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The resurrection rationally and scientifically demonstrated. Price 10 cents. ENTIRE SERIES OE BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, POST-PAID, ONI/V 75 CENTS. Address orders to THE GUIDING STAR PUBLISHING HOUSE, No. 6308 Wentworth Avenue, Chicago, Illinoii muun won " And He placed at the East of the garden of Eden cherubim and a Flami?ig Sword, which turned every way to keep the Way of the Tree of Life. " Vol. xiii. No. io. CHICAGO, ILL., JANUARY 20, 1899. A. K. 60. Whole No. 321 Analysis of the Theology of Russellism. The Millennial Dawn Man's Predicament Concerning the Disposition of the Human Body of Jesus. A RECENT believer in the doctrines of C. T. Russell of but which up to date remains to him as greatamystery •^^ Pittsburgh, Pa., presents some questions worthy as ever. of our consideration, and to which we are very glad to It may be well to give to Mr. Russell the credit of the respond. Before taking up the subjects in question, we brilliant idea (for we would not detract knowingly from will premise a few words in answer to the sentiment of any discovery or conception original with Mr. R.) of Russell as expressed in his warning to his disciples, stating that perhaps the place of the concealment of "against doing anything which would indicate any the Lord Jesus, was in the sarcophagus in the King's sympathy for such false doctrines as are presented by chamber in the great Pyramid. This would have been Mr. Cyrus Teed and his so called Koreshanity.-' an excellent addendum to modern Christian theology if Mr. Russell, to begin with, is a plagiarist of the wri­ it had not been discovered, upon opening the sarcopha­ tings of a man by the name of Barbour, of Rochester. gus, that it was empty; and we believe that Mr. Russell's Xew York. His theories of the Lord Jesus are a slight exploration of the chambers, galleries, and passages of modification of the doctrines put forth by Mr. Barbour the Pyramid did not disclose the presence of the mummy twenty-five or more years ago; and no man ever lived, of Jesus, thus opening the channel for a slight discrep­ with any pretensions whatsoever to Biblical knowledge, ancy to wedge itself into the chain of Russell's incom­ who could crowd so much absurdity into so small a parable logic. space as first found lodgment in the brain of Russell, Mr. Russell's system of theology, which we emphat­ and subsequently found expression iu the form of books. ically declare to be antichristian, revolves around one The substance of his theology, as bearing upon the mis­ word, antilntron, interpreted by him to mean a corre­ sion of the Lord, may be summed up in few words: sponding price,—an interpretation which we do not deny. God made a man and called his name Adam; he Mr. R's. whole difficulty resides in the fact that he has sinned and died. God had another boy by the name of taken an assumption for his major premise, and reasons Jesus.
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