The following draft Minutes of the meeting of the Toronto Police Services Board held on OCTOBER 21, 2004 are subject to adoption at its next regularly scheduled meeting. The Minutes of the meeting held on SEPTEMBER 23, 2004 previously circulated in draft form were approved by the Toronto Police Service Board at its meeting held on OCTOBER 21, 2004. MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING of the Toronto Police Services Board held on OCTOBER 21, 2004 at 1:30 PM in the Auditorium, 40 College Street, Toronto, Ontario. PRESENT: Ms. Pam McConnell, Councillor & Chair Dr. Alok Mukherjee, Vice-Chair Mr. John Filion, Councillor & Member The Honourable Hugh Locke, Q.C., Member Mr. Case Ootes, Councillor & Member ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Julian Fantino, Chief of Police Mr. Albert Cohen, City of Toronto - Legal Services Division Ms. Deirdre Williams, Board Administrator THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON OCTOBER 21, 2004 #P333. SWEARING–IN PROCEEDINGS: DR. ALOK MUKHERJEE Acting Chair Pam McConnell administered the oath of office and oath of secrecy to Dr. Alok Mukherjee who was appointed to the Board by Toronto City Council for a period of time commencing September 28, 2004 and ending November 30, 2006, and until a successor is appointed. A copy of the Dr. Mukherjee’s appointment is appended to this Minute for information. The Board received the foregoing. City Clerk’s Office Secretariat Tel: 416.392JJ149 Helen Smith Fax: 416-392.2983 Nominating Camnittse e-mail:
[email protected] City Hall, Main Floor, West web: 100 nuaen straat West Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2 I .1.“..~..--1.^.