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Published under the Auspices of._.... KORESH, the Founder of the Koreshan System, and Victoria Gratia, Pre-Eminent of the Koreshan Unity.

PROF. TJ. G. MORROW, Editor-in-Chief. EVELYN BUBBETT, Associate Manager.

Contributors: REV. E. M. CASTLE, REV. BERTHA S. BOOMER, AMANDA T. POTTER, MARY EVERTS DANIELS, W. H. PAVITT. ASTRO-VIGILUS, LUCIE PAGE BORDEN. ELIZABETH C. ROBINSON, PROF. O. F. L'AMOREAUX, Ph. D., Terms.—$1.00 per year, in advance (otherwise $1.25); Everything pertaining to the Editorial Depart­ Renewals are expected always soon aftei fi months, 50c; 3 months, 25c. Foreign subscrip­ ment—questions, discussions, criticisms, etc., tion of subscription—either by request to COM tions, $1.50 per year. should be addressed to EDITOR Flaming tinue, or by remittance. Sword, G308 Wentworth ave , Chicago, 111. Make all Money Orders, Drafts and Express Or­ Do not order your paper discontinued withoul ders payable to The Guiding Star Publishing Articles and Contributions for publication in the ing all arrears. House, Chicago, 111. 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Vol. xiii. No. 9. CHICAGO, ILL., JANUARY 13, 1899. A. K. 60. Whole No. 320

Osteological Analysis of Structured Man and Cosmos. Part IX. Relations of the Astro-Biological Ecliptic and Equator; the Equatorial Line of Mortal Propagation and Ecliptic of Divine Momentum. n~MlE ECLIPTIC is the median line of the circle of tlie ence are interdependencies, neither of which could exist "*• zodiacal belt. It is the actual path of the from without its reciprocal counterpart. Weask the student the equator north to the tropic of Cancer, from the to compare this rational summary with the uncertain tropic of Cancer south to the equator, from the equator hypothesis of the pseudo astronomer, who attempts to south to the tropic of Capricorn, and from the tropic of account for the existence of a solar nucleus of persistent Capricorn back to the equator. In the old astronomy, energy radiating the results of myriads of tons per sec­ it is the supposed path of the earth around the sun in ond, of consumed matter into illimitable space, whence its orbit, which would render it only the apparent path it never returns to replenish the nucleus and source of of the sun, but the real orbit of the earth in its relation its origin. to the zodiacal belt. This supposition isa mere fallacy, If two great astronomers could agree upon the founded upon the assumption of the convexity of the source of the sun's energy, there would be some little earth and its transmission through space (filled with ground for a common loyalty to the great Copernican material substance like a "jelly"), at the velocity of from fallacy. But no two astronomers agree upon the mate­ 16 to 20 miles per second, without friction. No reason­ rial source of the solar fire or iceberg, both of which able mind can fail for a moment to see the absurdity of states exist at the same time and in the same place, this proposition. upon different hypotheses of "authoritative" and recog­ Why should there be two circles of motion around nized "physicists." The energy radiating from the two axes, with an obliquity of their planes and conse­ stellar nucleus is the product of material combustion; quently of their axes'/ We have already noticed the and there is a correlate equation between the amount of two motions of the stellar nucleus, one of which is axil­ matter consumed and the energy generated at and radi­ lary, the other orbital and excentric. The primate ated from this nucleus. Precisely as the heart of the cause of the axillary motion is the conflict of energy; pl^sieal organism of the vidual man conveys the blood the primary motion being efferent, the secondary being to a limitable periphery, distributing it as arterial afferent;—the first flowing from center to circumference, blood, and collects it again from the limits of circula­ the second flowing from circumference to center. tion, aggregating it as venous blood, so does the electro­ The existence of the stellar center or nucleus and its magnetic fire of the astral center radiate its energies to motion are dependent upon the reciprocal existence of a circumscribed boundary, whence, through an electro­ the material boundaries of the co-ordinate circumfer­ magnetic combustion, it is conveyed again to the center ence; for when the mind begins to think on normal lines, of the universe, the stellar nucleus, which is the co-ordi­ it will at once perceive that both center and circumfer­ nate of the limitable environment of this astral center. The Flaming Sword,

The reciprocal combustion of matter at the center the equation of which is upon a point of the earth's sur­ and circumference of the cosmogonic egg, (at which ex­ face when the sun is vertical intermediate between the tremities mat ter is destroyed as matter and transformed two tropics—the limits of the sun's vertical, winter and to the inversely active qualities of energy.) is a factor summer—causes the circle of the equator and determines in the friction of anodic and cathodic activities which that specific relation to the plane of the ecliptic, which maintain the axillary motion of the eosmogonical pivot. gives rise to the obliquity of the ecliptic. -The friction of The axillary motion is the diurnal rotation of the center. the inversely flowing energies causes that exeentrieity of Upon this motion depends the phenomena of day and the astral nucleus upon which primarily depends the night, modifications of which depend upon the co-ordi­ deviation of the two circles. nate radiation of photoic (light) and scotoic (dark) Translation of Physical to Anthropological energies, each generated at the same center by the same Language. process of combustion, but flowing in opposite direc­ We speak of an excentric in physics; we also speak tions. of exeentrieity of mind. These are correspondential According to the commonly accepted theory of light conditions. There are normal excentricities of mind; and darkness, darkness is the absence of light. You in these the man is sane, but supposed to be insane might as well affirm that the black coal beds in the by those who are on the central or equatorial line earth are the absence of the white snow which covers of motion. There are other excentricities, belonging to the ground in winter; or that the snow is the absence of obsessions aud insanities. Moses and the prophets, the coal bed. Light and darkness are diverse qualities with the Lord and his disciples, belonged to the former, of energy, and both are substantial things. They arc including Emanuel Swedenborg and others. radiated in opposite directions from opposite poles as The central and therefore equatorial line of anthro- cathodic rays, and converged to the same poles from postdemotion is the propagative life as it obtains under their corresponding hemispheres as anodic cpnvergencies. the twelve varied epochs of human progress, differing in Tlie diurnal motion of the stellar center with these fac­ various ages to conform to the status of anthropostic tors of motion and combustion, provide and account relation to the alchemico-organic cosmos. In the for day and night. median line of human progress, the normal marital and The oscillation of the astral nucleus around the legal control or the propagative life differs distinctly stem of its axillation, is comparatively slight from through these twelve epochs, but they are a',1 natural north to south and south to north across the equator, (normal), and are along the equatorial line of anthro­ postic momentum; that is. along the course of normal as the change of seasons—cold and heat, or winter and civilization. The Lord came nineteen hundred years summer—does not depend upon a north and south tran­ ago, excentric to this equatorial line. His propagation sit of the star, but upon a modification of the obliquity was extraordinary, not ordinary, so far as it was re­ of the stem of its axillation to the stem of its exeentrie­ lated to the normal equatorial axis of human momen­ ity, or its orbital motion. The modification of the ob­ tum. He was born in the course of the anthropostic liquity, changing the prime vertical radiation so as to ecliptic, but at the Aro-Libral axis of both the equa­ project the visible sun upon theeclipticof its motion over torial and ecliptical planes, hence he was Aries, Ram, or a space 2'r\y2 degrees either side of the equator, a motion, Lamb of God*.

The Failure of Modern Civilization. PROF. XT. Gt. MOEROW. HE HORIZON of the modern world was extended modern times has reached its zenith in the western T when the western continent rose out of the sea of world. obscurity and became the seat of civilization. Since The historian has scanned the horizon of the world, the mediaeval period a new hemisphere has been added and has brought down to us lines of human events to the world, a new field of human activity, a new which have culminated in the western republicanism. stage upon which is being played a new and great When we retrace these lines, we discover the cause which drama of human history. It is a world clothed with is now expressed in the great complexity of the West, new garments woven from the threads of destiny, com­ The modern world has had every opportunity for thrill­ ing with new tendencies, with new ambitions, with Lib­ ing the heart, filling the heart with the joys of genuine erty written on the very threshold. Four centuries ago emancipation from the thraldom of evil, but it has not its sun rose in the East in the clouds of paganism; but established the kingdom of peace. The facts of history, with its rising, sprang hope in the human heart for the past and present, declare that the civilization of mod­ realization of the glory of humanity vouchsafed ern times is failing in its mission, and is therefore un­ through the progress of order. The weird luminary of worthy to be perpetuated in the ages to come.

MTl The Flaming Sword, 5

The annals of history are the channels of mystery is obvious that modern civilization is wot that which is converging in the nineteenth century, solvable only in to come as the manifestation of divine activity in the their focal point. The civilization of the world today is affairs of men. a tangled skein defying analysis; it is an intricate prob­ Tin1 modern world however, in its many phases, is lem baffling the skill of the churchman and the states­ the result of the descending life of Je'sus in the human man. A striking feature of the modern civilization in race; it is the direct result of his death in degenerate contrast with all other civilizations, is its complexity. humanity. The dark ages, the mediaeval period of Each of the ancient civilizations expressed SOUK; great church declension, marked the time when every element principle of life and order, where the hearts of the people of the descending divine life passed into utter corrup­ throbbed in unison for a noble purpose, where the waves tion. Modern civilization has grown outof the darkness of progress moved and widened, unhindered and unob­ of niedhevalism. Infused into the modern world,is the structed upon a pacific sea. In tlie modern world,there spirit of the hemisphere out of which the western world exist thousands of diverse elements clamoring for sprang. This is demonstrated in the fact that the supremacy, working in discord, and creating chaos and invasion of America by the powers of the sixteenth confusion. century, witnessed the crimes of vandalism and robbery, Obviously, the world is not what it should be; this rivalry and competition for territory and plunder. To no one will attempt to deny. AVe are living in a time the West have conn; the remnants of the lordship and when the human world swings upon a false pivot. It vassalage of the sixteenth century darkness, the crown­ has retrogressed until the negative pole of activity and ing of the aristocracy of America, with the tyranny of experience is reached, and agnosticism results. Tin1 the hell of feudalism. mental balance wheel has been ignorantly cast away; The debris of ages has been swept down the streams the governor of the engine has been destroyed. The of progress which flow into the modern world; the drift­ modern world has lost the rudder of the ship of state; wood of the past has accumulated at the doors of it has thrown its compass overboard. The world is modern institutions. If time has brought to the nine­ drifting—sailing upon unknown seas. Modern govern­ teenth century its genius, it has brought its corruption ment is founded upon false principles, and human justice —it has brought the genius of corruption. The cloak in effigy only, is permitted in the judgment halls ! of religion, the ingenuity of tlie inventor, the discoveries Civilization is the character of a people expressed in of modern science, and the power of government are their social structure, in their systems of science, arts, alike used to curse and enslave the human family! The and religions. Civilization is made up of all that makes curse of Jesus through his cross with humanity, now up humanity. It can be no greater than the humanity rests upon the world. His death in humanity, the which expresses it; it is the society of man as he exists, transformation of the energies of his life to the energies his stages of refinement and culture. If we would ana­ of death, has exerted a stupendous influence and power lyze the modern civilization correctly, we must take it of disintegration in all the channels of his transmission. from the standpoint of principles—we must trace the Through the death of the Almighty in man, the devils of cause of the tangled skein to the false standards, to hades, the fallacies of the mental world, the selfishness mental chaos. Man manifests what he is by his con­ and sensualism of the human heart are created. Out duct: we may read the character of the world in what it from the tomb of the Lord Christ in the leavened mass does, and the modern world in its failure to bring to of millions in the middle centuries, came all that is cor­ humanity its promised peace and happiness. As we rupt in tire modern church and state, heart and mind. read the modern world, we find deterioration written on Four great forms of retrogressive evolutions crept the human face,—we find unhappiness, discontent, and forth simultaneously from the cavernous depths of the utter disregard of the neighbor; declension is written in sixteenth century; they were specifically related in their its literature, painted- and sculptured in its art, and formulation, aud now specifically associated in all manifest in its gross mannerisms and lack of culture. forms of modern thought and life. They are the ele­ Nineteen centuries ago, there appeared in humanity ments of chaos, perversions of truth. Revolutions in the highest product of universal activity, involving all state, in philosophy, and science always accompany rev­ of its elements and characteristics in unity, declared to olutions in religion. With the great sixteenth century be the manifest world's Creator, the kingdom of Cod in brcaking-up of the church camethedissolutionsof state, its least form. The entire Christian world presumes to and the corresponding fall of the Egyptian astronomy accept the man Jesus as being all there was of Truth, as and the disintegration of human society in the tendency having expressed in himself the very germs of human to extreme individualism. Four centuries of disinte­ government, the essence of wisdom, the light of the gration have created hundreds of religious sects, scores world to ultimately shine from pole to pole. Koreshan­ of independent republics, hundreds of theories of philos­ ity scientifically reveals the purpose of his coming.—as ophy and science, and all of the diverse mental elements, the seed of humanity to be planted in the corrupt the millions of opinions of individualists. Mighty waves human soil that the Tree of Life might be perpetuated of republicanism in all its forms are sweeping the world; and bear its fruit in the tangible world at the culmina­ rapidly approaching in all directions, are the whirlpools tion of the ages. The coming of the harvest of his sow­ of anarchy in all departments of thought and conduct. ing is inevitable. If that harvest lias not, yet come, it The modern civilization is failing because it has a cor- 6 The Flaming Sword, rupt state, a sensual god, a perverted and fallacious when the mental balance wheel of the world restrains science, and false concepts of individual liberty. and liberates the movements of order, beyond the scenes The weird mental phantasm rising out of the six­ of the impending and universal revolution and destruc­ teenth century and projecting itself against the sky of tion of the modern world, the vortex of transformation of the energies of tyranny and of death to energies of the modern world as the light of modern thought, sets equity and life, the great Kingdom of Peace, the new in the western world when the brilliant Orb of the an­ civilization, the antithet of all that now obtains in the thropostic world rises over the twentieth century. In world, will be established as the coming again of the life, the light of the genuine science of Koreshan Universol­ power, and humanity of Deity expressed in the natural ogy, when the rudder and compass are in place again, world !

The Philosophy and Science of Use. PBOF. K. O. SPEAK. HE HUMAN mind must acquire divine attributes the thing. The student of Koreshanity who questions T before it can form rational conclusions concerning the philosophy and science of Universology, reveals a uses in any domain of Duiversology. It must be able lack of mental aptitude to consider the philosophy and to associate every particular with others of its kind, science of any use in life. and find the special and the combined orderly position The application of the universal law of function and and function in the universals of nature. Considered form is observed everywhere. For instance, the hands alone, no true conclusion is possible on any single law, have a definite and mathematical formation; and there fact, or use. The solution of all questions depends must be a philosophy by which such formation may be therefore, on the integrity of the premise, the rigidness explained. To understand the function of the hand, we of logic, and the scope of comprehension. must understand its form and the principles formu­ Nature infolds and unfolds her perpetual life in one lated therein. All forms depend on definite principles continuous series of uses, through forms which are so expressed through their mathematical laws. The true related that the one cannot be analyzed and under­ philosopher will determine the use of a thing from a stood without a proper and careful consideration of the study of its form. The hands have definite form; hence other. All things in nature and of God come under the a knowledge of the art of hand-reading involves a universal law of function and form, and their material knowledge of principles as related to mathematical expression. It is the most fatal sophistry to attempt forms. This fact has been demonstrated by experience. an explanation of any use without due consideration of Cheirosophs, who study the hand in form and use, have the form in and through which it acts. There is no never been able to touch on the true philosophy of the function in the realms of universal existence independent hand. The law of mental action, the method of mental of form and its material body. extension into the body and hands, the orderly form All things are the result of specific laws and princi­ and use of nature as presented in the complex organism ples manifesting their use. Principles moving toward of man, have not been comprehended by the students of use in ends become cause, and hence law. Law is the man; hence they have had no success at formulating a operation or the proceeding of truth or fallacy. Truth philosophy of mental action and its expression in the is the orderly proceeding of law, and fallacy is the dis­ hands. They have failed to interpret the wonders and orderly proceeding of truth perverted. The end of truth works of nature and her definite methods of accom­ plishing her purposes through the laws of function and in use is good. This is the firstfruit in the crop or har­ form. vest qf that procedure, whether great or small. The substance of truth is not the substance of good, as the To understand the true philosophy of this universal sophists teach; but the end and use of truth are good. law, one must understand the great macrocosm and Here, we promulgate the philosophy of the difference the microcosm, as well as the infinite variations of the between an action and the'result of action. Love isnot interaction of these two, before these great and final wisdom, but there is the love of wisdom; good is not ends are reached. Swedenborg was the only truly great truth, but the results of truth are good. By this state­ philosopherof the Piscatorial dispensation; others of ac­ ment of a fact, one can understand the true philosophy knowledged authority have failed wholly to reveal the of function and form. Science and art are but theappli- principles and laws of the great subjective sphere. The cation of a knowledge of laws and their philosophy; Swedish Seer wrote unerringly of the philosophy of use. they are absolute knowledge. For every effect there Koreshanity is the only truly great scientific system of must be a cause, and in every cause there is a principle this dispensation; it is the true science of use. One operating or proceeding toward use. Philosophy re­ must know before he can be a scientist. The world is veals the true methods of any proceeding law, and sci­ vacant, so far as true scientists are concerned. This- ence is the actual accomplishment of that law in use. foolisa twaddle about "masters" is ignorant talk. One tells how a thing is done, and the other is doing The "masters" have not yet appeared! ^

The Flaming Swordc

The study of formative nature has been top intricate Thus, if it is shown that the universe has form, it for mortal man to comprehend with his baseless reason. follows that form belongs to all its parts and particu­ lie lias had no premise on which to stand; no faculty lars. Again, if it be shown that any part or particular with which to discover and explain and apply the great has form, it follows that the whole has form and use. principles of life. He has had to abide the law of pro­ This is true, whether we consider the physical or the. spiritual universe. Form must exist in the spiritual gression and wait for the time of enlightenment; for all world, or what corresponds to form, just as distinctly »reat and universal principles have to be revealed to as it does in the material world. It exists in each par­ man. When once the literal truth has been planted in ticular there, as it does in each particular in nature. his feeble intellect and he comprehends uuiversals, their Form belongs to both spheres, hence the use of the word transmutations and polations, analogical reason assists form does not imply that a material body is referred to. him to comprehend and apply particulars or details, As the spiritual state is the sphere of principles, it fol­ and vice versa. Whatever is in uuiversals as a basic, lows that every principie has polation, hence form and primal law. is of philosophic necessity in particulars, body in and through which to live, act, and manifest lml of lesser degree and lower quality. itself in use.

Koreshan Thoughts for the New Year. To the Members of the Society Arch-Triumphant and Friends of Koreshanity. REV, BEETHALDINE, MATRONA. DEAR FRIENDS .—Hold in continuous remembrance knoweth no man, but the spirit of God." I Cor. ii: 9—11. the fact that there is an old and dead way and a The spirit of God is the science of truth, the conjunctive •new and living way." All wishing each other a happy unity of wisdom and love. This science or scion of New Vear. impulsed by the Koreshan spirit, have a biune Deity, the anthropostic Sun, is the all-seeing Eye. divine right to expect the year 181)9 to be the happiest The Eye of God does not see, save by the light of true of their lives. To the Koreshan, the secret of the Lord science, the spirit. The triunity of Deity cleaves the is revealed; in him fear is being cast out by intelligent stony heart of man, and the things prepared of God love.and he knows and calls upon the nameof the Lord, find entrance and enthronement. A worthy old lady, ever inclined to look upon the The sure mercies of God are, from the Koreshan bright side of things, was visited by a young woman point of view, living realities, daily and hourly availa­ inclined to chronic pessimism. The old lady, wearying ble to an exercised power of appropriation. "What of the young woman's continuous rehearsal of her fools these mortals be" then, who waste any energy in woes, exclaimed vehemently: "Count your mercies, useless repining for the dead weights of carnality upon Annie, count your mercies!" It is Koreshan to count which we, as Koreshan disciples have turned our backs, fheexceeding riches of God's grace, and to appreciatively The conjoined life of the philosophy of Jesus and the estimate his mercies. Koreshans who have the bright- science of KORESH is bound to manifest in human life esl of bright anticipations should find little difficulty in as the sunshine of divinity,—true happiness, doing this. January is the business man's inventory A word about sin offerings and thank offerings. month. If Koreshans would attend this month to the Koreshanity demonstrates the physical universe to be business of making an inventory of their special bless- the symbolic language of the divine mind. Every ani- ings, the entries would have to read something like maloffered in the Jewish temple was a divine expression this: of some carnal affection to be sacrificed by mortals in Capital stock.—The Universe. the attainment of immortality. Koreshanity, the sci­ "dod giveth us richly all things to enjoy. " I Tim. vi: 17. ence of life and immortality, clearly reveals the nature of the antitypical sacrifices to be made by its High Itemized accounts would contain such items as these: Priest, the High Priest .of the Levitical order. We are The Pearl of great Price,—the knowledge of God. all well instructed through THE SWOHD as to these sac­ Demonstration of the character of divine Love. rifices,—so well that the peace jof God cannot keep our Knowledge of the controlling forces of the Universe, and their powers and possibilities as the servants of men. hearts and minds until we have surrendered our offer­ The science of divine Sonship, and of being a co worker with God ings. The consequence of yielding the sin offerings is to the end of being unified with him. the disposition to render the thank offerings. A stanza The privilege of spreading the knowledge of the Truth—the of a hymn learned during the far-away school days in Light of the world, and of seeing the salvation of our God from the law of sin and deaths and the institution of old New England, seems to be singing itself as an divine Life in humanity. accompaniment to this written expression of thought: These great mercies are new every morning, and Oh ! happy is the man who hears Instruction's voice, And who celestial wisdom makes his earl}', only choice. fresh every evening to the true Koreshan. It is writ­ Celestial wisdom in its natural manifestation is the Sci­ ten: "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have ence of Truth. We have chosen it; let us apply our entered into the heart of man the things which God hath hearts unto it. Let us live in obedience to it, and have prepared for them that love him. * * The things of God a genuinely happy New Year! The Tried and the Untried Way. AMANDA T. POTTER. RIMARILY, the Almighty created the human soul, We rejoice in the Christmas cheer distributed to the P and he created the soil from which the soul perpet­ hungry, but uates itself. He granted man the produce of the earth For the love of the suff'ring ones let us have short shrift for for meat, even as he gave the same to every beast,fowl, those practices that place the poor man's and creeping thing. He did not impart to man the au­ Three-hundred sixty-four shrunk stomachs to outface his stom­ ach three hundred sixty-fifth, filled e'en to aching ! thority to convey a foot of His domain, and when, in the person of the Christ, he summed the law and the The words "paternal government" have ceased to prophets in that terse dictum of love to God and the be bandied. The glib pen which scribbled "calamity howlers," is chiefly resting with promise of rusting. It neighbor, he therein imperatively forbade man to buy is a conceded fact that calamity awaits our near future. and selj the earth, which traffic is a prime means to The man whose family starves while he vainly sues for man's degradation. Not until man became perverted, work at any price, does not wait for it. did he pass from hand to hand God's domain as com­ mon barter. Then did he create in God's estate, avenue According to the recent utterance of a celebrated of usurious use; then he poisoned its fairness with the speaker on social economics, one has the right to de­ paraphernalia of slavery, and hampered its exuberant nounce a system even before he can point a better way. joy in the bonds of deed and mortgage. But to whom would sane judgment turn for leadership, —to the man who cries out the wrong and knows no It will be claimed that the processes of our civiliza­ remedy, or at best suggests an untried remedy, or to tion preclude domain free to occupancy, for uses. As the man who comes with remedy tried and proven? voicing the prevailing system, such admission is self- The speaker of our allusion evidently plumed himself criminative. High-handed indeed, the regime which urges upon his broad-minded,liberal attitude, evinced in his the retention of a murderous system that it may con­ declared willingness to unite forces with any of several tinue as a superstructure of another murderous system! leading reformers of the day. provided by so doing he In a land of church spires ostentatiously pointing up­ could have his own ideal borne on even a little way. ward, the position would be ludicrous only that in re­ And what was his ideal? We listened attentively an sult it is pathetic: it would be a comedy were it not a hour or so, but the ideal did not stand out so clear cut tragedy; it might pass as expansion of God's unfold­ as did the basis of his quiet satisfaction in thecoalescing ment for human improvement, were it not the impressed scheme. This latter became even a trifle startling when image of the upas which has shriveled the plenteous he cited as authority and ensample. our Lord the Christ sources of Dei tic providence. as having joined the movement of John the Baptist! When government assumes the correct relationship Perhaps this was an ephemeral belief: It was noticed to the affairs of men, land tenure will cease, and our that the reported effort omitted it. chief Magistrate will not find it necessary to burden his Only one in this whole anguished world points to a message to his people with the assurance that labor in tried way. While men's hopes are built upon tearing the industrial field is better rewarded than at some down; while men entertain thoughts of violence against manifest robbery; while men even plot death against previous time. There will have obtained that nice ad­ the pillagers of themselves and their little ones, that justment between human use and its recompense, which unique one forges surely and solely to upbuilding. He demands no mention: it will be as universally recognized has formulated an industrial system whose basis is as the existence of sun or air, for Wisdom will have equity,—elaborated from that Rock denoted by the struck demolition to the root of economic disease. Christ,—and patiently waits. He waits, but his waiting is not the waiting of inactivity. And who follows? A Liniments and lotions, the palliatives of the many men few who are becoming the many, while the world of with as many minds on economic questions, will not speakers and writers unwittingly draw opinion and ex­ constitute the means inthe hands of the great Physician. pression from this unacknowledged ONE.

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The purpose of government in its supreme relation of the mass; for whatsoever affects the one affects the to social order is not so much to regulate the conduct other. of men, as it is to so insure the economy of things as to God's city (doctrine) must invest his temple. It is provide for the equitable distribution of the products of the continent of the temple. It must be built before the nature and art, and to so adjust the creation of the temple can be erected. The temple (life) is produced essential and ornamental as best to insure human hap­ from the city (doctrine). piness. Truth is the continent of life. It is the wall invest- When integralism obtains, and the influence of love ing the life. actuates every member of the universal society, the interests of the individual will then become the interests The masculine and feminine in God are equal. i-»-

In the Editorial Perspective. THE EDITOR. ORESHANITY is not a simple thing, that can be learned thing is wrong, until it is able to determine absolutely what is K in a day from the reading of a few copies of our publica­ right. Fallacy cannot be proven to be such, until the absolute tions. It is a system of thought and life, and requires a course truth is known. of education in it to comprehend the science of its conclusions. Modern inventive genius has made the millionaire. All so C mclusions formed from a brief study of a few of its features do called great inventions pass from the hands of the inventor to not constitute Koreshanity; and investigators must bear in mind the possession or control of capital for the enslavement of the that without some guidance, without some fundamental princi­ workingman. The world may boast about advanced civilization ples, and without some logical thought, many ridiculous conclu­ and its conveniences, and lose sight of the fact that the conve­ sions may be reached concerning Koreshan Universology. The niences are only adding to the wealth of the wealthy; every step difficulty Jesus had, was that clergymen of his time would reach of modern times is against the poor; and in the coming struggle and teach rash conclusions concerning himself and his work; they between capital and labor, the syndicates and trusts will have in refused to study his system from the standpoint of its presenta­ their power every product of modern ingenuity, from an engine tion. Many persons, after having reached some of the most to a warship, in formidable array against defenseless chaos,— absurd conclusions concerning the Koreshan System, are foolish of millions of slaves. Modern civilization instead of being a enough to condemn the entire System ; they attempt to bring a , blessing to humanity, is a stupendous curse ! complete S5 stem of knowledges to the judgment bar of igno­ rance! To become conversant with what is taught in the world Nineteen hundred years ago, the parables of Jesus were not today in the so called sciences, requires years of application; understood by the masses, for the simple reason that there was it requires years to master the few branches in the principal something wrong with their faculties of comprehension; but universities of the world. While the Koreshan System contains today, even the Sunday-school boy presumes to understand the keys undiscovered to modern educators—shorthand methods Bible! Jesus spoke the language of symbolism, which admits of instruction and of study, one should not expect to master the of but one interpretation to the rational mind—the scientific complex system of Universology from a single text-book of interpretation. There is nothing in the Bible nor in the world Koreshanity. Men spend years in the study of theology alone; of nature that the modern world has any true conception of; yet years in astronomy and other branches, and many more years they talk of God, heaven, the devil, and hell, and all the angels, to make any successful application of them to the fallacious the creation of the world and other wonders, as though they customs of the times. After intellectually comprehending the were the most familiar and commonplace things in the world! fundamental principles of the Koreshan System, it necessitates constant thought and the exercise of all the mental and rational Once the land of light and of progress, now the territory faculties to make its truth a part of your life. Koreshanity is a of barbarism, Persia, holding still the title of "king of kings" stupendous thing, powerful enough to save you if you accept it, for its Shah, is about to be divided. Persia in ancient times powerful enough to crush you if you fight it! was ruled by such great conquerors as Cyrus the Great, Darius, and Xerxes. The land of Zoroaster is subject to the felling Canada, in its attempt to invent a unique design for its greed of Russia and England; the two powers are conspiring to new two-cent postage stamp, has overreached the bounds of divide the nation that has a history of more than 2,500 years. propriety. The stamp bears a map of the world on the Merca- The existence of the Persian dynasty through this long period tor projection, with all ofthe Knglish possessions in bright red. of the world's history, bridges over the time from the ancient v The continents of America stand erect in the middle of the map, Cyrus to the antitypical KORESH ; and now as the Koreshan with an immense crown capping the climax of Canada. At the work integrates, the Persian kingdom disintegrates. bottom are the words, "Christmas, 1898," and the motto, "We hold a vaster empire than has been." This is an instance where We want you to extend your rational horizon, and obtain a the child presumes to be greater than the mother! Canada is little greater mental scope, a broader range of vision. Perhaps not the British empire, but only a part of it, and does not hold you have confined your thought to your own vicinity and to the greater empire. The Jubilee ode of Sir Lewis Morris, en­ local affairs—narrowed down to the insignificant channels of titled the "Song of Empire, "from which the motto is taken, was activity. Get out of the ruts ! Truth is progressing, the world written of the British empire, and not of Canada. The great is moving toward stupendous events. We want you to study crown at the head of America will not grow in favor with Amer­ humanity,—its character, its needs, and its destiny. This icans; but when the great Pan-American empire, as the true im­ requires a Universology; a little mental elevation, from which perialism, is established, the crown can truly rest upon the the mental vision may span a greater area over a greater arc. American brow ! The only Universology in the world is Koreshanity, and THE FLAMING SWORD is devoted to its promulgation. The modern world is made up of hundreds of systems of thought—theories of science, religion, and sociology. There The Copernican system of astronomy has the honor of origi­ are so many schemes, that nobody knows which is right; hence, nating in the period of the world's greatest mental darkness,— they are all supported and taught in public institutions. They the dark ages. It was founded at a time when the geography have become a part of modern civilization, standing evidences ofthe earth, its size and form, were utterly unknown, and before of the fact that the world is too ignorant to distinguish the any attempt was ever made to demonstrate its shape. It has shades of fallacy. Is this not so? But when Koreshanity the stamp of darkness, of scientific perversion, and of logical comes, involving the solution of all problems discussed every­ absurdity. Not until two hundred years after the conclusion where and in past ages,—the problems of all departments of that the earth was in motion, was there any attempt made to science, religion, and social economy, the people of the world prove its mobility and rotation—and these attempts resulted in are able to quickly decide that it is absolutely foolish and utter failure! The Copernican system is an evolution of Cathol­ absurd! We hold that the mind cannot know absolutely that a icism. IO The Flaming Sword,

There is but one solution of an intricate puzzle. The solu­ The surface of the physical heavens is convex to us. The tion ofthe great puzzle of the universe is demonstrated when all objector assumes the impossibility of such a surface appearing the parts fit. In modern science many pieces,—many problems, concave. Very well; he claims that the earth is convex, while are laid aside and marked with the agnostic label, "I do not to the aeronaut at a few miles altitude, it appears as a huge know where this belongs !" There are too many missing links, dark bowl, with the horizon rising to the level of the eye. Now, too many absurdities in modern thought to constitute the solu­ what is the objector going to do about it? tion of anything. Koreshanity is the putting together of all the parts of the universe in their natural relations; the fact that Millions of facts concerning the world of man in its many it does so, demonstrates its truth. departments of relation and expression, may be obtained from ancient and modern literature. A knowledge of these facts alone Key-notes and fundamental principles are absolutely neces­ is not science. Koreshanity is a system of interpretation of all sary in a successful study of Koreshan Universology. Without the facts of nature, the synthesis of all principles and knowl­ them, volumes of explanations would do no good; with them, edges. volumes of explanations are not necessary. The Koreshan "A rational God is the supreme need of the people." True; method of education is revolutionary. We stimulate thought, and the Almighty realizes'at the present time, another supreme and guide the thinker. We want those who have ability, the need—the need of rational people! A wise God cannot operate disposition, and the opportunity, to make a study ofthe System through a multitude of fools, else he would be working mightily in accordance with the methods which are in keeping with its now in all the world ! principles. Koreshanity involves the stupendous work of the civilization The Copernican system of astronomy is out of harmony and purification of both the natural and the spiritual worlds, a with the.eternal fitness of things; it is unreasonable and with­ conquering of the hells, and the salvation of man. out foundation; it is absurd. The Koreshan System is in keep­ ing with all science of language, the testimony of nature, and Nobody can tell what popular theory is right; but every­ the physiology of man, the analogy of the cell—in keeping body can at once conclude that truth is absurd. In this the with the Bible, and with the facts of demonstration, observation, modern world is unanimous. and experiment. The modern astronomy is a monstrosity; the The greatest discovery of modern times is the discovery of Koreshan System is natural, rational, sane. Koresh,—that all energy is substance; confirmed in alchemy, A mechanic writes: "Being a mechanic myself, the me­ denied in chemistr}-. chanical and scientific departments of your literature .are of Modern education is a mere superficial polish, a shining great interest to me." Mechanics, surveyors, and engineers— of the surface of many rough and sepulchral interiors. practical men, grasp the truth, and feel the force ofthe Koresh­ an Geodetic demonstrations ofthe earth's concavity. As for the­ Koreshanity is the system of Cyrano; it is putting its orists, they are enraged because they do not have the mental knows into all departments ofthe world's affairs. capacity to originate so wonderful and startling a system as Koreshan Astronomy. The sharpest edges are knowledges. THE FLAMING SWORD cuts both ways. Some of the marked products of modern civilization are the Koreshans are discreet; they know when to say know. millions of the poor, the insane, the tramps, the hold-ups, swindlers, confidence men, saloon keepers, the politicians, The only true basis of metaphysics is physics. preacher^, lawyers, the scorcher, and the dude. These classes Narrow minds go down the broad way ! are increasing with alarming rapidity. Strangely enough they follow the American flag, and are now invading Hawaii, Cuba, The shines for moonshiners. Porto Rico, and the Philippines! Occultism is out of sight.

Editorial Discussions, Chats, and Correspondence. THE EDITOR. The Limitation of Space. low within an enclosed solid mass. 24,000 years is the measure of the solar READER. On page 15 of the CELLULAR COSMOG­ precession. ONY, the author formulates an axiom re­ (I) Time and space are specifically re­ Correspondingly, there is time in hu­ garding form and limitation. (1) The lated to the existing, tangible world. manity,—the epochs of human history, name axiom can be made as to time and There can be neither time nor space sepa­ the ages of human progression, the cycles space as well as form; and yet no intelli­ rate and apart from the universe; for of continuous creation. Corresponding!}-, gent man can think of a limit of time or space is the measure of form in its sever­ there is eternity of space within the lim­ space. al dimensions, while time is the measure ited form, through the activities of the (2) Again, if the world is a hollow sphere, what is there on the outside of the of the mutations and cycles of form and universe at and between the terminal crust? Is it a hollow globe floating in its life, or functions, in evolution and in­ points of space, the center and circumfer­ space, and has space limitations? volution. Both time and space are lim­ ence,—through the constant ascent and (3) The mind of man cannot think of ited. Eternity of time is the succession limitation, for a limit is limited by some­ descent of energies in endless mutations. thing, either by a solid or by space. So of periods which as definitely begin and So that the conception of the limitation that the argument that the universe has end as day and night; a year is a definite as well as the eternity of both time and limitation is false, whether the earth be a solid globe floating through space, a hol­ cycle of time, measured by the annual space, is the simple result of the applica­ low globe floating through space, or a hol- revolution of the sun ; while the cycle of tion of logic to demonstrated premises. The Flaming Sword, li

Any other conclusion than that founded to be correct. Even the intricate calcula­ A given ray of light is a track of atomic upon a demonstrated fact is unreasonable tions of the precession of the equinoxes combustion. Prom each atom consumed, ancl unsound. were made and employed in astronomy in the energy of light is radiated in all direc­ (2) There is nothing on the outside of the days of Hipparchus, centuries before tions, so that rays of light are constantly the shell of the earth. The concave the period of the ' 'dark ages,'' from passing out from the primary ray, grow­ earth is not a globe floating in space— whence the modern system grew as a ing weaker until the combustion ceases there is no space outside.; the outermost mental mushroom. and darkness obtains, as in the common stratum is the limitation of space. Space Any system of astronomy with a series phenomenon of twilight from sunset to is dimension,—the dimension of form. of concentric planetary orbits, involves the shades of night. Light is produced There is no space outside of form ; space in terms of its own, all of the physical in a shadow through these transverse is limited to the dimensions of the uni­ relations and movements of the planets in radiations. This is what is usually verse. The earth of 8,000 miles diameter the arc of the heavens. The theory of termed diffusion or dispersion of light, occupies all the space there is! astronomy had nothing to do with the when in fact it is the creation of secondary (3) It is utterly impossible for the mind discovery of the planet Neptune, the only rays as the result of the alchemic action to conceive of that which is illimitable ; planet whose discovery is claimed to fig­ of the primary ray. it is an unthinkable and unknown quan­ ure in favor of the Copernican system; We hold that there is an atomic vibra­ tity. The conclusion that there is illim­ with the same tables, instruments, and tion in the generation and transmission itable space has not a single, tangible, facilities, a man with any astronomical of energy; but that vibration is not the rational faci in all the universe as a basis; views and experience would have been passing of the atom from one place to it is illogical, unreasonable, and absurd ; able to locate in the constellations of the another, as in the usual theory, but from while the limit of limitation—the environ heavens, the new planet. The facts of one state to another, or from one quality of all space as the ultimate limitation practical astronomical observations were to another—from the state of matter to its of the universal form, is thinkable, con­ factors in the discovery; hypotheses only correlated energy or sublimation. The ceivable, tangible, reasonable, and filled in the blank places in the mental intensity of light does not depend upon demonstrable. The mind can grasp it as concept, while the real factors led to the the rapidity of atomic oscillations or the aform of thought corresponding to the conclusion. shortness of so called wave lengths, but form of the environ. On the other hand, The relations of the planets, or the upon the rapidity of the atomic dissolu­ there can be no conclusion in thought planetary ratio of progression in the scale tions per second. where there can be no conclusion of of activity and movements, are the same thought, no finishing of the concept; iu any system of astronomy; applied on * * * consequently there can be no conclusion the outside of the earth, where perpen­ First Impressions of Investigators as to illimitability, because the thought diculars radiate and diverge in all direc­ of Koreshan Universology. is formless, and consequently is not a tions, the distances between the planetary A Confirmed Infidel "for Forty Years Con­ conception of thought. As long as the orbits are exaggerated into millions, and verted to Koreshanity. conception is incomplete it is not a con­ even billions of miles. Applied within About two and a half years ago, I found a clusion ; and when the conception is com­ the hollow sphere, we have the inversion copy of THE FLAMING SWORD on a shelf in plete it is limited. The rational mind can of the principles, a convergence of per­ my room. At that time I was a confirmed only think of limitation. Demonstrated pendiculars, and a consequent shortening infidel, and had been for forty years. premise and logic force our conclusion, of the degrees of arc in miles, and a When I was about 22 years old I decided to and the conclusion is absolute. corresponding diminution in the size of study the Scriptures and find out which was the right church, and become a mem­ the planets. Eclip»»s and Planetary Perturbations. ber of it. I soon discovered that the churches had no legitimate connection Probably the best proof that the CELLU­ Why is There Light in a Shadow ? with the teaching of the Scriptures, and LAR COSMOGONY is not correct, is that for I wish you would explain the diffusion hundreds of years all geographical and of light in space, where the sun's rays are that they were doing a great deal of harm; astronomical calculations have been made cut off by opaque objects S. B., Cleve­ and I have rendered myself very unpopu­ on the theory that the sun, moon, and land, (). lar with many by saying so on all suitable stars have weight and motion, and that occasions, from that time to the present. these calculations prove in. the rnaiu cor­ Koreshan physics differs radically from rect. When astronomers find perturba­ the old school physics, in that instead of It was not long till 1 very reluctantly tions in the march of planets, and conclude began to doubt the source of the Scrip­ that they arc due to attraction of other supposing that energy is a mere mode of tures, and, notwithstanding my best efforts planets yet undiscovered; and when with motion, a mechanical oscillation or atomic better instruments they discover the to the contrary, I soon came to the con­ planet they had located by its influence vibration, it demonstrates that all energy clusion that, despite the many good upon others, to me it is a strong proof that is substance—substance in a state of sub­ things it taught, the Bible was not the they are right.—READER. limation. A quality of solar energy Word of God. Not long after this I began Here we have what is designated as descends through the and to believe that there was no God, which probably the "best proof" opposed to becomes, through alchemical transmuta­ left me in a miserable condition; but it Koreshan conclusions; its weakness is tion, light in our . It is the was my good fortune, in the course of a few more years, to become fully convinced easily demonstrated. It is true that result of the destruction of atmospheric that there is a God; and after much study eclipses have been calculated with some atoms—the combustion of atoms caused and reasoning on the subject, I came fully by the agitation of the atoms in the cur­ accuracy since Copernicus evolved his to the conclusion that the true religion system; it is also true that all such calcu­ rents of energy—in other words, by the consists in love, reverence, and gratitude lations of eclipses were made thousands of friction ofthe substances in transmission. to God, and doing good to his creatures. years previous to Copernicus! On the The direction of the transmission depends This was my condition when I found basis of the above conclusions, the accu­ upon the direction of the impulse and the that copy of THE FLAMING SWORD. When rate calculations of the Ptolemaic astrono­ character of the medium of propagation. I commenced reading it, it began to grasp mers would prove the Ptolemaic system Light is transmitted from atom to atom. me, and as I proceeded, its grasp was 12 The Flaming Sword,

strengthened; and by the time I got were that the Koreshan System was so land situated near a small villega in the through, it had an irresistible hold on me. much in accord with truth, that we were state of New York, and was look id upon, I never was so pleased with anything that more than pleased and thankful to know by the simple neighboring folk, as the I had read in my life ! I hardly knew how that you are teaching the truth and are possessor of means bordering on affluence. to trust my senses. As I had gone through endeavoring to bring it to those that are He was a very orthodox Methodist class- it at a very rapid rate, I immediately re­ in darkness and are willing to receive the leader. The pastor could always depend read it, and read it the third time before I light. I want to make Christmas presents upon securing a hearty and very audible of THE FLAMING SWORD to three of my laid it down. There were some things I sons ; you will find enclosed $3 for the approval from Mr. Dwight's high-backed did not understand, but the nature of what same; I send the names and addresses. pew, whenever a climax was reached in I did understand was such as to make me —Mrs. N. A. S., Fulton, N. Y. the lengthy sermons delivered each Sun­ feel pretty sure that I would find that it day in the little meeting-house under the Better Than any Other Paper. was all good, when I came to an under­ hill. standing of it. I was exceedingly anxious I like THE KWOI.D better than any At the commencement of each Thursday to learn all about Koreshanity, and the paper I ever read; in fact, it is the only night prayer meeting, Mr. Dwight would anxiety continues without any abatement. paper that ever satisfied my spiritual hunger. I want to join you soon and be arise, blow his nose in a very sanctimo­ As to what impressed me most, I will say one of you; and if Koreshanity can make nious manner, and with hands clasped be­ that, owing to the fact that I had been for anything out of me I am ready to submit hind his back, launch out upon a lengthy many years exceedingly anxious for definite information in regard to God and the final to the requirements. It is my desire to supplication to the "Law-r-d," in the destiny of man, the theological and re­ be of some use in the world. I have been course of which he would frequently ligious teachings are the most interesting looking for some one all my life who could enunciate this appellation in a very unctu­ to me; but I have enjoyed all of the Ko­ teach me the truth, but I have been dis­ ous and long-drawn out tone, expressive reshan doctrines very much indeed, as far appointed every time until I read the as I am able to understand them. My edu­ Koreshan' literature. — C. C. M., Little of the greatest piety. He firmly believed cation is too limited to enable me to under­ Rock, Ark. he had attained to the quality of the son- stand it all. The CELLULAR COSMOGONY ship of God, and could sin no more. was a source of unspeakable relief to me ! Although I had regarded the Copernican Meanwhile, little Abigail maintained system as being true, it always had a very order in his household. The heavy phys­ depressing effect upon- me. In many re­ Deep Research by a Com- ical strain was slowly bending the tender spects, it was seemingly absurd and impos­ bones of her undeveloped organic struc­ sible to me, and I did net find any pleasure °M prehensive Mind. in thinking about it. It was easy for me to ture, and pressing them in upon her lungs. accept the CELLULAR COSMOGONY without DR. TEED: - Her father seemed unable to imagine that waiting for any explanations, which I had I am intensely in­ any unfavorable results would develop no doubt would be forthcoming. terested in your unique Jour­ from such extreme toil. As long as the I have found the Koreshan doctrines to nal and its novelties, which health of the child did not become com­ be strictly consistent, delightful, and satis­ fying throughout. Koreshanity has betray deep research by a pletely shattered and compel her to as­ brought me into a new and most desirable comprehensive mind. sume a state of confirmed invalidism,every­ state of existence. I regard it as being The ethmoid as "the elec­ thing to him, seemed progressing in a sat­ the truth, the whole truth, and nothing lint isfactory manner. The thought of em­ the truth; and earnestly wish every man tro-magnetic plate of the dura could have a knowledge of it.—M. H. Z,, Ala. mater," page 5, No. 49, Vol. ploying a strong woman to aid in the "XII, is a revelation to rue. I household work, did not enter his mind. * ¥ am also astounded at your Five years passed by. The son of a The Flaming Sword Warmly- CELLULAR COSMOGONY; it is neighboring farmer won her heart, and Welcomed. well worth looking into. provided a new home in a small town in Respectfully, the state of Iowa. Here she lived hap­ Flashes More Brightly at Each Unsheathing. pily (?) for twenty years. A son and three THE FLAMING SWORD flashes more PROF. ALLEN HADDOCK, brightly at each unsheathing; the flaming Editor Human Nature. daughters blessed their union, or cursed flashlight which is illuminating the dark­ it; which ? For her life flowed into her ness of minds alienated from the truth, children, and her death was caused by reveals more and more the character of a general giving out of the vital forces the evils and errors to be overcome, the A Bubble of Humanity. of her physical organism. prejudice to be conquered, the fallacies to A True Story. This little sketch portrays the duration be met and overthrown ! The year 1899 The rays from the afternoon sun glinted of but a single bubble that has formed and will be a grand one in the development and progress of the Koreshan System. In­ between the leaves of an old birch tree, burst upon the sea of our common human­ terest is being evinced on all hands, penetrated a latticed window, and rested ity. Thus the circle of mortality is per­ though many are slow to admit that any upon the head of a slender girl of fifteen petuated. Spirit entities, or life poten­ interest has been awakened on their part. summers, busily engaged in rolling out cies, flow down from the human brain and The testimony thus far has quickened the pie crust in an old colonial kitchen. Her form the new personalities that are curiosity of the average mind. I am face was wet with tears, for she was so born into the world. The remainder, that daily surprised at the questions asked tired and lonely; there was not one of her are liberated from the worn-out corrupti­ by people who have hitherto made no own sex to whom she could confide her bility of our mortal structures by the special effort to learn or find out anything! Though all seem to concur in that they girlish hopes and fears. Her mother had change we call death, and which pass into expect something to happen—something just died, and the burden of toil and and increase the strength of other living to come, all are wondering what it is to be. weariness had been transferred to the human beings, are again dissipated in We are pushing the work to the front as shoulders of her little daughter: The sensual reproduction. Spirit entities fast as we can, all things considered; and dairy work, the laundry work, and cooking thus merge from the natural into the spir­ as there is plenty of time we will not for four great hungry men, beside itual realms, where they remain until they hurry matters beyond what the plumb the manifold duties connected with have undergone a definite series of expe­ and level demand.—L. S. P., Lake, 0. riences, the nature and duration of which woman's household department on a farm. are under the control of immutable law. Made Christmas Presents of Three Abigail's father was tall and dark; a At the close of stated cycles in the mental Subscriptions. pair of gray eyes looked out from beneath world, thought forces, or spirit entities, descend.as germs and sperms of reproduc-» I do not take your paper myself, but I his shaggy eyebrows, while thin lips tion, and are born into the natural world have the reading of it; my home is with closed tightly over his determined mouth. as tangible, human personalities. Sister S. W., and our first impressions He owned a farm of forty acres of stony Thus embodiment follows embodiment \J*m

The Flaming Sword, 13

in the natural world, alternating with ex­ work appear in THE FLAMING SWORD. The Swiss have faith to remove a moun­ periences of a definite character extend­ Just now the Professor is using the CEL- tain; must blast away Sassa Rossa ing over stated periods of time in the mountain to prevent avalanche over mental, or spirit world. During the LTTLAR COSMOGONY to stir up tlie students railroads. . period of these re-embodiments, which and professors of colleges aud universities, extends over ages of time, the mental en­ and is creating a sensation wherever he Saturday. tities continually pursue high ideals and Bryan breaks out against annexation and experience nought but bitter disappoint­ works. The article appearing this week, expansion, at Cincinnati. ment. They are thus enabled to appreci­ uses the terms philosophy and science in Tammany Hall is for American expansion ate tho signification of those fundamental the sense that the world generally uses and and against the silver issue. truths of being, enunciated by the Lord understands them. We would use the Jesus nineteen hundred years ago : "Thou $1,000,000 failure of the Pattison Company Shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy terms a little differently—more in keeping in Edinburgh, Scotland. heart, and with all thy soul, and with all with the strict meaning of the words. For Lord Curzon formally assumes the vice- thy mind. * * Thou shalt love thy neigh­ instance, philosophy is the lore of wisdom, royalty of India amid great cere­ bor as thyself." They then scientifically while science is knowledge. The applica­ mony. apply these principles, and by overcom­ tion of science is a practical work. While Cuban evacuation commission leaves ing sensual thought aud propagation, Havana for New York. conserve their life forces, instead of dif­ it is true that Swedenborg was a philoso­ fusing them in the plane of mortality. pher, he did not define the uses in the Sunday. The heaping up and proper polarization natural world—he did not put forth a Cuban insurgents looking to U. S. for of these potencies will enable those who wages due them as soldiers. science. have matured sufficiently, to step out of Illinois anti-trust law ordered to be en­ the circle of mortality and enter through forced ; state's attorney to begin the door into that higher cycle of perpetu­ Special attention should be given to the actions against corporations. ity, where continuity of consciousness is article "Osteological Analysis of Struct­ never broken, nor life forces dissipated.— England and Russia said to be scheming W. 11. SWEET, Chicago. ured Man and Cosmos," by the Founder of to divide the Persian empire. Koreshanity, in this issue, showing the Tattooing is a social craze in New York relations of the equatorial line of mortal since advent of Horitoyo, Japanese propagation and the ecliptic of divine mo­ tattoo artist. mentum. It is an analogical application Monday. Chat With Readers. of the knowledge of astronomy to the an­ Plucky Chicago bank clerk, attacked on thropostic or human world and its planes street, puts three thugs to rout. The year 1899 is full of promise for THE of activity. The line of divine progress in Philippine insurgents threaten open re­ FLAMING SWOHD; it begins with evidences humanity is opposed to the normal move­ bellion against U. S.; to fight for of prosperity for our work. The publica­ independence; may destroy Iloilo; ments in the mortal generation; truth is Luzon quiet; southern islands in tion of this Journal weekly during the past always opposed to the methods, character, turmoil. year has spread the Koreshan work every­ and conduct of the mortal world. Without German-African colonies shock civiliza­ where, and the System has gained a firm a knowledge of these relations, astrology tion by enormous slave deals; 15,000 foothold in the hearts of a multitude of has no practical basis of application. slaves sold in one day at Kete, Togo readers. Our increasing circle of friends colony. constitutes one large family scattered All ship yards of Russia busy construct­ ing warships; works for war, talks throughout the world. THE FLAMING for peace! SWORD is a means of communication of truth to the members of the growing fra­ The World's News. Tuesday. ternity. Our work is gaining ground, it Rev. T. li. Gregory resigns pastorate of Wednesday January 4, 1899. Chicago Universalist church of the is spreading as never before. You are all Redeemer; declares for hell if the interested in the promulgation of the mar­ Democrats are endeavoring to find an issue trustees go to heaven. for campaign of 19(H); committee velous System of KORESH; you can now meets in Chicago and decides on Wreck of passenger train in Lehigh valley; take fresh courage and help us push the silver. 14 killed, 48 injured. movement into newer iields! This year Baron Banlfy and Deputy Horanszky fight King of Greece dissolves the Zaimis cab­ begins with a generous response on the a bloodless duel at Budapest, Hun­ inet. part of our subscribers iu renewals, in gary. Russia plans a railroad through Persia. sending us new subscriptions and contri­ Complications arising in Philippines; in­ Prominent Cuban insurgents named for butions, and orders for books, circulars, surgents in Luzon take a stand important positions in local affairs. against American authority. and tracts; and you have written us many Servian dynasty in danger of overthrow; * encouraging letters. For all these forms of terror reigns in Belgrade. If one man commands the land upon generosity, we heartily thank our friends; which others must labor, he can appro­ Thursday. and we reciprocate in the endeavor to priate the produce of their labor as the make each succeeding issue better than Many congressmen are victims of la grippe. price of their permission to labor. The the preceding. We are glad to note from Chicago University receives donation of fundamental law of nature, that her en­ your warm letters that THE FLAMING $368,874 real estate from millionaires Marshall Field, Rockefeller, and joyment by man shall be consequent upon SWORD is welcomed more and more among Ryerson. his exertion is thus violated. The one re­ you, filling a place aud performing a work Sagasta, premier of Spain, to continue in ceives without producing, the others pro­ in you aud in the world impossible to power; cabinet to be reconstructed. duce without receiving. The one is un­ other journals. Mt. Olympus threatening eruption. justly enriched, the others are robbed.-— Henry George. We publish this week Fart 1 of a series Friday. of three articles, "The Fhilosophy and S. E. Gross charges Rostrand, author of The popular man stands on our own Science of Use," by Prof. R. O. Spear, of Cyrano de Bergerac, with plagiarism level, or a hairsbreadth higher, and shows of his "Merchant Prince of, Corn- us a truth we can see without shifting our Wisconsin, from whom we have published ville;" sues for writ to restrain several letters during the, past few weeks. Richard Mansfield from further pre­ present intellectual position. The orig­ The main thought of the series is that sentation of Cyrano. inal man stands above us, and wishes to there is no function without form, and Chicago hold-ups increasing; hold up a wrench us from our old fixtures and ele­ that all uses are performed through form dry goods store during business vate us to a higher and clearer level.— hours. in every sphere of existence. Many of our Carlyle. Hungary on the verge of revolution; riot­ readers who have known Prof. Spear in ous proceedings in the reichstag; How many things both just and unjust the past will be glad to see some of his mass-meetings by citizens. are sanctioned by custom!—Terrence. LIBHAKT OF THE ALTRUIST The Advocate of Common Sense. Is a monthly paper, partly in phonetic spelling, and A Semi-Monthly Newspaper, published by Augus. devoted to equal rights, mutual assistance, united Buesing, 163-155 Riverside avenue, Jacksonville, Fla. labor, and common property. It is issued by the Al­ Subscription rates $1 per annum, payable in advance. truist Community, of St Louis, whose members hold THE ADVOCATE OP COMMON SENSE is undeniably the all their property in common, live and work together best medium through which the Manufacturers, Job- in a permanent home for their mutual enjoyment qers, wholesale and retail Merchants, and every other sistance, and support, and both men and women have trade and profession may make money by advertising. equal rights and decide on all its business affairs by THE ADVOCATE OP COMMON SENSE is a high-class Macaulay's Lays of Ancient | their majority vote. It now has 5,000 acres of land journa devoted to literature, science, art, spiritual­ ROME. The work contains Horatius, a Lay made<§ in Southeast Missouri on which it offers a home and ism, free-thought, exposing religious and political employment for life to all acceptable persons who rerors and the evils of our present system of society about the year of the city CCCLX ; The Battle of ^ may wish to join it. 25cayear; specimen copy free, and offers devices for better ones, ft gives the news the Lake Regillus, a Lay sung at the Feast of « A. LiiSGlY, Editor, 2S19 Olive st, St Louis, Mo. of the week from all over the world. No paper at Castor and Pollux on the' Ides of Quintilis, in the g. any price can excel it. It is especially interesting year of the city cccci.i; Virginia; fragments of ^ aud profitable. It is accepted by everybody not only a Lay sung in the Forum on the day whereon & THE FREE LANCE as an entertainer, but as a teacher. No one should be without it. Lucius Lextius Sextinus Lateranus and Caius w Is a monthly Journal devoted to General Reform. Licinius Calvus Stolo were.elected Tribunes of g It stands for free and untrammeled expression of the Commons the fifth time, in the year of the v? thought upon all questions. It holds that no man city CCCI.XXXII ; The Prophecy of Capys ; a Lay o1 nor theory is too sacred for honest criticism and thai Weavers! sung at the banquet in the Capitol, on the ray 5 there is no higher tribunal than the enlightened Write with or without stamp to W. F. MCCREADY, whereon Manius Curius Dentatus, a second time B' reason of man. '2 5 cents a year. Samples Ire'. 6308 WENTWORTH AVENUE, CHICAGO, III., and re­ Consul, triumphed over King Pyrrhus and the g Address. ceive illustrated circular of Tarentines, in the year of the city CCCCLXXIX; • FREE LANCE, Burnside. Ky. Automatic (Stationary) Ivry, a Song of the Huguenots ; The Armada, a & (silver) for a full year's Temple and Shuttle Guide, fragment. A beautiful gift book, with portrait g Send 25c. ^<£p«°?»° Most unique and simple Loom Temple and Guide on and us exquisite outline illustrations, (original «< the market. Especially adapted for Newcomb Loom and from the antique) drawn on wood by George g^ Fred Burrys Journal Scharf, Jr., 4to, cloth, extra gilt, $2.50. Tlie cheapest and most TJP-TO-DATE Mental Science monthly. You will be plea Meslier's Superstition in All £ with it. THE WEAVERS' HERALD, AGES. Jean Meslier was a Roman Catholic o" Priest who, after a pastoral service of thirty years g F. W. BTJEEY, 807 Bathurst St., A Monthly Publication, in France, wholly abjured religious dogmas, and ~ TORONTO, CAN. Devoted to PLAIN and FANCY HAND WEAVING, left this work as his last Will and Testament to < Subscription 50c a Year. his parishioners and to the world. Preface by ^ THE NEW MAN... A monthly magazine devoted to (he cultivation Peter Eckler. 339 pp., portrait. Crown 8vo, B of sexual purity, and the mastery of sin. sickness Circulates in Every State in the Union, paper, 50c; cloth, $1.1:0; half calf, $3.00. g 7,500 Circulation Monthly. a and poverty through the orderly development of Send Postal for Sample Copy. The same work in German, Paper, 50c; faculties, active or latent in all men. cloth, $1.00. a $1.00 per year. Don't fail to send us 2 eents for LYONS, = - KANSAS. a sample copy. Address: Profession of Faith of theS The New Science, Osteopathy. VICAR OF SAVOY. By J. J. Rousseau. Also, A n> The New Man Publishing Co., SEARCH FOR TRUTH,by Olive Schreiner. Preface g. 1121 N. Grand Ave, St. Louis, Mo. Do you want to know more about this The Metaphysical Knowledge. Science which cures human by Peter Eckler. Post Svo, 128 pages, with por- c- ills without drugs? trait. Paper, 25c; cloth, 50c. =g A new journal devoted to purely meta­ If so, send 2c stamp for sample copy, or 50c for physical thought; and if this is what you a year's subscription to the OSTEOPATHIC Reasons for Unbelief, by Louiss> revel in, then subscribe to this new INDEX, Merritt E. Springer, Editor, Ottawa, Viardot. Translated from the French. Thisw- Kansas. volume is an analysis, an abstract, an epitome of § monthly—Fifty cents per year; single copy the reasons given by the greatest waiters of all * 5 cents. One copy free. H. Archer Doty, Mental Science Institute. Toronto, ages for disbelief in supernatural religions. The V. 895 Park Ave., Baltimore Md. Can. arguments are clear, concise, convincing and 5" All the Woes, Ills and Ails of life Cor­ conclusive. They are founded on reason andS The Needham Hustler, rected through the Agency of Mental science, and rise to the dignity of demonstrations. •' Published by Beard & Judd at Needham, Ind., is Science, The book will prove a priceless treasure to all „ an 8 page, progressive, Liberal paper, both in pol­ Absent treatment a specialty. Write stating enquiring minds. Paper, 25c; cloth, 50c. itics and religion. In order to give it a wider circu­ trouble; immediately vibrations are set in motion, lation than ever before, the subscription price 1ms for distance is no barrier to the Mental Scientist. " It is a good book, and will do good."—Robert % been reduced to the minimum of 25c per year. Lib­ Address, E. Fisher, Care of "The Realm" Toronto, G. Ingersoll. < erals and thinkers send us 25c and receive Ont., Can. Hustler for 1 year. Descent of Man (The.) By Charles-* WARREN JUDD, Editor. Darwin. Cloth, gilt top, 75c. §" First Business Step. On its appearance it aroused at once a storm of g A URGE BOOK OF SE­ Your name, business, and address neatly printed mingled wrath, wonder and admiration. In elegance of CRETS, regular price $ LDP. and on 100 good Envelopes, 100 Note Heads to match, and style, charm of manner and deep knowledge of natural g OOK!not h 48-column Magazine on trial 3 100 business cards, for only $1.00—bill, stamps or P.O. history, it stands almost without a rival among scientific ° monthsUi ou, ALr ML afomr 1110 onl1y 10 cts,, postpaid. This is a rare money order. LUTZ PUB. CO., box 719 Pittsburg, Pa works. 1 % chance to get a good literary magazine devoted to industrial progress for almost nothing. Trial ails., Send 10c in Stamps Saltus' Anatomy of Negation, g 30 words or less, 10c: 3 times, 20c. 50 cards or envel­ And you will receive Intended to convey a tableau of anti-Theism ® opes neatly printed, 10c, postpaid. Address from Kapila to Leconte de Lisle. The anti- o orders with cash or stamps to CRITIC MAGAZINE; The Echo for One Year. theistic tendencies of England and America^" Akron, O. The paper is an 8 page, 4 col monthly, and your hlavin; g been fully treated by other writers. g, name will be placed in agents' directory for one time The following subjects are fully discussed : — Advertisers free. Or send 30c and receive same as above and a 1. The Revolt of the Orient, Kapila—The Buddha g. Vest Pocket map of anv state. —Laou-tse. 2. The Negations of Antiquity, £ You will laugh and grow fat if you THE ECHO, Wauneta, Neb. Theomachy — Skepticism—Epicurism—Atheism, a use 3. The Convulsions of the Church, Galilee—Rome. ™ The Lutz Advertiser, r. A monthly with a big circulation. Ad rates 5 1 The Coming Era, 4. The Dissent of the Seers, Spinoza—The Seven per line. Display or electros, 50 cents per i. A Journal of American Politics, a Sages of Potsdam—Holbach and his Guests. Forms close 25th of each month. Sample copy LUTZ 5. The Protests of Yesterday. Akosmism — Pes- p ADVERTISER, IJ O. box 719, Pittsburg, I'a. Semi-Monthly Free Lance. simism—Materialism—Positivism. 6. A Poet's 2 Advocating International Revolution, Socialism Verdict, Romantics and Parnassians. Biblio- See the Flies on Me!! and Co-operative Commonwealth. Trial subscrip­ graphy. i2mo, 218 pp. Cloth, 7^c. g That is what the Stick-em fast Hy paper would tion, three months for 10 cents. Address, Ross say if it could talk. Send 20c for formula and full di­ Winn & Co. 301 Main St., Dallas, Texas. Social Contract; OR PRINCIPLES| rections for making, to the LYONS NOVELTY CO., OF POLITICAL LAW. Also, A project for a Per- 3 Lyons, Kas. petual Peace. By J. J. Rousseau. 1 vol. post » YOU receive leading, valua­ 8vo, with portrait. Preface by Peter Eckler. ^ OR 10c ble, progressive publion- New Music 1 Cent a Sheet Paper, 50c; extra silk cloth, 75c. o tions. National Purity Association, The new monthly magazine, "Music, Song, and F 79 Fifth Ave., Chicago Story," gives its subscribers, within a year, 100 pieces Shakespeare Portrayed by© of new copyright music, vocal and instrumental HIMSELF. A Revelation of the Poet in the a PUBLISHED monthly, (never before published), in addition to the maga­ Career and Character of one of his own Dra- 2- RAG CARPET, cents a year. A 12 page up to zine's bright stories, poems, recitations, myths, fairy­ matic Heroes. By Robert Waters. 1 vol., 121110, a date paper in the interest of carpet weavers. Send tales, etc., and most beautiful illustrations, all for $1. cloth extra, $1.25. p, for sample copy. Address: -Rag Carpet, Arrow- A sample copy with 8 pieces of new music postpaid, In this able and interesting work on Shakespeare, the ^ smith. IU. for 10 cents. Address the publisher, S. W. SIMPSON author shows conclusively now our great poet revealed 00 70 FIFTH AVE., New York. himself, his life, and his character. It is written in good a Envelopes with your name and addren and clear language, exceedingly picturesque, and is p printed on and sent to vou postpaid for 10c altogether the best popular life of'Shakespeare that has Ei (silver) 100 for 30c (silver.) J. W. llanii, The Morning Star, yet appeared. ^ 25 Wauneta, Neb. A Monthly Journal of Mystical and Philo­ sophical Research. Philosophy of Disenchant- s. Envelopes with your name and address print­ ed on No. 6s, postpaid, 40 cents, 50 for ir, cents. An able exponent of Hermetic Science, giving the MENT. By E. E. Saltus. 233 pp., cloth, 75c, a 100 Address The Record, Rermudiaii, I'a. inner meanings of the doctrines of Primitive (Chris­ o tianity, those of Christ Jesus and the Immortal Isis— ^^ A IWI rjl p copies of 100 different leading the creative Wisdom ofthe Occident, the Mysteries oi Address orders to sf ^j r\ IVI t I— CL newspapers ana magazine) Free Masonry, and Philosophy of the Rosicrucians, sent to any address upon receipt of 10 cents Alchemy, Astrology, etc. Sample copy free. 50 cts. The Guiding Star Pub. House, • for mailing. American Subscription Agency, per Annum. Peter Davidson, Loudsville, Ga. 653 Arch street, Indianapolis, Indiana. 6308 Wentworth Ave., Chicago, Ills. THE EARTH A CONCAVE THE CELLULAR COSflOQONY, SPHERE. A SCIENTIFIC SENSATION! NEW AND SUPERB EDITION! rst Edition of this startlin and notable Work was exhausted in THIRT\' DAYS, and a second, Revised and Enlarged Edition is nearly ready for delivery. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN AND CITY. This is a book that sells on sight! It is obviously Views of the Geodetic work in Southern Florida. You can­ unique, and everybody who sees it wants one. We are in not afford to miss these evidences of the Camera in the business on an extensive scale, prepared to meet the connection with the proofs presented in the first edition. demands of the thousands. Photographs cannot do else than tell the truth. With our Special Press Edition we face the literary and' We want agents in every town and city to canvass for critics: we are beginning extensive advertising. the Book; you can sell them at odd hours. You can make The welcome with which the Work has already been re­ it pay if you push it. We supply you with outfit, and allow ceived bespeaks a wide circulation and sale. per cent on all sales and subscriptions. Apply at once. \\ e have now issued a Revised, Enlarged and Su­ Single copies, 25 cents each. 5 copies, $1.00. 10 I t perb Edition, embracing a number of fme Photographic t copies, $1.80. 50 copies, $6.25. 100 copies, $12.00. r with Two Parts: PART I.—THE UNIVERSOLOGY OF KOKESHANITY, by KOEESH, the Founder. PAET II.—THE NEW GEODESY, by PBOF. U. G. MOBBOW. The Guiding Star Publishing House, No. 6308 Wentworth Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, U. S. A.

"THE HERHETIST" monthly magazine, the organ of the EQUITABLE COHflERCE Human Nature, • Brotherhood. Its motto is: "Get Under- A monthly magazine of world-wide re­ li deals with Mysticism inacommon- pute, now in its seventh year of publica­ !i tenches that if Occult Power can be of ii (Might to be made practical. It c E tion. Devoted to Phrenology, Physiog­ to tell its readers how to use the nomy, Health, Medical and Social Reform. • '•ted for so many centuries. o Q Earnest in its advocacy of human liberty hat the wisest Masters of Wisdom "Seek ye first the kingdom (power) n and abreast of the age in progressive righteousness (unselfish purpose) u thought. igs shall be added unto you." No n ALLEN HADDOCK, Editor and Prop'r. ' I rut li that can make man better or A rred its columns, norits influence. E Subscription price only 50 cents a year. Sample striving to winnow the real instrue- T copies will he sent FREE to readers of the FLAMING (f. so that he who runs may read. SWORD who request such favor and enclose stamp for ii- for a sample copy. Yearly subscrip- R I postage. • I'II:. Co., tooti Grand Boulevard, Address HUMAN NATURE, 1020 Market Street, c O San Francisco, Cal. N Business Success I Through Mental Attraction. A The Freethought Ideal, By Chas. W. Close, Ph.D., S.S. D. L The Official Organ of the cents. (Silver). The PIumb=Line of Commercial KANSAS FREETHOUGHT ASSOCIATION. I' statement ofthe principle involved in Equation. f Mental Law to the control of finan- It opposes all supernatural religions. It is issued th eight practical rules to insure for the purpose of elevating the human race to a cess. Industry reduced to a Scientific Basis, higher, nobler, and purer destiny. 50 cents per liter: The above pamphlet with The in the greatest Co-operative Combine—a year; 25 cents for six months. Samplesfree. Address. mthly magazine in the interest of genuine Crusade againt competism by Freethought Ideal, Ottawa, Kan. the Philosophy of Health, and e, two months with Special offer '., ibi"jiicents silver. Address:— The Industrial Co-operative Union SELF=RELIANCE : he Free Man, 124 Birch St., (F. S.) Bangor, Maine. of America. A n p Address for circulars and information, Hr. n en?p?- Labor Exchange ^f The panacea of existing evils, pointing the way to ADVERTISERS! W. R. Wallace, Executive Manager, 680 W. my space in the Great Big, 8-page, 48- Lake St., Chicago, 111. Remunerative Employment -iraicd MONTHLY GUEST, Carlton, Colo. Volunteers Wanted Now to engage For the Idle Thousands. order paper with large circulation and Eveiy Saturday. 50c a year, always in advance. npidly, lor only 5c. per line. 50c an with us in the following trades. Sample copy sent on application. Esra James, *r month; 3 months for $1.00. Subscription Publisher, Knowlton's Cor., Cincinnati, O. It off re more valuable premiums Practical broom makers. Iter paper. Try it one time. See the Broom-corn sorters. using its columns. Sent on trial 6 Bakers, cook, laundryman. without premium: or anyone who Koreshan Songs le time and secure 5 subscribers at Apply at once; address as above. New Edition, By Rev. E. M. Castle. 1; months, or 5 subscribers at toe. each an have any premium offered 50c. sub- Adapted to popular and national airs. Useful in The Jew and His Honey Laws. all meetings of the Society Arch-Triumphant, and to Most Popular Book of the Day. Koreshans generally. Good paper, clear print, ma- nilla covers. Ten cents each; $1.00 per dozen. Ad­ Second edition just out. Revised and improved. dress, Guiding Star Publishing House, 6308 Went­ 5 and Queries, It uncovers and brings to light the foundation stones worth avenue, Chicago, 111. thly journal of History, Folk-lore, Art, Sci- of our false money structure. It is a line of thought l.iterature, Masonry, Mysticism, Math- never presented by any other writer. cs, Metaphysics, Theosophy, etc. Col. S. F. Norton, of the Chicago SENTINEL, says: "It is a powerful and unanswerable argument." Box 480, New iMguine contains a large number of the odds Gov. Frank Burkitt, of Mississippi, says: "It follows I i.'irtinontsof literature, "from many a line different from any other reform work and its The New South•J, Orleans, La-, urious volume of forgotten lore." Com- very novelty makes it the more attractive." W. S. Volumo XVII begins with 1890. Each Morgan, ofthe BUZZ-SAW, says: "I consider it one of Will give your paper a small ad. in re- indexed. SI.(HI a year in advance. Its the best things that has been written along that turn for exchange. Send marked copy. • "M1111 y people know many things, no one line." Eld. E. S. Curry says: "Every minister in the Circulates in all parts of the world. land should read it." L M. GOULD, Printers, Publishers \AJET A \/C DO SEND for circulars ol Manchester, N. H. These are the kind of expressions that are coming VV LnVLnO) the Kirk Fly Shuttle from thousands of the best thinkers of the nation. Rag Carpet loom. The weaver's delight. With­ It will be sent to any address for 10 cents. Address out a peer. Easy running. Tight carpet. Perfect Vaccination, MILLS WILLIAMS, simplicity. Latest and best. Address L. Box IP, Editor QUILL, West Plains, Mo. Arrowsmith, 111. Journal of Health, telling the truth liioll. is tQe a ler vou FRANK' D.BLUE, Editor. TUp l?f»rni*rl u P l are looking for. With your name and ad­ 7828 N. 12th St. Terre Haute, Ind. 1 lit iv^tvM Semi-monthly, 25 cents per year; 100 ENVELOPES dress printed on ipper li Copy. send for sample copies and see our clubbing offers left hand corner, post­ &c. Advertisers wanted to advertise in The Record. paid, 40 cents: 50 for 25 cents. Address, THE RECORD, Bermudian, Adams Co., Pa. Addreri, Eric Morell. Swaburg, Nebr. bURNAME^nlat^riul- liiith cut envelopes and note heads HAVE YOU "COMMON SENSE "? C A RJI pi C copies of 100 different Leading News- 1 one pint of best black ink. All the If not, send at once for a free copy of this liberal OHIVI r L L. papers and Magazines sent to any ad­ aid for only SI 00, cash or postage minded advocate of advanced thought. Brings dress upon receipt of 10 cents to pay for mailing. I line of samples for fi ets. in stamps. health and success. Address "COMMON SENSE," U. S. SUBSCRIPTION AGENCY, 1253 Mass. Ave., Sta. B., I'. M,Benselam, X. (', F. S., 65 State St, Chicago, 111. Indianapolis, Ind, >%:•': • •••>• : ii. -.•?.*>• A



|ThejvEarth's Concave Surfaces "In''the Holid wi8I His H artel.

-;.jl ±1$? • The Land Hemisphere '. jf ••A^Am&r i, ; •#. - -The Heavens ffh tht Caith " :< XT ""•' "* ^••l- Wyz.'-.^--ff ••'^~^i'- ••' ..:3j? , .-uoNiCht .te:'. ]},

$&•!. Summer Solstice, June\21,.^%; t "Winter Solstice, Dec. 21. , . ,:;C;. Nijrht' within the^Antarctic'•'Circle,' '-••> ..'i W J -Night within the-Arctic Circle. • f* -:":-$iP-'-':"f:' "•"•'.•v^v-'::s'-".-;•'.•] m

•• j?4 ;•- ••:JW/!::-~/8«t^ \ -J*%f~- '^^t-^-^'^-f^'- ••••"• ;* "«^« "*^ ' >'^"*»^''nd ^ Night'6 . 'C'~W. •' k-'- . '-•''?&»':'••.+7--V ." #L' •' VO5^5T7V -V—T^^ik.'-g^f' • *Jr-''-::j£r""-Sectlonal Viewi»7 the Gigantic. Electro-Magnetic 'Battery, With the Siiil as tlie ?• V -: 'fJ^PWU- • ' %r i^ i'&^^Sti^hSfi f^b±^^I^V'-' Ar it' - '•'>••' •'•"'' ••'• PerpetuatVlfivot and PoiV... rhe_S6utnern Hemisphere ot the'telU'-1'.' r V:'V%';*' . »~='^.-' '•-•': '-.-- ~~ •: • • -.if, -••>_ • - • <• :.v»V, . ,L^I&" V.-'V?.-- ?v-, •, • • •— ,-',''" - .'^ : ^j^y^ -v - ^ ^•Si|Bffi& IS Vlu.l.P«.'l»n of the On. «, . -and, I,II (f ^_ _ CZl*Z-^-J "t" ^Jr^ "^^S! '"^ •[ I • ' ^1 ''l«"Wm" Zodiac and Orbits' of Planetary Disc: ,: o(;Polea^FTOn?'!C^'ica£*: r ,(,•. thei Karth's Shell.•'„•>;.,.' Tin', ...- „ •• '.'•'•'• ; '**<&' '•' •v/ A -** i •>•• ... .it.,- Lks--r3Et^zi_ Iron . * »» K A t—' — •••• r-H^; • •.'•*''.' m*m r«!"W:- vMil ION Ai yiEW of the 1 arth i Cnul, 100 Mi(e» initllickness. showing the Mraiij^ r -.-!View of Metallic' Strata or. Fir ma rtient, showing Mercurial Discs between the Plate j : f The Cellular Cosmogony or Koreshan Astronomy. is SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY OF DR. CYRUS R. TEED, OF CHICAGO. The Earth is a stationary Concave Cell, about 8,000 miles in diameter, with people, , Moon, Planets, and Stars on the inside, the whole constitutin the only physical Universe in existence. It is an Alchemico-Organie Structure, a Gigantic Electro-Magnetic Battery, the Central Sun being the Pos­ itive Pole, and the Earth the Negative Elements of the Cell. The Universe involves the laws and functions of its own perpetuity, and is Eternal. All Life is Cellular—within the cell; we INhabit the Earth. KORESHAN COSMOGONY comports with all facts of Astronomical, Geographical, Geological, and Alchemical research, and International Geodetic Survey, Experimentation and Navigation. It interprets all Ancient Legends, Mythologies, arid Bibles, and furnishes the basis of all Reason and Science, the premise of the true Theology. Theocracy, and Social Economy. irm T^W X^-Jr"'.*"

Drawn by PROF. U. G. MORROW. .Editor.. ^specially for THE FLAMING SWORD.