GENETIC OBSERVATIONS ON THE GENUS LINARIA E. M. EAST Harvard University, Bussey Institution, Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts Received January 9, 1933 A few years ago, I obtained seeds from eighteen presumably different species of the genus Linaria-chiefly through the kindness of Professor Doctor E. BAURand of HAAGEund ScHMIm-in order to determine the value' of this group for genetical investigation. The list of species follows, together with some notes on their compatibility with each other. 1. L. bipartita Willd. Hab. northern Africa. Erect, branching, annual type. Fls. large, violet-purple, with orange palates above, becoming whitish toward the base. Spurs long and curved. Closely related to Nos. 7,9, 10, 14, and probably will cross with them and give fertile hybrids. No crosses were obtained when the plants were used as female with Nos. 3 (12 pol.) and 17 (16 pol.). 2. L. canadensis Dumont. Hab. New Brunswick, New England, and south to southwest. Slender, erect, annual. Lvs. linear. Fls. small, violet-blue to purple. Late flowering. No crosses tried because of this point. 3. L. Cymbalaria Mill. (Kenilworth ivy). Hab. Europe. Four types grown, received under the names vulgare (trailing), alba (trailing with white flowers), globosa (bushy), and compacta (bushy). A trailing, glabrous plant, with reniform-orbicular, 5-9 lobed leaves. Fls. small, axillary, of various shades of purple above and of yellow at the lip. Spurs short. No crosses Earlier, I have made similar surveys of other genera; but, as no especially interesting con- tributions to genetic knowledge resulted, the results were not putlished. I now believe that this decision was a mistake.
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