BALANCE SHEET of the GERMAN REICHSBANK AS of DECEMBER 30, 1939R and DECEMBER 31, 1938 [ID Thousands of Reichsmarks]
September 1940 Foreign Banking Laws and Reports Decree for the amendment of that law dated Simplification of procedure.—In view of September 15, 1939 (Reichsgesetzblatt I, p. the necessity of bringing the Central Bank to 1953), with the stipulation that its functions the high standard of efficiency demanded by be transferred to the Reich Minister of Eco- modern management concepts, attention was nomics. The Reichsbank continues as before directed during the report year to the sim- to cooperate in the supervision of credit. plification of Reichsbank procedure. BALANCE SHEET OF THE GERMAN REICHSBANK AS OF DECEMBER 30, 1939r AND DECEMBER 31, 1938 [ID thousands of Reichsmarks] Assets 1939 1938 Liabilities 1939 1938 Gold, not under lien (gold bars, domestic and Total bank note issue 23,868,820 18, 716, 777 foreign coins) : Credit balances of giro accounts 2,018,189 1,527,469 In the vaults of the bank (0 60,201 Non-interest-bearing deposits 27 27 With foreign banks of issue (0 10,572 Original capital 150,000 150,000 Legal reserve fund (including transfers from 70,773 70,773 net profits of the year).- 99,054 87,353 Reserve for pension and unemployment fund.. 100,000 100,000 Cash: Reserve for contingent liabilities 320,000 274,962 Reichsbank notes 12,069, 527 10,492,892 Subsidiary coin 349, 652 116,453 Reserves for: Rentenbank notes 115,401 16, 778 Printing of new notes 31,000 21,250 New buildings 55,000 58,260 12, 534, 580 10, 626,123 86,000 79, 510 Credit balances in foreign currencies 35, 211 i 29, 544 Foreign notes 2,728 2,336 Reserve for future payments of dividends 40,307 40,307 Foreign bills and checks 186, 610 165, 544 Silver..
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