Old Stops Review

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Old Stops Review OLD STOPS’ REVIEWISSUE 6 2016 In this issue... 100 YEARS AT HALLAM MEMORIES OF NICHOLAS HENSHALL RACING WITH ROSS MILLINGTON OLD STOPS’ REVIEW HEADMASTER’S WELCOME his year we celebrate the Their prime purpose is to broaden the CONTENTS T centenary of our School’s move experiences and horizons of each from the cramped surroundings of individual, fostering aspiration through Headmaster’s Welcome 2 industrial Stockport to the splendid inspiration so as to equip girls and new buildings constructed on the boys for the challenges they will face OSA President 3 Hallam site at Woodsmoor in 1916. in adult life and enable each individual The subsequent progress and to contribute his or her talents From the Helm 4 development of Stockport Grammar towards the wider good. 100 Years at Hallam 5 School will be celebrated in a series of events and publications throughout Our School is distinguished not only in Nicholas Henshall 6 this anniversary year. Few schools the achievements of our girls and boys enjoy such an illustrious history. but also in their diversity. Sophie Brassington 7 Thanks to the support of all sections Ross Millington 8 of the school community and the The strength and vibrancy of our Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths, community is rooted in a continuing Where are they now? 9 Shaa’s foundation continues to go commitment to our Founder’s wish to from strength to strength – in the ensure that talented children from the Charlie Baker 13 number of boys and girls we educate, town of his birth are given every Spotlight on 14 in terms of academic results, in opportunity to develop their potential extracurricular sport, music and regardless of their social background OS Sporting Highlights 15 drama and in the quality of facilities or family circumstances. The Bursary and working relations which exist in campaign seeks to ensure that local SGS Highlights 16 the school. boys and girls can contribute to and Stopping By 17 benefit from the education we offer Schools are, of course, principally and has advanced significantly in Old Stops’ events round up 18 about people not buildings; they recent months as a consequence must be orientated towards the of the generosity of many donors. Announcements 19 future rather than the past. In doing this we seek to connect Dates for your Diary 20 Content by Dawn Marsden. Design by jacksonhammond.co.uk 2 OLD STOPS’ REVIEW young people to the town in which they live, to give them a sense of pride in and responsibility for the neighbourhood and to provide each with an understanding and appreciation of the needs of others. There is no better way to mark this anniversary year than by celebrating and promoting the influence of Edmond Shaa’s legacy to future generations. Our busy programme of activities and functions continues to develop. Please let us know if you have any suggestions for future events or would like to call in on your A YEAR IN OFFICE next visit to Stockport. I do hope OSA President David Garrett (OS 1981) looks back on the school year. that you will enjoy reading this publication and that it will Writing the annual message for the I have been honoured to serve you encourage you to renew your Old Stops’ Review has afforded me as President this past year and look contacts with fellow Old the opportunity to reflect on my year forward to a really exciting centenary Stopfordians. Thank you for in office. I would like to convey how year at the Hallam site; a year that your continuing support. impressed I have been with the talent comes with plenty of opportunities to of our pupils at all ages. renew old friendships and to perhaps make new ones during the school’s Andrew Chicken The contributions and commitment centenary celebrations. I know that Headmaster from both pupils and staff has been our External Relations department outstanding and I have thoroughly have a full programme of events lined enjoyed all the events which I have up for us to enjoy so please look for been to this year. details of these on the school website, Facebook or Linkedin. You will all be The quality of the concerts put on by very welcome. the Music department, both choral and instrumental, continues to be exceptional. The variety of the plays staged by the Sixth Formers and the Classics department has been both entertaining and stimulating and I must also mention the Art Exhibition, The Duke of Edinburgh Awards, Speech Day prize giving, the Dance Showcase, the Carol Services and last but by no means least, the outstanding sporting achievements of our many talented teams. It gives me no greater pleasure than to say ‘well done to you all’. 3 OLD STOPS’ REVIEW FROM THE HELM Welcome to the sixth issue A particular memory of mine and, of Old Stops’ Review. As the from correspondence, one of yours magazine goes to press we are as well, was the Johnston school able to announce the beginning plays which ran for a week in the of an exciting new initiative. Hallam Hall including two matinees As part of the celebrations to on Tuesdays and Thursdays when mark 100 years of the school the whole school attended. I vividly on the Hallam Site the process recall the construction of the has begun to digitise the school proscenium framework with small and Old Stopfordian archives. boys gripped astride swaying steel A primary aim will be to columns trying to fit nuts and bolts safeguard documents for the to adjacent beams hauled up on future but the new digital ropes. Then there were the exploits archive will be accessible of the lighting and sound staff via the school website and it operating from the balconies and will enable alumni and other sometimes in the loft space above interested parties to view, the hall ceiling fixing the cables for on-line, articles, photographs the lighting barrel. However, and documents. I digress, back to the present. The archive is being constructed This first stage of the digital archive by a company specialising in the is almost complete and it is hoped scanning of historical material. that it will be up and running before They offer a range of bespoke the end of the summer term in services and have a blue chip client early July. All Old Stopfordians for list which includes many of the whom we currently hold e-mail leading independent schools in the addresses will be notified when the CELEBRATING THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF country. Our archive will be fully site becomes operational in the searchable through keywords. Summer Term. THE SCHOOL’S MOVE TO THE HALLAM SITE As we celebrate the 100th The initial tranche of material Initial funding for this project has anniversary of the school’s move currently being processed will been made possible by a generous to the Hallam site, we take a consist of the complete collection of donation of £10,000 from the look back at Stockport Grammar ‘Stopfordian’ magazines dating back ‘250 Club’ of the Old Stopfordians’ School’s rich history. to occasional issues at the end of Association and it is hoped that the 19th century and continuously further funding will allow the archive Founded in 1487 by the legacy of from 1929. As individuals, your to expand. The original archive Sir Edmond Shaa, Stockport Grammar first inclination may be to look up continues to grow but there are still School is one of the oldest schools magazine issues which relate to areas that would benefit from more in the country. Born to parents from when you were at school but the photographic material, preferably Dukinfield, then a hamlet in the parish articles, reports and lists of staff with names, and individual accounts of St Mary, Stockport, Sir Edmond was and pupils over the years, contain and reminiscences, particularly apprenticed in 1450 to Robert Botiller, a fascinating record of the activities of the Junior School in the 1950’s a goldsmith in London. In 1462, under and achievements of Stockport and 1960’s. I would particularly the reign of Edward IV, he received the Grammar School and provide much welcome short written personal life grant of the office of Engraver to interesting reading. accounts, as opposed to the very the Tower Mint and all other mints in brief form reports in the magazines, England and Calais. He was a Warden The most recent issues of before the memories fade of the Goldsmiths’ Company, later ‘Stopfordian’ detail a huge range completely. becoming Prime Warden in 1476. and variety of clubs, societies, drama and music productions, Best wishes In addition to his Goldsmiths’ sporting achievements and trips, Stuart Helm responsibilities, Shaa served as in addition to academic success, an Alderman and in 1474 he held but older Stopfordians will the office of Sheriff of London and remember fondly the opportunities Middlesex. He became the 200th offered to them in the context of Mayor of London in 1482-83. their time. 4 OLD STOPS’ REVIEW The Quad in 2016 A class in 1916 An early aerial view of the school CELEBRATING THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SCHOOL’S MOVE TO THE HALLAM SITE It is thought that the school’s first The new buildings were designed for The school has continued to grow home was in St Mary’s Parish Church, 250 pupils in ten classrooms grouped and prosper with a school roll in 2016 Stockport. In 1608, the school moved in a two-storey block on one side of of over 1,400 pupils from the ages to Chestergate and again, in 1832, a quadrangle, on another was the of 3 to 18.
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