Jungle Buildup Mauled From
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FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1972 PAGE TWENTY-POUR The Weather iianrl;?Bt?r lEupning ?l^waU> Town Seeks Fund CToudy tonight and Sunday For Laurel Lake with chance of snow or. rain. The Masters Club of Frlend- The executive board of Wad would expedite proceedings, as Slides To Show Highs Sunday m ostly 36 to 40. About Town Bhlo Lod'-e rf Masons will meet dell School PTA will meet Mon Judge Declines to Transfer witnesses and docuip^bts would r O K I I T S Outlook for Monday . partly Monday at 7:30 p.m. at the Ma- day at 7:30 p.m. at the school be more readily available. British Gardens Page 8 cloudy and cold. Hie American Legion will - Tomn’e and not at Wil library. In a legal opinion. Judge W Hhoiff Mmehester— A City of Village Charm have Its regular Sea Food Snack lie’s Steak House as oj:lglnaHV Clarie said Neptune Is governed Night tonight from 7 to 10:30 Neptune Draft Ca^e to Maine Mrs. Anton Latawic of 19 Ash scheduled. by the Nationality Act of 1940 Pariners at the Legion Home. The event A limited number of tickets St. will show slides of gardens (ClaMifled Advertising on Page 18) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS The request of a change of dent of the Penobscot Indian which states “a person bom In VOL. XCL NO. 113 (EIGHTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1972 la open to members and their are available from Mrs. George In England, Scotland and Ire Manchester Pttrento Witiilout B oy Scout Troop 133 of Sec venue for the trial of Martin A. Reservation on a river In the United States to a member guests. Walker, 17 Harvard Rd., for the land Monday at the Manchester Partners meet 2nd and 4th ond Congregational Church wl” Wednesday, April 6, matinee of Neptune, 21, charged with draft Maine, contends that the Island of the Indian, Eskimo, Aleutian •Fiiesday o f each month a t 8 Garden Club m eeting at 1 :30 The Rev. William A. Taylor, conduct a townwide paoer drive the New York production of violation, has been denied by where he lived Is neither a part or other aboriginal tribe” Is a p 4 n. at Oommunlty Baptist pastor of the Church of the tcmorrciw. Those wishing pa “Sugar,” and not the April 16 U.S. District Court- Judge T. of Maine nor a part of the citizen as long as It does not p.m. at the Robbins Room of Church, eeb B. Centar 8t, Naaarene. will conduct a ser pers picked up may contact matinee as reported in yester Emmet Clarie and the case is United States and therefore he impair his rights to tribal or Center Congregrational Church. MancfaetAer. vice Sunday at 8:16 a.m. on ra Mrs. James Irvine, 72 Baldwin day’s Herald. scheduled to be heard Tuesday is hot a U.S. citizen nor eligible other property. Mrs'. Edward M. Walsh and dio station WINF. The program Rd. In the Hartford court. for the draft. Neptune and his Mrs. Joseph Sullivan are co- If widowed, divorced, sep- Protestants wife are presently living on A sturdy pastry board tied erated or never married and is sponsored by the Manchester The Grade '7 Ycuth Instruc A motion for continuance, fil chairmen of the meeting. Mrs. Jungle Buildup Park St. in Manchester. Area Council of Churches and The French Club of Manches ed by Neptune’s lawyer, Atty. securely In a slanting position Charles Lesperance is In charge have one ilvlrijr child, you tion Class of Zion Evangelical are dlgl?>le to Join. If Inter- the Clergy Association of Man ter will sponsor a public card Lutheran Church will meet to Michael P. Berman, is also Neptune was originally indict makes adequate back support of refreshments, and Mrs. Don eflted, ca ll 648-8710. chester. party Monday at 8 p.m. at morrow at 9:30 a.m. at the scheduled to be heard Tuesday. ed in 1970. His attorney claim ed for a bed patient when they ald W. Wolff will provide a Orange Hall. church. Neptune, a native and resi the moving of the trial to Maine want to sit up In bed. floral arrangement. Act to Fuse Manchester Rod and Gun Club will have Its Einnual Fish Derby Sunday at Coventry Lake. Lunch Mauled from Air will be served at 1 p.m. on the ice SAIGON (AP) — The United The U.S. Command an The U.S. Command also re Ulster Attack States has launched its biggest nounced that Navy and Air ported that B82 bombers flew ’The Manchester Newcomers C a ld o i' LAST MINUTE GIFT SAVINGy^lentineStoy aerial campaign across South Force lighter-bombers made 12 missions in South Vietnam, Club will sponsor a Valentine By GOUN FROST Vietnam In m ore than 18 172 strikes In South Vietnam the highest number since Party tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AiP) — Prime Minister months, hoping to crush a Com during the 24-hour period end- January 1970. home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brian FauUrai^ has appealed to Northern Ireland’s munist buildup along South It,I at dawn today, the most In The command does not dis VoUman of 64 Palm er D r., East Vietnam’s western borders. one day since September 1S70. close the si>ecific number of Hartford. Protestants to finance a campaign to counter “vicious B62 bombers on each mission, propaganda being poured out against us” by mili'fcant Ranging over jungled Infil This raised to 366 the total tration networks, supply routes, but it ranges from one to three. The Junior High Methodist Roman Catholics who want the British provinces staging areas and storage sites, Meet of the latest missions re Youth Fellowship of South Misses’ merged with the Irish Republic. U.S. tactical fighter-bombers ported were one plane strikes, United M ethodist Church wUl “ W® must actively publicize- ---------- r:--------------------—• and B62 heavy bombers made Aerial sources said- our determination to stay Brit- m eet tonight at 7:30 In the Snap about 200 strikes Friday and to All but two of the U.S. strikes bdi,” Faulkner declexed Friday youth lounge of the church. day In northern and central Campaign in South Vietnam were concen night “It is not enough tor the South Vietnam. trated In the northernmost Duster govenunent’e voice to be The Manchester Registered Informants said a North Viet-. provinces below the demili beard..la also vital that the Nurses Association will have a Strike amese buildup cf troops and number of strikes flown by tarized zone, in the central v c ic e the ocdlnaiy peci>le of St. Patrick’s dinner - dance at supplies is continuing in the re- American fighter-bombers in highlands and along the central Ulnter come® acroes loud and March 18 at Willie’s Steak 14K Diamond Heart Pendant g:icns along South Vietnam’s Vietnam alone during the past coastal plain. This is where cle a r.” House. The event will open at Vrestem frontier bordering three days, compared to an av U.S. officials have been pre 14K Diamond Heart Pen Rag. 14.97 Reg. L eaders o f the CathoUO m i 6:30 p.m. with a social hour, Heats Laos, but that they did not an erage of less than 10 a day dur dicting a big enemy purii. dant yellow gold with dia- 4 ^ O O 12.97 nority, meanwhile, announced and dinner will be served at 5.99 Rag. mond and fme 14K gold 8.99 ticipate a major offensive until ing the past four months. With American ground troops Uut the third Sunday demon 7:80. The Ken Morgester Or 12.97 after the Tet lunar new year Other Air Force and chain. Gift boxed. ^ stration In as many weeks do'wn to less than a dozen In chestra will play for dancing 6.47 Brother Pistol Grip celebrations which begin Tues Na'vy planes also kept up the would be held In the agricul Britons fantry battalions mostly In a from 9 to 1 a.m. Tickets may General Electric Timex Mickey & Minnie day. pressure on the other side of security role, the United States Permanent press 6.5%Kodel % 3.5% Hairdryer tural conununity of Enniskillen, The Viet Cong have an South Vietnam’s border. They be obtained by contacting Mrs. 60 miles southwest of Belfast, tONiDON (AP) — MUMoos of la relying heavily on air power combed cotton. Embroidery or lace Watches nounced a four-day cease-fire Priscilla Brown at the special Deluxe Hair Setter Hot or cold. Powerful 300 watt motor Folds to pretest the provindai goV- B^tish homes cut off from elec- made about 200 strikes against In hopes of delaying a Commu trims. Mint. blue, maize, pink; Watches. Unbreakable a m r^ m - . c a r k c for Tet, beginning at 1 a.m. the Ho Chi Mlnh trail supply care unit of Manchester Memo 18 nylon rollers in 3 sizes. Quick heat curlers for storage. #680 ^ emment’B pdicy of Interning plunged Into a nist off-jnslve. sizes 10 to 18. mainspring! 1 year' V "5 I V V5 Saig^on tim e Alonday. The allies rial Hospital, Mrs. Shirley in compact travel case. No rain checks.#HCD1 ' ^suspected members of the Irish' dtoriqjted and cold week- network, which snakes through Informants said the biggest guarantee. have said they will observe a Koski, operating room; Mrs.