Sponsored by: Journal of the IDGTE Power Engineer www.idgte.org In this issue: Team Paper: Brief Britannia review of round the condition World record monitoring attempt with techniques Clean Fuel for gas page 3 turbines page 18 Paper: Using Heritage fuel flexibility page 25 of gas turbines to decarbonise power generation page 5 the independent technical March 2018 forum for power generation Volume 22 Issue 1 Contents Power Engineer The journal is published in March, June, September and December. Contents March 2018 IDGTE President’s message 2 Bedford Heights, Manton Lane, Bedford, MK41 7PH, UK Tel: 44 (0)1234 214340 Fax: 44 (0)1234 355493 Article: Team Britannia round the World record E-mail:
[email protected] Internet: http://www.idgte.org attempt with Clean Fuel 3 Company limited by guarantee No 07244044 Registered Charity No 1139906 Technical paper 621: Using the fuel flexibility of gas turbines to Management and administration decarbonise power generation 5 Director General Mike Raine CEng MIMechE FIDGTE IDGTE news Administration Officers n Forthcoming events 13 Carole Carrington Sandra Redfern n CHAIN 2018 14 n Member news - LPG based plant in Chile 15 Officers of the IDGTE n President New members 15 Tony Hancock, MIMarEst MIDGTE n Final resting place of Sir Charles Parsons 16 n Obituary: Dr Meherwan Boyce 17 Immediate Past President Peter Tottman, MBA IEng FIDGTE Technical paper 622: Hon Secretary A brief review of condition monitoring Stan Archer, MIDGTE techniques for gas turbines 18 Hon Treasurer John Blowes, CEng FIMarEST MIMechE FIDGTE Heritage news and events 25 Advertising and editorial enquiries Advertisements 28
[email protected] Printed by Hobbs, Totton, Hampshire This publication is copyright under the Berne Convention and the International Copyright The Institution is expressly devoted to the Convention.