Cardi B, Solange, Marshmello, Troye Sivan

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Cardi B, Solange, Marshmello, Troye Sivan Orange Warsaw Festival comes back in 2019: May 31st-June 1st HERE ARE THE FIRST FOUR ARTISTS WHO APPEARED ON OUR MURAL ON THURSDAY EVENING IN THE CENTER OF WARSAW: CARDI B, SOLANGE, MARSHMELLO & TROYE SIVAN! SEE YOU FOR THE 12TH TIME – SŁUŻEWIEC HORSE RACETRACK! CARDI B ‘I'm my own competition’ says Cardi B in her song ‘Best Life’. And it’s hard to disagree. Last year in female hip-hop belonged almost entirely to this crazy girl from Bronx, who conquered the international audience, both with her creativity and personality. Her debut album ‘Invasion of Privacy’ immediately notched top-selling albums in the U.S., Pitchfork labelled it ‘Best New Music’ and American media branded her as the ‘one of the most powerful debuts of this millennium’. We should also add billions of views on YouTube, five nominations for this year's Grammy Awards, Billboard Music Awards and BET Award trophies – this list is long and it will only grow! We are happy to announce Cardi B as the first Orange Warsaw Festival headliner! SOLANGE Since her debut in 2002, with the album "Solo Star", R&B fans have been familiar with her name. The next album "Sol-Angel and the Hadley St. Dreams" drew attention of critics and audiences to her ambitious approach to music - she deliberately escaped from simple formulas, mixing jazz, funk, electronica and R&B. In 2016, she raised the bar even higher, and the album "A Seat at the Table" made her debut at #1 on Billboard 200 and gave her the first Grammy award in her career. However, not only music has contributed to the current status of Solange. For years she has been using her popularity and talent, also in other fields of art, to promote political and social values in which she deeply believes. She repeatedly raised the themes of justice and equality, which were met with emotional reception among groups that feel overlooked or even silenced in everyday life. Solange is the next headliner of Orange Warsaw Festival 2019! MARSHMELLO The masked hero of the dancefloor is coming to Orange Warsaw Festival! Marshmello made himself known to the public thanks to remixes for Jack U (joint music project of Skrillex and Diplo) and Zedd. In 2016 he released his debut album "Joytime", proving that we are dealing with a new star of electronic music. Soon after, he put out the single "Alone" which recently crossed the one billion view threshold on YouTube. With each passing day, a group of his admirers, known as Mellogang, began to grow very quickly. Fans loved both his music and image - the face hidden behind the mask of a heartily smiling marshmallow. ‘I just want to make good music...that doesn't require you knowing who I am’ said Marshmello, explaining the decision to cover his face. And the popularity of his songs shows that he was right. Many artists queued up to cooperate with him - among others Lil Peep, Anne Marie, Selena Gomez, Khalid, Logic and Bastille. In 2018 he released "Joytime II", and this summer the third part of the project is in the plans. TROYE SIVAN One of the most interesting pop artists of the young generation will perform for the first time in Poland at the Orange Warsaw Festival 2019. He started singing as a child, and as a teenager he was noticed by music and film producers. By the age of 20, before he released his debut album "Blue Neighborhood", Troy Sivan had already played young Logan in the movie "X-Men Genesis: Wolverine", his music hit the Top 5 Billboard 200, and "Time" magazine placed him among the 25 most influential teenagers in the world. The second album "Bloom" with guest appearances from artists such as Ariana Grande, only boosted his self-confidence. “I wanted to communicate these potent emotions I was feeling of love and joy and self-confidence and self-love. I wanted it to be a gift to where I am in my life and my current relationship’ he said. There is a lot of honesty both in his work and in his private life. At the age of 14, he informed his parents that he’s gay. This confession received a warm welcome from his closest ones. Four years later he decided to make it public, on his popular YouTube channel. Since then, he keeps on proving, that love knows no gender, or prejudice. ORANGE WARSAW FESTIVAL 2019 TICKETS GO ON SALE JANUARY 25, 2019 AT 10AM. Fans can choose tickets in several price options depending on the date of purchase. Orange clients will be able to buy tickets with a 15% discount. Early Bird tickets will be on sale from January 25 to February 12 or until the stock lasts. The price of the Early Bird ticket is PLN 389 and for Orange customers - PLN 331. From February 13 special bundled tickets will be available: Orange Warsaw Festival and Open'er Festival Powered by Orange for PLN 945 - only for Orange clients. More details on .
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