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Hurricane Rosa intensifying, tomatoes, Bell peppers and cukes could be affected

September 28, 2018

Hurricane Rosa is expected to hit , , early next week. Rosa is currently a Category 3 hurricane with maximum sustained winds of 125 miles per hour. Hurricane-force winds extend 35 miles out from the center, and tropical storm winds extend 115 miles out from the center. In addition to structure damage, the storm could produce harvest and quality issues for tomatoes, Bell peppers and cukes coming out of San Quintin, Baja California and Vizcaino, .

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The National Hurricane Center predicts that Hurricane Rosa will hit northern Baja California Monday or Tuesday (Oct. 1 or 2). As of now it is expected to come ashore somewhere near San Quintin, a major summer and fall growing region of shadehouse tomatoes, Bell peppers and cukes that ship out of San Diego. The growing region of Vizcaino in Baja California Sur, about 320 miles south of San Quintin, may also be susceptible to rain and wind.

Tonight Michigan will experience the coldest night so far of the cold snap, with the minimum temperature getting down to 42. Minimum temps will be back into the 50s by Sunday, but then starting next Friday minimums will be back into the low 40s and will stay there for through weekend of the Oct. 6.

The San Joaquin Valley and deserts of California and will begin to cool down from the 100-plus high temps starting Saturday in the valley and Sunday in the deserts. Temps will continue cooling throughout all next week and into the following weekend. Expect maximum temps to be in the low to mid 80s all week. There is a chance of rain throughout the regions on Monday and Tuesday as remnants of Hurricane Rosa come through.

Perfect weather is expected in Florida and Georgia: maximum temps in the low 90s and minimum temps in the low 70s with slight chance of daily light showers. Product should be shipping out of this region soon enough, and quality should be good.

The Weathermelon app offers consolidated lists of global growing regions for each commodity; a 10-day detail forecast for each region; current radar maps (U.S. only); estimated harvest start/end dates for each commodity; monthly average high/low temps for each region; and custom daily alerts for temperature, precipitation and severe weather based on 10-day forecasts.

(David Robidoux is a co-founder Weathermelon)


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