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LEAFLETS of WESTERN BOTANY MT^ LEAFLETS of WESTERN BOTANY INDEX Volumes I to X 1932 TO 1966 LEAFLETS OF WESTERN BOTANY INDEX Volumes I to X 1932 TO 1966 Compiled by JOHN THOMAS HOWELL and ANITA M. NOLDEKE SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 1968 Published by John Thomas Howell Printed by Gillick Printing, Inc. Berkeley, California FOREWORD This cumulative index to Leaflets of Western Botany is based almost entirely on the published indexes of each of the ten volumes, those of volumes 1 to 7 having been compiled by me, and of volumes 8 to 10 by Anita Noldeke. Unfortunately, in the interest of economy, the earliest indexes are not as com- plete as I might wish, although such deficiencies as have been noted have been made up in the present work. Also included here are all plant names in various lists that were not indexed originally, such as those in Alice Eastwood's catalogue of plants on the Channel Islands (vol. 3, pages 55 to 76) and Jean M. Lindsdale's list of plants on the Hastings Reservation (vol. 7, pages 201 to 218). Besides the correction of certain errors in the volume indexes, we have made further corrections of original text spellings in this cumulative index, corrections that would have appeared in volume errata had they been detected in time. Such corrections in the present index are usually followed by the original misspelling in quotation marks. All names, whether accepted or synonymous, are given in regular (Roman) type, except for new names which are given in heavy (bold face) type. Of these new names, there are more than 1000 in this index. The index to plant names and the index to authors and titles are separated into two sections in this present work, and the material in each is given much as it was in the indexes to volumes. The third section given here, the "Index to subjects and biographic notices," is mostly new. Although it is more sketchy and less analytical than it was originally conceived, it is hoped it will be helpful in directing the search of students for topical material. The "biographic notices" do not include many of the people mentioned in the issue commemorating the cen- tennial of the California Academy of Sciences, volume 7, num- ber 3. The names of those are listed on pages 103 and 104 of that issue. Following the index proper, two appendixes are included. The first of these consists of notes and corrections that have been collected through the years but which have not heretofore been published as errata or elsewhere. The second lists all in- stitutions and persons who have complete sets of this journal. In all the world there are only about 100 complete sets of Leaflets of Western Botany. Acknowledgements. Only with the encouragement and help of many friends through many years has Leaflets of Western Botany been published. Now, without this continuing help, this cumulative index could not have been prepared. To Anita Noldeke go our thanks and appreciation for the long and ardu- ous task of assembling and integrating the indexes of the ten volumes. Without this preliminary work there would have been no cumulative index. For further help in assembling as well as in proof-reading I am grateful to the devoted help of friends and co-workers: Blanche Clear, Helen LaPlant, Virginia Moore, and Sallie Nor- wall. For his generous cooperation and expert advice in matters of print and style, we thank our friend Mark Robertson of Gil- lick Printing, Inc. And finally with deep gratitude we are happy to acknowledge generous financial help from the following toward the publication of this index. California Academy of Sciences California Botanical Club Hester E. Cobb Clare B. Hardham Edgar M. Kahn Lilly E. Kruse Elizabeth McClintock Anita M. Noldeke Lewis S. Rose Gordon H. True, Jr. Ernest C. Twisselmann J. T. Howell California Academy of Sciences April 1968 11 Index to Scientific Names Abelmoschus, 7:274; 8:161 Abutilon abutiloides, 7:249; 8:209, 211 cryptocarpus, 7:282 affine, 8:209 tulipaeflorus, 7:283 albidum, 7:251 Abies alba, 6:183, 184 americanum, 7:253 amabilis, 8:173 amoenum, 8:204, 205 americana, 6: 184 amplexifolium, 7:247 concolor, 8:67; 9:183; 10:290 Anderssonianum, 8:212, 215 Douglasii, 6:188, 190, 196 Andrieuxii, 7:247 mexicana, 6:186, 188 anodoides, 8:216 var. macrocarpa, 6:189 appendiculatum, 8:203 var. taxifolia, 6:186, 195 arboreum, 8:214 glauca, 6:195 arequipense, 8:209, 210 glaucescens, 6:195, 196 aristulosum, 8:211 grandis, 6:58 Arnottianum, 8:212 hirtella, 6:195 asiaticum, 8:214 lasiocarpa, 8:173 attenuatum, 7:251 Lindleyana, 6:186, 188, 196 aurantiacum, 7:253; 8:214 macrocarpa, 6:189, 190 auritum, 7:247;8:211 magnifica, 8:173; 9:175; 10:290 Avicennae, 7:252 Menziesii, 6:182-184 Bakeri, 8:205 mucronata, 6:186 Bakerianum, 7:245 var. palustris, 6:186 Balansae, 8:211 nobilis, 8:173 bastardioides, 7:243 pectinata, 6:184 Bedfordianum, 8:202, 206, 214 procera, 8:173 ssp. discolor var. hirsutum, 8:214 religiosa, 6:197 var. discolor, 8:206, 214 var. glaucescens, 6: 195, 198 benedictum, 8:212 var. Lindleyana, 6:196, 198 benense, 8:211,215 taxifolia, 6:182-184 Berlandieri, 7:253 tlapalcatuda, 6:195 bicolor, 5:190 venusta, 2:96 blandum, 7:251 Abronia alba, 3:60 Brenesii, 7:246 var. platyphylla, 3:60 Bridgesii, 8:215 alpina, 4:102:9:182 Briquetii, 8:214 arenaria, 2:118 Buchii, 7:246 fragrans, 8:74 Calderoni, 7:247 insularis, 3:60 californicum, 7:248, 249 latifolia. 2:118; 3:60; 4:20; 10:263 calycinum, 8:214 maritima, 3:60 carneum, 8:208, 214 mellifera, 2:118 Carterae, 7:248 minor, 3:60 ceratocarpum, 5:189, 190 neurophylla, 3:60 Chittendenii, 7:245 pogonantha, 9:227 cinereum, 8:216 pumila, 5:150 circinnatum, 8:212 umbellata, 2:118; 3:60; 10:263 coahuilae, 7:243 Abutilinae, 5:189 commutatum, 7:252 Abutilon, 5:189; 7:241 confertiflorum, 7:252 sect. Corynabutilon, 5:189; 8:214 cordatum, 8:215 LEAFLETS OF WESTERN BOTANY Abutilon, continued indicum, 7:249; 8:208 cornutum, 8:216 var. hirtum, 8:214 crassifolium, 7:253 inflatum, 8:201 crispum, 6:81; 7:120,251 insigne, 8:202-204 Croizadanum, 7:253 integerrimum, 8:205 cuspidatum, 8:209 itatiaiae, 8:210 cyclonervosum, 8:205 Jacquini, 7:253 cymosum, 8:215 jaliscanum, 7:246 Darwinii, 8:202, 207 Johnsonii, 8:215 densiflorum, 8:212 jujuiense, 8:206 dentatum, 7:253 lanatum, 8:214 dianthum, 8:214 lateritium, 8:203 divaricatum, 8:210, 211, 215, 216 laxum, 8:213 domingense, 7:253 leiospermum, 7:249 Dugesii, 7:248 Lemmoni, 7:252 durangense, 7:253 Leonardi, 7:246 elatum, 7:252 leucophaeum, 7:252 elegans, 8:204, 205, 214 lignosum, 7:253 ellipticum, 7:243 Lilloi, 8:214 erosum, 7:251 lineatum, 8:212 esculentum, 8:208, 214 longifolium, 8:204 eximium, 8:212 longipes, 8:206 falcatum, 8:213 lucianum, 7:251 floribundum, 7:251 Macdougalii, 7:253 Flueckigerianum, 8:214 macranthum, 7:251; 8:205 fluviatile, 8:202 macrocarpum, 8:213 fragile, 7:253 macrophyllum, 8:213 fusicalyx, 8:207 malachroides, 8:207 Gaumeri, 7:249 malacum, 7:244 geminiflorum, 8:203, 206, 214 Malmeanum, 8:206 giganteum, 7:247; 8:209, 210, 215 Marshii, 7:242 glabriflorum, 7:250 megapotamicum, 8:201, 212, 213 Glaziovii, 8:203 melanocarpum, 8:215 globiflorum, 8:212 var. parvifolium, 8:215 Goudotianum, 8:204 membranaceum, 7:243 grandifolium, 8:215 mendocinum, 8:216 Grevilleanum, 8:216 Mexiae, 8:208 Haenkeanum, 7:252 mexicanum, 7:252 haitense, 7:246 minarum, 8:208 Hassleranum, 8:209. 215 mochisense, 7:251 Hemsleyanum, 7:248 molle, 8:208,209,215 Herzogianum, 8:210 mollissimum, 8:208, 215 hirsutum, 8:212 monospermum, 8:206 hirtum, 7:248; 8:208, 214 montanum, 8:205, 214 Holwayi, 7:251 Mouraei, 8:203, 206, 214 Hulseanum, 7:246; 8:215 Muelleri-Friderici, 8:202 hypoleucum, 7:250 multiflorum, 8:209 ibarrense, 8:208 Nelsoni, 7:245 inaequale, 8:203, 213 neovidense, 8:212 inaequilaterum, 8:211 niveum, 8:202 incanum, 7:244 Nuttallii, 7:251 inclusum, 7:246 Ochsenii, 5:190 INDEX TO VOLUMES I TO X 214 Abutilon, continued Sellowianum, 8:202, 205, 213, orientale, 7:242 senile, 8:213 oxypetalum, 8:203, 213 septemlobum, 8:213 Pachecoanum, 7:245 sessilifolium, 7:251 paeoniflorum, 8:213 sidoides, 7:252 Palmeri, 7:3, 130, 250 silvaticum, 8:213 paranthemoides, 8:216 ssp. Buchtienii, 8:213 8:213 Parishii, 7:3, 248 ssp. genuinum, parvifolium, 8:215 ssp. Klugii, 8:213 parvulum, 7:244 simulans, 7:250 pauciflorum, 7:252; 8:209, 215 sonorae, 7:248 pedrae-brancae, 8:202 sordidum, 8:214 pedunculare, 7:252; 8:204, 208, 215 sphaerostaminum, 7:249 peltatum, 8:202 stenopetalum, 8:210 peraffine, 7:253 striatum, 7:244; 8:202 percaudatum, 7:244 subpapyraceum, 7:253 permolle, 7:250, 251 subsagittatum, 7:250 peruvianum, 8:204, 206, 214 sylvaticum, 8:204, 214 petiolare, 8:208 tacuaremboense, 8:214 Peyritschii, 7:245 terminale, 8:211 Picardae, 7:246 texense, 7:251 pictum, 7:251:8:213 Theophrasti, 7:211,247 pilosum, 8:212 Thompsoni, 8:213 pionense, 8:206 Thurberi, 7:242 8:201, 207 Pittieri, 7:244 thyrsodendron, piurense, 8:203 tridens, 7:244 pleiopodum, 7:246 triquetrum, 7:251 Pringlei, 7:243 trisulcatum, 7:243 pseudogiganteum, 8:215 truncatum, 8:212 pubescens, 7:253 tultitlanapense, 7:252 pubistamineum, 8:203 turmiquirense, 8:212 pulverulentum, 8:212, 270 umbellatum, 7:248, 249; 8:210, 211, purpurascens, 8:214, 270 215,216 Purpusii, 7:246 umbelliflorum, 8:207, 209 pyramidale, 8:212 venosum, 8:202,213 quinquelobum, 8:212 vesicarium, 7:253 racemosum, 7:251 virens, 8:214 ramiflorum, 8:210 virgatum, 8:212, 216 ramosissimum, 7:251 var.
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    Amer, Jour. Bot. 51(4): 419-424.1964. CHROMOSOME NUMBERS IN COMPOSITAE. IV. AMBROSIEAEl WILLARD W. PAYNE, PETER H. RAVEN AND DONALD W. KYHOS Department of Botany, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan and Division of Systematic Biology, Stanford University, Stanford, California ABSTRACT New chromosome observations are reported for 30 species and varieties from 4 genera of Am­ brosieae: Ambrosia (including Franseria), Dicoria, Humenoclea and Iva. Neither polyploidy nor aneuploidy is known in the genera Dicorea, Hymenoclea or Xanthium. Aneuplcid reduction appears to have played a role in the genome evolution of several species of Iva and Ambrosia. Polyploid species occur in both Iva and Ambrosia and polyploid series exist for at least 5 species or species aggregates of the latter. All available evidence indicates that the primitive chromosome number for the tribe is x = 18, differentiation and speciation having occurred at this level, which is here termed diploid. The group, however, must ultimately have been of polyploid origin from forms with z = 9. THIS is the fourth in a recent series of papers (Payne, 1963). For the present, therefore, we have dealing with chromosome numbers in various deemed it the best course to recognize the group tribes of the Compositae. Materials and methods as a distinct tribe, the Ambrosieae, a treatment are generally those discussed in earlier contribu­ which follows the precedents of Cassini (1834) and tions to this series, the most recent of which is Delpino (1871), and which agrees in general Ornduff et al. (1963). Procedural details have meaning with the remarks or treatments of varied somewhat since work was carried out Bentham (1873), Small (1913), Rydberg (1922) independently by the various workers.
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