Ayushman Bharat - a Big Leap Towards Universal Health Coverage in India Ayushman Bharat — a Big Leap Towards Universal Health Coverage in India
Ayushman Bharat - A big leap towards Universal Health Coverage in India Ayushman Bharat — A big leap towards Universal Health Coverage in India December 2019 home.kpmg/in | a Ayushman Bharat - A big leap towards Universal Health Coverage in India b| © | 2019 KPMG, an Indian Registered Partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. All rights reserved. Ayushman Bharat - A big leap towards Universal Health Coverage in India Foreword by ASSOCHAM President Over the years India has improved immensely Bharat Yojana would support building a New in health parameters such as life expectancy, India and ensure wellbeing of people,enhanced mortality rates, health & sanitation, productivity,prevent wage loss, reduce financial immunization, among others. However, the hardship, create jobsand boost the healthcare journey towards a healthier nation has only sector. partially been traversed.Indian healthcare For the implementation of the scheme, remainsbeset with challenges pertaining to suitable models are being considered with disparities in accessibility, affordability, quality the involvement of the private sector to healthcare services, infrastructure, funding, ensure widespread and effective reach of the which are creating increased pressure on the initiative. Such arrangements would focus on existing system. infrastructure development, service delivery, While urban areas,to an extent,have been able technologies, standardization of practices, to address some of these concernsin the form capacity building and economies of scale. This of emerging private healthcare institutions, would pave the way for a wider healthcare those most needy and underprivileged in marketplace with diversified product offerings, far-flung areas remain deprived of timely, encourage new market entrants in the wake of quality and affordable medical interventions.
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