ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Welcome to ONE BILLION RISING, V-Day’s Annual On 14 February, activists in 207 countries, more than 2 MESSAGE FROM EVE Report for 2012 – 2013. the UN officially recognizes, rose. Women wrote in 4 V-DAY RISING This year, with your help, we witnessed history in the saying that they had never realized they could get making when one billion people ROSE in unison to help until they heard about the campaign, others end violence against women and girls. For 15 years, wrote to tell us the details of their risings. Videos and 15-YEAR ANNIVERSARY: ONE BILLION RISING pictures flooded in on V-Day’s Facebook page and V-Day activists have shattered taboos, changed 8 The beginning of a new world culture, and funded critical on the ground anti-violence Twitter feed. By the end of the day, Twitter impressions work. This year, they moved the needle so that the were over 500 million and #1billionrising had trended 10 hIGhlights of Risings Around The World in seven countries, including multiple times in the issue of violence against women and girls will never 14 15 years and rising be marginalized again. U.S. and UK. Media impressions in the U.S. alone exceeded 600 million with foreign correspondents 16 The Power Of Global Solidarity In the same way that The Vagina Monologues from CNN, BBC, The Guardian and Reuters among 18 hIGh Profile Support became our guide 15 years ago, One Billion Rising the many following the day. has become our mantra, our muse. 20 ORGANIzations that rose As you will see through this report, when working in By just saying the phrase ”One Billion Rising”, community, local activists have the power to rise up 22 what The Media Is Saying inviting people to say it and understand it, we and carve out deeper impact on a global scale. It 24 Special Events accomplished a key goal of the campaign – showing was a breathtaking year, and we hope you enjoy 26 After the Rising the world how central the issue of violence against reading about it. women and girls is by showing them how many We’re ready for 2014. Join us and RISE4JUSTICE! women have been affected. V-DAY IN ACTION In the end, our team of staff, activists, and supporters 28 cOLLEGE & COMMUNITY CAMPAIGNS moved fast and kept true to the mission. We laughed and we cried and we kept going with a spirit that 32 V-DAY’S CONGO CAMPAIGN was beautiful, at times intense, but always meaningful. 34 2014 - ONE BILLION RISING FOR JUSTICE Susan Celia Swan Planning for a global day of action that would begin Executive Director 38 Team in Australia and 48-hours later end in Hawaii was a challenge for our social media team who stayed up 40 FINANCIAL STATEMENT throughout. 42 THANK YOU Cecile Lipworth 44 TAKE ACTION Managing Director Message from eve

It was the women of Congo who first taught me the Sexual predation has become preparation and Older and younger feminists came together. Dancing power of dance. training for all further dominations and occupations and rising inspired new laws in quite a few places and For seven years I have had the privilege of working occurring in the world today. After all, if you can gave many courage and legitimacy to bring cases side by side with my sisters from the DRC. They are seize a woman’s body and take what you want without forward. And there have been victories. One Billion rising up and fighting back in the midst of an economic consequence or reciprocity, you can do the same to Rising brought women forward in unprecedented war that has been raging for 14 years for the minerals the Earth, you can do the same to countries, peoples, numbers to tell their stories and created a global of their country. A war that has not only been responsible workers. You can do the same to anyone or anything. wind that scattered seeds, fertilized ideas, and blew for the death of eight million, but has been fought on the In the 16 years we have been working, V-Day has open boundaries. bodies of hundreds of thousands of women, where tried endless approaches to solving this dilemma This year, One Billion Rising for Justice is taking the systematic rape and torture has been used to occupy and of course we have had many successes, but we campaign further, deeper, keeping dance at the villages and control the mines. The grotesque atrocities have not ended the violence. When we reached our forefront while addressing the most visceral and women have survived are beyond our capacity to 15th year we realized we had to go further and practical need for justice. It is about creating the receive or comprehend and I wondered for quite escalate our efforts. We had to ask how we as a venues and platforms for revealing truths. Exposing some time how Congolese women could not only global movement could take everything we have the lies, the hurts, the desecrations. It is about continue to live, but continue to live with the huge done and push it to the next level. creating just and safe cultures where women are power, energy, grace, and vision they have. Then it It was there, dancing in Congo, when we realized encouraged to come forward with their stories occurred to me that the women of Congo dance. what that next step was, when we imagined what rather than being blamed or attacked or made to And when they dance they dance with everything. would happen if one billion women and all the men feel responsible for what has been done to them. It was in the midst of dancing with a group of 200 who loved them danced together on one day and On 14 February 2014, one billion and more of us will survivors in Congo when I suddenly got the power of released the energy and power that comes through shake free this legacy, these shackles, this violence, dance to transform, to be dangerous and celebratory our bodies when we move together. And so we put these wounds, and a new energy will rise. And we and disruptive and sexual and joyful. I understood out the call to rise up and DANCE. The result was the will know justice. Come rise with us. that dance can melt the walls of our divisions, dissolve biggest mass action to end violence against women class and race, and create solidarity. That it exposes in the history of the world. LOVE, our bodies to each other and the world, and that it The outcomes were vast and still being documented. creates a collective energy and freedom that liberates Many women survivors have written to say they ideas and the conviction and courage to make those reclaimed their bodies, their trust, and the right to ideas happen. fully inhabit public space by the protection and For 16 years I have spent most of my hours and days inspiration of dancing in solidarity. Rising created a thinking about violence against women and girls. I wave of energy and courage that birthed many have traveled to over 70 countries and listened to the public forums, panels, teach-ins. We witnessed stories of women in war time and in their every day Presidents and members of parliaments, First Ladies, lives. What it has taught me is that violence against the Queen Mother of Bhutan, and religious leaders Eve Ensler women is a worldwide epidemic. It is the methodology putting their bodies on the line, dancing and deepening Founder/Board Chair which sustains patriarchy and it is everywhere. It their commitment to the issue. We saw new coalitions may manifest itself differently from culture to culture formed everywhere across many issues and lines, - female genital mutilation in one place, internet thousands of new people coming into this issue who bullying in another, gang rape here, acid burning had never spoken up before. there - but I believe it is the mother issue of our times.

2 3 V-Day rising

V-DAY IS A GLOBAL ACTIVIST MOVEMENT TO END VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN AND GIRLS. To date, the V-Day movement has raised over $100 million; crafted Founded by Tony Award winning Playwright Eve Ensler in 1998, V-Day international educational, media, and PSA campaigns; reopened became a unique global movement when her play, The Vagina Monologues shelters; and funded thousands of community-based anti-violence broke ground, offering the world a piece of art like nothing it had seen before. programs and safe houses in Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Kenya, Egypt, and Iraq. Ensler has been named one of US News & World Report’s “Best Leaders,” one of Newsweek’s “150 Women Who Changed the World” and The V-Day has received numerous acknowledgements including Worth Guardian’s “100 Most Influential Women.” Magazine’s “100 Best Charities”, Marie Claire Magazine’s “Top Ten Charities”, and is one of the Top-Rated organizations on Guidestar and V-Day has proven that art has the power to transform thinking and inspire Charity Navigator. people to act. We have seen that lasting social and cultural change is spread by ordinary people doing extraordinary things. We respect that V-Day dreams of a world in which women and girls will be free to thrive, local women best know what their communities need and can become rather than merely survive. With your help, we are making it happen. unstoppable leaders. We know that one must look at the intersection of race, class, and gender to understand violence against women. Over the past 15 years, tens of thousands of productions of The Vagina Monologues and other V-Day artistic works have been produced by volunteer activists in the U.S. and around the world, educating millions of people about the reality of violence against women and girls, and in 2013 highlighting One Billion Rising.

What is V-Day?

4 5 Dance is dangerous, joyous, sexual, holy, disruptive, contagious, it breaks the rules. It can happen anywhere, anytime, with anyone and everyone, and it’s free. Dancing insists we take up space, we go there together in community. Dance joins us and pushes us to go further and

that is why it’s at the center of One Billion Rising By Eve Ensler and Tony Stroebel One Billion Rising.

Eve Ensler


The beginning of a new world ignited by a new energy. ONE BILLION RISING was the biggest mass global action to end violence against women and girls in the history of humankind.

On 14 February 2013, ONE BILLION people in 207 countries rose and danced, women, men, and children in cities, factories, farms, streets, schools, communities, in marketplaces, parks, by the sea and on mountain tops, in theatres, government halls, plazas – and in rain, snow, and sunshine – to unique cultural rhythms and choreography. The diversity was unprecedented, creating a multi-sectoral engagement of people across movements and causes – youth, migrant workers, urban poor, LGBTQI, artists, farm workers, teachers, faith based groups, indigenous women, cutting across borders, races, class, If a billion people rise to dance, sexual orientation, ages, and genders. they will get to that place that Grassroots women and communities, some of the most marginalized in is our birthright – which is the the world, were at the forefront leading the campaigns, highlighting the feeling that we generate in anti-violence work of amazing local women’s groups. ourselves of love. People think that the most important thing is Bridging the divide, the campaign brought to the surface the intersection being loved by other people – it of issues both causing and affecting violence against women - patriarchy, isn’t. What is important is the imperialism, economic injustice, environmental plunder, religion, self-generating of love that you militarization, intervention of outside countries, immigration, nationalization get yourself. And that is what and privatization, and political repression. DANCE gives you – and then Though art and activism, One Billion Rising engaged masses on you share it – you send it out across the planet and up into a deeper level, while highlighting the importance of DANCE as both the stars. a personal and collective action. The campaign created solidarity and safe and free spaces where violated women could tell their Alice Walker stories, many for the first time – and dance to heal their trauma.

8 9 Highlights of Risings Around The World There were tens of thousands of events across the world, some key highlights included:

National leaders of Gabriela and leaders The Skirts Up Movement and Beintuitive of Gabriela’s sectoral organizations, lead raised their skirts to denounce an end to the One Billion Rising Philippines violence against women and girls in Spain campaign inspiring activists on all 7,000 and around the world islands to Rise.

The next day, ending violence against women was on the lips of every person in Mexico.

In SOUTH AFRICA V-Girls rose in Soweto and other places, Andrés Naime, Global creating a beautiful dance video – with flash mobs taking place Coordinator for Mexico in several cities

Dancing parades by MEXICO rose with countless performance a network of events and flashmobs around the country Eve spent the rising with thousands of activists in CONGO organizations along the river in Sarajevo, BOSNIA & NEPAL went A Night of Devotion HERZEGOVINA Gangnam style to honor the Mother when a flash mob and the feminine took over Patan represented the Durban Square rising in INDONESIA

Over 200 flash mobs and dance parties took place in more than 120 cities in ITALY Cities and villages rose with colorful and creative events, dances, marches, and rallies across INDIA – with network groups mobilizing hundreds of thousands of people across the In the U.S. – major events took place in San Francisco, Los In the U.K.- a lead up event called “London Rising” featuring well region Aboriginal women in AUSTRALIA hosted a Angeles, New York, Atlanta, and countless cities and towns – known artists and musicians became the prelude for 220 risings “Rites of Passage to a Violent Free Life” event with thousands of groups leading the risings – together with that took place around the country celebrities, singers, DJ’s, and political figures

10 11

Highlights of Risings Around The World

KENYA rose with a main event in Nairobi with dozens of organizations leading – and with singing and dancing in Central Park

9th and 10th graders in Caracas, VENEZUELA rose and danced Over 300 cities rose in GERMANY and thousands danced in public squares

One Billion Rising is a joyous recognition of the sacred and how it must never be made profane by any person, institution or government. Violence and The European Parliament Rose in BELGIUM the oppression of women is the core wound that foreshadows all other problems in the world, from The City of Lima in poverty to war to destruction of the environment. PERU held events throughout the city Rising is not only dance, it is the birth of the future. – in campuses, plazas, and women’s prisons – with TV In HUNGARY flash mobs Paul Hawken Renowned spots airing every Environmentalist & Author of Blessed Unrest 30 minutes on the and public events were held biggest network throughout the country 64 districts in BANGLADESH organized Live performances, marches, and rallies flash mobs, V-Men workshops, SAN MARTINO, were held throughout CANADA Women met in homes in SOMALIA to learn concerts, and theatre performances ITALY held a hula the flash mob. A march and rally took hoop flash mob in place in the city’s public courtyard, the the piazza first of its kind....and activists worked closely with traffic commissioners to ensure a ‘safe’ road to march down

Activism in art events and demonstrations In AFGHANISTAN a huge march were held in took place in Kabul IRELAND

12 13 15 YEARS AND RISING What began as one event in in 1998, EVENTS today includes 10,000 + V-Day and One Billion Rising events around the globe. +


5,850 5,800 2013 5,400 5,200

2011 2012


2009 4,000


3,000 2,700 2,500 2,300

2006 2007

2005 2004 1,000 800

250 160 2003 1 7 2002 1998 1999 2000 2001 15 How We Got One Billion To Rise: The Power Of Global Solidarity

Global Coordinators V-Day engaged over 40 anti-violence leaders spanning the globe as Global Coordinators. They organized One Billion Rising in their respective countries and regions, bringing together their extensive networks, groups and alliances – and linking the campaign across continents through common issues and goals. Coordinators conducted outreach and education programs on violence against women One Billion Rising is a new struggle for freedom – issues in their own cultural, social, and political freedom from patriarchal mindsets, patriarchal contexts, translated materials and the campaign families, and patriarchal religious traditions. toolkit into regional languages, fundraised for their Kamla Bhasin, events, invited local celebrities, government officials, Global Coordinator for South Asia artists, writers, educators, and high profile women and men to be part of their local campaigns, and utilized their connections to build extensive mass media campaigns. One Billion Rising Coordinators galvanized their communities and countries in: Bangladesh, Bosnia (former Yugoslavia), Brussels (European Women’s Lobby), Canada, Croatia, France, The Gambia, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Pakistan, Peru, The Philippines, South Africa, South Asia (India, Nepal, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives), Spain, Somalia, Sudan, United Kingdom, United States (Atlanta, California, Chicago, DC, New York) and Zimbabwe.

Monique Wilson, Global Coordinator for The Philippines

16 17 High Profile Support Actors and V-Day board members , Rosario Dawson, Donna Karan, Thandie Newton, Charlize Theron, and Kerry Washington along with Jessica Alba, BETTY, Connie Britton, Brandi Carlile, Kate Clinton, Glenn Close, Jason Day, Francesca Eastwood, , Jarvis Green, Anne Hathaway, Bianca Jagger, Zoe Kravitz, Dylan McDermott, Kathy Najimy, Yoko Ono, Apollo Poetry, Robert Redford, Anoushka Shankar, Vandana Shiva,

Sookee, KaDee Strickland, Marisa Tomei, Mario Kerry Washington Testino, Lily Tomlin, Ruby Wax, Royce White, Monique Wilson, Rosie Huntington-Whitely, and many more, activated their networks, attended One Billion Rising events, amplified the message across their social media channels, and rose on 14 February.

Glenn Close

Rosario Dawson

Charlize Theron Sookee Thandie Newton Anne Hathaway, Jane Fonda and Marisa Tomei

It’s part of my life. It’s like breathing. Once you know about the plight of fellow human beings and Speak up about violence. It’s one of those things that there’s something you can do – it’s a vocation that we need to not stay quiet about. If you know some- keeps me up at night. One in every three women will thing about someone or have a story to tell, tell it, experience violence in their lifetime. Once you know because it gives courage to somebody else. I am that, you want to do something about it. You just look rising for the amazing women in my country, who are at the world in a different way, and you want to together calling and saying enough is enough. I’m improve the world for your children and for your rising for the child in me who I don’t think will ever children’s children. recover from what happened to her. Anoushka Shankar Alice Walker

18 19 11 Alive > 16 Days of Activism - Rutgers Center for Women’s Global Leadership > 1736 Family Crisis Center > 180 Turning Lives Around > 1in9 Campaign > 2000 Roses Foundation > 20th Judicial Circuit Family Violence Coordinating Council > 3 Colours > 3 Manuelas > 416 Community Support For Women > 5 Rhythyms > 50 Cents Period > A Woman’s Place of Merced County > A Better Way Services, Inc. > A Call For Help > A New Day > A New Leaf > A Safe Place > A Safe Place: Domestic Violence Prevention > A Window Between Worlds > A Woman’s Fund > A Woman’s Place > A Woman’s Place of Merced County > A Woman’s Touch in Healthcare > A Women’s Place > A.D.A.L.E.A > A.L.I.V.E. (Alternatives to Living in Violent Environments) > A.M.I > A.P.A.F.E.D > A.W.A.R.E. (Aiding Women in Abuse and Rape Emergencies) > AACI Asian Women’s Home > Aama Milan Kendra > AATWIN > ABA Scholarship > ABACO > Abby’s House > Abby’s House Center for Women and Families > ABC > ABC Carpet & Home > ABC Foundation > Aberdeen Womens Aid > Aberdeen Womens’ Centre > Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. > Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service > Abri Cotier-Urgences femmes > Abriendo Oportunidades > Abriendo Puertas > Abuse Counseling & Treatment, Inc. > Abused Women’s Advocacy Project > Ac Talentos > ACCESS (Assault Care Center Extending Shelter & Support) > Access York/ Vicitim’s Assistance Center > ACCIONAR ENTRE MUJERES - GUYUNUSAS > ACCORD Corporation > Accueil Femmes Solidarite > ACE A3 > ACLU > ACT Domestic Violence Crisis Service > Action Aid India > Action Aid Rwanda > Action for Children in Conflict - Kenya program > Action Innocence > Action Today for Brighter Tomorrows > ACTS Turning Points > Ada Family Crisis Center > Adair County Victim Support Services > AdComm > Addis Tesfa Ena raey lesetoch digaf Mahiber (ATRLDM) > Adelaide House - YWCA Durham > Adelante Familia > Aden Business School > ADEW > ADIBS > ADV & SAS > Advance Advocacy Project > Advice Desk for the Abused > Advocacy & Support Center > Advocacy Center > Advocacy Center of Ithaca > Advocacy Center of Syracuse University > Advocacy Forum > Advocacy Program, Women’s Contact Society > Advocacy Services for Abused Deaf VIctims (ASADV) > Advocate Safehouse Project > Advocates Against Family Violence > Advocates Building Peaceful Communities > Advocates for Family Peace > Advocates for Survivors of Domestic Violence > Advocates for Women > Advocates of Ozaukee > Advocates To End Domestic Violence > ADWAS > AFASDA > Afghan Civil Society Forum > Afghan Women Coalition Against Corruption > Afghan Women Service and Education (AWSE) > Afghan Women’s Education Centre (AWEC) > Afghan Women’s Fund > Afghan Women’s Journalist Association > Afghan Women’s Resource Centre > Afghan Women’s Skills Development Centre (AWSDC) > Afghanistan-Delaware Communities Together, Inc. > Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) > Afghanistan Institute for Learning (AIL) > AFL-CIO > The Africa Craft Trust > Afro Brazilian Cultural Center of New Jersey > AGEHB - Animation et Gestion de l’emploi et l’hbergement en Brest > AGEHB - Animation et Gestion de l’emploi et l’hbergement en Bretagne > Agents of Change Network > Agfas Foyer Pour Femmes d’Ales > Agnes Home > Agnes Home of Jamestown > Agnes Scott College > Agribusiness Systems International - India > AIAS > Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse (AVDA) > AIDOS > AIDS Committee of Durham > Aids Online > AIDS Project Worcester- women’s HEALTH Project > Aile Ici Siddete Son > Ain O Shalish Kendro > Akili Dada > Akinadada Cervical Cancer Trust > Akron Battered Women’s Shelter > Akshara > Akwesasne Family Violence Program > Alabama Coalition Against Rape > Alabama State University > Albany County SAFE Project > Albany Law Clinic and Justice Center, Family Violence Litigation Clinic > Albion Fellows Bacon Center > Alexandria Office on Women Domestic Violence Program > Alianza Dominicana, Project F.A.I.T.H. > Alice Housing > Alice Paul House > Alice Springs Womens Shelter > Alison McAteer House/Centre For Northern Families > All African Women’s Group > All Nepal Peasants’ Federation > All Nepal Women’s Association > All Pakistan Bhatta Mazdoor Union > All Pakistan Trade Unions Organisation (APTUDO) > All Womens House > Allen Women’s Resource Center > Alliance Against Domestic Abuse > Alliance Against Family Violence and Sexual Assault > Alliance for Community Trust/Greenville Sexual Trauma Center > Alliance for Girls > Alliance for Sexual Assault Survivors (UCI ASAS) > Alma Center > Alma de Mujer > Alpha House of Tampa Bay > Alpha Womens Center > Alternative Horizons > Alternative House > Alternative to Violence of the Palouse > Alternatives for Battered Women > Alternatives For Girls > Alternatives to Domestic Violence > Alternatives to Family Violence > Alternatives to Living In Violent Environments A.L.I.V.E. > Alternatives To Violence > Alternatives to Violence In the Palouse > Alternitives for Girls: The Street Outreach Program > Alvin Ailey Dance Company > Amahoro “What Better Looks Like” campaign > AMAL Human Development Network > Amamantar > AMASOL (Asociacion de Madres Solas) > Amazing Woman Foundation > Amcham > Amdelar > Amelia Rising Sexual Assault Centre > AMEND > American Dance Therapy Association > American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) > American University > AMES (Asociacion de Mujeres en Salud) > Amethyst Inc. > Amigas Latinas > Amigas Unidas > Amigos de las Mujeres > Amnesty International Fredericton Chapter > Amnesty International Group 149 > Amnesty International Japan > Amnesty International South Africa > Amnesty Interntional Souther Region > Amnesty International UK “Stop Violence Against Women” > Amnesty International USA > Amy’s House for Women > Anawim Aboriginal Women’s Refuge > Anduhyaun Residence for Native Women > Angela’s House > Angelheart Children’s Shelter > Anhad > ANIMA Kotor, Montenegro > Anjuman Muzreen Punjab > Anna Bixby Women’s Center > Anna Marie’s Alliance > Anna Ogden Hall > Anna’s House > Anne’s Home > Annie’s House > Anselma House > Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre and Sexual Assault Services Association > Anti-Violence Project-LongORGANIZATIONS Island > Anynna Nari Kallyan Samity > Apex T HPoliceAT Department ROSE > API Domestic Violence Resource Project > Apis of Merida Mexico > Apna Ghar > ARCC > ARCHIsquad Zagreb > Arenas y Esteras > ARFOG > Arizona Coalition Against Domestic Violence > Arizona League to End Regional Trafficking (ALERT) > Arizona Sexual Assault Network > Arlington’s Women’s Shelter > Art Matters Society > Art of Yoga Project > Arte Por La Paz > Arte Sana > Artemis Center for Alternatives to Domestic Violence > Artemis House of Spearfish > Artemisia Centro Anti Violenza > Arthur Blank Family Foundation > AS Women’s Center > ASHA - Alternative Solutions for Healing Abuse > Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. > Ashe Cultural Arts Center > Ashera Project > ASI Women’s Center > Asia Foundation’s Women’s Advancement Fund > Asian & Pacific Islander Women & Family Safety Center > Asian Americans for Community Involvement > Asian Human Rights > Asian Legal Resource Centre - Women’s International Shared Experience Project > Asian Women’s Home > Asian Womens Human Rights Coalition > Ask Wellness (shop program) > Asmita > Asociacion Antiviolencia Arte por la Paz > Asociacion de Educacion Multidisciplinaria > Asociacion de Gerentes de Guatemala > Asociacion de Mujeres en Salud > Asociacion de Mujeres y Amas de Casa de Rincon de Soto > Asociacion en Pro del Derecho a la Identidad en la Ninez y Adolescencia > Asociacion Hogar Nuevos Horizontes > Asociacion IDEI > Asociacion Liberanza > Asociacion para la Integracion de las Culturas -Pandora > Asociacion Por Ti Mujer > Asociacion PRO Bienestar de la Familia Guatemalteca > Asociacion Venezolana de Mujeres (ASVEMU) > Asofarma > Asosiacion de Azucareros de Guatemala > ASPEN > Assault Prevention Theatre > Assault Response & Care Centre > Assault Vicitm Services > Assaulted Women’s Helpline > Assessment and Resource Center > Associacao ComuniDaria > Associacion Asistencia Dones Agredidas Sexualment > Association “Les yeux ouverts” Vannes > Association Against Violent Communication > Association Concerning SexualTENS Violence AgainstOF T WomenHOUSANDS > Association des OVictimes,F ORGANIZATIONS Parents et Amis du 28 Septembre AND 2009 (AVIPA) GROUPS > Association MereJOINED et Enfant de Guinée > Association of Rape Crisis in Israel: Crisis Center for Religious Women > Association of Roma Women ESMA, Skopje, Macedonia > Associazione Centro Antiviolenza > Associazione La Ceiba > Associazione Modena Terzo Mondo > Associazione Nazionale Volontarie del Telefono Rosa > Associazione No.Di > Associazione Nondasola > Assualt Prevention Shuttle > ATASK (Asian Task Force Against Domestic Violence) > Astha Sansthan > Atlanta Ballet > Atlanta Women’s Foundation > Atlantic County Women’s Center > AU Women’s Center > Auberge Madeleine > Augusta Sexual Assault and Crises Support Center > Augustana Women’s Association > Auroville International Township > Austin-Safeplace > Authentic Beauty > Autonomna Zenska Kuca Zagreb > Autonomni Zenski Centar Beograd > Autumn House > Avalon > Avalon Sexual Assault Centre > Avalon Women’s Shelter > AVDA > Avery County Against Domestic Abuse > AVIVA - Berlin > AVON > Avon Walk for Breast Cancer > AWARE > AWARE in Hardwick > AWARE Shelter > AWARE Singapore > AWCCA Emergency Fund > AWO Bremen Frauen Haus > Awotaan Family Healing Lodge (Formerly Calgary Native Womens Shelter) > Ayuda, Inc. > Azad Foundation > B.A.R.N. > B.O.B. > Babson and Olin Colleges > Babyland Family Services, Inc. > Bahay Pag-asa > Baldwin Wallace University > Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. > Banco Inmobiliario > Bandana Rana > Bangladesh Action Network on SmallIN Arms SOLIDARITY (BANSA) > Bangladesh Development ACROSS Partnership THE Centre PLANET, (BDPC) > Bangladesh INCLUDING Human Rights Defenders’SOCIAL Group JUSTICE(BHRDG) > Bangladesh Institute of Law and International Affairs > Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangh (BNPS) > Bangladesh on Seven Summits > Bangladesh Trade Union Centre > Bangor Womens Aid > BANTRAB > Barbara Kettle Gundlach Women’s Shelter > Barbra Schlifer Commemorative Clinic > Bard Prison Initiative > Barnardos Streets and Lanes Project > Barren River Area Save Space (BRASS) > Barrier Free Living > Barron County Domestic Abuse Project > Barry House > Bassetlaw Womens Aid > Bates College Robinson Players > Bath women’s Aid and shelter > Baton Rouge Battered Women’s Program > Baton Rouge Rape Crisis Center > Battered Women and Children’s Shelter of Bexar County > Battered Women’s Clemency Project > Battered Women’s Foundation > Battered Womens Home > Battered Women’s Project > Battered Women’s Resource Center > Battered Women’s Services > Battered Women’s Services of Dutchess County > Battered Women’s Shelter in Charlotte > Battered Women’s Shelter of Ft. Worth > Battered Women’s Shelter of Hurst > Battered Women’s Shelter of Stark County > Battle Creek SAFE Place > Bay Area Inclusion > Bay Area Turning Point > Bay Area Women Against Rape (BAWAR) > Bay Area Women’s Center > Bay St. George Status of Women Council > BAYAN > BCBGMAXAZRIA > Be Free Ministries > Beautifully Brave > Bede House > Bedford Women’s Refuge > Beendigan > BEGINNING Production > Belfast Rape Crisis Centre > Belgian DevelopmentACTIVISTS, Agency > Bella Abzug FAIT LeadershipH ORGANIZATIONS, Institute > Belleville Women’s Shelter FARMWOR > Beloit Domestic ViolenceKERS, Shelter UNIONS, > Beneficent Church > Bentley College Women’s Center > Benton County Women’s Shelter > Bergen County Rape Crisis Center > Berks Women in Crisis Center > Berkshire Count Kids’ Place > Berkshire Women’s Aid > Bethany House Abuse Shelter > Bethany Women’s Group > Bethesda, INC > Bethlehem Housing > Betty Griffin House > Betty Hoops > Between Friends > Beyond Violence, Inc. > Beyondmedia Education > Bharatiya Muslim Mahila Andolan/ Action Aid India > Bhatta Mazdoor Welfare Development Organisation > BHSN > Bhutan Observer > Bidlisiw Foundation- Program for Abused and Exploited women and girls > Bienestar Human Services > BIG > Big Country Victim Services Association > Bikalpa > Birdhouse Fund > Birmingham & Solihull Women’s Aid > Bishop’s University Women’s Centre > Biswas Nepal > Blackburn Center Against Domestic and Sexual Violence > Blackstone Valley Advocacy Center > Blair County Family Services DomesticSC AbuseH OOLS,Project > Blair MINEWOR Family Services IncorporatedKERS, > BLASTMILITARY > Blijf Groep > BloorSERVICE Information &WOMEN, Life Skills > Blount NOBEL County Haven House > Blue Diamond Society - BDS > Blue Earth County Sexual Violence Resource Center > Blue Grass Rape Crisis Center > Blue Monarch > Blue Mountain Clinic > Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare > Blue Sky Bridge, SPAN > Bluegrass Rape Crisis Center > BNPS > Body Awareness Studio > The Body Shop Malaysia > Boise State University Women’s Center > Bolja Buducnost, Zagreb > Bolton Refuge House > Border Women’s Aid > Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC) > Boston GLOW > Boston Medical Center Domestic Violence Program > Boston University Police Department’s Rape Aggression Defense Program > Boston University Rape, Aggression, Defense Program > Boston University Women’s Resource Center > Boundary Women’s Resource Centre > Boys and Girls Club Metro Atlanta > BPW Barbados > BRAC > Bradford Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Survivors Service > Bradford Women’s Aid > Bradley Angle House > Braidwood Domestic Violence Commmittee > Branches Domestic Violence Shelter > Brandon Center > Brant Sexual Assault Centre > Brattleboro Women’s Crisis Center > BRAVE People - Brave Girl > BRAVO > Break the Cycle > Break the Silence > Breaking Free, Inc. > Breakthrough > Breast Cancer Action > Bremen Frauenhaus > Brewster Center > Bridge > Bridge To Hope > Bridges: Domestic and Sexual Violence Support > Bridget House > Brighter Tomorrows > Brighton Women’s Centre > Brigid Collins > Bristol Crisis Center > Bristol Myers SquibbWINNERS, > Bristol Next Link F ILMMA> Bristol Rape KCrisisERS, > British ARTISTS, Council > Broadway DANCERS, Mexico > Brockton MUSICIANS, Womensplace Crisis Center > Broken Sound Hadassah > Brookings Domestic Abuse Shelter > Brooklyn College Women’s Center > Brooks and District Womens Safe Shelter Society > Brown Women’s Sexual Assault Peer Counseling Group > Bryony House > BSU Women’s Center Violence Prevention and Support > Buddhika Balika > Buffalo for Africa > Bulloch County Sexual Assault Task Force > Burch House Support Center > Burmese Women’s Union > Busan Women’s Shelter > Butler Country Rape Crisis Program > Butterflies Fly Free, Inc. > Butterfly Foundation > Buy Art Not People > BVSN (Burns Violence Survivors Nepal) > BWRI > Byron Shire Domestic Violence Comittee’s Escape Fund > C.A.A.F.A (Coalition Alliance Against Family Abuse) > C.A.L.M. > C.A.M.E. (Centro de Apoyo a la Mujer Ensenadense) > C.A.S.A. Center Against Sexual Assault > C.H.A.N.G.E > Ca La Dona > CAANS > CAAR The Rape Crisis Center > CAASE > CAC-N > CADA - Citizens Against Domestic Abuse > CADA House, INC. > Calacs > Calcasieu Women’s Shelter > Calderdale Womens Centre > California State University Long Beach Dept. of Womens’ Studies > California State University, San Marcos > California University of PA PEACE Project > Call for Help-Sexual Assault Unit > Call Rape of Tulsa > Callen-Lorde > Cambridge Rape Crisis Centre > Cambridge Women’s Refuge > Camden County Women’s Center > Camfed Zimbabwe > Camille’s Place > Campaign for Good Governance (SUPRO) > Campbell River Women’s Centre >PARLIAMENTARIANS, Campus Advocacy Network > Campus Property AND Management LEGISLATORS. > Campus Safe Walk > Campus Women’s Center > Canadian Mental Health Assoceation > Canberra Rape Crisis Centre > Cangleska Safe HouSe > Canyon Creek Womens Crisis Center > CAP Services > Cape Breton Transition House > Cape Cod Center for Women > Capital Area Family Violence Intervention Center (CAFVIC) > CAPSA > Captivating International - Seng Girls Home (SGH) > CARA - Communities Against Rape and Abuse > CARD-V > CARE - Ban- gladesh > CARE - Nepal > CARES > CARES, Campus Advocacy, Response & Support > CARI (Children At Risk in Ireland) > Caring Place, Inc. > Caring Together > Caring Unlimited > Caritas Arquidiocesana > Caritas Australia > Carlington Family Violence Program > Carlisle YWCA > Carnegie Mellon University > Carousel Center for Abused Children > Carrefour des femmes > Carrieann Larocqe Memorial Fund > Carrie’s Place > Carroll County Emergency Shelter, Inc. > Carroll County Rape Crisis Intervention Services > Carroll County Women and Children Services: Trauma Survivors > Carroll Rape Crisis Center > Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. > CASA (Centre Against Sexual Assault) > Casa AMES > Casa Amiga Crisis Center > Casa Atabex Ache (The House of Womyn Power) > Casa C.A.F.I. > Casa De Esperanza > Casa de la Bondad > Casa de las Madres > Casa delle donne di Modena > Casa Delle Donne per Non Subire Violenza > Casa Latina > Casa Matilde Foundation > Casa Myrna Vazquez > CASA of San Luis Obispo > Casa Protegida Luisa Capetillo > Casa Rosalie > Casa Teresa > Casa Valentina > Casa Vida > CASA, Services, Inc. > Casas Seguras > Catalyst Domestic Violence Services > Catherine Cobb Domestic Violence Program > Catherine McAuley Center > Catherine Place > Catherine Wilson Center > Catholic Charities Domestic Violence Program > Catholic Community Services Safe House > Catholic Family Services Hamilton - Woman Abuse and Men’s Anti-Violence Programs > Caucasian Feminist Initiative > CAVA Rape Crisis Center > CCADV > CCASA > CCBVO > CCNM - RSCN Women’s Health Wing > CDV-Neville House > Cease 24 > Cecil County Domestic Violence Rape Crisis Center > Cedar Valley Coalition for the Treatment of Sexual Abuse > Cedar Valley Friends of the Family > Cedars Home for Abused Women and Their Children > CEFEMINA > Centar za Devojke Nis, Serbia > Centar za Zene Zrtve Rata ROSA, Zagreb > Centar za Zenske Studije, Zagreb > Center Against Domestic Violence > Center Against Family Violence > Center Against Rape and Domestic Violence > Center Against Rape and Domestic Violence (CARDV) > Center Against Sexual Assault of Riverside County > Center E8 > Center for Abused Persons > Center for Anti-Violence Education (CAE) > Center for Community Solutions > Center for Comprehensive Care’s Women’s Program > Center for Crisis Advocacy > Center for Domestic Peace > Center for Family Services > Center for Family Violence Prevention > Center for Gender Equity > Center for Great Expectations > Center for Health and Gender Equity (CHANGE) > Center for New Beginnings > Center for Pacific Asian Families > Center for Preventing, Monitoring and Control Domestic Violence > Center for Prevention of Abuse > Center for Safety and Empowerment > Center for Sexual Assault Crisis Counseling and Education > Center for Sustainable Agriculture (CSA) > Center for the Pacific Asian Family > Center for the Protection of Women and Children > Center for Women & Families of Eastern Fairfield County > Center for Women and Children in Crisis > Center for Women and Families > Center for Women and Men > Center for Women and Politics - CWAP > Center for Women in Transition > Center for Young Womens Development > Center of Community Solutions > Center of Modern Skills > Center of Prevention of Abuse > Center On Halsted > Centers Against Abuse and Sexual Assault > Centra Seruka > Central Alberta AIDS Network Society > Central Coast Domestic Violence Court Assistance Scheme > Central Indiana Jobs with Justice > Central Massachusetts Rape Crisis Center > Central Minnesota Sexual Assault Center > Central Nova Scotia Women’s Resource Centre > Central Nova Women’s Resource Centre > Central Pennsylvania Immigration Project (CPIP) > Central Texas Coalition Against Human Trafficking > Central Washington Comprehensive Mental Health Sexual Assault Victims’ Advocacy Program > Centre County Women’s Center > Centre de Prevention des Violences Conjugales et Familiales ASBL > Centre d’Information des Droits de la Femme et de la Famille > Centre for Development Alternatives > Centre for Education and Communication (CEC) > Centre for Health and Social Justice > Centre for Northern Families > Centre for Policy Analysis > Centre for Policy Research and Analysis > Centre for Victims of Torture Nepal (CVICT) > Centre for Women and Development > Centre for Workers’ Management (CWM) > Centre-femmes de Lotbiniere > Centro Antiviolenza GOAP > Centro de Emergencia para Mujeres Victimas de Violencia y Menores a su Cargo de la Fundacion Federico Ozanam > Centro de Estudios Winbridge > Centro Documentazione Donna > Centro Nacional de Informacion e Investigacion en Desarrollo y Desastres > Centro para las Mujeres Maltradtadas de Sona > Centrum Pomoci Obetem > Centrum Praw Kobiet > Cesar E. Chavez Center for Higher Education > CESI - Centar za Edukaciju, Savjetovenje i Istrazivenje, Zagreb > CEU students, stuff, > CEVA Drama Repertory Company > Ceylon Bank Employees’ Union > CFS/Hale Ohana Women’s Shelter > Chadwick Residence > CHAMBERS FAMILY FUND > Chances and Changes > Charis Books and More > Charis Circle > Charlotte Battered Women’s Shelter > Chatham Kent Women’s Centre > CHAYA > Chelko Foun- dation > Cherokee Family Violence Center > Chester County Crime Victim Center/Rape Crisis Council > Chez Hope Family Violence Crisis Center > Chicago Abused Women Coalition > Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation > CHICAGO FOUNDATION FOR WOMEN > Chicago Foundation for Women’s Lesbian Leadership Council - Lavender Fund > Chicago Hearing Society Domestic Violence Program (for the deaf n hh) > Chicago Metropolitan Battered Women’s Network > Chicago Rape Victim Advocates > Chicago Women’s AIDS Project > Chicago Women’s Health Center > Chico Women’s Center > Child & Family Services’ Haven House > Child and Family insitute of Sacramento > Child and Family Services > Child Crises Center > Child Inc. > Child Workers in Nepal (CWIN) > ChildFund Sri Lanka > Childline > Children 1st > Children and Families of Iowa the Family Violence Center > Children and Family Center > Children and Family Center of Northwest Missouri > Children of the night > Children-Women in Social Service and Human Rights (CWISH) > Children’s Advocacy Center > Children’s Home Society of Florida > Children’s Inn > Chocolate Church Support Center > Choices > CHOICES for Victims of Domestic Violence > CHP Main Opposite Party > Christchurch Women’s Refuge Centre > Christian Action, Chungking Mansions Service Centre > Christian Action’s Refugee Women Appeal > Christian Applachian Project - Family Life Abuse Center > Christian Provision Ministries > Christian Women’s Job Corps of McLennan County > Christiana Hospital’s Forensic Nurse Examiner Program > Christy Castillo > Chrysalis > Chrysalis Community > Chrysalis Foundation > Chrysalis House > Chrysalis Shelter > CIDEM > CIDFF de L’Aude > Circle of 6 > Circle of Health International > Circle Program > Citizens Against Domestic and Sexual Violence > Citizens Against Domestic Violence > Citizens Against Sexual Assualt (CASA) > Citizens Against Violent Acts > City of Joy Campaign > City of Beverly Hills > City of Culver City > City of > City of Pickering > City of West Hollywood > The City School > Civic Concern Nepal > Clackamas County Women’s Services > CLADEM Peru > Claire House of Lancaster > Clara House > Clarina Howard Nichols Center > Clarion University Allies > Clark University > Claudia Lives On Memorial Scholarship Fund > Clean Slate Coalition > Cleveland Domestic Violence Center > Cleveland Rape Crisis Center > Cleveland Rape Crisis Center Judicial Advocacy Program > Clinton County Womens Center > Clitoraid Inc > Close to Home > Clothesline Project > Clothesline Project of Tampa Bay > Clothesline Project UCLA > Club Les Dames > Coalition against Domestic & Community Violence of Greater Chattanooga, Inc. > Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Inc. Nassau County > Coalition Against Rape and Domestic Violence (CARDV) > Coalition Against Relationship Abuse > Coalition Against Sexual Assault > Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (CATW) > Coalition Against Trafficking In Women and Children(CATW) > Coalition for Sexual Minority Youth > Coalition of Congolese Women Against Sexual Violence in DRC > Coalition of Women Of Tunisia > Coalition on Violence Against Women (Kenya) > Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST) > Coalition to End Family Violence > Coastal Horizons Center, Inc. Rape Crisis Center > Coba Project > Coburn Place > Cocoon Shelter > Code Pink > Coe College Men Against Sexual Assualt > COHI > Colchester and Tendring Womans refuge > Colchester Rape Crisis Line > Colectivo Amigos Contra el Sida > Colectivo Rebeldia > Colegio Bilingüe Los Andes > Colegio Prìncipe de Asturias > Colegio Yulimay PC > Colette’s Children’s Home > Colgate Palmolive > Collaborative Response to Violence Project > Collectif Feministe Contre le Viol (CFCV) > Colectivo P.U.T.A.S. > College of Lake County Women’s Center > Collins Center > Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CCASA) > Columbia/Montour Family Health > Columbus State Community College > Comfort Women - House of Sharing > Comite de Padres Latino > Comlinks > Commerce and Industrial Workers Union (CIWU) > Commission on the Status of Women at KU > Committee for the Abolition of Third World Debt (CADTM) > CommonHealth Clinic > Communication Services for the Deaf > Community Abuse Prevention Services Agency > Community Action > Community Action Crossroads Project > Community Action Program Belknap-Merrimack Counties, Inc > Community Action Program of Lancaster County > Community Against Domestic Violence > Community Against Violence > Community Agency on Drugs and Addiction > Community Alliance Against Family Abuse > Community Anti-Violence Alliance > Community Coalition > Community Crisis Center > Community Foundation of Greater New Haven and The Community Fun for Women and Girls > Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands > Community Midwifery Western Australia > Community Overcoming Relationship Abuse > Community Resource Alliance > Community Resource Alliance Tribal Coalition > Community Resource Center > Community Safety Network > Community Service Programs, Inc. > Community Service Project > Community Solutions > Community Violence Intervention Center (CVIC) > Community Violence Solutions > Community Women’s Resource Center > Community Works > Companeras: Womanshelter > COMPASS (Sexual Assault Education, Prevention and Support) > COMUNIDAD > Concern Nepal > Concourse House > Confidence Clinic > Congo > CONNECT > Connecticut College > Connecticut Sexual Assault Crisis Services > Connections for Abused Women and their Children > Connections: A Safe Place > Conseil des femmes francophones de Belgique asbl > Consejo Empresarial de Prevencion del VIH > Consejo Estatal de la Mujer y Bienestar Social (antes Insti- tuto Mexiquense de la Mujer) > CONTACT > Contact Delaware > Contact Lifeline > Contact of Burlington County > Conway Women’s Shelter > Cook and Relax > Cooperative Restraining Order Clinic > Cooperstown Warriors > Coordinadora Institucional de Promocion de los Derechos de la Ninez > Coordinated Community Reponse Against Domestic Violence > CORE Performance Company > Cornell Scott Hill Health Center > Corner Brook Transition House > Corner Brook Women’s Centre > Cornerstone > Corporacion Anne Frank > Cortland YWCA > Costal Association for Social Transformation Trust (COAST) > Cottage > Cottage of Hope > Counsel on Domes > Courtney’s House > COVA > Covenant House > Cowichan Women Against Violence Society > Cranbrook Womens Resource Centre > CRCL > Creaky Shoal Dance Studio > Creative Dynamics > Creativity Dance Studio > Crecent City Women’s Shelter of New Orleans > Crescent House > CRVENA, Association for Culture and Art Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina > Crib > Crime Vicitim and Sexual Violence Center > Crime Victim Center of Chester County > Crime Victims Assistance Program > Crime Victims’ Center > Crime Victim’s Center of Chester County > Crime Victim’s Council of the Lehigh Valley > Crime Victims Treatment Center > Crime Victim’s Treatment Center of St.Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospital Center > Crime Victims/Rape Crisis Center Of Chester County > Crisis Call Center’s Sexual Assault Support Services > Crisis Center > Crisis Center for Women > Crisis Center North > Crisis Center of Dodge City > Crisis Center of Magic Valley > Crisis Center of Tampa Bay > Crisis Center, Inc. > Crisis Centre > Crisis Committee of the India Society of Worcester > Crisis Intervention Shelter Services > Crisis Line and Safe House > Crisis Line and Safe House of Middle Georgia > Crisis of Buckhannon > Crisis Resource Center of Southeast Kansas, Inc. > Crisis Services Advocate Program > Crisis Services of North Alabama > Crisis Service’s Sexual Assault Response Nurse Examiner (SANE) program > CURACAO > Dakota State University > Dallas Area Rape Crisis Center > Dallas County Sexual Assault Coalition > Dallas Parkland Rape Crisis Center > Dana Farber > Dance 101 > Dance Parade New York > Dandelion Counseling Ceter > Dar teresa spinelli > Dare County Domestic Violence Task Force > Darkness to Light > DARPANA Academy in Ahmedabad > DART > Dasi Hamkke Center > Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. > Daughter’s of Charity: Capuchin Center > Daughters of Eve > David and Margaret Home > DAWN > DAWN- Deaf Abused Women’s Network > Dawn House > Dawn’s Place > Dawson City Women’s Shelter > Dawson Women’s Shelter > Day One > Daybreak Crisis Recovery Center > Daytona Beach Domestic Abuse Council > DC Rape Crisis Center > DC Women’s Rape Crisis Center > De Colores Domestic Violence Shelter > Deaf Abused Women and Children Advocacy Services > Deaf Abused Women’s Network > Deaf Bridge, Inc. > Deaf Domestic Violence Fund > Deaf Domestic Violence Services > Deaf Hope > DEAF Inc. > Deaf Women Advocacy Services > Deaf Women Againist Violence Everywhere > Deaf Women of the OZ > Deana’s Fund > Deborah Evind’s Women’s Leadership Scholarship > Debreceni SZETA Csalaa¡dok Aameneti Otthona > December 6th Fund > Defensa de Mujeres > Defense of Iraqi Women’s Rights > Dekalb Rape Crisis Center > Delvena Women’s Refuge > Democratic Youth Bhutan > DEMUS > Denise House > Desa Dubrovnik > Destiny House > Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. > Didi Bahini > DIF > Dignity.Period! > Dinner for Divas > Diplomado en Atencion Integral del VIH > Direccion General de la Mujer de Atizapan de Zaragoza > Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. > Doctors for Health and Environment > Doctors Without Walls > Dolphin Anti-Rape and AIDS Outreach > Dolphin House > Domestic Abuse & Rape Crisis Center > Domestic Abuse and Rape Crisis Center, Inc. > Domestic Abuse Council > Domestic Abuse Family Shelter,Inc. > Domestic Abuse Intervention Services > Domestic Abuse Intervention Services of Madison > Domestic Abuse Project > Domestic Abuse Project of Delaware County > Domestic and Other Violent Emergencies (DOVE) > Domestic Vilence Victims Assistance Center > Domestic Violance Project of Cantonshelter of greater canton > Domestic Violence Program, United Serivices, Inc. > Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Program of Jefferson County > Domestic Violence Abuse Council > Domestic Violence and Child Advocacy Center (DVCAC) > Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Center of Scotland County > Domestic Violence and Rape Crisis Services of Saratoga County > Domestic Violence and Victim Support > Domestic Violence Association of Central Kansas > Domestic Violence Center of Chester County > Domestic Violence Center of Greater Cleveland > Domestic Violence Center of Howard Co., Inc. > Domestic Violence Center of Rutherford County > Domestic Violence Center of the Santa Clarita Valley > Domestic Violence Clearinghouse and Legal Hotline > Domestic Violence Coalition Summer Internship Scholarship > Domestic Violence Crisis Center > Domestic Violence Hardship Fund > Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. > Domestic Violence Intervention Center of Lebanon County > Domestic Violence Legal Education and Advocacy Program > Domestic Violence Network of Greater Indianapolis > Domestic Violence Program of Murfreesboro > Domestic Violence Program, United Services, Inc. > Domestic Violence Project, Inc. > Domestic Violence Resource Center > Domestic Violence Service Center > Domestic Violence Services Network > Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties > Domestic Violence Services of Fayette County > Domestic Violence Services of Greater New Haven > Domestic Violence Services of Lancaster > Domestic Violence Sexual Assault Program of Jefferson Country WA > Domestic Violence Shelter and Services, Inc. > Domestic Violence Shelter of the Greater New Haven Area > Domestic Violence Shelter of Wilmington > Domestic Violence Shelter YWCA Schenectady > Domestic Violence Solutions > Domestic Violence Support Service > Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Task Force of Gibson County, Inc. > Domestic Workers United > Domine > Dominican University > Dones Progressistes > Donna chiama donna > Door of Hope > Doorways For Women and Families > Dorset Community House > DOUDA, Recerca de Dones > DOVE > DOVE Advocacy Services for Abused Deaf Women and Children > Dove Center > Dove Harbor > DOVE Hawke’s Bay > Downeast Sexual Assault Services > Downtown Eastside Women’s Centre > Downtown Outreach Center and Shelter > Downtown Women’s Action Coalition > Downtown Womens Center > Dr.Roz’s Healing Place > Dragon Jane > DreamCatcher Foundation > Dress for Success Worldwide > Duang Prateep Foundation > Dublin Rape Crisis Centre > Ducotedes Femmes > Duke University Office of Sexual Assault Support Services > Duluth Bethel Women’s Program > Dunn House & SAVS > DUODA, Recerca de Dones > DuPage Family Shelter > Durango SASO > Durebang Shelter > Durham Crisis Response Center > Durham Rape Crisis Centre > Durham Region Intimate-Partner Violence Empowerment Network > Durham Women’s Refuge > DUYAN > DV Helpline > DVA > DVAS > DVC Scholarship Fund > DVIS-Domestic Violence Intervention Services, Inc. > Dwa Fanm > DWAVE > DWDC > Dympna House > Earth Treasure Vase Global Healing Project > East African Sanitary Towel Initiative > East County Family Justice Center > East Fife Women’s Aid > East Kent Rape Crisis Line > East Kilbride Women’s Aid > East L.A. Women’s Center > East Lancs Advocacy > East Women Center > East Lothian Women’s Aid > East Surrey Domestic Abuse Service > Eastside Domestic Violence Program > Eaves Housing > ECAM Bolivia > ECPAT Taiwan > Edinburgh Women’s Rape And Sexual Abuse Centre (EWRASAC) > Educational Training Centre for Poor Women and Girls of Afghanistan (ECW) > Ek Sangarsh > Ekal Nari Shakti sangathana > Ekta Madurai > El Centro Humanitario > El Periodico > El Refugio > El Rio - Entre Familia Program > Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario > Elgin Crisis Center > Elise Martin Crosby Scholarship Fund > Eliza Shirley House > Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art at the Brooklyn Museum > Elizabeth Buffam Chace House > Elizabeth Freeman Center > Elizabeth Fry Hostel > Elizabeth Fry Society > Elizabeth Fry Society of Ottawa > Elizabeth Fry Society-Moncton > Elizabeth Fry Toronto > Elizabeth Hoffman House > Elizabeth House > Elizabeth Stone House > Elizabeth Trust > Elkhart County Women’s Shelter > Elkhart Women’s Assisstance > ELLA Group > ELLE Belgique > Ellen Hines Smith Girls’ Home > ELLEN OSLER HOME > Elman Peace and Human Rights Centre > Elsie Martin Crosby Scholarship Fund > Emakumen Internazionalistak > Embrace International > Embry Riddle Aeronautical University > Emcure Pharmaceticals Ltd. > Emerge Global > Emerge! Center Against Domestic Abuse > Emergency Home, Association for the Promotion of the the Status of Women > Emilie Andersen > Emily’sPlace > Eminent Lawyer > Emma Center > Emma Goldman Clinic > Emma Norton Services > Emmaus House > EMPOWER > Empower Dalit Women of Nepal > EMPOWER PEOPLE > Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. > Empowered Living Inc. > Empowerment Program > Empowerment Works > END Violence Center > Ending Youth Dating program (CRA) > Engender > Enkishon Nataana > Enlace Comunitario > Enter > EPIC Crisis Nursery > Equal Access > Equality for Peace and Democracy (EPD) > Equal Justice Foundation > Equality Now > Equay Wiigamig > Equinox Inc > Equipo Feminista de Comunicacion > Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh > Equity Center > Ernestine’s Women’s Shelter > Escuela Cubana de Baile > Escuela de Formacion de Profesores de Ensenanza Media > Eskalera karakola > Espace Simone de Beauvoir > Esperanza Shelter > Essex County Rape Care Center > Esther House > Estima-T > ESZTER Foundation and Center > ETC Girls LEAD Program > Ethra Accademia Sociale Onlus > European Commission > European Women’s Lobby > Eva Women’s Aid > Evanston Shelter for Battered Women and their Children (YWCA Evanston) > EVE for Life > Eve, Inc. > Eve, Incorporated > Evelyn’s House > Every Woman’s Center > Every Woman’s Place > Every Women’s House > Everyone’s Issue > EVE’s Fund, Inc. > Eve’s Place > Exchange Club of Memphis > Exeter Women’s Aid > Extension Liberty > Fabric of Life > Faculty of Medicine Global Health Interest Group > Fairbanks Counseling and Adoption > Faith House > Faith Trust Institute > Families and Communities Empowered for Safety > Familiy Resources > Family Abuse Center > Family Abuse Center, Waco, TX > Family Abuse Shelter of Miami County, Inc. > Family and Child Treatment > Family and Children Services of Central Maryland > Family and Children’s Services > Family and Children’s Services of Carroll County > Family and Individual Resousce FAIR Society > Family Counseling Center’s Domestic Violence Program of Fulton County > Family Counseling Service of the Finger Lakes > Family Crises Counsel of Rowan County > Family Crisis Center > Family Crisis Center of Baltimore County > Family Crisis Center of Northwest Mississippi > Family Crisis Center of Prince George’s County > Family Crisis Intervention Center > Family Crisis Resource Center, Inc. > Family Crisis Service > Family Crisis Services of Northwest Mississippi, Inc. > Family Crisis Shelter of Montgomery County, Indiana > Family Life Center > Family Matters of Greater Washington > Family Place > Family Planning Association of Maine > Family Planning Clinic > Family Planning of Plymouth > Family Rescue, Inc. > Family Resource Center > Family Resources > Family Service Agency Rape Crisis Center > Family Service League > Family Service NY > Family Service Society, Inc. > Family Services a la Famille Ottawa > Family Services Alliance > Family Services Alliance in Pocatello > Family Services Battered Women’s Shelter > Family Services Center of Tulare County > Family Services Inc. > Family Services Inc. of Forsyth County > Family Services of Blair County - Domestic Abuse Project > Family Services of Tulare Country Rape Crisis Services > Family Services of Winston Salem > Family Services, Inc. > Family Support Center of Southwestern Utah > Family Tree > Family Tree Drop-In Centre > Family Unity: local shelter for battered women in Charlotte, NC > Family Values At Work Consortium > Family Violence & Rape Crisis Services > Family Violence Center > Family Violence Center YWCA > Family Violence Center, Inc > Family Violence Prevention Center of Greene County > Family Violence Prevention Center of Orange County > Family Violence Prevention Services > Family Violence Program of Pitt County > Family Violence Project > Family Violence Rape Crisis of Chatham County, NC > Family of Woodstock - Domestic Violence Center > Farmworker Justice > FASH GT > Father Figures > Fatigues Clothesline > Fatima Foundation > Fauquier Family Shelter: Domestic Abuse Branch > Faye Peterson Transition House > Fayetteville Rape Crisis Center > Feder- ation for Nepalese Indigenous Women (NIWF) > FEDO > FEGS > Feldkirchen > Female Prisoner Welfare Project-HIBISCUS Jamaica Ltd > > FemiNis - Festival Zenskog Aktivizma i Umetnosti, Nis, Serbia > Feminist Collective > Feminist Dalit Organization (FEDO) > Feminist Health Center > Feminist Magazine Radio > Feminist Women’s Health Center (Trauma Survivor Services) > > Feministische Partei - DIE FRAUEN > FeministsSA > Femmes Agressiones Sexuellement > Femmes Contre les Integrismes > Femmes Debout > FEMMES EN DETRESSE a.s.b.l. > Femmes Solidaires > Femmes Sourdes Citoyennes et Solidaires > Femmophobie > Fenestra > Fenway Community Health > Fernie Women’s Resource Centre > FFAUMC > Fierce Woman Found Ministries > Fife Rape and Sexual Assualt Centre > Fight the Silence > Filia die Frauenstiftung > Filipino American Human Services, Inc. > Finex House > Finnish Mission > First BH. Multimedia Center for Women and Girls > First Step > Fistula Foundation > FIU Victim Advocacy Center > FIU Women’s Studies Center > FLOR > Flora Tristan > Florida Resource Center for Women and Children, Inc. > Florida State University Women’s Center > Fondacija CURE - CURE Foundation Sarajevo > Fondation Scorpion > Fondazione pime onlus > Fonderie 47 > Foothills Alliance Crisis Center > For All Seasons, Inc. > For the Girlz > Forensic Nurse Examiner Program > Forks Abuse Program > Fort Kent Battered Woman’s Project > Fort Saskatchewan Families First Society > Fort St. John Women’s Resource Society > Fort Wayne Sexual Assualt Treatment Center > Fort Worth Women’s Center > Fortin de las Flores > Fortress Outreach Women’s Center > Forum for Empowerment of Women > Forum Mitra Kasih > Forward UK > Foundation CURE > Foundation for Reading Area Community College’s Edward S. Daniels Memorial Scholarship Fund > Foyer du Jarlot CHRS Morlaix > FPAN > France-Algerie > Francis Perkins House > Franklin County Family Resources Center > Franklin County Women’s Shelter > Franklin Family Planning > Frauenberatungsstelle Belladonna Klagenfurt > Frauenhaus Bern > Frauenhaus Bremen > Frauenhauser des Frankfurter Vereins > Frauenhauser Wien > Frauenhilfe Frankfurt e.V. > Frauennotruf Idar-Oberstein > Frauennotruf Muenchen > Frauennotruf Nürnberg > Frauennotruf Trier > Frauenzentrum Towanda > Fred Victor Centre Women’s Hostel > Fredericksburg Hope House > Fredericton Grace House > Fredericton Sexual Assault Crisis Centre > Free Battered Women > Freedom From Fistula Foundation-Kenya > Freedom House > Freedom House Detroit > Freedom House San Francisco > The French American Center of Montpellier, France > Fresh Start of Indiana > Friendly Haven > Friends of Battered Women and Their Children > Friends Of Courage United Survivors > Friends of Guardian Ad Litem > Friends of Maiti Nepal > Friends of Mel’s Foundation > Friends of the Congo > Friends of the Fairfax County Victim’s Assitance Network > Friends of the Monmouth County Child Advocacy Center, Inc > Friends of the Women’s Center > Friends of Yates Center > Friendship Home of Lincoln > Friendship of Women, Inc. > FSCS > FSJ Women’s Resource Society > FSJPRG > FSU Women’s Center > Full Circle Living > Fundacion Baila Corazon > Fundacion Guillermo Toriello > Fundacion Isis > Fundacion Iturbide > Fundacion Kinal > Fundacion Manos Entrelazadas > Fundacion Mujer Sola > Fundacion para Estudio e Investigacion de la Mujer > Fundacion Reflejos > Fundacion Sobrevivientes Guatemala > Fundacion Universitaria Iberoamericana > Fundacja Feminoteka > Futures Without Violence > F-Word > FWLD - Forum for Women, Law and Development > FWSU > G.E.M.S. > G.I.R.L.S. Power Camp > Gabay Kalinga WestBay Pilipino Multiservice Center > Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. > GABRIELA Network > GABRIELA USA > GaDuGi SafeCenter/RVSS > Gahaya Links > Galaei > Galillee Centre > Gallatin HomeSafe > Galloway School > Galway Rape Crisis Centre > GAMCOTRAP > GAMS > Garance > Garden of Hope > Garden of Hope Fundation > Garston Domestic Violence Project > Gary Commission for Women/Rainbow Shelter > Gateway Association For Community Living > Gateway Battered Women’s Services > Gateway House > Gateway Recovery Programme > Gateway YWCA Women’s Resource Center Clinton, IA > G-CAPP > GCC Women’s Resource Center > GEEZ Louise! > Gender Development Council > Gender Dialogues of IHEID > Gender Equity Resource Center > Gender Institute at the GUAHAN Project > Gender Links > Gender Violence Recovery Centre - Nairobi Women’s Hospital > General Federation of Nepalese Trade Unions (GEFONT) > Generation FIVE > Genesee County YWCA > Genesis Charity > Genesis House > Gene- sis of the YWCA, Richmond, IN > Genesis Women’s Shelter > Genieve Shelter > GeoGebra Institute of Kerala > George Brown’s Women and Trans Centre > George Mason University Victims of Violence Fund > Georges Malaika Foundation > Georgetown Equal justice Foundation > Georgia Coalition Against Domestic Violence > Georgia Network To End Sexual Assault > Georgia Perimeter Colleges > Georgie State University Dance Ensemble > Georgie Tech > Georgia WAND > Georgia Women for a Change > Germaine Lawrence, Inc > Get Your Dance On > GEW Kreisverband Nürnberg > Ghana Police Service - Domestic Violence and Victim Support Unit > GIFT > Gignoo Transition House > Gilead Therapeutics > Girl Be Heard (aka Project Girl Performance Collective) > Girl Child Network > Girl Fest > Girl Scouts Beyond Bars Oklahoma > Girl, Inc of San Antonio > Girl Up > Girl Up Woodward Academy > > GirlForward > Girls Artful Transformation Program > Girls for Gender Equity > Girls Inc Worcester > Girls Inc, Tulsa > Girls Inc. of the Northern Sacramento Valley > Girls Inc. of the NSV > Girls Incorporated of New York City > Girls Incorporated of the Greater Capital Region > Girls Kick It > Girl’s LEAP > Girls on the Run > Girls Shift Africa > Girls Way > Girls Write Now > Girls, Inc of Santa Fe > Girls. Inc > Gisborne Women’s Refuge Centre > GLAD Domestic Violence Services > Glasgow North West Women’s Centre > Glasgow Women’s Aid > Global Arts and Development Centre > Global Arts and Development Centre - Ghana > Global Classroom > GLOBAL FUND FOR WOMEN > Global Gandhi Forum > Global Green USA > Global Solutions > Global Youth Network > Gloucestershire Domestic Violence Support and Advocacy Project > GMHC (Womans Program) > GOAP Centro Antiviolenza > Goethe Institute > Golden Girls > Golden House > Golden House Family Violence Center > Golden Women’s Resource Center > Good Samaritan Training Center for Street Girls > Good Shepherd Center > Goodhue Wabasha Sexual Assault Services > GORD - Gradjanska Organizacija Razvoja Dalj , Croatia > Grace Cathedral > Grace Smith House > Graciela Solis > Gracious Homes INC. > Grady Rape Crisis Center > Grahamstown Safe House > GrassROOTS Community Foundation > Gratiot County Women’s Aid Services > Grayson County Womens’ Crisis Center > Great Lakes Ob/Gyn Associates > Greater Domestic London Violence Project > Greater Kansas City Industrial Workers of the World GMB > Greater L.A. YWCA-Sexual Assault Crisis Services > Greater Lafayette YWCA Domestic Violence Intervention & Prevention Program > Greater London Domestic Violence Project > Greater New Bedford Women’s Center > Green Dot Program > Green Haven Shelter for Women > Green Pastures Church > Green Rural Development Organisation (GRDO) > Greenhouse Shelter > Greenville Rape Crisis and Child Abuse Center > Greenwich House > Greenwich Womens Aid > Gretta Foundation > Groupe D’Intervention en Violence Conjugale chez les Lesbiennes > Grune Jugend > Grupo De Mejora Continua > Grupo Guatemalteco de Mujeres > Guadalupe Valley Family Violence Shelter, Inc. > Guardian Angel Community Services Sexual Assault Service Center > Guardian Family Services > Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis > Guided To Safety > Guilford Women and Family Life Center > Gulf Coast Women’s Center for Nonviolence > Guma Esperansa Women’s Shelter > GVSU Women’s Center > GWSAS, Inc. > Gyeongnam Migrant Women’s Shelter > Gyeongnam Multicultural family Support Center > Gynecologie Sans Frontieres > H.O.P.E. Works > H.U.G.S Sharon > Habitat for Humanity University of Montevallo Chapter > Hafan Cymru > HAFB L’Espace Solidarite > Hagar’s House for Women & Children > Haitian American Art Network, Inc. > Haitian Women for Haitian Refugees > Hakli Kadin Platformu > Haldimand and Norfolk Womens Services > Hale Advisors > Hale Ohana Domestic Abuse Shelter > Hall House > Halo of Hope Foundation > Halton Women’s Place > HAM > Hamilton Rape and Sexual Abuse Healing Centre > Hamlin Fistula Hospital > Hands > Hands of Hope > Hands Off Women > HANOVER SAFE PLACE > Harbor COV > Harbor House > Harbor House Domestic Abuse Programs, Inc. > Harbor House of Central Florida > HarborCov > Hardy Girls Healthy Women > Harmony House > Harriet Tubman Center > Hartford Interval House > HARV > Harvey County Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Task Force > THE HATER > Hattie Lee Burgess home > Hauser Frauen & Kinder > Have Justice Will Travel > HAVEN > Haven Community Victim Services > Haven Family House > Haven Hills > Haven House, Inc. > Haven of Tioga County > Haven Society for Women and Children, Nanaimo BC > Haven Women’s Center > Hawa House Trust Foundation > HAWC (Help for Abused Women & Their Children) > Hazard Area LKLP Safe House > Head and Hands > Healing Center > Healing Roots Center > Healing Tree > Health in Action > Healthy Families of Clallam County > Healthy Living Choices > Heartland Family Services > Heartly House > Hearts of Hope - Sexual Abuse Response Center > Helen Bamber Foundation > Helena Ptochia Foundation > Hellen Adengo > Hello Little World Skypers > Help in Crisis > HELP of Door County, Inc > Helping Services of Northeast Iowa > Helpmate > Hepburn Women’s Health Working Groups - SWISH and SWAT > Her Zimbabwe > HERA (Her Equality, Rights, and Autonomy) > Herizon house > HerShe Group Foundation, Inc. > Herstory Survivors of Abuse Scholarship > Herzwerk > Hestia Housing & Support > Hestia Kingston Women’s Aid > Hiatus House > Hiding Place > Highland Park Community > Hillingdon Women’s Centre > Hilltop’s Latimer House > HIM Rights > HiPS > Hoboken Shelter > Hogan Lovells International Law Firm > Holding Our Own > Hollaback > Hollaback Berlin > Hollaback Czech > Hollywood NOW > Holy Family Memorial Sexual Assault Resource Center > Home Alive > Home for Little Wanderers > Home Free > HomeSafe of Sumner County > HomeSafe Santa Clara and San Jose > Home-Start Elmbridge > Hometruths > Homeward Bound Inc. > HOMO Pula, Croatia > Hong Kong Association for the Survivors of Women Abuse (Kwan Fook) > The Hoopla > Hope & Healing Fund > HOPE (Helping Ourselves Prevent Emergencies) > Hope Alliance > Hope Center > HOPE Center of Rice County, Minnesota > Hope Family Services > Hope for Destitute Women and Children > Hope Harbor > Hope Haven > Hope Haven of the Low Country > Hope House of Milwaukee > Hope House of South Central Wisconsin > HOPE inc. > HOPE of East Central Illinois > HOPE of Ogle County > Hope’s Door > Hope’s Door NY > Hope’s Door Women’s Shelter > Hopi Domestic Violence Prevention Program > Hospitality House > Hostel Maftehot > Hotline Crisis Intervention and Prevention > House of Hope > House Of Peace > House of Ruth > House of Ruth Maryland > House of Ruth Pomona > House of Sharing > Area Women’s Center > Houston Rescue and Restore Coalition > Howard County Domestic Violence Center > Howe Sound Women’s Center > HRCD > HTAP - Human Trafficking Awareness Partnerships > Help For Women > Hubbard House > Hudson County Rape Crisis Center > HUGS Chapter of Rockford > Hull Rape Crisis Centre > Hull Women’s Aid > Human Options > Human Resources Development Council Region IV Domestic Violence Program > Human Response Network > Human Rights Campaign (HRC) > Human Rights, Social Awareness and Development Centre (HUSADEC) > Humanity in Motion > Humboldt Domestic Violence Services > Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. > Huntsville Community Free Clinic > Huronia Transition Homes > I Came To Believe > ICW Latina > i-Empathize > Igazi Foundation > Iglesia Luterana > Ikalakely Kiady > Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault (ICASA) > Illinois Gender Advocates > Imagina > Imani Clinic > Immigrant Rights Advocacy Center, Inc. > Immigrant Women Services Ottawa > IMPACT Personal Safety, University of Redlands chapter > IMSE Kolkata > In Search for Sanuk > In Support of Incest Survivors (ISIS) > INAMU > Incest Survivors Association > INCIDIN Bangladesh > India Chapter of the International Association of Women in Radio and Television (IAWRT), > Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. > Indiana Deaf Unity Against Domestic Violence > India Friends Association - Young Professionals > Indiana Knitwear Corporation > Indiana Transgender Rights Advocacy Alliance (INTRAA) > Inez Kenny Gaylord Passageway Shelter > Infoteka Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina > Informal Sector Service Center (INSEC) > Inherhands > Inhured International > Inicijativa Za Zenski Sud Za Bivsu Jugoslaviju > Initiative Against Sexual Trafficking > Inner Mission Productions > Innocence Atlanta > Inspire Group of Institutions > Insituto de Genero, Derecho y Desarrollo > Institute for Environment and Development (IED) > Institute for Motivating Self-Employment > Institute for Safe Families > Institute of Human Rights Communication Nepal (IHRICON) > Instituto de la Mujer Mexiquense I. A. P. > Instituto Ecuatoriano de Investigaciones y Capacitacion de la Mujer (Iecaim) > Instituto Guatemalteco Americano > Instituto Mexiquense de la Mujer > Instituto Superior de Educación Abierta > Intecap > Integrated Community Development Association > InterAct of Wake County > Interdisciplinary Genocide Studies Center in Kigali, Rwanda > Interface Children Family Services > Interim House > Interior Alaska Center for Non-Violent Living > Interkulturelles Frauenhaus > Interlake Women’s Resource Centre > International Garden for Women > International Institute of Buffalo > International Justice Mission > International Labour Organization (ILO) Sri Lanka > International Medical Corps > International Movement against All Forms of Discrimination (IMADR) > International Organization for Women and Development (Fight against Fistulas) > International Peace Initiatives > International Rescue Committee > International Rescue Committee - Arizona > International Women’s Peace Services > International- er Frauengarten Trier > INTERSECT Worldwide > InterSex Society of North America > Interval House Connecticut > Intervension Center for Assault and Abuse > Intervita Onlus > Inverness Violence Cessation Operation (INVCO) > IOM-Istanbul > Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence > Iowa medical Aid Fund > Ipas - Ghana > Ipswich Womens Aid > Iraq Veterans Against the War > IRDWSI > Iris Kirby House > Ishonch Center > Island Girl Power > Island Girls Live Their Dreams Free Day Camp > Island Women’s Refuge > Islands Women Society > Isle of Wight Women’s Refuge > ISODEC > ISU Project Hope > Ithaca Advocacy Center > Ittehad-e-Zamindaran-o-Kasht Karan’s Pukhtoon KHWA > It’s Time North Carolina > JAAGO Foundation > Jackie’s Place > Jacobs University > Jadden’s Ladder > Jagaran Nepal > Jagori Rameen > Jagori Rural Charitable Trust > Jamestown Salvation Army > Jan Evans Fund > Jana Hitaishi > Jane Doe Inc., the Massachusetts Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence > Janet C. Andersen Gender Resource Center > Jatiyo Rabindra Sangeet Sammelan Parishad > Jatiyo Somajtantrik Dal (JSD) > Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center > Jeanne Geiger Crisis Center of Newburyport > Jeannette Rankin Peace Center > Jeans 4 Justice > Jefferson County Transitional Services for Women, Inc. > Jefferson Medical College > Jentevakta > Jer’s Vision > JERSEY BATTERED WOMEN’S SERVICE (JBWS) > Jerusalem Rape Crisis Center > Jewish Care > Jewish Family Services > Jewish Women’s Aid > JFCS Domestic Violence Program > Jimmy Ryce Center > Jinju Women’s Shelter > JMU 1 in 4 > Jobs With Justice > John P. Craine House > Johnson & Wales > Johnson County Community College > Joint Secondary Schools’ Drama Club > Joplin Lafayette House > Joshua Resource Center > Joyful Heart Foundation > Joyful Heart Foundation > Jubilee House > Julian Center > Julian Center of Indianapolis > Julie Valentine Center > Julliette’s Place > JUMP Forum > Junior League of Atlanta > Just A Start House- Teen Living Program > Justice For Domestic Workers > Justice Organism > Justice Works > JWAU (Jeonbuk Wom- en’s Association United) > Kaamdhenu > Kababayen-an Buhata (KABUH) > KABALIKAT DOMESTIC WORKERS SUPPORT NETWORK > KAFA > KA.DER > Kadikoy Women Assembly > Kadin Partisi Girisimi > Kagisano Society’s Women’s Shelter Project > Kairos > Kaity’s Way > Kalamazoo YWCA > Kamloops Citizens for Respectful Relations > Kamloops DISH Society > Kamloops Womens Resource Group Society > Kapaeeng Foundation > Karen Burmese Refugee Support Project > Karen House > Kari’s Candle of Hope > karma krew > Kateri House > Katie Brown Educational Program > Katswe Sistahood > Kauai YWCA Sex Assault Treatment Program > Kaushee’s Place > Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre > Kazugaruma no kai > KC Casa > KCAVP > KCSARC > Kean University > Keepsakes Gallery > Keepsakes Gallery > Kelowna Women’s Resource Centre > Kennesaw State University > Kennesaw State University Task Force on Interpersonal Violence > Kent Centre for the Prevention of Family Violence > Kentucky Domestic Violence Association > Kentucky Mountain Healthcare Alliance > Kentucky River Children’s Advocacy Center > Kentucky Women’s Place > Kerry Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre > KGS Sirajgonj > Kilusang Mayo Uno > Kinergy > King County Sexual Assault Resource Center > Kingston Interval House > Kingston Women’s Refuge > KIRDARC Nepal > Kitchener-Waterloo Sexual Assault Support Center > Kitsap County ALIVE Program > Klamath Crisis Center > Kol Isha > Kolkata Rista > KOLO Sumejja > Korea Women’s Hotline > Korean American Family Service Center > Korean American Women in Need > Kormojibi Nari > Kosovo Women’s Network > KRCC Rape Crisis Center > Krisesenteret Trondheim > Kristi House’s CSEC Project > Kristin Mitchell Fund > KRITI > Krizen Centar Nadez (Crize Center Hope) > K-State Women’s Center > Kudirat Initiative for Democracy > Kulturverein rote Bühne e.V. > KUMFA (Korean Unwed Mothers and Families Association) > KVC Behavioral Healthcare > Kvinnojouren Jamtland > Kwantlen Polytechnic University > KZN Network on Violence against Women > L.E.A.D. Institute > L.U.N.A > La Casa > La Casa de las Madres > La Casita > La Colonia Domestic Violence Prevention Program > LA Commission on Assaults Against Women > LA COMUNIDAD > LA County Violence Intervention Program > LA CROISEE > La Esperanza > LA Gay and Lesbian Center STOP DV program > La Maison Rosewood Shelter > La Maison Rue Vert > La Mestiza de Colectiva Feminista de Izquierda > La Mujer Obrera > La Rosa Family Services > La Strada > La Table > La Table de Concertation des Groupes de Femmes du Bas-Saint-Laurent > La VIDA > LAANE (Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy) > LAAW Legal Advocates for Abused Women > Labor of Love > Labour Education Foundation (LEF) > L’abri Cotier > LACAAW > Laconia Family Planning > Ladies Who Dare! > Lady of Fatima Therapeutic Foundation Clinic > Lafayette House > Lafayette YWCA’s Domestic Violence Intervention and Prevention Program > Lake County Council AGainst Sexual Assault (LaCASA) > Lanarkshire Rape Crisis Centre > Lancashire Sexual Assault Forensic Examination (SAFE) Centre > Lancaster & District Women’s Aid > Lancaster District Women’s Aid > LaRed > Las Vegas Rape Crisis Center > Las Warmis > Latermir House > Latif Bawany Jute Mills Workers Union > Latin Parent > Latina Resource Center > Latinitas > Laura’s Home > Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. > Laurel Center > Laurel House > Law and Society Trust (LST) > LAWA- Latin American Women’s Aid > Lawrence County Crisis Shelter > LBT Initiative Group “Labrys” > LDWA > Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. > LEAD Institute > League of Philippine Women > Leanne Knot Violence Against Women Prevention Project > Learning Group > Lebanon Sexual Assault and Resource Center > Leeds Grenville Interval House > Leeds Women’s Aid > Leeway > Leeway, Norwich womens aid > Lefoe > Legacy House > Legal Aid Consultancy Center > Legal Aid Society of Middle Tennessee > Legalcity > Legalize Dance NYC > Lehigh Valley Work Release Center > Lelavision Physical Music Theater Company > Lennoxville Women’s Centre > Les EssentiElles > Lesbiana Mhol > L’Escale de L’Estrie > Leslie House Women’s Shelter > Letcher County C.A.R.E.S. > Letcher County Sheriff’s Office Victim Advocate Program > LetSBsafe2 > Lewisham Refuge > Lexington Women’s Shelter > LGBT Community Center > LGBT Youth Scotland > Liberty House of Albany > Liberty Resources-Victims of Violence > Libra House > License to Freedom > Lichtblick - Frauen for Frauen - Feldkirchen > Life Crisis Center and Safe House > Life Haven > Life Services & Wellness > LIFEHouse > LifeLine > LIFS Peru > LIGALY Anti-Violence Project > Lighthouse > Likhaan > Lila Pilipina > Lima Samaritan House > Limerick Rape Crisis Centre > LINC > Lincoln Womens Aid > Linda and Rudy Slucker NCJW Center for Women > Linda’s Voice > Lindsey Ann Burke Memorial Fund > Lira Women’s Peace Initiative > Lismore & District Women’s Health Centre > Listening Ear > Literacy Council of Wake County > Lives in Transition > LKLP Safe House Domestic Violence Fund > Lliw Valley Womens Aid > llumination Project > Lodge > Lodi Women’s Center > Looking Out Foundation > L’ombrelle > London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA) > London School of Economics > Lok Sanjh > Long Term Inmates Now in the Community (LINC) > Longwood University Rape Crisis Center > Looking for My Sister, Inc. > Lorain County Rape Crisis Center > Los Angeles Community Action Network (LA CAN) > Los Angeles Valley College > Lotus Project > Louisiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence > Louisiana Foundation Against Sexual Assault > Louisville Women and Families > Lower Eastside Girls Club > Lubbock Hope & Healing Fund > Lubbock Rape Crisis Center > Luke’s Place > LULAC Chapter 12117 > Lummi Victims of Crime > LUSU Domestic Violence Fund > Lutheran Community Services > Lutheran Settlement House > luton womens aid > LVC’s Women’s Services and Gender Resources Center > Lydia’s House > Lynchburg YWCA > Lynn University Bystander Intervention Program > Lynn Women’s Empowerment Center > Lyon-Martin Health Services > M Health Alliance > Maati > Mabel Wadsworth Women’s Health Center > Macclesfield Womens’ Aid > Macon Rescue Mission > Macon Salvation Army Safe House > Madchennotdienst > M.A.D.E. > Madeline’s House > Madison County Community Free Clinic > Madra- Och Skyddshemmet i Vasa > MADRE > Madre Tierra > Maedchenmannschaft > Magdalene House of Charleston > MAGDALENIUM > Maggie’s > Mahila Mitra Samuha > Maidah: Atlanta Food Consortium > Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence > Maison Communautaire Missinak > Maison de Therapie Pour Femmes Le Portail > Maiti Nepal > Maldives NGO Federation > Malvaluna > Mama Cash > MaMaSyu Fund > Man For Peace > Manadnock Center for Violence Prevention > Manavi > Manchester Rape Crisis > Mansfield & Ashfield Women’s Aid Refuge > Manuela Ramos > Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. > Manushi > Maple Women’s Psychological Counseling Center > Maranda’s House > Maries Stopes International - Ghana > Marin Abused Women Services > Mariposa Women’s Center > Marjaree Mason Center > Marquette Women’s Center > Marta’s House/Klamath Crisis Center and OIT Womens Resource Center > Martha’s Home > Mary Faith SafeHouse > Mary Hall Freedom House > Mary J. Blige Center for Women > Mary Manning Center - Society for Child Abuse Prevention and Counselling > Mary Ruth Girl’s Safehouse > Maryland Network Against Domestic Violence > Mary’s House > Maryville Family & Children’s Center > Maskara Youth Theatre Guild > Mason Victims of Violence Fund > MassArt’s Feminist Majority > MASUM > Maternity Care Coalition > Maumee Courts Domestic Violence Crisis Task Force > Mayader > Mazdoor Mahaz-e-Amal > Mazzoni Center > MCC Student Success Emergency Fund > Mecklenburg County Battered Women’s Shelter > Medchennotdienst > Medecins Sans Frontieres > Media Advocacy Forum > Media For Justice > Medial Clinic of Domestic Violence Services of Lancaster County > Medica Tirana > Medica Zenica > Medicos del Mundo & Hetaira > Medina Summit County Rape Crisis Center > The Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies (MIGS) > Megan Project > Memphis Center for Reproductive Health > Memphis Sexual Assult Resource Center > Men Against vio- lence against Women > Men Can Stop Rape > MenEngage > MenEngage SouthAsia > Men for Peace > Men Stopping Violence > Men’s Initiative at Women’s Center of RI > The Men’s Story Project > Mente Sana > Mercy Home > Meriden-Wallingford Chrysalis > Merryman House Domestic Crisis Center > MESA > MESA (moving to end sexual assault) > Messenger Band > Methodist Children’s Home of Americus > METRAC > Metro Teen Aids > Metropolitan Action Committee on Violence Against Women and Children (METRAC) > Metropol- itan Center For Women and Children > Metropolitan Center for Women and Children > Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault (MOCSA) > Metropolitan Women and Children’s Program Inc. > MFPF Planning Familial Montpellier/Herault > Michigan Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence > Michigan State University > Midcoast Sexual Assault Crisis Team > Midcoast Family Services > Middle Way House > Middlesex County Public Health Department - Rape Crisis Prevention Center > Mid-Iowa SART at Polk County Crises and Advocacy > MidShore Council on Family Violence > Mid-Valley Women’s Crisis Center > Migrant Artists Mutual Aid > Migrante International > MIKALA FOUNDATION > Milagro House > Miles Foundation > MILLION WOMEN RISE > Milwaukee Women’s Center > Ministerio de Educacion de Guatemala > Ministry of Child Development and Women’s Empowerment (MCDWE) > Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault > Minnesota Indian Women’s Sexual Assault Coalition > Minnkota Health Project > Minot Domestic Vi- olence Crisis Center > Mirest Nepal > Miriam’s House > Mirovna Grupa Oaza, Beli Manastir > MISSION COMPASSION > Mississippi Coalition Against Domestic Violence-Hurricane Katrina Fund > Missy Magazine > Mitchell County Safe Place > Mizpah Transition House > Moat Housing > MOCSA > Modern Organization for Education Development (MODE) > Mohawk Valley YWCA > Moira Grace Shelter > Molinos Modernos de Guatemala > Molly Hays Glander Response Line > Molo Songololo Australian Support Group > Monadnock Center for Violence Prevention20 > Monadnok Center for Violence Prevention > Monongalia County Rape and Domestic Violence Information Center > Monsoon Letters > Montana Women Vote > Montego Bay Community Home For Girls “Melody House” > Monterey County Rape Crisis Center > Montgomery County Women’s Center > Montreal Assault Prevention Centre > Moray Women’s Aid > Morgantown Rape and Domestic Violence Information Center > Morgantown RDVIC > Morris County Sexual Assault Center > moruya 21 women refuge > Mo- saic Family Services, Inc. > MOSAIC: Training, Service & Healing Centre for Women > Moss House > MOST Shelter for Homeless Women > MotherKind > Mothers and Daughters of Lanka > Mothers for Justice > Mothers2Mothers > The Movie and Television Review and Classification Board (MTRCB) > Mount Pleasant Home > Mount Sinai’s Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention Program > Mountain Crisis Services > Mountain Home > Mountain Women’s Resource Center > Movement for National Land and Agricultural Reform (MONLAR) > Movimiento Dignidad > Moving to End Sexual Assault (MESA) > Mreza Zene Protiv Nasilja Srbija/ Women Against Violence Network Serbia > MS Coalition Against Domestic Violence > MSU Safe Place > MSU Sexual Assault Program > MSU VOICE Center > Mt. Pleasant Women’s Aid Shelter > MTV > Mudgin-Gal Aboriginal Corporation Women’s Centre > Mujer Palabra > Mujeres en Consenso > Mujeres Iniciando en las Americas > Mujeres Latinas en Accion > Mujeres Luchadoras Progresistas > Mujeres Por La Democracia > Mujeres Unidas / Women Together > MUNA Legal Clinic > Murray State University’s Women’s Center > Musas Peru > Muse for Life > Muskoka Interval House > Muttahida Labour Federation Pakistan (MLFP) > Mutual Groound > Mwangaza Action > My Aunt’s House > My Friend’s House > My House > My Life My Choice Project > My Sister’s House > My Sisters Place > My Sister’s Place, DC > My Sister’s Voice > Myrtle Beach Womens Rape Crisis Center > N.C. Coalition Against Domestic Violence > N.O.U.S > Naagarik Awaz > NACASA (Northern Arizona Center Against Sexual Assault) > Nagarik Aawaj (NA) > Nanaimo Women’s Resources Society > Nandita Das > NaNE Women’s Rights Association > NAPAWF Bay Area > Napier Women’s Refuge > NAPM > Nari O Manabdhikar Foundation > Nari Sangbadik Kendra > Narika > Naripokkho > Naropa Community Arts Center > Nashua Pastoral Care Center > Nassau County Coalition Against Domestic Violence > National Alliance for Human Rights and Social Justice > National Arts Council > National Association of Women’s Organisa- I left New York City’s Washington Square Park yesterday Covering the Story: What the Media Said after a One Billion Rising flash mob event with the oddest sense of female empowerment. Why odd? Well, mostly because I’m a man. Nonetheless, I found the spectacle and high-energy performance of nearly 300 women dancing to the strains of Tena 577,714,090 Clark’s Break the Chain tremendously inspiring. In The News Social Media twitter impressions OVER 48 HOURS The campaign was covered by media in all corners On 14 February, 2013 – One Billion Rising trended on CNN.COM of world from The New York Times to The Times of TWITTER in seven countries: the Philippines, India, iReport India; from Somali television to the BBC World South Africa, United Kingdom, Mexico, Peru, and Service; from regional papers in Nebraska to National four times in the United States. In nearly 200 countries around the world, people Public Radio; from The Christian Science Monitor to One Billion Rising received 577,714,090 impressions took to the streets Thursday with a carnival spirit as The Guardian live blog covering the day’s events. on Twitter alone over 48 hours. part of One Billion Rising, a campaign initiated by Reuters, the BBC, CNN iReport, and The Guardian, Eve Ensler, the author of The Vagina Monologues, had their correspondents worldwide on alert to Over 10,000 user generated images were submitted to highlight violence against women. In India, the cover One Billion Rising events. Wire services through Twitter and INSTAGRAM. message mirrored widespread public sentiment that covered the story including The Associated Press, FACEBOOK pages for One Billion Rising were created has swelled after the gang rape and death of a Reuters, Agence France Presse, and more. in over 100 countries. 23-year-old physiotherapy student in Delhi in December, bringing women’s rights and safety to In the lead-up to 14 February, Eve appeared on On YOUTUBE, V-Day’s series of campaign videos the center stage of civic and political discourse. dozens of media programs and completed interviews went viral beginning in September with the One Billion ...Thursday’s event, which was attended by dozens and press conferences around the globe. One week Rising short film which has logged over one million of young people from Delhi University and student before, Eve participated in a global telepress confer- views on YouTube, and in November, the One Billion organizations, seemed to herald a broader movement, ence from City of Joy in the Democratic Republic of Rising anthem music video “Break The Chain” was one focused on changing societal mindsets and Congo with over 40 international journalists. released; by 14 February, it had over 900,000 views. 621,000,000 individual attitudes rather than railing against the V-Day Board members and high profile supporters Through LIVESTREAM, One Billion Rising events government. appeared on major national and international television were seen on on every continent MEDIA IMPRESSIONS IN THE U.S. ALONE programs to promote the campaign, including: Anne except Antarctica (believe us, we tried), including International Herald Tribune/NYT India Hathaway on “The Tonight Show” during which she Manila, New Delhi, Johannesburg, Banjul, Bukavu, danced with host Jay Leno and audience members; Belgrade, Frome, Berne, San Remo, Atlanta, Chicago, Jane Fonda on “Piers Morgan”; Rosario Dawson on Toronto, Hawaii, Miami, New York City, San Francisco, The day of foot- stomping, flash-mobbing and “Lawrence O’Donnell”; Thandie Newton on “BBC and many more. booty- shaking all across the world will not, in fact, Channel 4” and “CNN International,” and Laura end violence against women. It won’t stop men of We received more than 10,000 photos on Facebook, TRENDED ON TWITTER IN Flanders on “Democracy Now,” “Up with Chris the cloth from molesting children, the Taliban from Twitter, and Instagram in the 48 hours spanning 13 Hayes,” and“Melissa Harris Perry.” shooting little girls who want an education, or and 14 February. boyfriends from raping their girlfriends. But what it 7 COUNTRIES By the end of the campaign, we had increased our does is help all of us tell a new story about what’s social footprint by over 1,000%, achieved over a possible. It creates connections across demographic As an idea, One Billion Rising appears to have BILLION IMPRESSIONS across mostly owned and and organisational difference, a shared experience united long-term campaigners with a younger earned media, and engaged a global network of and set of memories, an undeniable visual and generation inspired by the power of social media supporters on a massive scale. Thanks to the power of visceral demonstration of our collective outrage. It and a desire for change. social media, the conversation continues online today. gives us somewhere to place our intolerance for what happened in New Delhi and Steubenville and so many The Guardian One Billion Rising won the “Just Cause” SoMe places just like it that never made the headlines. Award in Portland for “best use of social media + Above all else, it awakens our own dormant audacity. 10,000 to raise awareness and/or solicit donations for a cause or a non-profit organization.” If Eve Ensler and V-Day can get one billion people to dance together, what else might be possible? user generated images

Al Jazeera, Courtney Martin


Eve World Tour Africa Rising TEDxWomen State of Female America Breaking The Male Code: After Eve embarked on a world tour during the ramp up to In August, 48 activists and social entrepreneurs from In November, Eve hosted and In November, V-Day produced a Steubenville, A Call To Action 14 February, travelling to Australia, Congo, Mexico, 18 countries in Africa gathered in Nairobi for the first curated a special session at special panel discussion at The In March, V-Day hosted this Guatemala, Peru, Philippines, India, Bangladesh, ever V-Africa Summit, Africa Rising. The gathering TEDxWomen called “The Rising,” Cooper Union, The State Of Female sold-out event in collaboration Belgium, France, Kenya, the United States, and the was an opportunity for V-Day activists to meet and featuring comedian Kate Clinton, America, moderated by GRITtv’s with The Nation. Breaking The UK, helping to raise enthusiasm and media buzz for learn from one another, establish a regional and spoken word artist Asali DeVan Laura Flanders and featuring Eve, Male Code was a powerful the campaign in cities and rural areas alike. continent-wide agenda, and create a platform from Ecclesiastes, GAMCOTRAP Karen Higgins from National and timely panel discussion which to communicate about their work and demands Executive Director Isatou Touray, Nurses United, V-Board member about violence, masculinity, and to the international community. The summit also scholar and advocate Meggan Kimberle Crenshaw from UCLA transformation, featuring NoVo The V-Africa summit made it created great momentum for One Billion Rising and Watterson, photographer iO Tillett School of Law, Amber Hollibaugh Foundation Co-Chair Peter Buffett, possible for women and girls to was an opportunity for Dr. Denis Mukwege, the Wright, and the singers of the from Queers for Racial & Economic journalist Jimmie Briggs, President realize how solidarity and unity of godfather of the V-Men’s movement, to put out a call Break The Chain anthem. The Justice, Ai-jen Poo Director of the of Coach for America and former purpose can bring political gains to men across Africa to create a vision to rise to end event was produced by V-Board National Domestic Workers football player Joe Ehrmann, A for women. Our power in numbers violence against women. member and President & CEO of Alliance, and Randi Weingarten, Call to Men Co-Founder Tony and support for each other will The summit was an important moment in V-Day’s the Paley Center for Media Pat President of the American Federation Porter, and Sports Editor at The enable us to impose political will on history, not only because it brought together so many Mitchell in partnership with the of Teachers. The evening focused Nation, Dave Zirin. leaders to end the sexual atrocities V-activists from across the region in one place for United States Institute of Peace. on how inequality and public vetted on women and girls. the first time ever, but because it set the stage for The special “Rising” session policy affect violence against deeper engagement in V-Day on a grassroots level brought the sold out crowed to women, and celebrated those who across the continent. Special thanks to the Wallace their feet and sparked numerous work towards systemic change. Dr. Isatou Touray, Foundation and Skoll Foundation for making Africa One Billion Rising events in the Executive Director Washington DC area on 14 February. of GAMCOTRAP Rising possible.

24 25 We don’t have to accept that After the Rising violence against women is part and parcel of life. We can change these things. That’s why we’re voting in parliament next week to One Billion Rising 2013 was the beginning of the new make sure that sex and relationship education is mandatory for all world ignited by a new energy. It was not the end of young people, so that we start a struggle but the escalation of it. One Billion Rising changing ideas and changing became the world’s defiant and celebratory collective cultures about what is acceptable response to demand an end to violence against women. in a relationship. Stella Creasy, British MP

Impact One Billion Rising Gave Birth To A Global Solidarity Governments, politicians, and renowned figures from Reigniting unanimity between women’s organizations around the world, including His Holiness the Dalai in various countries and rekindling the ethos of Lama, First Lady of Nepal, the Mayor of Lima, the sisterhood amongst women on a global scale. It Jan Schakowsky, U.S. Representative Prime Minister of Australia, the President of Croatia, became a venue to show strong cohesion among UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, the Los Angeles women and men around the globe – allowing national City Council, British MP Stella Creasy, Vice President and international barriers to fade away. It mobilized of the European Parliament Isabelle Durant creative energy across all nations – linking artists, Isabelle Durant, Belgium, (Belgium), Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, and women’s groups, young people, grassroots women, Vice President of the European Parliament San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee joined the campaign. legislators, writers, activists – and where artistic One Billion Rising galvanized and empowered and creative initiatives were born. legislators to generate legislation in support of ending violence against women – and demanding that pro- women legislation be the priority of governments and international councils – from VAWA in the United States, to the introduction of legislation for national sex education in schools in Gregory Floyd, President of Teamsters Local 237 the UK, to protesting national policies that allow local and foreign militarization that affect women in the Philippines, to the European Parliament voting on the resolution on “Elimination and Prevention of all forms of Violence Against Women and Girls.” Michael Nutter, Mayor of Philadelphia

Michelle Bachelet, Former President of Chile



The heart and soul of V-Day – its college and community activists – ushered in V-Day’s 15th season with great enthusiasm. Through over 5,400 Campus Accountability Project V-Spot V-Day events in over 2,280 locations, V-Day activists in all 50 United The Campus Accountability Project (CAP), since For the 2012-2013 season, we re-designed the States, Puerto Rico and 67 countries brought The Vagina Monologues, the 2009 launch, has steadily gained exposure and V-Spot, V-Day’s activist website. Our goal was to A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant and A Prayer, Any One Of Us: Words reached its submissions goal of 300 schools campus maximize usability for our organizers and to create From Prison, and screenings of V-Day’s documentaries Until The Violence sexual assault response policies, which represents a codebase that would provide a more sustainable Stops and What I Want My Words To Do To You into their communities. 10% of the colleges and universities in the United framework for future V-Day campaigns’ work online. States. With this cross-section we began work on We implemented a newer, more sophisticated form V-Day benefits raised $2.3 million for local anti-violence groups, including the next phase of the project, collating a report on of geocoding to allow activists and V-Day staff to over $203,000 for V-Day’s Spotlight Campaign, which for this year our findings. In January, SAFER spearheaded data- view and sort events and beneficiaries by geographical supported One Billion Rising. analysis which resulted in the finished report being location. We also created new tools to help organizers This was V-Day’s most geographically diverse year to date. Some released in September 2013. plan, publicize, and execute their events and a notable places around the globe where V-Day activists brought our beneficiary database of all the organizations that work include: Bolivia; Lady Shri Ram College for Women, New Delhi, have collaborated with and received crucial funding India; Arabic, English, and Hindi productions at Yale Divinity School; from V-Day events. Doha, Qatar; Nicosia, Cypress; Okinawa, Japan; Turku, Finland; Ambato, The experience was life changing. Words don’t really Ecuador; Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia; Moscow, Russia; Maori production in describe it, but it felt amazing to be a part of; to Auckland, New Zealand; Productions in three different Iranian cities; share the stories of The Vagina Monologues just felt Podgorica, Montenegro; Changwon, Busan and Jeju City, Korea; Bishkek, so important to the cast and crew. It was an emotional Kyrgyzstan; Konak and Alsancak, Turkey; Almaty, Kazakhstan Konak roller coaster for us and the audience and it was and Alsancak, Turkey; Almaty, Kazakhstan; Cagayan de Oro City, a pleasure and a privilege to share such an open Philippines; Busan and Jeju City, Korea. exchange between us as story tellers and the audience. Sarah Homan, Wanganui New Zealand (organizer) The Vagina Monologues

28 29 Thanks to the generous grants from the following V-Day supporters, Mbali Khumalo, V-Girls South Africa over 5,000 youth saw Emotional This is not a women’s issue – it’s Creature free of charge; Carole a global crisis. Let’s work together Black, Tena Clark, Beth Dozoretz, [It] gave us the opportunity to laugh, dance and talk to to ensure that no more mothers, Eve Ensler, Jane Fonda, Novo one another. The girls told us that they travelled many Foundation, Mellody Hobson, daughters, sisters, aunts, nieces, miles to get to the Safe House, running away from the cut Jurate Kazickas, Ken Lowe, no more grandmothers experience and towards a brighter future. It took SO much for me not Jacque Mayfield, Patricia violence. to burst out crying when they shared their hopes and Mitchel, Dawn Ostroff, Scott dreams with us. ‘I want to be a lawyer, I want to be a Seydel, and AOL. teacher, I want to write, I want to save my sisters! Robert Redford

V-Men 150 V-Men workshops took place around the world, tripling the amount we had last year. One Billion Rising certainly helped to engage men on a deeper level throughout the movement. In the Philippines, for example, a mass media campaign to engage men and boys to join One Billion Rising by a group of men chosen by female V-Day activists brought out many. The men chosen included a national artist of literature, a TV host, a congressman/activist, a farmer, a visual artist, a sports commentator, a singer-theatre actor, a film and TV actor, a theatre director, and a priest. Representing a broad spectrum of Filipino society, V-Girls Emotional Creature these men were crucial in engaging a large number of men and boys. This year, V-Girls grew to include over 740 local Thanks to the generous support of our donors, the In the Congo, the V-Men campaign is beginning to take hold with men groups called “Emotional Creature Clubs,” tripling workshop productions of Emotional Creature in South joining from all sectors, doctors, teachers, policeman, the governor, the number of registered groups from 2011 to 2013. Africa and Paris in 2011, the commercial premiere at and even men in the army. Girls are leading Emotional Creature Clubs in schools, the Berkeley Repertory Theatre in California in June after school groups, and youth organizations. A free 2012, and the off-Broadway run at the Signature Center Eve’s beautiful poem, The Man Prayer, inspired by a meeting with His downloadable V-Girls Action Guide is available in New York in November 2012 were all a resounding Holiness Gyalwang Karmapa at TED India, was poignantly brought to online free of charge. The Guide integrates Emotional success. Produced by V-Board members Carole Black life as a short film by Eve and filmmaker Tony Stroebel. Creature for peer-to-peer sessions and in-classroom and Pat Mitchell, and Associate Producer, V-Day’s instruction and offers lesson plans and projects in Tony Montenieri, the NYC production opened to rave Language Arts, Social Studies, Health, and Theatre. reviews providing a platform to reach young people V-Girls around the world took a lead in One Billion through schools and youth organizations. Generous Rising, dancing, organizing flash mobs, workshops, donations were made that provided free and reduced- and task forces, and creating songs, poetry, dances cost tickets to students who would otherwise not be and art. able to see the show, expanding the reach of V-Girls in these cities and allowing over 5,000 youth to see Four South Africa V-Girls - Mbali Khumalo, Ratanang Emotional Creature. V-Girls created an interactive Mogotsi, Karabo Tshikube and Samu Khumalo - who experience in the theatre with an Emotional Creature attended our Africa Summit were also able to visit wall where audience members could post their Agnes Pareyio’s Tasaru Ntomonok Rescue Center in reactions to the show. Additionally, post-show talk Narok, Kenya. The girls led over 40 youth peers backs led by V-Girls leaders and cast members living at the Safe House in an Emotional Creature provided an opportunity for girls and girl advocates to workshop. gather after performances to discuss the show, share the V-Girls program, and talk about how Emotional Creature inspires activism in young and old alike.


Nothing is going to stop us. We have created something huge, we have a mission, we are empowering women to take the power in this country and we will continue.

Christine Schuler Deschryver, V-Day Congo Director/Director City of Joy

City of Joy V-World Farm By July 2013, the City of Joy had graduated 222 The V-World farm, a partnership between V-Day and women! Women are leaving the City of Joy having the 11th Hour Project, is a sustainable farm about an had the opportunity to heal from their emotional hour away from the City of Joy, which is partly wounds, live in community, recognize their leadership serving as an added learning tool for the women at skills, and gain valuable skills they can apply to their the program, reinforcing this feeling of forward thinking lives, future business, and engagement in civic life. for Congolese women. A lush expanse of land with On a cultural and political level, the City of Joy carrot, cassava, corn, tomato, soya, rice and bean stands out as a unique example of a project that has crops, the grounds include Tilapia ponds and many its eye on the future of Congo. City of Joy provides a pigs. V-Day’s plan is to develop the farm into a foundation for its women participants, and is an functioning and commercially successful model inspiring a new model of programming. It has also over the next 10 years, to be run by women survivors served as a physical hub for grassroots sensitization who will live there to form a farming cooperative. work, from which women participants have boldly The cooperative will tend to the land and also train advocated for themselves and their sisters in the participants at the City of Joy in sustainable farming press and in front of elected officials. methods.


On 14 February 2014, we are escalating our One Billion Rising For Justice is a call to women, men, and youth around the world to efforts to demand an end to violence against gather safely on 14 February 2014 outside places where they are entitled to justice – women and girls by ending the culture of court houses, police stations, government offices, school administration buildings, work impunity that keeps it in place. We are calling places, sites of environmental injustice, military courts, embassies, places of worship, on women and men everywhere to RISE, RELEASE, homes, or simply public gathering places where women deserve to feel safe but too often DANCE, and demand JUSTICE! do not. The campaign is a recognition that we cannot end violence against women without looking at the intersection of poverty, racism, war, the plunder of the environment, capitalism, imperialism, and patriarchy. Impunity lives at the heart of these interlocking forces. It is a call to survivors to dance across every country, break the silence, release their stories, acknowledge the truth in solidarity and community, and bring on revolutionary justice. Just like One Billion Rising in 2013, we want the world to see the power of global solidarity, transcending borders, class, age, race, culture, and gender.

Envisioning Justice the skills, networks, and ability to help guide local organizations, individuals, lawyers, unions, and One Billion Rising For Justice was envisioned by alliances with their participation in the campaign. international Regional Coordinators at a gathering They will strategize, create, and promote One Billion in New York City in April 2013. The focus on justice Rising For Justice all over the world. stems from the systematic and endemic global impunity for perpetrators of violence against women and girls that is occurring on local, national, and Global Coordinators Locations international levels. A unanimous decision was made Balkans: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, to focus on justice as an escalation of our demand to Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Former Yugoslavia • end violence against women and girls once and for all. Central America: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama • European Union Global Coordinators • Germany • Italy • Mexico • Pakistan • Philippines • Somalia • Sudan • South America: Argentina, One Billion Rising Global Coordinators are activists Bolivia, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, based around the world who are engaging their Venezuela • Southern Africa: Botswana, Lesotho, communities, cities, countries, and regions to be a Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, part of One Billion Rising For Justice. Many of these Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe • South Asia: women and men coordinated efforts in 2013, and as Afghanistan, Bhutan, Bangladesh, India, Maldives, long-time activists and V-Day organizers they have Nepal, Sri Lanka • United Kingdom • USA: Atlanta, Los Angeles, New York, Santa Fe and San Francisco.

34 35 New Website State Of Female Justice The new One Billion Rising For Justice website Inspired by V-Day’s “The State of Female America” includes interactive user features, an international event in 2012 – the One Billion Rising For Justice “State blog series on “Envisioning Justice,” creative of Female Justice” panel discussions will premiere expressions of justice through images, poetry, music, in New York City, with similar panels being held in and film, a new toolkit for organizers and risers, links various select countries around the world. The for our other social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, events will focus on discussions on social and and Tumblr – all created to help risers around the feminist justice, and their relationship to ending world connect and be inspired by each other’s violence against women. artistic initiatives. World Tour New Short Film Starting in September 2013, Eve and One Billion V-Day has created a new short film featuring moving Rising Director Monique Wilson will go on an footage from Risings that took place around the international tour to raise awareness about the world in 2013. Like the 2013 Short Film and “Man campaign, talk to women’s groups and grass roots Prayer,” this new piece will help galvanize and communities, and connect with activists on the activate people to RISE for justice. A longer version ground who are organizing One Billion Rising For is being created showcasing the magnitude of One Justice events. Billion Rising for broadcast on TV, Internet & movie World tour stops will include: Bali, France, Germany, theaters around the globe leading up to Haiti, Hungary, India, Myanmar, Nepal, The Philip- 14 February, 2014. pines, Singapore, U.S., and UK. Creative Justice #CAMPUSRISING One Billion Rising For Justice is also a call to women V-Day’s legacy on college campuses has contributed and men around the world to create new, local to what is now a widespread dialogue about reforming artistic expressions of their visions of justice – from campus sexual assault policies. As part of One poetry to spoken and written word, to photography, film, Billion Rising for Justice, V-Day activists at colleges music, and visual arts. and universities will examine and expose injustices on their own campuses through the Campus Rising campaign. This student-driven movement will work towards ending the prevalence of on-campus sexual assault #campusrising and date-rape, as well as administrations’ failure to properly prevent or adequately respond to the needs of college survivors. #rise4justice

36 37 CORE

Guiding Principal V-Day will maintain the two synergistic realms that give V-Day its strength - its dedicated volunteer activists and its unique organizational model. Unlike most global NGOs, V-Day does not have central headquarters or regional offices. Instead, V-Day’s small group of 14 paid staff work remotely from home bases around the world to sustain an online infrastructure that keeps the V-Day network of activists (one billion strong and growing) linked, informed and engaged across the world. Through its virtual structure, V-Day is able to keep traditionally high overhead costs very low, enabling it to give away 89 cents of every dollar raised. This intentional organizational arrangement allows V-Day to be viewed by its dedicated activists as a movement that is owned by them, on the grassroots level. Eve Ensler, V-Day’s Founder and Board Chair, is a volunteer and has never received payment from V-Day for her work.

Board of Directors TEAM The V-Day Board of Directors is a group of extraordinary women who Eve Ensler Christine Schuler Deschryver provide vision, leadership, and wisdom to help guide and support Founder/Artistic Director (Volunteer) V-Day Congo Director & Director of City of Joy V-Day in its work: Joliz Cedeño Amy Squires Campaigns Manager Online Director Carl Cheng Susan Celia Swan Online & Creative Services Manager Executive Director Noelle Colomé Kristina Vigna Development Director Finance Manager Purva Panday Cullman Laura Waleryszak Carole Jennifer Kimberlé Rosario Eve Jane Mellody Programs & Giving Director College & Community Campaigns Manager Black Buffett W. Crenshaw Dawson Ensler Fonda Hobson Kate Fisher Monique Wilson Communications & Special Events Director One Billion Rising Director Cecile Lipworth Managing Director V-Day thanks Heather Moseley, Megan Sparkman, Tony Montenieri David Hay, Nikki Noto, Jonathan Archer, Brooke Katherine Pat Thandie Emily Amy Cari Kerry Director of Operations Shelby Biggs, Jason Sywak, Jennifer Hirsch, McFate Mitchell Newton Scott Pottruck Rao Ross Washington Shael Norris Cathryn Swan and Emi Kane for their dedicated College & Community Campaigns Director work and support.

Lisa Wendy Regina Susan Charlize Sheryl Schejola Akin Schmidt K. Scully Celia Swan Theron Sandberg

38 39 FINANCIAL STATEMENt INCOME Foundations $ 3,040,556 for the fiscal year ending June 30th, 2013 Individual Donors & Corporate Sponsors $ 2,288,411 Donated Goods & Services $ 110,000 One Billing Rising Fund for Panzi Hospital (DRC) $ 410,800 V-Day Campaign Spotlight Contributions $ 248,744 Interest Income $ 3,974 Total Income $ 6,102,485

EXPENSES PROGRAMS Community & College Campaign $ 246,377 Communications & Events $ 428,599 Website/V-Spot $ 234,607 V-Girls $ 261,002 One Billion Rising $ 1,700,103 Total Programs $ 2,870,687

Grants Safe Houses, Haiti Spotlight, Vagina Warrior Scholarships & Emergency Aid $ 1,163,471 One Billing Rising Fund for Panzi Hospital (DRC) $ 191,585 City of Joy / V-World Farm (DRC) * $ 1,087,247 Total Grants ** $ 2,442,304

Donated Goods & Services Donated Goods & Services $ 110,000 Total Programs, Grants & Donated Goods & Services $ 5,422,991 One Billion Rising has activated the world! It has ignited and stirred our hearts and souls and given a Staff & Administration voice for so many in support of humanity. It has Development $ 204,828 reminded us that we are alive, and share in the Finance and Infrastructure $ 474,666 responsibility of making our world a better place. One Billion Rising is not only a global movement - it Total Staff & Administration $ 679,494 is a moral imperative! Reserve Funds Reserve Funds for 2012-2013 General Operating $ 250,000 Regina K. Scully, V-Board Member

Total Expenses $ 6,102,485

*Grant includes 2012-2013 operating & campaign expenses for City of Joy. ** V-Day’s College & Community Campaigns raised an additional $2,381,486 million dollars in 2013 that V-Activists donated directly to anti-violence groups in their communities Tens of thousands of talented volunteers dedicated their time to spreading the movement each and every day. Thanks to them, the V-Day movement has spread across the planet, with kindness, energy and creativity.


V-Day would like to thank every person who gave this past year, regardless of amount. The support of thousands of generous donors, and tens of thousands of talented volunteers worldwide makes V-Day’s work possible. The following foundations, individuals, Mobilizing my city for One Billion and corporations provided extraordinary Rising was emotional and fulfilling. Miami ROSE in true tropical style leadership gifts to support our work this under the stars and purifying rain. We year and dedicated their time to spreading engaged, educated, and celebrated our community through dance, music the movement each and every day. Thanks and art touching the hearts of adults and children and joining one billion to all of your generosity, the movement is Global Green USA facilitated a relationship with Sunpower Foundation to provide solar people globally to make violence equipment to City of Joy, providing clean, reliable electricity. In August, Matt Petersen alive and thriving and rising. against women a thing of the past! (then GG President & CEO) traveled to Bukavu with a team of volunteers including Chadi Lisa Schejola Akin, V-Board Member Depelchin, Michael Stangl, & Heiko Steiber, to install the system and train a local team to operate and maintain it.

> Christopher Garneau > Chelsie Prince Corporate $2,000,000+ 20,000+ 10,000+ 2,500+ 1,000+ > Lynne & Daniel Gelfman > Jana & Kee Reynolds > ABC Home & Planet > Georgetown Day School > Stacey Rhodes > NoVo Foundation > Bethany Asplundh > Lisa Brown & > Angie Allen & Enid Draluck, > Lisa Ades Foundation > Grant Me the Wisdom > Susan Bell Richard > Diana de Vegh & One Daniel Handler Full Circle Living > Esther Ann Asch > Amanda Keidan Jewelry Foundation > Lisa Sardegna 500,000+ World Fund > Chris Haddad > Feldman Family Fund > Jackie Asplundh > Atlantic Philanthropies > Mellody Hobson > Dewayne & Pat Gallenberg > Wendy Belkin & Linda Bryant > Liz Helenchild > J. H. Singer > Regina K. Scully > Barbara Jones > Baker Creek Heirloom > The Isabel Allende > Nonie Greene > Berger Family Foundation > Barbara Merlino Henry > Joseph & Diane Steinberg > Anonymous > Mindy Uhrlaub, Seed Company > Ingrid & Edward Hills > Jefferson Stone and The Fledgling Fund Foundation > Susan Haas & Keith Patti > Kathryn Blanchard > Chavez For Charity > Dean Hood Shannon Turk-Stone > Ron & Cheryl Howard > Julie Kavner > Stephanie Halouma > Danah Boyd > Dramatists Play Service 200,000+ > Irene Hsu > Karen Stone Family Foundation > Khachaturian Foundation > Erin Noble > Joan Brooks Baker & > Horizon Media, Inc > Emily & David Pottruck > J.D.M. Foundation > A.L. Swartzberg > Inmaat Foundation > Jimmy Choo Foundation > Niyama Yoga Margeaux Klein > Joyaux Marisol > Amy Rao > Patricia Joanides > Phyllis Taylor > Gina Maya on behalf of Thandie Newton > Dawn Ostroff > Brumberger Foundation > MacMillan Publishers > The 11th Hour Project > Lisa Jones > Tompkins-Imhoff Fund > Carlo & Micól Schejola > JaMel & Tom Perkins > The Pensky Family > Leslie Walker Burlock > Mark Goucher Ltd > Randen Kane > Trustees of Boston Univerity Foundation > Colin & Ronit Plank Foundation > Karen Cashen > MULU, Inc. > Shirley Klinghoffer > Alan Farago & Lisa Versaci 100,000+ > Stephen Lewis Foundation > Jeremy Pochman > Scott Seydel > Tena Clark > Neiman Marcus > Leslie Family Foundation > Adrian Villaraos > Susie Tompkins Buell > Maxine Stern > Nancy Schaub > Howard and Sharon Socol > Connie Codding > Vosges Haut-Chocolat > Lindy Family Charity Fund > K. Vojack & Mark Buell Charitable Fund > Lisa & Mathew Sonsini Family Foundation > Jesse Cool > Turner Foundation, Inc. > Tender Education and Arts > Virginia Coyle > Ken Lowe and Scripps > W.S. Scharff Family VERY SPECIAL THANKS > Wallace Global Fund 5,000+ > Margaret & Reid Dennis Networks Foundation 50,000+ > Mali Marinelli > Summer Tompkins Walker We extend our heartfelt > Deb Wetherby > Blossom Hil Foundation > Dagmar Dolby > Carole Black thanks to the following > The Women of Congo > Eliza Brown > Beth Dozoretz > Jacquelyn Mayfield > Yen Chuang Foundation individuals who so generously > Kieschnick Family Fund > Anonymous > Fonda Family Foundation > Laura Ellington > Margot McFedries > Mark & Stacey Zolan > Pat Mitchell > Anonymous > Aileen Getty > John Eugene > Margaret Mermin > Anonymous provided their pro-bono legal > The David and Lucile > Ann Kaplan > Silvia Faidutti > Margaret Newell > Anonymous guidance: Janet Abrams, Packard Foundation > Jurate Kazickas > Randi and Bob Fisher > Northern Trust Janet Dubrovolny, and Nancy > Skees Family Foundation > John Ladner > Pam Fleischaker > Peco Foundation Rose. And to Paula Allen, > The Skoll Foundation > Lakshmi Foundation > Josi Fleishman > Lorena Perez Taylor Krauss, Tony Stroebel > Marsha Williams > The Future Hope Foundation > Corine Frankland > Penny Platnick & Jo Stroebel/Redletter > The MCJ Amelior > Renee Linnell > Karen Poltis-Virk Productions and V-Day activists Foundation > Lois McGuire all over the world whose > Anonymous > Frances Pepper stunning images tell the story > Nancy Rose of V-Day on these pages. > Kerry Washington


#Rise4Justice! 14 February, 2014 HELP TURN PAIN TO POWER Visit to: IN CONGO REGISTER your event on the One Billion Rising For Visit to: Justice map EDUCATE yourself and others WATCH “This is What Justice Looks Like” videos SUPPORT women on the ground SHARE “What Justice Looks Like” to you via video, DONATE to the campaign and City of Joy words, song, art, or poetry SIGN UP to host a Congo Teach-In MEET New Global Coordinators VIEW photo galleries and videos CONNECT with activists all over the world

DONATE TO V-DAY ATTEND A V-DAY EVENT ONLINE at Find a local benefit production near you and help TEXT VDAY to 50555 to donate $10 to V-Day raise money for groups working in your area to end MAIL checks to: violence against women and girls. V-Day 303 Park Ave South, Suite # 1184 New York, NY 10010-3657 USA ORGANIZE A V-DAY EVENT Make checks payable to “V-Day” Every year V-Day benefit productions take place in thousands of locations around the world. These GET THE LATEST V-NEWS AS IT events are organized by local college students and HAPPENS & SHARE IT WIDELY: community activists – people just like you! Get news of actions, opportunities, and performances. Get the latest messaged from Eve, Get involved and stay involved.

@vday @vdayorg @emocreature