Mercy Corps LTS2 Semi-annual Report (October 1, 2017 to March 31, 2018) Leveraging Tradition and Science in Disaster Risk Reduction in Mongolia-2 (LTS2 - Mongolia) SEMI ANNUAL REPORT (Oct 1, 2017 - Mar 31, 2018) Agreement # AID-OFDA-G-15-00101 Submitted to: USAID Submitted by: Mercy Corps April 2018 COUNTRY CONTACT HEADQUARTERS CONTACT Ramesh Singh Denise Ledgerwood Country Director Senior Program Officer Mercy Corps Mercy Corps PO Box 761 45 SW Ankeny Street Ulaanbaatar 79, Mongolia Portland, OR 97204 Phone: +976 9911 4204 Phone: +1.503.896.5000
[email protected] [email protected] Mercy Corps LTS2 Semi-annual Report (Oct 1, 2017 – March 31, 2018) ACRONYMS AND TRANSLATIONS Aimag An administrative unit similar to a province or state APF Aimag Partnership Facilitator AWI Advanced Weather Information Service Bagh An administrative unit similar to a sub-county (sub-soum) CITA Communication Information and Technology Authority Dzud An environmental hazard that unfolds over several seasons and includes drought conditions in the summer leading to poor forage availability and low temperatures, heavy snows and/or ice in winter, which combine to exhaust animals, leading to death from starvation or exposure. ECHO European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations ES engageSPARK EMA Emergency Management Agency FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Hural An elected decision-making body at the district, province and national level ICT Information and Communication Technology KEIO Keio University of Japan LEWS