No. 165752, Patented July 20, 1875
J. NAY LOR, Jr & E. B. R O OK S. Bot Works for Safe and Vault Doors, No. 165752, Patented July 20, 1875, s 2. es2. an 44?tsNsfSN 22 ASs. 2-12- - are W M. Peters, PHoro-LITHOGRAPHER, wash:NGroN, d c. seR UNITED STATESrise PATENT OFFICE. JAMES NAYLOR, JR, AND EDWARD BROOKS, OF ROCHESTER, NEW YORK. VPROVEVENT IN BOLTe Works FOR SAFE AND VAULT DOORS. Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 65, 52, dated July 20, 1875; application filed May 26, 1875. To all chon it may concern: are thinned by halving together. The ends Be it known that we, JAMES NAYLOR, Jr., of the sections at the joints a, a may be halved and EDWARD BROOKS, both of the city of together so as to leave no opening when the Rochester, in the county of Monroe and State plates are expanded, and these joints, coming of New York, have invented a certain new in the center, are not subject to bending or and useful Improvement in Safe and Vault warping. The plates are provided with an Doors; and we do hereby declare that the gular slots b b, in line with the movement of following is a full, clear, and exact description the plates, through which slots pass headed of the construction and operation of the Sane, screws c c, which hold the plates in place. reference being had to the accompanying draw The plates are guided in their movements by ings, in which these slots and screws, so as to be thrown out Figure 1 is an elevation of the inside of a and in, in proper position, by a single connec safe-door, showing our improvement applied tion attached to each.
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