GSIS Celebrated Its 43Rd Founder's
VOL 38 DECEMBER 2019 Good Shepherd Knowledge Village M. Palada Post, Ootacamund - 643 004, The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India Visit us @ | GSIS Celebrated its 43rd Founder’s Day: A Platform for Intellectualism and Harmonious Eclecticism Students of the Summer House: Proud Winners of the Cock House Shield The forty-third Founder’s Day celebrations spanning over two days, 15th and 16th of October 2019, included a homogenous blend of a variety of programmes ranging from Western classical music to Indian classical dance. All members of the audience were agog with curiosity as the bugle call announced the arrival of the Chief Guest, Dr Maithree Wickramasinghe, the Chair and Senior Professor of Special chapel service in progress on 15 October 2019 The Principal, Dr P C Thomas, cutting the birthday cake on his 76th birthday The Principal, Dr P C Thomas, addressing the members of staff Musical presentation by girls’ band: Instrumental rendition of the popular song, ‘shallow’ Musical presentation: Our boys singing ‘Ride’, a popular song Ms Sayesha Ghosh and Ms Megha Elizebeth Stephen singing a originally written and recorded by the American musical duo, medley of two songs, ‘A Mother’s Prayer’ and ‘Because You Loved ‘Twenty One Pilots’ Me’ English at the Department of English, the founding Director of the Centre for Gender Studies at the University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka and a Visiting Professor at the University of Sussex, United Kingdom and the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. They had already been entertained by the musical presentations by the various bands formed in the school.
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