Appendix.1 Developing Our One Stockport Plan: Engagement Overview
APPENDIX.1 DEVELOPING OUR ONE STOCKPORT PLAN: ENGAGEMENT OVERVIEW 1. Introduction 1.1 This report sets out our approach to capturing the views of our residents, businesses, partners and workforce on their priorities for the future to build into our Borough Plan. It provides an overview of the engagement and analysis we have undertaken which has informed our shared priorities and vision. We will continue to work collectively to understand the lived experiences of our communities. We recognise that some the impacts of Covid-19 are not known at this point and will change over time. It will be important to embed intelligence, insight and co- design in all future planning. 1.2 We want to develop a shared vision for Stockport that outlines how we want to work together and our joint priorities. In developing our collective plan, it felt important to reflect the voices and priorities of local communities, alongside understanding and responding to insight gathered through impact studies, our Joint Strategic Needs Analysis (JSNA), and wider data analysis, to shape how we stay together as One Stockport to provide the conditions and opportunities for happy, healthy, thriving, connected communities. 2. What we have heard 2.1 In total, we spoke to over 3,800 people who either lived or worked in Stockport, this also included engaging with 1,000 children and young people, making sure their voices were heard. Some common themes emerged from these exercises and are outlined below. 2.2 Flourishing and connected communities came through as a key theme throughout our engagement; organisations from our Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sector, businesses, young people and older people all mentioned the importance of this.
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