Fundamentalist Journal Volume 3, Number 2

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Fundamentalist Journal Volume 3, Number 2 Liberty University DigitalCommons@Liberty University 1984 The undF amentalist Journal 2-1984 Fundamentalist Journal Volume 3, Number 2 Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation "Fundamentalist Journal Volume 3, Number 2" (1984). 1984. Paper 5. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The undF amentalist Journal at DigitalCommons@Liberty University. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1984 by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Liberty University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Canyou trust TheChristian Counseling and EducationalFoundation sponsorsthese one weekcourses of overforty classroomhours specifically to trainthe Christian theBible to pastor,counselor and active lay person to usethe Biblewith confidence, to skillfullyminister to people helpyou withproblems as wellas to examinetheir own lives. counselothers? DR.JAY E. ADAMS,noted author and Dean of the Christian Counselingand Educational Foundation, will lecture throughoutthe week on COUNSELING AND THE BOOK OF Tochange your JA[/ ES DR.LAWRENCE J. CRABB.JR.. Chairman of the Departmentof BiblicalCounseling at Grace Theological ownlife? Seminaryin Winona Lake, lllinois, and respected psychologrst and authorol EffectiveBiblrcal Counseltng and lhe Marrrase BuiHer,will ecture on THEPTACE OF THE BIBLE lN COUNSELING DR.RAY C. STEDMAN,pastor of PeninsulaBible Church rn PaloAlto, California, and author of the popular Body Life, wil lcadthe BIBLE EXPOSITION HOUF DR.JOHN F. BETTLER,Director of theChr stian Counseling andEducational Foundatron. will lecturc on THEBIBLE AND HUN/ANSEXUALITY Role models, gender dentty, homosexualityand marital sexuality are arrrong the top cs coveredin this course. saythese Christian leaders. DR.WAYNE A. MACK,respccted author and oounselrng supervisorat the Christ an Counselingand Educational Foundation,will present in the evening trme an in depth INTRODUCTIONTOBIBLICAL COUNSELING MR.ROBERT LOVE, President of LoveBox Company n Wichita,Kansas, Iormer board member of the National Associationof Manufacturers,and authorof How to StartYour OwnSchool, will deal with the persistingproblem of HOWTO HELPPEOPLE IN FINANCIAL DIFFICULTY For more informationand registrationmaterial, pleasewrite: Come hear them at the GhristianGounseling ano Summer Institute of PastoralStudies EducationalFoundation 1790East Willow Grove Avenue. Laverock. PA 19118 215t884-7676 Are you as informed as yourd like to be about all the great events and movements of your lifetime? For the Jirst timet a aweeping, detailed survey ot the significant events oJ our century - by a conaervative. And one who manages to be both stylish and blunt Rarelydms a work of historyrcceive fiom major publicalionsthe un- bridfed enthusiasmthat is geeting Modem Tties. Sfll lessoften does suchr book by a consenrliveenjoy lhis kind of rcception, A hng, lcisurely"good "A boldand capacious mind is requiredfor what paul Johnson has undertaken in reod"of 817pger a 54 thisbook: a historyof theworld during the last 60 years, taking in allcontinents oI hurceNotes andmajor countries. Fortunately, the author possesies in abundince the qualitiii Wer the enterprise....unites historical and crjtical consclousness.... Z 29-pagenbject and Johnsonismost drawingconclusions, many of them pro_ pruper-rume vocatrve,trom his materials. He stands in thetrain of thosehistorians of the'last Inds twocenturies for whomhistorical writing seemcd profitless untess it yieldedul revelationsand.judgments pertinent to theworld around us....By far ih. greatri part0t Mr.Johnson's book is concerned with...the will ro isln this lightthat Mr. Johnsonsees the.rise, commencing with ienin, of,gangster_ How do you score statesmen.'Among them he includes most prominently Mussolini, Staffi, frjtbr on men and evcnts? and_MaoZedong. In Mr.Johnson's view, Lenin was by far the most infiuential paut ...A gooddeal of Mr. Johnson\book is devotedio tracingthe spread of Fill in the blankswith the peopte Johnson Leninism,and all its ramifications, inthe worrd. ordinariry we strirpty ailtinluistr is referringto: communismfrom what became known as fascism. But hi seesthe'distinctiin as "The - invasion Washington],one visiting beingwithout much difference. [of 'like Alr thefounding fathers of totaritarianism,Hitrer statesman.observed,was wafchirigthe BorgiS andMussolini included, were socialists in principle. ..There are 20 closelyipacked brothers chaptenin thebook, and I must take over a respectablenorth ltilian town-'." contentmyself'with a modest selection ti, iorr.y (Page614) its.riches-......we.cantakea great deal of intellectualpleasure in his book, which is a trufy_disringuishedworkof history."_ RoberiNisbet, page I, Ny Tines "ln the atomicfield BookReview Sovietagents included Julius and Ethel Rose.nberg.Morton SbOelt,David Greengrass, Harry "Brilliant,densely..textured, intellectually challenging.. .skillfully com_ Gold, _ (alias Alexander Steven's),to whom pressed...powerfullycautionary book." - EdmundFuller. l{oll St. Whittaker Chambers acted as courier,'and Journal Jacob Golos,as well as Klaus Fuchs,who had'been clearedby British security."(page 456) "Rip-roaringsurvey of the pathologyof modernrelativism...Drovo- "Yet - was not a statist. catle." - Time 'to He said ne was againstany attempt smugglefascism into America "Delicious...Johnson'sverdicts on historicalfigures are shrewd through the back door'. On many issues he was a ,sorcerer's and unsparing.He callsCandhi a apprentice'whose rhetoric of liberal.. ..He did not make anti-Semiticjokes, like nonviolence--was'nonsense,'giventhe tuiinoilhe ignited....About WoodrowWilson and his wife or Frankliniloosevelt. Americanaffairs Johnson is extremely To a.verywide. spectrum of educatedAmerican 'the keen.He speaks-contemptuously opin- of Watergatewitch-hunl,' brought aboui by people'in th! ign, hg was the leadingAmerican public man..." is iacrivist' (Page243) ln:9i1 .. ;.hS not fooledby thefavorable publicity the lread: teltrst)Judrctary has received at home.. .But he 'palimpsests endson a noteof hope, of freedom' _ amid the destruction." "loseph HistoryWithout Tears Sobran,Nalional Review We stick with many a book becauseit's good for us, because we ought to read il. Modern Tmes rs a How to get thls massrae lve1cgpechange, colnpulsively readable. As the snip- pets abovesuggest, Paul Johnson is a pleasureto reab. S27..rS aolume FREE Howthe Grub ryorks I coilsERVAiuEM - Cbox GLUB i Every4 weeks(13 timesa year)vou oet a g:i,if8Xfreecoov of the | ! goodil,?!ldffil!fi$''#'??,',n'[i"'l:,?.il.i -'ail fi:': I ! choiceot Alternates otinteresl to conseivativbs.-i "n';;il;# I ir youwaniine iiiiuiii s''i.l'ii",o'"..inl;; | 15 oakland Avenue o Harrison, NY 10528 automalically*, ll youdon't want lhe Feature-d Selection, or you I d0want an Alternate. indicate your wishes on the handy I Please accept my membership cardencl-qsed your-Eulletin in the Club and send me, free and with and relurnit by thedeadlin; I p-?:t!"ig'-nnstnairt trcrrt tnhnoa^,6 r.+,,,r' ri^+r-_..i^L^r il6 ;"1ffi;il,'ryti'ci,'dTilfi,i,l';;'ili,?lo':i i8i8ilr: I Pauljof nsol'r."jlytvdistinsuished work or history,"Modern 9:,:.9:Tt^p[: 1;119;.iq,Fi;eril;ilffiilrils:?"i; I l?::.^l asreeto buy3 additionatbools at resutarctub prices over the next18 months. lalso - asree to theCtub rures' vrvv spelledvrv"vv out in thisuvuPvrr' I :::l*:Jli.:itT9,l#l'"'^:,b:gf,:lfg,lll,9lll.q,l99::yourmembership may be ended at anv time-, eilher bv'vou oi |I I by the Club * lf you ever receivda Fealured I FJ "orpon.-1O jo Seiection i witnouthaving had rb-Javi decideit ilni;1. Name r vou v;;;;; I relurntl al Ctubexpense for lull credil.'* Goodseririce. Nir I i i:ti,1,:{if4*"i,'r,!::ili;ti'i,r,[,"'rrt,it1iiFiffi| ooo,"", I oDrrgatton,00il94il0n,Dutoul d000 enableenabtev0u.t0you to buvbuy,fine fine bookfaioiveawavbooks al giveaway I I prices.* Onlvone memb'ership pei household. | : I I City_ State_ Zip | r--__- _ I EDITORS'NOTE STAFF ne of the greatestjoys of being a Christian is leading Editor, Grophics/Design an unsavedperson to Christ. Yetevangelizing is one of .JerryFcrlwc.ll \ Jt cSSo Hozo .I Mql the most difficult responsibilitiesfor someChristians Monognng Editor Keilit l?obLrLson to execute.In this issuewe iook at evangelism-whywe don't Ne--lsonKccrrr:l ClrcrrlesH Akurs,.Jr do it, and why we should, and how we can be more effective BnorrC l?oberlsorr Senior Editors, in our witnessfor Christ. Poul Abrohomsen l,rl t,,oirsLrir How many timeshas an opportunity to witnessbeen easily lit I lrrrri:;rtr I Photogrophy' excused away?"Each excuseI had everhad wasdestroyed, literally LesSchofer demolishedl'savs Norman Geislerin his article "Excusesl'He Coordinoting Editor, I,yr ,r ' II;rlLlt givesan accountof why he wasnot witnessingand what hap- Lc|rLrtoIrIiLrfl Jor pened to changehis ways. Book Editor Typogrophers, C. Sumner\femp outlinesthe stepsfor personalevangelism W rlrvLrllle,rtk Kothy Arringflon and Elmer Townstells why evangelismis ashot asever but the Contrlbuting Editor, Arrgelo ll Srrnons old methods are cooling off. IrrrrroL\'l rlr.lrcll SirerLBoyc) Giving invitationsto a child to acceptChrist must be done Ted Dernck Editoriol Boord, correctlyand sensitively,as the child'seternal destiny is at stake. Editoriol Assistonts, Verle Ackermon Beckgives hints for makingsalvation clear and meaningful f)r-nlnnnd Br^rfbef Jean l,rrtlot ra Ii ilLr)(1v\'IIl
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