Abbreviations Used DM EMS EMU ERM Deutsche Mark European
Index Abbreviations used DM Deutsche Mark EMS European Monetary System EMU European Monetary Union ERM Exchange Rate Mechanism of European Monetary System FBSO Federal Banking Supervisory Office FRG Federal Republic of Germany GDR German Democratic Republic GMU German Monetary Union IMF International Monetary Fund PM Prime Minister Acts of Parliament refer to Federal Republic of Germany. Acheson, K., 128 supervision of, 56--64, 65-6 Act to Promote Economic Stability see also Bundesbank; Land Central and Growth (1967), 52 Banks Albeck, H., 137 Baste Committee on Banking Alesina, A. 43n 4, 48, 169 n15 Supervision, 57, 66 Allied military powers Becker, Jiirgen, xii, 56-4;7 reformed German currency, 116, Belgium, economic ties with 140 Germany of, 162 set up central banking structure, Black, S., 145-{} 11, 14 Bliim, N., 79 Anckar, Patrick, 147 Blumfield, A. J., 127 Arestis, P., 10, 44 Boeck, K., 148, 150 Aristotle, 122-5 Bohm-Bawerk, Eugen von, 120 audit of credit institutions, 59, 64-5 Bretton Woods exchange rate Australia, Reserve Bank of, 160 system, 3-4, 34, 47, 149, 179 Austria, policy on exchange rates of, Britain, see UK 160 Brittan, S., 125 Austrian Central Bank, 140 Brunner, Karl, 127-8 Bundesbank (Deutsche Bundesbank) Baker, G., 170n 45 advises Federal Government, 5, Bank deutscher Lander, 11-12, 14, fr-7, 50-1, 68 140, 178 agree to second Tietmeyer to chair Banking Act (1961), 56, 57, 58-9, GMU negotiations, 68, 69 63-4 as bank of issue, 48-9 banks branches, 18-19, 58 deposit guarantee schemes of, 63, 65 Central Bank Council of,
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