Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

Preference for near -shore and estuarine habitats in anadromous Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) from the Canadian high Arctic (, NU) revealed by acoustic telemetry

Journal: Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

Manuscript ID cjfas-2015-0436.R2

Manuscript Type: Article

Date Submitted by the Author: 14-Jan-2016 Complete List of Authors: Moore, JeanDraft Sebastien; Université Laval, Institut de Biologie Intégrative et des Systèmes Harris, Les; Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Kessel, Steven; University of Windsor, Great Lakes Institue of Environmental Research Bernatchez, Louis; Universite Laval Tallman, Ross; Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Fisk, Aaron; University of Windsor, Great Lakes Institute for Environmental Research

BEHAVIOR < General, COMMERCIAL FISHERIES < General, MIGRATION < Keyword: General, STOCK DISCRIMINATION < General, ANADROMOUS SPECIES < Organisms Page 1 of 37 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

1 Preference for near-shore and estuarine habitats in anadromous Arctic char

2 (Salvelinus alpinus ) from the Canadian high Arctic (Victoria Island, NU) revealed

3 by acoustic telemetry


5 JeanSébastien Moore 1*, Les N. Harris 2, Steven T. Kessel 3, Louis Bernatchez 1, Ross F.

6 Tallman 2, Aaron T. Fisk 3


8 1 Institut de Biologie Intégrative et des Systèmes and Département de Biologie,

9 Université Laval, Québec, QC, Canada

10 2 Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Central and Arctic Region, Arctic Aquatic Research

11 Division, Winnipeg, MB, Canada Draft

12 3 Great Lakes Institute of Environmental Research, University of Windsor, Windsor, ON,

13 Canada


15 jean[email protected]


17 [email protected]

18 [email protected]


20 [email protected]

21 *Corresponding author

22 1030 Avenue de la Médecine, Québec, QC, Canada, G1V 0A6

23 Phone: 4186563402; Fax: 4186567176 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Page 2 of 37

24 Abstract (173 words – 175 max)

25 We used an array of fixed acoustic receivers (N = 42) to track the summer marine

26 movements of 121 anadromous Arctic char equipped with acoustic transmitters at three

27 locations in the region, where commercial and subsistence fisheries

28 target the species. The timing of transitions between salt and fresh water was influenced

29 by the putative river of origin of tagged individuals, but not by their size or sex. Females,

30 however, were more likely to remain proximate to rivers where they were tagged

31 throughout the summer. A majority of fish migrated west from their rivers of origin,

32 primarily moving between estuarine environments. Individuals occupied estuaries for

33 several days between bouts of marine movement, and these periods of residency

34 coincided with spring tides in someDraft estuaries. We also recorded increased numbers of

35 detections on receivers located less than 1.5 km from the coast, indicating a preference

36 for nearshore habitats. Finally, we report evidence of extensive stock mixing throughout

37 the summer, including at known fishing locations and periods, a finding with implications

38 for fisheries management.




42 Keywords: Arctic fisheries, habitat use, migration ecology, mixed stocks, salmonids,

43 tracking

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44 Introduction

45 Arctic fish species are facing multiple threats associated with climate change,

46 increased harvests, and growing pressures from nonrenewable resource

47 exploration/extraction and shipping industries (Reist et al. 2006; Arctic Council 2009;

48 Christiansen and Reist 2013). Managing these threats to ensure that conservation goals

49 are met and that subsistence and commercial fisheries remain sustainable will require the

50 identification of critical habitats, a key knowledge gap for many Arctic species

51 (Christiansen and Reist 2013). Indeed, the spatial ecology of many Arctic fishes remains

52 poorly understood, especially in Canadian waters, and characterizing habitat use in both

53 space and time during relevant lifestages is essential for effective management and

54 conservation (Rosenfeld and HatfieldDraft 2006; Costello et al. 2010; Walther et al. 2015).

55 Passive acoustic telemetry offers a powerful tool for the study of habitat use and for the

56 longterm monitoring of fish movement (Heupel and Webber 2012; Hussey et al. 2015).

57 Studies tracking the marine migrations of adult salmonids, however, remain rare (e.g.,

58 Drenner et al. 2012; Klimley et al. 2013), and this is particularly true in the Arctic.

59 The Arctic char ( Salvelinus alpinus (L.)) is a facultatively anadromous salmonid

60 with a circumpolar distribution (Johnson 1980; Nordeng 1983; Reist et al. 2013).

61 Migratory individuals leave the fresh water at icebreakup and spend the summer in the

62 marine environment where they feed until they migrate back to fresh water before rivers

63 freeze (Johnson 1980; Bégout Anras et al. 1999). While many other anadromous

64 salmonids return to freshwater only to spawn (Fleming 1998, Quinn 2005; but see

65 exceptions documented from Dolly Varden ( S. malma ; Armstrong 1974), brown trout

66 (Salmo trutta ; Jonsson 1985), and cutthroat trout ( Oncorhynchus clarkii clarkii ; Wenburg

3 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Page 4 of 37

67 and Bentzen 2001)), anadromous Arctic char must return to fresh water every winter even

68 as juveniles or nonspawning adults, presumably to avoid high salinity and subzero

69 water (Johnson 1980; Klementsen et al. 2003; but see Jensen and Rikardsen 2012). Arctic

70 char are iteroparous and repeat spawning is common with up to 50% of adults spawning

71 at least twice in some populations (Fleming 1998). Arctic char, however, do not usually

72 spawn in consecutive years because the short icefree period limits feeding opportunities

73 in the marine environment, thus delaying gonadal development (Dutil 1986). In some

74 populations, Arctic char forego marine migrations in the year before spawning

75 (Gyselman 1994). Arctic char generally home to their natal system to spawn, but straying

76 and stock mixing can be common (e.g., Dempson and Kristofferson 1987; Jensen et al.

77 2015), especially in years when individualsDraft do not spawn (Moore et al. 2013; Moore et al.

78 2014). In some systems, spawning and overwintering sites are located in different areas,

79 requiring a postspawning migration within freshwater (Johnson 1980; Beddow et al.

80 1998).

81 Relatively few studies have examined the spatial ecology of anadromous Arctic

82 char during the marine phase of its life cycle (Moore et al. 2014). Existing data suggest

83 that the migration from fresh water to the marine environment occurs after the river ice

84 breaks, but before the sea ice is entirely melted (Bégout Anras et al. 1999). A period of

85 estuarine residency follows marine entry, and can last several days, at least until the sea

86 ice is melted (Bégout Anras et al. 1999), and others have found that Arctic char may

87 reside close to estuaries for the entire duration of the summer marine phase (Spares et al.

88 2015). Catches of Arctic char in fisheries in nearshore habitats tend to exceed offshore

89 catches (Dempson and Kristofferson 1987; Finstad and Heggberget 1993), and some

4 Page 5 of 37 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

90 telemetry data also suggest a preference for nearshore habitats (Spares et al. 2012;

91 Jensen et al. 2014). Preference for warmer and less saline waters has also been suggested

92 (Bégout Anras et al. 1999; Spares et al. 2012). Markrecapture studies suggest that

93 distances travelled by Arctic char at sea are typically short, with the majority of

94 recaptures occurring less than 100 km from the tagging location (Dempson and

95 Kristofferson 1987; Berg and Jonsson 1989; Finstad and Heggberget 1993), although

96 some occasional longdistance migration events of more than 300 km have been

97 documented (Jensen and Berg 1977; Dempson and Kristofferson 1987).

98 We used acoustic telemetry to describe the marine migratory behaviour and

99 habitat use of anadromous Arctic char from the Cambridge Bay region of . To

100 address this overall objective, we examinedDraft three different spatiotemporal aspects of

101 anadromous Arctic char habitat preference. First, we examined the timing of fresh

102 /saltwater transitions in relation to different biological variables (mainly size and sex).

103 Second, we examined whether individuals from rivers distributed around

104 (Fig. 1) predominantly remained in or migrated out of Wellington Bay, and if they left,

105 the timing of their departure and the direction they take once leaving the area. Third, we

106 tested the hypothesis that tagged Arctic char preferred nearshore and estuarine habitats

107 as opposed to offshore habitats, as suggested by previous studies (Dempson and

108 Kristofferson 1987; Spares et al. 2012; Spares et al. 2015; Jensen et al. 2014).

109 Furthermore, the largest commercial fishery for wild anadromous Arctic char in Canada

110 operates in this region and targets several different stocks defined on a riverbyriver

111 basis (the word ‘stock’ is used throughout to refer to the management units that receive

112 distinct quotas in the region and we note that their biological validity remains to be

5 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Page 6 of 37

113 tested). This fishery has been operating since 1960 with average landings of 41,290 kg

114 per year (Day and Harris 2013). Our last objective was therefore to test the hypothesis

115 that currently recognized stocks mix at sea, with a particular emphasis on whether they

116 mixed at the main fishing sites during the fishing periods.


118 Materials and methods

119 Area of study

120 The study centered on Dease Strait and Wellington Bay on the south shore of Victoria

121 Island, Nunavut, Canada, close to the hamlet of Cambridge Bay (69 °07’N, 105 °03’W)

122 (Fig. 1). Arctic char are found in six watersheds in the focal region (from west to east):

123 the Lauchlan River watershed (approx.Draft 7,935 km 2 area), the Halokvik River watershed

124 (2,450 km 2), the Surrey River watershed (14,913 km 2), the Ekalluk River watershed

125 (5,835 km 2), the Kitiga River watershed (445 km 2) and the Freshwater Creek watershed

126 (1,532 km 2) (Kristofferson 2002; Fig. 1). Dease Strait and Wellington Bay (max. depth of

127 approx. 130m and 50m, respectively) have relatively low salinity (~18 ppt above and ~27

128 ppt below the halocline, measured shortly after ice breakup; J.S. Moore unpublished)

129 and are covered by seasonal sea ice from approximately October 22 to July 16 (1981

130 2010 averages from ; accessed 19 May 2015). Note that in

131 2014, the sea ice did not melt until the first week of August, which is unusual for the

132 region. Tides in the region have a maximum tidal range of less than 1 m

133 ( ).



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136 Sampling and surgeries

137 All Arctic char for tagging were captured between July 2013 and August 2014 with

138 continuously monitored 139 mm mesh gill nets or at an enumeration weir erected at the

139 Halokvik River. Captured fish were left to recover in a net pen for >2 h before the

140 surgeries. Only individuals larger than 400mm were selected and were anaesthetized with

141 tricaine methane sulfonate (MS222; 75 ppm solution). Individuals were photographed,

142 weighed (round weight; g), measured (fork length; mm), and a ~1 cm 2 piece of pelvic fin

143 tissue was preserved in 95% ethanol for genetic analysis. The transmitters (Vemco®

144 V164L [2013] and V164H [2014]; length: 54 mm; weight in air: 19g) were inserted

145 through a ~3 cm incision on the ventral side of the fish off the midline by ~1 cm. The

146 incision was closed by 35 simple interruptedDraft stitches (20 curved needle, undyed

147 braided). The total amount of time for surgery was less than 5 minutes and gills were

148 continuously bathed with a solution of 45 ppm MS222. All instruments were sterilized in

149 a 10% betadine solution between surgeries, and blades, needles and surgical gloves were

150 replaced. Nominal transmission delays were the same in both tagging years: 15 to 45

151 seconds from June to October and 600 seconds from November to May. Estimated

152 nominal battery life, however, differed: 1275 for tags used in 2013 and 1825 days for tags

153 used in 2014. After the surgery, fish were placed in a fresh water tub and observed (<15

154 min), and then transferred in a net pen for an additional 618 h before being released in

155 the wild. All fish not behaving normally after the recovery period were sacrificed (4/126

156 tagged fish) and all others were released and swam off vigorously. All procedures have

157 been approved by the Fisheries and Oceans Canada Animal Care Committee and conform

158 to all animal care laws in Canada (Permit # FWIACC2013006). Over the course of the

7 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Page 8 of 37

159 study, 121 Arctic char were tagged (mean fork length 695 mm (st. dev. 73 mm); mean

160 weigth 3748 g (st. dev. = 1194 g); Table 1). The smallest fish tagged was 482 mm in

161 length and 1150 g in weight (tag to body weight ratio = 1.7%). Finally, we inferred the

162 sex of tagged individuals using the geneticsex determination protocol of Yano et al.

163 (2012). In brief, DNA was extracted from the fin tissue, and the PCR assay described in

164 Table 2 in Yano et al. 2012 was used to infer the genetic sex (Table 1). Six individuals of

165 known sex (three males and three females) were used as controls.


167 Acoustic array

168 Between July 13 and September 8, 2013, Vemco VR2W acoustic receivers were

169 deployed at 42 stations in the WellingtonDraft Bay region, including in eight freshwater

170 locations (Table S1; Fig. 1). At 40 of the stations, acoustic receivers were attached to

171 acoustic releases (PORTMFE, ORE Offshore, West Wareham, MA, USA) so that

172 equipment could be retrieved the following year without the necessity of a surface buoy

173 to avoid disturbance of our moorings by ice formation and breakup. The other two

174 stations (CB1303 and CB1310 in Halokvik and Ekalluk rivers, respectively) were set in

175 rivers only for the summer to ensure that no equipment was lost to ice scouring during the

176 spring melt.

177 The acoustic array was designed to match the study objectives while accounting

178 for limitations of the environment and based on limited a priori knowledge of Arctic char

179 migratory behaviour (Heupel et al. 2006). First, we placed one receiver at each of the six

180 Arctic charbearing rivers in the focal region to detect movements in and out of fresh

181 water and to infer patterns of homing. Second, a curtain of 17 receivers was deployed

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182 across Wellington Bay at an average distance of 1170 m between each receiver (distance

183 to coast: 640m on the west and 770m on the east). While the distance between each

184 receiver does not ensure maximal detection probability of fish passing through the curtain

185 given our range (see range testing sections), the equal distance between receivers allows a

186 test of the hypothesis that char preferentially travel close to shore. Third, a series of six

187 gates comprising pairs of receivers set roughly perpendicular to the coast were deployed.

188 One such gate was deployed between each pair of charbearing rivers in the study area,

189 and a sixth gate was deployed at the area locally known as Gravel Pit following

190 interviews with elders indicating the potential importance of this area for local char.

191 These gates were deployed based on previous evidence that most movement is coastal

192 and the paired design allows furtherDraft testing of this hypothesis. Finally, receivers were set

193 in the estuaries of the rivers where fish were tagged in 2013 to ensure that downstream

194 migrants would be detected in 2014 even in the absence of river receivers to examine

195 timing of marine migrations. The range of the equipment was tested extensively using

196 several boatbased range testing and with fixed sentinel tags to account for temporal

197 changes in detection probability (Kessel et al. 2014). Details of the range testing can be

198 found in the online supplementary materials.


200 Data analysis

201 For the purpose of data analysis, all receivers in the curtain and in the gates are defined as

202 ‘marine’ receivers, the five receivers in the Halokvik and Ekalluk estuaries and the one in

203 the Lauchlan River and defined as ‘estuarine’ receivers, and receivers at the Halokvik,

204 Surrey and Ekalluk Rivers, and in Ferguson and Kitiga Lakes are defined as ‘freshwater’

9 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Page 10 of 37

205 receivers. We examined the timing of fresh/salt water transitions, and tested whether

206 individual traits explained variation in migration timing. For fish tagged in 2013 that

207 returned to the marine environment in 2014, we recorded the date of first detection on a

208 marine or estuarine receiver. The date of fresh water entry (i.e., when char return back to

209 fresh water after having spent some time in the marine or estuarine environment) in 2014

210 was recorded for fish from all tagging locations, using the first freshwater detection

211 subsequent to the last marine detection. If these detections were recorded on freshwater

212 receivers that corresponded to the tagging location, individuals were considered to have

213 ‘homed’. Finally, for fish tagged in 2013 and detected both at the marine and fresh water

214 entry, we calculated the total duration of the marine phase of the migration as the number

215 of days between first marine detectionDraft and fresh water entry. We tested whether there was

216 a relationship between the timing of these transitions and individual biological traits

217 using linear mixed effects models (LMM). We included genetic sex, fork length (mm),

218 total weight (g) and Fulton condition factor ( K=100( W/L3), where K is the condition

219 factor, W is the weight, and L is the fork length) as fixed effects and tagging location as a

220 random effect factor. Because length and weight were highly correlated (r = 0.93), we

221 only used length in these models to avoid problems with multicollinearity (no other

222 continuous variables were correlated). Continuous variables were scaled (mean = 0; st.

223 dev = 1) prior to analysis. The LMMs were fit using the function lmer in package lme4

224 (Bates et al. 2015) , ranked based on AICc values calculated using the package

225 AICmodavg (Mazerolle 2015), and the marginal and conditional R2 were calculated for

226 each model to estimate the amount of variance explained by the fixed effect only

227 (marginal) and the fixed and random effect variables together (conditional) using the

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228 function r.squaredGLMM in package MuMIn (Bartoń 2016), all in R (R Development

229 Core Team 2006). For the tagging locations inside Wellington Bay (i.e., Ekalluk and

230 Surrey rivers), we also examined whether tagged individuals left Wellington Bay, and if

231 so, when this event occurred. For this analysis, individuals that were only detected at

232 receivers inside Wellington Bay or the curtain we defined as residents, whereas

233 individuals that were detected at any receivers outside further east or west of the curtain

234 we defined as nonresidents of Wellington Bay. Note that individuals detected on the

235 curtain but nowhere else outside of Wellington Bay may have left without being detected

236 on our array. We tested whether Wellington Bay residents and nonresidents differed in

237 length, weight, condition factor or genetic sex with ttests and chisquare tests. For non

238 residents, we recorded the last detectionDraft on the curtain before the first detection outside of

239 Wellington Bay as the time of departure, and the first detection on the curtain before the

240 first redetection inside the bay as the time of reentry. Because of the timing of

241 deployment and retrieval of the array, which both occurred midsummer, we only

242 included the 2013 data for reentry and the 2014 data for departure. Fish that were not

243 detected on the curtain at departure or reentry were not included here even if they were

244 detected outside the curtain to avoid biasing timing estimates because of variable distance

245 of receivers. We also excluded fish that were not detected in fresh water at the end of the

246 summer to avoid biasing estimates if mortality was associated with any of the

247 aforementioned traits. For fish that left Wellington Bay, we recorded the maximum

248 distance travelled to gain insight into general patterns of movement outside Wellington

249 Bay. To test the hypothesis that Arctic char preferred nearshore environments, we

250 compared the total number of detections recorded on different receiving stations along

11 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Page 12 of 37

251 the curtain deployed across Wellington Bay and at each of the six gates for summer 2013

252 and 2014 separately (Jul 24 to September 5 for 2013 and July 4 to August 8 for 2014).

253 For detections recorded at the gates, the hypothesis that increased number of detections

254 were recorded on the receiver nearest to shore was tested using onetailed Wilcoxon

255 signed rank tests.


257 Results

258 Between July 2013 and September 2014, the array recorded a total of 376,236 acoustic

259 detections (after quality filtering; see Fig. S3 and online supplementary materials for

260 details). Details of the range tests results can be found in the online supplementary

261 materials. In brief, detection probabilityDraft was generally above 50% within 500m of the

262 receivers (Fig. S1). Depth had a strong influence on detection probability, with lower

263 detection at shallower depths (Fig. S1). Close proximity detection interference (Kessel et

264 al. 2015) was not a major issue at most receivers except the one in the mouth of

265 Freshwater Creek (CB1312; Fig S1).


267 Timing of salt/fresh water transitions

268 The median date of fresh water entry for Ekalluk River fish in 2013 was September 10

269 (range: July 24 – October 11). In 2013, all fish unambiguously detected at freshwater

270 entry homed, except for two fish tagged at the Halokvik River that were later detected

271 ascending the Ekalluk River. The median date of first marine detection in 2014 for

272 individuals tagged in 2013 was July 7 (range: June 6 August 3). These first marine

273 detections were all recorded at the location of the individual’s inferred freshwater entry in

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274 2013. The median date of fresh water entry in 2014 was August 25 (range: July 26 –

275 September 5). Of the 62 unambiguous fresh water entries considered, five were recorded

276 at the Halokvik River receiver, 47 at the Ekalluk River receiver and 10 at the Ferguson

277 Lake receiver (meaning they passed the Ekalluk receiver without being detected). Of

278 those 62 fish, 35 were tagged in the Ekalluk River and all homed to the Ekalluk River, 17

279 were tagged at the Surrey River and all ascended the Ekalluk River, and nine were tagged

280 at the Halokvik River and either homed (five) or ascended the Ekalluk River (four). The

281 median marine duration in 2014 was 43 days (range: 761 days). Results of the GLMM

282 suggested that the biological traits measured did not predict marine entry date, freshwater

283 entry date, or marine duration (Table 3). Indeed, even if the full model had the lowest

284 AICc value in all three cases, many Draftmodels also had small AICc values (indicating

285 similar levels of support; Burnham and Anderson 2002), and the amount of variance

286 explained was often less than 10% (Table 3 and Fig. S4 in online sup. mat.). The only

287 exception was for marine duration, where the model including only the Fulton condition

288 factor explained 21.6% of the variance (lower condition factor was associated with longer

289 marine duration). In addition, tagging location also explained over 20% of the variance in

290 freshwater entry date and marine duration (Table 3), with fish tagged in Surrey and

291 Halokvik River returning earlier to freshwater and having a shorter marine duration (see

292 also Fig. S4 in online sup. mat.). Model averaged parameter estimates for each model can

293 be found in Table S2 (online sup. mat.).




13 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Page 14 of 37

297 Wellington Bay residency

298 A majority of tagged fish from the Surrey and Ekalluk rivers tagging locations left

299 Wellington Bay in 2014 (44 of 69 individuals detected on marine and estuarine receivers

300 outside of Wellington Bay; Fig. 2). Of the fish that remained in Wellington Bay, 15 were

301 detected at least once on the curtain, suggesting that departure from the array is possible.

302 Also note that six of the Surrey fish and one of the Ekalluk fish that stayed in Wellington

303 Bay were captured a few days after being tagged in the commercial fishery operating at

304 the Surrey River between 11 and 16 July and may have thus left the area if not captured.

305 There were no differences in fork length, total weight or condition factor between the fish

306 that stayed and the fish that left Wellington Bay (Table 2), but there was a statistically

307 significant increased frequency of femalesDraft among the fish that remained residents of the

308 bay ( χ2 = 4.39; p = 0.036). The median date of curtain crossing for fish leaving the bay

309 was July 23 (range: July 4 – August 6). The median date of reentry into the bay in 2013

310 was August 26 (range: July 28 – September 5). Second, most of the fish that left

311 Wellington Bay ventured west (39 of 44) and many (28) travelled as far as the Lauchlan

312 River (Fig. 2). Third, few of the fish that left Wellington Bay went eastward (total five)

313 and all of them were tagged at the Ekalluk River. Of those five fish, four travelled as far

314 as Gravel Pit, an important subsistence harvest site for residents of Cambridge Bay. A

315 local subsistence fisher also returned a tag from a fish captured east of Cambridge Bay

316 more than 100 km (coastal distance) from the tagging location at Ekalluk River. Fourth, a

317 number of fish either stayed in fresh water the entire summer, or went directly back to

318 fresh water after being tagged (total 11).


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320 Preference for near-shore habitats

321 The patterns of detection on the curtain receivers and the gates suggested a preference for

322 nearshore habitats. First, in both 2013 and 2014, the nearshore receivers along the

323 curtain always recorded the greatest number of detections (Fig. 3a). Higher numbers of

324 detections were also associated with higher numbers of individuals detected at those

325 receivers, suggesting that the pattern was not the result of a few individuals residing near

326 the shoreward receivers (Fig. 3a). Note, however, that the easternmost receiver

327 consistently recorded most detections even if it detected a similar (in 2013) or lower

328 (2014) number of unique IDs compared to the westernmost receiver. Detections at paired

329 receivers on each of the six gates were also always higher on the nearshore receiver: in

330 2013, the number of detections on theDraft receiver closest to shore was higher for five of the

331 six gates and in 2014 for all gates (Fig. 3b). In both years, the number of detections on the

332 shoreward receiver significantly exceeded that on the receiver away from shore (2013: p

333 = 0.031; 2014: p = 0.016; onetailed Wilcoxon signed rank tests; df = 5).


335 Stock mixing, and freshwater and estuarine residency

336 The numbers of detections at estuaries and freshwater receivers were much greater than

337 the number of marine detections during both years (Fig 4; Supp Mat. Table S1 and Fig.

338 S3). The Halokvik River estuary and at the Lauchlan River receivers recorded more

339 detections and individual tag IDs than other estuarine or marine receivers (Fig. 4). Fish

340 from all tagging locations were detected simultaneously at these two receivers, indicating

341 extensive stock mixing at these sites. In both estuaries, there was also evidence of

342 increased residency during spring tides (although this pattern was less strong in the

15 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Page 16 of 37

343 Halokvik river estuary for number of unique IDs; Fig. 4). This pattern was unlikely to be

344 the result of increased detection probability during spring tides since detection probability

345 of the sentinel tag in the Halokvik River estuary did not change substantially during this

346 period (Fig. S2 in Supp. Mat.). There was no evidence of increased estuarine or

347 freshwater residency during spring tides at any other location on the array (Fig. 4). The

348 Surrey River receiver also recorded several detections, but only a few days after fish were

349 tagged at that location, suggesting that tagged fish left the area shortly after recovering.

350 No other detections were recorded at that receiver for the remainder of the summer.


352 Discussion

353 In this study, we tracked 121 acousticallyDraft tagged anadromous Arctic char with a fixed

354 array of 42 moored acoustic receiver deployed throughout the Wellington Bay and Dease

355 Strait area, Nunavut, over an entire year. The marine phase of the migration typically

356 lasted from early July to late August, but interindividual variation in the timing of

357 salt/fresh water transitions was important. We found weak associations between

358 biological characteristics (size and sex) and the timing of these transitions. We also

359 showed that a majority of tagged individuals left Wellington Bay, and that they utilized

360 estuarine habitats throughout the summer. When travelling outside of estuaries, we found

361 evidence of a preference for nearshore habitats, with most detections occurring < 1.5 km

362 from shore. Finally, our study demonstrated stock mixing in the marine environment

363 throughout the summer, including at known commercial fishing locations, which has

364 potential implications for fisheries management in the region.


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366 Timing of salt/fresh water transitions and Wellington Bay residency

367 Arctic char migrate to marine environments to exploit their increased productivity

368 (Gross et al. 1988) and generally attain faster growth than nonmigratory individuals

369 (Rikardsen et al. 2000). In fact, summer feeding is crucial for Arctic char to build the

370 energy reserves required for the winter months, where much energy is expanded for

371 spawning and survival with little opportunity for replenishment until the next summer

372 (Dutil 1986). At such northern latitudes, however, productive marine waters are only

373 accessible during the very short icefree period. Given this constraint, the dates of

374 salt/fresh water transitions and extent of marine durations reported here are similar with

375 other estimates from the region (BégoutAnras et al. 1999; McGowan 1990) or other

376 comparable populations (Berg and BergDraft 1993; Klemetsen et al. 2003). A striking result

377 was that interindividual differences in run timing were important, with extreme values

378 often differing by more than two weeks from the median. This represents a large

379 proportion of the observed median marine duration of 43 days. Understanding why some

380 individuals do not use the entire icefree period to maximize summer marine feeding will

381 be important to predict growth pattern in these stocks, especially in the face of climate

382 change. Tagging location seemed to be the strongest predictor of both freshwater entry

383 date and marine duration, with fish tagged at the Surrey River and Halokvik River

384 returning earlier. The earlier return of these fish might be linked to the much longer

385 migrations needed to reach the headwater lakes in these systems (see Fig. 1). Note,

386 however, that all but five of these fish returned to the Ekalluk River in 2014, suggesting

387 that timing of return might be genetically determined, and not linked to the specific river

388 where the upstream migration occurs in that year. Interindividual differences in size or

17 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Page 18 of 37

389 sex, however, did not strongly predict timing of fresh/salt water transitions in this system.

390 The only exception was the observation that the negative relationship between condition

391 factor and marine duration explained 21.6% of the variation in marine duration. This

392 could be explained by the earlier return of the Halokvik fish, which were tagged in the

393 fall after the marine feeding period and therefore had higher condition factor than Ekalluk

394 River fish, which were tagged in the spring as they entered the saltwater after

395 overwintering in freshwater. Data on condition factor at the time of upstream migration

396 would therefore be needed to validate this finding.

397 In other anadromous salmonids, older and larger individuals tend to migrate up

398 river before younger and smaller ones (Atlantic salmon Salmo salar : Shearer 1990;

399 Klemetsen et al. 2003; Pacific salmonDraft Oncorhynchus spp.: Quinn 2005). Previous studies

400 have also indicated that older and larger Arctic char tend to enter saltwater earlier in the

401 spring (Dempson and Kristofferson 1987; Berg and Berg 1989; Berg and Jonsson 1989).

402 We did not observe either of these patterns in the present study. One likely explanation

403 for the absence of run structuring is that we selected large individuals to minimize

404 potential negative impacts of tagging. For instance, Berg and Jonsson (1989) found that

405 veteran migrants returned earlier than firsttime migrants, but all tagged fish in the

406 present study were probably veteran migrants. Previous studies also suggested that

407 female Arctic char returned to freshwater before males (Moore 1975; Berg and Berg

408 1993), but this pattern was not observed either in the present study. Females preceding

409 males during the upstream migration is not necessarily a widespread phenomenon in

410 other salmonids. For example, there is no difference between sexes in run timing in

411 Atlantic Salmon (Fleming 1996; but see Jonsson et al. 1990) and males tend to return

18 Page 19 of 37 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

412 before females in Alaskan Chum Salmon ( Oncorhynchus keta ; Molyneaux and Dubois

413 1998).

414 Unlike Atlantic and Pacific salmon, who migrate over hundreds of kilometers

415 offshore (Hansen and Quinn 1998; Quinn 2005), anadromous salmonids of the genus

416 Salvelinus tend to remain closer to their natal stream during marine migrations (e.g.

417 Spares et al. 2015; Curry et al. 2006). Our results showed not only that a substantial

418 proportion of tagged fish left Wellington Bay, but also suggested that the predominant

419 pattern of migration was towards the west. These results further our understanding of

420 critical marine habitats for the species in the region, and suggest that feeding

421 opportunities are increased in these areas. Such information will be useful to frame

422 questions in future studies of relativeDraft productivity and prey abundance in the region. We

423 also documented that there were three times more females than males among the tagged

424 fish that were never detected outside of Wellington Bay (i.e., that were presumed to have

425 resided in Wellington Bay the entire summer). Dempson and Kristofferson (1987) also

426 observed a greater proportion of females than male in the inshore areas off the coast of

427 Labrador. These observations suggest that the costs and benefits of long migrations might

428 differ between sexes in anadromous Arctic char, but more data would be required to

429 ensure this pattern is repeatable.


431 Coastal movement and preference for estuarine and freshwater habitats

432 Documenting habitat use provides crucial information for mitigating impacts of

433 human activities and environmental change, and is the first step in identifying what

434 factors make these habitats favorable. The present study reinforced previous findings that

19 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Page 20 of 37

435 nearshore and estuarine habitats are preferred by Arctic char during their marine

436 migrations (e.g., Dempson and Kristofferson 1987; Spares et al. 2015). Indeed, we

437 observed that Arctic char rarely ventured more than 1.5 km from shore and that they

438 spent a large proportion of the marine phase of their migration in or close to estuarine and

439 freshwater habitats. Previous studies have also provided evidence that Arctic char at sea

440 tend to remain close to shore (Johnson 1980; Dempson and Kristofferson 1987;

441 Klemetsen et al. 2003; Jensen et al. 2014; Spares et al. 2015) although movement further

442 offshore is also possible (Gyselman 1984; Rikardsen and Amundsen 2005). In the present

443 study, both the curtain and the gates showed clear evidence that Arctic char preferred the

444 very nearshore habitats. Given the disposition of the receivers and the detection range of

445 our equipment, it can be deducted thatDraft most detections were from fish swimming less

446 than ~1.5 km from shore. Range tests conducted on the two easternmost receivers of the

447 curtain indicated that detection probabilities were similar (Fig. S2 in online supp. mat.),

448 suggesting that these patterns do not result from lower detection probability on receivers

449 located further away from shore. Fish detected at the curtain and gates were typically

450 only detected for a few minutes before leaving the area. In contrast, continuous detection

451 of individuals for hours to days was typical at estuarine and freshwater receivers. From

452 these observations we hypothesize that fish detected at the curtain and the gates were in

453 transit, and that potential increased feeding opportunities close to shore are an unlikely

454 explanation. Nonetheless, opportunistic feeding while in transit might be important, and

455 studies of relative prey abundance in inshore vs. offshore waters would seem valuable.

456 Shallower waters might provide a refuge from predation, but the importance of predation

457 by seal, the only potential predator in the area, is unknown (we rarely observe scar marks

20 Page 21 of 37 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

458 from seals and no systematic assessment of predation exist from the region). Because fish

459 seemed to be in transit, following the shore might make navigation easier. Indeed,

460 following the shore provides the shortest route between most estuaries in the area, and

461 increased detections near shore might simply reflect geography as opposed to an active

462 preference for nearshore habitats. Preference for near shore habitats seems widespread in

463 Arctic char and other anadromous salmonid species (Curry et al. 2006; Quinn and Myers

464 2004), and the present system would appear well suited to investigate possible

465 explanations for this behaviour.

466 The much larger number of detections recorded at estuarine and freshwater

467 receivers compared to marine receivers throughout the summer also suggested an active

468 preference for these habitats. Recently,Draft Spares et al. (2015) observed that acoustically

469 tagged Arctic char resided in estuaries a third of the time during their marine phase and

470 returned to estuaries on average every nine days. Harwood and Babaluk (2014) also

471 inferred a preference for estuarine habitats from tag return data in Arctic

472 char. The closely related brook char ( S. fontinalis ) also displays a preference for estuarine

473 habitats (Curry et al. 2006). In both these studies, however, tagged individuals preferred

474 their natal estuaries, and Curry et al. (2006) suggested this may be explained by the

475 physiological barrier posed by the cold, saline waters of the open ocean. Previous studies

476 have also shown that, when in estuaries, individuals tended to move closer to the river

477 during ebb and flood tides, but moved further at low tide (Spares et al. 2015; Curry et al.

478 2006). The design of our array did not allow observation of such finescale movements

479 within estuaries, but we did observe a potential influence of the lunar tidal cycle on

480 migrations, with greater numbers of detections in the Lauchlan and Halokvik estuaries at

21 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Page 22 of 37

481 spring tides. Currents out of fresh water should be lower and salinity higher during spring

482 tides, and the increased flooding of tidal areas may increase terrestrial nutrient inputs to

483 the littoral zone, but it is not known whether any of these factors could explain increased

484 estuarine residency during spring tides, especially since tides are small in the region (tidal

485 range < 1 m).

486 Three hypotheses have been proposed to explain why estuarine habitats might

487 provide advantages to anadromous salmonids: productive foraging, refuge from

488 predators, and intermediate salinities to facilitate transitions between salt and freshwater

489 physiological control systems (Thorpe 1994). As indicated before, we have no evidence

490 of important predation targeting adult Arctic char besides humans. Given the importance

491 of summer feeding for the overall energyDraft budget of Arctic char (Dutil 1986), increased

492 feeding opportunities in estuaries should be seriously considered. Little is known,

493 however, on Arctic char diet from the Cambridge Bay region, in part because they

494 usually have empty stomachs prior to the upstream migration when sampling is usually

495 conducted (Day and Harris 2013). Nonetheless, future studies could use stable isotopes

496 and fatty acids to infer diet composition. Small fish, and to a lesser extent zooplankton,

497 predominate in the diet of anadromous Arctic char in other regions (Dempson et al. 2002;

498 Rikardsen et al. 2007; Harwood and Babaluk 2014). Future studies documenting the diet

499 of Arctic char in the region, as well as relative abundance of prey items in estuaries vs.

500 other areas would be necessary to understand the factors determining preference for

501 estuarine environments. Estuaries could also have great importance for osmoregulation in

502 Arctic char. While anadromous Arctic char would no longer be transitioning between

503 fresh and saltwater physiological states midsummer (Bystriansky et al. 2007), there may

22 Page 23 of 37 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

504 still be growth benefits to residing in brackish water. Indeed, salinity in estuaries might

505 be closer to blood osmolarity, leading to lower energy expenditures to maintain ion

506 homeostasis, and thus higher growth (Wootton 2011; Gunnarsson et al. 2014). In short,

507 estuaries seem to provide critical habitats for Arctic char during their summer migrations,

508 and future studies should focus on the factors that make these environments favorable.


510 Stock mixing: implications for fishery management

511 We observed substantial mixing of stocks at several locations, including

512 commercial fishing areas, and throughout the entire summer. Stock mixing and/or

513 straying has been documented extensively in Arctic char (e.g., Moore et al. 2013; Moore

514 et al. 2014; Jensen et al. 2015), includingDraft in the Cambridge Bay region (Dempson and

515 Kristofferson 1987). The telemetry approach used in the present study, however, showed

516 with a greater level of detail that stock mixing is extensive and occurs throughout the

517 summer. Indeed, the simultaneous detection of fish from all tagging locations at the

518 receivers at the Lauchlan and Halokvik estuary, and in the Ekalluk River/Ferguson Lake

519 receivers (Fig. 4) suggested that all fish from the Wellington Bay stock complex travel

520 synchronously to, and reside together in, estuarine habitats. Furthermore, fish did not all

521 return to the same river at which they were tagged to spawn/overwinter at the end of the

522 summer, as documented by Dempson and Kristofferson (1987) and Kristofferson (2002).

523 An important result for fishery management is the observation that all individuals

524 tagged at the Surrey River migrated upstream into the Ekalluk River/Ferguson Lake

525 system at the end of the summer. Because tagging occurred simultaneously with

526 commercial fishing at the same area (the Surrey River is the only stock in the region

23 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Page 24 of 37

527 where fishing occurs in July shortly after the riverice breaks), we are confident that our

528 sampling targeted the same fish as the commercial fishery. This observation is also

529 consistent with genetic evidence showing a lack of genetic differentiation between

530 individuals caught in the Surrey and Ekalluk River fishery (Harris et al. in review). There

531 is currently a distinct quota of 9,100 kg assigned to the Surrey River stock and harvests

532 between 1999 and 2009 averaged 7,441 kg (Day and Harris 2013). Our results suggest

533 that this stock does not represent a demographically independent unit, and should be

534 considered part of the Ekalluk River stock. Sport fishers regularly capture spawning

535 individuals in the Surrey River system, suggesting that it does harbor a distinct stock. The

536 current fishing practice of fishing at the Surrey River in the spring have remained

537 unchanged over the past several decadesDraft with no apparent negative effects on the Ekalluk

538 River stock (see Table 2 in Day and Harris 2013). Management should nonetheless

539 recognize that both the Surrey and Ekalluk River fisheries target fish from the same

540 stock.


542 Anadromy is an important trait in many salmonid species, but it is expressed at

543 different levels, with species varying in the amount of time spent at sea or in the spatial

544 extent of their marine habitat use (Quinn and Myers 2004). Because of the extreme

545 environments it inhabits, documenting patterns of migration at sea of anadromous Arctic

546 char can provide insights into our understanding of marine migrations of other species

547 displaying low levels of anadromy such as cutthroat trout ( Oncorhynchus clarkii ), brown

548 trout, brook char, or Dolly Varden (Quinn and Myers 2004). A key finding was that

549 estuaries were used by Arctic char throughout the summer. Interestingly, however, Arctic

24 Page 25 of 37 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

550 char did not remain in their natal estuaries for the entire summer as documented in other

551 Arctic char and brook char populations (e.g., Curry et al. 2006, Spares et al. 2015) but

552 rather moved synchronously from estuaries to estuaries. Understanding why char did not

553 spend the entire summer in a single estuary could help better understand the importance

554 of estuaries for salmonids in general (Thorpe 1994). Furthermore, the continued operation

555 of the acoustic array described in the present study will also document interannual

556 variation in migratory behaviour, thus helping to identify the environmental determinants

557 of the patterns and timing of migrations. Such data would provide important insight

558 regarding the impacts of a rapidly warming Arctic on the migrations of Arctic char and

559 other northern species of anadromous salmonids.

560 Draft

561 Acknowledgements

562 We would like to thank the Ekaluktutiak Hunters and Trappers Organization and the

563 residents of Cambridge Bay for making this study possible with their help, support, and

564 input regarding study design. Help in the field was provided by R., J. and M. Ekpakohak,

565 J. and R. Haniliak, J. Omilgoetuk, D. Kanayok, B. Malley, C. McDermid, and R. and B.

566 Klengenberg. Logistical support was provided by D. and C. Lebleau and S. Lacasse of

567 Kitikmeot Foods Ltd. Ship time was kindly provided by the Arctic Research Foundation,

568 and we thank A. Schimnowski and the crew of the R/V Martin Bergmann for their help.

569 G. Coté ran the genetic sex determination assays. We thank N. Hussey, D. Yurkowski, A.

570 Dazliel, R. Ekpakohak, and G. Angohiatuk, for discussions that improved the study

571 design and for help with analyses and data interpretation. This research was supported by

572 the Ocean Tracking Network (OTN) through a network project grant (NETGP #375118

25 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Page 26 of 37

573 08) from the Canadian Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

574 (NSERC) with additional support from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation (CFI,

575 Project #13011). J.S.M. was supported by a Bourse de Recherche Postdoctorale from the

576 Fond Québécois sur la Nature et les Technologies and a W. Garfield Weston Postdoctoral

577 Fellowship.


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793 R development core team. 2006. R: A language and environment for statistical computing. 794 R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. 795 796 Reist, J.D., Wrona, F.J., Prowse, T.D., Dempson, J.B., Power, M., Köck, G., Carmichael, 797 T.J., Sawatzky, C.D., Lehtonen, H., and Tallman, R.F. 2006. Effects of climate 798 change and UV radiation on fisheries for arctic freshwater and anadromous 799 species. AMBIO 35 (7): 402–410. 800 801 Reist, J.D., Power, M., and Dempson, J.B. 2013. Arctic charr ( Salvelinus alpinus ): a case 802 study of the importance of understanding biodiversity and taxonomic issues in 803 northern fishes. Biodiversity 14 (1): 45–56. doi: 10.1080/14888386.2012.725338. 804 805 Rikardsen, A.H., and Amundsen, P.A. 2005. Pelagic marine feeding of Arctic charr and 806 sea trout. J. Fish Biol. 66 : 11631166. 807 808 Rikardsen, A.H., Amundsen, P.A., Bjørn, P.A., and Johansen, M. 2000. Comparison of 809 growth, diet and food consumption of searun and lakedwelling Arctic charr. J. 810 Fish Biol. 57 : 1172–1188. 811 812 Rikardsen, A.H., Dempson, J.B., Amundsen, P.A., Bjørn, P.A., Finstad, B., and Jensen, 813 A.J. 2007. Temporal variabilityDraft in marine feeding of sympatric Arctic charr and 814 sea trout. J. Fish Biol. 70 (3): 837–852. 815 816 Rosenfeld, J.S., and Hatfield, T. 2006. Information needs for assessing critical habitat of 817 freshwater fish. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 63 : 683–698. 818 819 Shearer, W.M. 1990. The Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar L.) of the North Esk with 820 particular reference to the relationship between both river and sea age and time of 821 return to home waters. Fish. Res. 10 : 93–123. 822 823 Spares, A.D., Stokesbury, M.J.W., O’Dor, R.K., and Dick, T.A. 2012. Temperature, 824 salinity and prey availability shape the marine migration of Arctic char, Salvelinus 825 alpinus , in a macrotidal estuary. Mar. Biol. 159 (8): 1633–1646. doi: 826 10.1007/s002270121949y. 827 828 Spares, A.D., Stokesbury, M., Dadswell, M.J., O'Dor, R.K., and Dick, T.A. 2015. 829 Residency and movement patterns of Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus relative to 830 major estuaries. J. Fish Biol. 86 : 1754–1780. 831 832 Thorpe, J.E. 1994. Salmonid fishes and the estuarine environment. Estuaries and Coasts 833 17 (1a): 76–93. 834 835 Walther, B.D., Munguia, P., and Fuiman, L.A. 2015. Frontiers in marine movement 836 ecology: mechanisms and consequences of migration and dispersal in marine 837 habitats. Biol. Lett. 11 (5): 20150146–20150146. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2015.0146. 838

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852 Figure captions:

853 Figure 1. Map of the study area on southern Victoria Island near Cambridge Bay

854 showing the location of the acoustic array used in the study. The locations of individual

855 moored acoustic receivers are shownDraft with grey circles for receivers that remained moored

856 throughout the study period and with grey diamonds for receivers that were only in place

857 during summer in both 2013 and 2014. The tagging locations are shown with stars (filled

858 black for 2013 tagging locations and hollow for 2014 tagging locations). Details of the

859 deployment and recovery dates for each receiver can be found in the online

860 supplementary materials. The location of a receiver array operated by Oceans Network

861 Canada is shown with a grey triangle near Cambridge Bay. The major features of the

862 array design are highlighted: a receiver is placed at the mouth of each river (names

863 identified) with known Arctic char runs in the Wellington Bay area; a curtain of 17

864 receivers was deployed across Wellington Bay; and 6 gates (i.e., pairs of receivers

865 deployed perpendicular to the coast) were deployed along the coast. Three and two

866 receivers were deployed in the Halokvik and Ekalluk River estuaries, respectively, to

867 increase likelihood of detection during salt freshwater transitions.

32 Page 33 of 37 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences


869 Figure 2. General patterns of movements of 93 tagged Arctic char tagged at three tagging

870 locations in 2013 and 2014 and detected in summer 2014. Black arrows indicate

871 movement from tagging location for fish tagged in 2014 or from fresh water for returning

872 migrants tagged in 2013. The thickness of the arrows is proportional to the number of

873 individuals observed performing a specific movement pattern (also indicated by the

874 numbers). Note that these movements are not necessarily simultaneous, and represent a

875 synthesis for the entire summer largely based on detections at maximum distance from

876 tagging locations. The arrows pointing in Wellington Bay represent fish that were not

877 observed outside of the bay, either because they did not leave the Bay or because they

878 were not detected elsewhere on the Draftarray. Arrows pointing back to fresh water represent

879 individuals that either never left, or went directly back to fresh water after tagging. The

880 grey arrow in the Halokvik 2013 panel represents individuals that migrated to the

881 Lauchlan River and subsequently were detected on receivers inside Wellington Bay. Of

882 those six, four migrated up the Ekalluk River in August 2014 and two returned to the

883 Halokvik River.


885 Figure 3. Evidence of preference for nearshore habitats in Cambridge Bay area Arctic

886 char. (a) Area plots showing the total number of detections recorded in summer 2013

887 (top) and 2014 (bottom) on each of the 17 acoustic receiving stations deployed across

888 Wellington Bay (i.e., the curtain identified in Figure 1; where ‘1’ is the westernmost

889 station and ’17’ the easternmost). The colour code identifies the tagging location of

890 recorded individuals: EK13 for Ekalluk River 2013, EK14 for Ekalluk River 2014, HA13

33 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Page 34 of 37

891 for Halokvik River 2013 and SU14 for Surrey River 2014. The numbers on the graph

892 show the number of unique tag IDs (i.e., individual Arctic char) recorded at each

893 receiving station. The receivers were deployed on July 25, 2013 and were recovered on

894 August 8, 2014. The last detection recorded on the curtain in 2013 was on September 5

895 and the first detection in 2014 was on July 4. (b) Strip charts showing the total number of

896 detections in summer 2013 (top) and summer 2014 (bottom) for each pairs of receivers in

897 the six gates deployed along the shore of the study area (the gates were all deployed and

898 retrieved at different times, but each pair of receiver in a gate were deployed and

899 retrieved simultaneously). Lines connect the number of detections at the receiver closest

900 to shore (“shore”) to that of the receiver in the same gate but deployed away from the

901 shore (“away”). The thick black linesDraft show the median number of detections for each

902 class of receivers, and the pvalues are for onetailed Wilcoxon signed rank tests. The

903 gate number (see Fig. 1) is provided for each pair of receivers.


905 Figure 4. Total number of detections (a) and number of unique tags IDs (i.e. individual

906 char) (b) of tagged Arctic char recorded daily during summer 2014 at six receiving

907 stations located in estuarine or freshwater environments in the Cambridge Bay region.

908 For both estuaries, only one receiver is shown to avoid simultaneous detections of single

909 transmissions on multiple receivers (other receivers showed comparable number of

910 detections). The total number of daily detections on all 17 receivers on the curtain

911 (summed; not corrected for multiple detections) is also shown for comparison in the

912 bottom panel. The colour identifies the tagging location of recorded individuals: EK13

913 for Ekalluk River 2013, EK14 for Ekalluk River 2014, HA13 for Halokvik River 2013

34 Page 35 of 37 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences

914 and SU14 for Surrey River 2014. The vertical lines indicate phases of the lunar cycle

915 associated with spring tides (full lines for full moon and dashed lines for new moon).

916 Shaded areas indicate periods during which individual receivers were not recording data.


35 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Page 36 of 37

Table 1. Summary of tagging locations and biological characteristics of Arctic char tagged in 20132014, where N is the number of individuals tagged at each location, and M and F represent the number of genetic males and females, respectively (note that the sum may no equal the total sample size because the genetic sex of some individuals could not be determined unambiguously). Tagging location Lat. Lon. Tagging dates Capture N Fork length (mm) Round weight (g) method Mean (st. dev.) Mean (st. dev.) (M-F) (min-max) (min-max) Ekalluk River 69°24’ 106°19’ 1012 Jul. 2013 Gill net 30 719 (57.0) 4052 (1065.8) (2013) (1316) (635850) (22507100) Halokvik River 69°10’ 107°06’ 1521 Aug. 2013 Weir 31 706 (75.9) 4257 (1284.4) (2013) (1216) (520869) (16007100) Ekalluk River 69°24’ 106°19’ 1113 Jul. 2014 Gill net 30 667 (84.8) 3157 (1183.0) (2014) (1317) (482843) (11505950) Surrey River 69°26’ 106°40’ 1416 Jul. 2014Draft Gill net 30 691 (73.2) 3548 (1066.1) (2014) (1515) (569833) (18505600)

Table 2. Biological differences between tagged Arctic char that left Wellington Bay (nonresidents) and those that resided (residents) in the bay for the entire duration of their marine phase in 2014. Nonresidents were individuals that were detected at least once outside of Wellington Bay (boundaries defined by the ‘curtain’), and were subsequently detected entering freshwater (to avoid traitrelated mortality to bias estimates). Sex Fork length (mm) Weight (g) Fulton condition factor

Female Male χχχ2 p Mean (st. dev.) t p Mean (st. dev.) t p Mean (st. dev.) t p

Residents 14 5 4.39 0.036 705 (63.2) 1.589 0.118 3608 (869.6) 0.759 0.451 1.02 (0.14) 0.900 0.377

Nonresidents 13 20 672 (86.3) 3368 (1390.9) 1.06 (0.08)

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Table 3 Ranking of the linear mixed models (including the null model with only the random effect variable ‘Source’ representing the tagging location) based on AICc values for the effects of biological traits (length, sex, Fulton condition index) on three timing of migration dependent variables: marine entry, freshwater entry and marine duration (N being the number of individuals included in the analyses). The marginal (m R2) and conditional (c R2) R2 giving the proportion of variation explained by the fixed effects only, and the fixed and random effects together, respectively, are also given for each models.

AICc AICc AICc Wt mR2 cR2 Marine entry (N=31) ~Length+Fulton+Sex+(1|Source) 219.23 0 0.5 0.063 0.063 ~Length+Sex+(1|Source) 220.25 1.02 0.3 0.030 0.030 ~Sex+(1|Source) 221.35 2.12 0.17 1.23x10 5 1.23x10 5 ~Length+Fulton+(1|Source) 227.31 8.08 0.01 0.053 0.053 ~Fulton+(1|Source) 227.95 8.72 0.01 Draft 0.037 0.037 ~Length+(1|Source) 228.22 8.99 0.01 0.029 0.029 ~(1|Source) 229.36 10.13 0 NA 0 Freshwater entry (N=62) ~Length+Fulton+Sex+(1|Source) 449.51 0 0.23 0.016 0.317 ~Length+Sex+(1|Source) 450.1 0.59 0.17 0.007 0.327 ~Sex+(1|Source) 450.32 0.82 0.16 0.002 0.314 ~Length+Fulton+(1|Source) 450.63 1.12 0.13 0.015 0.322 ~Fulton+(1|Source) 450.71 1.2 0.13 0.014 0.312 ~Length+(1|Source) 451.27 1.76 0.1 0.006 0.332 ~(1|Source) 451.63 2.12 0.08 NA 0.317 Marine duration (N=25) ~Length+Fulton+Sex+(1|Source) 194.03 0 0.57 0.258 0.258 ~Length+Fulton+(1|Source) 195.93 1.9 0.22 0.253 0.261 ~Fulton+(1|Source) 197.83 3.8 0.09 0.216 0.227 ~Length+Sex+(1|Source) 198.2 4.17 0.07 0.058 0.252 ~Length+(1|Source) 200.34 6.31 0.02 0.060 0.263 ~Sex+(1|Source) 200.64 6.61 0.02 0.007 0.233 ~(1|Source) 203.15 9.12 0.01 NA 0.239


(a) 250 9 (b) Summer 2013 Gate 4 Summer 2013 200 24-Jul to 05-Sep 600 Gate 1 p = 0.031 EK13 150 3 Gate 6 9 EK14

400 _ 3 100 3 HA13 Gate 3 2 2 3 SU14 5 3 4

Total Total detections 3 3 50 200 Gate 5 1 2 of detections Number Gate 2 _ 0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

detections 2000 Station 13 Shore Away Summer 2014 2000 Gate 4 Summer 2014 04-Jul to 08-Aug Gate 3 1500 p = 0.016

EK13 1500

Numberof EK14 1000 Gate 1 HA13 1000 28 _ SU14 500 Total Total detections 500 Gate 2 2 4 of detections Number _ 4 4 5 5 1 4 4 4 6 Gate 3 3 2 1 2 Gate 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Station Shore Away

Figure 3 (a) (b) 01-Lauchlan River 01-Lauchlan River 5000 20 4000 15 3000 no data no data 2000 10 1000 5 0 0 04-Halokvik Estuary 04-Halokvik Estuary 5000 20 4000 15 3000 no data no data 2000 10 1000 5 0 0 06-Surrey River 06-Surrey River 5000 20 4000 15 3000 no data no data 2000 10 1000 5 0 0 07-Ekalluk Estuary 07-Ekalluk Estuary 5000 20EK13 EK13 4000 15EK14 EK14 3000 no data no data 2000 10 1000 5HA13 HA13 0 0SU14 SU14 10-Ekalluk River 10-Ekalluk River 5000 20 4000 15 Number of daily detections of daily Number 3000 no data no data 2000 10 1000 5 0 daily IDs detected of unique Number 0 43-Ferguson Lake outlet 43-Ferguson Lake outlet 5000 20 4000 3000 15 2000 10 1000 5 0 0 curtain curtain 5000 20 4000 15 3000 no data no data 2000 10 1000 5 0 0 Figure 4 Jul 01 Jul 15 Aug 01 Aug 15 Sep 01 Jul 01 Jul 15 Aug 01 Aug 15 Sep 01 Date Date