J Philos Logic DOI 10.1007/s10992-016-9397-7 Referential Dependencies Between Conflicting Attitudes Emar Maier1 Received: 18 June 2015 / Accepted: 23 March 2016 © The Author(s) 2016. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com Abstract A number of puzzles about propositional attitudes in semantics and phi- losophy revolve around apparent referential dependencies between different attitudes within a single agent’s mental state. In a series of papers, Hans Kamp (2003. 2015) offers a general framework for describing such interconnected attitude complexes, building on DRT and dynamic semantics. I demonstrate that Kamp’s proposal cannot deal with referential dependencies between semantically conflicting attitudes, such as those in Ninan’s (2008) puzzle about de re imagination. To solve the problem I propose to replace Kamp’s treatment of attitudes as context change potentials with a two-dimensional analysis. Keywords Propositional attitudes · Hans Kamp · Ninan’s puzzle · DRT · Dynamic semantics 1 Three puzzles about dependent attitudes Detective Mary investigates a mysterious death. She thinks the deceased was mur- dered and she hopes that the murderer is soon caught and arrested. A standard Emar Maier
[email protected] 1 University of Groningen, Oude Boteringestraat 52, 9712GL Groningen, The Netherlands E. Maier analysis of definite descriptions and of hope as a propositional attitude gives us two different ways of characterizing Mary’s hope that the murderer is arrested (Quine [24]):1 ∃ ∀ ↔ = ∧ (1) a. de dicto : HOPE m x y murderer(y) x y arrested(x) b. de re : ∃x ∀y murderer(y) ↔ x = y ∧ HOPEmarrested(x) Neither of these logical forms captures what’s going on in the scenario.