THE FOUNDER of KORESHANITY. (^^ Issued Every Friday
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J THE FOUNDER OF KORESHANITY. (^^ Issued every Friday. The Flaming Sword, $1.00 per year, in advance. The deader of Scientific and Social Reform. The Best Thoughts of Modern Times on all Leading Subjects. Devoted to the promulgation of the Social Theocracy and the Equitable It is the Champion of Truth as involved in the Integral System of KoresH Commerce, destined to revolutionize commercial methods and to crush anity, and is arrayed against all the Evils and Fallacies of the modern the iniquitous Money Power. i Social, Religious and Scientific world. Published under the Auspices of._.... KORESH, the Founder of the Koreshan System, and Victoria Gratia, Pre-Eminent of the Koreshan Unity. PROF. TJ. G. MORROW, Editor-in-Chief. EVELYN BUBBETT, Associate Manager. Contributors: REV. E. M. CASTLE, REV. BERTHA S. BOOMER, AMANDA T. POTTER, MARY EVERTS DANIELS, W. H. PAVITT. ASTRO-VIGILUS, LUCIE PAGE BORDEN. ELIZABETH C. ROBINSON, PROF. O. F. L'AMOREAUX, Ph. 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It is a true nidi to the character of God and man, and their relations. All Truth-seekers should read this Unique Literature, and niov in advance of the tidal wave of progress. The most radical subjects are ably, freely, and fearlessly discussed therei From the Writings of Koresh: Koreshan Science. Koreshan Geodetic Service. The fundamental doctrines of Koreshanity differentiated from other sys'emsof relig on; the necessity of practical application of Koreshan Written and published before the Florida Coast Survey, withr Science to life, in the attainment of immortality. The Messianic law shown beforehand. Price a cents. and prophecies of the Lord's appearing discussed. Price io cents. The Covenant of Life. The Science ofthe Decalogue. A concise answer to the question, " What must I do to be Saved?'' The first scientific explanation of the law of Moses, and solution of first principles, successive steps, the culmination, a cents. tho mystery of Sinai. 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Price io cents. Supper," and demonstration of how the Lord will return, a cents. The Shepherd of Israel. Other Pamphlets and Leaflets A tracing, through well-known ethnic channels, of the fulfilment ot By Koresh are : Fundamental Principles and the Covenant DeSi the promise of a Shepherd from Joseph to the Gentiles. The key to Mnemonics, Corresponding Price, The Mission ofthe Lord, Respofl ethnology and science of racial mixture. I'rice io cents. Inquirers, Cardinal Points of Koreshanity; Celibacy, Symbolism ofll Title Page of Flaming Sword, The Law of God, aud Koreshan Fit Judgment. a cents each. A startling and truthful portrayal of I he demands of justice—a solution of the sex question. Should be read by every man, woman, aud child in the world. A profound scientific work—unlike anything else pub SPECIAL—All of the above 2-cent pamphlets sent by mail,i lished. Price 5 cents. paid, for lO cents. THE CELLULAR COSMOGONY, or the Earth a Concave Sphere. THE UNIVERSOLOGY OF KORESHANITY, By KORESH. THE NEW GEODESY, By PROF. TJ. G. MOM This is a superb Volume o^, scientific conclusions, written in terms of easy comprehension; the harbinger ofthe impending stupendous. Scientific, Religious. I Social Revolution. Step by step, from the simplest principles, in the most inviting, unique, and lucid style, we discuss and demonstrate the Physical and Astronl ical Premise ofthe genuine Science of all Truth in all spheres of human thought and activity. Copiously and superbly illustrated by numerous Photngraphs, uf title Diagrams and Double page Plates. Over aoo pages. Single copies, as cents; 5 copies, $1.00; 10 copies, $1.80; 50 copies, $; 100 copies, $ a.oo. THE IDENTIFICATION OF ISRAEL. The Discovery of the Lost Ten Tribes. By A. w. K. ANDREWS, M~IT Scientific revelation ofthe great problem ofthe age. The Inheritance of Israel—what and where? Answers the great question, Where ar0the dead ofthool of years past? Explanation of I Corinthians xv. The resurrection rationally and scientifically demonstrated. Price io cents. ENTIRE SERIES OF BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, POST-PAID, ONTyY 75 CENTS. Address orders to THE GUIDING STAR PUBLISHING HOUSE, No. 6308 Wentworth Avenue, Chicago, Illinci imm " And He placed at the East of the garden of Eden cherubim and a Flaming Sword, which turned every way to keep the Way of the Tree of Life. " Vol. xiii. No. 9. CHICAGO, ILL., JANUARY 13, 1899. A. K. 60. Whole No. 320 Osteological Analysis of Structured Man and Cosmos. Part IX. Relations of the Astro-Biological Ecliptic and Equator; the Equatorial Line of Mortal Propagation and Ecliptic of Divine Momentum. n~MlE ECLIPTIC is the median line of the circle of tlie ence are interdependencies, neither of which could exist "*• zodiacal belt. It is the actual path of the sun from without its reciprocal counterpart. Weask the student the equator north to the tropic of Cancer, from the to compare this rational summary with the uncertain tropic of Cancer south to the equator, from the equator hypothesis of the pseudo astronomer, who attempts to south to the tropic of Capricorn, and from the tropic of account for the existence of a solar nucleus of persistent Capricorn back to the equator. In the old astronomy, energy radiating the results of myriads of tons per sec it is the supposed path of the earth around the sun in ond, of consumed matter into illimitable space, whence its orbit, which would render it only the apparent path it never returns to replenish the nucleus and source of of the sun, but the real orbit of the earth in its relation its origin. to the zodiacal belt. This supposition isa mere fallacy, If two great astronomers could agree upon the founded upon the assumption of the convexity of the source of the sun's energy, there would be some little earth and its transmission through space (filled with ground for a common loyalty to the great Copernican material substance like a "jelly"), at the velocity of from fallacy. But no two astronomers agree upon the mate 16 to 20 miles per second, without friction. No reason rial source of the solar fire or iceberg, both of which able mind can fail for a moment to see the absurdity of states exist at the same time and in the same place, this proposition. upon different hypotheses of "authoritative" and recog Why should there be two circles of motion around nized "physicists." The energy radiating from the two axes, with an obliquity of their planes and conse stellar nucleus is the product of material combustion; quently of their axes'/ We have already noticed the and there is a correlate equation between the amount of two motions of the stellar nucleus, one of which is axil matter consumed and the energy generated at and radi lary, the other orbital and excentric. The primate ated from this nucleus. Precisely as the heart of the cause of the axillary motion is the conflict of energy; pl^sieal organism of the vidual man conveys the blood the primary motion being efferent, the secondary being to a limitable periphery, distributing it as arterial afferent;—the first flowing from center to circumference, blood, and collects it again from the limits of circula the second flowing from circumference to center.