Historic District Vision Faces Debate in Burleith
THE GEORGETOWN CURRENT Wednesday, June 22, 2016 Serving Burleith, Foxhall, Georgetown, Georgetown Reservoir & Glover Park Vol. XXV, No. 47 D.C. activists HERE’S LOOKING AT YOU, KID Historic district vision sound off on faces debate in Burleith constitution ciation with assistance from Kim ■ Preservation: Residents Williams of the D.C. Historic By CUNEYT DIL Preservation Office. The goal of Current Correspondent divided at recent meeting the presentation, citizens associa- By MARK LIEBERMAN tion members said, was to gather Hundreds of Washingtonians Current Staff Writer community sentiments and turned out for two constitutional address questions about the impli- convention events over the week- Burleith took a tentative step cations of an application. Many at end to give their say on how the toward historic district designa- the meeting appeared open to the District should function as a state, tion at a community meeting benefits of historic designation, completing the final round of pub- Thursday — but not everyone was while some grumbled that the pre- lic comment in the re-energized immediately won over by the sentation focused too narrowly on push for statehood. prospect. positive ramifications and not The conventions, intended to More than 40 residents of the enough on potential negative ones. hear out practical tweaks to a draft residential neighborhood, which Neighborhood feedback is cru- constitution released last month, lies north and west of George- cial to the process of becoming a brought passionate speeches, and town, turned out for a presentation historic district, Williams said dur- even songs, for the cause. The from the Burleith Citizens Asso- See Burleith/Page 2 events at Wilson High School in Tenleytown featured guest speak- ers and politicians calling on the city to seize recent momentum for Shelter site neighbors seek statehood.
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