chile: ARG, AUT, CAN, FRA, GER, ITA, JPN, RUS, SVK, SLO, SUI, USA with additional Service Teams Salomon, Rossignol, Team Maze

Presently 500 persons have made reservations and many have already travelled for early season training and the FIS Alpine World Cup races in USA and .

Furthermore FIS Travel Service financial year for 2013 was closed and intermediary accounts per 30th June 2014 were submitted to the FIS Council.

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9. Marketing, Public Relations and Special Projects

At the Council Meeting in Oberhofen, the Council reviewed the partner and advertising contracts and acknowledged the following updates to the agreements since the previous Meetings in Barcelona in spring 2014. FIS partners

FIS clothing partners “adidas” signed to 2017/2018 for Ski Jumping and Nordic Combined “adidas” signed to 2017/2018 for Cross-Country (except Tour de Ski)

Video walls FIS Alpine Ski World Cup and FIS Freestyle Ski Cross “Faber Audiovisuals” signed to 2016/2017

Snowmaking Service "Sufag" signed to 2017/2018

Telecommunications “Tele Comm Sportservice” agreed to 2015/2016

Service Provider course preparation Freestyle Skiing and Snowboard “Prinoth” agreed to 2015/2016

Snowboard Materials “Liski” signed to 2014/2015

Data and timing sponsors and service providers of FIS World Cups

Data and timing service Cross-Country, Ski Jumping and Nordic Combined “ST Sportservice/Swiss Timing” under negotiation to 2017/2018

Data and timing service FIS Freestyle Skiing World Cup “Global-Sportservice” agreed to 2015/2016

Data and timing service FIS Snowboard World Cup ”Swiss Timing” agreed to 2014/2015

9.1 FIS Marketing AG

The Council acknowledged the report submitted by Christian Pirzer, CEO of FIS Marketing AG and the status of various projects since the FIS Council Meetings in June 2014 in Barcelona (SPA).

Chairman of FIS Marketing AG and FIS Vice President Janez Kocijancic reported that the 12th supervisory board meeting of the company took place two weeks earlier. The company is functioning well for Alpine Skiing and the Nordic disciplines and the sponsors are very satisfied with the services. The accounts are better than forecast and profits will be distributed to the shareholders.

9.2 “Bring Children to the Snow”

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The Council acknowledged the latest update report in regard to the activities of the Bring Children to the Snow Campaign and recognised the significant activity of the National Ski Associations, as well as other stakeholders in winter sports:

Bring Children to the Snow - General  The summer period has seen substantial progress for the Bring Children to the Snow campaign. Most notable has been the growth in the Southern Hemisphere.  Audi continues their support of the campaign. Of the original five actions planned, four have been delivered or are in the process of being executed. One of the major actions - the Audi World Snow Day and FIS SnowKidz Toolkits - has seen great results. Over 70’000 pieces of equipment have been distributed to Event Organisers. Audi has seen the positive feedback and has decided to add two more initiatives: a dealer communication project and creation of children’s hats as giveaways, bringing the total number of projects involved in the partnership to seven.  FIS is also in discussions with further partners: International supermarket chain Coop has expressed interest, as have a number of product suppliers. FIS will establish a list of global preferred suppliers to help Organisers connect with the suppliers to produce material for their events.  The summer also saw extensive work with National Ski Associations resulting in the creation of two national events, one in Belgium and another in Latvia. The project in Belgium will see a tour with eight stops in major Belgian cities. Latvia will have over 50 schools participating in World Snow Day.  In July 2014, FIS launched the first edition of the International Report on Children’s Lift Ticket Prices. The report examined lift ticket prices and initiatives for children at over 700 ski resorts. Results revealed 272 resorts with free skiing for children under a certain age and 181 resorts with special ticket initiatives for children (e.g. free tickets on a child’s birthday). The findings were released publicly with the data formatted into a search function allowing visitors to the World Snow Day or SnowKidz website to search for children’s lift ticket prices at resorts around the world. The function is dynamic, meaning it can be updated at any time. As a result over 70 resorts have contacted FIS to update their data.

FIS World Snow Day  Case Studies on five of the largest World Snow Day events were published looking closely at the organisation of the event with analysis on areas such as communication before, during and after the event, how many participants attended their events, who the Organiser is e.g. National Ski Association, what partners assisted with events and what actions took place for World Snow Day. It is the hope that the in depth look at the events will provide future and current Organisers with more ideas for their World Snow Day.

 Both Infront and EBU have expressed interest in creating a longer term agreements than the previous one-year contracts to promote World Snow Day.  2014 has seen the fastest growth of World Snow Day events to date. Normally World Snow Day has confirmed 70 - 80 events by 1st October. This year, 189 events have already been confirmed.

FIS SnowKidz  The improvement of the FIS SnowKidz system continues to have excellent results. The first events have taken place in the Southern Hemisphere and

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events in Chile and New Zealand were staged with specific focus on children in urban areas. Organisers in New Zealand have already confirmed their participation for 2015 and will also align an action involving free tickets for school children.  FIS SnowKidz has also released a series of Case Studies that focus on the top three recipients of the SnowKidz Award. They provide an in-depth look into the organisation of the winning events from the Netherlands, USA and Finland to provide current and future Organisers more ideas for events and also provide National Ski Associations and idea what it takes to win the SnowKidz Award.  Currently FIS SnowKidz is on track to have staged 504 events from January 2014 to March 2015. Should this be achieved it would be the largest growth for the Bring children to the Snow campaign.  FIS SnowKidz has defined one of its goals as 500’000 participants by the end of 2015.

9.3 “dot” .SKI”

The application to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (“ICANN”) for the top level internet domain name (TLD) for .SKI by Starting Dot as a community designation, supported by FIS and the IOC was successful.

This decision was then challenged by a rival bidder, which was also the case for .SPORT and .RUGBY. The subsequent ruling by the ICANN ombudsman was in favour of Starting Dot. However the appeals process is continuing to the next level and the delay to the start up of the process and allocation of domain names for assignment of the .SKI URLs could take up from six months to a further two years.

9.4 FIS Website and Social Media

After the first season with the new FIS Website, the provider Delta Tre and FIS carried out improvements over the summer months to improve the navigation and content management system. Useful feedback and beta testing was received from National Ski Associations.

Since the competition season is just getting underway, there are limited comparable statistics. However the number of visitors in October 2014 compared to 2013 has increased from 492’041 to 737’744.

10. Anti-Doping

The Council acknowledged the report by Sarah Lewis, Secretary General on behalf of the Chairman of the FIS Doping Panel, Patrick Smith. The focus of the FIS out-of- competition is based on an intelligent programme that is encouraged by WADA and not on accumulating high numbers of controls which are not as effective. In the training period between 1st May and 3rd October 2014, FIS conducted a total of 187 urine (119 incl EPO), 136 blood and 166 blood passport samples.

10.1 International Doping Cases

There are presently no new doping cases to report. The case of Evi Sachenbacher- Stehle, biathlete and former cross-country skier who tested positive for stimulant, methylhexaneamine at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games and was sanctioned

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 15 -

to a two year suspension by the IBU had the suspension reduced to six months by CAS, due to contamination and the minimal degree of fault of the athlete.

10.2 National Doping Cases

The Council acknowledged the following national doping cases:

Substance/ Name Nat Disc. Event tested Method Sanction 2 years 09.03.2014 - (starting SIMILAE, Tero̽ FIN CC OOC EPO 28.04.2014) STANKEVICH, 2 years Vadzim BLR CC 23.01.2014 - IC Carphedone (23.01.2014)

̽ The athlete challenged the start of the sanction to the Finnish Sports Arbitration Board and this is under review.

Case of Walter Mayer (AUT)

The Austrian Anti-Doping Rights-Commission decided to ban Walter Mayer for life for the following reasons: - Between summer 2008 and February 2009 he created a doping plan for the club masters skier Hermine Egger, provided the necessary Prohibited Substances and the necessary equipment and he organised and supervised the administration of Hermine Egger - Between December 2005 and August 2008 he gave Prohibited Substances to no longer accurately ascertainable athletes.

10.3 WADA and FIS Anti-Doping Rules

Meetings of the WADA Executive Board took place in mid-September in Lausanne and in Paris on 14th and 15th November that also included the Foundation Board, both of which were attended by FIS President Gian Franco Kasper.

The new World Anti-Doping Code was adopted at the World Anti-Doping Conference in 2013 and will come into force on 1st January 2015. The FIS Anti- Doping Rules 2015 have been compiled using the WADA Model Rules and were approved by WADA on 13th November 2014.

- The Code amendments provide for longer periods of Ineligibility for real cheats, and more flexibility in sanctioning in other specific circumstances - Consideration of the Principles of Proportionality and Human Rights - The Code amendments support the increasing importance of investigations and use of intelligence in the fight against doping - Amendments to the Code have been included to better reach Athlete Support Personnel who are involved in doping - The Code amendments place additional emphasis on the concepts of smart test distribution planning, and smart menus for Sample analysis - The Code amendments attempt to be both more clear and fair in balance the interests of International Federations and national Anti-Doping Organisations - Making the Code clearer and shorter.

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 16 -

At its Meeting in Oberhofen the Council adopted the FIS Anti-Doping Rules and Procedural Guidelines 2015.

The Council welcomed the participation of WADA with an Outreach Education at the FIS Nordic World Ski Championships in Falun (SWE) to assist with communicating and explaining anti-doping rules and procedures, especially to young athletes.

11. Appointment of Jury Members

The Council approved a number of new appointments (in bold type) for the FIS World Championships and other major events submitted by the Technical Committees. The following list also includes appointments made previously:

2015 FIS Alpine World Ski Championships, Vail/Beaver Creek (USA)

Technical Delegate Ladies Stefanie Wolf, GER Jury Ladies Simon Wi Rutene, NZL Mirko Leonini, SUI Arno Heikkala, FIN

Technical Delegate Men Stefano Pirola, CHI Jury Men Doug Campbell, CAN Michael Huber, AUT Markus Malsiner, ITA Medical Supervisor Hans Spring, SUI

2015 FIS Nordic World Ski Championships, Falun (SWE)


Technical Delegate Robert Peets, EST TD Assistant Jussi Prykäri, FIN

Jury Members Enzo Macor, ITA (replacing Alan Serrano, USA) Riikka Rakic, SUI

Ski Jumping

Technical Delegate Sandro Pertile, ITA TD Assistant Thomas Hasslberger, GER

Chief Distance Measurer Matthias Kindler, GER Judges Daniel Lind, SWE Vaclav Kral, CZE Tom Nyman, FIN Mirko Hünefeld, GER Jarle Solbu, NOR Vadim Lisovskiy, RUS

Nordic Combined

Technical Delegate Branko Simic, SLO

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 17 -

TD Assistant Thomas Abratis, GER

Medical Supervisor Stanislaw Szymanik, POL

2015 FIS Freestyle Ski & Snowboard World Championships, Kreischberg (AUT)

Snowboard HP/SBS

Technical Delegate Parallel Christoph Behounek, GER Technical Delegate MO/AE Philip Richard, SUI Technical Delegate SBX/SX Ted Martin, USA Technical Delegate FS and SB HP Matevz Stanovnik, SLO TD FS and SB Slopestyle and Big Air Roman Arnold, SUI Video Control Peter Krogoll, GER Referee 1 Andreas Görlich, GER Referee 2 Gary Wright, USA Referee 3 Iztok Kvas, SLO Referee 4 Lukas Ligocki, POL

Head Judge Ales Silec, SLO (replacing Paul Rak, CAN) Assistant Head Judge Ola Sundekvist, SWE Scoring Judges Ryo Hashimoto, JPN Matt Jennings, USA Christian Beutler, SUI Oliver Heinrich, AUT Klara Suchanova, CZE Marcello Centurione, CAN

Freestyle Skiing

Head Judge HP/SS Charly Royer, FRA Scoring Judges Ole-Kristian Strom, NOR Steele Spence, USA Arnaud Cottet, SUI Urh Bulc, SLO Rob Dunlop, CAN

Head Judge MO/AE Tina Sundekvist, JPN Scoring Judges Terry Campbell, CAN Natalia Sherstneva, BLR Danielle de Kluijver, NED Alberto Orsatti, ITA Alexandra Bellevile, USA Magnus Ferry, SWE (Moguls only) Anatoly Yakheev, RUS (Moguls only) Medical Supervisor Hubert Hörterer, GER

2015 FIS Telemark and Junior World Championships, Steamboat Springs (USA)

Technical Delegate Urban Simcic, SLO

2015 FIS Alpine Junior World Ski Championships, Hafjell (NOR)

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 18 -

Technical Delegate Men Magnus Larsson, SWE Technical Delegate Ladies Josef Zingerle, ITA Medical Supervisor Marie-Philipp Rousseux-Blanchi, FRA

2015 FIS Nordic Junior World Ski Championships and U 23 CC WSC, Almaty (KAZ)


Technical Delegate Matt Pauli, USA TD Assistant Georgy Kadykov, RUS Jury Member Zora Honzlova, CZE

Ski Jumping

Technical Delegate Ivo Gregor, CZE TD Assistant Werner Rathmayr, AUT Chief Distance Measurer Yuri Kalinin, RUS

Judges Nasym Nassyrov, KAZ Claudia Denifl, AUT Jiri Parma, CZE Satho Mitsugu, JPN Dag Frode Aas, NOR

Nordic Combined

Technical Delegate Robert Krautgartner, AUT TD Assistant Mark Rolseth, CAN

Medical Supervisor Jenny Shute, GBR

2015 FIS Snowboard Junior World Championships, Yabuli (CHN)

Technical Delegate Tim O’Brien, CAN Helmut Lexer, AUT

Head Judge Ola Sundekvist, SWE Scoring Judges Ryo Hashimoto, JPN Connor Manning, USA Woo-Sik Kim, KOR Steve Brown, AUS Ales Silec, SLO Fan Chunlai, CHN

Medical Supervisor Wouter van den Broecke, BEL

2015 European Youth Olympic Festival, Vorarlberg/Liechtenstein (AUT/LIE)


Technical Delegate Josef Gabriel, CZE TD Assistant Bruno Heinzer, SUI

Ski Jumping

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 19 -

Technical Delegate Hubert Mathis, SUI TD Assistant Christian Kathol, AUT

Judges Marion Vettori, AUT Stefan Wolf, AUT Christian Keller, GER Patric Maissen, SUI Rico Parpan, SUI

Nordic Combined

Technical Delegate Andrea Roggia, ITA TD Assistant Michael Flaschenberger, AUT


Technical Delegate Ladies Fred Comte (FRA) Technical Delegate Men Carlo Lötscher, SUI


Technical Delegate Michael Neuenschwander, SUI

2015 Winter Granada (SPA)


Technical Delegate Ladies Marco Cozzi, ITA Technical Delegate Men Ernesto Cingolani, ARG

Freestyle Skiing

Technical Delegate Matthew Wade, USA Stéphane Cotte, FRA

Head Judge Moguls Pipsa Pohjavirta, FIN Scoring Judges Bruno Berard, FRA Josep M. Puig Crisol, SPA Giovanni Leoni, SUI Stian Eriksen, NOR Martin Carr, GBR

Head Jude Halfpipe/Slopestyle Magnus Ferry, SWE Scoring Judges Stian Erikson, NOR Arnaud Cottet, SUI (replacing Marco Zumoberhaus, SUI) Charly Royer, FRA Martin Carr, GBR Urh Bulc, SLO

Snowboard Technical Delegate Lenka Dvorokova, CZE

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 20 -

Technical Delegate Fredrik Bergström, SWE (replacing Flynn Seddon, CAN

Head Judge Stefan Munz, GER Scoring Judges Tobias Gramsch, GER Ivan Ivanov, BUL Ales Silec, SLO Stefan Williner, SUI Klara Suchanova, CZE Oliver Heinrich, AUT

2015 Nordic Winter Universiade Strbske Pleso/Osrblie (SVK)

Cross-Country Skiing

Technical Delegate Jakub Vodrazka, CZE TD Assistant Emil Hecico, ROU

Ski Jumping

Technical Delegate Ueli Forrer, SUI TD Assistant Renata Nadarkiewicz, POL

Judges Emil Babis, SVK Fritz Pollhammer, AUT Jan Baier, CZE Franz Rappenglück, GER Ryszard Gunka, POL

Chief Distance Measurer Gert Aigmüller, AUT

Nordic Combined

Technical Delegate Jyri Pelkanen, FIN TD Assistant Stanislav Slavik, CZE

2015 FIS Speed Skiing World Championships, Grandvalira/Pas de la Casa (AND)

Technical Delegate Valter Druetti, ITA

2015 FIS Rollerski World Championships, Val di Fiemme (ITA)

Technical Delegate Guy Magand, FRA TD Assistant Georg Zipfel, GER

2015 FIS Grass Ski World Championships, Tambre (ITA)

Technical Delegate Dieter Posch, AUT

2015 FIS Grass Ski Junior World Championships, Stitna nad Vlari (CZE)

Technical Delegate Sandor Ladislav, SVK

2016 Ski Flying World Championshps 2016 Kulm/Bad Mitterndorf (AUT)

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 21 -

Ski Jumping

Technical Delegate Eero Kuusinen, FIN TD Assistant Thomas Klauser, GER

Chief Distance Measurer Octavian Munteanu, ROU


Medical Supervisor Inggard Lereim, NOR

2016 FIS Nordic Junior World Ski Championships and U 23 CC WSC, Rasnov (ROU)

Cross-Country Skiing

Technical Delegate Bruno Heinzer, SUI TD-Assistant Zofia Kielpinska, POL Jury Member Jakub Tejchman, CZE

2016 Youth Olympic Winter Games Lillehammer (NOR)

Cross-Country Skiing

Technical Delegate Emil Hecico, ROU TD Assistant Mathias Berglund, SWE


Technical Delegate Ladies Jill Firstbrook, USA Technical Delegate Men Josef Zingerle, ITA

Jury Marc Berry, GBR Jean-Louis Galinier, FRA Claes Johansson, SWE

Ski Jumping

Technical Delegate Jani Hyvärinen, FIN TD Assistant Michael Lais, GER

Chief Distance Measurer Peter Chudy, SVK Judges Espelid Kjersti Haugen, NOR Jan Baier, CZE Jörg Schmieder, GER Andrzej Galica, POL Evgen Jesenko, SLO

Nordic Combined

Technical Delegate Andrea Roggia, ITA TD Assistant Nurmela Tapio, FIN

Medical Supervisor Hubert Hörterer, GER

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 22 -

Freestyle Skiing

Head judge Peter Arneson, USA Scoring Judges Oliver Usterud, NOR Philippe Belanger, CAN Adam Frisell, SWE Ruslan Akhtyamov, RUS Ivan Ivanov, BUL


Headjudge Alex Silec, SLO Scoring Judges Kevin Higgins, CAN Stefan Munz, GER Klara Suchanova, CZE Ruslan Akhtyamov, RUS Ivan Ivanov, BUL Adam Frisell, SWE

Freestyle Skiing and Snowboard

Technical Delegate Cross Events Jim Sidorchuck, CAN TD Assistant Cross Events Werner Steiner, AUT

Technical Delegate Pipe and Slope Tino Mincev, BUL TD Assistant Pipe and Slope Matevz Stanovnik, SLO

Jury Janne Kuusela, FIN

2017 FIS Nordic World Ski Championships, Lahti (FIN)

Cross-Country Skiing

Technical Delegate Uros Ponikvar, SLO TD Assistant Alan Serrano, USA

2018 Olympic Winter Games Pyeongchang (KOR)

Cross-Country Skiing

Technical Delegate Jussi Prykäri, FIN

11.1 Appointment of Key Officials

The Council approved the following new proposals by the Lillehammer 2016 Youth OIympic Games Organising Committee for their key technical officials. No other changes or new officials were submitted since Barcelona 2014:

2016 Youth Olympic Winter Games, Lillehammer (NOR)

Alpine Skiing Chief of Competition Rolle Johanson Chief Race Secretary Bjorn Hettervik

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 23 -

Chief of Course Sven Ullrich Chief of Course equipment Osten Tande Coordinator Start & Finish referee, support Omega Tor Hauan

12. FIS World Cup Calendars 2014/2015 to 2018/2019

On proposal of the respective Technical Committees concerned, the Council confirmed minor modifications to the FIS World Cup Calendars 2014/2015 that are published on the following pages, and approved the latest versions of the draft calendars through to 2018/19.

Of these changes, the most notable is the replacement of the men’s downhill in Bormio (ITA) on 27th December 2014 with nearby Santa Caterina for one year only. The Council agree that instead of losing this event at a very important period of the year for the promotion of skiing, it will be possible to carry out on the course used for the ladies events at the FIS Alpine World Ski Championships in 2005, as a one year exception.

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 24 -


Date Day Site Nation Ladies Men Remarks Period I 29.11. Sat Ruka FIN Sprint C Sprint C

30.11. Sun Ruka FIN 10 km C 15 km C 3-Days Tour 05.12. Fri Lillehammer NOR Sprint F Sprint F 06.12. Sat Lillehammer NOR 5 km F 10 km F 07.12. Sun Lillehammer NOR 10 km C 15 km C Pursuit 13.12. Sat Davos SUI 15 km C 30 km C 14.12. Sun Davos SUI Sprint F Sprint F 20.12. Sat La Clusaz FRA Skiathlon Skiathlon 21.12. Sun La Clusaz FRA 4 x 5 km (C/F) 4 x 7.5 km (C/F) Period II

Tour de Ski

03.01. Sat Oberstdorf GER 3 km F 4 km F Prologue 04.01. Sun Oberstdorf GER 10 km C 15 km C Pursuit 06.01. Tue Val Mustair** SUI Sprint F Sprint F 07.01. Wed Toblach ITA 5 km C 10 km C 08.01. Thu Cortina - Toblach ITA 15 km F 35 km F Pursuit 10.01. Sat Val di Fiemme ITA 10 km C 15 km C Mass Start 11.01. Sun Val di Fiemme ITA 9 km F 9 km F Pursuit 17.01. Sat Otepää* EST Sprint C Sprint C

18.01. Sun Otepää* EST Team Sprint F Team Sprint F

23.01. Fri Rybinsk*** RUS 10 km F 15 km F 24.01. Sat Rybinsk*** RUS Sprint F Sprint F 25.01. Sun Rybinsk*** RUS Skiathlon Skiathlon Period III

14.02. Sat Östersund SWE Sprint C Sprint C 15.02. Sun Östersund SWE 10 km F 15 km F 18.02. WSC 2015

01.03. Falun SWE Period IV

07.03. Sat Lahti FIN Sprint F Sprint F 08.03. Sun Lahti FIN 10 km C 15 km C 11.03. Wed Drammen* NOR Sprint C Sprint C 14.03. Sat Oslo NOR 50 km F Mass Start 15.03. Sun Oslo NOR 30 km F Mass Start

FIS Nordic Junior World Ski Championships, Almaty (KAZ), 01.-08.02.2015 FIS Nordic World Ski Championships, Falun (SWE), 18.02.-01.03.2015

Italics = to be confirmed

* Course improvements and homologation ** Tour de Ski agreement with FIS MAG required before end of June 2014 *** Requirements on the TV Production

Comments FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI) November 2014 - 25 -


Date Day Site Nation Ladies Men Remarks Period I 3-Days Tour 27.11. Fri Ruka FIN Sprint C Sprint C 28.11. Sat Ruka FIN 5 km F 10 km F 29.11. Sun Ruka FIN 10 km C 15 km C Pursuit 05.12. Sat Lillehammer NOR Skiathlon Skiathlon 06.12. Sun Lillehammer NOR Relay Relay 12.12. Sat Davos SUI Sprint F Sprint F 13.12. Sun Davos SUI 15 km F 30 km F 19.12. Sat Rogla SLO Sprint C Sprint C 20.12. Sun Rogla SLO 10 km C 15 km C Mass Start Period II

Tour de Ski 01.01. Fri Lenzerheide SUI 3 km F 4 km F

02.01. Sat Lenzerheide SUI 10 km C 15 km C Pursuit 03.01. Sun Oberstdorf**** GER Sprint C Sprint C (Lenzerheide ?) 05.01. Tue Oberstdorf**** GER 10 km C 15 km C (Toblach ?) 06.01. Wed Toblach ITA Sprint F Sprint F 07.01. Thu Cortina – Toblach** ITA 15 km F 35 km F Pursuit 09.01. Sat Val di Fiemme ITA 10 km C 15 km C Mass Start 10.01. Sun Val di Fiemme ITA 9 km F 9 km F Pursuit 16.01. Sat Szklarska Poreba*** POL Sprint F Sprint F 17.01. Sun Szklarska Poreba*** POL Team Sprint F Team Sprint F 23.01. Sat Nove Mesto CZE 10 km F 15 km F

24.01 Sun Nove Mesto CZE Relay Relay Period III

03.02. Wed Drammen NOR Sprint C Sprint C 06.02. Sun Oslo NOR 50 km C Mass Start 07.02. Sun Oslo NOR 30 km F Mass Start 11.02. Wed Stockholm* SWE Sprint C Sprint C 13.02. Sat Falun SWE 10 km C 15 km C 14.02. Sun Falun SWE 10 km F 15 km F Mass Start 20.02. Sat Lahti FIN Sprint F Sprint F 21.02. Sun Lahti FIN Skiathlon Skiathlon Period IV Ski Tour Canada 2016 01.03. Tue Gatineau CAN Sprint F Sprint F 02.03. Wed Montreal CAN 8.8/13.2 km C 17.6/22 km C Mass Start 04.03. Fri Québec CAN Sprint F Sprint F 05.03. Sat Québec CAN 10 km F 15 km F Pursuit 08.03. Tue Canmore CAN Sprint C Sprint C 09.03. Wed Canmore CAN Skiathlon Skiathlon 11.03. Fri Lake Louise CAN 10 km C 20 km C ? 12.03. Sat Canmore CAN 10 km F 15 km F Pursuit

FIS Nordic Junior World Ski Championships, Rasnov (ROU) Youth Olympic Winter Games, Lillehammer (NOR), 12.-21.02.2016

Italics = to be confirmed

* Course improvements and homologation ** Requirements on the TV Production *** Course improvements / Requirements on the TV Production **** Confirmation by the NSA

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 26 -


Date Day Site Nation Ladies Men Remarks Period I 26.11. Sat Ruka FIN 27.11. Sun Ruka FIN 3-Days Tour 02.12. Fri Lillehammer NOR 03.12. Sat Lillehammer NOR 04.12. Sun Lillehammer NOR 10.12. Sat Davos SUI 11.12. Sun Davos SUI 17.12. Sat La Clusaz FRA 18.12. Sun La Clusaz FRA Period II Tour de Ski 31.12. Sat Val Mustair SUI 01.01. Sun Val Mustair SUI 03.01. Tue Oberstdorf*** GER 04.01. Wed Oberstdorf*** GER 06.01. Fri Cortina – Toblach** ITA 07.01. Sat Val di Fiemme ITA 08.01. Sun Val di Fiemme ITA 14.01. Sat Seefeld*** AUT Sprint weekend 15.01. Sun Seefeld*** AUT 20.01. Fri Rybinsk RUS 21.01. Sat Rybinsk RUS 22.01. Sun Rybinsk RUS 03.02. Fri PyeongChang KOR 04.02. Sat. PyeongChang KOR 05.02. Sun. PyeongChang KOR Period III 18.02. Sat Otepää EST 19.02. Sun Otepää EST 21.02. WSC 2017 05.03. Lahti FIN Period IV 08.03. Wed Drammen NOR 11.03. Sat Oslo NOR 12.03. Sun Oslo NOR World Cup Final 16.03. Thu Stockholm* SWE 18.03. Sat Falun SWE 19.03. Sun Falun SWE

FIS Nordic Junior World Ski Championships FIS Nordic World Ski Championships, Lahti (FIN), 21.02.-05.03.2017

Italics = to be confirmed

* Course improvements and homologation ** Requirements on the TV production *** To be confirmed by the NSA

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 27 -


Date Day Site Nation Ladies Men Remarks Period I Ruka Triple 24.11. Fri Ruka FIN 25.11. Sat Ruka FIN 26.11. Sun Ruka FIN 02.12. Sat Lillehammer NOR 03.12. Sun Lillehammer NOR 09.12. Sat Davos SUI 10.12. Sun Davos SUI 16.12. Sat Seefeld AUT Pre WSC 17.12. Sun Seefeld AUT Period II Tour de Ski

30.12. Sat Lenzerheide SUI 31.12. Sun Lenzerheide SUI 01.01. Mon Lenzerheide ? 02.01. Tue Oberstdorf *** GER 03.01. Wed Oberstdorf *** GER 05.01. Fri Cortina – Toblach** ITA 06.01. Sat Val di Fiemme ITA 07.01. Sun Val di Fiemme ITA 13.01. Sat SLO or CZE

14.01. Sun SLO or CZE 19.01. Fri Rybinsk RUS

20.01. Sat Rybinsk RUS

21.01 Sun Rybinsk RUS Period III

09.02. OWG 2018 KOR 25.02. Period IV 03.03. Sat Lahti FIN

04.03. Sun Lahti FIN 07.03. Wed Drammen NOR 10.03. Sat Oslo NOR 11.03. Sun Oslo NOR World Cup Final 14.03. Wed Stockholm* SWE 16.03. Fri Falun SWE 17.03. Sat Falun SWE 18.03. Sun Falun SWE

Italics = to be confirmed * Course improvements and homologation ** Requirements on the TV production *** To be confirmed by the NSA

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 28 -


Date Day Site Nation Ladies Men Remarks Period I 24.11. Sat Ruka FIN 25.11. Sun Ruka FIN 3-Days Tour 30.11. Fri Lillehammer NOR 01.12. Sat Lillehammer NOR 02.12. Sun Lillehammer NOR 08.12. Sat Davos SUI 09.12. Sun Davos SUI USA / CAN ? 15.12. Sat La Clusaz FRA 16.12. Sun La Clusaz FRA Period II Tour de Ski 29.12. Sat Val Mustair SUI 30.12. Sun Val Mustair SUI 01.01. Tue ? GER 02.01. Wed Oberstdorf ** GER 03.01. Thu Oberstdorf ** GER 05.01. Sat Val di Fiemme ITA 06.01. Sun Val di Fiemme ITA 12.01. Sat Otepâä EST 13.01. Sun Otepää EST 18.01. Fri Rybinsk RUS 19.01. Sat Rybinsk RUS 20.01. Sun Rybinsk RUS 26.01. Sat. CZE/SLO ? 27.01. Sun. Period III 09.02. Sat 10.02. Sun 16.02. Sat Toblach ITA 17.02. Sun Toblach ITA WSC 2019 AUT Seefeld

Period IV 09.03. Sat Lahti FIN 10.03. Sun Lahti FIN 13.03. Wed Drammen NOR 16.03. Sat Oslo NOR 17.03. Sun Oslo NOR World Cup Final 21.03. Thu Stockholm* SWE 23.03. Sat Falun SWE 24.03. Sun Falun SWE

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 29 -


Date Day Site Nation Hill Event Remarks December 05.12. Fri Lillehammer NOR HS 100 Individual/night Opening January 10.01. Sat Sapporo JPN HS 100 Individual 11.01. Sun Sapporo JPN HS 100 Individual 17.01. Sat Zao JPN HS 100 Individual 18.01. Sun Zao JPN HS 100 Individual 24.01. Sat Oberstdorf GER NH 106 Individual 25.01. Sun Oberstdorf GER NH 106 Individual 31.01. Sat Hinzenbach AUT HS 94 Individual 01.02. Sun Hinzenbach AUT HS 94 Individual February 07.02. Sat Rasnov ROU HS 100 Individual 08.02. Sun Rasnov ROU HS 100 Individual 14.02. Sat Ljubno SLO HS 95 Individual 15.02. Sun Ljubno SLO HS 95 Individual March 13.03. Fri Oslo NOR HS 134 Individual Final

FIS Nordic Junior World Ski Championships, Almaty (KAZ), 01.-08.02.2015 FIS Nordic World Ski Championships, Falun (SWE), 18.02.-01.03.2015

Comments FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI) November 2014 - 30 -


Date Day Site Nation Hill Event Remarks III. Period 22.11. Sat Klingenthal GER HS 140 Team/night Opening 23.11. Sun Klingenthal GER HS 140 Individual 28.11. Fri Ruka FIN HS 142 Individual/night 29.11. Sat Ruka FIN HS 142 Individual/night 06.12. Sat Lillehammer NOR HS 138 Individual/night 07.12. Sun Lillehammer NOR HS 138 Individual 13.12. Sat Nizhny Tagil RUS HS 134 Individual/night 14.12. Sun Nizhny Tagil RUS HS 134 Individual/night 20.12. Sat Engelberg SUI HS 137 Individual 21.12. Sun Engelberg SUI HS 137 Individual IV. Period 28.12. Sun Oberstdorf GER HS 137 Individual/night Four 01.01. Thu Garm.-Partenkirchen GER HS 140 Individual Hills Tourna- 04.01. Sun Innsbruck AUT HS 130 Individual ment 06.01. Tue Bischofshofen AUT HS 140 Individual/night V. Period 10.01. Sat Tauplitz/Bad Mitterndorf AUT HS 200 Ski Flying/Individual 11.01. Sun Tauplitz/Bad Mitterndorf AUT HS 200 Ski Flying/Individual 15.01. Thu Wisla POL HS 134 Individual/night 17.01. Sat Zakopane POL HS 134 Team/night 18.01. Sun Zakopane POL HS 134 Individual 24.01. Sat Sapporo JPN HS 134 Individual/night 25.01. Sun Sapporo JPN HS 134 Individual VI. Period 30.01. Fri Willingen GER HS 145 Individual/night 31.01. Sat Willingen GER HS 145 Team/night 01.02. Sun Willingen GER HS 145 Individual 07.02. Sat Liberec CZE HS 134 Individual/night 08.02. Sun Liberec CZE HS 134 Individual 14.02. Sat Vikersund NOR HS 225 Ski Flying/Indiv/night 15.02. Sun Vikersund NOR HS 225 Ski Flying/Individual VII. Period 07.03. Sat Lahti FIN HS 130 Team/night 08.03. Sun Lahti FIN HS 130 Individual 10.03. Tue Kuopio FIN HS 127 Individual/night 12.03. Thu Trondheim NOR HS 138 Individual/night 14.03. Sat Oslo NOR HS 134 Individual/night 15.03. Sun Oslo NOR HS 134 Individual 20.03. Fri Planica SLO FH Ski Flying/Individual 21.03. Sat Planica SLO FH Ski Flying/Team 22.03. Sun Planica SLO FH Ski Flying/Individual Final FIS Nordic Junior World Ski Championships, Almaty (KAZ), 01.-08.02.15 FIS Nordic World Ski Championships, Falun (SWE), 18.02.-01.03.15

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 31 -


Date Day Site Nation Hill Event Remarks III. Period 21.11. Sat Klingenthal GER HS 140 Team/night Opening 22.11. Sun Klingenthal GER HS 140 Individual 27.11. Fri Ruka FIN HS 142 Individual/night 28.11. Sat Ruka FIN HS 142 Individual/night 05.12. Sat Lillehammer NOR HS 138 Individual/night 06.12. Sun Lillehammer NOR HS 138 Individual 12.12. Sat Nizhny Tagil RUS HS 134 Individual/night 13.12. Sun Nizhny Tagil RUS HS 134 Individual/night 19.12. Sat Engelberg SUI HS 137 Individual 20.12. Sun Engelberg SUI HS 137 Individual IV. Period 29.12. Tue Oberstdorf GER HS 137 Individual/night Four 01.01. Fri Garm.-Partenkirchen GER HS 140 Individual Hills Tourna- 03.01. Sun Innsbruck AUT HS 130 Individual ment 06.01. Wed Bischofshofen AUT HS 140 Individual/night V. Period 09.01. Sat Harrachov CZE HS 142 Individual/night 10.01. Sun Harrachov CZE HS 142 Individual 21.01. Thu Wisla POL HS 134 Individual/night 23.01. Sat Zakopane POL HS 134 Team/night 24.01. Sun Zakopane POL HS 134 Individual 30.01. Sat Sapporo JPN HS 134 Individual/night 31.01. Sun Sapporo JPN HS 134 Individual VI. Period 05.02. Fri Trondheim NOR HS 138 Individual/night 07.02. Sun Oslo NOR HS 134 Individual 13.02. Sat Vikersund NOR HS 225 Ski Flying/Indiv/night 14.02. Sun Vikersund NOR HS 225 Ski Flying/Individual 20.02. Sat Lahti FIN HS 130 Team/night 21.02. Sun Lahti FIN HS 130 Individual 23.02. Tue Kuopio FIN HS 127 Individual/night 27.02. Sat Almaty KAZ HS 140 Individual/night 28.02. Sun Almaty KAZ HS 140 Individual/night VII. Period 05.03. Sat Willingen GER HS 145 Team/night 06.03. Sun Willingen GER HS 145 Individual 12.03. Sat Oberstdorf GER HS 213 Ski Flying/Indiv/night 13.03. Sun Oberstdorf GER HS 213 Ski Flying/Indiv/night 18.03. Fri Planica SLO FH Ski Flying/Individual 19.03. Sat Planica SLO FH Ski Flying/Team 20.03. Sun Planica SLO FH Ski Flying/Individual Final FIS Ski Flying World Championships, Tauplitz/Bad Mitterndorf (AUT), 15.-17.01.2016 FIS Nordic Junior World Ski Championships, Rasnov (ROU) Youth Olympic Winter Games, Lillehammer (NOR), 12.-21.02.2016

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 32 -


Date Day Men Ladies I. Period Site Hill Site Hill 31.07. Fri Wisla, POL HS 134/Team/night 01.08. Sat Wisla, POL HS 134/night 08.08. Sat Hinterzarten, GER HS 108/night 14.08. Fri Courchevel, FRA HS 132/night Courchevel, FRA HS 96 29.08. Sat Hakuba, JPN HS 131/night 30.08. Sun Hakuba, JPN HS 131 II. Period 12.09. Sat Almaty, KAZ HS 140/night Almaty, KAZ HS 106 13.09. Sun Almaty, KAZ HS 140/night Almaty, KAZ HS 106 18.09. Sat Chaikovsky, RUS HS 140/night Chaikovsky, RUS HS 106 19.09. Sun Chaikovsky, RUS HS 140/night Chaikovsky, RUS HS 106 27.09. Sun Hinzenbach, AUT HS 94 03.10. Sat Klingenthal, GER HS 140 FIS Ski Flying World Championships, Tauplitz/Bad Mitterndorf (AUT), 15.-17.01.2016 FIS Nordic Junior World Ski Championships, Rasnov (ROU) Youth Olympic Winter Games, Lillehammer (NOR), 12.-21.02.2016

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 33 -


Date Day Site Nation Hill Event Remarks I. Period 29.11. Sat Ruka FIN HS 142 Ind Gund Opening 30.11. Sun Ruka FIN HS 142 Team Sprint 06.12. Sat Lillehammer NOR HS 138 Ind Gund 07.12. Sun Lillehammer NOR HS 138 Ind Gund 20.12. Sat Ramsau am Dachstein AUT HS 96 Team Sprint 21.12. Sun Ramsau am Dachstein AUT HS 96 Ind Gund II. Period 03.01. Sat Schonach GER HS 106 Team 04.01. Sun Schonach GER HS 106 Ind Gund 10.01. Sat Chaux-Neuve FRA HS 118 Ind Gund 11.01. Sun Chaux-Neuve FRA HS 118 Team Sprint 16.01 Fri Seefeld AUT HS 109 Ind Gund 5 km Nordic 17.01. Sat Seefeld AUT HS 109 Ind Gund 10 km Combined 18.01. Sun Seefeld AUT HS 109 Ind Gund 15 km Triple III. Period 23.01. Fri Sapporo JPN HS 134 Ind Gund 24.01. Sat Sapporo JPN HS 134 Ind Gund 31.01. Sat Val di Fiemme ITA HS 134 Team Sprint 01.02. Sun Val di Fiemme ITA HS 134 Ind Gund 07.02. Sat Liberec CZE HS 134 Ind Gund 08.02. Sun Liberec CZE HS 134 Ind Gund IV. Period 06.03. Fri Lahti FIN HS 130 Ind Gund 07.03. Sat Lahti FIN HS 130 Team Sprint 12.03 Thu Trondheim NOR HS 140 Ind Gund 14.03. Sat Oslo NOR HS 134 Ind Gund Finale FIS Nordic Junior World Ski Championships, Almaty (KAZ), 01.-08.02.2015 FIS Nordic World Ski Championships Falun (SWE), 18.02. – 01.03.2015

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 34 -


Date Day Site Nation Hill Event Remarks I. Period 28.11. Sat Ruka FIN HS 142 Opening 29.11. Sun Ruka FIN HS 142 05.12. Sat Lillehammer NOR HS 100 06.12. Sun Lillehammer NOR HS 138 12.12. Sat Nizhny Tagil*) RUS HS 140 13.12. Sun Nizhny Tagil*) RUS HS 140 19.12. Sat Ramsau am Dachstein AUT HS 96 20.12. Sun Ramsau am Dachstein AUT HS 96 II. Period 09.01. Sat Schonach GER HS 106 10.01. Sun Schonach GER HS 106 16.01. Sat Chaux-Neuve FRA HS 118 17.01. Sun Chaux-Neuve FRA HS 118 23.01. Sat Sapporo JPN HS 134 24.01. Sun Sapporo JPN HS 134 29.01 Fri Seefeld AUT HS 109 Nordic 30.01. Sat Seefeld AUT HS 109 Combined 31.01. Sun Seefeld AUT HS 109 Triple III. Period 04.02. Thu Trondheim NOR HS 138 06.02. Sat Oslo NOR HS 134 13.02 Sat Falun SWE HS 134 14.02 Sun Falun SWE HS 134 20.02. Sat Lahti FIN HS 130 21.02 Sun Lahti FIN HS 130 21.02 Tue Kuopio FIN HS 132 27.02 Sat Val Di Fiemme ITA HS 134 28.02. Sun Val Di Fiemme ITA HS 134 IV. Period 05.03 Sat Klingenthal GER HS 140 06.03. Sun Klingenthal GER HS 140 12.03 Sat TBC TBC HS 13.03 Sun TBC TBC HS

FIS Nordic Junior World Ski Championships, Rasnov (ROU) Youth Olympic Winter Games, Lillehammer (NOR), 12.-21.02.2016

*) not confirmed from NSA yet

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 35 -


Date Day Site Nation Hill Distance Event Remarks

22.08. Sat Oberwiesenthal GER HS 106 2x7.5 km Team Sprint 23.08. Sun Oberwiesenthal GER HS 106 10 km Ind Gund 26.08. Wed Villach AUT HS 98 10 km Ind Gund 28.08. Fri Oberstdorf GER HS 137 10 km Ind Gund 29.08. Sat Oberstdorf GER HS 137 15 km Ind Gund

FIS Nordic Junior World Ski Championships, Almaty (KAZ), 01.-08.02.2015 FIS Nordic World Ski Championships Falun (SWE), 18.02. – 01.03.2015

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 36 -


Date Day Site Nation DH SG GS SL ÂC City Remarks Event

October 14 25. Sat Opening Sölden FIS/AUT X Opening L&M

November 14 15. Sat Levi FIN X L&M 29.-30. Sat-Sun Aspen USA X X

December 14 05.-07. Fri-Sun Lake Louise CAN XX X 13.-14. Sat-Sun Courchevel FRA X X 20.-21. Sat-Sun Val d’Isère FRA X X 28.-29. Sun-Mon Semmering AUT X X

January 15 01. Thu City Event Munich GER X Parallel Event 04. Sun Zagreb CRO X 10.-11. Sat-Sun Bad Kleinkirchheim AUT X X 13. Tue Flachau AUT X Night SL 17.-18. Sat-Sun Cortina d’Ampezzo ITA X X 24.-25. Sat-Sun St. Moritz SUI X X

February 15 21.-22. Sat-Sun Maribor SLO X X 28.-01. Sat-Sun Bansko BUL X X SG/SL

March 15 07.-08. Sat-Sun Garmisch- GER X X Partenkirchen 13.-14. Fri-Sat Åre SWE X X 18.-22. Wed-Sun Meribel FRA X X X X +1 NTE Finals L & M Total resorts 18 / competitions 35 8 8 7 9 1 1 + 1 NTE

FIS Alpine World Ski Championships Vail/Beaver Creek (USA), 02.-15.02.2015

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 37 -


Date Day Site Nation DH SG GS SL AC City Remarks Event

October 14 26. Sun Opening Sölden FIS/AUT X Opening L&M

November 14 16. Sun Levi FIN X L&M 29.-30. Sat-Sun Lake Louise CAN X X

December 14 05.-07. Fri-Sun Beaver Creek USA X X X 13.-14. Sat-Sun Val d’Isère FRA X X 19.-20. Fri-Sat Val Gardena/Gröden ITA X X 21. Sun Alta Badia ITA X 22. Mon Madonna di Camp. ITA X Night Event 28. Sun Santa Caterina ITA X

January 15 01. Thu City Event Munich GER X Parallel Event 06. Tue Zagreb CRO X Night Event 10.-11. Sat-Sun Adelboden SUI X X 16.-18. Fri-Sun Wengen SUI X X X DH & SL 23.-25. Fri-Sun Kitzbühel AUT X X X X SG/SL 27. Tue Schladming AUT X Night Event

February 15

21.-22. Sat-Sun Saalbach AUT X X 28.-01. Sat-Sun Garmisch- GER X X Partenkirchen March 15 07.-08. Sat-Sun NOR X X 14.-15. Sat-Sun Kranjska Gora SLO X X 18.-22. Wed-Sun Meribel FRA X X X X +1 NTE Finals L&M Total resorts 20 / competitions 39 10 7 8 10 2 1 + 1 NTE

FIS Alpine World Ski Championships Vail/Beaver Creek (USA), 02.-15.02.2015

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 38 -


Date Day Site Nation DH SG GS SL AC City Remarks Event

October 15 24. Sat Opening Sölden FIS/AUT X Opening L&M

November 15 14. Sat Levi FIN X L&M 28.-29. Sat-Sun Aspen USA X X

December 15 04.-06. Fri-Sun Lake Louise CAN XX X 12.-13. Sat-Sun Åre SWE X X 18.-19. Fri-Sat Val d’Isère FRA X X DH & SL 20. Sun Courchevel FRA X 28.-29. Mon-Tue Lienz AUT X X

January 16 01. Fri Munich GER X Parallel Event 03. Sun Zagreb CRO X 09.-10. Sat-Sun St. Anton AUT X X TBC 12. Tue Flachau AUT X Night SL 16.-17. Sat-Sun Ofterschwang GER X X 23.-24. Sat-Sun Cortina d’Ampezzo ITA X X 30.-31. Sat-Sun Maribor SLO X X

February 16 02. Tue Stockholm SWE X Parallel Event 06.-07. Sat-Sun Garmisch-Partenk GER X X 13.-14 Sat-Sun Crans-Montana SUI X X 20.-21. Sat-Sun La Thuile ITA X X 27.-28. Sat-Sun Soldeu AND X X SG & SL

March 16 05.-06. Sat-Sun Jasna SVK X X 12. Sat * X 16.-20. Wed-Sun St. Moritz SUI X X X X +1 NTE Finals L&M Total resorts 23 / competitions 42 9 8 9 10 3 2 +1 NTE

*Candidates; Lenzerheide (SUI)

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 39 -


Date Day Site Nation DH SG GS SL AC City Remarks Event

October 15 25. Sun Opening Sölden FIS/AUT X Opening L&M

November 15 15. Sun Levi FIN X L&M 28.-29. Sat-Sun Lake Louise CAN X X

December 15 04.-06. Fri-Sun Beaver Creek USA X X X 12.-13. Sat-Sun Val d’Isère FRA X X 18.-19. Fri-Sat Val Gardena/Gröden ITA X X 20.-21. Sun Alta Badia ITA X X 29. Tue ITA X

January 16 01. Fri Munich GER X Parallel Event 06. Wed Zagreb CRO X Night Event 09.-10. Sat-Sun Adelboden SUI X X 15.-17. Fri-Sun Wengen SUI X X X DH & SL 22.-24. Fri-Sun Kitzbühel AUT X X X X SG/SL 26. Tue Schladming AUT X Night Event 30.-31. Sat-Sun Garmisch-Partenk. GER X X

February 16 02. Tue X Parallel Event 06.-07. Sat-Sun Jungbong KOR X X 13.-14. Sat-Sun Naeba JPN X X 20. Sat Chamonix FRA X 27.-28. Sat-Sun Hinterstoder AUT X X

March 16 05.-06. Sat-Sun Kranjska Gora SLO X X 12.-13. Sat-Sun Kvitfjell NOR X X 16.-20. Wed-Sun St. Moritz SUI X X X X +1 NTE Finals L&M Total resorts 22 / competitions 45 11 8 10 11 2 2 +1 NTE

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 40 -


Date Day Site Nation DH SG GS SL AC City Remarks Event

October 16 29. Sat Sölden AUT X Opening L & M

November 16 12. Sat Levi FIN X 26.-27. Sat-Sun Aspen * USA X X TBC

December 16 02.-04. Fri-Sun Lake Louise CAN XX X 10.-11 Sat-Sun ITA X X 17.-18. Sat-Sun Val d’Isère FRA X X 20. Tue Courchevel FRA X 28.-29. Wed-Thu Semmering AUT X X Night SL

January 17 01. Sun Munich GER X Parallel Event 03. Tue Zagreb CRO X Night SL 07.-08. Sat-Sun Maribor SLO X X 10. Tue Flachau AUT X Night SL 14.-15. Sat-Sun Altenmarkt/ AUT X X DH/SL Zauchensee 21.-22. Sat-Sun Garmisch-Partenk. GER X X 28.-29. Sat-Sun Cortina d’Ampezzo ITA X X 31. Tue X Parallel Event

February 17 25.-26. Sat-Sun Crans-Montana SUI X X SG/SL

March 17 04.-05. Sat-Sun KOR X X Test OWG2018 10.-11 Fri-Sat USA X X 15.-19. Wed-Sun Aspen** USA X X X X +1 NTE Finals L&M Total resorts 20 / competitions 37 8 7 8 9 2 2 +1 NTE

* Organiser TBC ** Infrastructure requirements TBC FIS Alpine World Ski Championships St. Moritz (SUI), 06.-19.02.2017

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 41 -


Date Day Site Nation DH SG GS SL AC City Remarks Event

October 16 30. Sun Opening Sölden FIS/AUT X Opening L&M

November 16 13. Sun Levi FIN X L&M 26.-27. Sat-Sun Lake Louise CAN X X

December 16 02.-04. Fri-Sun Beaver Creek USA X X X 10.-11. Sat-Sun Val d’Isère X X 16.-17. Fri-Sat Val Gardena/Gröden ITA X X 18. Sun Alta Badia ITA X 20. Tue ITA X 29. Thu ITA X

January 17 01. Sun Munich GER X Parallel Event 05. Thu Zagreb CRO X Night Event 07.-08. Sat-Sun Adelboden SUI X X 13.-15. Fri-Sun Wengen SUI X X X 20.-22. Fri-Sun Kitzbühel AUT X X X X SG/SL 24. Tue Schladming AUT X Night Event 28.-29. Sat-Sun Garmisch-Partenk. GER X X 31. Tue City Event X Parallel Event

February 17 06.-19. Mon-Sun WSC St. Moritz SUI X X X X X + NTE 25.-26. Sat-Sun Kvitfjell NOR X X

March 17 04.-05. Sat-Sun Kranjska Gora SLO X X 11.-12. Sat-Sun * 15.-19. Wed-Sun Aspen ** USA X X X X +1 NTE Finals L&M Total resorts 21 / competitions 39 9 7 8 10 2 2 + 1 NTE

* Candidate AUT, BUL, ITA, FRA ** Infrastructure requirements TBC FIS Alpine World Ski Championships St. Moritz (SUI), 06.-19.02.2017

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 42 -


Date Day Site Nation DH SG GS SL AC City Remarks Event

October 17 28. Sat Sölden AUT X Opening L & M

November 17 11. Sat Levi FIN X 25.-26. Sat-Sun USA X X tbc

December 17 01.-03. Fri-Sun Lake Louise CAN XX X 09.-10. Sat-Sun St. Moritz SUI X X SC(SG+SL) 16.-17. Sat-Sun Val d’Isère FRA X X 19. Tue Courchevel FRA X 28.-29. Thu-Fri Lienz AUT X X Night SL

January 18 01. Mon Munich GER X Parallel Event 03. Wed Zagreb CRO X Night SL 06.-07. Sat-Sun Maribor SLO X X 13.-14. Sat-Sun Bad Kleinkirchheim AUT X X 16. Tue Flachau AUT X Night SL 20.-21. Sat-Sun Ofterschwang GER X X 27.-28. Sat-Sun Cortina d’Ampezzo ITA X X 30. Tue X Parallel Event

February 18 03.-04. Sat-Sun Garmisch-Partenk. GER X X

March 18 03.-04. Sat-Sun Crans-Montana SUI X X 09.-10 Fri-Sat * X X 14.-18. Wed-Sun Åre SWE X X X X +1 NTE Finals L&M Total resorts 20 / competitions 37 8 7 8 9 2 2 +1 NTE

*Candidates, Sochi (RUS), Jasna (SVK), Bansko (BUL), Lenzerheide (SUI) Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang (KOR), 09.-25.02.2018

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 43 -


Date Day Site Nation DH SG GS SL AC City Remarks Event

October 17 29. Sun Opening Sölden FIS/AUT X Opening L&M

November 17 12. Sun Levi FIN X L&M 25.-26. Sat-Sun Lake Louise CAN X X

December 17 01.-03. Fri-Sun Beaver Creek USA X X X 09.-10. Sat-Sun Val d’Isère X X 15.-16. Fri-Sat Val Gardena/Gröden ITA X X 17. Sun Alta Badia ITA X 19. Tue ITA X 29. Fri ITA X January 18 01. Mon Munich GER X Parallel Event 04. Thu Zagreb CRO X Night Event 06.-07. Sat-Sun Adelboden SUI X X 12.-14. Fri-Sun Wengen SUI X X X 19.-21. Fri-Sun Kitzbühel AUT X X X X SG/SL 23. Tue Schladming AUT X Night Event 27.-28. Sat-Sun Garmisch-Partenk. GER X X 31. Tue City Event X Parallel Event

February 18

March 18 03.-04. Sat-Sun Kranjska Gora SLO X X 10.-11. Sat-Sun Kvitfjell NOR X X 14.-18. Wed-Sun Are SWE X X X X +1 NTE Finals L&M Total resorts 21 / competitions 38 9 6 8 10 2 2 + 1 NTE

Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang (KOR), 09.-25.02.2018

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 44 -


Date Day Site NAT MO AE SX HP SS/BA Remarks

December 14 05.-06. Fri-Sat CAN 06 03.-05. Wed-Fri Copper Mountain USA 05 13. Sat Ruka FIN 13 MO 11.-13. Thu-Sat Val Thorens FRA 12/13 19.-21. Fri-Sun Innichen ITA 20/21 20.-21. Sat-Sun Beijing CHN 20/21 Tem Event

January 15 03. Sat Calgary CAN 03 MO 08.-10. Thu-Sat USA 09/10 08 MO/DM 29.-31. Thu-Sat Lake Placid USA 29 30/31 MO 30.- Fri-Sun Tegernsee GER 31/01 01.2.

February 15 06.-07. Fri-Sat Arosa SUI 07 07. Sat Val St. Come CAN 07 MO 13.-15. Fri-Sun Are SWE 14/15 21. Sat Moscow RUS 21 25.-28. Wed-Sat Park City USA 28 27 28.-01.3 Sat-Sun Tazawako JPN 28/01 MO/DM

March 15 01. Sun Minsk BLR 01 04.-06. Wed-Fri Squaw Valley USA 06 11.-12. Wed-Thu Tignes FRA 12 15. Sun Silvaplana SUI 15 14.-15. Sat-Sun Megeve FRA 15 14 DM Locations 21/Nations 12/Competitions 9/9 7/7 12/12 3/3 3/3 66 FIS Freestyle Ski and Snowboard World Championships Kreischberg (AUT), 14. – 25.01.2015

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 45 -


Date Day Site NAT MO AE SX HP SS/BA Remarks

August 15 20.-29. Thu-Sat Cardrona NZL X XX BA

December 15 30.11- Tue Nakiska CAN X 01. 05.-06. Sat-Sun Montafon AUT X 10.-12. Thu-Sat Copper Mountain USA X X 12 Sat Ruka FIN X MO 11.-12. Fri-Sat Val Thorens FRA X 18.-20. Fri-Sun Innichen ITA XX 19.-20. Sat-Sun TBD CHN XX

January 16 15.-16. Fri-Sat TBD FRA X 13.-16. Wed-Sat Lake Placid USA X XX MO 23.-24. Sat-Sun Val St. Come CAN X X MO 23.-24. Sat-Sun Gstaad SUI X 28.-31. Thu-Sun Calgary CAN X X X MO 29.-31. Fri-Sun TBD GER XX

February 16 04.-06. Thu-Sat Deer Valley USA XX X X MO 05.-07. Fri-Sun Park City USA X X BA 12.-14 Fri-Sun Are SWE XX 14. Sun Sierra Nevada SPA X 20.-21. Fri-Sat Tazawako JPN XX MO/DM 26.-28. Fri-Sun TBD USA X X 26.-28. Fri-Sun Phoenix Park KOR TBD March 16 04.-06. Fri-Sun Squaw Valley USA X 06. Sun Minsk BLR X 11.-12. Fri-Sat Silvaplana SUI X 12.-13. Sat-Sun TBD SUI X Locations 25 / Nations15 / Competitions 8/8 9/9 12/12 6/6 7/7 84

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 46 -


Date Day Site NAT MO AE SX HP SS/BA Remarks

November 16 28.-29. Mon-Tue Nakiska CAN X

December 16 03.-04. Sat-Sun Montafon AUT X 10 Sat. Copper USA X 10. Sat Ruka FIN X 10.-11. Sat-Sun Val Thorens FRA X 16.-18. Fri-Sun Innichen ITA XX 17.-19. Sat-Mon TBD CHN XX TBD 20. Tue Méribel FRA X

January 17 12.-14. Thu-Sat Lake Placid USA X XX MO 14. Sat TBD FRA X 21.-22. Sat-Sun TBD USA XX SS/BA 21.-22 Sat-Sun Val St. Come CAN X X MO 22. Sun Gstaad SUI X 27.-29. Fri-Sun Calgary CAN X X X MO 28.-29. Sat-Sun TBD GER XX

February 17 02.-04. Thu-Sat Deer Valley USA XX X MO 04.-05. Sat-Sun TBD SUI X 10.-11. Sat-Sun Phoenix Park* KOR TBD 10.-12. Fri-Sun Are SWE XX 17.-19. Fri-Sun Phoenix Park* KOR TBD 18.-19. Sat-Sun Tazawako JPN XX 25.-26. Sat-Sun Silvaplana SUI X X 25. Sat Canyons USA X

Locations 23 / Nations 12 / Competitions 10/10 7/7 12/12 3/3 4/4 72

FIS Freestyle Ski World Championships Sierra Nevada (SPA) 05.-19.03.2017

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 47 -


Date Day Site NAT PAR SBX HP SBS BA Remarks

December 14 04.-06. Thu-Sat Copper USA 04-06 05.-07. Fri-Sun Montafon AUT 5-6/ *SBX 7* Team 13. Sat Carezza ITA 13 PGS 20. Sat Istanbul TUR 20 L+M

January 15 09.-10 Fri-Sat Bad Gastein AUT 09/10 *PSL * Team 31. Sun Rogla SLO 31 PGS

February 15 07. Sat-Sun Sudelfeld GER 07 PGS 20.-22. Fri-Sun Stoneham-Qu. CAN 20-22 19-21 18-20 L+M 25.-28. Thu-Sun Park City USA 26-01 25-27 28.-01. Sat-Sun Asahikawa JPN 28/01 PGS/PSL

March 15 05.-08. Wed-Sun Squaw Valley USA 05-07/ *SBX 08* Team 07. Sat Moscow RUS 07 PSL (ramp) 13.-14. Fri-Sat Spindleruv M. CZE 13-14 13.-15. Fri -Sun Veysonnaz SUI 13-14/ *SBX 15* Team 14. Sat Winterberg GER 14 PSL 20.-21. Fri-Sat La Molina SPA 20-21 Locations 16/ Competitions 48 09/09 07/07 03/03 03/03 02/02 FIS Snowboard World Championships Kreischberg (AUT) 15. - 25.01.2015

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Date Day Site NAT PAR SBX HP SBS BA Remarks

August 15 23.-30. Sun-Sun Cardrona NZL 29-30 23-24 X

November 15 13.-15. Fri-Sun TBD EUR X

December 15 04.-06. Fri-Sun Montafon AUT XX* *SBX Team 11.-13 Fri-Sun Ruka FIN X 11.-13. Fri-Sun TBD EUR X 11.-13. Fri-Sun Copper USA X X 12.-13. Sat-Sun TBD EUR X 18.-20. Fri-Sun Lake Louise CAN X 19.-20. Sat-Sun Carezza ITA X 19. Sat Istanbul TUR X

January 16 10. Sun Bad Gastein AUT XX* *PSL Team 15.-17. Fri-Sun TBD EUR XX* SBX Team 22.-24. Fri-Sun Gstaad SUI X 22.-24. Fri-Sun TBD EUR X 23. Sat Rogla EUR XX* *PAR Team 30. Sat Sudelfeld GER X

February 16 05.-07. Fri-Sun Veysonnaz SUI XX* *SBX Team 06.-07. Sat-Sun Winterberg GER X 12.-14. Fri-Sun TBD JPN X 12.-14. Fri-Sun Vallnord Arcal. AND X 13.-14. Sat-Sun TBD JAP XX Tbc. 26.-28. Fri-Sun Pyeongchang KOR X X 26.-28. Fri-Sun TBD USA X X X

March 16 04.-06. Fri-Sun Squaw Valley USA XX* *SBX Team 04.-06. Fri-Sun TBD EUR XX 11.-13. Fri-Sun Blue Mountain CAN X 18.-20. Fri-Sun Stoneh.-Queb. CAN X X X 18.-20. Fri-Sun La Molina SPA X TBC Locations 28 /Competitions 88 13/13 14/14 07/07 04/04 06/06

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 49 -


Date Day Site NSA Ladies Men ROL equipment

July 10.07. Fri Oroslavje CRO Interval C Interval C ICR 396.2.3–396.2.4 11.07. Sat Oroslavje CRO Sprint F Sprint F 12.07. Sun Oroslavje CRO Mass start F Mass start F

24.07. Fri Madona LAT Sprint F Sprint F ICR 396.2.3-396.2.4 25.07. Sat Madona LAT  Prologue 5km  Prologue 7.5km (SP) 26.07. Sun Madona LAT C C  Provided by OC,  Pursuit 10km F  Pursuit 15km F rubber wheels (70A hardness)

August 21.08. Thu Bad Peterstal GER Sprint F Sprint F ICR 396.2.3-396.2.4 22.08. Fri Bad Peterstal GER  Uphill C  Uphill C (SP) 23.08. Sat Bad Peterstal GER  Uphill Pursuit F  Uphill Pursuit F  Provided by OC, rubber wheels

WSC 24.09. Thu Val di Fiemme ITA Interval C Interval C ICR 396.2.3-396.2.4 25.09. Fri Val di Fiemme ITA Sprint F Sprint F 26.09. Sat Val di Fiemme ITA Team Sprint F Team Sprint F 27.09. Sun Val di Fiemme ITA Mass start F Mass start F FIS Roller Skiing World Championships Val di Fiemme (ITA) 22. – 27.09.2015

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 50 -

12.1 Prize-Money 2015/2016

At its Meeting in Oberhofen, the Council confirmed the values of prize-money for the 2015/2016 season. According to ICR art. 219.1 the minimum values of prize-money will be confirmed by the Council at its meeting in the autumn approximately 6 months before the Calendar Conference and therefore 1 ½ years before the applicable competition season.

The prize money values include increases for the Alpine Skiing (to CHF. 120’000) and Freestyle Skiing (to CHF 25’000). Furthermore the distribution for Alpine Skiing will be extended to the top 30 athletes as follows:

1. 50‘000 11. 1‘600 21. 950 2. 23‘000 12. 1‘500 22. 900 3. 11’000 13. 1’400 23. 850 4. 8’000 14. 1’300 24. 800 5. 5’000 15. 1’250 25. 750 6. 4’000 16. 1’200 26. 700 7. 3’000 17. 1’150 27. 650 8. 2’400 18. 1’100 28. 600 9. 2’000 19. 1’050 29. 550 10. 1’800 20. 1’000 30. 500

 Alpine events: Minimum cash prize per event: CHF 120'000.— divided between 1 – 30 Minimum cash prize for European Cup events: CHF 2'300.— divided between 1 – 10  Cross-Country events: Minimum cash prize for individual events: CHF 40'000.— divided between 1 – 10 Minimum cash prize for relay events: CHF 30'000.— divided between 1 – 6  Ski Jumping events: Minimum cash prize per event: CHF 71'800.— divided between 1 – 30 Minimum cash prize per team event: CHF 70'000.— divided between 1-3 Minimum cash prize for Continental Cup events: CHF 1'500.— divided between 1-6 Ski Jumping Grand Prix events: Minimum cash prize per single competition: CHF 12’000.— per event divided between 1 – 6 Minimum cash prize per team event: CHF 12’000.— divided between 1 – 3  Ladies’ Ski Jumping events: Minimum cash prize: CHF 19’890.— per event Divided between 1 – 20 Ladies’ Ski Jumping Grand Prix events: Minimum cash prize per single competition: CHF 6’000.— divided between 1 – 6 Minimum cash prize per team event: CHF 6’000.— divided between 1 – 3

Comments FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI) November 2014 - 51 -

 Ski Jumping Mixed team event Men/Ladies: Minimum cash prize: CHF 10’000.— divided between 1 - 3  Nordic Combined events: Minimum cash prize per event: CHF 33’150.— divided between 1 – 20 Minimum cash prize per team event: CHF 30’000.— divided between 1 – 3 for Team, 1 – 6 for Team Sprint Minimum cash prize for Continental Cup events: CHF 1'500.— divided between 1-6  Freestyle Skiing events: Minimum cash prize per event: CHF 25’000.— divided between 1 – 10  Snowboard events: Minimum cash prize per event: CHF 25'000.— divided between 1 – 10

Prize-Money for the FIS World Championships 2015

The FIS Congress 2004 decided that as from 2011 prize-money would be paid out at the FIS World Championships with the same purse as the minimum for World Cup in the same season, whilst 50% is covered by the Organising Committee and 50% by FIS from the World Championship prize money fund.

Therefore based on the decision of the Council in November 2013, the World Cup prize money amounts for 2014/15 are applicable for the upcoming FIS World Championships in 2015, with the following distribution:

Individual competitions Team competitions 1st 40% 4th 10% 1st 50% 2nd 25% 5th 6% 2nd 30% 3rd 15% 6th 4% 3rd 20%

13. Proposals and requests from the National Ski Associations

13.1 Change of licence

The following applications for change of licence were approved by the Council at its Meeting in Oberhofen in accordance with the rules: Cross-Country Skiing

 Bo Edvard Wilhelm Sundman, born 1995 – change from Finland to Sweden  Yulia Tikhonova, born 1986 – change from to Belarus  Michael Roesch, born 1983 – change from Germany to Belgium  Jeremy Finello, born 1992 – change from to Switzerland

Ski Jumping

 Christian Inngjerdingen, born 1996 – change from Norway to Sweden

Alpine Skiing

 Charles Danel, born 1993 – change from Spain to France

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 52 -

 Dalibor Samsal, born 1985 – change from Croatia to Hungary  Julia Agerer, born 1993 – change from to

Freestyle Skiing

 Deborah Scanzio, born 1986 – change from Italy to Switzerland  Jonah Elston, born 1997 – change from to Australia


 Jared Elston, born 1999 – change from United States to Australia

13.2 Proposals and requests from the National Ski Associations

The FIS Races in Krvavec (SLO)

The Thailand National Olympic Committee that serves as the FIS member National Ski Association in Thailand organised four FIS giant slalom races for ladies at Krvavec, from 17th to 19th January.

After the races had taken place, information reached the Slovenian Ski Association and FIS that there were strong suspicions these races had been manipulated. Thereafter the Slovenian Ski Association undertook an investigation and forwarded the report to FIS.

FIS undertook further action in accordance with the FIS Betting and Anti- Corruption Rules according to article 5. The results were submitted to the FIS Hearing Panel for adjudication.

The Hearing Panel (“panel”) comprising Chris Moore, Chairman of the FIS Legal Committee and members Alex Natt and Jefker Lofgren undertook hearings on 3rd October 2014.

On 11th November 2014 the Hearing Panel issued its’ decision that was communicated to the parties.

The four giant slalom competitions for ladies that were organised by the Alpine Ski Club Triglav at the Krvavec Ski area (SLO) between 17th and 19th January 2014 were arranged at the request of the management of Vanessa Vanakorn through the Thai Olympic Committee in its capacity as the FIS member National Ski Association. The Krvavec competitions were the last opportunity for Vanessa Vanakorn to achieve the necessary FIS points to qualify for the Olympic Winter Games, Sochi 2014.

In July 2014 the Executive Committee of the Ski Association of Slovenia issued a report in which it was determined that violations had taken place at these competitions and imposed sanctions on certain persons within its jurisdiction. Additionally it forwarded its report to FIS in view of the alleged manipulation and thereby validity of the results.

After considering written submissions and testimony at a hearing on 3rd October, the Hearing Panel found to its comfortable satisfaction that the results of the four ladies giant slalom races that took place on 18th and 19th January 18 2014 at Krvavec (SLO) were manipulated, resulting in the calculation of FIS Points that do

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 53 -

not reflect the true performance of the competitors that participated in those events and in particular the points awarded to Vanessa Vanakorn (Mae).

The Hearing Panel found that:

- The results of two giant slalom races on 19th January included a competitor who was not present at, and did not participate in the Krvavec Competitions.

- A competitor was placed 2nd in one race despite the fact she fell. Her time is understood to have been adjusted afterwards by more than 10 seconds.

- At least one competitor started away from the starting gate outside the automatic timing wand that was manually opened by the starter when she was already on the course.

- A previously retired competitor with the best FIS points in the competition took part for the sole purpose of lowering the penalty to the benefit the participants in the races.

- The weather conditions were so bad that no regular race could be held and “any comparable competition in Slovenia would have been cancelled” according to the competition referee.

- The races courses were not changed for the second runs as is required by the FIS rules.

- Approximately 23 competitors participated in the two races held on 18th January 2014, however at least two competitors on the official results were not in attendance.

- There were only eight competitors on the start list for the two races on January 19th 2014 and only six achieved a result.

The Hearing Panel has issued the following sanctions:

Borut Hrobat (SLO), Chief of Race, two year ban from participation in any FIS sanctioned events worldwide

Fabio De Cassan (ITA), FIS Technical Delegate, one year ban from participation in any FIS sanctioned events worldwide

Matiaz Goltez (SLO), Chief of Timing, one year ban from participation in any FIS sanctioned events worldwide

Vlado Makuc (SLO), Referee, one year ban from participation in any FIS sanctioned events worldwide

Uros Sinkovec (SLO), Starter, one year ban from participation in any FIS sanctioned events worldwide

Vanessa Vanakorn (THA), Athlete, four year ban from participation in any FIS sanctioned events worldwide

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The Hearing Panel found that as two or more participants combined to breach the FIS Rules, in accordance with the FIS Anti-Corruption Rules the Hearing Panel recommended to the FIS Council to annul the four competitions in Krvavec from January 18th and 19th 2014 and that any and all points earned by the participating competitors be deleted.

The Decisions may be appealed either by the FIS or the Participants to the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne (CAS) in application of the Code of Sports- related Arbitration within 21 days.

At its Meeting in Oberhofen on 18th November 2014, the Council acknowledged the decision of the FIS Hearing Panel of 6th November 2014 and thereafter decided in application of Art. 8.4 of the FIS Betting and Other Anti-Corruption Rules to cancel the results of all four giant slalom races that took place between 17th and 19th January 2014 at the Krvavec Ski area (SLO).

As a consequence of its decision to cancel the Krvavec giant slalom races, the FIS Council took note that Vanessa Vanakorn (THA) who competed in the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games therefore did not qualify and should not have been participating in the Sochi 2014 Games.

In the cases of other athletes who obtained the necessary level of FIS points to qualify for Sochi 2014 at the Krvavec giant slalom races (i.e. Federica Selva (RSM), as well as Ieva Januskeviciute (LTU), who was qualified to participate in such Games through her FIS points in slalom but was not eligible to participate in the giant slalom), the Council is of the opinion that they were victims of the manipulated races.

The Council therefore decided to submit its decision and information in regard to the qualification and eligibility of the above mentioned athletes to compete in the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games, to the International Olympic Committee (IOC), in order that the IOC may take any further action in its competence.

13.3 Proposals and requests from the Technical Committees

The majority of the Technical Committees and their Sub-Committees met in Zurich (SUI) from 1st to 5th October 2014 and the following proposals were approved by the Council at its Meeting in Oberhofen:

The Cross-Country Committee

FIS Cross-Country World Cup Rules 2014/15

5.3 Starting Order individual Sprint Qualification 5.3.1 Qualification round For the individual Sprint qualification round the seeded group normally starts first and the starting order within the group is drawn. Following the seeded group all other competitors will be assigned start positions according to their FIS sprint points (ordered by pts) and lastly a group for those with no FIS points is drawn.

5.3.2 Trial for the quarter-finals A trial for the assignment of the competitors to the quarter-final heats will be organised at the end of the season in Lahti and Drammen.

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The qualified athletes will be responsible for choosing their quarter-final heat. The athletes will chose according to the following order: - 11th to 1st from the qualification round, - followed by 12th to 30th from the qualification round.

The bib distribution will be organised in the finish area and all athletes must be present. Except in case of a force majeure (certified by the chief of medical and rescue service of the OC). If an athlete is not present at time of the bib distribution, the athlete will lose their right to choose their quarter-final and will receive the last available spot. If several athletes are not present at time of the bib distribution, the athletes will receive the available spots in the order of their qualification results and in the order of the quarter-final heats (quarter-final 1 will be completed first, the quarter-final 2, 3, 4 and 5).

Sub-Committee for Roller Skiing

International Competition Rules

396.2.2 Random The OC in cooperation with TD must controls will be carried carry out equipment control during before the start and after finish of the each competition. Rollerski wheel dimensions, wheel material hardness and frame length must be controlled.

396.2.5 Cross country Two ski poles with specific Rollerski or Cross-Country skiing tips must be used.

396.2.6 Approved cycling sSafety helmets (e.g. DIN EN 1078 or equivalent) and eye protection must be worn during official training and competition.

396.2.9. In order to provide safer and faired conditions for athlete’s competition the organiser can limit technical parameters for rollerski equipment by announcing it in advance in the competition invitation.

396.2.10. Competition organiser can provide official rollerski equipment supplier for all athletes entered in competition. This must be clearly announced in the official invitation.

396.3 Competition Formats and Programmes

396.3.1 The following competition formats and recommended distances may be used and the competitions may be carried out in either classic or free technique: Prologue Uphill 4 – 6 km all categories Undulating 8 – 12 km all categories Interval Start 8-18 km all Ladies and Junior Men 25-30 km Senior Men Uphill (Interval or Pursuit or Mass Start) Up to 10 km all Ladies and Junior Men Up to 15 km Senior Men

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Mass Start Up to 30 km all Ladies and Junior Men Up to 50 km Senior Men Individual Sprint 150 – 250 m all categories Individual Long Sprint (800-1500 m) all categories Pursuit 8-18 km all Ladies and Junior Men 12 - 30 km Senior Men Skiathlon 6-12 km + 6-12 km all Ladies and Junior Men Skiathlon 10-18 km + 10-18 km Senior Men Team Sprint Team Sprint (2 members per team) 2 x 2 km x 3 laps all Ladies and Junior Men 2 x 2 km x 5 laps Senior Men Race Format Competition Distance Course Length (km) (km) Interval start 2.5, 3.3, 3.75, 5, 7.5, 2.5, 3.3, 3.75, 5, 7.5, competition 10, 15, 30, 50 8.3, 10, 12.5, 15, 16.7 Mass Start competition 5, 10, 15, 30, 50 2.5, 3.3, 3.75, 5, 7.5, 8.3, 10, 12.5, 16.6 Popular competitions No limitations No limitations Skiathlon 5+5, 7.5+7.5, 10+10, 2.5, 3.3, 3.75, 5, 7.5, 15+15 10 Pursuit competition (2nd 5, 7.5, 10, 15 2.5, 3.3, 3.75, 5, 7.5, part) 10 Relay competition 2.5, 3,3, 5, 7.5, 10 2.5, 3.3, 3.75, 5 (teams with 3 or 4 competitors, can include mixed gender) Individual sprint 0.2 – 1.8 0.2 – 1.8 Team Sprint 2x(3-6) x 0.8 – 1.8 0.4 – 1.8

This table is valid for organising multi-lap races but when choosing a short course with many laps the overall distance, start format and course width must be considered. Mixed Team Sprint (2 members per team) 2 x 2 km x 3 laps Juniors (one man+one lady) 2 x 2 km x 5 laps Seniors (one man+one lady) Relay 3 x 4 km all Ladies and Junior Men 3 x 6 km Senior Men

Actual competition distances can vary by ±15%. Interval start, Mass start and Skiathlon competitions can be organised on undulating or uphill courses. Individual sprint up to 200m can be organised on flat or uphill course (with maximum allowed average inclination 10%).

396.8.1.2 At mass start competitions, no skating zone must be clearly marked is not permitted for the first 50-70 m after the start.

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396.6.2 Final entries should be received at least 14 days before the competition starts.

396.8.2.4 The Finish Zone (Roll Out Zone) which follows the finish line must be a minimum of 100 m for sprint competitions. For distance competitions the Jury will decide on this. Finish control line must be after roll out zone. Competitors are not allowed to take off their roller skis until they cross the control line.

396.8.2.5 The start area, the finish area and the exchange area must be secure and completely fenced off from spectators and unauthorised coaches and service personnel.

World Cup and World Championships Rules

1.1 The matters covered within these rules are intended to focus on the unique aspects of FIS Rollerski World Cup (hereinafter referred to as „ROL WC”). For other questions which are not covered in within these rules refer to the FIS ICR (especially chapter 396).

1.1.1 The ROL WC organiser must also follow the “FIS Rollerski World Cup Organisers Checklist”. 1.1.3 New FIS ROL WC organiser candidates must organise FIS Roller Skiing competition test event one season before to test competition courses and technical aspects of OC. 1.1.4. FIS ROL WSC candidates must organise FIS ROL WC at least one season before event.

1.2. Organisation, Number of Competitions, Awarding of Competitions 1.2.1 The FIS Rollerski World Cup consists of individual competitions on distances longer than 5 km and on Sprint competitionsshorter than 1km. Furthermore, a number of Relays and Team Sprints are organised which are included in the “Winner Nation” calculation. The minimum number of competitions for one ROL WC stage are two. Only one competition can be held in one day.

Calendar Frame; World Cup selection (4-7 3-6organisers stages) 1-2 3 competitions Interval start (on the undulating course) 1-2 competitions Pursuit 2-3 competitions Mass start (on the undulating course) 2-3 competitions Uphill (Interval or Mass start) 42-6 competitions Individual Sprint eventsCompetition 2-3 competitions Team Sprint (including Mixed Team Sprint) Total 128-14 competitions All distance competitions (Interval start, Mass start, Pursuit) can be organised on courses with undulating or uphill height profile.

1.2.4 The FIS Rollerski World Championships programme consists of the following competitions: - Interval start (on the undulating course) Men 10-15km C/F Ladies 5-10km C/F - Mass start or SkiathlonUphill (Mass start or Interval start)

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Men 10-30km C/F Ladies 10-20km C/F - Sprint (150-250m) - Team Relay or Team Sprint - Mixed Team Sprint At least one of the FIS Rollerski World Championship competitions must be held in classic style.

2. Distances and Techniques 2.1. In principle, the FIS Rollerski World Cup competitions will be carried out both in free technique, but at least 2 competitions from FIS Rollerski World Cup program must be carried out in and classical skiing technique. Race formats of each WC events should be confirmed by FIS Rollerski Sub-committee during the calendar planning. 3.1.2 Junior ladies and junior men must not be younger than 16 during the calendar year (01.01. – 31.12.). Minimum year of birth for juniors from 2013 on: in 2013, competitors born in 1997 in 2014, competitors born in 1998 in 2015, competitors born in 1999

3.2. Number of Participants Each National Ski Association may enter no more than 8 athletes per category per one WC disciplinecompetition day. See exceptions for additional quota. 3.2.1 Additional Quotas Men Nations with more than 6 members on the Mens’ World Cup Ranking list within Top 1020, have the right to have additional quota. Six members within top 1020 equals one additional participant in respective category, greater than seven members in the top 1020 equals maximum two additional participants in respective category. Ladies Nations with more than 4 members on the Ladies’ World Cup Ranking list within Top 6, have the right to have additional quota. Four members in the top 6 equals one additional participant in respective category, greater than five members in the top 6 equals maximum two additional participants in respective category. Junior Men Nations with more than 4 members on the Junior Mens’ World Cup Ranking list within Top 610, have the right to have additional quota. Four members within top 610 equals one additional participant in respective category, greater than five 5 members within top 610 equals maximum two additional participants in respective category. Junior Ladies Nations with more than 3 members on the Junior Ladies’ World Cup Ranking list within Top 5, have the right to have additional quota. Three members within top 5 equals one additional participant in respective category, greater than four members within the top 5 equals maximum two additional participants in respective category.

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3.2.4 In exceptional cases, with approval of the competition TD, a NSA can enter more athletes per competition day than it is specified in article 3.2.1. In this case the Team Captain must nominate those athletes who will be counted for WC ranking (within quota limit) before the TC meeting of each competition.

3.3.2 Starting Order individual Sprint Qualification For the individual Sprint qualification round the leader of the FIS Rollerski World Cup ranking list (for the ROL WSC last World Champion) is always assigned the last start position and the remaining competitors are assigned the following start positions in reverse order of their current FIS Rollerski World Cup standing. Following the FIS Rollerski World Cup ranked group all other competitors will be drawn.

For the individual Sprint qualification round the competitors starting positions will be assigned according to their position in current FIS WC Rollerski ranking list (for the ROL WSC according to last World Championship) orderedranked by points and lastly a group for those with no FIS WC Rollerski ranking points is drawn.

3.4 Sprint Final Heats Sprints Sprints final heats can be organised with 8 to 1630 athletes in the final with 2 or 4 – 6 athletes in the heat. See competition principles in FIS ICR 325.5.3.2325.5.2.5 and 325.5.3.35.

3.4.1 For Sprint finals with 2 athletes in the heat see table in Annex I Depending on formation of current WC season calendar there should be equal value proportion (50/50) from possible earned points from Sprint and Distance events. If there are more Sprint events than Distance events FIS Rollerski Sub-committee will decide about certain point value for all sprint events. Each nation can enter with two teams to the team events (Relay, Team Sprint and Mixed Team Sprint) but only one Men’s team per nation and one Ladies’ team per nation will count for each event. and this team must be named prior to the draw. 6.3.3. Each FIS World Cup Rollerski Organiser must organize top 1-3 winner picture and short interview right after the top 1-3 athletes of the respective race are in the finish area. Pictures and interview quotes must be sent within same competition day to the FIS Office as well as published in respective NSA or event website.

7.1 Prize-Money The prize money should be paid in Euros (EUR) at the Prize Giving Ceremony. … For Team Sprint or Mixed Team Sprint competitions, the prize money will be shared between the two athletes of the winning teams equally.

8.4 Transport 8.4.1 Transport Airport – Venue

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If the participant teams require the OC should organise airport transport service for Teams arriving or leaving by plane with reasonable price. If the organiser provides transport service free of charge, it is done under the following conditions: Only one transfer per team. The arrival and departure time have to be communicated to the organiser at least one week in advance. The airport has to be chosen in cooperation with the organising committee. Teams arriving or leaving by plane have to be transported to and from the venue free of charge under the following conditions: - Only one free of charge transfer per team from the official airport to the venue and one from the venue to the airport. - The arriving and departing times have to be communicated to the organiser latest 10 days before the first competition. - The official airport(s) has to be chosen in cooperation betweenwith the organising committee. The official airport has to offer sufficient flight possibilities for all the teams and has to be named early in advance in the official invitation.

8.4.2 Transport Hotel - Venue The organiser has to provide the local transportation from/to the team hotels to/from; the competition, the official training, opening/closing ceremonies and the prize giving ceremonies free of charge. The OC has to provide to the teams a free of charge shuttle service between the hotels and the stadium. A suitable transport schedule will be fixed in cooperation between the teams and the OC. Teams booking accommodation on their own are responsible to arrange their own transportation. The OC does not have to provide a shuttle service for these teams. 8.5 Accommodation 8.5.1 OC should provide offer to teams accommodations at least in 3 star (or equivalent) hotel.with reasonable prices which have to be announced in the invitation. 8.5.2 The prices for the accommodation may not be higher than the official local prices offered at the time of the World Cup event. Accommodation details have to be announced in the official competition invitation. 8.5.3 Lunch and dinner should be served in the hotel or next to the hotel in an adequate restaurant (up to 5 min walking distance). The restaurant or hotel must reserve a separate area for the teams to guarantee that the teams can eat when they arrive for lunch or dinner. The distance between the hotel and the competition site should not exceed 25km. Hotels have to be informed by the OC that flexibility is requested concerning the meal times. Food must be healthy, plentiful and correspond to the needs of highly competitive athletes.

Proposal for the reduction of FIS calendar fee for Rollerski World Championships

The Council agreed to submit the proposal of the Cross-Country Committee and Sub-Committee for Roller Skiing to reduce the FIS calendar fee for the Rollerski World Championships to the FIS Congress in 2016, which is the competent body for calendar fees, as follows:

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1.8 FIS Rollerski World Championships

Income from television transmissions and income from the sale of stationary and movable advertising sites within the competition area: 40% with minimum CHF 1’000

The Nordic Combined Committee

Continental Cup Rules 2014/2015

1.1.5 The official timing and data provider will present a flat rate for their services for all the NC-COC Organisers.

- USA / Russia / Oversea EUR 9’000 - Scandinavia EUR 8’000 - Middle Europe EUR 7’000

This flat rate price includes the following: - Basic equipment package from Ewoxx as in the last seasons - Travel expenses for the Ewoxx team - Overweight baggage cost for Ewoxx

All Nations participating in COC competitions without hosting any Nordic Combined World Cup or COC events will pay their contribution after the conclusion of the COC season.

The Alpine Committee

Executive Board

Starting Order World Cup Downhill and Super G The suggestion that all top 30 competitors should all be drawn (top 15 at World Championships and Olympic Winter Games) was given to the Alpine Executive Board to study. The proposal was not supported by the Alpine Executive Board, whereby possible solutions will be studied during the winter season and presented at the meeting in spring 2015.

World Cup Finals The World Cup Finals should, if possible and appropriate, serve as an important pre-World Championships competition to test operations, organisation and other facilities every second year.

World Cup Men Giant Slalom Val d´Isere (FRA) The course setters of the World Cup giant slalom for men in Val d´Isere have been given leave to set a course which has between 10% and 15% direction changes (instead of 11%).

World Cup Super G Kvitfjell (NOR) An exception to allow the Men´s World Cup super G in Kvitfjell (NOR) to be set with a 665 m vertical drop (maximum 650 m).

Sub-Committee for the Alpine World Cup

World Cup Rules

Short Summary FIS Council Meeting, Oberhofen (SUI), November 2014 - 62 -

3.2 Basic quota (Precision) Each Association affiliated with FIS….. ……. Alpine Combined For Alpine Combined with DH a maximum of 80 FIS points in DH is required. For Alpine Combined with SG a maximum of 80 FIS points in DH or SG is required. Exception for Super-G of the Alpine Combined: Athletes classified within the top 60 of the Combined WCSL and have less than 80 FIS points in SG

Nation Team Event (Precision)

5. Points Scoring - The winner of each individual leg scores 1 point for his/her nation - In case of a tie of an individual leg, both nations are awarded 1 point - If there is a tie at the end of the heat (example 2:2) the nation with the lowest combined time of the best individual lady and the best individual man (or second best combined time in case of a tie for the best time) will win the heat. - If the teams cannot be separated by combined times, the Team with the fastest single time is the winner. - If the teams cannot be separated by points and times, the nation with the better nation cup ranking will win the heat. - If both competitors fall in any leg, the first competitor to reach the finish successfully will be the winner. If both competitors fail to finish, the competitor who successfully skied the furthest distance will be the leg winner. - Reasons for disqualifications (immediate and without protest) - Changing from one course to another - Interfering with the opponent, voluntary or not - Not passing through a gate correctly (ICR art. 661.4.2)

Sub-Committee Classification of Alpine Competitors

9.1.6 Country Groups - For CAN-USA / DAN-FIN-ISL-NOR-SWE / FRA (Pyrenees)-SPA-AND / ARG-BOL-BRA-CHI / AUS-FIJ-NZL / CHN- JPN-KOR-MGL -IND-PAK / LIB-ROU-RSA-CYP-LUX-POR-AND-SRB-MON-RSM-IRE): maximum 30 (FRA (Pyrenees)-SPA-AND: 40) for each nation for races organised in a country of those country groups.

Sub-Committee for the Alpine Rules

International Competition Rules


611.2.1 Electric Timing For all international competitions, FIS World Cup, FIS Continental Cups and FIS competitions, two synchronised electronically isolated timing systems operating in time-of-day must be used. One system will be designated system A (main system), the other system B (back up system) prior to the beginning of the race.

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TheAll Time of day times must be immediately and automatically sequentially recorded on printed strips at the maximum precision of the timing device according to the requirements for at least the 1/1000th (0.001) precision. Both systems must allow for the calculation of net times by the mathematical comparison of each competitor´s start time to finish time. The final result is calculated by subtracting the start time from the finish time for each skier’s run and is then expressed to 1/100th (0.01) precision by truncating the calculated net time on course. All times used for the final result must be from system A. If there is a failure of system A, a calculated net time from system B must be used following the same procedure as set out in 611.3.2.1. It is not permitted to substitute time-of-day times from system B for use with system A for the purpose of net time calculations. For all events, system A must be connected to its respective start gate contact. System B must be separately connected to another electronically isolated start gate contact. Refer to the FIS Timing Booklet for more details regarding cabling and complete wiring descriptions, diagrams and start gate installations. All timing equipment and technical installation should be set up or protected in such a way that danger to the competitors is avoided where possible. Synchronisation of the timing systems must occur within 60 minutes of the start of each run. Synchronisation of all systems must be maintained throughout each run. Timers must not be re-synchronised during any run.

Homologation Certificate

650.4 Documents The request for the homologation of a course must be accompanied by the following fivesix documents:

650.4.1 A description ….. . 650.4.6 (new) A certification that all the development/improvement work on the ski slopes subject to approval or re-approval has been made in accordance with the existing national laws and with local and national regulations relating to the environment.

. A certification shall be provided only in case of: - a first homologation, except if it is an already existing track or on land that needs no modification. - a re-approval, only if additional, substantial work has been done.

Sub-Committee for Nor-Am Cup


Section B: NAC - Nor-Am Cup

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NAC.2.3 Higher Quotas Canada and USA may enter up to 650 competitors (650 men and 650 ladies) in each technical race organised in the other neighbouring nation. All competitors must have a valid FIS code.

NAC.2.3.1 Organising Nation The organising nation may enter a basic quota of 650 competitors: in addition they are entitled to any of the 650 places the other nation (Canada in USA or USA in Canada) does not fill. On prior agreement between the nations, this option may be extended to allow the other nation to use some of the organising nation’s 650 places. In any case the maximum quota of 1200 for USA and Canada, plus 1 for the winning nation from the previous season (COC 2.2) if the winner is from CAN or USA, may not be exceeded. All competitors must appear on the valid FIS List.

NAC. Extra quota for men’s downhill and Super-G with downhill NAC. For men’s downhill and Super-G with downhill, an additional quota of 20 places for the organising nation is authorised. NAC. All competitors must appear on the valid FIS List.

NAC. NAC Final quota Canada and USA may enter up to 560 competitors each for each race in the finals. Unused slots may be used by the other nation; the maximum will not exceed 1200 + 1 North American racers.

NAC. DH quotas for USA and CAN 20 Men and 20 Women will be invited from the visiting nations i.e. CAN and USA to attend the NC speed events that is being run in conjunction with the NAC speed series. These positions will be included within the North American approved quotas.USA or CAN is entitled to the normal NAC quota for either nation´s National Championships event when it is contested in conjunction with the NAC speed series.

Sub-Committee for Alpine Youth and Children’s Questions

Starting order for Alpine Combined at the World Junior Championships

3. Type of Event - The Alpine Combined is a compound race consisting of a Super-G and a single slalom run, held according to the technical regulations for Slalom and those for Super-G. - The Super-G run is the same event counting for the Super-G medal competition. - The Slalom run is a special event counting only for the Alpine Combined medals.

4. Starting order – Super-G - The first 15 ranked competitors, according to current Super-G FIS points List, may choose a start number between 1 and 30. The remaining start numbers between 1 and 30 will then be drawn amongst the competitors ranked 16 to 30 according to current FIS points. All other competitors start in the order of their Super-G FIS points.

5. Starting order – Slalom

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- For the Slalom run the first 15 ranked competitors according to current Alpine Combined FIS points List, will be divided into two groups (1 to 7 and 8 to 15). The start order will then be drawn within the groups by double draw. All other competitors start in the order of their Alpine Combined FIS points. - The competitors will keep the start numbers which were assigned by the Super-G draw.

6. Running the competition - The Super-G race will take place first, but if the Slalom is run before the Super-G, the original Slalom starting order will be respected. In this case all the competitors on the Super-G starting list are allowed to start.

- The final ranking of the Alpine Combined event is calculated from the sum of the times obtained in both runs, Super-G and Slalom run.

- For all the other matters the ICR specific event rules apply.

The Freestyle Skiing Committee

International Competition Rules

3058.2 …. In the Ski Cross qualification, if a competitor misses a gate (4501.2.5), he/she must no longer continue through further gates and must move off the course. In Ski Cross Final, if a competitor misses a gate, he/she must not enter or cross the track from below the gate missed.

The Snowboard Committee

International Competition Rules and Specifications for Competition Equipment and Commercial Markings (4)

Freestyle and Snowboard Coordination Group

The Council approved the working out of FIS Rules for Terrain Parks by the Freestyle and Snowboard Coordination Group and their respective Committees, together with the Legal Committee.

Crash Helmets 2010.6 The use of crash helmets is compulsory for all snowboard events. Helmets used in FIS Snowboard events shall be specifically designed and manufactured for the respective discipline and shall bear a CE mark and conform to recognized and appropriate standards such as CEE 1077 or US 2040, ASTM 2040. Helmets must be worn according to the manufacturers recommendations.

Telemark Committee

World Cup Rules

10.1.2. If there is a qualification race the points according to art. 10.1.1 are applied for the ranking of the parallel sprint for 32 competitors. Should

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the final be of 16 competitors then the competitors ranked 17 to 30 in the qualification race should receive the points according to art. 10.1, Telemark World Cup points table. If the final is of 8 competitors then the same principle applies starting from the 9th position points.

20.1 For the World Cup and the World Championships the homologated software should be used.

FIS Point Rules

5.5 Minimum Race Penalty For all races except the the FIS World Championships and the FIS World Cup, the minimum race penalty of applied is 0.005.00, all other FIS sanctioned events the minimum race penalty shall be applied is 5.00.

The Grass Skiing Committee

International Competition Rules 670.1 For each official competition there must be an official video control to observe the competitors’ passage through the course.

680.1.1 Rigid poles in U16 (children II) category competitions must have maximum 27mm diameter. The length refers to art. 680.1.

806.1.1.1 Sprint Slalom will be run and ranked: …. Ski change: It is not allowed to change the skis between the first and the second, and the third and fourth run. In-between the 1st and 2nd as well as 3rd and 4th run, the skis are allowed to be oiled. Repairing ski elements is only allowed under supervision of the jury.Neither is it allowed to oil or to wash the skis. The competitors have to go back to the start after the second run and deposit their skis at the start, until the third run starts. It is allowed to change the skis between the second and third run.

FIS Points Rules

2.1. Registration …… - Active (in the FIS points list). The status “active” remains also if athletes do not participate at a FIS event. Status changes from “active” to “inactive” can be done all year.from 1st January until 30th June. Injury status – Registration In case of injury the National Ski Association must apply to FIS as soon as possible or latest until 15th April for approval submitting the official form and a medical certificate to FIS. This official form and medical certificate are only valid for one season. Injury status – Conditions

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- At least 8 months must have been passed between the time of the injury and the competitors 1st start. - Competitors must remain registered as active with the FIS to maintain injury protection. If the status as injured is approved and a - A competitor has not started more than two (2) times in one discipline and/or six (6) times across all disciplines during the valid season 10% (#) will be added to the competitor’s BL if the current points are not better as the protected points.

The Council received the request from the Grass Ski Committee to assist its decision in the appointment of a race director to support the organisation of the World Cup competitions which is a voluntary role that is compensated at each competition in the same way as the Technical Delegate. In view of the Committee Member’s knowledge of the expertise of the candidates, the Council decided that this decision needs to be made by the Committee, respectively its’ Chairperson.

The Committee for Advertising Matters

The Council tabled the request to adapt ICR 206.7.3 in regard to advertising with betting until spring 2015 until the text can be considered by the Committee for Advertising Matters, but approved the following minor modifications to the wording of regulations:

Specification for Competition Equipment and Commercial Markings (2014/2015)

2.7 Accessories

2.7.1 Fanny packs / Waistbags The commercial markings belong to the NSA. The size of commercial markings is limited to a maximum of 50 cm2. The space can be used by the actual producer of the product or a commercial sponsor of the National Ski Association. Waist bags with commercial markings may not be worn in front of the leader board or on the podium during the winners’ presentation and/or the award ceremony.

2.7.2 Mobile phones with large neckband / use of drinking bottles To avoid obstructing the view of the bib sponsor during the winners’ presentation and/or award ceremony, large neckbands with mobile phones and drinking bottles are prohibited on the podium and in front of the leader board.

Advertising Rules Alpine Ski (2014/15)

3.1.3 Finishing posts, gates, course-markers

Gate Flags On the red and blue gate flags and course-markers, it shall be permitted to identify (name or logo) the locality and/or a sponsor. However, this identification must be printed on both sides. Based on the advice of the Race Director different colour gate flags can be used in Downhill/Super G to enhance visibility for the athletes at positions on the course with limited visibility. On these gate flags

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advertising is only allowed on the back side (from the racers perspective).

Committee for Competition Equipment

9. Back protectors

9.1 Definition The back protector is an additional item of equipment, which protects the athlete’s back against weather and external forces.

9.2 Specifications The back protector must adapt to the anatomical bend of the athlete’s spine and lie flat against the body. The top edge of the back protector must be situated in the area of the spinal column and may not go above the 7th cervical vertebrae (C7). The maximum thickness must be in the middle part and may not exceed 45 mm; the thickness reduces at the edges of the back protector. Designs with the view to improve aerodynamic properties are forbidden. The back protector must be worn underneath the competition suit.

The “Air Bag Systems, which conform with the above rules and specifications, may be used only in training runs of World Cup downhill events until 31.12.2014.

From after 01.01.2015 they are permitted for use in all FIS competitions.

Sub-Committee for Masters Racing

FIS Masters Rules Alpine

MA 28) FEES After being awarded a FIS MASTERS Race the Organisers are required to transmit without delay the prescribed FIS Calendar Fee through their National Ski Association.

After the race: the Organisers are requested to transfer without further notice to the “International MASTERS Fund” part of the Entry Fees taken in. It is determined by the number of Entry Fees collected from each competitor for each race entered. A detailed list of the Fees transferred is to be enclosed with the result lists mailed to the Chairman of the S/Committee MASTERS.

The following Fees are payable within, in Euros, two weeks from the last race to: “International MASTERS Fund“ Acct. Nr. 164-o53-450 HYPO TIROL BANK, BLZ. 57000 IBAN Code: AT 89 5700 0001 6405 3450 S.W.I.F.T. Code: HYPT AT 22

Beneficiary Client: FIS – International Ski Federation Beneficiary Bank: Credit Suisse AG Bank Address: Via Maistra 6 7500 St. Moritz Switzerland

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IBAN: CH13 0483 5040 6292 3201 4 BIC (SWIFT): CRESCHZZ75C

Fees: FIS MASTERS Cup: Euro 1,50 per competitor and race International Alpencup: Euro 0,75 per competitor and race All other FIS Races: Euro 0,50 per competitor and race

Bank Transfer to be arranged “without charges for the beneficiary”. An Organiser/organising Ski Resort may not be appointed to run another MASTERS race before they have paid their dues from the previous race. The International MASTERS Fund is controlled by the S/Committee MASTERS.

Account: payments may only be made to the benefit of International MASTERS Racing (Example: Trophies for the Overall MASTERS Cup Winners).

14. Nomination of FIS Committee Members

On proposal of the respective National Ski Associations, the Council appointed the following persons as Committee Members for the remaining period 2014 - 2016:

The Ski Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina

 Jelena Dojcinovic replacing Edin Terzic as member of the Sub-Committee for Alpine Rules

The Canadian Snowsports Association

 Nik Petrov replacing Ron Read as member of the Jumping Committee  Nik Petrov replacing Ron Read as member of the Sub-Committee for Calendar Planning  John Heilig replacing Ron Read as member of the Sub-Committee for Officials, Rules and control  Nik Petrov replacing Ron Read as member of the Sub-Committee for Equipment and Development  Sub-Committee for Alpine Technical Delegates replacing Ted Savage (CAN) - open

The Croatian Ski Association

 Vedran Pavlek replacing Ana Marija Komparic as member of the Committee for Advertising Matters

The Czech Ski Association

 Daniel Macat as member of the Grass Skiing Committee, replacing Jiri Russwurm  Petr Graclik as member of the Committee for Advertising Matters, replacing Jakub Cerovsky

The Finnish Ski Association

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 Arno Heikkala replacing Seppo Heikkala (deceased) in the FIS Sub-Committee for Classification of Alpine Competitors and the Sub-Committee for Alpine Courses

The German Ski Association

 Andreas Ertl replacing Martin Osswald as member of the Sub-Committee for Alpine Youth and Children’s Questions  Wolfang Maier replacing Walter Vogel as member of the Sub-Committee for European Cup

The Royal Spanish Winter Sports Federation

 Joan Viliella replacing Joan Erola Nadal as conference member of the Cross- Country Committee  Joan Viliella replacing Joan Erola Nadal as member of the Sub-Committee for World and Continental Cups (Cross-Country)  Luis Breitfuss replacing Evelio Gonzalez as conference member of the Alpine Committee  Enrique Diaz replacing Evelio Gonzalez as member of the Sub-Committee for Alpine Rules  Enrique Diaz replacing Evelio Gonzalez as member of the Sub-Committee for Alpine TD’s (for Southern Europe)  Juli Selma replacing Luis Breitfuss as member of the Sub-Committee for Alpine Citizen Racers  Jesus Culebras replacing Oscar Cruz as member of the Sub-Committee for Masters Racing  Pablo Gomez replacing Evelio Gonzalez as member of the Sub-Committee for University Racers  Luis Breitfuss replacing Evelio Gonzalez as member of the Telemark Committee  Olmo Hernan replacing Agustin Vila as member of the Sub-Committee for Alpine Youth and Children’s Questions  Olmo Hernan replacing Joan Erola Nadal as member of the Sub-Committee for Cross-Country Youth and Children’s Questions  Olmo Hernan replacing Eduardo Valenzuela as member of the Sub-Committee for Snowboard and Freestyle Youth and Children’s Questions  Jordi Carbonell as new inspector of the Sub-Committee for Alpine Courses*  Enrique Diaz Carretero as new inspector of the Sub-Committee for Alpine Courses*

*New inspectors will be required to undertake a candidacy by the Sub-Committee for Alpine Courses

The Turkish Ski Federation

 Bilal Albayrak as member of the Jumping Conference  Fatih Kiyici as member of the Alpine Committee Conference  Memet Guney as member of the Snowboard Committee Conference  Nur Erden as member of the Cross-Country Committee Conference  Nur Erden as member of the Committee for Public Relations and Mass Media  Ramazan Ariturk as member of the Legal and Safety Committee

In the case of proposals for new members from the Turkish Ski Federation, the Council decided to make these appointments as an exception, since the new leadership had requested to leave the positions open in Barcelona so they could study proposals for

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nominations until the autumn. The request for a member of the Committee for Competition Equipment was declined as the members are only the chairpersons of the Committees and FIS experts.

Representatives of Alpine World Cup Organisers

 Srecko Medven as observer in the Sub-Committee for the Alpine World Cup replacing Viktor Gertsch  Urs Näpflin as observer in the Sub-Committee for European Cup  Peter Fischer as observer in the Sub-Committee for Ladies’ Alpine Skiing  Peter Willen as observer in the Committee for Public Relations and Mass Media  Michael Huber as observer in the Committee for Advertising Matters

Committee for Recreational Skiing

The Council expressed its appreciation for the work of the Recreational Committee over the years, but did not support the re-introduction of a Committee in view of the evolving structure of the organisation.

Ethics Commission

National Ski Associations are requested to come up with suggestions for appropriate personalities who may be approached as a member following the retirement of Hans Blix.

Nordic Director

On proposal of the Chairman of the Nordic Coordination Group, the Council tabled the suggestion to appoint a professional Nordic Director above the three Race Directors for Cross-Country Skiing, Ski Jumping and Nordic Combined. It nevertheless supported strengthened cooperation between the three disciplines for the common benefit of Nordic sport as such.

15. Membership of FIS

The Council accepted the provisional membership application from the Kingdom of Tonga, that has submitted the necessary documentation, subject to the approval of the FIS Congress in 2016.

16. The International Ski Congress

16.1 Minutes of the 49th International Ski Congress 2014 in Barcelona (SPA)

The draft minutes of the 49th International Ski Congress in Barcelona (SPA) that took place on 6th June 2014 were distributed to the National Ski Associations, Committee Chairmen and the official certifiers Walter Trilling (FRA) and Oskar Fischer (GER) in July 2014. The certifiers have since provided some minor editorial corrections. No comments or remarks have been received by the National Ski Associations.

At its Meeting in Oberhofen, the Council approved the minutes for submission to the International Ski Congress in 2016 for final approval by the Members.

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16.2 The 50th Congress 2016 in Cancun (MEX)

Preparations for the 50th International Ski Congress in Cancun (MEX) that will take place from Sunday 5th to Saturday 11th June 2016 are progressing according to schedule.

The first official inspection of the facilities by FIS Travel Service and FIS with the President of the Mexican Ski Association took place in early September 2014. The hotel has very well appointed meeting rooms, including the one for the Congress General Assembly, as well as sufficient space for the exhibition.

The excursion on Thursday will comprise a beach barbeque on a nearby island with a short transfer of approximately 30 minutes. Participants will be free to come and go as they choose.

16.3 Applicants for the 51st International Ski Congress in 2016

All National Ski Associations were invited to submit their candidacies according to the criteria for hosting a FIS Congress by 15th September 2014.

The following National Ski Associations have submitted their candidacies to date:

- with Prague - Greece with Myconos Island - USA with Boston

An overview of candidacies based on the Questionnaire published on the FIS website was reviewed by the Council.

The Council decided to table the appointment of the host for the FIS Congress in 2018 until its next Meeting in spring 2015 and open the applications for new candidates in addition to the above ones. Furthermore it requested the Manager of FIS Travel Service to review the above proposals submitted to check on the facilities and terms, notably to reduce the costs for the use of meeting rooms.

18. Next Meetings

The Council decided that its Gathering would take place during the FIS Alpine World Ski Championships in Vail/Beaver Creek (USA) 2015 on Wednesday, 11th February 2015, subject to the competition programme.

Additionally the Council confirmed its earlier decision that its spring Council Meeting will take place in conjunction with the Calendar Conference in Varna (BUL) on Sunday, 7th June 2015. The Calendar Conference and Organiser Seminar will take place from rd th Wednesday 3 to Saturday 6 June.

The Council Meeting in autumn 2015 is scheduled for Saturday 7th November at the FIS Headquarters in Oberhofen (SUI).

* * *

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Proposals of National Ski Associations and Technical Committees, etc. for the spring meetings have to be sent to the FIS Secretary General before 1st May 2015.

If you should have any further questions in regard to the decisions of the FIS Council, please do not hesitate to contact the Secretary General.


Sarah Lewis Secretary General

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