Outrigge r. When Tommy passed away, she felt it was a promise she had to keep. Doris saw her first race in 1946 when she watched the Macfarlane from the second floor dining room at the Old Club. She vowed to learn to paddle and make the team the following year. And she did! From '4 7 through '51 Doris and her sister, Anita Berg Whiting, \rere mainstays of the OCC wahine crew, along with Yvonne "Blondie" Boyd Erickson, Pat Honl, Rusty Thoma , Gaynor Lloyd, Helen Haxr.on Bode and Joan Cooper Kaaua. When wahi ne were allowed to steer, Pam Anderson took that job over from such icons as Johnny Hollinger, Toots Minvielle, Charley Martin and Turkey Love. "There were only two teams in those days," Doris related, "Outrigger and Hui NaiLl. Healani was still into and Waikiki Surf had not been organized yet." Doris recalls the rigorous training they went through. "Condition and endurance were everything! Someone told me that the carbonated water in sodas was not good for endurance. That was it. .. out went the sodas and everything else that I thought might be a detriment." was one way to keep in condition so the crew members could often be seen out riding the waves. Doris well remembers the heavy boards they used . "Anita surfed on a shaped, solid redwood Tlte 195/women in !lw Macfarlane /1egattawere, from rear, Pam Anderson, l-Ie/en plank while Helen, Pat and !used heavy "hollows"... mine was a very l-laxtonl3ode, Pat l-Ion/, joan CoofJer Kaaua, Doris Berg Nye, An i w/3er~ Whiting. steady 90 pounder. If women surfers wanted to be treated with respect and to surf where the waves were larger, 'invad ing' the space /3y Barbara Del Piano where the guys surfed, they had to not only know how to surf, follow rhe unwritten rules (e.g. not sliding right when everyone on your right was sliding left), but they had to be able to carry their own ... it's something you'll never forget! The boards down to and from the ocean. We refused to be considered a fun, camaraderie, and most of all, the competi, bunch of wimps so we always carried our boards," Doris says with a chuckle. tion. And the color, too. The sky is always "Also, back then, Outrigger did not have one main coach for blue and the ocean a collage of countless the women. A couple of days before a race, a group of officials from the Club would decide who stroked, who paddled in which seat, and shades of cobalt and aqua and green .... not to what canoe they would use. mention the reds and oranges and yellows of "For training, our crew checked on each other and made sure that each of us got down to the beach on time. Back then, koa the beach towels, umbrellas, sailboats, bathing were the only kind used for both training and . suits and, of course the canoes. (Neither fins on boards or fiberglass canoes had come into common Back in the "old days" before the sky-scraping hotels blocked usage.) the view, the purple-green Koolau provided a magnificent backdrop The canoes were carried down to the sea and back so that the to the whole kaleidoscopic scene. bottoms would not be scratched or marred. We tried tO get our Whether it was 50 years ago or just a couple, the thrill of pad­ favorite canoe, the Kakina, but most of the time we lost out to the dling in a Macfarlane Regatta conjures up memories that last a life­ senior men's crew who had first choice." time. Doris Berg Nye and her husband Arnold grow coffee on their Doris wistfully recalls that "we were left with the Leilani or the fann outside Kailua-Kona on Hawaii Island. Doris hasn't paddled a Hanakeoki. That is, until we decided tO get down to the Club very canoe in years, but get her started on the subj ect of outrigger canoe­ early before the men's team arrived. Our strategy worked sometimes ing, especially the Macfarlane, and her eyes light up and her face but it was a problem to find a steersman at that hour so we were not breaks into a broad grin. always successfu l. Find someone to share those memories with, and off they go! "Our training course," Doris continues, "was usually from the Not long before his death, Tommy O'Brien visited the Nyes and they Outrigger down to the Ala Wai Club House and then up the Ala had a great time reminiscing. He encouraged Doris to write "mem­ Wai Canal. Then we'd paddle back down the canal and home. We oirs" of those wonderful days and to send them back to the never used our three-pound racing paddles for practice until just two

PAGE-2 OUTRIGGER JULY 2002 or three days before a race. We always used the heavy, water-logged stroke, was the team to beat. Our crew consisted of Anita as stroke, 'clunker, whiskered ones.' After training with those, the lightweight with me in the number two seat. Helen Haxton Bode paddled in racing paddles nearly flew from our hands on the 'change."' seat number three, Pat Honl in number four, and Joan Cooper Kaaua One "sore" point in paddling in those days was discomfort in number five. Pam Anderson was steering. A second Outrigger caused by the chafing of the heavy cotton bathing suit straps which crew which 'Blondie' Boyd Erickson would be steering, was also were tied both at the neck and back. going to enter." After paddling for awhile, the straps would need adjusting; but, As Doris tells the heart-breaking story, "The clay of the race said Doris, "Our teammates had a verbal agreement regarding stop- finally arrived and much to ou r dismay, both !-lui Nalu and Waikiki ping and adjusting the straps. Once was okay during training only. Surf vehemently protested the Outrigger's two entries, so one team More than that was considered loafing. Of course we quickly learned was selected to represent the Club. Our team was the fortunate one to tie the bottom straps very loosely or to wear a tee shirt and let the but I felt badly for the other crew for they were good and had prac- straps drop unbound. Otherwise, we had to quietly endure the raw ticed really hard. spots caused by the rubbing. For years, most of us had scars under "The race course lanes extended from flags near the beach in our arms. ..'chevrons' we called them!" front of the Moana out to flags past the surf; then back to a tum flag A special memory of Doris' is the time she and her crew were at the Diamond Head side of the Moana with a straight-away to fin- coming home from a long training session and were taking a ish in front of the Outrigger, just as they do today." breather on the Ewa side of Kuhio Beach. "The !-lui Nalu men's jun- "We got ready and off went the gun! We dug in and started off ior team pulled up beside us and challenged us to a race back to the with a great burst of speed. We led Waikiki Surf at the far flag by a Club. We were hesitant at first, but after much good-natured taunt- good five lengths. We made a quick turn then headed back into the ing, we accepted the challenge. One of the Hui Nalu crew yelled wind which was blowing in from the Koolau pretty strong that day, 'one, two, three, GO!' still well in the lead. It was then that we realized we had gone "Our paddles dug in and our canoe burst forward, all of us in around the wrong flag. We turned around again and paddled back sync with Anita's fast 'sewing machine' stroke. We gave it our all! out to the farthest flag and made yet another tum ... our third, with At first, the canoes were neck and neck but gradually we pulled away two of them hard, tight and into the wind. Our saliva had long since until we led by a full boat length. When the race ended there was a turned to 'white cotton' as we called it." profound hush from the Hui Nalu team as they slowly paddled back "By this time we were in th ird place with both Waikiki Surf and to shore. Hui Nalu ahead of us. But with our adrenaline up, our muscles "On the beach, their coach, John D. Kaupiko, was livid! He got straining and our backs practically breaking, we didn't miss a stroke. his crew together under the hau tree and really read them the 'riot We were in top condition with lots of stamina, and we were deter- act.' They walked away humiliated. Needless to say, they never mined to win." again asked us to race." "Within a short time we had gained back all of our lost dis- When the '47 paddling season rolled around, Doris' dream came ranee. We passed Hui Nalu, and finally, Waikiki Surf. We thought true and she made the senior women's team. "That year, 'Biondie' for sure we were home free. Then an incredible thing happened; a was stroke" she related, "and we won both the Kamehameha Day speed boat approached carrying Duke Kahanamoku and a grour. of races and the Macfarlane Regatta." visitors who were shouting 'paddle harder, girls!"'f. The next year, the senior women were again victorious on June To this day, Doris shudders at the memory. "I had fleeting 11 and were eagerly anticipating a repeat performance on the visions of an alternative use of my paddle," she said. "1h~n a I ~gS Fourth of July. The day before the races, the crew was informed that wave came up a:~d Duke urged Pam to ~atc\1 · r,.a~~1il~1g~'i Sll ~1!11!~- 0utrigger would be entering two teams. ter judgement, we ~ecided to go for ·t... .. and royalh:Lswam . "Anita was the stroke in the KakiM and I was to stroke in the Although the Clay was a bitter d' appeh~nt, when th~ awa ds Leilani. At first, I was perturbed because I had trained in the num- were given ou,t, Hui Nalu coa ~n D.~upilw•, presepred~he ber two seat and now my new second team had not even had time to Out~i gge~wah i rle wiM sf>ecial a\\~0... eauti~l mfcild train together. But, as it turned out, we didn't have to worry. bo~, (or, a~ ~e'Put it, an uts tanf in~ tea ! \{;eryears, the bowl Outrigger was the only club to enter and we had no competition." wa,s n1.disPlay at\the;\OJ~ Gl~b, and~t~n at he "new"one before The next couple of years were great for the Outrigger sen·or \ \ £ina! y being re legate(!!~ stor~ge. n women, despite the added competition from the newly fmn de \ 'V ,..T~e )'€~r.s ~~ b'9~ 1 have come aadgq,ne and Doris has seen all Waikiki Surf Club. "But," Doris recounted, "1951 is thl))leflr ~~ of\h~ t:i fi~~ ~l~i'!O ren actively enga(e J.n'rll~l(ir\lds of water sports. Now really stands out. It was my last year of racing because I w ransfer- hetjmhd children are taking over. "Exdep~ fo\ a very brief time a ring from UH to UCLA and Anita and Helen were going to Mills few years back," she says, with a bit of npstalgia in her voice," I College in Oakland, California." It was also the first year that never did participate in canoe racing agaip. N,ty racing days are over; women were allowed to steer. like that monkeypod bowl, I've gone intolstorag·e.. .as far as paddling "As the Fourth of July approached, everyone practiced diligently is concerned .... but the memories will'3i/ays remain." and it became obvious that the Surf Club, with Wanda 'Sci' Holt as

)uLv 2002 OuTRIGGER PAGE-3 Outrigger paddlers head into the Walter Clement D. Paiaina Regatta J. Macfarlane Regatta on the 4th of July hop­ Keehi Lagoon ing to enjoy the surf race and the home June 2, 2002 course adnmtage. Waikiki Beach, Outrigger's home since 1908, is the site of the Oahu Results Hawaiian Canoe Rac ing Association regatta. AA Division: I. !-lui Nalu 65. 2. Lanikai 62. In Outrigger tradition , the day's events 3. Outrigger 59. 4. !-lui Lanakila 58. start at the Club with a paddler's breakfast, 5. Kailua 53. 6. Healani 37. 7. Keahiakahoe 18. followed by a pep rally in the Bar and Lounge, and then it's on to Waikiki with the Winning OCC Crews first race start ing at 8:30a.m. After a full day Girl l j (1/2 mile)-Halli Van Lier Ribbink, of races, the awards ceremony will be held at Ginger Lunr, Angela Giancaterino, Dena Duke's on the site of the "Old" Club. And Cassella, Kellen Fletcher, 1\leleana Carr, 4:23.95. then it's back to the Club for the annual BBQ Girls 16 {1/2 mile)-Amy Lawson, Kai Bourne, and party. Avery Cavanah, Whitney Dolman, Sally OCC opened the regatta season with a Torkildson, Danielle DeMello, 4:28.01. third place fin ish in the Clement D. Paiaina Junior Men ( 1mil e)-David Stackhouse, Luke Regatta on June 2 at Keehi Lagoon, only six Estes, Paki Vaughan, Keith Steiner, Matt points out of first place. Finishing ahead of Kresser, Stew Kawakami, 7:40.09. Outrigger were Hui Nalu with 65 and Lanikai Men 35 (I mile)-Courtney Seto, /\lark Rigg, with 62. OCC scored 59 points. Walter Guild, Marc Haine, Matt Rigg, Karl The Freshmen men inaugurated the Heyer IV, 7:19.56. newly renovated Kakina with a second place Robbie Lin climbed rhe rent pole for mnusement. finish and praised the work of Domie Gose and his staff in bringing the canoe up to cur­ Leeward rent OHCRA standards. King Kamehameha Regatta Regatta The Girls 16s, who were undefeated as Kailua Beach Nanakuli Beach IJs, 14s and ISs during the past three years, June 9, 2002 June 16, 2002 started off the season with a victory. Other winning crews on opening day Results Results were the Girls ISs who were State AA Division I. Lanikai, 77. 2. Hui Lanakila, AA Division I. Hui Nalu, 70. 2. Outrigger, Champions last year also, the Men JSs and 71. 3. Kailua, 69. 4. Outrigger, 61. 5. Hui 69. 3. Lanikai, 61. 4. Hui Lanakila, 53. the Junior Men. Nalu, 32. 6. Healan i, 23. 7. Keahiaknhoe, 17. 5. Kailua, 52. 6. 1-lealani, 42. In the Kamehameha Day Regatta on 7. Keahiakahoe, 16. June 9 at Kailua Beach, OCC crews finished Winning OCC Crews fourth behind, Lanikai, Hui Lanakila and Junior Men (l mile) Jim Steiner, Matt Guard, Winning OCC Crews Kailua. Stew Kawakami, Luke Estes, Paki Vaughan, Boys 15 ( « mile) Christopher Moy, Tairua The Leeward Kai Regatta on June 16 David Stackhouse, 7:43.56. Marshall, Blaise Dubiel, Taiarii Marshall, found Outrigger paddlers finishing in second Masters Men 35 (I mile) Mark Rigg, Matt Rigg, Alexander Lin, Tyler Shinn, 4:06.14. place behind Hui Nalu. Scott Rolles, Marc Haine, Todd Bradley, Jim Girls 15 (« mile) !-Ialli Van Lier Ribbink, Jamie The regatta season finishes up on July 14 Beaton, 7:24.18. Pietsch, Angela Giancaterino, Kellen Fletcher, with the John D. Kaupiko Regatta and the Masters Women 55 (« mile) Patty Mowat, Ann Ginger Lunt, Adrienne Gaines, 4:46.99. OHCRA Championships on July 21, both at Cundll ll, Diane Stowell, Barbara Bryan, Pam Girls 16 (<< mile) Lindsey Wcssberg, Jennifer Kechi Lagoon. The Hawaiian Canoe Racing Zak, Keanuenue Rochlen, 5:00.62. Tokin, Sally Torkildson, Alicill Arnott, Kai Association state championships will be held Bourne, Ali Rigg, 4:22.78 on August 3 in Hilo Bay. Masters 45 Men ( « mile) Doug Beckert, Pokii Come on down to cheer on your Club. Vaughan, Michael Schwin, Bill Lawson, Aka Hemmings, Alan Dowsett, 3:52.44.


Tile Freshmen Men cmTied the Kakina 10 lite water for lite first race. Meleana Carr had quite a tveekend, celebrating her 16th birthday, steering Coaches Beano Heen and Mike Town concentrate Iter crew f.O victory, and then leat1ing Keli)• McMahon j1iggy backs Iter on rheir Girls 18s race. after rhe race {or a crip w Europe ttith daughter Moll)· at Keehi Lagoon. Iter grandmotfter.

Paige LeMaster tvai~J w gives roses 10 her mother's crew. Tlte So/1110more Women were Malia Eversole, Kristen Lee, Genie Kincaic , Kaili Clum, Pam jenkins and ]en Thayer. Paris Starn enjoyed 11faying in the sand.

This year's Novice B Women are Ginger Thornburg, Janet Reyes, Sarah Bredhoff, Rina Pan, Mindy Cavanah and Doma Canoe Racing Chainnan ]immy Austin, George Wessberg and Domie Goss Robinson. Bret Clutclwviclt get$ last watch the inaugural race for the Kakina. minute instwctions.

Paddling with the Novice A Women rhis year are \'(fendy The Novice A Men are Coach ]on Blllln, Eric Rhodes, Crabb, Debi Pin10, Wendy Wichman, Kristen Crabb, Alice Anthony Hunt, Troy St. john, Keith Gendreau, Jim Lunt, Carrie Christman, Shree Ames and Tracy Bradky. Cavanah and Mike Nakano. The Novice l3 Men get tmst race tips from their coach.

I u L y 2 0 0 2 0 U T R G G E R p A G E 5 Junior Riggers Paddle Hard

Girls 12 From: Mackenz:ie McCoy, Kulani Jenkins, Addie Humer, Paige l.eMasrer. Boys 12 Fronr: Kellen Chung, Coach ]aren Hancock, Coach]ohn Marshall, Dauid Back: Leigh Cullinan, Jean Cullinan, Kelli Moy, Judy Gronna, Elizaberh Finney, Moani Marshall, Ricky Budar, Kainoa Lusk, \Xfyarr Sram, Riley Siever!5. Back: ]on Hunrer, Hara, Brooke Hunrer, Cassidy Cavanah, \Vhimey Becher!, Coach llare Richert-Finney. Charlie Egesdnl , Jackson Cook, Casey Shi/mya, Thursron Kino, ]onarhan Gendreau, Ryan Edge, Nick Christman , ]eremillh Hancock.

Girls 13 Front: Sara Mason, Amy Wessberg, ]essie Cleglwm. Back: Devon Hughes, Boys 13 Front: Parrick Muller, Hmrison Ishida, Ara Boven, Griffin Dolman. Back: nd>e Siet1errs, Amanda Han·is, Jessica Lunt, Kelse)' Field, Coach Siana Hunr. Parker Rolles, 11i Boumc, Bailey Gendreau, Brad Lawson, George Bukes, Corey Lynch, Coach Scort Rolles.

Girls 14 Fronr: Laura Budar, Nawlie Nicho~, Adrienne Gaines, Denise Kobashikawa. Boys 14 Mike Egesdal , Eric Abborr, Sean Murphy, Ausrin Kino, Zach Shusrer, Daniel Back: Emma Candon, C)·nrhia Fisher, Mahea Kahale , link Van Uer Ribbink, Keari Figueira, Jordan Ohama, Roberr Perry, Ramsey Sievem. Shibu)·a, Brooke Pie!5ch, Gabby Kahoohanohono.

P A G E 6 0 U T R G G E R J U L Y 2 0 0 2 Girls 15 Halli Van Uer Ribbink, Ginger Lunc, Angie Giancarerino, Meleana Carr, Boys 15 Alex Lin, Tairua Marshall, Blaise Dubiel, T)•ler Shinn, Tom Rorh, Goose Dena Cassella, Kellen Flercl1er. Moy, Taiarii Marshall, Tuarii Nahalea-Marama.

Girls 16 Kai Boume, Alicia Amott, Ali Rigg, Whitney Dolman, Am)' Lawson, )enn Boys 16 Justin Ohama, Dan·agh O'Carroll, Kyle Morgan , Robby Field, Cutter Rolles, Tokin, A11Cry Cavanah, Karji DeMello, Sally Torkildson . Peter Van Lier Wbbink, \Viii Egesdal, Coach Scott Rolfes.

Girls 18 Makana Tocman, Anella Borges, ]essie Care)', Brooke Perry, Asllley Kost, Boys 18 Billy Lawson, Matt Moore, Pono Brown, Scott Bright, Jared \XIatumull, Gary Chrisrelle Haeringer, Megan Foytich, Stel>lwnie Malin, Lissa Gendreau. Johnson , Patrick Moore.

)ULY 2002 OUTRIGGER PAGE-7 Oldtimers/Kamaaina Get Together August 26

The 4th Annual This is a great opportunity for Oldtimers/Kamaaina Get Together oldtimers/kamaaina to get together will be held on Monday, August 26 and renew old acquaintances. It at 5:30p.m. in the Koa Lanai. should be a fun evening. Anyone Nuts and mochi crunch will be who wants to do so is encouraged to served during no host cocktail time. bring their guitars, ukelele or other The menu will include rhe OCC instruments for impromptu enter­ Kamaaina Beef Stew menu for the tainment. event, including tossed salad, pasta Let's all get together for a fun salad, rice, a vegetarian alternative, time at the Club. and for dessert-fresh fruit, sheet Reservations will be taken at cake and the ice cream sundae sta­ the OCC From Desk. For further tion. information call Bill Bamharr ar Cost per person will be $17.50, 524-1716, Lorraine "Brownie" all inclusive. Williams at 373-1832 or Rita Fuller Kauhane at 737-8541. OCC Luau September 14

Join us on Saturday, September 14 when Hawaii calls for an old fashioned Waikiki style luau with your favorite Hawaiian and hapa haole tunes ... and don't forget the hula girls. Reservations at the Front Desk. AUGUST ADVENTURE August 11-17th FAMILY BUFFET NIGHT What has Winners' Monday, July I 5 Camp done for me? Dinner Buffet It has changed my life SALAD BAR ENTREES in so many aspects, Selection of Garden Crisp Greens Rosemary Chicken with Green school, relationships, Tomato-Cucumber Salad with Olives my attitude. It has Basil Vinaigrette, Pan Fried ~ l ahi Mahi with Spicy opened my eyes to Capellini Salad with Smoked Marinara other peoples differences Salmon and Capers, Veal Ragout' Marengo Four Bean Salad, Roast Beef Salad Penne Rigattc with Olive Oil and and made me realize the with Olives, Herbs impact that we have Potato Salad, and Cauliflower Saffron Rice Pilaf on each other. Salad with Sweet Peppers Sauteed Mixed Squash

Bridget J

P A Ci E 8 0 U T R Ci Ci E R ) U L Y 2 0 0 2 Happy 96th Birthday to Aileen Soule. A Saturday noon kamaaina lunch of Son Bruce Soule came from the mainland !au !au and lomi salmon on the Terrace was ro join sister Patti Soule Anderson in requested by visitors Karel and Anne Fisher observing the day. Aileen doesn't swim from San Francisco. Karel's mother, Myra anymore, but no one will ever forget this Fisher, an OCC member for 45 years, was lovely woman who, as a girl, went to the the hostess. Olympics with Duke Kahanamoku, and Neal Ifversen again hosted the brought home a gold medal. Bourbon League, retired Pan Am captains Phow by Nora Meijide Visitors from the Washington Athletic and their families who kept the Club in Bourbon Leag11e members attending the bi-annual rermion were, front, Bob Club (WAC) in Seattle here at OCC: volleyballs and other necessities during Lawrence, Bud Zahner, Herb Petty; back, Bill Hussman, Harlow Willard, Que Pearson, \Xli/1 Pickering, W. U. Gray, and Neallfversen. Jeannine Bannick and her daughter World War II. The group meets every two Stephanie Bannick Simpson, who are the years at the Club. sister in law and niece of Nancy Bannick. When photographer Nora Meijide of They enjoyed the beach and ocean swim­ the PR Committee walked by, they begged ming, which are not available at the WAC. for a photo with the following: Lots of OCC members in and out of "The ineffable ecstasy the water at the National U.S. Masters of just enjoying the propinquity, Short Course Swim competition at Duke of such a paragon Kahanamoku Pool at Ul-1 Manoa. This is of feminine pulchritude" tl1e first time this prestigious national "After all this n ~mery, how could I championship event is being held outside of resist?" says Nora, as she snapped away. the continental U.S. Hawaii Masters Gay Singlehurst Fraser, here from San Association and Diane Stowell Francisco, hosted a luncheon for friends. are to be commended for their hard work. Included were Alice Guild, Joan Andersen, Gay Singlehrmt Fraser hosted a luncheon at the Club during a visit in Ma)'. Consult the For the Record section for the Claire Cameron, Sister Jan S. Mason, times for OCC masters swimmers like Cecily Johnston, Jo Anne Dixon, Patti Diane Stowell, Ernie Lcskovitz, Roger Singlehurst, Max ine Everett, Shirley Cundall and Bruce Sloan. OCC members Connors, and Jane Flahavan, also from San were timers, officials, and helpers in a vari­ Francisco. ety of jobs. Nice to see how we help each Gregory Wood nnd Jennifer Greene other out. were married on April 20 at the Cirrus Heidi Lavora hosted family and friends County Club in La Quinta, California. for a birthday party in honor of her mother Greg is the son of Mike and Joanne Wood, in the Koa Lanai in May. and Jennifer is the daughter of Nelson and Friends of Italy, about I00 strong, were Jane Greene of Hillsborough, California. hosted by FOI Board member Conne Greg and Jenny were classmates at Sutherland, for their annual meeting. This University of Pacific years ago and caught is about the fourth year they have come to up with each other while both were work­ OCC, to enjoy the great Italian cooking of ing in San Francisco two years ngo. Jenny Sous Chef Amaud. This year the dessert will be teaching at Holy Trinity tl1is fall. was gelato supplied by one of the FOI mem­ Greg is a leasing agent in downtown BiU Sanders fired up his 19i9 powder Cilt far a day o{ unrracked "{reshies" on bers. Honolulu. Buffalo Pass fit•e miles narth of Steamboat Springs , Colorado. Bill says w There appears to be no end to the Frank Kingery hosted a dinner party call' is you're in the area. He might be going up that da)'· good deeds of the Assistance League. Their on the Koa Lanai for 25 members of the thrift shop, funds activities like giving Circum-Pacific Counci l. There were many Teddy Bears to victims in hospitals, or from favorable comments on the Club's fine food fi re disasters, and abuse. This report comes and the unmatched view of Waikiki Beach. from Doris Harrison, who made the Contributions to this column are arrangements for the group's annual meet­ always welcome. Leave items for the Editor ing of about 40, enjoying dinner in the side at the Front Desk, fax to (808) 833-1591 or dining rooms. email to [email protected]. The deadline for ... and more good deeds: Kathy the September issue is July 25. Items Cooper, an "elder" in the Mayflower received after that date will appear in the Society, says her group, all descendants October issue. Please include your a m~ from the Mayflower survivors, provide edu­ and phone number in case ad tti nal "nf< r­ cation in elementary schools. Thirty five mation is needed. members met for lunch, board meeting and election of officers. Mike and ./oanne Wood celebrate rlw wedding of rfteir son Greg w Jenny Greene.

f U L Y 2 0 0 2 0 U T R G G E R P A G E 9 World Masters Swimming Championships

By Roger Cundall The man who won broke the world record in my age group. The last week of March, I traveled to New Zealand to compete The next morning saw me in the 200 individual medley. The in the World Championships of Masters Swimming. The event is held best I could do was third and was happy to have beaten all the other every two years and draws competitors from 61 countries, a total of 3,500 swimmers despite not swimming well in the breaststroke leg, one of my swimmers. stronger strokes. Pressure and competition was tremendous. You had to go into So I had two thirds after two races. I had a massage between a holding area well before your race was called and sit on benches with races and this helped relax me for the afternoon race, the 100 freestyle. your competition. As each heat was completed, your bench moved up I am not a sprinter but rather stronger in the middle distances. one until you got to go to pool side for your heat. By that time, many I was seeded third, with one American from Punahou of all places as my were a nervous wreck. It required a lot of concentration to keep your adversary. The coaches gave me some final tips llnd told me to hold head together. some back for the second half of the race. I had the meet of my lifetime. I was seeded about fifth in all I did just thflt and came out of the one and only turn in sec­ my races {you put in an estimated time and accordingly are put with peo­ ond place,. Needless to say, the guy from Punahou was in fi rst. I put my ple with similar times. Some put in times too slow and vice versa.) head down and give it alii had. I looked at him at about 75 meters, as I After traveling nine hours on a plane to compete, I was con­ was breathing towards his side and could sec him. cerned about time zones, etc. J had two days to settle into the local time At that point he was a body length behind me and I knew I and that helped. had the race won. I kept charging towards the wall and beat him by two The fi rst day, I swam the 800-meter freestyle. I was seeded body lengths, which in swimming is a wide margin. H e w

p A G E l 0 0 U T R G G E R ) U L Y 2 0 0 2 On May 28, the koa surfing canoe Ka Mo'i was installed in the ceiling of the OCC Bar and Lounge. Those pictured assisted in the installation. Tay Perry, cen­ ter front (red shirt) and his crew restored the canoe. The crew has asked the Board of Directors to rename the Bar the Ka Mo'i Lounge.

Meet Your Committee

Admissions &.. Membership Photo fry Helen Sheehan Fronc, Heacher Damon, Usa Uvingscon. Back, Chris Smich, Alan Lau, AI Serafin, Randy Shibuya, Marc Haine. Not pictured: Gerri Pedesky, Ann Marcin, Mike Miranda. "Increase profits through remote access surveillance . our cutting edge technology Lets you vLe~

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) U L Y 2 0 0 2 0 U T R G G E R P A G E t t By Terri Needels Surf Festival (France); the Saquarema Pro novices are welcome as long as they can swim. Keegan Edwards, winner of the award for the (Bra:il); the U.S. Open (Huntington Beach, Trained and experienced professionals certi­ Out·standing OCC Male Surfer over the past two CA); the Rabbit Kekai Surf Classic (Costa Rica); fied in water safety and ocean/surfing skills pro­ years, continues to excel in competi­ and rhe Puerro Escondido (Mexico) Tuberiding vide the intensive surfing instruction. A small tions, but now at the professional level. Contest. group format is offered. Participants are grouped At the young age of 20, Keegan has won first We all look forward to following his progress according to skill level and are taught the basics place in the two Hawaii-based professional long­ as he challenges the world's top longboarders. of ocean safety, wave/wind knowledge, how to boarding contests held this year: the Quicksilver Way to go, Keegan good luck! catch waves, how to surf the waves, as well as the Makahiki Pro (January 2002) and the Hawaiian more advanced maneuvers, as the participants are South Shore Pro, the first event of the Steinlager Hans Hedemann Surf Camp ready. series (May 2002). Former world champion surfer and OCC Participants meet at the Outrigger and typi­ He is off to an impressive start as he launches member Hans Hedemann is again offering his cally surf the local breaks around the Club and in his first year competing as a professional. His popular annual surf camp this summer at the Waikiki. Equipment is provided for those need­ achievements even caught the attention of the OCC. Due to the high interest shown in this ing . The cost is $250 per person for 12 local press as he was featured in the sports section camp the past few years, he will be offering two hours of intensive instruction and loads of fun! of the newspaper in May 2002. sessions: July 29th- August 2nd, and August 5th Registration forms are available at the Front Keegan is certain to continue to shine as he - 8th, 2002. Desk. Contact Terri Needels, Surf Committee sets off to compete in the World Longboarding Both camps nm from Monday through Chair at 254-6114 if you have any questions. Professional Circuit. Take at look at his schedule Friday, from 9 to 11:30 a.m. This week-long, for the summer. He is scheduled to compete in intensive experience offers an excellent opportu­ the Caprica (Portugal) Surf classic; the O'Neill nity for participants of all ability levels to learn to Longboard Classic (Spain); the Orange Biarritz surf and improve their surfing skills. Total

Athletic Calendar VERY SPECIAL Resorts & Rates July 4 Walter J. Macfarlane Regatta, Waikiki Beach September 6 Cline Mann Koolauloa Paddleboard Race 8 E Lau Hoe Canoe Race for Women 14 John D. Kaupiko Regatta, Kechi Lagoon 15 Skippy Race for Men Beach Park 15 Na Wahine , Kapiolani Park Kauai !4 Tinman Triathlon, "Ala Moana Beach Park 15 Sand & Surf Biathlon, Kailua f r om Poipu t o Princeville 21 OHCRA Championships, Kechi Lagoon 29 Na Wahine 0 Ke Kai Beach Park October August 13 Molokai Hoe Maui 3 HCRA Championships, Hilo Bay l l Ka'ena Challenge Canoe Race on t he beach at Kahana l8 Duke Kahanamoku Canoe Race 24 Kailua Bay lron Challenge for Men 25 Dad Center Race for Women Big ISH€1Kld 25 Waikiki lronman, Waikiki Ft-om Kona to w a iko lo a Village Calling all Amateur OCCSwim To tal.c advantage of this Photographers special offcr. please call The OCC Invitational Swim is and ldcnlifj yourself as an scheduled for Saturday, July 22 at the Outrigger C:moe club member Ttme to starr thinkin g about the Annual Photo Contest. If Club. The open ocean swim will 800-3 64-404 3 you have never entered your favorite photo, do it this year. begin and end at the Club. Categories: Check the Tunnel bulletin board Travel, America the Beautiful for more information. Water Sports Sign up at the Front Desk. Kids and Pets PR EMIER RES ORTS Nature Local Flavor

P A G E 1 2 0 U T R G G E R I u L y 2 0 0 2 OCC Social Calendar

July September 4 Macfarlane Regatta, 8:30 a.m. 2 Labor Q~ 4 Club Party & BBQ, 6 p.m. 2 Club B~. 6 p.m. By Mazeppa King Cos!LI 6 Club BBQ, 6 p.m. 9 Bridge, Noon With a definite sense of anticipation and a certain urgency, the word came down to 8 Bridge, Noon 12 Lobster Night, 6 p.m. the Historical Committee, "See if you can get John Clark to do a Stew-Rice Nighr." l l Lobster Night, 6 p.m. 14 Club Luau, 6 p.m. And the good news is Yes! 13 Club BBQ, 6 p.m. 16 Bridge, Noon Collector of stories-author-Honolulu Fire Department Deputy Fire Chief-beach IS Bridge, Noon 23 Bridge, Noon authority-surfer-scuba diver-former soldier-former life guard-husband-fnrhcr-and East IS Famil)' Buffet, 6 p.m. 26 Lobster Night, 6 p.m. Honolulu resident' John R. Kukeakalani Clark said, "Yes.'' 20 Club 313Q, 6 p.m. 28 Club BBQ, 6 p.m. He will be our next Stew-Rice Night guest presenter Monday, July 29 with a Power 22 Bridge, Noon Point (that's " show" elecrronically speaking} presenrarion and discussion customized 2S Lobster Night, 6 p.m. October for Outrigger members. 27 Club BBQ 7 Bridge, Noon To explain the broad subject is coastal sites and their mo'olelo (stories or narra­ 27 Saturday Night Live, Bar, 8-10 pm 10 Lobster Night, 6 p.m. tives); bm John will sharpen the focus to areas he thinks will be of special interest to 29 Bridge, Noon 14 Bridge, Noon Outrigger members, that is, sites nearest the Club. What a guy! Plus, an opportunity not 29 Stew N Rice, 6 p.m. 21 Bridge, Noon to be missed. 26 Clul:l BBQ, 6 p.m. August 28 Bridge, Noon There's a lot about John ro admire - six books, all of them published by University of 3 Club BBQ, 6 p.m. 31 Lobster Night, 6 p.m. Hawaii Press, numlx~r two position in the Fire Departmenr; great generosity of spirit but 5 Bridge, Noon the cultural contribution of his 30 years of collecting shoreline'informarion and stories 8 Lobster Night, 6 p.m. from 900 people deserves particular note and appreciation. 10 Club BBQ, 6 p.m. It is our honor and pleasure to invite you to join us ro meet and to hear John talk 12 Bridge, Noon about his life-time fascination with the sea, Hawaii's shores, shoreline sites, and the stories 17 Cluo BBQ, 6 p.m. collected from people like many of you. In fact, you just may have a story to add to the 19 Bridge, Noon on-going living memory collection. John will answer questions at the end of his presenta­ 19 Family Buffet, 6 p.m. rion. Now, here arc the event particulars: 24 Club BBQ, 6 p.m. No host cocktails, 5:30 p.m. Buffet supper, 6 p.m. includes traditional OCC bcM 26 Bridge, Noon srew; rice; a,v egetarian option; fruit-, vegetable-, and pasrn salads; rolls mld butter; che1ii::e 26 Kamaaina Get Together, 6 p.m. of cakes; S 10.95. The program begins at 7 p.m. (possible delay if the sun is still bla:ing). 29 Lobster Night, 6 p.m. Searing cannot exceed 150. You can, however, nail down space by making reservations at 31 Club BBQ, 6 p.m. the Front Desk, 923-1585. 31 Saturday Night Live, Bar, 8-10 pm

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P A G E • 4 0 U T R G G E R ) U L Y 2 0 0 2 By Carol Lynn Remillard, Hisrorical Commiuee APPETIZER AND Spinach Tagliatelle wicl1 Pine Nuts, Basil and 94 Years Ago-1908 SAlAD BAR Gruyere Cream Sauce On July 16 a fleet of outriggers from the OCC and Sashimi, Sushi, Smoked Salmon, Red Potatoes OCC Mahi Mahi Grenobloise Kamehameha Aquatic Club escorted the U.S. Atlantic Fleet battle­ with Caviar and Sour Cream, Marinated Grilled Chicken Breast " Grand Mere" ships to anchorage. The Club entertained fleet personnel with an Calamari, Smoked Chicken, Assorted Pates, Mussel Mariniere open house and regatta. . . FancyCheese Tm y, Assorted Cold Cuts, Tako Rice Pilaf "Probably the first outrigger canoe race of the OCC was m th1s with Miso, Quiche Lorraine, Summer Roll, Mashed Potatoes regatta when the Maiolo, captained by Harold Hustace, lost to the Broiled Pipikaula, Crisp Garden Greens with Provcncale Tomatoes Hawaiian-crewed Lei Ilima." OCC won the 4-paddle race crewed by Selected Condiments and Dressings, Salad Athen:on Gilman, Lane Webster, Kenneth Brown and Zen Genoves. Nicoise, Seafood Salad, Couscous Salad, Creamy DESSERTS There were 20 entries in the Big contest. Sam Cucumber-Dill Salad, Celery Root Rcmoulade, Sclecrion Of Fruit, Creaman d Custard Pies, Wioht and Kenneth Brown rode the "new-type long boards" and Marinated Grilled Vegetables Napoleon, French Apple Tan, Mini Baba, def~ t ed 1906-1907 champion Harold Hustace. Among those riding and Tomaro and Basil Salad Chocolate Mousse, Bro"nies, Baklal'a, Caramel "short boards" were Duke Kahanamoku, Dad Center, Harry Steiner, Custard, Art Myhre, T. J. Carter, William Dole, Geoffrey Podmore, Jimmy SOUP Pear Williams Cake, Profiteroles and Fruit Tmy Kaolani and Major Keawemahi. Onion with Gruyere and Crouton

54 Years-1948 CARVING STATION Wilford D. Godbold, President Prime Rib of Beef wirh Au jus and Horseradish Leading off the July festivities was the July 3 dinner-dance with great music by Splash Lyons and his Hawaiians. Guest artists appear­ ENTHEES Adults $26.00 ing were Barry Yap, Sol Hoopii, Dan and Ginny Wallace of the Royal Roosted Lamb Leg "Provencale" 11~th Olii'CS and Children 6 • 12 years old 517.25 Hawaiian Dance Studios, Tom Moku and Renny Brooks. Porcini Sauce Children 5 years old J. Macfarlane There were six club entries in the July 5 Walter Duck A L'Orange and younger are free of charge. Memorial Canoe Races. Hui Nalu won out paddling OCC 37-34; Honolulu Police Department third with 13 points; Outrigger Beach Services, 5; McCabe Hamilton & Renny, 2, and Waikiki Surf Club, 1. In the Blue Ribbon event 4-1/2 mile race, Senior Men, OCC maintained its winning streak for its sixth consecutive year in A Big Island Tradition :34:10.1. The crew was Tommy O'Brien, Bob Bush, Don Tobin, Jimmy Pflueget; Ken Chane)' and Turkey Love. Other events won by for Nearly 35 Years OCC were Junior Men 6, 11:53.7; Junior Girls 6, 8:23.8; Senior Girls 6, 8:08; Boys 14 & Under, 1:41; Senior Men 6, 34: 10. 1; Men over 40, 7:19.6 crewed by Louis Kahanamoku, John Kaupiko Jr., Earl King, Panama Dave and Harry Robello. Prominent July visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Walt Disney, Jeannette McDonald, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cummings. At a dinner on July 17 attended by the Board of Directors, Chairmen of the various athletic activities and crew coaches, Mr. Carlos Dogny, honorary president of the Waikiki Surf Club of Lima, Peru, presented the Club, on behalf of the membership of his Club in Peru, a beautifully engraved silver plaque. The center of the plaque bears the coat of arms of the city of Lima and is inscribed "In The Big Island's premier seafood rc!sraurant for Friendship from the Waikiki Surf of Lima, Peru." surfside dining and dancing. On rhe wacer's edge, 44 Years Ago-1958 rig/11 next door, is Huggo's On rite Rocks­ Ronald Q. Smith, President OCC won the Oahu championship races at Keehi Lagoon for a rite Island's favorire ourdoor itor S/JOI serving total of 44 points; second to Waikiki Surf, 19; Kai Oni, 16; Healani, 12; Hui Kalia, 8; Lanikai, 5; Holomua and Hui Nalu, tied with 3 lunch, Jmfms nnd exoric beverngc.1. points each. The races honored Victor S. K. Houston, former dele­ gate to Congress and a veteran canoe racer. A large holiday crowd jammed the beach fronting OCC to watch the annual Walter J. Macfarlane Memorial Canoe Regatta. OCC won the regatta by scoring 35 points to 30 for the Waikiki Surf Club LUNcu & 011\~ER D,\l u~ by capturing the women's junior 6, freshman 6, women's novice, boys J I :30 AM· 2:30 I'M • 5:30PM · 10:00 P~i 0:-~ THE RocKS AI'D H UGGO'S LoUI'GE 17 and under and boys 13 and under races. Bon I Of'l iN DMtl' F ROM 1 I :30 AM The Board of Directors named Ken Pratt chairman of the Canoe ON K AILUA BAY IN K ONA - ) VST OFF A Ll'I D RIVJ; Committee and authorized him to sell or dispose of old outrigger 75-5828 l

J U L Y 2 0 0 2 0 U T R G G E R P A G E 1 5 For the Record

Swimming 200 Breast, 1st, 65-69, 3:15.83 Men's Surfski Surfing FINA Masters World Swim Brian Rocheleau,Znd 18-29,3:41:36 Hawaii Amateur Surf Association Championships Roger Cundall Michael Beyer, 3rd, 18-29, 3:49:23 {HASA) Event Results Christchurch, N.Z. 100 Free, 4th, 55-59, :53.5 David Buck, 5th, 18-29,3:52:30 Event #8: Haleiwa{fracks March 9, 10, 3/24-30, 2002 500 Free, 5cl1, 55-59, 5:35 Mark Sandvold, 1st, 30-39, 3:45:55 16, & 17, 2002 Roger Cundall 1000 Free, 5th, 55-59, 11:37 Jimmy Kincaid, 1st, 50-59, 4:04:56 Keola Keahiolalo, 4th, Men's 2A 100 Free, 1st, 55-59, 1:02 100 Ind. Med, 3rd, 55-59, 1:03 Nicole Pederson, 1st, W Overall, William Lawson, 5ili, Grandmaster 200 Free, 1st, 55-59, 2:19 200 Ind. Med, 4th, 55-59, 2:23 4:17:34 Amy Lawson, 2nd, Girls Shortboard 800 Free, 2nd, 55-59,10:42 200 Relay, 1st, N.T. Maggie Twigg-Smith, 3rd, Overall, Carissa Moore, 5th, Girls Shortboard 400 Free, 4th, 55-59, 5:08 4:28:48 Amy Lawson, 1st, Girls Longboard 200 Ind. Med., 3rd, 55-59, 2:48 Open Ocean Swim Mary Smolenski, 1st, 30-39, 4:33:43 Geodee Clark, 4th, Girls Longboard Kaimana Beach 2K Masters Short Course Nationals 5/18/02 One Man Canoe Event ;;9: Ehukai Beach April6 & 7, Duke Kahanamoku Aquatic Complex Diane Stowell, 1st, 65-69, :33:04 Tapa Wormington, 1st, 18-29, 4:04:59 2002 May 14-18, 2002 Roger Cundall, 1st, 55-59, :26:36 Eric Levora, 4ili, 30-39, 4:02:55 Amy Lawson, 3rd, Girls Shortboard Diane Stowell Billy Balding, 5th, 30-39, 4:22:05 Amy Lawson, 2nd, Girls Longboard 1000 Free, 1st, 65-69, 14:20.43 Paddling Byron Ho, 5th, 40-49, 4:27:31 Geodee Clark, 5th, Girls Long~rd 500 Free, 1st, 65-69, 7:15.85 Outrigger/Eyccatcher Molokai Gaylord Wilcox, 4th, 60+, 5:44:01 William Lawson, 4th, Goondmaste 200 Free, 1st, 65-69, 2:41.86 Challenge Kelly Fey, 2nd, Overall, 4:43:56 William Lawson, 5th, Sr. MeWs 100 Free, lst,65-69, 1:11.07 5/19/02 32 miles Molokai to Hawaii Paula Crabb, 3rd, 40-49, 5:18:40 Longboar d 100 Breast, 1st, 65-69, 1:30.39 Kai

Todd Bradley, VP Simplt 6mn Hawai'i Wattrman; KeAla 'Ike (litnt

PAGE- 16 OUTRIGGER )ULY 2002 Bi ll and Sue Tetmeyer visited the Club's newest reciprocal, New Haven Lawn Club recently. Club manager Jay Carreri "very graciously took us on a tour of the facility and we had lunch in the Grill Room," says Sue. The NHLC is located in the center of New Haven, sur­ rounded by Yale University. It is across the street from the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, and not far from the Yale Art Gallery. It wi ll be of special interest to Club members visiting Yale or jl'lst traveli111g in Southerm New England. There is easy access to I-91, 1-95 and the Merrit Parkway. The club was founded in 1891 and is an elegant two-story brick structure. There is ample parking. The grounds are beauti­ fully landscaped, spacious and park like. Tennis is the centerpiece of the Club's activities. There are eight Har-Tru tennis courts, two lighted paddle tennis courts and four squash courts. They have an enormous swimming pool with a Snack Bar. The exercise faci li ty is modest but well equipped and air conditioned. There are teaching pros on staff for tetmis, squash and swimming. An exercise trainer is available by appointment. There are 10 comfortably decorated guest rooms that may be reserved by reciprocal members for overnight stays. Some can be combined to form suites. All guest rooms are on the second floor. There is no elevator, but staff is available if you need help with your luggage. The club is open every day except Monday. The Grill Room serves breakfast, lunch and dinner. There is a bar. When the weather is nice, a lovely terrace overlooks the tennis courts. The menu includes familiar staples and more creative offerings. There are a number of meeting and private dining rooms, and even a ballroom. Any of these may be reserved. "All in all, we were very pleased with the Ne~ Haven Lawn Club and think Outrigger members will find it a welcome addi- tion to our selection of reciprocal clubs," Sue added '

New Members lunlor Regular kekai L. Crabbe laneS. McCrorie-Butler Mahi D. Crabbe Evelyn Bell Reilly K. Park Alex T. K. Meheula Nonresident Henry I. Cassiday Jordan M. Everett Chloe N. Bl)'an Spencer M. Slaven Nicholas ]. Christman David L. Mulliken Rachel E. Cote Andrew H. Tompkins Delaney Fox Daniel J. Harrington Intermediate Ian Scott Mattoch Associate Fabio C. Ribeiro

) U L Y 2 0 0 2 OUTRIGGER PAGE - 17 Colony Surf Board Briefs Board Briefs is taken from the minutes of the March 28, 2002 and April 25, 2002 Board of Directors meet­ ings and the Aprilll, 2002 Executive Committee Meeting. Next door to OCC Quality Control Program - Monthly "walk-thmughs" ofl Club will be conducted by members oP the B&G ABSOLUTE Committee to identify items that need maintenance, repair or cleaning. LUXURY Summer Program · The Athletic Committee has been asked to develop a summer fun program and that take place only on Club premises or the beach and adjacent water. See sunrise over Treasurer's Report -The 200 I statement has been received. There was nothing consequential to Diamond Head, report ... A Pension Review Subcommittee has been formed to review the defined benefit pension plan and rec­ ommended alternatives ... Insurance premiums are expected to go up the next renewal in july. Secretary's Report- Twenty-three mmembers were suspended for 15 days for being three t,imes delinquent. water Three members were terminated for being four times delinquent. • Maid Ser11ice, totally General Manager's Report - The Club is looking into obtaining a web camera to be placed on the Club's furnished roof facing the ocean ... Work on the Snack Shop was completed undtlr budget. Work on the front entryway is • Washer/Dryer continuing.. .American Marine removed the concrete pilings on April 24. New lockers will be installed to •Covered parking replace the rusting lockers. The job will be done after paddling season .. .There was a net loss from operations of • and more $612 for February and a net income of$24,683 for March ... Reciprocal club memberships and spending are down year to date. Guest memberships and Nonresident member spending is up ...A contractor has been hired to hang the Ka Moi in nhe Elar ... safeny Glasses are being conducted for staff. $3,200 fJer month Admissions & Membership Report- Membership was 4,533 as of February 28, 2002 and 4,540 as 0£ March 31, 2002. info: Wendy Athletic Report -The Board approved T-shirts for paddling, the paddleboard race, the OCC Biathalon and (808) 926-6343 the Keiki Run. wenlazer®aol.com

we're up an4 ftll1l1ing Employee of the Month

Wilson Ayson, Hau Terrace runner, is our Employee of the Month. He's been at OCC since 1987, and has been the Employee of the Month several Paddling Program paddling program times, as well as the Employee of the Year in 1993. Canoe Paddling al Outrigger Canoe Club u,,,, •.-: t5r.w This time he was nominated by his fellow Tf'lldldon - Tht 01..1rigger Canoe Club wu founded on Waikikl 6t1ch in employees. Described as reliable, on time (the highest 1903 for tht purpou of ptutMng a.ut5ng on boards and in canott. The Rt:ghtut!pn Form members cf our dub httd tht irst annual Wtll:tr T. M.acfadartt Regatta at praise at OCC), and just a nice guy, according to man­ Wllkiki on.JtAy Ath, 19Q.l is rmtthe c:dut ongoirlg 01Jltigg11 c.anot rating went in Hawai. agement. Paddling tlftWJ Mlta\on ·· We art c:ommi\lad to pfO'I'id1n9 •n outri,gar eanoa paltd\1ng He sets up the Hau Terrace dishes, the service ~~o1g~•:,~o:,~~~~~~~~~~~P=~~~~~~nb:~~!~~~~n~~:rt ~.·:~~~:~~ 't::,ln skills ond dmlop kno-Modgo neemory to porticlpolo; lo intli!llhe valun items in the cage, and buses tables in between. And, believe it or not, when he :~~~:~:y;'~':d0~o'~~~~:o~0~o·~~~~~~~"!~f~:P!ri~ ·~:::,o~~bn ~~~. finishes at OCC, he goes to his second job at the Radison, where he is also a Ptddle Home Mtmbtrshlp - All ptddlltt on our crem must be Individual mtmbtrt of bus boy. tht Outrigger Canoe Club at tht timt the lttSon btginatvtn itt ptrlnt or sibting it 1 membtf, Tht tpplication precut maf: be initiated by 1 Regular Married, his wife works at Sheraton Housekeeping. They have a son, and ~~:~~ot!~~~·~~-:: ~t ~,.:::d·:~;.~~~:ion cluee daughters, all adults. For fun, Wilson says he likes to fish, and recently =::=~~:~::,~~'=~=:=~ ~:;~ m had a vacation in the Philippines. Rtgulor Mtmbor b .Miio< mtmh~ ~~~ !':!:~~~~ ~ ~:::;b~':,:~~i; ~~~~rtle~:~; ~ 1o~!J i~;~~~d:~~~~ct~~ :~:.~;: ,c ~~n~i!r~~~~ 'J~~: ~·n~u}~·.~ 1r~ret0h~~~·~:.: ~ ·.~~g!~~~~~~· d1:t':~c~re ttnona. In Memoriam

john G. Hinds Jr. PatS. Muller Deceased: May 27, 2002 Deceased: May 11 , 2002 Member: 36 Years Member: 38 Years

PAGE-18 OUTRIGGER )ULY 2002 ~~~ JULY 2002 ~~~ Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Jellyfish Window I 2 3 4 4th of July Holiday 5 6 Z-3·4 8- 3 f Noon Bridge Lunch &. Dinner Service Lunch 8- Dinner Service Lunch &. Dinner Service Hau Terrace Lunch Macfarlane R~ Hau Terrace r Lunch Hau Terrace Lunch &. Dinner "" Dinner Service CLUB PARTY ~m\ Club BBQ6pm \1\\\ \\\\ MUSIC )\~\\1 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 BRUNCH 8:30am Noon Bridge Lunch &. Dinner Service Lunch &. Dinner Service Lunch & Dinner Service Lunch & Dinner Service Hau Terrace Lunch Hau Terrace Evening Buffet Lunch &. Dinner Dinner Service Koa Lanai 6pm LIVE MAINE LOBSTER Koa Lanai 6pm Club BBQ6pm

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 REGATTA Noon Bridge Lunch &. Dinner Service Lunch &. Dinner Service Lunch &. Dinner Service Lunch & Dinner Service Hau Terrace Lunch BRUNCH 8:30am Hau Terrace Lunch & Dinner Dinner Service Evening Buffet Koa Lanai 6pm FAMilY BUFFET Club BBQ6pm Koa Lanai 6 m 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 REGATTA Noon Bridge Lunch &. Dinner Service Lunch &. Dinner Service Lunch &. Dinner Service Lunch & Dinner Service Hau Terrace Lunch BRUNCH 8:30am Hau Terrace Dinner Service Lunch 8.. Dinner Club BBQ6pm Evening Buffet LIVE MAINE LOBSTER Saturday Night Live, Koa Lanai 6pm Koa Lanai 6pm Bar8-10pm

28 29 30 STEW N RICE Monday 29th Koa lanai BRUNCH 8:30am Noon Bridge Lunch 8.. Dinner Service Informal, inforllldtive. if you've never attended a Stew N Rice program. you are missing good food and historical program Evening Buffet Hau Terrace Lunch 8.. Dinner Koa Lanai 6pm Canoe Regattas: 4th, 14th, ZI st STEWN RICE AUGUST 2002 Sunda~ Monda~ Tuesda~ Wednesda~ Thursda~ Frida~ Saturda~ Last month to have every Saturday BBQ 1 2 3 Lunch &. Dinner Service Lunch &. Dinner Service STATES ln Hilo Hau Terrace Lunch STATE CA NOE CHAMPIONSHIP HILO 3RD Dinner Service Jelly Fish Window 1-2&.30-31 ~ Club BBQ6pm 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Noon Bridge Lunch &. Dinner Service Lunch &. Dinner Service Lunch &. Dinner Service Lunch &. Dinner Service Hau Terrace Lunch BRUNCH 8:30 AM • HauTe rrace Lunch &. Dinner LIVE MAINE LOBSTER Dinner Service Evening Buffett KOA LANAI 6pm KOA LANAI 6 PM Oub BBQ6pm

II 12 13 14 15 16 HOLIDAY 17 Noon Bridge Lunch &. Dinner Service Lunch &. Dinner Service Lunch &. Dinner Service Admissions Day Hau Terrace Lunch BRUNCH 8:30AM Lunch &. Dinner Service Dinner Service Hau Terrace lunch &. Dinner Evening Buffet Club BBQ6pm KOA LANAI 6pm

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 BRUNCH 8:30AM Noon Bridge Lunch &. Dinner Service lunch &. Dinner Service Lund1 &. Dinner Service Lunch &. Dinner Service Hau Terrace Lunch Dinner Service Evening Buffet Hau Terrace Lunch &. Dinner KOA LANAI 6pm FAMILY BUFFET Club BBQ6pm KOA LANAI 6pm 25 26 27 28 29 30 3f Noon Bridge Lunch &. Dinner Service Lunch &. Dinner Service Lunch &. Dinner Service Lunch &. Dinner Service Hau Terrace Lunch BRUNCH 8:30AM LIVE MAINE LOBSTER HauTe rrace Lunch &. Dinner Dinner Service Evening Buffet KOA LANAI 6pm

KOA LANAI 6pm 1 SatuClobBBQ6rday Nigh~ :oJ Bar 8-10pm ~

)ULY 2002 OUTRIGGER PAGE-t• 9 ~ ~~ Published by rhe Outrigger Canoe Club 2909 Kalakaua Avenue Honolulu, Hawaii 968 15 Phone: 923-1585/92 1-1485 Fax: 921-14 14 Koa Lanai: 921-1 444 Beach Attendants: 921- 1460 Logo Shop: 921-1432

h tl ll :/!lnl~l'.otilriggcrcanocd tt b.co nt Directors Chris McKenzie, Presideul Glenn Perry, l'ire·Presideur Jaren llancock, l'ice·l'resideut Sue Tctmcycr, Secretar yl/louse lhrc Finney, tlssl. Sec~arylllistorical john Marshall. Treasurer!Fi111mce Greg Robertson, A.1:1istant 1hmsmvr Alan l.au, Admissions Vik Watumuii,Athle/ics BarbarJ Slchouwer, Building & Gromufs \I!Uiam Swope, Entertainment btrry johnson, L

'11tc Outrigger Canoe Club 2909 Kalakaua Avenue Presorted Standard Honolulu, Hawaii 96815 US Postage PAID Permit No. 174 Honolulu, Hawaii

i LL,;~L,ii i Li i LLLLi .,IL LiLLi iiiLliiiiiiii i Hii iii ~~%%%%~~~%%%~%~~%~~~~~~~%%%%ECRLO T~~COO? PAUL R OOLAU 501 HAHAIDNE ST #8K HONOLULU HI 96825- 1452