AA CC OO NN SS EE RR VVATIONATION AREAAREA DESIGNDESIGN FF OO RR TT HH EE CENTRALCENTRAL COASTCOAST REGIONREGION OO FF BRITISHBRITISH COLUMBIA,COLUMBIA, CANADACANADA AA reportreport preparedprepared byby RoundRound RiverRiver ConservationConservation StudiesStudies forfor thethe SierraSierra ClubClub ofof BritishBritish Columbia,Columbia, Greenpeace,Greenpeace, thethe ForestForest ActionAction Network,Network, andand thethe RaincoastRaincoast ConservationConservation SocietySociety ROUND RIVER Conservation Studies Round River is an ecologically oriented research and education orga- nization whose goal is the formulation and carrying out of conservation strategies that preserve and restore wildness. By wildness, we have in mind landscapes that are relatively self-maintaining, with full vegetation and faunal assemblages present, and where the human communities are in a close and sustainable relationship with the local ecosystem. Flourishing, and intact, we view wild landscapes as important in, and of, themselves; for cultural reasons, and as indicators of ecological health. Round River works closely with local, national and international con- servation organizations to ensure the integrity of wild lands and waters for generations yet to come. We employ the principles of conservation biology to formulate strategies to provide our partner organizations and communities confidence in their decisions and to provide a well founded scientific basis for their long-term conservation planning efforts. Round River Conservation Studies 4301 Emigration Canyon Road Salt Lake City, Utah 84108 801-582-0910; 801-363-8006 (fax) email:
[email protected] www.roundriver.org Cover photos: (background) Ian McAllister, (Grizzly Bear) Gary Crandall ROUND RIVER CONSERVATION S T U D I E S A CONSERVATION AREA DESIGN FOR THE CENTRAL COAST REGION OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA.