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Published under the Auspices of..... KORESH, the Founder of the Koreshan System, and Victoria Gratia, Pre-Eminent of the Koreshan Unity.

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Vol. xiii. No. io. CHICAGO, ILL., JANUARY 20, 1899. A. K. 60. Whole No. 321

Analysis of the Theology of Russellism. The Millennial Dawn Man's Predicament Concerning the Disposition of the Human Body of Jesus.

A RECENT believer in the doctrines of C. T. Russell of but which up to date remains to him as greatamystery •^^ Pittsburgh, Pa., presents some questions worthy as ever. of our consideration, and to which we are very glad to It may be well to give to Mr. Russell the credit of the respond. Before taking up the subjects in question, we brilliant idea (for we would not detract knowingly from will premise a few words in answer to the sentiment of any discovery or conception original with Mr. R.) of Russell as expressed in his warning to his disciples, stating that perhaps the place of the concealment of "against doing anything which would indicate any the Lord Jesus, was in the sarcophagus in the King's sympathy for such false doctrines as are presented by chamber in the great Pyramid. This would have been Mr. Cyrus Teed and his so called Koreshanity.-' an excellent addendum to modern Christian theology if Mr. Russell, to begin with, is a plagiarist of the wri­ it had not been discovered, upon opening the sarcopha­ tings of a man by the name of Barbour, of Rochester. gus, that it was empty; and we believe that Mr. Russell's Xew York. His theories of the Lord Jesus are a slight exploration of the chambers, galleries, and passages of modification of the doctrines put forth by Mr. Barbour the Pyramid did not disclose the presence of the mummy twenty-five or more years ago; and no man ever lived, of Jesus, thus opening the channel for a slight discrep­ with any pretensions whatsoever to Biblical knowledge, ancy to wedge itself into the chain of Russell's incom­ who could crowd so much absurdity into so small a parable logic. space as first found lodgment in the brain of Russell, Mr. Russell's system of theology, which we emphat­ and subsequently found expression iu the form of books. ically declare to be antichristian, revolves around one The substance of his theology, as bearing upon the mis­ word, antilntron, interpreted by him to mean a corre­ sion of the Lord, may be summed up in few words: sponding price,—an interpretation which we do not deny. God made a man and called his name Adam; he Mr. R's. whole difficulty resides in the fact that he has sinned and died. God had another boy by the name of taken an assumption for his major premise, and reasons Jesus. The object in having the second boy was to save from this assumption. He seems, to the uninitiated, to the first boy. The two boys were exactly alike, as to have pursued a logical course of reasoning from his mortality and possibility. The second boy, as mortal premise to his conclusion,—that the Lord Jesus was not as the first, died on the cross, was placed in the tomb of the Lord at all, but an extraordinary mortal being, and Joseph, and somehow, by some process unknown to that all but a few who are saved through him are not im­ C. T. Russell, but through the legerdemain of the great mortal, but well-behaved mortals merely, in direct con­ prestidigitator, the Almighty, the first boy was resur­ tradiction to the general teachings of the Scriptures. rected, while at the same time the second boy was Let us examine the premise of Mr. Russell. God chucked away somewhere into some hole, to find which made a mortal man. This mortal man sinned and died C. T. Russell is having, a Russelling time to discover, because he was mortal, (iod tempted him too much, or The Flaming Sword, the devil did, with the Lord's consent. Upon what that goeth downward?" Well, who does? Certainly basis does Mr. Russell predicate his assumption? not Mr. Russell. God died as to his auimal nature; that Namely, on his own false conception of the character of is, as to his beast nature. It was the Lamb of God that Adam. The Scriptures declare that God made man died. The Lamb is animal. The Lion of the tribe of after his own image and likeness; that is, like God in Judah died ; the Lion of the tribe of Judah was animal. every particular—body, soul, and spirit; while Russell When the Son of God died on the cross, the internal declares, with as much contradictory emphasis, that he and spiritual Godhood withdrew himself into another did not. God made man like himself; that is, like God. human, where he was reservoired, held in reserve for his Mr. R. says God knows better, and lies; or if he is not a reentrance into his tabernacle, the Son of God. liar, then he is ignorant of the fundamental principles- Of course, in attempting to define and locate Deity of theology as propounded by his servant, Mr. Russell. for the Ad vent body in general and C. T. Russell and his If God will stop and think a moment, he will discover, ilk in particular, we are forced to run against the great says Mr. R , that he only made Adam like God in part; big snag—materialism. It is the general belief of ma­ for, assumes Mr. R., God cannot die, and as Adam terialists that there is no spiritual world. This false could and did die, he is therefore unlike God. conception grows naturally from the Advent misconcep­ What right has Mr. R. to assume that God is a tion of the character of Deity. If, as they think, he is liar? Or what right has he to assume that God cannot" a great illimitable spiritual being, filling all spiritual die? Does he know all the mysteries of life and death? space, there can be no room for other spiritual beings. "I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, When Jesus died, according to Adventism there was no and create evil: I the Lord do all these things." Ac­ living spirit to separate itself from the inanimate form cording to this declaration of the Scriptures, God is the deposited in the tomb. Mr. Russell can't help his rank- source of darkness and evil, and is therefore responsible ness as a materialist. He was made that way. It is a for them, and is also the source of death. Now as an fundamental axiom of Koreshanity, that as everything effect must proceed from a cause, and as no effect can has its opposite, and as there are minds in the world obtain except from an adequate cause, death must which think all is spirit, an opposite class of minds will have originated and must obtain in the cause; and as think all is matter. the cause of all things is God, he must be capable of The gray matter of the human brain is composed of dying. "I lay down my life, * * * and I have power to myriads of minute cellules. Each cellule is the human take it again." Both life and death must obtain at the form in its least manifestation. Every picture of ma­ very heart of the universe. God then, must be mortal. terial areas, including cities, towns, rivers, lakes, fields, This is true of only one side of God, or, if any man pre­ forests, animal and human life, with all the variegation fers the term "First Great Cause" because the term God of landscape, is impressed upon the retina or inner coat­ is objectionable, then all that is said above as applying ing of the eyeball. A space about the size of the old- to God, applies to the "First Great Cause," another style silver three-cent piece, is large enough to plant the term for the same conception. landscape of thousands of acres. Upon this surface, all The commonest seed is both mortal and immortal; the activities of objective life are subjectively alive and —itperpetuates its being-through its own death. "That active. Landscapes and cities, with animals, men, rail­ which thou sowest is not quickened except it die." The road trains, street cars, and all the teeming intercourse seed disintegrates, loses its identity as a seed; by virtue of human traffic, find room to exist and commingle of its immortality, it perpetuates its being through the upon this subjective film. But there is something more eternal cycles of the regeneration of the seed. Can God marvelous than all this connected with the subjective or do less than this—the least thing of his creation? spiritual world. A picture with all the teeming activi­ There are some mysteries of Godliness not made known ties of animation, planted upon the retina of the eye, is to C. T. Russell. not an impression upon the mind until, through the op­ "If the Father and Jesus the Son are one [can there tic nerve, optic commissure and tract, the impression is be a doubt of this in the mind of one believingthe words planted upon the cortical or gray matter of the brain. of the Lord?], when he died on the cross, was the uni­ The picture is planted in parts through the radiations verse without a God for three days? How am I to ex­ of the optic center in the cellules, smaller than the point plain this?" asks the author of the above question. of the finest cambric needle, then reflexed into a central The Lord Jesus Christ had a biune life, as to his cell, where the picture is aggregated intoaform so small God-human and God-animal characteristics. He had an that it would require a microscope of great magnifying ascending aud a descending life. His ascending life was power to observe the cell. Yet within this infinitesimal the spirit of the man. His descending life was the God- cell is the subjective world, living and vital in this its animal life. "Who knoweth the spirit of man [God] least form, as it has been observed objectively in its that goeth upward, or the spirit of the beast [animal] greatest form. L»~

The Flaming Sword, 6 A railroad fifty miles long, with all that pertains to The Lord Jesus died; after his natural death, he was it, viewed from a tower or a mountain elevated enough translated in the presence of many disciples. The ordi­ to observe it, is in proportion to all other things nary man is mortal. His existence is a, continuous planted subjectively in this infinitesimal needle's point. process of dying. He does not complete this process This, then, is the spiritual world. The human brain is until he ends the career of the mortal man by the com­ its home. Not until this fundamental principle of plete destruction of the old and mortal being; he is then Koreshanity is mastered, can the student make much completely dead, for the process of dying is complete; progress in mastering the theology of Koreshanity. there is nothing more to die, for all that remains is im­ In answer to the question, "How am I to understand mortal. He is then translated, as was Adam, Enoch, the statement that Adam was translated?" we answer: Noah, Moses, Elijah, and Jesus.

Hatching Out of the Great Cosmogonic Egg. Question About the Breaking of the Earth's Shell and the Liberation of the Incubated Product.

TX REPLY to the question regarding the relation which constitutes the biologic eg^. This is in corre­ •*• of the cosmogonic egg to the incubated product, spondence to the physical fire, which constantly trans­ that is, the chick hatched from the egg, we would say forms the cosmogonic circumference to energy, and co­ that in order to apply the principles of analogy to any ordinates this function with as constant a materializa­ question, a more comprehensive conception than is or­ tion and deposition of the energy into the matter com­ dinarily embraced in the fragmentary intellect is essen­ prising the shell. tially important. When humanity reaches the highest fruition into The chick hatches from the egg, but it hatches into which it is capable of developing, it dematerializes by an the chick, not merely out of the shell, but into another electro-magnetic fire and is dissolved into its final shell; for the functional effort is not complete until spiritual energy, not by any loss of identity, but by a the chick gets back into the egg. The ordinary analo- transposition of the mind from its natural to its spiri­ gist sees the shell broken, but the more comprehensive tual domain. It reaches the limit of the fourth dimension of matter;—the fourth dimension being the extremity, thinker sees the shell mended by the operation of the limitation, or end of its existence as an atom, molecule, succeeding chick. The cosmogonic eg g is its own orcomposite structure. When the fruitage of immortal mender: and the process of mending is progressing life matures, the electro-magnetic (psycho-ph\'sical) while the process of the cracking of the cell is in progress. combustion burns the environment, carrying the ascend­ When the great cosmogonic egg, the cellular uni­ ing spirit interiorly to the spiritual spheres, while it verse, reaches the fruitage of its life, the breaking of the precipitates the descending element into humanity, shell is a complete transformation of the shell itself, by to re-formulate another anthropostic environment, or combustion, to a fire that completely dissolves that matrix of re-ffeneration.

The Unity of Cause and Effect.

"PROF. SPEAR has followed the line of Swedenborg's seed is the end of a series. It is the ultimate of a series, •*• reasoning regarding his definition of cause and and embraces cause, axis, and effect in effect, or cause, effect, modified by the term axes. He says, "The law means, and end ; but while it is end or effect, it is also establishes three spheres which are distinct,—means, beginning; therefore it is end and beginning. Xow the axes, and ends. The world of principles is wholly its principle is not the cause, butapart of the cause; the axis own, and remains forever in its central pole, state, and is not the means, nor is the end separate from cause and quality." We contend that this is misleading, because axis. Principles or first things unite in last things, and it is but a part of one side of the exposition of a, princi­ become things in subsequent^. It requires primates and ple of Koreshanity, and might lead to erroneous con­ ultimates to constitute causation. Means are the things clusions. Principles only exist in their relation to or processes by which ends are accomplished. forms, and do not constitute cause as distinct from the The principles residing in the natural manhood of nxis and end referred to in the Professor's article. A the Lord were not the cause of what will be the sons of e The Flaming Sword.

God as his offspring. His material manhood, including results in the consequence, the ending in just such principles and rudiciples, spirit and matter, function another personality as the Lord Jesus. It will thus be noticed that the beginning and the ending, the first and aud form, primates and ultimates, constitutes cause, the last, the Alpha and the Omega, are one and the and the cycle of sequences is not complete until the same thing, or that cause and complete effect are beginning—in this the highest instance of central life— identical, and not three distinct spheres.

The Genesis of Consciousness. LUCIE PAGE BOKDEN. O THE modern materialistic mind, the formula, "On all hands it is admitted that the genesis of con­ T "thought is a function of the brain," involves so sciousness is the world enigma." The location of the weighty an argument against the idea of immortality spiritual world is another world enigma, which neither that Prof. James of Harvard has recently published a the society for Psychical Research, nor the devotees of book entitled "Human Immortality," with a view to re­ the spiritistic phenomena it investigates, has been able fute the inference that when the brain is destroyed by to read aright. Nor is the vital bearing of one ques­ death, personality vanishes. He argues that for all sci­ tion upon the other, usually recognized. One of the ence can affirm to the contrary, the office of the brain in fundamental tenets of Koreshan Psychology locates relation to thought may not be generative but trans- the spiritual world within the human brain. Sex missive, somewhat as a pane of glass transmits the attraction has its origin in the desire of those entities . light that glances through it. This is simply an ingen­ who have passed into the subjective state for another ious hypothesis that adds nothing to Psychology, and expression in matter. This desire transformed to sub­ leaves the whole question of the relation of mind to stance or matter, builds up a new body. The Genesis matter unsettled. of Consciousness resides in the fact that spirit and mat­ Koreshan Psychology reasons by analogy, and con­ ter are co-ordinate and interconvertible. sidering that'when one of the myriad cells that compose In an address on "Some Xew Phases of Educational the physical organism dies, the life force within it passes Thought" cleliveredlast month attheBoston University, to more vital cells, affirms with confidence that when a the speaker said in conclusion: "All this more scientific human being, one of the cells of the great body corpo­ study of children, serves to impress strongly the rate, dies, there is a corresponding passing over of mental truth that the human mind is uot a symmetrical thing; that even superior minds are poorly endowed in some force to the living cells that remain:—in other words, respects while richly endowed in others." Thisisnothing when one brain is destroyed by death, the intellectual new in the history of education, but the universal result force that animated it seeks by attraction another of experience in teaching, wdiich has led to the elective living brain to inhabit, entering into a new mental system. The cause resides in the complexity of every union according tothelawof conjunctiveunity of minds. mind, and the unequal development of the various enti­ Is not this a more reasonable conclusion thantheshort- ties fused in unity of consciousness. The so called new sighted logic of materialism that condemns the mind to education makes brain culture its point d'appni. Now perish with its instrument? The universal seat of brain culture, or the development of certain cells and the thought is the brain. We cannot conceive of thought suppression of others, is really the elimination or trans­ apart from a material brain as its seat and pediment. So formation of lower spiritual entities and the appropria­ tion by substitution and attraction of higher ones. far materialism is right, but it remains hopelessly pessi­ Some idea of the rapidity with which a totally new mistic because it has not grasped the correlated truth of set of cells may be produced, can be gained from an the conservation of mental energy as well as physical. account of Dr. Elmer Gates' experiments upon animals. According to Koreshan Psychology, the brain does He shows how a rabbit born and bred in the dark has more than simply transmit thought as glass transmits no color cells in the brain, but a rabbit whose dark room had been illuminated by colored lights only one light. Thought is actually generated in the brain as hour, possessed granulated indications of color "cells, the product of the reciprocal action of mind and mat­ while the display of lights an hour per day for two weeks, ter; but this in no wise prevents it from passing over as produced perfectly developed color cell's. Now in the substance or spiritual entities to a second brain when face of evidence like this, it is hard to understand that that which produced it is destroyed. there are many who object that Koreshan Psychol­ ogy is unreasonable in predicting the destruction of If it be objected that the doctrine of the conjunctive the competitive system, through a change in the human unity of minds is opposed to that of personal immor­ brain and the sudden development of new cells supply­ tality, it must be observed in passing, that the idea, of ing new thoughts, new impulses, new incentives. immortality differs radically in Koreshan terminology The prominence which present day education decrees from the common acceptation of the word. Personal to Physiological Psychology, is an important indication of the direction which human thought will take in the immortality is not reached through death, but by over­ future, when it will be understood that the attainment coming death at the end of the age or cycle. of a higher type of existence depends actually upon To quote from a. well known denominaitional weekly: physiological changes in the brain.

• MS The Philosophy and Science of Use. No. 2. l'EOF. Ii. O. SPEAK.

HE HUMAN mind, when considering the science of to exist, it must have form and use. A formless thing- T use, must relate all action to material forms, and is nothing, according to geometry. (Jod hasform; there to its use of effect. By a rational study of form and is no such thing as a formless God. If the universe has the laws of transmutation and polation, as well as the form it can be known, understood, and conquered by hi \vs of correspondence, the use is revealed through the the true scientist. form. This urges the truth seeker to study most critic­ The order" of Nature works out a perpetuity, or car­ ally the trine principle as related to polarity. (Jo into ries on such operations in all degrees and qualities of any field of thought, or into any sphere of use, analogic­ life as will, in final ends or ultimates, perpetuate or re­ ally and analytically, and the mind is led to a solution produce the universe. The ultimates involve the great­ of the problem of use in the trine principle in polarity. est means to greatest ends, and all intermediate means This is more clearly defined to most people if we say to ends. This law reveals the unity of Nature in all that all laws, all action in all things, from the sim­ spheres, in the creation of the universe of form and plest cell to the greatest whole, act from centers to cir­ limitation. With geometric form, it must have a center cumferences and vice versa, over axes. The beginning and a circumference: it must contain the elements and and the end are called poles, and that which conjoins laws of perpetuity. It could not have had a beginning, them as a means of communication is called the axis. and it will not have an ending. This is true of the sub­ When we say polarity, we refer to these two ends or jective or spiritual world also. As the material universe points of action, and their axis. This demonstrates has form, the spiritual universe has form;— it has a that three elements are absolutely necessary to all center'and a circumference. The center is called God or action in great or small spheres. Theexpression, "cause Elohi, which means a mighty power with a fixed or per­ and effect,"is common; also "means to ends:"but the petual state, the universal Giver and Receiver. Its cir­ more scientific expression would be, "means, axes, and cumference involves all states and qualities of life in or­ ends." Means passes over axes to ends. This is true ganic forms. from the simplest to the most complex forms of activity: In the physical universe, there are unlimited varia­ the trinity runs through all things in Nature. The law tions of material forms throughout its wholeness. Its establishes fhree spheres which are distinct,—means, center is the marvelous astro-physical or nucleus: axes, and ends. The world of principles is wholly its the circumference is the earth itself. In this we teach own. and remains forever in its Central pole, state, and the Cellular Cosmogony, as against the formless uni­ quality; but when operating through means to produce verse taught by modern educators. The laws of form the fruits of cause, the action is accomplished by the and function demonstrate the truth of a universe with determination into the next outer sphere over axes. definite and known center and circumference. Men of The action was begun for use, hence it must continue to modern education, in their formulated opinions, have the sphere of ends. This is the fruit or use of action; not comprehended the law that all action depends on thus means manifest in ends, uses, or effects. The great polarity, hence form and limitation. Because of this, law of progression and retrogression completes its use they have failed to unfold and expla'in the true order of in ultimates, the analysis of which has so far in human the relation of the subjective and the objective spheres, progress, baffled all men but the man of science—KOUKSII. or the relation of spirit and matter. Because of the different states and qualities of the The Founder of Koreshanity has demonstrated that greater and lesser principles, from the whole to each all functions are within forms, and produce their uses particular, the sphere or domain of means is graded through their functions in themselves; he has demon­ from the lowest and simplest to the highest and most strated by the laws of means, axes, and ends, that the complex. This law of gradation is true in the sphere of great subjective sphere is within, and gives form and life axes, and in that of ends or effects. It is rational to to the objective sphere in all of its generals and particu­ conclude that great principles contain more uuiversals lars. Thus the spiritual world is within and not out­ than do.simple ones. It follows that great principles side of the natural world. It is within, and gives form innst use great axes to reach great ends; lesser princi­ aud life to the organic kingdoms. It is a known fact ples use lesser axes to conclude in lesser ends. Simple that the human, animal, vegetable, and mineral king­ doms are graded orderly, from the perfect man to the or single means acts over a single axis to a single end. simplest cell; it follows that the same gradation exists This reveals the law of order which runs from the low­ in the life of all things,—from the single cell to the very est cell life to the very God. If the law of order is end­ man-God. It follows, and without argument, that the less or infinite, the universe is formless; but if the uni­ simplest use of life would act within the simple cell; and verse has form and limitations, it is constructed and that the more intricate and superior the principles, the perpetuated according to definite laws of order. In more complex the organism in and through wdiich they Koreshanity, it is taught that the universe has form, must act; thus material forms correspond to the spiri­ hence limitations. To be a universe, it has to have form; tual states and qualities within them. Irresistible Mental Force of Genuine Heroes. PBOF. O. F. L'AMOBEAtJX, A. M„ PH. D. Nay, never falter; no great deed is done mightiest of the forces that produce results are unseen By falterers, who ask for certainty. by the natural eye, even in the domain of physics; all of No good is certain but the steadfast mind, The undivided will to seek the good; them are in the domain of spirit, or energy. Only the Tis that compels the elements, and wrings man who takes account of the unseen forces, spiritual A human music from the indifferent air. and natural, can stand unmoved and unterrified even The greatest gift a hero leaves his race Is to have been a hero. Say we fail ! amid the crash of worlds. Of David it is written: "I We feed the high tradition of the world, said in my haste, all men are liars." He might have And leave our spirit in our children's said, with even greater fitness, all men are cowards. breasts. —George Eliot. The men who have the stamina to stand by what "I have set the Eord always before me: because he is at my they themselves admit to be true, are few and far be­ right hand, I shall not be moved." "Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel. " "Though he slay me yet will I trust in him." tween. Shakespeare's declaration that "conscience makes cowards of us all,'-is of well-nigh universal appli­ ERE STUBBORNNESS is one thing; any donkey cation. When Jesus uttered things hard to be under M may possess that. An intelligent adherence to stood, the faint-hearted, who had followed him because truth and right is quite another thing. Only he who he fed them, followed no more after him ; and when the realizes that the Almighty arm is around him and sus­ unbelieving, because ignorant, Jews cried, "Crucify him! tains him, can stand unflinchingly by the truth under Crucify him!!" even the disciples forsook him and fled, all possible circumstances. It requires courage of a the bravest of them swearing that he did notknow Him. higher order to face hatred and ridicule and contempt, If men are more courageous now, it can only be those in than to encounter the most deadly missiles of war. wdiom the Christ seed then sown has been nineteen The circumstance and enthusiasm of war make men hundred years reproducing itself, to the harvest of unconscious of danger; but nothing of the kind sustains which the world has now arrived. the moral hero. Only with the eye of faith does he see Even thus we see many falter and turn back after the legions which surround Elijah. Only the unseen putting their hands to the plow. In this time of judg­ ment, only those who know the Lord and have con­ forces fight for truth and righteousness. The man who sciously set him at their right hand, have any reason­ infers that because they are unseen to the physical able assurance that they will not be moved. To such as eye they are unreal, makes a great mistake. Far the maintain this attitude no failure is possible.

In the Editorial Perspective.

THE EDITOB. HE GOLDEN AGE must be introduced by a system of the spring time. There must come a freshness of the very ele­ T thought and effort in keeping with the character of the ments of life, which the present world with its old church past life of the New Age; it riiust commence with a ?iew impulse of the autumn stages, in the throes of dissolution, does not possess. thought from a positive mental pole. Ages are the seasons of Obviously, there must be a change in humanity in the new humanity, epochs of human history and human life; the dispen­ world, and a corresponding change in the systems which express sations are the months of the grand year of the solar preces- the mind of the modern man. The change involves a stupen­ sional cycle of 24,000 3 ears. The quality of life manifest in dous revolution, which will sweep from the stage of human activ­ each dispensation depends upon the longitude of the anthropos­ ity all corrupt systems—religious, social, and scientific. The tic Sun on the ecliptic of human progress, as it spirates in the New Age will wear new garments and manifest a new type of "zone of the tropics through the twelve signs of the Zodiac of manhood, while the patched habiliments of the old age will be human life in the succession of the seven universal churches of consumed in the fires of revolution ! a grand cycle. At the head of every dispensation stands a man with sufficient mental dynamis to impulse humanity into new Has man reached the limit of evolution ? If he has, then channels of experience. The Christian dispensation is a period the world will never grow any better; if he has not, we may of time extending from the sowing of the life of Jesus to the look for a new race distinct from the present humanity, in a harvest of that sowing, and involves the work and processes of future age. The subject of evolution of species is being widely the founding, the apostasy, and dissolution of the Christian discussed. The idea has become popular, and is specially pro­ church. The dissolution of the church marks the limit of its mulgated as antagonistic to the Bible. Darwin presumed to usefulness,—marks the end of the age. The church of the have discovered the laws of creation, or the origin of species, the Piscatorial dispensation can no more introduce the new age evolution of life from the lower kingdoms to man. Agnostics than the Jewish church was able to inaugurate the Christian eagerly accept Darwinism, and endeavor to stop the process of dispensation. No new age has ever begun, in all the history of evolution by refusing to see the laws of coordinate involution, the past, without the destruction of the old church and the without which there could be no evolution. If the kingdoms of founding ofthe new. The new church of the Golden Age must the natural world are related by processes of evolution, it is not introduce a new epoch ofthe world; it must bring the verdure of improbable, even to the agnostic mind, that the manifestation The Flaming Sword, 9

of Jesus nineteen hundred years ago was in accordance with the that they always ridicule advanced thinkers and their thoughts, law of development of new species. He was the head of a new and then brag about modern progress when the ideas they kingdom, a new order of beings, which will be manifest iii the laughed at are practically applied ! natural world as an orderly evolution from the one form; that The millionaire is gaining a firm hold upon the world one form was the involved seed of humanity, the seed of a fixed through every avenue of human society. He has the power and exalted generation. Koreshan Science is the science of the because of his wealth and prestige to engage the facilities of progress of life through all of the natural kingdoms of the uni­ the school, college, and univers^ to educate the rising genera­ verse, and demonstrates the laws of the evolution of a new race tion in his favor. The professors employed in the university out of the present humanity. The Bible foretold the coming of endowed by the millionaire must necessarily be in harmony with a new race, thousands of years before the promulgation of Dar­ the popular spirit and thought of the world; they must teach winism. those things that are not antagonistic to the interests of the men The student of humanity must reach a knowledge of him­ who make the existence of the university possible. Dike the self in order to comprehend the present order of the world. editors of the daily newspapers, whose pens are guided by the Kvery man is a part of humanity; he came from it, and is of it, corporations, the professors must be the mouthpieces of the and his destiny is with it and in it. Every man should be aristocracy; and likewise, the clergymen must defend the insti­ acquainted with himself; but he must be introduced to himself tutions of the millionaire. All modern institutions supported through the science of life. The selfish instinct of man leads by capitalists are directly or indirectly under the control of him to the conclusion and the delusion that he is better than the men who have the money. The modern editor and clergy­ every one else; that he is made up of just a little finer material man must not protest against the money power, but as tools of and possesses better judgment in general than his fellows. In the corporations they must pass over the evils entailed upon the processes of emancipation from the present conditions of the humanity by the money power. world, it is just as necessary to come to a knowledge of one's Harper's Bazaar laments the monotony and routine of life self as it is to know the truth about God. The mortal and the as elements of the cause in the premature breaking down and immortal man belong to two distinct planes of existence; and wearing out of the human machine. It presumes that a change the knowledge of this distinction precludes the very common of occupation would add a few years to the lifetime of individ­ delusion that man as he exists today is a part of God—possess­ uals; it suggests social contact with others to bring about fresh ing divine attributes and life. Koreshan Science reveals the trains of thought and ideas, and new variations of life and true character of man—not that he is God, but that he may, action, and that human magnetism of large assemblages acts as through obedience to scientific law, become God in the transfor­ a physical stimulus. Koreshanity is concerned about human mation of corruptibility to incorruptibility in the apotheosis or longevity, about the social conditions, and time for recreation resurrection. for every member of the human family; but we are not begin­ What is the modern church doing for humanity ? Its mis­ ning with suggestions of physical stimulus to bolster up the sion in the world is ostensibly to cure the mental, moral, and man temporarily, while in silence concerning the cause of his other ills that afflict the human family; but it has not cured decay. .The ills of humanity come from causes more hideous them. We are living away down here at the beginning of the than routine. There is a persistency in the forces of sensualism twentieth century; after centuries of effort the church has done in the mortal man, that counteracts all remedies for decay that nothing of practical value to humanity. It has stood silent and are not directed against the seat of sensualism itself. helpless while the money power has fastened itself upon the The Cayster says: "Because ofthe greatness of creation and man, the nation, and the world. It has not joined in the cry of . the smallness of our finite being, man cannot comprehend the humanity for freedom, and against the corruptions of the hour. universe by scientific observation and experiment alone. He Reform itself has originated and has been carried forward out­ must remain in ignorance, speculation, and fallacy unless there side of the church. The great protests against the injustice is a revelation from God. ' The Caystral Cosmology is the manifest today, the protests against the competitive system, newest idea of the character of the universe; it is that the uni­ gigantic robberies, political schemes, the crimes of heads of verse is in the shape of a woman veiled in ice. Its originator nations, do not come from the modern pulpit. The church has reveals a new system, which he calls "my cosmographical divorced her concern from the economic affairs of the world; but views," which he has not yet "collated sufficient scientific facts while she 'was married to the state, she wielded the power of and data to prove. " But then, revelations come from God; and abuse and tyranny, of cruelty and oppression. The church is the revealer of the andromorphic cosmogony has now an oppor­ the mother of corruption, and will defend her children. tunity to put forth some extraordinary claims in the way of It is extremely interesting to watch the progress of the new divine prerogatives and wisdom. and advanced ideas put forth by the Founder of Koreshanity for Reform papers now and then object to so much being said fools to laugh at, and for men of genius in the world to apply, in THE FLAMING SWORD concerning astronomy, cosmogony, years after the thoughts were formed and expressed. Years ago, alchemy, theology, ethnology, etc., alongside the Koreshan KORESH announced through Koreshan propaganda that the ma­ System of Social Economy. Well, why not? Contrasting THE chinery ofthe New Jerusalem, the capital city of the world of SWORD with the reform press, we judge that profound scientific the twentieth century, would be run by electricity generated subjects are much better for the education of humanity, by way without the use of dynamos—by the mere utilization of the of preparation for the new civilization, than the stuff contained electric and magnetic currents of the earth and . in the patent sheets and stereotype plates ! We are winnowing Men who considered themselves extraordinarily smart and in­ the wheat;—others are dealing in cheat and chaff". telligent, laughed at the idea as coming from a fanatical mind. The daily press at this late date, announces that a Cleveland An exchange remarks, that "the church as the representa­ capitalist has designed and invented a motor which derives its tive of Christ in the world, is under obligation to carry out the power directly from electric currents in the earth. It is a sad social purpose of its founder, and this chiefly by incorporating reflection on the character of the people of the modern world, into its own constitution the principles which he laid down for 10 The Flaming Sword, determining the social relations of men." At this late date?— Of course, the scientists have been endeavoring to tell us for the representative of Christ, devoid of these necessary elements centuries what is on the outside of the earth; but there are two in its constitution ? That fact alone is sufficient condemnation. problems that they have been unable to solve; and these are: It is not the representative of the Christ; the elements of life What is on the inside of the earth, and what is on the outside of are not the elements of apostasy. the universe ? It is claimed that the modern church has had much to do Some people are fearful that if the earth is concave, they with the civilization of the civilized,—that it is a factor in all will smother to death on the inside. No danger; atmosphere enlightened countries of the world. Granted; so is whiskey. miles in depth on the inside is twenty times deeper than Both whiskey and the church follow the avenues of competitive the 50 mile atmospheric film on the whirling convex earth ! commerce from the civilized nations of the world, notably Eng­ When the novice finds a problem that he never thought of land and America. They are barbarous who have not seen the before, that he cannot solve by a fragmented comprehension of civilizing influences of the wine cup of the church and the the Koreshan Science, he urges it as an objection against the whiskey glass ofthe saloon. System! Some Christian vegetarians do not like the idea of the Eiberty written upon the shores of the American continent, Industrial Cooperative Union running a meat market. We is washed away with every tide that sweeps the Columbian beach; suppose that they must be falling out with the Bible a little, but sand writers are busy, else liberty would disappear even in for Abraham was a meat eater; Jesus was fond of fish; Peter name! learned that more animals could be eaten than.prescribed by the If a man compels you to give him your religious cloak, Mosaic code; Paul advised the Christians to not be afraid to eat make him take your coat of whitewash also; then you will be any kind of meats sold in the markets, and the prodigal son ready for an entirely new garment of truth and righteousness. feasted on the fatted calf. Brilliancy of sunshine depends upon the purity of the The tree of the modern church with its many branches, is atmosphere; the light of truth cannot shine clearly through not bearing the fruit of the dispensation. If the church is true, superstitious clouds nor agnostic fogs. it would be reasonable to expect some grand climaxes to be reached in the church, in the manifestation of the results of When the devil invented the modern astronomical fallacies, regeneration at the close of the dispensation; but the tree is he was ambitious to expand his territory, and made hell of the dead, and the trunk will not stand the storm of revolution. It entire universe. will be hewn down and cast into the fire. There are just as many specific qualities of universal human It has been easier for America to decide the great questions life, as there are languages and dialects in the world. at issue between the United States and Spain, than it is to settle The greatest parallax in modern astronomy, was the shift­ the details or small problems relating to Cuba and the Philip­ ing of Copernicus to the north pole of fallacy. pines. There is a clearer definition of public sentiment regarding Shoemaker's sign under salvation army barracks: "Souls the freedom of Cuba and the possession of other Spanish colo­ saved while you wait. " nies, than there is about what to do after America has expanded to just 1800 of the earth's circumference. The "philosopher's stone" will destroy the tombstone and resurrect the dead. Modern Christianity is the moonshine of the anthropostic solar system of the Piscatorial dispensation. The church con­ There are other worlds than this, but they are not natural. tains the in its mental sky,—an X-ray picture of the cor­ The nidus of evil is located in the love of money. rupt earth of humanity which was penetrated by the divine Eight in its diffusion nineteen hundred years ago. Moonshine Only the polished mind can reflect brilliant ideas. is vitiated sunshine. Baubles are the bubbles of wealth.

Editorial Discussions, Chats, and Correspondence. THE EDITOR. Phenomena and Destination of Comets. Astronomy, a mere hint at the science of KoXovpoc, dock tail. In Aries and Eibra, Will you please explain your position comets. Nevertheless, the statement the forces which form the comets are cut about comets. You say they flow into the that comets plunge into and feed the sun off. They are composed of the energies sun and burn up. Now, these comets are is correct. In the statement that they do of cold, a condensation through the dissi­ seen to move toward the sun and then re­ cede from it. If they burn up, what is it not fly off into space and return, of course pation of the energies of heat at the that is seen moving away from the sun in means into the boundless space and or­ points of the opening and closing of the the supposed orbit of the comet? In fact, they have all the appearance of moving bits billions of miles, as provided in the electro magnetic circuits of the sun and toward and away from the sun. Observ­ Copernican system. The idea is, that moon. Rapidly revolving zones of crys­ ers reject your statement; and hence I they are always in the earth, and do not tallic energy are formed, which ulti­ wish to know if this statement is as you mean it, or is it incomplete? If it is as get outside of the limit of the 8,000 miles mately break up into fragments and form you mean it, then explain the receding diameter. various shaped lenses, which when pass­ comet.—K. O. S., Wis. The origin of comets is in the cutting ing into our atmosphere refract sunlight The paragraph concerning the comets off of ultimate solar and lunar energies at into forms of trains or tails, which have referred to above, appears in the CELLU­ the equinoctial colures. The word comet so long puzzled the astronomers of the LAR COSMOGONV, page 165, a newspaper is derived from the Greek KOIH/TI/C, which old school. report of an interview on the subject of means, wearing long hair; colure is from The motion of comets is necessarily de- 11

rived from the impulse given them by pheres, they pass from one state to another mountain or a cloud, but the elevation of the sun. The sun itself moves in spirals instead of from place to place, in accord­ a point or star above the horizon measured in the zone of the tropics ; and the ener­ ance with the same impulses which im­ by the arc of a vertical circle. The zenith gies cut off give the comets which the}' part to them their rapid motion when in point in any horizon is an altitude of 900, form, a spiral motion and orbit. The a tangible orbit in the elements of the while the horizon is zero. 90° is the high­ cometic energies originate in the sun pri­ outer atmosphere. est altitude any star can attain; at any other point in the zenith, its altitude is marily, and the destination of the comet Modern Adventism Retrogressing. is the sun itself. From the laws of anal­ less than 900. Viewed from the equator, I send you a marked copy of the World's ogy this will be clear; origin and destiny Hope of December 15, 1898. It has gone the North Star is at the horizon; at the are one. into the advertisment and persecution north pole it would be directly overhead; business, which the editor always pro­ at 45° north latitude, it would be seen at How about the receding comet? The tested against. What will a man not do to comet that is seen to recede is the same sustain his own creed ? I think that the an angle of 45 °. For every degree trav­ editor is getting short of material for his ersed from the equator to the pole (900 of arc as the comet that is seen to advance paper.—READER OF World's Hope, W. Va. toward the sun. A given comet will ofthe earth), the Pole Star appears to rise reach its perihelion many times before We replied to a scurrilous article by i° of space. Eatitude on the earth's sur­ plunging into the sun, like the candle fly a correspondent in the World's Hope face is determined by the co ordinate alti­ about the candle, terminating its career a few weeks ago; shortly afterward we re­ tude of the Pole Star, or the altitude of when its wings are burned. The orbit ceived a marked copy of that paper, with the the sun at noon. of a comet is constantly contracting, and above protest against thequality of matter On the convex surface, the nearer the the point of its perihelion is nearer the which the paper contains. The journal in observer is to the north pole the nearer he sun at each revolution until it enters the question has ceased to progress, for the would be to the North Star, because he vortex. When a comet reaches its vortex simple reason that the progressive entities would be nearing the apex of the bulge no receding comet is observed. The as­ have taken up their abode elsewhere. In which has the Pole Star as its zenith. tronomical mind is familiar with the phe­ a recent number of the paper the editor According to the Koreshan System, he nomena of comets as they approach the disclaims any effort for the benefit of the would also be nearer the star, just as one sun. Comets rarely pass their perihelion natural world; it is not this world that he would be nearer the top of a tower by be­ unchanged. In some cases they recede is working for, but a spiritual sphere ing at its base, than he would be at a shorn of their glory ; others are divided, which, in his imagination, constitutes point one mile away. all there is of heaven and immortality. and some seem to gather their train about Ratio of the Earth's Curvature. them as a garment and rapidly move Advent journalism has fallen into ruts; How have men determined that the curv­ away. it puts forth no new ideas, and all its ac­ ature of the earth is about eight inches tivities are the activities of disintegration. to the mile, with the false ideas they have Analogous to comets in the ph3'sieal as to which side of the curve we are on? world, there are comets in the anthropos­ There was a time when the hope of the Your method would seem to me to be the coming of the Christ made brilliant many only obviously correct one; but evidently tic world. To illustrate the change of it has never been used before.—D. E. S., the character of comets upon reaching an intellect and warmed many an honest Santa Ana, Cal. the point of perihelion, we refer to John and earnest heart; William Miller stirred the heart and soul of thousands at the be­ The size of the earth has been deter­ the Baptist. His perihelion was at the bap­ mined by measurements of degrees of tism of Jesus, after which Jesus increased ginning of his mission in 1839. The movement was contemporaneous with the longitude at the equator, and of meridian and John decreased. Elijah was a comet arcs extending north and south. A circle birth of KORESH, and continued with that plunged into the sun through his 0 enthusiasm until the entities were gathered has exactly 360 . The sun passes over theocrasis, and there was no receding 0 into the unity of Koreshan Universology. 360 of the earth's circumference in 24 comet, because he was absorbed entirely. 0 Nineteen hundred years ago at the time hours, 15 in one hour, or i° in 4 minutes. John the Baptist yielded up his energies, Points on the equator differing exactly 4 but not his personality. ofthe birth of Jesus, "all men were in ex­ pectation of him,'' and there was a general minutes of time a^e 1° apart; and this There are specific comet cycles. The advent movement among the Jews; but space is known to be about 69.25 miles, formative zones put forth a variety of when the Man began to teach, the move­ with an entire circumference of about comets; but in time, the number and ment became "orthodox" and devoid of 24,939 miles. Measurements of degrees kind of comets are repeated, just as life. Modern Adventism and its propa­ of latitude give similar results. eclipses recur at definite intervals. Thou­ ganda have seen their best days; and their The determination of the ratio of curva- sands of comets are created and fulfil sun is setting. The}' have lost the ear­ tion of an arc of a circle of 24,939 miles their spirations and plunge into the sun, nestness and enthusiasm which so mark­ in circumference, becomes a problem for that are never seen ; they constitute one edly characterized the original movement geometrical and mathematical solution— of the principal sources of solar energy, from 1839 to 1870. a problem of simple triangulation. The just as absorption into Nirvana maintains actual ratio computed from the above cir­ the celestial sphere of human life. The Altitude of the Pole Star. cumference, is 7.92 inches per mile. Here­ speed which comets seem to acquire when Is it a scientific fact, as claimed by tofore, there have been no methods ap­ visible, is not kept up throughout the en­ astronomers of the old school, that as one plied for direct determination of the ratio; tire period of time they are invisible; travels northward the altitude of the North the processes have been indirect. The their motion is accelerated thousands of Star constantly increases ? If the concave Koreshan Geodetic Survey employed a times when they enter the outer atmos­ theory is correct, should it not become less method which not only demonstrated the in going north ?—G. W. H., Peyton, Colo. phere, and their activities are as many size of the earth to be in accordance with times augmented. While in the outer at­ The astronomical significance of the the calculated ratio, or nearly so, but also mosphere, they move in orbits which de­ word altitude is not the perpendicular that its surface is concave. Our method fine them as elliptical, parabolic, or hy­ elevation of an object above the ground, has never been employed before for the perbolic ; while in the interior atmos­ or a given level, as the altitude of a purpose of direct test of its contour. \c2 The Flaming Sword,

They Are All Wrong. Modern Education and the Hollow Globe Astronomy, and he ex­ pressed a desire to see it. I gave one The Theology of Modern Ministers as Accu­ Flaming Sword. rate and Truthful as Their Views A Correspondent Finds the Flaming Sword copy to a former principal,- a very promi­ of Koresh. the only Journal that Covers the Ground of nent man here. He is an ardent student All Modern Evils. THE FLAMING SWORD is life to me, and of astronomy, as taught iu the old school, EDITOR FLAMING SWOBD:—I saw an arti­ a thrust at it or its Founder is hurtful in­ and the CELEILAR COSMOGONY has made deed. I have just finished reading the at­ cle copied from you in the Lakebay a tremendous impression on him. He has tacks of Dis Debar, et al, and the following (Wash.) Discontent of November 16, against given it wide publicity, and has written comes up fresh in my mind; I have wanted "compulsory education." I have also seen me several times.—T. P. G., Newborn, Ga. to tell you of it for some time, but thought a copy of your paper criticising the pres­ I might be using your valuable time out of ent system of barbarous education. I am Teachers Interested in Koreshan Astronomy. place. glad to see that one reform paper has The lectures here are better attended awakened to the enormity of the misery Over a year ago, a minister of the Chris­ than they were. A school-teacher bought that education of the popular kind entails. tian church told me he saw KOEESH and a COSMOGONY last week. She said it Not one other reform paper in the country, heard him lecture, and that he was noth­ would please her mother, as she had al­ as I remember, gives the subject any ing but a bloated, big-nosed Irishman [not ways said that we were on the inside of attention. Thousands are working along Irish ED.], and no man of sense would the earth. The teacher wondered why what they call reform lines, while at the folloAv him or pay any attention to him. she had not read anything concerning the same time they are bolstering up the I need not repeat here what I said to him! discovery and its demonstration. One schools which help to perpetuate the very The minister told me he was acquainted young lady bought a copy for a Christmas ills they seek to repress. with a man who told him that lie knew present for her father, who is interested KORESH down in Tennessee [Never lived Popular education is the bulwark behind in astronomy.—Mrs. L. P. C, Cal. which every form of wrong sustains itself nor lectured in Tennessee.—ED.], many Has a Neat, Creditable Appearance. years ago, and that Dr. Teed was a sharp, against the attacks of the reformer, and the would-be reformers who do not utterly The CELLI'LAR COSMOGONY is well got­ shrewd man, for he said, "I am going to ten up and has a neat, creditable appear­ get up a new creed or system of religion, renounce and denounce it, can work in vain. Lizzie M. Holmes, a reform writer ance. It details some interesting and in­ and you see if I don't get followers ; I pro­ structive experiments, the results of pose to oppose everything now taught, of Denver, wrote me the other day, stating that she had raised her daughter which one would not be inclined to be­ both in school and in pulpit." Then the lieve if they had not been proven by trial. minister remarked, "You see, you are be­ in the public schools, and she was very conservative. She is something like a It needs long study and further experi­ ing led off with gross folly; for the man ments in different places before one could Teed does not believe his own doctrine. prominent freethinker of my acquaintance, who sent his daughter to a convent school certainly know what conclusions to form You know the Bible says, that in these in regard to such facts. days deceivers will come and claim many because it was the fashionable thing to do THE SWORD appears to be ably edited, astounding things and deceive the elect." in his neighborhood. The public school and I suppose it may be doing much good I answered him, but of course to no effect. suppresses all originality of thought at by stirring the thoughts of people and I asked him if he knew these things to be the outset. Originality is the fundamental giving them pointers along the lines that facts, and he said, "I do." requisite, if we want to see the rising gen­ eration become independent thinkers radiate from the kingdom of eternal right­ Then I met minister No. 2, who said that along new religious, industrial, and polit­ eousness, which is now revealed and in "Teed" had been egged out of several ical lines. embryo established in a few cross-bearers who have the testimony of Jesus against cities, and had finally settled down in the For twenty-five years, I have been fight­ suburbs of Chicago and had gathered a ing modern education and its methods, the sins of the world, and who keep the lot of women and men of questionable and have sent out articles and circulars commandments of God. -A. G. H., Mt. character around him, and was trying to by the thousands. Gradually, even the Lebanon, N, Y. make them think he had a little "heaven" world is coming to see its fallacies. The other day, I had a letter in the Boston Proofs of Concavity Irrefutable. of his own. I asked him if he did not Traveler on the "Public School Inquisi­ think that Paul was a good man ? "Of tion," and one in the Providence Journal I have been reading the CELBULAB COS­ course I do," he replied. "Then," I said, on "Abandon the Schools." In the latter MOGONY, and am very much interested in "How often was he mistreated and egged city, music, drawing, cooking, physical the book, or rather in what it contains. culture, kindergartens, and other fads I think the proofs of concavity are irrefu­ as you say, even worse than you say Dr. have been dropped, and with much more Teed ever was; yet you think Paul was a fuss the people will incline to abandon table^- Will you please mail me sample grand, good man ! See ?" the modern schools sure enough! This copies, different issues, of THE FEAMING state (Maryland) lias recently been terror­ SWORD?—F. L. G., Cal. Minister No. 3, and the last; I enclose his ized in some parts by the educated, idle, letter. He says: "I saw Dr. Teed in Florida, and presuming negroes, and what has I am much interested in the theory of and could have heard him in one of his lec­ been going on in North Carolina, the whole KORESH as to our earth, and am prepared tures, but he is not worth fooling after. country knows. The trouble all grows to believe it. I enclose order for copy of from educating the negro away from the He is an old outcast, trying to delude men farm and manual labor generally. If revo­ COSMOGONY, to be sent to KEV. J. M. P.,— and. women, especially women, into a lution comes from the whites in any sec­ Eatonton, Ga. I have been a school­ 'heaven' of his own making. He tried to tion of the country, it will also come from teacher and a lover of astronomy all my establish a heaven on an island in the Gulf a fallacious education as the cause.— life.—H. C. H., Monticello, Ga, of Mexico, and made a most egregious FRANCIS B. LIVESEY, Md. failure, of course." I asked him if he would * * * know the Doctor's photograph if he should * * * see it. "Yes, sir," he said. I produced the Words of Welcome for the Cellu­ The World's News. latest one I had, and he said, "That don't lar Cosmogony. look like him." "May be you never saiv Wednesday, January II, 1899. Dr. Teed," I said.* "Yes I did," he said, After the Professors. "but that don't look like he did then; if Many thanks for extra copies of the CEL- Calhoun county, 111., citizens drive out LTJLAB COSMOGONY. I placed both copies first arrival of the colored man; no that is Dr. Teed, it must be a picture of negroes permitted. in good.hands. I gave one to Prof. S., him in hisyounger days [!], for when Isaw Senator Mason opposes American expan­ him he had his hair hanging down upon his professor of higher mathematics of Emory sion. shoulders [! ! !],trying to look like Christ." college ; I told him several days previous, Austrian senators settling political ques­ —R. H. LEVY, Missouri. that I was going to send him a copy of the tions in duels. The Flaming Sword, 13 Portugal appeals for support of England Constitution of the I. C. U. Chicago, 111., Substation 48, when the point to retard progress of internal revo­ in question will be elucidated. lution. Pamphlet Descriptive of the Koreshan Co­ operative Industries, with Particulars Any person may become a member of the and I^aws of Organisation. Thursday. Investigating, or First Degree of the Club, Many of our friends abroad are becom­ —for the general division of the Club into Senator Foraker delivers stirring address ing interested in the Industrial Co-opera­ two degrees must conform to the general in Senate in answer to all anti-expan­ tive Union of America, now successfully sionists. division of the Society Arch Triumphant— operating in the city of Chicago. The but no member shall be permitted to vote Bandits and guerillas terrorizing citizens of Santiago de Cuba; vigilance com­ practical features of the Koreshan System who is not a member of the Second Degree. mittee organized to hunt down the are of special interest to all reformers desir­ No person can be a member of the robbers. Second Degree w h o uses tobacco, pro­ ing the inauguration of an effective sys­ fanity, or intoxicants. Moral character Serious Hoods in Sweden. tem of co operation. The I. C. U. is or­ must be a prerequisite to membership to ganized in accordance with the laws and the Second Degree. Whiskey, beer, wine, Friday. tobacco, opium, profanity, and vulgarity principles of order, insuring equitable ad­ favor sensuality, and militate against any Gen. Eagan, head of army commissary of justment of the products of the industry successful effort to reform the character. V. S., grows savage in denunciation of all operators and patrons. When a Club is sufficiently advanced to of Gen. Miles; army scandal growing; appeal for entrance to the Orders of the Eagan may be court-martialed. We desire the hearty co-operation of Koreshan System, it may apply to Rev. Chewing-gum trust is forming in New every one interested in this work; you can Berthaldine, Matrona, Honorable Presi­ York, involving six largest compa­ obtain a number of copies of the Constitu­ dent of the Society Arch Triumphant. nies in America. tion and introduce the subject in your vicinity. We need you to help us push it; Halls, or parlors occupied for the con­ Dr. Hillis, Chicago clergyman, wanted at it needs to be advertised. We need also vening of Clubs, should be so seated as to Brooklyn to succeed Dr. Abbott. some returns for our efforts; to this end we demark the members of the two degrees. Alarming news concerning situation at have fixed a nominal price on the pam­ The Club has no jurisdiction over the Iloilo fabricated at Madrid to com­ phlets we are issuing,—5 cents per copy. habits of those in the First Degree, which plicate relations of Americans and In writing for particulars and pamphlets is merely investigative. It has, however, Filipinos. please enclose stamps to cover cost of print­ absolute control of the conduct of the meet­ ing, postage, and reply to your inquiries. ings, and no tobacco or intoxicants shall ever be tolerated during any of the ses­ Saturday. Address Mr. W. R. WALLACE, NO. 680 W. Lake st., Chicago, 111. sions of the Clubs. When convenient, the line of demarkation of members of the two Andrew Carnegie offers $20,000,000 for the * Philippines—10,000,000 people and * * degrees shall be from front to rear of the thousands of square miles of terri­ room occupied; the members of the First tory; inhabitants $2 each; islands Formation of Clubs for the Study (lower) Degree sitting at the left, and the thrown in ! members of the Second (higher) Degree at of Koreshan Universology. the right. Senator Dingley dies at Washington, of Victoria Gratia Stipulates Conditions of These are merely general principles for heart failure. Organization of Initiatory Councils. the conduct of meetings by such as desire Vaccination powerless to resist smallpox As our work develops, inquiries are con­ to enter upon the great work of re-forma­ at Havana, Cuba. stantly being made regarding the organiza­ tion, which will only come, in its ultimate tion of Clubs for the purpose of discussing fulness, through the impending revolution. Sunday. and disseminating the gospel of Koresh­ VICTORIA GRATIA, ( Pre-Eminent of the Koreshan Unity. Kevolutionists win a victory in battle in anity. In reply to such inquiries we ex­ Peru; insurgent forces led by Gen. tend the privilege of organizing Initiatory * * * Comacho, against troops of P r e s. Alonzo. Councils as preliminary to the regular or­ daughter as Medicine. ganization of Camps of the Society Arch 10,000 insurgents gathering in vicinity of For every good hearty laugh we indulge Triumphant. Manila; citizens alarmed at lawless in, we are a day younger. Why should we demonstrations. Every Initiatory Club should have a take life so seriously ? Cannot we labor Xew trial for Dreyfus ordered by court of President, Vice President, and Secretary; cassation; result of influence of ex- as well, or better, accomplish as much and and the meetings of the Club conducted enjoy life as we go along, if we keep on Premier Brisson. according to Roberts' Rules of Order. All Catholic priests appealing to church for the watch for every possible opportunity help in Cuba, since clergy cannot be meetings should be held strictly according for a good, hearty, blood-stirring, pulse- supported from public funds. to rules and discussion of questions tingling laugh? Let us try it for a year. regulated through the office of the Presi­ Let us put away all those wrinkle-produ­ Monday. ding Chairman of the Club. No person cing, skin-withering, blood-drying, heart- should be allowed to take part in discus­ McKinley appoints a commission to inves­ narrowing feelings of envy, spite, jealousy, tigate Philippine situation, and to sions who doubts or opposes Koreshan Sci­ and secret hatred; those petty, penny- make terms with insurgents. ence. What we mean by discussion in­ grasping, soul-contracting, narrow-minded Members of ladies' tailors union of Chi­ volves questions of differences in opinion ambitions and desires, and make up our cago locked out by employers; union regarding the true interpretation of that demands more wages; employers minds to live to enjoy living, and to live which is taught in Koreshanity and Ko­ as long as we can. refuse. reshan literature. Secret meeting of diplomats at Madrid Joy is the sunshine of the heart, and start newspaper stories by the score. If those interested in the subject of Ko­ cheerfulness and honest mirth bring forth the blossoms and unfold the leaves, and Small riots and street fist fights enlarged reshan Universology will be painstaking their fragrance sweetens all our lives and to insurrections by newspapers. in the acquisition of the fundamental prin­ the lives of others. Let us not worry. ciples of our System, they will not get very Worry drains the system of its vitality Tuesday. far away from the main line of Koreshan and shortens our lives. Fun is better for Gospel. To acquire this knowledge it is a sickly child than medicine, it has been Yacht Paul Jones lost with pleasure party, said. Are we not children grown a little in Gulf of Mexico. essentially important that the literature of older? and is not mirth the best of medi­ Paderewski plays for charity at Warsaw, Koreshanity be read thoroughly, and cines ? Let us laugh, then, as we go along, whensoever there is a question of uncer­ and enjoy every moment of time as it Kussia. passes, keeping with us eternal youth.—Ex. Great unrest in Transvaal; Boers and tainty regarding a matter of doctrine, the Uitlanders at outs; Kreuger fears a President should communicate at once The established order makes us despise revolution; England may interfere. with Rev. Berthaldine, Matrona, Honorable labor and respect business. Socialism Avill Czar kisses Count Tolstoi at Toola, Kussia; President of the Society Arch Triumphant, strongly incite us all to industry.—Gron- Count and Czar discuss disarmament Beth Ophrah, Cor. 99th St., & oak ave., lund. proposition. L1BKART OF THE ALTRUIST The Advocate of Common Sense. is a monthlv paper, partly in phonetic spelling, and A Semi-Monthly Newspaper, published by Augus. devoted to equal rights, mutual assistance, united Buesing, 153-155 Riverside avenue, Jacksonville, Fla. labor, and common property. It is issued by the Al­ Subscription rates $1 per annum, payable iu advance. truist Community, of St. Louis, whose members hold THE ADVOCATE OF COMMON SENSE is undeniably the all their property in common, live and work together best medium through which the Manufacturers, Job- in a permanent home for their mutual enjoyment, as­ qers, wholesale and retail Merchants, and every other sistance, and support, and both men and women have trade and profession may make money by advertising. equal rights and decide on all its business affairs by THE ADVOCATE OP COMMON SENSE is" a high-class These Works are Bound in the their majority vote. It now has 5,000 acres oi land journa devoted to literature, science, art, spiritual­ in Southeast Missouri on which it offers a home aud ism, free-thought, exposing religious and political Highest Style of the Art. employment for life to all acceptable persons who rerors and the evils of our present system of society may wish to join it. 25c a year; specimen copy free. and offers devices for better ones. It gives the news A. LO.NGLY, Editor, 2819 Olive St., 3. Louis, Mo. of the week from all over the world. No paper at any price can excel it. It is especially interesting aud profitable. It is accepted by everybody not only Fine Bindings. Q THE FREE LANCE" as an entertainer, but as a teacher. No one should M be without it. o Is a monthly Journal devoted to General Reform. o It stands for free and untrammeled expression of thought upon all questions. It holds that no man Darwin's Origin of Species. £ nor theory is too sacred for honest criticism and that Weavers! i vol., half calf, '. . 32.00 | there is no higher tribunal than the enlightened reason of man. 2 5 cents a year. SamplesTre'. Write with or without stamp to W. F. MCCKEADY, 6308 WENTWORTH AVENUE, CHICAGO, III., and re­ Darwin's Descent of Man.! ceive illustrated circular of i vol., half calf. . . . §2.00 " FREE LANCE. Burnside. Ky. Automatic (Stationary) Darwin's (Charles) Complete g Q I Ar (silver) for a full year's Temple and Shuttle Guide, \£>nfl AlC subscription to WORKS. IS vols., half calf, . 65.00^ Most unique and simple Loom Temple and Guide on JCIIU ^-^^•FredBurry's Journal the market. Especially adapted for Newcomb Loom Spencer's First Principles.— ~ The cheapest and most UP-TO-DATE Mental Science monthly. You will be pleased i vol., half calf; . . • 2.00 £ with it. THE WEAVERS' HERALD, Spencer's Data of Ethics.—§f F. W. BUKRY, 807 Bathurst St., TORONTO,* CAN. A Monthly Publication, T vol., half calf, . . . 2.00 I Devoted to PLAIN and FANCY HAND WEAVING, Subscription 50c a Year. Spencer's Complete Works, f THE NEW MAN... A monthly magazine devoted to the cultivation Circulates in Every State in the Union, 15 vols., half calf, 55.00 ST of sexual purity, and the mastery of sin, sickness 7,500 Circulation Monthly Proctor's Other Worlds than § and poverty through the orderly development of Send Postal for Sample Copy. OURS, I vol., hall calf, . 32.00- faculties, active or latent in all men. LYONS, - - KANSAS. $1.00 per year. Don't fail to send us 2 cents for Koran. Translated by George Sale. £ a sample copy. Address: The New Man Publishing Co., I he New Science, Osteopathy. i vol., half calf, .... 2.00^ 1121 N. Grand Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Do you want to know more about this Gibbon's History of the De- ~ The Metaphysical Knowledge. • Science which cures human ills without drugs? CLINE and Fall of tin- Roman Empire. "S A new journal devoted to purely meta­ It so, send 2c stamp for sample eopv, or 50c for 5 vols., half calf, . . 10.00 £ physical thought; and if this is what you a year's subscription to the OSTEOPATHIC revel in, then subscribe to this new INDEX, Merritt E. Springer, Editor, Ottawa, Lecky's History of European | monthly—Fifty cents per year; single copy Kansas. MORALS. 2 vols., half calf, . 37.00 £ 5 cents. One copy free. H. Archer Doty, Toron 0 895 Park Ave., Baltimore Md. Mental Science Institute. c a'„. Lecky's History of England. | All the Woes, Ills and Ails of life Cor­ 2 vols., half calf, . . 10.00 3 The Needham Hustler, rected through the Agency of Mental Published by Board & Judd at Needham, Ind., is Science. Carlyle's Hist, of the French K an 8 page, progressive, Liberal paper, both in pol­ Absent treatment a specialty. Write stating REVOLUTION. itics and religion. In order to give it a wider circu­ trouble; immediately vibrations are set in motion, 1 vol., half calf, 2.00 2 lation than ever before, the subscription price has for distance is no barrier to the Mental Scientist. been reduced to the minimum of 25c per year. Lib­ Address, E. Fisher, Care of "The Realm" Toronto, Bible Myths. ' vol., % mor., 5.00 | erals and thinkers send us 25c and receive the Ont., Can. Hustler for 1 vear. Fragments of Science. %~ WARREN JUDD. Editor. First Business Step. John Tyndall. 1 vol.. half calf, 2.00 § | rtAI/ I A I,ARGE BOOK OF SE- Your name, business, and address neatly printed \J\JT\ ! CRBTS, regular price $1.00, and on 100 good Envelopes, 100 Note Heads to match, and Huxley (Thomas H.) Works. % !••• our Mammoth 48-column Magazine on trial 3 100 business cards, for only fl.00—bill, stamps or P.O. 14 vols., half calf, . 45.00 £ months, ALL for only 10 cts., postpaid. This is a rare money order. LUTZ PUB. Co., box 710 Pittsburg, Pa chance to get a good literary magazine devoted to Hugo's Les Miserables. 2 vol., I industrial progress for almost nothing. Trial ads., Send 10c in Stamps 30 words or less, 10c: 3 times, 20c. 50 cards or envel­ And you will receive half calf, .... 4.00 % opes neatly printed, 10c., postpaid. Address all Las Cases' Napoleon. 4 vols., ° orders with cash or stamps to CRITIC MAGAZINE, The Echo for One Year. Akron, O. The paper is an 8 page, 4 col. monthly, and your half calf, .... 38.001 uame will be placed iu agents' directory for one time free. Or send 30c and receive same as 'above and a O'Meara's Napoleon, 2 vols., | Advertisers Vest Pocket map of anv state. half calf, .... 34.00 I You will laugh and grow fat if vou THE ECHO, Wauneta, Neb. uso Spanish Romances. 12 vols., g The Lutz Advertiser, The Coming Era, with forty-eight beautiful etchings, half« A monthly with a big circulation. Ad rates 5 cents per lino. Display or electros, 50 cents per inch. A Journal of American Politics, a calf, boxed. 336.00 3 Forms close 25th of each month. Sample copy LUTZ Semi-Monthly Free Lance. The following titles of the Spanish 5 ADVERTISER, P O. box 719, Pittsburg, Pa. Advocating International Revolution, Socialism Romances sold separately. See the Flies on Me!! and Co-operative Commonwealth. Trial subscrip­ That is what the Stick-em fast fly paper would tion, three months for 10 cents. Address, Ross Don Quixote. 4 vols., with 4 etch- I say if it could talk. Send 20c for formula and full di­ Winn & Co. 301 Main St., Dallas, Texas. ings to each vol,, half calf, . $ \ 2.00 | rections for making, to the LYONS NOVELTY Co., Lynns. Kas. Adventures of Gil Bias. 3 vols., g OR IOC ^OtJ receive leading, valua- with etchings, boxed, half calf, 39.00 4 _ ble, progressive publica­ New Music 1 CentTa Sheet tions. National Purity Association, The new monthly magazine, "Music, Song, and Asmodeus; or, the Devil up- £ 7F9 Fifth Ave., Chicago. Story," gives its subscribers, within a year, 100 pieces of new copyright music, vocal and instrumental ON Two STICKS. By Le Sage. One ° PUBLISHED monthly, at 50 (never before published), in addition to the maga­ vol., half calf, . . 33.00 | RAG CARPET j cents a year. A 12 page up to zine's bright stories, poems, recitations, myths, fairy­ date paper in the interest of carpet weavers. Send tales, etc., and most beautiful illustrations, all for fl. Bachelor of Salamanca. By g for sample copy. Address:—Rag Carpet, Arrow- A sample copy with 8 pieces of new music postpaid, smith, 111. for 10 cents. Address the publisher, S. W. SIMPSON LeSage. 1 vol., half calf, . 33.00 % 70 FIFTH AVE., New York. Envelopes with your name and address Vanillo Gonzales; or, The I printed on and sent to you postpaid for 10c (silver) 100 for 30c (silver.) J. W. Hann, The Morning Star, MERRY BACHELOR. By LeSage. Halfp 25 AVauncta. Neb. A Monthly Journal of Mystical and Philo­ sophical Research. calf, 33.00 ~ Envelopes with your name and address print- An able exponent of Hermetic Science, giving the Lazarillo de Tormes. By Doa» led on No. 6s, postpaid, 40 cents. 50 for 25 cents. inner meanings of the doctrines of Primitive Chris­ 100Addres s The Record, Bermudian, Pa. tianity, those of Christ Jesus and the Immortal Isis— Diego Mendoza. 2 vols., half calf, 6.00 3 the creative Wisdom of the Occident, the Mysteries ol C A l\/l Dl ^ copies of 100 different leading Free Masonry, and Philosophy of the Rosicrucians, Address orders to & s£F\ IVI 1^ I— Cnewspapers ana magazines Alchemy, Astrology, etc. Sample copy free. 50 cts. sent to any address upon receipt of 10 cents to pay per Annum. Peter Davidson, Loudsville, Ga. The Guiding Star Pub. House, e for mailing. American Subscription Agency, 653 Arch street, Indianapolis, Indiana. 6308 vVentworth Ave., Chicago, Ills. THE EARTH A CONCAVE THE CELLULAR COSflOGONY, SPHERE. A SCIENTIFIC SENSATION! NEW AND SUPERB EDITION! he First Edition of this startling and notable Work was exhausted in THIRTY DAYS, and a second, Revised and Enlarged Edition is nearly ready for deliver)-. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN AND CITY. This is a book that sells on sight! It is obviously Views of the Geodetic work in Southern Plorida. You can­ unique, and everybody who sees it wants one. We are in not afford to miss these evidences of the Camera in the business on an extensive scale, prepared to meet the connection with the proofs presented in the first edition. demands of the thousands. Photographs cannot do else than tell the truth. With our Special Press Edition we face the literary aud We want agents in every town and city to canvass for scientific critics: we are beginning extensive advertising. the Book; you can sell them at odd hours. You can make The welcome with which the Work has already been re­ it pay if you push it. We supply you with outfit, and allow ceived bespeaks a wide circulation and sale. per cent on all sales and subscriptions. Apply at once. We have now issued a Revised, Enlarged and Su­ Single copies, 25 cents each. 5 copies, $1.00. 10 I f perb Edition, embracing a number of fine Photographic copies, $1.80. 50 copies, $6.25. ICO copies, $13.00. Volume with Two Parts: PAKT I. -THE UNIVEKSOLOGY OF KORESHANITY, by KORESH, the Founder. PART II.—THE NEW GEODESY, by PROP. U. G. MOBROAV. The Guiding Star Publishing House, No. 6308 Wentworth Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, U. 5. A. "THE HERHETIST" EQUITABLE COHHERCE Human Nature, monthly magazine, the organ of the Mtlc Brotherhood. Its motto is: "Get Under- A monthly magazine of world-wide re­ Bog." It deals with Mysticism iuaeommoii- pute, now in its seventh year of publica­ • way. It teaches that if Occult Power can be of tion. Devoted to Phrenology, Physiog­ tumankind it ought to be made practical. It c E sail tbe time to tell its readers how to use the nomy, Health, Medical and Social Reform. I n they have neglected for so many centuries. o Q Earnest in its advocacy of human liberty IK forgets that the wisest Masters of Wisdom and abreast of the age in progressive always said: "Seek ye first the kingdom (powen n U rod and His righteousness (unselfish purpose) thought. all other things shall be added unto you." No n A Hedge cif truth that can make man better or ALLEN HADDOCK, Editor and Prop'r. > 1 is ever burred its columns, nor its influence, E T Subscription price only 50 cents a year. Sample n constantly striving to winnow the real instruc- copies will be sent FKEE to readers of the FI.AMI.NO fcom the chaff, so that he who runs may read. R I SWOED who request such favor aud enclose stamp for 1 '111 cents for a sample copy. Yearly subscrip- postage. $1. HERMETIC PUB. Co., 4000 Grand "Boulevard, c O Address HUMAN NATURE, 1020 Market Street, MO, 111. I N San Francisco, Cal. Business Success A Through Mental Attraction. L The Freethought Ideal, By Chas. W. Close, Ph.D., S.S. D. The Official Organ of the hper, Price 10 cents. (Silver). The Plumb-Line of Commercial KANSAS FREETHOUGHT ASSOCIATION. • ;i brief statement ofthe principle involved in Equation. It opposes all supernatural religious. It is issued Bipplicaiion of Mental Law to the control of finan- for the purpose of elevating the human race to a litions, with eight practical rules to insure Industry reduced to a Scientilic basis, Business Success. higher, nobler and purer destiny. 50 cents per Special Offer: The above pamphlet with The in the greatest Co-operative Combine—a year; 25 cents for six months. Samples free. Address. Free Man, a monthly magazine in the interest of genuine Crusade againt competism by Freethought Ideal, Ottawa, Kan. Thought, the Philosophy of Health, and ace of Life, two months with Special offer to the Sick, for 20 cents silver. Address:— The Industrial Co-operative union SELF=RELIANCE Publisher The Free Man, of America. 124 Birch St, (F. S.) Bangor, Maine. An expo Princi­ Address for circulars and information, fir. nent of Labor Exchange ples. The panacea of existing evils, pointing the way to W. R. Wallace, Executive Manager, 680 W, ADVERTISERS! Remunerative Employment fit can buy space in the Great Big, 8-page, 48- Lake St., Chicago, 111. For the Idle Thousands. lllustfated MONTHLY GUEST, Carlton, Colo. Volunteers Wanted Now to engage mail order paper with largo circulation and Eveiy Saturday. 50c a year, always in advance. rapidly, for only 5c. per line, 50c an with us in tlie following trades. Sample copy sent on application. Ezra James, IT mouth; '•', months for SI.00. Subscription Practical broom makers. Publisher, Knowlton's Cor., Cincinnati, O. I pet year. It off rs more valuable premiums my other paper. Try it one time. See the Broom-corn sorters. Hows using its columns. Sent on trial 6 Bakers, cook, laundryman. c ".-for 10c, without premium; or anyone who Koreshan Songs .... I jerote a little time and secure 5 subscribers at Apply at once; address as above. New Edition, By Rev. E. M. Castle. c.nich for 6 months, or 5 subscribers at lac. each -: year, can have any premium offered 50e. sub- Adapted to popular and national airs. Useful in The Jew and His Honey Laws. all meetings of the Society Arch-Triumphant, and to Most Popular Book of the Day. Koreshans generally. Good paper, clear print, ma- nilla covers. Ten cents each; 81.00 per dozen. Ad­ Second edition just out. Revised and improved. dress, Guiding Star Publishing House, 6308 Went­ Notes and Queries, It uncovers and brings to light the foundation stones worth avenue, Chicago, 111. .1 monthly journal of History, Folk-lore, Art, Sci- of our false money structure. It is a line of thought l.iterature, Masonry, Mysticism, Math­ never presented by any other writer. ematics, Metaphysics, Theosophy, etc. Col. S. F. Norton, of the Chicago SENTINEL, says: rhij magazine contains a large number of the odds "It is a powerful and unanswerable argument." - in all departments of literature, "from many Gov. Frank Burkitt, of Mississippi, says: "It follows The New South "^1, and curious volume of forgotten lore." Corn­ a line different from any other reform work and its very novelty makes it the more attractive." W. S. Will give your paper a small ad. in re­ ed July 1882 Volume XVIIbegius with 1899. Each Morgan, ofthe BUZZ-SAW, says: "I consider it one of LHhune fully indexed. $1.00 a year iu advance. Its the best things that has been written along that turn for exchange. Send marked copy. lei! "Many people know many things, no one line." Eld. E. S. Curry says: "Every minister in the ins;." Circulates in all parts of tlie world. land should read it." - u, s. C. & L. M. GOUI.D, Printers, Publishers SEND for circulars ol iksellers, Manchester, N. II. These are the kind of expressions that are coming , the Kirk Fly Shuttle from thousands of the best thinkers of the nation. RaWEAVERSg Carpet l/oom. The, weaver' s delight. With­ It will be sent to anv address for 10 cents. Address out a peer. Easy running. Tight carpet. Perfect MILLS WILLIAMS, simplicity. Latest and best. Address L. Box If, Vaccination, Editor QUILL, West Plains, Mo. Arrowsmith, 111. uthly Journal of Health, telling the truth Herniation. TUp l?f»rnt*rlis tne PaPer vou are looking for. FRANK D.BLUE, Editor, 1 11c i\CLUi "semi-monthly, 25 cents per year; With your name and ad­ 7328 N. 12th St. Terre Haute, Ind. 100 ENVELOPES dress printed on jppcr •di'l for Sample Copy. send for sample copies and see our clubbing offers left hand corner, post­ &c. Advertisers wanted to advertise in The Record. paid, 40 cents: 50 for 25 cents. Address, THE RECORD, Bermudion, Adams Co., Pa. Addre; \ Eric Morell. Swaburg, Nebr. YOUR NAMESlM- HAVE YOU "COMMON SENSE "? 11 each t<>X high cut envelopes and note heads C A Rip I C copies of 100 different Leading News- l-o one pint of best black ink. All the If not, send at once for a free eopy of this liberal OH III ILL. papers and Magazines sent to any ad­ scut prepaid for only SI 00, cash or postage minded advocate of advanced thought. Brings dress upon receipt of 10 cents to pay for mailing. Full line of samples for 6 cts. in stamps. health and success. Address "COMMON SENSE," U. S. SUBSCRIPTION AGENCY, 1253 Mass. Ave, Sta, B,, - well, P. M.,Benselain, N. C. F. S., 55 State St., Chicago, 111. Indianapolis, Ind,