
Narrative Essay Brainstorming

Think about ideas for your essay. Before you begin organizing the of the story, consider the characters, and . Who are the main and supporting characters in your story? Where does your story take place? What is the message you want your readers to learn from your story? Provide this information below.

Step 1: Create and develop a main ​ ​ Use the space below to begin to describe a main character for your narrative essay.

What is your main character’s name?

How old is your main character?

Where does your main character live?

Who does your main character live with?

What does your main character’s occupation?

How does your main character experience the hurricane? Where is he or she? Why?

What is your main character’s emotions before the hurricane?

What are some of your main character’s emotions during the hurricane?

What are some of your main character’s emotions after the hurricane?

Step 2: Create and develop supporting characters ​ What is your supporting character’s name?

What is your supporting character’s relationship with the main character?

How does the supporting character help the main character to grow or change?

Grade 4: Hurricanes

Step 3: Setting ​ When are where does your story take place? Think about the hurricane you have chosen to write so that your setting is accurate. ______



Step 4: Theme ​ What is your message in this story? What do you want your main character to learn from his or her experience with a hurricane?




Grade 4: Hurricanes