Adhyathma Ramayanam An English Translation by P.R.Ramachander <
[email protected] > Vol 1 Bala Kandam & Ayodhya Kandam Edited by T.N.Sethumadhavan <
[email protected] > ADHYATMA RAMAYANAM Preface Adhyathma Ramayanam, the spiritual version of Ramayanam finds a place in Brahmanda Puranam and its author is considered to be Veda Vyasa. This is a much smaller work than Valmiki Ramayanam and contains 4000 verses. Valmiki Ramayanam depicts Lord Rama in a living form of a human being with all its noble strengths and common weaknesses rarely referring to his divinity as the real God Vishnu. But almost the entire Adhyatma Ramayanam portrays Rama as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu with many prayers and stotrams to Him and at the same time containing the essence of Brahma Vidya or the knowledge about Brahman through various dialogues without losing emphasis on Bhakti or devotion. Hence the greatness of Adhyatma Ramayanam lies in its fusion of Bhakti and Jnana into a single harmonious song providing melodious music to the ears and spiritually inspiring thoughts to the head and heart. I have translated this great work not from its Sanskrit original but from its popular and famous Malayalam translation by Sri Thunjathu Ezhuthachan. The Sanskrit text with its Hindi translation by Sri Muni Lal is available in Munilalsanskrit-hindi#page/n0/mode/2up The translation by Ezhthachan in Malayalam is available in A remarkable write up about what is Adhyathma Ramayana and how it is different from Valmiki Ramayana by a Scholar called Sri T.N.Sethumadhavan is added here with his permission as an Introduction to this translation.