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8-2-1915 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 08-02-1915 Journal Publishing Company

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MX ting .1! h,g ami development ol which are obj UUP ... , " MIRACLE ASKED PrDMHIV tin iDIIPPIttIP tlltlfT lacts ei out rat Ipt .1 are Im WORK RATHER To IPpeai im: AEROPLANES ARE But before detailing this let us iiLniviHnii nra nu nuao nno mm. , The itiii minister. M IVliv anoff. What Were l.llg'.illld's facilities for nuking ;m army and what she OF in- - ,m conpHaofd, KITCHENER Although the country had refused PEAR OF BEING OROERU RETREAT THAN ORATOR! Ittissia mid is sin . ssf ully envelo BIG FEATURES to follow the :( r m y s farseeing advice tin tart ktorj and mil trj dtsu k i and ini'.tidtn el service, it Warsaw, the etrategaili corner was tar frtmi Ignoring all warning. which always has bean the v A system of 'territorials" was in ! point of nut western frontiar. 8, PEOPLE OF troduced, coanposad at is.noo cavalry STARVED INTO SHOWING SHARP IS PURPOSE OF I 'tuler the . u. timet .n. e We I WESTERN aiiii ever IH.IM infantry, and which perhaps o ld to the en. on .1 pot met in annual maneuvers with the of this region, falling ba k on i" gulurs y ery year. where oui arm) will prenore ft I As graduates nf the liner war Were a numher of senii-t- i lined troop.- - n MAKING PEACE: TEETH TO RUSSIAN DUMA ZONE, SAYSBERL1N GREflndlll d oflioers. ENEi was prooi ot mat The , ollcgcs and public schools in perhaps cue up a aa than we recent years had conducted onu ses in nave up Mo; UW, rdar to Insure I Which ware taught the rudiments of a final victor) lation Expected Him to Win military education. Not gafftcientit Prepared British Flying Ground "This gave f.ngland a start Which Secretary of Imoerial Trai Neai tor instance, can not equal. The Dunkirk Is Attacked and disadvantage was that the amateur mailed bj the war said soldiers did not appreciate the short itary Country in World With Food Enough eed Peo- - Re Rigid Economy in Rl Of-- The government being flrmls tt Thirty Bombs Are Dropped distance they had traveled Oil the icks jlVed to make .til these sacriflci Untrained Troops, lead of soldiering. by The territorial! volunteered very pie for Years, sult diu, baities, ficial Annoimcemcnt, Teutons. well and many battalions Of them have been airead) sent to the Front, enemy, The wat ii shown thai where thej gallantly. is L, CENSORSHIP OF PRESS have behaved FINANCES COULD NOT WARSAW NOT YET FOREIGN MINISTER ... not s rlentl pre,,.,. 95.000 RUSSIANS ARE it was, perhapa the talvaUon of the parlson won the cnems in eider country n government ALSO HAD BAD EFFECT that radical IN BY overc 1. .ieveioP CAPTURED IN CAMPAIGN is in power when the war came. BE BETTER SHAPE OCCUPIED TEUTONS DELIVERS ADDRESS Extreme menbars of the cabinet re- signed; Rome ware unwilling to atta1 k Mi ick Analyzes their former colleagues, others who the program nf ameilloratlon of the GermanSi in One Month, target) op Material Resources Ample for Field Marshal von Hindenburg ess nf V.n and did were discredited. The life Of RuKSiH 111 time n internal in Out-- r poaltlon became the leaders in sup-lin- peace, whit ii will be realised Capture 125 tions England at policy, Production of All the Arms Prevented Relatio nent ith Officers, 6,610 nf the government's war your assistance, tail I should III dd loldleri out to a man, on,- Po'l nilH M oreak of War and Ef- - turned n Fo Mi toucl) upon question, thai ol Pliv itos rl9 irhiuu sacrificing all personal interests. land, which ' an not evident!) on Develc Veteran- - lielurn lo ( oloi's. realized In full until after the feet of cam- - The veterans the African 1 1,1,1,101 uol-- (.rcalei intend p. iien almoal all r turned to the I dayi the Polish p nrs. The leisure class was delighted "In liy ROBERT It. MoCORMICK, I to find occupation, especially oocupa-Itlo- n MORN NO JOIMMMI 9fW in of country. Merlin fell support their (via London. ed upon by the man itest o ul ti Volunteer flocked to the colors. Th ton Karl Helfferlch, secret duke, t he commander-I- n chle was issued today it and the did si without any idea that t itton ol Great Britain at War pertal treasury, ha. p, army, a' the outbreak of British attack against our (Witty in suiiitiiiirizf her they were going to a picnic. OUI recent a sii j aaw, which was i i pn Ullse Well, Willi tin The follsh people, chlvatrou noble positions llooge 'I to 11 tu 00-- 1 Associated Press tatement underat pari near inlllplotclv story. hey went tn work leal n a unllmll d h ni ion Herman economic of 111, ipnl Hon of proi lotlnt and fa lit deserve lapsed, Night attaoka hy the r, After obtaining supremacy ill sea come soldiers. They realized from agaiiiHt t!i Simehez also failed proceeded to conquer ail the tar-to- n the casualty lists of the regulars that affairs, as he views I I In the Argonue ther,. he Of thai was this war was no African campaign, of the year of has the World unabl first heaV) artillery duel. Late waste y united itself. t 'nut cm til irn no. usl v Enlistments were made, not for sixty i;i I ii statement follows: hil the early nayi met to elaborati lillls an cventiu: our positions mi llelch-Are- - , '"' minims, out tii the development of steam and sti tor tne wnoie I In the w f tlo i lahl VoMgi'H war. j "The economic and ii fields expected, for what nil after erkopf m the were attacked. el there was found In the isla nils Ii, eiiemv as repulsed. greatest deposits of coal Hut to raise an army of 1,0110. "till Of the war are. in n on, he Is allowed to leak and iron following: His iit aerial aetlvltv wan contin ll'opi tan and not disturb business the effect that tlo I; f ued yeaterdas Th Rrltlah rhtlna tried, at st. foi, gear Dunkirk, was ire fosters r attacked,'"ml thirty i,mi,H being dropped. wealth were put up all Ove England calling f Ink-ha- nil and the transformutior jhcen proved that our domestic prn.;f);h, dish peopl nationalities our greal and Oerman aerodrome near Doual was m an agricultural to a for volunteara, while the press bureau K,m H0ttnna SO that the the allies and 0 manufacture . menge ilussiii exhibited tldelit) bombarded duction of foodstuffs, bread card sys-i,- ,,, ,. , ,,, ,,. tisek) b a hostllt air squadron, country. .,,,i,,s n,i..i c. country, Aroordlngl) He d maxtn Ihe ther ic of our battle aeroplanes .and was held ill England, as else our policy should lie permeated shot down an eiiemv Hefoplune. sion was the bj tin- prlncipli of impartlallt) and Iff II, nnhs DropOOd h AiriiH-- ged regiments ol par hi Kusslan nan f olenoe for all taithful .. .. Hi .'I Ii I, o enlist together; the) the the pn ml' le , ii,. ,..,...1-- "- lowi M, myk cltlaena, without gan to ilistlnetloll M ',-"- ' I in regard! lore ui.i pomns wen, loua times have divided the land leaaened tin iquirementa I .a tongue. " ft nis morning men ain. pracl ice scon nut Piuaiiu ereei dropped Eighteen aita wera among the Inhabitants. This was tooto awe and physique, the used large battles, as the ItuRXlnns, wh us unite in Ihe i effort t observed - faiiuoi lie Starved. Annoi ii "Let the England. Bhc, j the extre i th lat- ion tents. Ktiemv inachinex which unconstitutional for winch tin. monarch umn , therefore, repealed the corn I., u s, la'liotjs. government is ml) it iisi ior oeieiiso coutit not i,re- - fir y, nt the attack. (iivtiu; the people cheap food, render-- ! Kitchener i. or latet victory v (1 ier "Six i un-- read) In Ml -- I a. ier man aeroplanes nltHi'ked ln the cultivation of Ktmiish land 1 tiei t mil tlllH flllth K haled Whole army sucri- - SeiKius nasonol tie lu minia-- i fifteen Prenfih machines Cas orofitahle ami rendering the nation; hi October, the Russian tio r, a i; in. Let iis nude in ir din ovei after recltlni that thins teau Salines dining forty-fiv- e upon I ficed Itself to reduce the pressure on I' ii and the dependent for food importation. tic ki or IOTA ' .1 I. international eampie. that noithl Ins .main of him-tl- tln French- - BnglishBelgtan front. law. minutes or lighting several of the h and hence upon a continued 'ontrol Venti I Marshal Well sponnihi. fi Nt tier- - US, lull are not fa field niiichlucn war,, forced to land. of the sea. In Julv the Austrians and a resun f Elus- - ng mote oi u,s troops the IN'S WOII ON FRYE Wln u eip ipy reinforcements came up, National of Mind. mans are massing against the lio hut he iben Stale ships and Kitchener's army la not .'arev, pulsed altacks to warned jour airmen retreated without loss England has retained control of the thai it wa liirii uit CASE NOT REXI IVH) I'o the north of Saargeinunda, a ready to advance. i st of to ami Iron and of others w h a v m Warsaw attacks problems, I sea and as a nation has acquired the attempt- French aeroplane was foreed to des-- i in March Kir John French 11 i ' Of hand, unmanufactured or lll.'lllllfilr- - I i iv", si. ill, oi lie ii .01 ok gol lation." habit mind of a successful middle ed an advance, hut was unsuccessful, cen, I, tho ocetipunts being captured. fliBh-oqu- l- Hired, great supplies '''oops who crossed tip. Vistula to the There is t.n.lN,NO JOURNAl PtCIAL WINCI 111 Way the Hern.. ins attacked wlih which with the "in the fighting in the Argnnne isonuff hlngton, Aug. i. The German . - pmuih of Warsaw, ln -- " July we ow-in- tag and almost broke through. Only economical employment tl ercof, in ot June and 20. lliol'i Miickcn,,cii ,lciin . - tin Hole regarding the sinking the ,1 US officers) 6,610 liintii courage of the rtrai nim " men am. lie extraol Amen, an ship Win. P fryc. which fifty-tw- lent and more reel eatiOtl, ',. (of more in anacn in the southeast field Marshal Von mat DIM guns and a great anadlana whom Mon was handed to Ambassador Qarard al This has been the desire of thdr r article) prevented them. ackenaea continues his advance. He quantlt) of war material - "Third. spectre u ntiloy - mm not at workman as much as that of (he hus- be- Tin. of Ihu islde the resistance of the Berlin, had baan received the l To aii soldiers the fact had ex- levera igining in Potsaaf, mesa man capitalist. ment hkt heen hanlshcd. I'ln re Is Husstai id forced to state department tonight. It was Ho and come plain that us a military factor more them retreal "In eastern war theater, north Vast wealth has come o wot along lioth hanks. The Hermans haw. pected some time tomorrow tin Memen, Qreat Britain was negligible, has prove Lansing of there have heen local The accident of ownership as well as already passed through Chelm In pur Secretary said no word hail a. iimm Northeast of Rosan we have struck on Dead (enter. plover o A leu it min- the laws Of taxation and inheritance jsuit. Thus mi thia front, the retire-me- al been received from the met made further progresa; the enemy inequality The military on control of the press trae Was. rrt lie fol If the concerning note. Another have tended to Kraal In its of Warsaw armies is serlousl) men mil oke ister the it- I ,ilt n ks having heen repulsed. tailing the people the truth finances Sufficient, if I' expectad distribution, Hem e political activity forbade threatened. During the month of Jul.'. exam pie Italy h en illowed Important communication "In the inn in h of Julv between the - the knew well enough urth.. - Sn tar as finances are for at least half a Century has cen- that "lermans Berlin says, the Hermans captured tomorrow is cireal Britain's supple filica river and the Hiillic, Jap- educating i pie was rued, Germany carry t h tered distribution of ex- Without the it will more in mental note icpijing to America's around the a ;h than IR,au Russians twee luted UB officers, l.tlQ men and isting wealth, not its In- Imoosalble to make such military for an unlimited time complaint about the blockade Bee-r- , national Oduce in this country prac the Peliolan rlvi r and the Haiti alon among them two heavy pieces, four it hoop more like Ameri- ( iarj Lansing was Informed PVlday 11.10 crease has evgrything needed BnetOW's force heckcil. mine throwing howitzers and ma- ca the last ten veins than for war. The RuMians, Petrt Ihai Hie reply would be forwanled in guns. limine Thus xpendltures for war purposes according i" ti chine America during; the preceding de- grad, have stepped (ieneial Von Bu hep il that advjinlage will lie a few days Northcllffe, di- - resolvi themselves Into savings.! r His "in ihe southeastern war theater cade. At this time Lord low's in to of tlo time which still 'III. our Dally Mail md These again are at Ihe': advance Kovno province, other-- troops who advanced across th" to the preaching d . Workmen listened disposal tip- - ward ihe railway, I'lillailclpliiii Suellci"-- Vistula north of IvaiiKorod, repulsed em- .is payments on war Of a world wide union against Lpuns and deposits arc flowing Orand Duke Nicholal is in hold th idelphia, Aug I, With an of. heavy enemy counter-attack- Pur- em-pil- e into ployers, not realising that in the Brest-LitoVS- kl line Ins retire temperature in, today, suing the Bosnians we conquered the w ise to yvnrn a kuu the hanks ami saving institutions after here has heen much talk of adjoining employers and work- tnenl from it is absolute! ( heights Podsamcse, capturing wrote Kipling, mote Plentifully than in times of Warsaw, .f mind of Sweden. Mir pasMi highest record near men Iftg to seize the ' . were pence. The total deposits today, necessary that Qeneral Von Buclows for ,' August in Hp history of th.. more than 1,000 prisoners Between position Eng- 'l'he people have r. to maintain with lift advantageous trade of oyer $8,600,000,000 offangive should he arrested, for ly wars th. upper Vistula and the Hug, the employe. land for long and 'customed to after has been thi " of ighhot r( lallons Is loo local weather bureau, titers land, and employers and paid on loans, is higher I should be reach ihe railway, hi would eight hs to enemy again offered resistance. - as resenl ii. el tenant truths. war than st IW II need any confirmation hut reported is due the alike take from the English the ad- flattery to seriously 0 in Betresu, . int a part of the outbreak of the war. The gold Interfere with the Russian the ;ime, we are aware heat (tain brought relief tonight Russians vantage thai nature and the forefath-- reserve of the relchebank has almost ('communication, embarrassments caused "In the course of the day, the Her i had uiv en I hem. doubled I urvaj Rutiaiigercd, man troops ejected the em my from ii sine,, the war began. Notes Whole . i r power Swedish was upon a people t ti ib preoccu-wu- and deposits In the reichshitnk cov- - It Is n certain w h h r Hw positions near Kurow, east of Nowo the men wtio wei i popularly suposed luntry bell d hat the hurst in August, ered hy gold are :;;it,a per cent, u.s can RlBki id their Summary of War Alexandria, south of Lcrzu.i, south ic doing the mDOSBlble 1'eople Itusdan armies lltuerenls. If ace facts. compared With W.7 per cent in the retirement fr Warsaw a lations, west and south of Ohalm and south rin were too patrii News Yesterday ipivorni Hank of and 21.7 in A I o-- i .1 of west of Du blanks. Consequently tin, vho were afraid i. hltrned ftanee percent the nsl let mans lire kholm, the liank of England. heal it Sni un Continued bis retreat on both Times publicly, to nrevenl and hat While they ale eolllllie, lo business Ihe I, II Hug on the 1, leOp4e Are oil ill Uvery strong isle Hie un- minister, speak banks of the and front . h..,,,l The moled press hiireuu promptly reinforcementi matters, hue given proof of Russian war oir slid cave him a ft - Fifth, The care of the Qcrman ntt sp - III,' ntween the Rug and south .if I.ey.nn. a I prosecuted North, liffi upim n trump- their encircling movcrm ie doubted desire on both side,- to find the opening session of du ii Kitchener had conuu the iple II r liniincial strength Is pen of sn we w fiat be - We haw. already paused through en it i in English Judge, ranee fresh troops a Im agreement, ami nie will probabl) look i una name. 111 Pasts i of Kgypt and had as unooqnaea as then eonlulence he not ,11 'helm In pursuit of the SIMR1 up mi lorn which makes lei man si iff will cercty hope a 1 ssful official announcement ork in the conquest of Bouth jToiiowing our military superiority After 11 "in the southeastern war theater, ,. wan nn I'.nKiisiiuiiiii Hi witii the capture of t,,li..iis lw twelve months of war, Imperial threes ..1 the Clerman troops ouptured in the !l . the destruction of pan i'i,.,,,-.- ,,i world safe tloui 70, is li 7,5 , .llll.m nation (are quoted al which eight army, RhoUld .11 July 103 officers, men, , dismissed sian hill thl .1,1. said1 whoi po, niiar outer) points below the iii March, i o guns." to worshiping the men quotation pllshed. will d at not machine Northcllffe continued ins I attack the ormans had stoppi "neither districts to it. i'l Ihs minimum price of British n distinction line, 11 nil endeavor final III. Il Sole poisoning ,f our Itlil declined was u.s possessing th' end not without animus. consols, ii,",. iii 1; per cent helow the! m 111 M hailed all to take entile Russian forces, Of Hie 111:1 rxivi i:i. poggensed The expedition quotations in March, 1914, M.I, 1 TfUCNCUBH that Wellington had Lusitan fierce Ptglltlllt eefnl Cltl- - of ,(isi' Mn Rncllshmen had nelles failed. The "Work, skill, discipline, organsa- - ohicIi as Meanwhile ihe Oermans, who ap II pear to have an Inexhaustible supply ammunition, lighting desper todai perhaps I fcllowlng official communication was of arc shall ' Kitchener d, to Hie situation. uteiy to Rlpon which hold feelings.'' Ihe foreign min- up w iih in 1912 We ga y tl Issued tonight flrsl sacrifice the first year against world enemies retain thai 'These rive righting on July .10, Thai Kitchener was a In the admiralty sincf on the western front. Thev have re- continued, "spread beyond th up Moscos oiip'i to insure final "Further after His career and will help us further to win tin ister 011 near 1. 111 by la y the night attack our trenches and a strong man was shown the outbreak of the War must (var. captured pail of the trenches wh.ih, mean lo the l ulled Slates, where tin Ictory." is insistence upon an army of a laps.- of time. " on they HoogCl feelings revolted against s ami Austrians Hoogo, reported in our communlca Judged after the "HBLfFBRlCH." lost lo Ihe British near uiatilUrlan en re- - 11 ol thai date, resulted In the, ii ion men ami adequate training today Whether it yvas good 01 and are making un effort to regain Ml, h horrible occurrences as the Ill to II 1, I,, iheir can, !hm knows .. capture by us of a portion of the lost 'lore taking the field, something had. Whgl they lost to the 'lelu ll III lie sinking of the LUSl tan la, Which cost palgn agal w aw, but the Bus - lfenchns west of vtlhure. ngland vvas unprepared to con- Churchill I'ulriotie. aiiii i c Muenater region of a Imp e so many American lives This has slans are ifferlng strong countor the ifil nun g wag e , ui- - "Yeatcrday action chiefly con-i- Hiii as 1,. man largely responsl An unconfirmed report omee from no parallel for cruelty or absurdity! off. naive ments against the EBg-s-li lvan-lne- to artillery, bul last night Kfl came lo power with all un for the maintenance of the power of UIILUM UULLLu Home tonight that the Austrian! arei is Ineffaceable and is a blot on Her la. Kg .ib .11 Vistula pen d the or American Officer's uufainiluir- - navy In the face "I' Ihe op- ger, betwe he upper' Vistula and W" successfully repulsed two further the British Infantry with his nation. position of many of those upon whom oi. lean Public Iplolon. the Hug, ui th,. narrow lection attacks. Besides these, denied all opportlin-- y for political life, hS Is to say more The eastern section of "There has been no infantry action lie depended RifiTt; ry "It difficult whether today " to work out a scheme of war should have more charity than the naiiqpn energetic measures will follow Presi- Ihe Lublin legion, where for days ihe tapted to the habits and UltOri IS British public gives him. 11 1 u 1 u 1 (,l IIM ( I M dent Wilson's noli to the Herman flshtlns has been extremely violent r u VTTACKH V IC I : his people, he had swallowed whole acted the Part of patriot uiiuulu l TKRJUI lfK COKT government, bul II is already evldeni UKIIMAN - lie has l e beat ready mude plan--t- he Prus- Sect'ctaiv Harrison is aiding wiH thai American public opinion in ds lil if l,sl Ii. PARIS that 11 sls nnAPPri gw ted with be iii iou of Germany, I i I nmiir fails, Aug (Oltti p, in. Herman Thus, when in lie first panic of wat in ...pit,. ,,1 which Germany is v 1 efforts ngland substantially turned tip. go- - jilr .H n r milking to gain American sympathy,'' night iillacks in Alsace were repulsed Kltch-- u im- With Inaiy loss, according to an of tinient of the country oyer to RerVSS and may or may not, have inn., ie 11.11 pspond Speaking of tlo- situation on the mir-'l- i navy de- evening r and asked him to perform ii proved the efficiency of th, . "Tlo aptun oi 1. OuliiDoli peninsula, Mr. Sasonoff Tin .filial statement issued mis one of his first acts was to ut- - partment, could not. and did BOl era! Woylsch 70,00 unoemenl was also made of an press, ui ciiiuia-- n situation, Which ie Vgtuta, 111 the aeroplane end on Hie Herman camp Change the military i" " I W'Olllulell illl.l plisoTli In hy far the "C.,.LOWIN, to the south, Dalhelm. 'rii, statement follows. principle. was that Ureal Britain, Maatsna, N. Y., Aug. 1. I north of Lublin ami 'at estate manufacturing Three "In the region of ArtOlS, weak .a, best ami greatest companies of the militia from fighting fieri ' n a close and din I near KuroW, wh lies eastward of around governiti turning out stale NoWg t it w ill be j Soliehesse, some Hermiin attempts to mi lite country in the war, was Malone, ami Ogdensburg arrived here of territory, wh th. iblished betwi us. Alexandrls hus one-tent- ick Willi ril- and able less than h of the munitions ouay ami took charge ,,r treat neetng the approaching1 seen Hint the T tonic allies ire ill. hand grenades wel'O COfl- - the strike es I pulsed easily, Tin English press is Ihe turned out by any of Ihe other Situation at Hie plant of the Aluminum "in an advance of sev ovei wh ime,i the eastern driving 'beii we both eastward ., , III I be Alsace, in the middle of the) if nation ul strength. I esi 11 s ,,,,,, I Company get en a ' ' ps, power, with Ihe Vistula northward "in of America, after a riot last rm) field - have Al d the Vistula In night, ihe enemy attacked Relchacke- publicists, who SUppty her arm) right In which one workman, who re- e kensen lost 115,00(1 Armenian: Dtniaati .1 wi rid public from providing lor tne in fused to walk out, was kilted, ' The army massed fri d of perse, ul Ions to capture tba I ropf, suffering heavy losses. Pinion for century in the interest In training. It begun h, I ,1 broki n d, if P sible, to envelope "On the rest of the frontier, there a larmy , finding Impossible t the OstroWlec has un t 1I1 un-- .In,, control t n. Ifr ,r,l- no ollllt.' til i .1 111 fol'l ui Russian grand was no Incident of to n llrilish empire, were put I II,. 11,1111 I".' nun employes on strike, Sheriff Da) Novo Alexandrlai the spirtl, foi the Armenian yoliin those "ie importance the governance of men who knew the military authorities, who had had upon Governor which was commenced leers are fighting With US, del port, ac,iiaint-e- d ..ailed whitman for othlng of journalism and were Bon- no opportunity of becoming troops thr-,- friil,c. night, 01 no leas terrible, suf scale, and and the companies reach slans "Persecutions der eg too weak to work at their own with affairs on a large ed here at noon rend by the local Hre, k populations new The strikers who assigned rofegslon war. who, In the Hist glow or were en-- dispatcnei Cgnnol Inn eXCld) the indignation of max regain the points t" " lion camp al lialheim and also six ,,... barricaded behind a bridgs i ., f course, England lacked any iiiithoritv, were unwilling to trance to the plant were charged by of ammu tne Hellenic peopl ami government. tn Ho nan line along the eastern shells mi military (ruin near Ctaatosj lack-- bOSlnBSS , lunprehensive military system, I Witt themselves competent troops )i it i ii d oil, low an will have to solve the ques border of Pols mi Kallnes." the and dispersed. Later the from llador 'Ihe latter - military knowledge and knowledge July IS hi whether it is capabl f coming The oermans havs brought num- the troops took possession of the plant Warsaw since in military needs. Her Immediate It was due in a greater part to land established a patrol, the sheriff's 'The Russians who south to the assistance of its religion ..i .,e,.,,, Ian. - int., play m the AKRIAl M TIONS OCCUR eed was education, which, wdth a workmen who Insisted on limiting the being killed un, led lsts in Asia Minor without Joining the western region, and have bombard d IN .I.I.i:y Of Als.MJ become deputies meanwhile sent out of Prsanysi ttle Intelligent help, the British press output per man, as they had to arrest the responsible for and look 6.100 0 I ion tl powers, who are fighting for right both British ami Wench aeroplane many strikers I as eager to give. to do during the t not doubt In 'laiions. Paris, Aug. (():2r, p. in) The accustomed advnn-tageou- s he outbreak. army Corps." and Justice thut Censors Bnngled Badly, yearg of easv peace K gland's While there was promise nous shoot. The Tribune's laiba ispon other countries still neutral, the gov- - Berlin reports that several of the following was issued by the war office en- - brought them. la ml tonight Such knowledge, the bungling position had UK. near the faitory, the tOOS dent shvs: ernments will be found fully in acoord flench machines were toned t" was the mill". no DV irs, puffed up hy sudden authority, He was never told how serious no part, these encounters being "A general Italian ' with their aspirations, their present ami that lite Hoi mails suffered "Aii aerial action of medium con . dtuation of hl nation: on the strikers and employes who had begun yesterday on tii and their past, more particularly be- tensity has occurred lu Artols and in m i illey trail, he was eniireiv an " refused to .loin them In a wa Ik oyt. Carina front forcing th A usti cause of the pressure Which Hum. una IPurthei details of the sinking ol the nf tin Aistie, ii was more war. been by i nl beginning of the and has 1 some Strongest undergone al the hands of the th British Bteamer Iberian a lob lo the northwest of Hheims l ...... n Reprssentatlves of the ien declared evacuate of their has PORBCA8T. ...,,f in truth ustro-Qerm- q Tllflt given omy ;i s,,,,,,,....n ,,a,i grievance Lie a ti points Dalmatian yvhph A agents, that oottntry German submarine, showed thai three in the region Luxembourg taws, Washington. Aug. New Mex thai th.dr was lo regiments date. wagf-- they ,,St (ill pe of should be praised for standing firmly. Americans, instead of one, were kill- between Ctuiray and Uolvre ami in the o Monday ind to wage, mand for higher b attacked fteikopf lelll thunder ihowent Os 1 1 Now I was d. had Despite their efforts the Rumanian ed, and that Hue. Americans also western Argonue, in the region of ioler Tuesday ghov miwi fully awake claimed not grttnf their effectived The Italians The government Is now alleged 'ring of pierced the second line on the CarSO government Is resisting temptation, weie WOUndad lu all six men met Fontaine Aux Charmas ami mil IIS, lUtheast Thirteen ktadsri Mo- - portion. i the serlousnena of the situation. the 1,000 strikers were arrested to- - plateau, taking several miles of and We continue with that country death lo Ihe disaster and six Ware, "Between the Mouse and the - selle, iii the of Lu Have, Oer- - , ...... relations of friendship, the strengthen wounded. legion a TWO ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, MONDAY. AUGUST 2. 1915. ITALIANS MAKE VILLA EXPELS ALL IN IN PULLMAN LIU WILL STEADY GAINS MERCHANTS 10 TAKES MIGHTILY REPRODUCE THE


ffOlt 0! m imwim ami Conversatioi nnual Entertainment to Be . uvernearu by Given in Eddy County Town ROSENWALD'S on the Train I ate This Month Sine to dcied well and Clovi Utract Biff Ctowds. exaltation 1, renaon ,.f thr destini, Hint gprrounded us and v,,. will iro on I'.MupuiiHHca to iawaa tawmt. lafKC.AL CORHOONOINCI TO MOAN, NO JOUNL ENGLAND MOST to Ihe mil. without fear or trembling vt. IIU - RI as A im 1. hi- - iii N M I'lli- iv Forelac Trim twri n Itoawell and UovlngtaH. Artg. 1. a rea and in tha Inspiration of a f..r-"i- i certain vie. and repreai ntailvee ..f n. 1 Th.ii la tlii- UvaM wii.i weal tmt retain ment, a aaet-toge-th tor which will restore to ihr world mi i il h mi' ri oper-HI1- 1 er Rat 'ting the eld faahionad kind peace territory nn Mr,' Tin wol dl ill Iftl .1 off that which can a lone bring hap ore in route n Will be hrl.l in Lovington. thr rllir iiiiiiiini vr nr pinpss and contentment to the mass ' ti IK ri I 1.1 Ihr Ine anoklnn r n to ihr im- - ,,f .tit' ii"itlnrn linnlrr fmin n,.- bualneaa .inter the eoutheaetera of its citizen.--.- lilhiiiiliini City, accordlna in report 'naiar m in lii thr l' plalna, vugmM lith, SOth and unnvfinLmL ur h paaatngt in lit, hntereated Ihr ii" an annnal affair. thu three-,i- a pri pared l THREE AMERICANS llHlrn meet uf thr plains people at Lv Ington, ami a haif-a-wre- k f"r even I KILLED ON IBERIAN aummer ih. peopto rerne front for and GREAT NATIONS ma tin support ,,r urttlli i p m .1 (rm every aeetion uf the great I j th nt u hood ol thi ihno chants llllr K" dry-fonnt- hboi 11 cattle and MMgatry, from .BV Mi. UMNO JOUI ML BPKCIA .USED W.lf ANGELES WARMLY ,f till- - lll. laraje, i.ui paakai Up fur It HlZr liy the v column again w tailor, the Irrigated farms along Aug. 1. being mi nn- lull the Pecoa Oiieenstuwn. The official pleiel) repulsed and from the neighboring etate of isl ol llu dead f the British stcann m t t l i mind niu nf tha I' hi r In In nul h in In Teaaa, to anjo) IhamseWea In a way icrian, shelled l.y a Herman BUbma-fo-r I Mvlnlallonga luppei C'ordevo that never grow oM, bj ne, 'I'll, - ihat always accounts six men three i Mi Ih. 111 inlrfisli-i- nst 111 frh a trmp- i m mi 'a infantr) rlad on lh t l. Iinnl. Mill. Interratlng in iii tin- and retreehing. Sere, In Americana and three Bngltabmi Tin- GREETEDiANOTHER ih i i y Arcordln to report tatlon to Hint demand name $h ip) am io the Juaraa iha a little vlllngT ihat is ihe supply town Anwrlcsju were Mark Wiley of lfos-ton- , ami location ol ihiK pt'rayffn uf a. iif k." i in summits of Pew na ai in taitiaa "f Hi, uiintry w prt'Bi'iit- - for a r.iiiiittv hiajKor than the state John Carroll and Sheridan: i Perhana, win, knows ho li Messodl mr troop aut-c- I ad mi HatnrtVi b the Villa govern Attitude tiiikIii to In "f Main.'. sivi mile from the mar- Englishmen Proudloot, Appleby and dl i i to h eanl live that verj town. i" nil- In ' in on menl the man inta and tmmi 's' railroad point, l tiu tu found i I'Keefe. I - rarliiK. huvA'cvfr, that am interrupt- i. In .11 AMP 16th H rrpreaentali vet aaaembted at rhi- arhofo-aaul- ed Conflict, RFVfll T PI ANNFfl "li Ihr dal might ( thai areetern boepitallt) The Wounded Americana are Henry i ion chance Um trend the iral ml. i.ilti ii Willi In ii huahui Clti frooi nil pevita r VtHe thai for Ki Hi' ra I ronveraation, ha hoping linns lias itiiidr the Welsh, Charles Hsnsbury and John Or lup I In I tnvritoi4) demnnd made iur all waitni. that rin nn and a little more suiithwrst a pla, r aiati from all other i haw, ii The itritish wounded are PI attK'ki of kouiIh Tin demand waa nut time would dim loan the I'laniiint and eastern Identity uf the "II vent" city, sen i,,iis of .nn copntry They do not James UcGulgan, J Berry and L Bol- - I ' My ' ll I. III, Mi- 1, Thr noiac k was fn lui aa ful l. iiiul ni nn , m.w l I'.l r tha train oopld n drown ihr what the word "introdti, London. Aur Sir Edward Car i" a combined trorital ntin k I'hanUi Imprtaoni menu on tin- alalna son, attorney imneral in m ,,f booatnr tn tin1 Hnok countnr. With the Asuiiitti to: from Hound., by the elope oi Tha furrlK ra not 11 j 1(1 iidli inu' compartment. tnem s ttowdj lid timer ail dow a cabinet, at) regarding the war ' against i .1 ad 1 (elm Uttal k leated. alia don't Ihr thrrr, hnl I'm Wninj; tn bet e, or "Wall Id man get n cut ai in,' commencement oi to,, wai ' elta n SnhaeQue Mm Destroy Nogafes, Sonorat lil'ldr h u riiloino ft i'ii I off thlt l.eef," an paaalng ,,f we were nol and oaver iini pretend 1 a nn clone ,ui by buatnem the ami ( 111' arila in Ing there non sh"l St llll'HSI n, lard time to he a military nation. An expedi- Damper En- round altn of th conference you of Life Fails to Put on w " fitni tionary force ITo. oini a Outdoor u alge youraelf ha elect, a nun and morning. In an effori to en-- 1 Ihr ai bare hrid ihin small lint ImporU pari f the hap small territorial army ( He.OM men Km tin Ina tira a modification of the demanda ol thusiasm Displayed, ai iih ki mi daah drh pv crowd, g feiiow-- i Itlaen with tome tor defense against invasion, was all 'O'1 Kl Im) - the government The (alluw ol thaae jllli Memi thr point "f Ihr Well, ii'm; ll of the lust men r IWII in tlii- ere eould boas) ,,f; but today t'.rcnt concluding negotiation! U Indicated bj and vol ami dpiiii ma 101 prl . run i teenijj inl much it bj th n urns' lernal con-t- hi short gntaa country, in with military camps in In h A In VJ a ll he reporl of hi (on Ign merchnnli trvrn Uffll rl a 11 which milii, ns ,,f men of finest ink a flden in their town ami ir etar s a lolly hunch frl- - the 111 aull by being ni route north rd That stool l, in r contributed to tht mil ( 11 material are belna trained and Nugaloa, Sonoia Mi i. IN boosting, Why, d" fOV know that low .lust humped is 11, ,111-o-ie eault rr, M Mi ll I II, I, ) m .' ti ll into I an iv. (ire which al Oral ra ii.iii , 11 I pel to cope with evny emergency. 'i'h. enthusiasm i bill sosnl ,11 mother'a eon ol te bualneaa n Id. nf the beat mrr-ii- i rm .1.1,1 known i No li uad the m in tr'nchej and han taentnth a "f elgn man complain iii.m the y , other 'i.ition in thr world ever attention in nolle laid In 'in have no hauls southwestern New Mexico. I wttii lengthened prevented rein- - man aaaemn led in huahun , v produced or hoped to produce ii Carroisa authorities, ivsriiing nun rantv t'h money, but v rj time aoi m. propoid II null the Irrigated bell to on a fol fi rotllfng up net ii .I iu re tin I, null: .f III settle trmy of auch combatants iu Hii i. efty, u ih inniiH inn 'in. lion "im h up whore mon sy mttal ba th plains, and has proportions. Each "On fnrau fmin on the nlahi al Villa nevet had reason (day bring to the of forces unit, i 0( n r Kites Calls, now ihr foveri auppltod tot aome public entnrprtaw. to regret the lllovi Tin r is Kvans. colors thousands Uha enamy a vlgornm nu n win, had never mili-jtar- y Investing Nogatea ni to a tr tin made ence. thrv nil come through (or all that ix h thought of 1, . cashier of Ho 'a iik re Diiln't .inilaiiKlil un "lir IK lit In Ihr Willi' III) iii, nei or mai j . ry service before each das as Ihr town In ii few days An "Inn needed. Tin "nrolci while they km tin y had a LaDVlngton and one i,r Monte dl Dual, inn waa thrown Mar. h, III, v da alloa fol lh reac-hln- in our enem) grow weaker, Infancj gales arrived tht morning in Nogulr i air their pocl rls for the We they have, a the 11 ,, A much of js LTr- ba k h in Ina el enemy full " I, "i minea under penalty I of our stretii;!)! winir man-- I Aiu. f nitu Waahlton, D C H coin tu put 0 rr a n thing Ot thr K001I Tha dm year waa into column marching fi liulo toward in iin r tpired ami man) ti hood, ami with im re isimr . iri'itv .n mil at tin international bounder) town. Thai raiaea more fiflv per capital Uoiierdo wa nbaarved und reported n It 1 technically Huhlr j r fur public the Hn b Governor Joe Heyturens and air iiar proooal Si e . , the ed fellow by our aviator to the heavi ttrtlllert t Inn, aooh aotlon Is not nf six,, in looll ihr letter's entire etaff civil and imii an) other like hit iiinn up his over b) li II for, 11 trousers there the mtsrepresentatloiM miii escorted between line ol Iwhluh .in acted 1 di adl on etnej looked And la luai thai putting hi which at,, a trv. 11 pointed ahould id, phone pole'.' Thiii's Florence pan of the leualterod ualrUin with eerloul "ni the iki'H it I L. . . equipment of our rman soldiers to the governor's resident! tin Ihr town what I.OVe, .1 ...... - several block fcwtj loaaaa tinr offenetv continued ail iiia govern menl oonllacat the mlnen The listener m iin- c illman w as uremwi in tin nisi niaic leg l enemll s, who represent is a .it-- adent Nliipmrntri could lalatui the man who stuck to Hio farm Ih i rH Itrvtce men met ah, nn iin ft iintiiiK the da) in ami operate them. about read) to usher him aj( int, the Ihil know little of the Anirrlrsn I ii OUgh III, Inn Mull", 'I 1II1I III be atopped al the border under the hi thick ami thin, and pint f our people tin n.iln on whii h General hkiI' tl rin Win conversation ami enter ll m 111 law, tht that th, "old guard" No I to, iiirlvi-i- l boundary Inn A made i h pi laonefa. f hi Teaae which permit attach In the Hat nf libera! giver Dramatic ill tin' a . h. ,,r h llriiiit lona " t ne nipper on da ing ufiiriiiiH. Angeles, mil lead i VMM uffl ient nn Nliii'inrolK "And whal Is tnorr. from baotutety wl , revolutionary movement, with Villa omparl menl booster "ill in ued, "I he effect. Next s xpanut ii lo him Ii "i toddy" f " hose home he- an k "in! nil in chirr. ibkiic ii t Oan pi nave the beel etimat In the world spirit III Isl, a d hill e al- - i I rul nhri'K"ii and Iturtfta, i",th or Million siiiiiiiIi.ii I'mmanged. HI wire is there for her health, and is omes more determi nod our ef- is most enkyyable w hen the Skin h mllttai i ell um Ion al Turraon, Improved w mderfutly ul at the Highlonssnnie ram h, forts and organisation quietly Whom at repot lad here to have aban- HEXAMER ADMITS sin. has In n simi is in a healthy condition doned i ut to b ready to 'In a, i ordlng to J uarea reports, is prtv f, w montn i iiiiin i i ni ni. i net c was start and made his themselves to meet the emcrgencli raniut or be-th- - Hon it ' " at US, ao Hul l. I'll- whose SOW at operatl iicaih unchanged, excepting a chance for her a yea r an., iilains are before That all this cat-- 1 being accompllahed lot been In Slniiloii, fr."in iillv him sai.i tip' railroad Hue below Torreon The listeue h ll I. d the without dramatl w foolish been reported i ii n ull to naslat Collea, iham. ho demonstration and boasting but navcr hu sppaarsd, HE IS NOT PROUD . away, lalnol I llgtl of weakness hut i MUNYON'S tsi hmenti have h "Whal ,1" Hi sp. io Heard ami etrengl h. In Hie Ol Molller. ami the fourth man in party is he splemli.l heroism .,1 ur tins-onl- v I'ltl A l l M III IMS Ml aal din lion for in the was of fits'.1 thr W.s "I h lim' Me' iter, one-l- it s. - WITCH I Kt (Ml IMIsI II asked another smoker 'all ie it, ,,m nan and French in not an HAZEL ltll w I luring the oast d a months i h all who is example hi h us. htlt'lt is Iioh Anacli'M, Aug liilMa," EC' OF HSG0UN1RT ,1 V railroad "h ileaaani in additional our na-a- u i . ... tl end Btiioeni Uuiiirn. private nr. ratal 1 "i vent its. gaven isinir, SOAP pl, lUppllra or f.,o, ami iimmunilioii basobiH, the obligations we have Qanofavl Oarrnnaa, who in rntumlug at, U, An for undertaken. by AlVftr&do J'harrnary iiim) a m i foreign element ins nol been a dOSi n 11 till I ol I And If for the mrn;rr.t WC can to Vara I'rua nfin an Invenatlgatlon the slate fair ami fur .ami. arc R Ruppe. m i, b) I with Ihe Imposslblllt) rondltloaja 10 Monor In o state- - dial ni mllitarj activities. Their steam up all the a (real countr At t fronted of of of t , j Quit try. I f is c action by our Russian menl i. .nn. ni denied Hun (.ennuis buquerque." one is remlndi of th ex- - brave llutldd,. were aifnuYo Hyphenated Ann ican ()en Ma x i in o Garcia, onfidi ntlal ml - The president of the Mi , lama Ion "f the old lime player allies and arc compelled to wags h Hhrenoo mid bnll I 1) isei ami one of Ilia's leading n leaned k In the u h I cost and difficult war agnlnal the deaill I'ulillllKii mid loin Hen '''ill"" A. ..(..I lA .11.... ItatS fair hi' irrlvi in tin Hit ml had his How She VV lonlghl en routs he- - iu well Allgidea, Villa nrllllcn oin ma ml, r, ill! VV,IIIHi icle i. mis. an inii bsre last one In Ihe Pullman nr. ami fin sunrise the Turks the Dardanelles as as tur w tngi - He tplaihsd thai upon blessing f iiKuinst our em niies in Flanders, we tn a new rsvolutlonar) ntuvemeni in Cmmm nan cogitating the no 'd the sleep (n. waa on e to fn Mi xi, o own to h, hnii recently married ami rea Ira out serosa, cheerfully resolve ourselves lor f,n a (ew oa, Cured Her Husband ' Ueneral Angelas la a plot, - am., a leave ol absence mouths. moking the and nnlei of 'Vel grass, the situation winch confront i'i w days ago, ( air-m- whole Countr) patriotic. artillaryman," tha eiatemenl aaye, um Ruoul Mioiei... thi lie "My Ha inn i, (t h, i i iu. i'a infor-i- f is, of course, our u pollllial i" iiiiein Panama gregatlon impi c the li am an a Hiii in "ii true that 'und personal and enenii ii, a dl this country not to "For five years my husl ami tuHered of Obragon The Angela ifi. ax i,.n commands motion i li it he renldent Kansas has hern accustomed Oaaarai t M..MN.NU lUURhll . cm, It with his stomach. The medicine he took bf. laion "i Hm Villa ra Hen. Bmlllo ti in X w Mexh nil lot li organisation und dl sclpUns whli movement can not la taken Met looaly. I 'l ,,, AUg i a awl'. of in this hi amis, meet win, lH also Villa, II leads Unthinking men from time to onur gave rellot for h while, nntliintc a be has lost ail mllUaf) parsojiaHiy Undent, a eommaii id is good land a. Km IIIK i, at. I. prellmlnar) ie opening i i, im-- w II recent!) h d on tha order tn tannoi be time to Imagine thai hare has s cured, rites Mrs in,l what power Io hhd Villa, or l IEM0VED FROM aurpai Tha ""t ni, .invcullon w "I nd union ol the Mattero fum from different disposition in the coal th Ids Saraii Baker of Not he daSertad lh Vllls am N i ; i sHih has the l, ma the mil he doea not In or the workshops from thai which Mo. '(ieneral m. the iium has announced tteghill, "Our rail, larranaa breaidi ..I phila COM IN OF BECKPt 111 to return to Mexico immediately, BtWvV" ml th. I. M' ki paevaila the trenches, hut all that liouglit delphi ii merchant iciae the iii i s nothing me to Wept I" is a mere temporary difficulty ami it 4' Mi re there for the railroad. Ir land grain Botue of Chamber-lai- ing Riled Wat m ii n i k Impede hO said, "rxcepl pa Cotton." ININII JdUHNSl WBCI AL Lll u v., a Crop flourish and make mane) lot cannot the country which hasi 'a uuartei tioni up win if it madiclBVI Aug I. The "lice. It their producer The stores and pro- inade its mind lo has to 1 re- ii, muaillu gnd Oua inu will i rork, last fall also aouth loosi .ai have m fessional men spend "the last man und its 'a.--i dol- mti i tonight, had emot ad prosper CCSUSC they I'l I.,.,' i it. ni n ounced ceived some free trial lof - have a in process. a- coffin "i Gharlei lir, ker, prosperous country back ol lar the li. ill -- nt BamiileH of l.'haniUr FRENCH i them, and Hi oMMtiae cowmen "The success of the re war loan MARINES ulati id." cd thii by his ami and da) unit supplies Kuala i , i ' ' anxious people to Iain's Stomach ..II W 111. ll Ihe "1U, ,IU ion, is iivr shown how our are g g g ami nil th. - In peace money in Ih Tablets. Ha cmrKMiu'connvs n nn ii ii i i i a i ammunition charge Hun Hi. former m.licr llrii- getni and barmon) and Invest their prosecution Liver t brow in w ii - Not only it lurgest ns of u Mi Ihe lest tenant, dectrocuted ,i Bing prw-riida- nh ai other t,, deal mis- ol the war. is Ihe gave some them jiuuiMiinii (aas i T uuui hnl I. on, was "murdered by ar) lo the luckless shccii man w hose loan that aver ins been floated, hut and wanted m us am amused i, in, "ii flocks a it not merely accumu- ARE LANDED AT i;,, Minor Whitman after s police doss corner of their land represents the band to try them. He n I ol our i. conference, attended b represents- - uently for this reason oi s,,m lation ..f capital of .1 few arg bonka said it would do na nn irnr nniir nrn aiunll) goad, but (aw savings of small MB Uvai "f the dlstrici attorney's office, thare are but the hnril earned good. His stomach, btLILILU bUlLHLU Inspector PaUrot, tha announcement 'look of slurp on Ihe plains. investors In even pan of the conn- - , n it bail troubling Ilk hut in sic. id is toiind t honsa mis try boon said, wnil to thi Hc'kcr home ami loir him worse than ever. Rmgland i hi a ni E ,,r ay ics und r ultivatlon, tal cat- Do Hi- - cut dim from PORTAU-PRI- Infot mod Mrs ItecKuf thai the In- - and Bnoh Utxlons to Pan. Ix til by r At last on Friday i ii ml I the hundred Ihou.inml ".Mthottrrh shores are not In in at npi nrn w as a knal libel on In "tir o out niti The annual barhequs is typical of j vgded and we ha v,. not experienced told him if he would gut mo i ami prat ailed upon het hi RY QUICKSAND ,11 the country ami its people, it is an Impelling! of xvar wat?-- i not take those lalilcH Mill', nermil remot al. the necessities annual affair, and draws crow ds from led in our own country, yet there is! 1 wasgoing to siind for verywhere. This is No. li. and all the hardly a famih in un village In the a dis'tor, and lie said i arrow - In ther liv. were uniiinilified successes, land Hint his not willlnnly sent its' to would t ahethem. liv Monday he waa I I. Ol- - ii indepi mi. i, Bantk I'r. Aim. Mrs Western sports while away the time, sons lo flcjit our battles in foreign likfl another hfaea. in-- I man. The were frone. ! iins was notified loday that Tar which is a poor enough expression to While I sec day by day nana I OOl'lc HI i UIUI aOO o ll lln'ci stand lands. no more trouble with his stomach, ami itlin row ol Hull House, Chicago, who waaiim,. iu ties, lilting the good times had and more anxiety from every man to 1 the best part is that, the trouble hag not addressed 'wo audiences In during the Lovington celebration 1 sue no sign rw isef Dm to have do his share, can nor s Vii inity foi Corpse I Culf-orandl- returned. I cannot Chuiuber-Iain'- Seairh th,. Palace on Monday, eould not bconk riding, steer of Hi any of praise all, ml Ho old trace wavering section highly-- beglnnlnl come, since important business en tin .h i mk. steer riding and races of the community. Tablets too ,1 u ua gagemt uis prevent! her husband, miii Kinds dtiiw Inn ,i,,wds and "We have the light I" say to neu-trnl- s Dufiiia Recent Cloudburst, ,",m ChlcdgO newspaper uway good Nimodj barred," that our cause !a Jus!, that the oompM) Ing net .ovlngton, and some of the heal war tun been forced upon na and SPECIAL TO WOMEN t West Is on every n will In th display we are making and are going to there be ihington, Aug, w li h i he son thai Tho moat economical, clonnslng and 9 ttlftl, at the Lovington barbecue. Meg every makes a na- i in .a na nlas M-- r th.- Mai- - make effort that Pnlted inn iiii Uoflonlgai, "Ratfl" Howell g fhai th. . tion Kt'eat. to bring our cans to germicidal of ail antlBcpticB la the asso, lation rinei Ini b en landed U ,,i i it all John Murrah, the hiat named Ihe We a in .ring manifests i" Haiti, w here las) revo CUICAGOiMAN'S successful cancluslOJI. ha, weak' Who lacks less Hum one s, ond I to ex- in, .imii Hir tiht. think, to ask neutrals uVerturiied guvernmanl am ting the champion' roper til the own as to f isceaeltated landing expedl- - amine their consciences CD the of nn i. ar. niw.ns attraction at Lov- - whether they have done everything mai i ton from it i nlted states t neutrals night to do or can do ilsei I., restore nrdet A detach-- ; IS USED AS nd Hi, ,1s" It ia Ihe proud In insisting thai the laws ,,f humanity 1 nt flltW lo 1. ' ia NAME .i nisei' s Ul lea boaat of Lovington thai no ons ever and ihe doctrines of the international ""dlnj iii, JTcni i legutinn grounns I nil A soluble Antiseptic Powder to dm left the unfed hat of been so carefully foa-tcrs- d pri llmiitai i mi I 11 II 1:1 .. i law which have l"IU Wll'.ll I'll'.l.lll.l S Ihe i! was never And In ret "i .a nt, im H' xn , i nil. eaten. in times of peace are carried be dissolved in water as needed. ' taken bj i mob pnd nasaaatnated, i in ii n n r n n in r n leading oi ll it , annual fui his and a u .x , As a antiseptic for douches "lu requeai ti.ou ii, rum' ni wa a fair attendant I - medicinal husba , ,t in, erturee tlii- Neutrals. ,i, ai, ition nreae n ted b the rrem ii minister at WUULUbL Dlimth with halves and In treating catarrh, inflammation or ...I PoH-au-l- , executive power a h, id at Ihe h im ,i aid, a I.. Wash- "Neutrals ire the .sati.i used a dozen fal to compel observance of princi- ulceration of nose, throat, and that ington i" Admiral Oaperton, tn ,om-i- c the t 0W ti lender mull Of law and if they it. equal. ahui ami ..I the expedilionari forcea. The! ples International caused by feminine ilia has no now to do so, the result n dia-th- e imm r nrn mltttater had eapraased an ur-- ! fail For ten years the Lydia K. Plnkhatu c BOUIAI, 11,111, tl to Ihe world at ll the will una, I dssin i hat nil Ii jfal Ion be guard-b- ) 11 NOIIN.N IOUHN.I llll REPORT OF TROUBLES astro Medicine Co. has recommended Paxtlne beddi i Aug i otorngM present and in the futur 'ranch pallors Inttsmu, h na the Paris, The Home In their private correspondence with .I dri I'ort-au-- , d'ltalln pnlillahes a statement Isancil OF TAXI DRIVERS TO t'srte had arrived ai women, proves suficriority. Tht mtnlStsr Hmncnl. also,, i.v direction of Ihr ao.inlist party" which Its it out its n say .t is.vee miua, soma i t thi French guard would Its nida alloKing an attempt to lolhe Italian BE MADE TO COUNCIL ..use carries Women who have been cured i o w .mi, be i - ,.. the dlscoverlet ..I i lit si It the burd Admiral i.'h- aallsls to oppos' Italy s entrance aid of It is "worth its weight in (?old." At w scan h and progress hat i lbs lte Into the war. druggists. 00c. large box, or by mall. . At to aas st ihe l oss Thi pro Iral Cape on 's n a' cna inu, ,,f .irruption against the council meeting b held "Put. however that hi.'! he, our rt i. might committee charges' with courage bj d It The Paxtoa Toilet Co., Uoslou, Masj. til in. Will be drx.'trd to ' III. cull Italian soclsllsts, made b) the Crl de the undaunti Riowa into vn is It Investigating taxi telephone i man ar nn fi'rred With Sect etal I ansina M ' l'arla bus ,okr, an explanation driver j , i Hi, a report Alder-- rats w.i entertain a could e in. objection to the the effect tha! Ol Mai last, at iro'lble will make tandini of a small detachment from Zurich a hello si i. .lined Nathan was men Ivan Urunsfeld Skinner and th, lie Carte for the special put pose presented at so, laltst council at Chief Me.Mlllui made the Invwatgn-r- e ..I guarding ihe Kronen legation. No Hologne In M ul Ich .lean of Ihr lion yesterday The taxi drivers, aay-.,- - re-- 1 ,,mpan S'OUlaV arise from such Hwis s.aiiillsls. having Inst in the teleplmn refuse to rations allow to pl.n on aotlon in the aeoretwrj a ..pinion, and Aurned from the ted states, chuia- them inatruments gig w bj the compevny poles, ask permission to 'B 0 EXPOSI I Im ii tnerton was matrueteg to ,'.! ith a mli in American BEARIN.NINP facill-li- . woman, which ahi iid b of Interest put up poles, afford ihe French mlnlter all La- - . iM s f'.i laming the I'rem h uuaid. to Italian SOI laliati on account of the D "i - I Port an- p autet financial dlffi, tilth ,,f the part MINE OPERATION BY Thi hat- - toda; The 1. tit Nathan nlo d xplain. is alleged with additional marines, ia now, an no 1, an w nmun TURKS a SUCCESSFUL i n route to th, isiami md will b fol- and well known hion of Hugh lowed b) ih, naval transport Man-- , had charged him to i) Hun V M to fill. OUO to aid a T MOSM'MO JOUftNAL IHCHI I tD W,H .f Hugh M Other, may t., aeflt a liv Italian social t ug. I ixia I on.,,n If there are any more attack upon M ilr.-u- l h was then cioaelx nc 2. - 1.1 m i Vu "If., nl st ii, tin- clt) b) th oluilonisl". auch aa( nr. and .1 I" h IX e Kl II ment laaued to.i.n sa i - rd w thai In which tw,, American blue-- ; i me of Mt rren Springs of Vcsterd ix m ar Ai i Huron illalli- - irket w.i killed The expedition-- j i, woman con- - Poll), on our e nter, aome minea wMeh ,.r fer.-- I expn ted lo remain In j had Mag pushed toward the eliemv ROSENWALD'S ment injarv Haiti until lastinu pea, e is featured. Ihat the social- - exploded with good result. A por-- deploring M. lion ,.f Ihe SWSSa pasWoliea aome , ,. and JoutMl aaal aS Ming qeii k m.,iii ... s In the affair ir.. j.,,.,,,,,, ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, MONDAY. AUGUST 2. 1915. THREE



Mountain COP!" UNIVERSITY 10 NORMAL DURING FOR NEW Iturro mountan MEXICO n experiment


lead-nin- e led heavl terestine; Facts Disclosed bv Product! of Gold, Silver, led S ft t up it I, 11 Bet-t- r . Is Beinc; 'i Dka4 n In-- n Sine sul c or, s concen-on- i luildings and ui VVt' DUTMU Copper and Zinc Has land and '11 who is a muu Urates slilppc Hi. rtto does not Patron-ze- ;; : Supported- and d Transmitted to Washington ased While That of Leac 191 t was 29. (lie ai Mini, IK t oittp.tiiv I in ot u.rnt, s cent sine, as mpared With IS, (SI to fOt ,. Pi Vug 1 P.I Mora Mining per s.i.i Than Ever Before, From Santa Fe Has Fallen Off, tons of 7.$1 nt nine In I9i:i the r. i, and Mill Ins company of All.uqueique Tl principal districts Hi ,,,,, yealerda) tiled Incorporation papers, m New Mexico ate alinover, llranl pent mtli jy iio- ,,,ii iHon . iiilt $50,000 "f county. Cooks $3,80(1 1 MORNINU JOURNAL! whlofa is iald in. The incur SHOAL OilMIPONDIhCI I..ICIAL OltPATCN tO MONNINtt JOURNAL t.P.ClAL OltPATCH to MOHNINQ JOlNAL and Kelly, Hoc ,! poratora and are: a i' tilb-.- 1 Aug. 1. The grounds, Santa I Aug. HUltS Fe. An 1. In 1814 pro-- s directoni H.nia r, V. Thi re was only the ore has also lie r Cat on ami Joseuh McNutt buildings, furniture and equipment of fae da) in July that Santa I'e was ductlon of met from N, w Mexico Alios, Qrani , tu. rimersity of New Mexico nt without sunshine, according to mines, accord In to Charles W Hen-Ite-d - tho Ties lleinianas A me , '(- are worth iilitiost $200,- d. rs. .a of the I geological lotion Water repoti of Lhe l'nite, Stat. States I. county, i 1 1 weather una Cerillos u.aii I o Infl i to exact, $195,1 SO, while survey, ,.r be bureau transmitted to Washington to- showed in increase in j;old. Bants P ai Kelly, lhe Bant Fe, Aug M, of grants is equal cop trlct, lean Aio the'vatue its land night Theri srere four days that hil silver, mi sin, and a dc rease Osark eompan) s wet concentration ater works at Its In nil endowment of several million Km per cent sunshine nine days of mill was the u mill in New Mex- is. being gollars. The university also nioro than '."i por cent, and twelve ico producing sine concentrates in - or supported much batter tlian hereto- iia with more than 81 per cent; elev- in: sil it, 1,777,440 OUUceS, an in- i!,i4, inn the Bnipiru Zinc company's amount available to en days crease oi 111,171 iT f Pi fore, the total were classed as clear, six as ounces); of copper, mill, at Kelly, wa. undergoing remod- uin I nil lit vt H I, ICxSS, hwSSg nllrr In i,i',i $7S686.$8, of 18,307,835 this -- , ii year having been cloudy and fourteen as partly cloudy. pounds, an iin reuse bl I," eling and prepttral Ions w e made for iisisess inn 8al4aMe fur ptumtilnit st gen- $88,318 potfnds; 1,1 which $38,814. M came from the of a possible 4(1 hours of sunshine of lead (figured as Hie erection oi a mill al I'lnos Alios. Hhiip, r torssei he'll uul uutor In appropriation, or less tlian one- - in July, the sun 278. had in had bullion and lead In lead i.uit.i imlii iiiin sOfleei eral Shone on The n, .11 1, 'ir was derived .ui- -- Sim OXlde), 1. 041 itioii r However. $7,000 i'i for the twenty five .wars Ton. pounds, a Test's Manual I, Out. (rom notes, $7,299.73 from running Is 100 hours, The percentage was St, dei lease of 2.IS2..2:! pounds; and ol Aug. ieul. F C. Te u.i finalh 1, to in fai w hi dlnlni hall, $888.43 came from as against 50 last year, and 4S in zine (figured as spelter and sine in Santa Fe. iter Instructor-inspect-or ol the national ... Hi,, permanent improvement fund and the lowest on record, while leaded-tln- c oxide), 18,403,383 pounds, I'll, the today received the first print- - of Glass-Pain- nit 41 from 'he Income fund, white Inchest la 1 per c in 1108. an in. n ase of 1,880,331 pounds. guard, I I I t it nt. hound militia manual of Iron Ml miscellaneous sources accounted for The temperature reached Its mai of hover Beverage prices fOt led ami IVI DTDE. Cement-Plaste- is report to the mum silver, copper, Sine, to- Which he li the author, and which L. U r 13,1154.31. Such the at $8 degrees on July 10, lead and the D n whin In logical form lav department oi education, the lowest was 88 on July 4. The tal value of the output was $11,048, contains concise and one-hal- 0111-jiare- d of importance never iris ui the expenditures, aoout f, greatest flail) rai n,, a is :; degrees on 133, a decrease Of $14,070 as Much matte Albuquerque Lumber Company incorporated in k on 1. I I It) went for Salaries; 36, 7x2 - July 5 and th least. !t, on Julv 35, Willi l!M3. before U;l SOUTH I lltsf NTH 7;i for the doi initory'and dining halt, The mean for the month' was 67.0 de- - The average prices for metals lot $4,177.S for laooratory and eupplles, the calendar years 1813 and 1014 V 1,, repay notes; $3.243. SS for the mean laxtm ' , degrees, Were: leal estate; $2,298.84 for printing and thi normal for July for twenty-fiv- e stationery, $888.08 land surveys. $1,- - "A Rubber Chain Tread built on a Powerful Modern Tire tor bulldlnp, $823,31 for fur- niture and fixtures, $77.30 for text books $l,32S.t for labek . tl.WMB Julys which were warmer. for hghi anil ruet, interest r- - Deftcieucj of Tewipertttsire. pe pal $1,150.51, athletic activities New year g sad $1$, .Since there has hern to ti university extension i.ii deficiency in temperature below Yolk 4r., team lv mint $177. the normal of 484 degrees, That .in 31,74 2.47. this I. 0.0 nvejtf expenses a very w, year is Louis. $82$).- - liaj been manifest departments, In tile excess of $.48 Inches in precipe! KOlton leads .14, total t.f $17," C':..-7M,','cT- . . lis, refund II," a tfatlon .since New Year, and (here have, The M ion district. socorro i ,. ,; ;JijL kj ."$!V-- 38, Ing balance on July i, - eel lea been only live Julys since 1871 in ounty, eight) miles from Hi B near- which the precipitation was greater i st railroad, at Silver i' , ; rs ui ince, 81 men - than Ibis year, lien it w is I $ ounty, continued to he the mosl pro- j 1 ex-- f .17, the - inches, as against a normal of 2.7 tieiive district In New Mexico in out- , n pupil being t quite $!i00 I - i per inches. The highj&st OH put f i;old a ml Silver, lie prod no- - 1 bffifeiiife record over $'i0 per "as to the state r a little 8,86 inches, in s 7 r. tilll ii 1014 of $828,101 in C,ol, ml I r IchoOl month. ' lit 0ither words. counting the college co yens, it costs New Mex lie total win, ou qi if cducit- - ' give a hoy or a nirl a c Be movement was 63, '.tl miles, mostly Jli in value for .silver. The gold Uon. Of the students, 51 men and the south,' isl. Or onlv seven on ipnl of the district in 1014 repre- - collegiate de- - from II rills WKTl in the ipro- - partment; nine men anu six women J 4 O W , 1. preparatory, one man and tp is 79 per cent of the state's eleven women In tho normal, nineteen! total silver output. All the ore was men and one woman In the applied milled In by concentrat- post-- j ARE the district KEEP A TIRE science, and one man In the WORLD TRAVELERS ion, sliming, and agitation and per RECORD graduate departments. cyanide bulk CHARMED WITH SIGHTS eolation in solution, the of the pro, met iiciiil; eyaniuo - SPANISH-AMERICAN- S tales, though were several ears u AROUND SANTA FE there SEEN of high grade gold-silve- r concentrates. ore i metal, i LEAVE FOR COLORADO in terms "f recovered the m INQ JOURNAL) averaged per ton 0.22:16 ounce, or 1 1 m i 1 m Urely fashion. Mr. OJld Mrs John 1,. lead was recovered from concentrates. young nun left f,,r BaUda, CqIo., to K 11 worth found iii Santa. Pe, the cliff In one or two veins in this district f f work on lhe Denver Ai i:i Qtahai considerable quantities of the Coppel i dwellings and the Indian i bios, the laying new steel on ils main ii are A younger most Interesting sights they bad seen, minerals holhite and ehalcocite Mole and more, the according to their testimony today, found, but no ore was produced from WW are leaving Banta Pe dlS which S certainly a strong testimon- lines veins in 1911. PlttOS Altos for the eoal mines, railroad camps, county, too sec Colo ial for the See America First" move- trlct, Granl became ami nheep ami cattle ranges of In gold mil put, with a yield of because ment, They had come to slay only find lailo, Wyoming and Montana, ten days $13.1,741 In gold from both placer and u ,.),,.,.Y,.,,it in between trains and remained in,'v can secure ,,up,"j,o instead. However, they know how to deep mines, the yield increasing heav- N'.-- Mexico. When it is considered ily from both sources, Some excep Spanish-America- n travel, for they made the trip to the that tive-slxt- of ths tionally high gold was ship average six cliff dwellings nol merely between grade Ofe Wage earners do not ped iron this district in several bits In year out. sunrise and sunset, as so many others dollars a week year and a or less each. This district paid stores and do, hut took It on hoiseheck, going of ton less than the under TeSU-QU- lead. by way of the Indian Villages of e produc.. s also silver, copper, and San Ihlefonso and the Span- ami zinc. There was an increased Output of cold bullion from the mal ish towns between, staying several South ::.; f the Ten Alders gamatlon mill on the North and ,,f living has been solved, for on tho days al the House Lin- sup- - de los FrijnleR. H. mi, .state mines, at Whiteoaks, scant wan ntlre families are in the Rlto county. yield- Among those who registered toaay coln This district has Ported and ed a large quantity of gold. Th were: Frank t. Dorr, Harflsvllle, conn Mich!: family, TeX- - KllJiabet blown district. Colfax llov the S. K, Withers and ty, one leading mining districts sch sol, (H, Robin, Bristow, Okla.; of tho elally ,f thai have goBe to ico; Eugene in New Mexico iii total production to , n ind Jr. Aldley, Kan.; it, make greater demands life Leona Mankato, both placers lode iin- - M. date from and Them Tex.; Uena Leading n W. Skinner, Dallas, Makers Adopt theref ire the a. heavily out- .1 E, Mc- mines, made Increased I'll lout strike ol La hi r, Plain well. Mich.. put of gold m bullion, sm Ittbg ore. pe day B. R, r- lr" can av vaire Ml, than a dollar a Donald. Vancouver. Ci and concentrates from the Aztec ...... v.. ur in and v. Mo.; and Mrs iirid wh re worl if. e wlne. Kansas I'll. !r. only a. slightly increased world-famou- Bpanisn- - Mrs. F. C. mine. With s who adopted yiar out, This results in the H. K. Fricssell, Br, and placer yield, this district in 1914 gave Among the leading automobile manufacturers have already more and II, Pa.; Mr. and At ins being displaced Friessi Pittsburgh, way In Pinos Altos as the principal u states. B. I'la.; b) newcomers from other Mrs. Harrv Dark Lakeland. placer district. The LordsbuW dls-- "Chain Tread" Tires as a part of their standard equipment are the following: H. s. spivy, Little Rook, Ark.; Fran county, hcawly in An- (Irani with Mora CXmnt) School lieisirt. ,,; Freeman, w. Freeman, San creased shipments of siliceous told 1. Madrid, Chicago; Simla Pij. AUK. Manuel tonio, Tex.; a. C, Soudell, and silver bearing copper and dry louiitv school superintendent of Mora Moffett Beatty, Philadelphia; A. finan- John ores from fissure veins, doubled its nty lodav made his annual E l.nne, Mrs. A. K. line, Hagerman; gold output and increased its silver cial report n departmont of edu- A, Forney, Tex.: the Mrs. W, Brooks, yield dVer $8 per cent During I9i4 Buiek Grant Maxwell expenditures K. cation, which shows total Maude England, Macon, Mo.; J. gold was found In the concentrates fl r Mora county the public schools of Whiteiev, J, L. Whiteley, Sasaklva, of the rhino Popper company in Of Only year, of which ESVB M. $;!7,943.47 last i ikla John Herherl Beth and amounts sufficiently large to be cred- "a, of teachers, went for wanes Seth, Albuquerque; Mrs. L. B. Mover ited under their smelting ennlrat $417 85 rent; $1,063.88 for fuel, Mr. for and U It. Mnyer, Lakeland, Fla.: with 2.71 cents per ton of original Chalmers Mitchell I Haynes i$ to the 20 for janitor; $1.1 Mrs. Harry B. Clark, Chicago! d( per ll.BS lor and treat, d or o.l cents county superintendent; Mrs. il. a. Poors, Jr., Albuquerque; produced, sjTnount-it- e il children; $1,181.18 to indigent M,-- Htnntev 111, hards. Chicago! S. H. to a 871. 97 new build- considerable for repairs; $2, for W, P. Moor. and Kufiis quanttty gold. A of o er ings $187.17 for making Summer'. of decrease and grounds Summers, gold-copp- er "f the Moore, Rotan, Tex.; T. one half in Hi, out put of Dodge Bros. King Reo pull valuation - lax lists. The f'lovis, N. M.; Mr. and Mr i w. J. Bng- ores from the Jarllla district, near school property is only $2:1,720.1 0; the George was $16,- - land, FarmlmTtott, ill.; Btarr (irograde, Otero county, did not, halm on hand, July 1. Rmporin, Kan.; Uena M. yield gold $21,790 last year Lasher, however, decrease the of 728,01, as against Plalnwell, Mich.; William M, the same as aver- These leading makes of cars are famed for the high quality of their equipment. This proves While was $32,181.48, of hasher, in proportion, the lhe income Parry, Rutherford, W. J,; Mrs. I u age content In gold was higher In will, h came from poll tax; wear-resistin- g Anti-ski- $2,038.10 1914. The mines and matte smelt- that the sensational "Chain Tread" d Tires are "the big mileage" tires. er of the Santa Fe Hold and Copper company, at San Pedro, Santa Fn Plalnvlew, Tex.; O. W. Fry and wife, county (reopened in July, 1912, nUci By keeping one of our tire record blanks you can prove in black and white every claim we Floydada, Tex.; P. M. tomnertaen and helnsMdle since 1907), Were operate, Game Warden Makes ,ointincnts. I family, I'olotado only one in 1914 com- 1. and isb August J. Pritl and lor month as make for "Chain Tread" Tires, and learn the who make these leading adopted Santa Fe, Aug. tiame 10 In so that men cars As Bai a yesterday Springs. pared with months if$ Warden Ti Inldai was a decreased output of appointed P.emigio Lopes oi that there the right tire when they selected the "Chain Tread." N gold from this district. The district! Mora county, B field deputy: H. jsjeoro Receive Journal. 1. Armljo, of county made only small iieVapp of Chama, Malaquias Ban of, Santa Fe, Aug. Isidore Sierra a Tracy (1ar- - chief clerk of the Mate senate, yes- production, The Ciohlti (Bland) Molquero, Union county, of district, Sandoval county, Inactive retl of MeKintey county, and terday turned oyer to Secretary c.ibson. I since 1804, but with a from William P. Blxley of Anoho, Uncoln stale Antonio Lucero th record receipt I s "i 4 lo 904 of a production of $38$,'. county, license collectors: and W illiam j the senate and took a from : journal bad olio In gold and $346,000 in silver, was liorff of Albuquerque, a field Secretary Lucero. Tho been with members of the revision reopened In December, 1811, ami in committee appointed by lhe senate September, 1114, an 100-to- n cyanid-Rtto- n to secretary plant was Installed and Dperat Rsrapoa PVosn Reform Bohool. and its final delivery the frequent Of state ends a piquant i nut rnversv ed throughout the year On One-ha- lf Santa Fe, auk. 1. To the capacity, with output of gold, lures supreme sonic Cham es.ap.s from the reform school nt that even reached the stale Iread the silver cyanide precipitates, Ppringer, two moro were added last .....irl o.hleh virtually ruled thai be ,1 to be 'npMT. Safety acknowledge this powerful tire a "I both making their y on Journal must prest experts our rubber chain tread, built on modern re- record of the senati baH Tuesday afternoon, according to cri.ct Copper been an Important anti-ski- ports received her,, today by officials. ceedlngs. metal Is the production of New Mex- to be an absolutely marvelous d device. ico. The output from lMf. to lljij was $2,828,183 pounds and the total output to the end of 1914 was 248, "Chain Treads" are not simply a fancy iped on a tire they are real anti-ski- d 017,791 pounds, sine lolo u,,- in- creased production is due principally tires. Send your name and address, for a si ee Tire Record Blanks, to United States to the output of the rhino Copper company, which mined with steam Company, City. shovels a large acreage of low grade Tire BEARINMJN5 copper deposits at Santa Rita and milled the ore at Hurby In a wet-enn- , filtration plant of five sc'thins. "Chain Tread" Tires are sold by Leadini hc Dealers. Do not accept substitutes An average of (,11$ tons a dav was treated in lois, r cnoa tons day 11 r calculated on the actual running lime. The company reports that the ore developed during; lhe year equals lbs amount treated during the year, and the ore reserved are still DO.nOO,-00- 0 tons of 1.71 per cent copper The output in 1914 was r,i,,X4 1 ,97 7 eounom Inning the first seven months the ROSENWALD'S plant was operated at practically full Made by the Largest Rubber Company in the World capacity and was producing copper al the rate of over 70,000,000 pounds (Operating 46 Factories) per annum. During tho last five MONDAY, AUGUST FOUR ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. 2. 1915.



6a Played Before Basest Rods Opponents If ROSENWALD'S Crowd Has Fir md Are Luck) That Lamped Semi-pr- o Game in Albu- rants and Cat mHmmmmmmmmmmmamKmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmam querque This Season.

trip biggest 3 MORE BODIES BALDRIDGE Before crowd that has LUMBER COMPANY witrii il a semi-pr- o game here this

OOQPOW, o. It. E. team 15-ye- the defeated PAROID ROOFING with ar the White Snx of S;mta Ee yesterday ufternoon at II. p. w. II field Tho RECOVERED guarantee .r ARE Ki urp wan to :!. About L'OO persons aaw Hip MM The Willi QOOl of l.ackey, twirling for the vlHltor. upon whom the S.m ta rMDO ilepeniied greatl. WOI partl- DUKE CITY y mponolhlo tor the loral vii'tory. EROM EASTLAND Tin- i K. nine began the game Cleaners-Hatte- rs rippled because of the iii' i i.r mohp ch.iviz, their rcculor 220 W.- -t ;oll Plume lid roootvor, Hoitllno, pitcher, went d Battertee Dougb ibe and Anderson, the Hap- Secretary Redfield Expects to MoKenery, Tow py pitcher, began toasing em over THE WM. FARR COMPANY StlU.lllHIV TWl for the locals. I.aler when Ktumpl. Resume Investigation, Re- Wheat Kllllfcr base hlt Hup her, arrived Hartlln went Wholesnlo and Retail Dealers in Irlffith Doubli William to to the mound and Sium)f caught. gardless of Orders Issued! I Kl Ml l SM.T Ml I -- :u,-- to Mnllw BUM on hull Sausage o Spevlnlty ff DOUgU I f( M KriM iy 1, off Santa I n AB. R. H. PO A t by Federal Judge Landis. For Caltle and Hogs tin- - ItlKSeat ry .' Hits-of- f Jmuglas 6 in 7 Paraou, 5 0 o o 3 n Market PrtOCa Are lall. - j r. i n n"; ff m kenen 1 111 7 J ln- 1.1' key, p o o l . fr It. II I in 1 inning: off TOO' v H. M.i i el sh I I) o 7 1 ti I In 11-- 3 innings Siring out tlrlego, c 4 1 0 It 1 () Douglas 4, el McKowrj 6 I'm .i Ortia, of 4 l l l o o DRUMMER ALLEYS 1II Rtgjer iinij Mhti. J. Iterardlnelli, lb. I 0 1 1 0 0 tion of the capsizing of the steamer i i.iiri K n . hi i I! II P. Iterardlnelli. 2b t 0 4 3 0 Waft land rested over Sunday, diver FOIt 8XBBCIU llri.i.KiMi .000 :: immi ,i M Pa41Ua, If. ... 4 n i i a today recovered throe more bodies! I. T 1 C. 'i n n I Cincinnati "20 4" mix Pudllla. rf. . 0 I I j from the wreck, making tin- total McClft) Try a OgOM of Ten Plna Batteries Coombs unit known dead Ht. COTOaWT Peter M 20R West t.olil r Ti.ncv. Benton and Total 37 3 5 27 9 0 Hoffman tonight said that thera were Dag-- tontmon Two-be- htto i t4JkaM . It. K. A It. It. H PO. A K probably comparatively few more . n wheat Double pta Her Tenorio, 2b. :i 1 2 4 bodies in the river, although the miss- - log to Mollwlts Bases ..n ball Off Murphy, rf 4 II 1 1 0 0 ing list of the Western Electric com- - j Coombs :i Hit tiff Toney 5 In 4 j Salacar, aa .'I 1 2 1 3 2 pany. whose employes arranged thp' Innings, nff Benton in 6 liming Hartllne. p 2 ft P i 0 0 excursion, aboard the EasMand, re- nut- - Hy I. by Towey Monquara. 4 o 7 o o Kit in k Coombs rt(S.' lb mained at 142. Hudson for Signs I. rmplrrilllglct nil Hurl 8. ChavoH. If I 1 1 0 ft Secretary of Commerce William C. I Qonaalea, 3i 2 o o l o o Redfield and Solicitor A U Thurmun Htm Ton i m i.ui- - l. Coin, rf. . ., 4 1 2 0 ft ft apent Sunday in a suburb, but prom-le- d HI. l.ouls, All Th.. New York Btumpf. c 2 l l in ti ft to proceed with the investigation Wall Paper t si Cerdlgelft ac- Oliinis and Ihi i,oui I of Iteamhoal inspectors tomorrow b i da.) ha u team pugrlni In Boitotl. Proaldant Oafftity or Bravoa today. napped th. in il whon fbii the S7 5 9 24 7 I divided a double. header RON pn-sn- Total cording to legal requrramenta, despite and Broanahan "I the Cubo having I little Intlmali aeems to a bit of baseball news. Are they Ht Uoult inking t ! fllSl M n.l NOD - Score by Innings: the order of Federal Judge Landla, cooking up some deal wh.-t- In m iii of the pb.v-- i- on tin- ItniMs and Cubi will trad,- uniform? Is Hresna- o Yot k tilt OM urn! lii tin. firm game Santa T . ...o ft ft o o o o 3 :i that witnesses desired by the federal HUDSON for Picture Vd sai.-- for lohnn) Bvra? Perhap. Bui the offloi boy says, All wroncl BraanahM ri whirh wool loo innings Marquard han I I to trade O. u. K 2 ti n n 3 ft o government could not be heard before i i chaw Oaxfney was taken from till- l"H fmvot of lust trrlng to borrow off summary struck out By Hartllne other investigators, and the adverse Frames Kchaue r. in; by tatckey Time of came criticism that lias been voiced against nt Hi i r. o. rmpitp- - I.oeds. Secretary ISedfield's inouirv. I'll gOmt "I. Kl. Copper Ave Npw York .nun ool Ml 4 MAJOR LEAGUE STANDINGS CAPTAIN BURTNER IS A federal grand jury, instructed bv Fourth ami si i.i.iuh 2nd inn out) 14 CHAMPS Southern Association. Judge Landis to dig Into every detail liiitiii Ihh .Muniuiird, Bchauer inn WORLD HIGH MAN AT DUKE of the Eastland regardless of whom l lo m LEAflri M i i Sullre ii n ft Siivdri any finding mlghl affect, will resume Want a high grade employe? Or the r. W. I - Sum inn rv Two base hit l.oim CITY CLUB'S SHOOT M ili ih Ij Mobile 3. its examination of witnesses tumor- battOf crude iif MffVeatel Make i ' uf the Philadelphia 51 I' in Butler Double piny Millor lo tt v Naah Ilia 4: Atlanta I, row. want uf the Journal Meyer to Buses m Bfooklyn tl 4 nit: I'HI.hIiiii gb 47 A. It I mke hall off Marquard I: off Ballet THREATEN SPURT i t b I ee rlite- - off Marquard 7 In f Innh olf Hi 7 In 4 I ) Inning Hlr guard nailer Sett Yolk oiil-ll- v Maiuuurd 3: liv Schnucr rang, south of the highlands SI I.OIlls in Sillee n I'mplrea Raaog .i nd Hor .He the gcorea: Itvn.n LIKE LAST, EAR'S Si Kll end m i t i Y en s .i New ork Pet. ' UP' Hurlner . . 41 Ht laiill (ma iiiiii -- Hnaton gait M hi Peek :i!t llalterle perrl I ami Dm m.11Ho. ik i ago and Pnyder 'hi' 'tr-.l- Bammi i Double ptajf Hi wuahingtoi Bataai to II nit liases 0 I',, lis 'W V.Uk i Ht Is ..if p. inn 4, off DogJ i ."il out By Perrllt 4. In Honk i 'leveland Brown . Phlladelph i ii Byron and Baaon Me Mils Chicago 2. Plillmleloli I i hi it i i i i.i I Aug 1. Wbltted fum posslbl,. Chb ago, Km i 'I lirty. lev MuNNiNa iiAeto wiaa .j,,'..-- Ide of niiinerman' sinale hi th ioiiNl et.ii ua I Tin. Duk Citj Mgosiatlon win use New Vi.i I. Aug Chicago tenth limine gavt Chicago . I to i '.'lithe range again August 16, firing at victory oyer Philadelphia Ipdal Af- tea ma d lo Ptttaburgh one man "as out, ZBn merman In he AmOl I' an league last w Newark ter the National IcaKiie teams of tie St I.oil Is lined a hot singh to rental and Whit ranges m-- urged by ib manage began nnolbi i weti i o n lloll b It It l n d i in t loae. He touched Hie - I" be at the range on (late. li an III be- I 10 menl that net result of th bills Itnt'falo l bail and it bounded awgi from him lie .Mi i.niut Ktaociatlon, .1 t ne llgl i WIIHc been i making and w.lit to the bill house lightened the Duke 'it itib's rlv is Bimmerman circled lh imseii with can lace new range winning The game was a age points dUrlng 111 Mi hi I ill PLAl TODAY, the Sunt. Harbar.i the inn Ing ui day. With i aa p ib her i. .it i. i" ween AJm Sat final atamllng of ihi National l'iigue. i Adatns, Hie t. allow limb and roier h Loula. ALBUQUERQUE'S bits, one 01 which was in ib. National New .York at st. THIRST Inu but foul ga Chicago I Cfg In flral plaee Ini Phlladelohla al William' home u n in Ibe fifth GREATER THAN ROSWELL'S valh's Mnaatlonal catch on Williams (' ".. bn.-- in ib.- eighth Inning after turn join Ing a aonierannlt, Wai " feature taeeeiSI, roeeeeeoNOlNCt To mownins jounli il II B. n,n American l eague. - Score ll'-l- Halt tu Ee, Aug. I.- During the past I tl 1 l'hlladelphi i i""1 "" 040 !nrl year, Albuqtieruue shipped in OVOI Ho Santa Eo lt arload of beet tahlake) and wine, according to . .i t mi he i Ho- Fp to mi by Pittsburgh and Boaton In ib ibe repot of Santa railroad Wall mar) Home Williams Yoik it ' the corporation commission, while t l 'in Won Weal iaalnai caal i di i al I cague. Double pla) Alexa1 itn in rut f" took only oara to quench the thtret I,. Ntahoff iias. s of Boawell, Adams : so ours of in: wan id a honors I Mbuqui run. rei elved ,07 by Alixunder 4 Urn .r in serif burgh and Boaton ibe Walling coal, ROaWell 422 cara; Albuqueequ oi kill ...... col oara ..1 lumber, Roawell, 156; flour .ml feed, AlhuiUeriile '.'14, Ros- - KAWS TAKE LEAD IN weii ifii grain, ARmquerque 114, itos- - well I4;l ecinent, brick and lime, Al-- 1 FEDERAL LEAGUE BY buquerque 140, Rogwall 4. fruits anil y gelables. Allinuuernue H47, Hos-we- li Alhn-querqu- e TROUNCING TERRAPINS Biitiii n w bib Chicago loal :i iin the other hand ihlpped out 791 curs In enr-loa- d lots in addition to 11, 811 ton of shipped other freight, while Uoswell I Idf ' ' " i.e us and S.ltl ton. lumped into the lead In the Federal nnmpions ui shipped sr.n wen n lid plB' 11 nit The Ill apples. Boawell leajru race lodaj in defaatini Bal 247 ' lei d II cars, of cattle tlmore ui both gaiui-- s of a double- - "en- ,v ' "in Albuquerque, which jo tdar, nthtla Mewark wad Iroucing I aJ III us ,.f yhtvi and goats Chicago. ""' P "" AlbU-shippe- d w bile toswell shipped l7 querque 4:. ears of wool. Bos-o- f kniNi- - ll Ibllllllloli hides and pells Albuituel- - First garni "r. n H R ' " " th,- t ped '''7 car. Baltimore "in nee B90 4 L work of JACK TORRES MAY MEET SOLDIER BAR1FIELD NEXT , blent lies I p Mill. M Auk. I. A serious II i: bleak in one of the engines at the 1. ii d . w piai Torn returned i sterda) from plant of in, maala Alfalfa Milling i In It! Co. has md the plant for one null Torre next light w eek or more. Saturday afternoon Joseph, Mo t..iboi d.i ' it 2 o'clock a bolt in one ot the pre- - i ftoldiel ..line "ill, and the corresponding Newark I b nped into boh on the other Hide of the ahaft ..gainst , l.ioke The heavy piston waa thrown Salvatore against Hie cylinder head with such t .lo. RB luiie that the head was cracked d plate. No one was I'd twel bout tlrtly across the ins. n.i injured s tin- bolta in the plata held Kit) II'1 As Hi.- iccldent occurred rtal-urd- afternoon il Was Impossible to a Wire I" b,- la. tori until Western Lcayue. dav and it Is not thought bal Hie null will be ill operation un- - Xt Week Ii I... lb I. P Id Rokaeti Bantu Ee. Aug. I The home if B P toOlultd. ' bief clerk of th de I bell partment of education, was robbed on v' ,ii anlt Pacific Coast League. bisl Prlda) night. The family was playlttft bridge In one of the front rooms while the ililef opened a screen in a bedroom window and climbed rall-rtta- tetttng i . .,- ' erilou He open purse Gum iii took an and gn Lake ti. Ki t from Santa Ee to St. Jo- flrt seph, Mo h longing to Mrs I - III. III. Id I'll. HemardJ. sister. Mlaa Martha iiown Four w of SI. Joseph, and then decamped. The point um oiild st Jewell) ili.t was lying on the bureau Ileal de the puree, waa not touched. PEPPERMINT t hi ' i todi The RED WRAPPER nr. mile II s. e line 14 ix-o- CinnamonI- - BLUE WRAPPER, j Big Cat lie Ilec miles, I ittea and CAM 1 a in) five ll The s M Aug Shipley ,d game bite Km to between them ,(13 half gannea as r.n mar mile mark field B attle nmpany sold 17 i head of , 2 - iv, k to iioii way en ft fl ago waa 4 aeconda Dlabn Hollo I . iniH-i- l . s M at ,n average of son and Btgll ,.ni its othi r c m Inn. ttft i i mi rea Tin- eaiiit' were delivered Hill epeaava 1, i ib i n ram b northwest of N what yo fit re thed4UI he fad. Ship 4.iNt grraaaal f- - haJ matter item i i M you tint and 111. it yi " Hold 27" cow With Fr ...... las lliui Ilea .l.'UIOaie aut ...u.... tl,,,., V M l Jourual. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. MONDAY. AUGUST 2. 1915.

At that moment were startled an As IClalne. transfixed with terror fear the Chinaman Intimated that he 2 by the sudden appearance of K..une and watched Bennett's astounding meta In She entered the room orring In morphosis. he ran to the door leadina her arms a huge bunch of roses hich to the outer office and hastily locked he SUBSCRIBE The Exploits of Elaine had evidently just received that also. agel The moment she saw (rsie how- - Tien, w'th his eyes taaila with A Detective Novel and a Motion Picture Drama was almost hiss Hut I tell you. race and his hands working in murder- Klaine, he ia all bluff VYh). be bas ous frvti'v he eroacted nearer and FOR THE By ARTHUR B. Her keen ee had n. t mi-e- d the been after that i 'hitching ilaud no nearer, toward Klaine REEVE frt that several of her letters lay 'or three mot tlis whai ha he She hrank back, screaming again Well-Know- The n Novell and the Creator of the'CraigKennedy,,Stone scattered over the top of the teat accomplished N and again in l error. Ha paused. Thi He was (lie Hutching Hand in Presented Collaboration With the Pithc Players and ast with Ken In spite ot closed door we could j was Hutticicut to OVercOBM all his the Eclectic Film Company and deterenlial now Btatal) hear Klaine s neks. scruplea. MORNING the urn ereiminiousness with which he Craig the secretary and tin self made Alter exchanging a few words he Coevrif St. lVl4. b ll.f Mtt Ct rin Aigttt RmrvM had anrarentlv been overhauling her I tenner, by toother effort, seemed a rush for the door to Bennett to gpp his te: ir Ho paced vale oft!, e rinding it locked w. As guarded np and dow n (ha room. Then he gaii lo hatter it. floor of the room in ahlca MM OT1 SYNOPSIS. and noise ss little piece of clockwork met her inqu I could not changed the BUb'ect abruptly and the By tins time, however, Bennett had standing, ha lad Uenuelt down a step in there, too. And it's powerful myself blame conversation was resumed with some hurled himself upon Klaine ami was ladder into the subterranean chamber JOURNAL laa'Tt waaMrrtnthTrcriiB i? enollph ,0 Dlow us laboratory "I baa Ma constraint. alow ! , hoking her in which 'long Waii had so recently "' talk- Kennedy It itnpoB-sibl- e Tin- - principal ofeM to the criminal is the Included, to kingdom come.'" While Elaine and Hcnnett were found that was been preparing his BtyatertOM potion. Is I warnlnf letter which sent tiie vlctlma. as he siKike and before 1 could re-n- ing Kennedy and had entered the ot to hatter down (he door In time As Bewnett aank Into a chaii ami with a "chitcMa hamt - The lat-- i , sory nee. by any ordinary mean-- tjultkh he pas-c- d n eel m iim of the mysterious assassin is! monstrate with him. he took the examination of some purely for his hands over his broe Albuquerque, N. M. Dodge. the imuiram-- president, tnal t'raig stopped the bo who was and hurled it Long Sin ' fernal machine and placed it on a letters which might have an Im seized the typewriter utter weariness. poured inn employs - . . . His .iaiiuhter. Klaine. Craig Ken- about to us ami asked (or through, the panels Then he thrust a cup apnea of the liquor or iii .lv. the famous seientitic detei live, to taDle where he set to work on the annouiue iantl try to unravel the myatary. What Ken- - most delicate and dangerous piece of Bennett's secretary instead, much to his hard through the opening and which Tong Wan had mixed, Ha band i, aceompUahaa is told by ins friend; ,, 1 no Idea where row were nor when you my astonishment turned (he catch. ed it U Bennett, who drank it engi rlj Jani- - s. n a newspaper man Em aged a "on of Which have ever heard. t detarmtMd effort whieti Balaa an,lj Carefully unwrapping the bomb and might return, and the absolute neees- The boy merely indicated the door As wo tiling ourselves into il e rMM "How do you propose to help me Ii tvenneoy are iii.tiwiiK 1(1 put . (nog an end unscrewing one hold an- Helmet! rushed in(o a close! in a escape?" askeii Itennetl huskily to Ins ' limes, the Chttcnias Hand, as pa't while he tills Strang' criminal is known, resorts other firm, he Anally took out of it a slamming the door behind him It Without a word Long Sin went tl ll of most diabolical effec- to sons the schemes bottle of liquid and some powder. Itig a few minor letters without found the secretary hard at was composed of sheet ii on. and the wall, and, grasping one of tin to put them out of the way. Rack lui li- mg a anyone From break- pressed II i Cents story of new Then of the obtaining your permission" at the t) at a ritey, on tually prevented stones, back opening 60 ter of the tells a plot he placed a few grains of the I vain- - w against their lives and way the on it a She s.iul nothing. i ing through Kennedy and tried large receptacle, in hit uses all his skill to powder on a dish and dropped another time great detei live save however, to pry it open two glnss COfllni appall- this pretty girl aM himself from death. drop or two of the liquid. There was such an explanation would have been ly. a bright Hash as the powder ignited instantly at ceptcd. Now hoWvar, it The laaiataf J roue in sur prise, but While we were thus endeavoring to ing two dead Chinamen. Pulling out FOURTEENTH EPISODE instantly. was different Craig paid no attention to him In force an entrance Itennetl In I sort the cntflnx. he UU In. I them h. lor. calmly coat, who rose to his foot Per Month , "Just what I expected," commented Kennotn read the look on her face stead he walked in hat Hennett. and machine began to axa ahh wore gaaed upon then with fonder THE RECKONING. Kennedy with a nod. as he examined and an instant later turned to Aunt and the clever workmanship of the bomb. Josephine and mys, If Might i ask began the lary in the character of the Clutching Long Sin broke the silence hi K I would very much appreciate a You keep quo olde; ,1 iedy, Hand Then he I autionsl' opened a men," he said, are not dead; hut they Pacing up and down his den In the One thing that interested him was chance to sav a few Wordj to Miss with a nod to me to watch t Dow. secret door In the bark ot the closet have been In this condition lor many heart of Chinatown, Long Sin was that part of the contents bad been and slowlv insde an exit. months It la what is called In v our thinking over his bargain with Ken- wrapped in paper to keep thorn in - Xleanw Idle the soereiai Clutch- place. This paper he was now care- nedy to betray the Infamous what you Intend to do With fully examining with a microscope. doing his best to revive ciaine. "Is that ing Hand. was on the tloor. hysterical and half me"" asked Hennett. shrinking back In Our Leased As nearly as 1 could make it out, the At length he seated himself on a unconscious from the terrible lock terror. deliberating over i paper contained part of a typewrit teakwood table still she hail cxpcricnc The Chinaman nodded In affirmation had been ten cremlcal formula, which read: the promise he forced to Intent on dls as he pushed hack the cotllns Kennedy. TINCTURE OF IODINE make to whereabouts, Kennedy and . anilned Overcome hv the horror of (he Idea THREE PARTS OP Suddenly an idea seemed to strike wall of the officp, thinking there Hennett. with a groan, sank hack Into He looked up from his study of the tho him. Lifting a little hammer, he might be some button or secret spring the chair, shaking his head as If lo in gong microscope to Long Sin Wire Service struck a Chinese on the table which would open the closet door dicate that the plan was far tM t.i Tell me just how it happened that at his side. At the same time ho we were doing so the door rible to carry out you got this bomb," ha asked. While leaned over and turned the knob at the of a large safe In the secretary's of With a sinister smile and I shrug of roll-to- Without hesitation the Chinaman re side of a large desk. Boa gradually opened, and the Clutch- his shoulders Long Sin pointed to the cited the circumstances, beginning A few seconds later a sort of hatch- ing Hand emerged from it, stepping cup from which Hennett had drank with the note by which he had been Is most complete in all way, covered by a rug on the floor, in carefully toward tho door lending to "But, dear master." he remarked summoned. one corner of the room, was slowly the miter office, Intent on escaping in suavely, "you have already drank a "A note?" repeated Kennedy, ea- - lifted and Long Sin's secretary, a pale. direction. full iIobo of the potion which causes details and all the im gerly. ,rltt that lerous Chinaman, appeared from At that moment caught slriil of Insensibility, and it Is overcoming you L below. He stepped noiselessly into him, and. leaping Into the secretary I Kven now," he added, "you are too portant happenings, for shuffled across Long and produced the note itself, which be the room and to office, 1 Area By revolver and ordered weak to rise a not burned. l Sin and handed him letter. had hln to throw up his hands. He obeyed With n malicious chuckle ong Sin eign and domestic, are Long Sin scowled, as though some- As Craig studied the typewritten Holding up both hands, he slowly moved closer to his victim and spoke own I thing had Interfered with his message from the Clutching Hand drew near the dOOl to his private of- again. - received direct from the plans, hut tore open the envelope with- could see that he was growing more fice. "Divulge where your seven million out a word, spreading out on his lap and more excited. Suddenly he dropped one hand and dollars are hidden," he suggested the sheet of paper It contained. "At last he has given us something pressed a hidden spring In the wall, Craftily, and I will give you an anil Associated Press corres- mes- - The letter was a typewritten typewritten," he exclaimed. "To most Instantly a heavy iron door shot out dote." sage, in which I type-U- v nil capitals, read: people. suppose, it seems that and closed over I he wooden door. En- By this time Bennett, who pondents stationed in all AT HEADQUARTERS AT 12.. wrlting Is tho best way to conceal trance to the private office was abso-Intel- coming more right each moment DESTROY THIS IMMEDIATELY." identity. But there are a thousand cut off. unable to speak quarters of the globe; At the bottom of the note appeared an(i one wavs of identifying tyDawrtt With an angry snarl the Clutching Slowlv, anil after a de to Shoot When He Discovere That It la Jameson and the sinister signature of the Clutching ing. Kennedy Is About Hand leaped ut me. Not Clutching Hand Who Lies There Before Him. therefore, complete and Hand. "Look, Walter," he remarked at the Aa he did so I tired twice. and pointed to Ins breast pocket Bowing low again, the secretary length, taking a tine tipped pencil and Ho staggered hack. The Chinaman Instantly thrust in his "You under and the less shuffled across and down again pointing at the distinguishing marks Dodge slnne," he Intimated. "I have are arrest Tho shots were heard hy Kennedy hand and drew out a map. reliable. you say for you." through the hatchway, closing the as ne talked. "You will notice that hail no such opportunity for some the better find Klaine as well as the secretary, Eor some moments Long Sin cyani door as he descended. time. If you would be so kind as to 1 shall never forget the look that au the 'TV In this note are bat and at the same Instant they discov- Ined the BMP Intently, and, With a i Long more, us ln the llbrary-f- or a few crossed tho secretary's face. W.ih It Sin read the note once tere(j and fant a3 wei a8 jugt a trttle leave mi- ered the Iron door which barred the of satisfaction, hn placed It in his own the surprise of an innocent MAT while his Inscrutable face assumed an 01lt of aiij,nm,.nt. Now t will place the nutes" entrance to the secretary's ofhYo. pocket. Then he mixed what be de Taking man's place at the ma- expression of malicious cunning. paper from thp bomb un(i,,r the mcn). He did not flnl6h the sentence. the Hushing Into the outer office they dared was a sure antidote, and. pour Aunt Josephine had already begun to chine Kennedy removed the legal pa With an air of deliberation he gcope atld you WQ aPP that the 'TV found the clerks excitedly attempting Ing some of the liquor into n cup, he j withdraw and followe d per was in it and put In a new reached for a match and struck it. ln the Bcrap 0f formula have exactly that to open the door of the secretary's held It to Bennett'! Hps. He paper in flame For a moment or two Craig and sheet Then he tupped out, us we State News had placed the the tnp sum,, appearance." office, which was locked. Kennedy Aa Ileum II opened his BtOUtb to Blaine looked each other, neither watched: when suddenly he seemed to change I strained my eyes to look. Sure at drew a revolver and shot through tho drink It, Long Sin with u laugh slowly saying a word, each wouderlng Just his mind. He hastily blew out the enough, Kennedy was right. There lock, bursting open tho door, pulled the cup away and pottrtd Ital match, which destroyed only a what was in the other's mind. BE AT HEADQUARTERS AT 12. DE- had was that unmistakable identity be- They rushed Into the room. contents on the floor. f Craig cleared his throat, the obvious STROY THIS IMMEDIATELY. corner of the paper, then folded the tween the T's in the formula and tho Clutching Hand was apparently seat- By Ihls Cine was slowly recovering' It of covering up his emotion. TINCTURE OF IODINE The Morning Journal has note carefully and placed in his manner In n clialr at a desk, his fare bur- my :; in office, note. ' ed Hcnst the set relary's pocket. Rt Elaine," he said at length, dropping THREE PARTS OF I appar- Kennedy had been gazing the ied In his arms, while was where Itennetl had left Ifl thi Hs- - malig- to "Miss Dodge," Bl A few moments later, with a floor, his face puckered ln thought as the recent return for Thle ia his contention whereat ently disappearing through the door. guise of the Clutching Hand, Elaine, correspondents on its nant chuckle, Uing Sin rose slowly the moment, "Klaine, Is there any TRUTH ia the only goal and MATTER pounced I looked. Suddenly he clapped his K.iineth and the clerks the secretary and I lie clerks w ere in thlB morning's newspaper re- is and left the room. hands together, as If he had made a truth nonexistent upon the figure In the clialr and tore gathered around me, doing all the) payroll in the principal was port -- you?" Meanwhile the master criminal great discovery. of of TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT1 off his mark. To their astonishment could to revive me. busily finishing She had dropped eyes. Hut he engaged in putting the "I've struck It'" he exclnlmed, lump- her they discovered It wiih invaclf! Meanwhile Kennedy had enlisted of New fiendish persisted, taking a newspaper clipping Uok, Wall h cities and towns touches to a final scheme of ing up. "I was wondering where I Mv shots had missed, nntl Clutching the aid of two detectives anil was destruc- from his pocket B',w out the paper from the machine - ingenuity for the absolute had seen typewriting that reminds me and banding U to her Hand lunl leaped on me with mad- acouring city foi of Ben I over, we com a trnoe in- tion of Craig Kennedy. get on your coat Her hand trembled as she glanced bent and together Mexico, and have of this. Walter, - dened fury. net! or the taxicab In which he had Ho Item; pared the T's with those In the ctutch- had been at work in a small and hat. We are on the right trull at over the lad In my coat and hat. which fled. room fitting up a sort of laboratory, last." W he had deftly removed ufler overpow- structions tn "net the In house which out of SOCIETY NOTES. the mysterious With Long Sin we hurried ering me. Clutching Hand hud hv this stlnctlvely. that Long Hln nigh) give headquarters. at the Dame Rumor is connecting the taken frog) Elaine's desk as his the laboratory, leaving him l lino climbed through the window of a l ine to news" on tho wire or by name of Miss Elaine Dodge, the As Craig pointed out the rest in Bennett's whereabouts, and Clutching Hand, at a bench in one nearpRt stand, where we i ho offloa was making his taxicab I outer tind a few were all on heiress, with of Ben- blaucea with I pencil my UnM-- moment! later tfl corner, had just completed an infernal a waiting car. that Perry Wty dflwn the fire escape to Hie street. jumped Into changed Into our way In a car to Long Sin's house letter to this paper cunning, T 8. nett, the famous young lawyer. ment gradually as machine of diabolical and "It is the clue of the battered He reached the loot of the Iron steps, Though mi did not know It, Long was to The announcement of an engage- comprehension and comprehension wrapping it carefully in paper Craig muttered. leaped off and ran quickly away. Sin, Bl the moment when Kenneth library ment between them at any time btto conviction. The meaning of It all scon as possible. The make an Innocent package. Aunt Josephine was in the Shouting a few directions to the sec- knocked at his door, was feeling In his Jennings, an- would not surprise. began to dawn on me. i He was interrupted by a knock at knitting when the butler. retary, the clerks and Klaine, Kennedy Inside pocket to see that the map he the he us. The writing was Identical. There through window gad state is, therefore, thor- door. Laying down the bomb nounced Elaine road no farther. She handed Climbed the dart lunl taken from Bennett was perfectly went to answer tho summons with a "Where is Miss Dodge'" Inquired were no differences' ed down Hie fire escape in swift pur- - back the clipping to Kennedy, As her In tho secre-- ' safe, (finding that he had It, he smiled stealthy movement. There stood Kennedy, with suppressed excitement While we were locked oughly eyes met his she noticed his explo- Elaine were Willi his peculiar oriental guile Then covered by the 8ln. disguised as a j tarv's otliee Bennett and Clutching Hand, however, man- who had himself a8 We entered. sion of deep concern, and hesitated Tho he opened Die door and utood for a Chinese think she's out shopping, and I to elude capture again laundryman. "I with the reply she had evidently been aged moment, silent, Journal's correspondents j will "On time good'" growled Clutch- - don't know Just when she he While these exciting events were Is just about to make. glance the clock, Bennett told Klaine where Bennett?" demanded Ken ing Hand surlily as he closed the door back," answered Aunt Josephine, with at ring In Bennett's office some Rtill, as she lowered her head, it to dic- occiii nedy j Is It anything that he had an important letter with equal care. aome surprise. "Why" queer doings were In progress In the Long eyed a seemed to give silent confirmation to tate and that it must go off at once, Sin us all, then, with No i important any news?" heart of Chinatown. time was wasted ln useless for the truth of tho newspaper report. she would excuse him placid smile, said. "Follow me, will "Very important." returned Kennedy She said that Deep underground, In one of the mantles. Kennedy said nothing, but his eyes pressed a but-- j show you." 1 have the best a few minutes, and he This'is bomb," went on, point- - excitedly. "I think catacombs known only to the inner- In IF YOU WANT TO GET a he necessary continued to study her face. ton to call his secretary. There was Bennett, seated rigidly Ing to the package. "Carry it care- - clue yet. Only- -it will he most members of the Chinese secret the beildo table, He. suppressed his feelings with a Of course, the secretary did not np-- ' chair the from which fullv. slip, to look through some of the household societies, was Tong Wnh. popularly On no account let It or! great effort then, without a word, his office, with tho vials and cups, about which WC correspondence Immediately to see pear. Bennett left as hlder," engaged in THE NEWS AND KEEP "ou are a dead man. It must be in bowed left ad-- ; known "the knew DOthlnf, hail been removed are certain letters. I and the room. some annoyance, and went into the Kenn,wi,e. I. wnr nieht. whether there - some mysterious work. "How diti it happen f" naked Ken If had some "Walter," ho exclaimed as he re Joining room, the door to which Ken- I'nderstand? Can you arrange it?" Wouldn't be surprised she Before bun were eight nedy. IN very personal but I Joined us In the drawing room, where nedy had not locked. TOUCH WITH THE Long dangerous perhaps not Chinese vials, and from these he was here,'' replied Long Kin, Sin glanced at the " I was chatting with Aunt Josephine, a moment, then opened "He Came must see them lie hesitated propor- - Package, then with an expressive look, "we must, be off again. Carefully measuring certain with a wave of his bund, and before I Kennedy lost no time. He went to The trail fol the door quietly To his astonishment replied, no 1 can do it. could slop him ho did away wllh him IMPORTANT EVENTS OF "Have fear generally sat, lows still farther'." he saw Kennedy, (ho sec u lai y and U will within an a desk where Klaine be in the laboratory type- An hour or so later, Klaine, whose myself apparently making a close ex- Self.'' hour and quickly took out several He stepped back and looked around got Trust me." mind was now ln a whirl from what amination of tho typewriter. "Well, we've him," mnseil Ken written letters. One after another he suspiciously ns he suddenly heard THE WORLD had happened, decided to make a call Clidlng, walking back nedy. shaking his head sadly, adding examined them closely, rejecting one rather than moment In I - fool steps above. The next after a pause, "but he Is dead." Kennedy's laboratory was watch- another, until flnallv be came on her lawyer and the confidant of her into his own office, he closed the door after rear Long Sin. who had entered through n Elaine, who had followed us down, ig i ralg make some experiment onp (hft( Bppmpd fo ntarM him father. Ferry Hennett. and locked It. Almost instantly won trap door, climbed down a long lad- covered, her eyes with her hands and a new apparatus. Hp BPparafPcl frorr, the rest and As Elaine entered his private office, and fury at the presence of his hated der and walked inin the room. was sobbing convulsively. I though! We were oblivious to the passage of t() rornparlng It with Bennett rose to greet, her effusively rival, Kennedy, turned Bennett, as It fp, RtlldvlnK ' he ime, speak- - and they exchanged polished Approaching Tong Wnh, asked, she would faint, but Kennedy led In r and only a call over our (hf pRppr from ,hn bonib ftlld ,hn a few words. were, from the dekyll of a ing in-- 'When will the death drink be gently away lino an upper room. tube diverted our attention. notfl which lj0nK afn nan received "I mustn't forget to thank you for lawyer and lover of Klaine Into an i I he placed In an opened the door and a few seconda Then he those lovely roses you sent me," she sanely jealous and revengeful Mr As her easy chair, SUBSCRIBE frQm fhft c)utchnR Hand. Is now was re later - exclaimed length. "It prepared," the ho bent over her, Hoolhlngly. Long Sin himself entered. foIdpa BO the slgna- at "They were Hyde. The strain was morn than his the ietlPr that "Hid you -- did you really love' Kennedy looked up Inquiringly aa turp and ,hp ad(jregg oould not be beautiful, and I appreciated them ever warped mind could bear. A few minutes later the Clutching him '.'" he asked in a low tone. the Chinaman approached, holding out by so much." With a look of intense horror and FOR THE A Hand drove up to Long Sin's house In Still shuddering, and with an eager Package which he carried A pnrtion of the letter I recall read moment later Dennett led the loathing Elaine watched him slowly i ho taxicab and, after paying the look at Kennedy, Elaine shook A bomb." he said. In the most mat- - gornPthng like this: conversation around until he found an change from the composed, calm, In her chauffeur, went to the door and beautiful bead. way. "I promised to have; ig h)i contention: Whereas, opportunity to make a tactful allusion tel! nhe ki ,.Tht knocked sharply. Then, slowly rising to her feet, she It placed in your laboratory before TRUTH is the only goal and MATTER to the report of their engagement In " In response to his knocking, Long looked nl Crnlg appeallngly. nlht j la the morning papers. - ' Sin appeared on the threshold and mo "Eorgivo me," murmured Klaine, Kennedy took the bomb and care- "j,0nk at this. Walter," rpmarked He had leaned over, and now at- His staluro even seemed to he nl MORNING Honed to Bennett tO In, evident- holding out her hand. Then nhe added "illy placed It under the wonderful Craig, with difficulty restraining him-rays- , tempted to take her hand. She witfc tered. He seemed to shrivel up ami OOH In ly astonished to see him. In voice tense with emotion. "Thank then with the fluoroscope over his ge, "What do you make of it?" drew it, however. There was some- come deformed. Hit face was terribly ii As he entered, Bennett made a se- you for saving me." IJes studied the shadow east by the a glance at the typewriting was suf-sy- s thing about his touch which, try aa distorted. cret sign and said "I am I he Clutch Kennedy took her hand. For a mo- on its sensitive screen. flclent to show me that Kennedy had, she might, sfie could not like. Waa it And his long, sinewy hand slowly Ing Hand. Kennedy Is close on my ment he held II. Then he her to- "It's a bomb, sure enough," Craig indeed, made an Important discovery, mere prejudice or was it her keen twisted and bent until ho becarnn tho drew I come to be hidden." ward him, unresisting. wclalmed, looking up from it at laat We stared at each other almost too woman's Intuition? personal embodiment of the Clutching trail, and have to In a tone which belruyed nlarm and THE END. me. "It's timed by an ingenious-- aazed to speak. Hennett looked at her a moment. Hand. JOURNAL

Albuquerque, N. M. This Story in Moving Pictures Will Be Shown at the "B" Theater Today SIX ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, MONDAY. AUGUST 2. 1915.

CHARM r WOl'LDNT IT MAKE YOl SORE IF-- THE morning journal OF MOTHERHOOD kAA ' ft ..I I S ind the Italians were JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. I l I I l HI. M M RS Enhanced By Perfect Physi-ca- l rnenl, ami the kaiser SlKCmULL'iOODCnlD Heallh. Turk M well m lae. hourn of baninaaa ko t.. him who The experience of Motherhood is a try- With the fall of W knows, or h.1". or dots this OT that wo want, do not lot our ing one to most wonun anj niark-- i phase the war will which and & "f ffOTOR-CYCLE- S tasto or fc. im atand in the w.iv. Hvii tinctly an eixich in tiieir lives. Not on., ( Fffl "- - J (Mill ! . leas the Itussian force Ihin activity over. v.. return '. i, SUrqnrHt M hn woman in a hundnnl is BNfaWed or tin ti n dolt nt atata, and for those tra have demoralise ..h how to prop rlj care for her- JEN YEfltf can be at eoa; wn," ni.,. Of course nearly v ' go where wt it". wh... (BMBOra self. every woman rk. rot offend U, whose social t nowadays has medir-a- i treatment at loch then roum chimes with ours S we reflect times, but many approach the exp. cheering UUPPF N 911 I'lwjn their pftrn and with an organism unfitted for the force; how tin i . comm. nil. prepare tuP trial of strength, and when is and dtaw pOO Me I l. rhor; bow, in all it ov.r t i r pap. lul'S. n .ike tin mtmheri: her system has received a shock from how manners ma I, ,. the fortune of the which it is hard to recover. Following mWiioiiH v.'iith; thai, for the m. st right upon this comes the nervous marry strum Belgtem part, his manners him. and of caring for the child, and a distant for the most pan. lo- marries man- . I. axim- ners; when mi ii' ak w hat keys they change in the mother results. peratlona A, & are. and to whl . r. w'.at hiirh nothing mnr, I III lol.'-n- char-ncte- r There is charming than n ii and lessons and inspiring of k healthy mother of i, thev ioiimv. and "hat divina- a happy and ehildr. against thi Italians a tion is re.pnreil in us f"i tl'e rcad-in- and indeed child birth under the rigfd "f this l'in- - teleKrai.h w. aoa conditions need bo no hazard to health or ( auh-c- t Las. and wli.'l what rana.' the The thing is Hmm -- power , to coir. nien. ami for. ant LOn hOHN ? J relations that, with all the evidence of tattered .1 Ih. ..Hot da nerves and broken health resulting from ish lese I hn n ha I s, (slv ii 8tMc VUI, an unprepared condition, and with am- i AUK I.- - Tin department . - on ih. ooi Inent "i. Santa I'.. in which to prepare, worn. JIM ll w .1 itiol iirlnla Quite ple time Till lag Hon of education yesterday (ranted tall i..ui iMttl a in pari that state aid in will persist in going blindly to the trial. nm ..I Mataalsa Itilrd I'rrM !! tarse number of districts w for. iri' not tcidv f f as. . afaVt JtT - - - kaaWaaWaWaWaaW4. I Ta y W aeven achool or to- I. i.. a n.rr nrril r iMUb fk f J maintain months Every woman at this time should rely .. rr nil.ubcl In uIh new school houses. The follow .utii iMpiii ward upon I.ydia E. l''s Vegetable r tril lal in miit lltnn vol' ink districts v. re Kiv. n $S0O toward l.rnli !.... ., ., i,..r.i house and $'.0 toward equlp- - Compound, a most valuable tonic aa.i n. h : P invigoralor oi" Um it male organism. great reaerve, ge h? i i,r.or.,onn, in mi i "i ih. in many nomes m I'l.n.h youth. In h' nf.. rhi illoe.s th. re the c IK'IO MO 'Ml nr.. now ehililren b.. H. the Prenrh for. for two school houses. Ihstr ti l l llorhiln, roricspoii'tiiig In the IS, of Mora ..iimy was ru catwe of the fact moms and II1'" f"i - iMiun i Herman landwehr and ImnHi ruin. In for repairing two that Lydia E. Fink- niahlna A t the same lino I'M. i In ii 1'lii from 'lo Mn nu ' hi' ' ler fur ham's Vegetable - II s;tL' in was ranted to maintain i. n. mini generals men llrsslv ih rlfioed s. hool. as follows: Wa-dalu- Lonijiouiiu makeayy Y en month BB hounty, S arom on M I ( liinilwihr an. In ndst r um h) preoeTVt tr t No. 35. tin. normal, ?jt , laal y tin s . KM It. II. k' la U in. plai ,i ,n no ih. .;.iniiin .niih for the fighting lo lis. Torino'' ron. i.cCt.TKiixirr i foitowinn field by I. I'll III' III i nine Joffii h prooettt policy l IS4.7II; N" you special advice I Ii want vrile to . r . i a Mini. i. i i n lit r Lydiit K. I'lnbliiim Medicine Co. iconR. spc. ill.. strategy upon Nipoh mil.' blaittl $i:.i.i:i deutiul) Mnss. Your m Bt, Liin, letter ill Hi.- ,t. i of n greal i No nuns A ii nllon jm.:i4; be opened, ft4 and ansivrcil by I tin- - in. .nt ii reserve, lo DM when lima hue No. ti'', ; No. .1, ?..!'; rroiuuu aud held In strict coiiCliuc. . I No lo I.I mine Thni lima may ROHM within 72. 181. 8: so; No 4T. TV No. Ml, $1 w uionlha, Ihe Teutonic forces J8l.0; 'I Ii.' ii iii N RMKH two when v.. it, 141.21; Waal No. 7. fit ten 111.. I. Ill Ik llol rslsasad from RuMia singe the 104; 7 J 4 f. ; No. Leading Private Educational tnstl i a al- - W ho i hull he '. ll el IIOI . I.!' HI'll ii..i Of liir II n vinr win Tln tution of Bouthwai t. . ... BT. I Rill. ii Iii. ..i r. nts jiiea' strategy requires that the wing VIM M At MilMV, lo. let'. s Issin-- ReqttlatttOll. . fi-- (.ovirnor Albuquerque, M. a . ess, I linos loritliiiii' lo I,, imil also that tl hi pagjl till how I'e. ' dbVernor M I..- Simla auk. Boarding ami nay School for Mitt It la great k nil tilalniil reQUialt1 schools of the atuto rihiiM- bonald yesterday issued a f:rls and Young l.adi.s. .1 n nor Ihi' Qeorcla. for II. dm i. Mini conwrwd In Ihla inn ii... "oceinor of Special ilias Herman Hein- - attention Riven to I h.. record of Illiteracy In Rmproi Nu null mi won IiIh bttttlMi in. llamhurner. 'hiiiu Painting, Vocal Cul- lond lury "f , i though lloiMpirtt Musi.-- prawlng, Domestic tivi oiiiiiii b, iim shown hy the ir hi oihtiiI frxitititth in v under fals. tural - Si lence i fOUkTbl won H Ii. ii h. IiiiiI prtCtl- ivoo-ert- s of Ihe ttett M'i" Inb ndeat, should ulnl I pretenses ami wno gave alleged, Courses: Primary, Orammat and oataw a . n. ml rtvoH tgalast Miajcallt no naervfi of McKlnley county, it is Academic. lihe slip, several years ak.., bul Was ,.., i.ollli, l.. ,..i.i ilo. eoiin-- I critlciil emeiucn Scientist Tells What the ii llder School opens Tuesday. Sept. 7, llv- - in the east and sent I" Kit. htner than i vi-- the Urasing Link were apprehended !thc federal n nitent liny at Atlanta. I'or catalog and ap- .loll the war. Ini "i pi Near Paris and South Information The Iiimii. l.v Mr WliU- and ii" 'I' Missing Link Looked Like America more Kocene lemurs dwell Ha., for mtauslng tha mails, .'fls term ply to Superior. . We spenklliif from Ibe aegt wee as he steps out diHpiiii-- iio ir a'.-iini- v, dam on ale thai were widely scattered. expires kand S) York I' j prison he will he nabbed of point ..f l which the Teutoi Though the primate prolnihly otik- - of the nails allute that in thiee fourths the WJPUty Sheriff H C, Harrett of . may entirely e Inated In North America, Professor m of i UtRtlea ill. people the uial iJIh did not come to rnaiiup. Results from .loiirnnl Want Ads, poihl of view sees (lerr Pttnaranthropua was his MVcly f rnnll . Klliol believes man IrlilM have defrauded, mid the nllies' Rrectus or he mild not taaume oe hen e id i the N'w Wotid until after the A 1 la he. omina merely a hollow name He on ii pronounce It, much this p.. lltlon, which is, as a mall, r hl'l-l- l lohl.e.l of Ihcll . Idilg he was to he found children hkri less spell Hut this Illiterate per- of fact hardly possible ami i rtalniy alter Shall, Inn! an our American ohfed in i (Id World. tin iKhl l.y the men who cuilrolleil son was something of a ptrsonaat painful for lllaed man. Hi slml- - he o v In hv I NI14, heciinse ,i had oine in.- man II" St i 1. Ilo .f i ton it in i s. Tan first tin niisninK imk. hir lose hv "II hi hi wlfe is eon i family, of evarythlng from wiihin balm We're alt ol in d pci us you or wlv es, with Tit ii h fol the maintenance ' . . .. I he oiiler The s know. dil Pithecanthropus was tin babies sound nslei'ii. and nglng With SciHHora Paste money wan In vfM. and the wasted ,m no ns i ound hell no. i hat a nec ii kofl that when the foe has "lie. mines hoi fNRFAPINMINO I. a. hern who could BOI in 10 "Should a rugln gate, PIOJfBSKTt, , kiiiks ami empeiols, iioimas ihi: heeomr a hollow- 'lull the tune f..i An. vi i,, .mi. heiH w ho i re In Hona or ,ie ParnuU him he The gull shall whistle In his wake, their nffanalvs will have arrived :0 nnd. liaisnli sj will tie in would daufhtu ,r I In- nephew h id mi ll the Wind wav. hienk in fife, If that moment should . "in. , at tha fives us tamliv tree which reaches hair and He shall fulfill Hod's utmost will, un- Wl, eolllli lied Ihe vole- - of the Mirl allies calculate, Joffre Will use Ma '" '" ""' "' makiiik p minis. knowing his d sire; ollH Im U for the toVnty lions Iliei i . o IIPJiill I'l I ye III ,1 isries men so as lo drip n. ., ly Cleat the face And he shall see old planets pass and resarvs of Ihe fiowe of Prance, i; llllni Hie fact that th. na pjl spriKs on Us moat extended boughs, nnd body. Th, half mi rm, even alien stars arise. will land his million or ii.i our s;ret-great-g- re il , peat of civilised who glv Kate null In mm hive Ii.tiiiiih aroliaed by the Kll.hener these mat! retain And the his recklese mole of thorollKlllv .It 111 d and . IJOlp ml infinitum grandfather was uulle sufficient to n o ' the hi ini-- ment, shadow of new skies, thai ban l.roti and allll In h. Ilo; II runs a chap, lake all in all (i. F. Scott turns down both upper ami r i arm Strong lust of pore shall drive him out .lie lo ihe fillure of tin II hlldi ell, Mltol has i. een making an extended to the elliow Hi ward and il wbward and hunker arm his hand t Is not at all llli olicelvahlc ii. ...aes nkltute (or more native StUd) of Ihe o. lelh.W and presents from Hn- wrlsl Moreover, if the To wring tils food from a desert nude, Holland, hi- - . that til. mm i" lendad in the result. reader tries i" regular from sand. n. In is nnd Ihe ompUtMr) IHCttt-o- this altitude foothold the And nnd Bhtrrtigh did to No family port rnls in oi lie W ill S' e Uial What W llll hair, His neighbors .moke shull vex his ROSENWALD'S of HPHIIIhIi In tin si li....l ..mno x thai tirant seems. Old Man I'ltlni , was whiskers, beard ud eyebrows, even cms, their voices break bis rest; Un oath in the fourttl Mai of the i thin poll, v of altafltptlni to atlr inn. h mi hen illy, and anyway he mliUa's ami mosiiiltoe mmbl he ptpt- - lie shall go forth till south Is north, i i In hop. io do to lei mum i ice pri luillce nil shift Ihe Idam. couldn't paint or photagrapji, zied has mlghi log hea rd, in ina 'ii sullen and dispossessed, ma he fiuatr.iled lo Yet,' says Profawaor Elliot, "it i and I' d i si hv tangled He shall desire loneliness, and hlg 14 t In iiiscK I'M, t hi Such slratesy veiled m the th. tremendous Qarman drives, ami possible io give a lode, blurred Pic- lal v t liithinc masses of hlS .hevellire shah bring ture of Ihe Pliocene precursor when lint we must lero ' him iii Ills position Hard on bis heels a thousand , bt Ho waatlni r r t ..r the Qermaa io- was nisi on iio- point of vanturlng ash ) t. pel 111 ip dream ng. I. c ap- - a people and a king. I, Ntlhinailnes, No one at litis lime in on l - He .m his own track, tin- the Mreal slep upward.' urehendina p.lL- shall'' nine .ok of Spanish lansutfs r loieiiei what the aat kill of Model, trl Hark skliitnil, rlj deli bain and hv his scarce cool camp, The Season's Advance Styles hi no HpnnUh A mn a an s1rata--y vmii work out with Hue, There shall lie meet the fOtXlng street, to cess of life III Ilo- fu I I the derrick ami the stamp, or by thu end owe Ii m t MlV anilh ilkflMSM are show months, hiv months oi For he must blase ii nation's way. le shall have a gcjtaj, II of the second iiii of the HliilKulc fatntl) till e, from this ih rip wlih hatchet and with brand, M of itm bod be ovei-e.- With i Hon, a In i "i ail; km tfi ihe Itnirtsh win familv anv ho Ills last-wo- an em- urtherm these luggestlona, ith ..r Till on wilderness liHHUiO'e III bangoaM of tin lain hair fur eve on ihe palms oi deacendanta? pire's bulwarks stand. The New August .led ft, on nianv arti.tea in maglialnei soles of III- - his head the And was Ills diel I in hare i w nu. I. hu b he inn., of he in I t . and newspniieiB, may nut telle, the ban hi w olg and thick and wan "I'l ulls of all kinds i nuts and p. i r ol p.. and conditions m sithat 9real Hiitmn or l"l,l,l ill probability, doWn his fleshy fruilsi, small birds and eggs, Till- DAY MWVN'S bin I,, a CONlblnad of the h I cheeks and form honey. Krubs and Insects. mid i lam .1 ihe minium. ami more fast, McCall board .nu! whisker fringe do ..i course, hav e eaten r.'sti Hut the ..lUtlt I" SB kcllclallv pre wt "He ma, Right's brim, dav bolls at last; .turn,, una not m.l a jaheJl especially ii it Ihink had much ei mustache, fish, ami oysters ureal cloud-cup'- s , Hulls, pure gold, o'er the fera thai tin n.h't Shall know oiil. en in-- Milium or nil. arobabl eyebrows 'beetled tfYloan monkeys in- still fond of brim langua :e, because With of "The hail was wavj nr curly; It I them, and for man pi ImltlVS peoples th. lower Where spurting and suppress. ,! it lay, Patterns Ii d a h n. la- III. limililll Ul the iter is more oris ma have ten. lo hulk, shell fish al. ,.f first importani e." froth-fluk- e that ml I ('or not a loucln-- Hie rim straight no id. h i idled on lei Ii day ind and insects, "Ihe i if yonder gap in the solid gray W de-i- and Fashion his is doufct ool s was more nw-ay- lions and I'l.' i if the eastern cloud, an hour .as thai of hihln Mrs Plthecanth Hill forth one wavelet, then another, dan-t-- . Publications I J probably ha h Till. io red t opus Bw .lus was a fighter a curled. tu, matter how Till the whob Btinrise. not to be sup- list of pressed, ROMi reddened, nnd Its seething th .1 p if h ;t proments m breast Now l imed Stales senalor, on ihe whole h w as pi obabl) the story ..f the earl leal ancestotn is Flickered in bounds, mew gold, then, lj .t i, 11 11 il suc- antattva in longissa, sal it shinned to ml. how early man overflowed ihe world. On Sale 'The la. a w oiilil probably he low ceed, d in surviving through a period i ouoislv to how him on a ii i w II 11 small, reporting broad, ipal d ith mod. win many ferocious cgrnlvors h. Dav, If 1 squander a wavelet of bl- edtl.Sl.d IL- hall proBpc I i e pill baser for an ant. .no. edited. Suppose thai thee. t i I ham; upon Ih t Pithecanthropus was caught, when my foi and Idle, I t. ll her o, cupntton aa a at a mite of twelve hours' treasure, . .1 . il muni hint; fruit. b Ihe redoubtable gazes or glances III Id Ihe '"I iti, requested him "Ills nose would he as Iii. .ad as The least ol thy widoa Ibngi a. lis pVllS oe tie c Id t Ibe name Is lit,- ihi-- thbu or is w pel bar t hoy grog up was w.ili .sit wide apart ami giants art hound to t v plaining just arltal facing a little upward and outward how appropriate snough) the i;,Hs above measure), McCALL'S fearsome creature, hall' lion and half of The bridge would be almost concave one tin clinic s or one of they MAGAZINE ipward and tin Bogs itselt u that tlgtr, which was ,,ne of her i onlem-por chances JIB ihe I .si relrousaa. The tries in Java (He they tasks Cod Imposed thee or Only ISC When d oosev . It w .11 one., up v mall ml deeply sunken She ould draw heraaU fi.aks at th pleasure) 15x I ,1c wiih any 'U arr give ,. raiher prominent ryebrda to her fall In iht tnbont Too mllll-- i My Hi' If h lab. 1 i ' II -- Il be to dist- metaraX. Her appemrance would then leisure, McCall .illi n. It is t lies,' dnya. 'I lll lol Would not no ' HUMUl ill- peculiarities id bis Jaw he sufficiently alarmlpg; ibe strongl) line sham full of fseful lions., on Si count of the hall v n. .11 .1, and marked eyebiow i iditcs. the powerful hold Suggestions 'a p. t baps ll was best so. for he had law. huge grinding th, retreating Smist Sunmtr Mtdl i ov- long ,h III no real chlh mid .1 verj retregtntg forehe ol. Wldonlng behind and Thy blue llll er.-. or flowing, W u tbowlnf St ti Pashlon N. ws in6HB1 - IS4T. lower law a bun; and naiiow as well wiih tangles of black brown Dllier ntW aUld run taant 'l , u( Uw it.'W Aiunut JdtlUlO. us protect lag or pronnaihic uppat n Wool!) or WaVy hair all these would Whence earth, we feel, gets stead AnfUat JetitVi PtC. j II II. plophet who WOO Id certainl- help guod d III lew In lyj cheekbones and ixtteitwdy lalne Imprest his mind She and llll the sunshlne-mln- u wrote sure ymjf sins will find teeth, with five - to them. y exercise her power ..f i h, such 1hv fitrul it was. Ill yells, Is and reiongltl going, v on out Alao Ihe IUhle COtfle Those musclrs win. h ale at work lis linn a mill nl be ex. Iii ma I'.t haps she was in- As if earth turned ft in work In I when chewing bald to. would ions the I he M'to he II ills Wat "f cnormottal) developed, but those telligent eqough to throe stonea, . which an us.-.- 111 speaking would bo sticks, fruit or whatevi r ame lo her hie Weak. band, at the enemy. hi and P S. en ftom in front his appeal an. . These tin e things, all very un- Would he the of pi e possessl hR usual in the Pliocene w.ubi energetic levers,- IMI'ltl SRKn HI Mil, II ih. ni. tow receding rureneao, oe- - in inarticulate vituperation, an erect sJl. m l Mr,. Q Qardlner, tin editor of the slnniiiK with its atrong eyetnow posit ion and um al a dtstani I nopr. ss London Dally NCws. ia considerably II dge would vi'. Ill to disappear would sitr. confute and the he impressed b) our pr.-sld- nt He says IS of ih. of dark, Ihi. k hair, out primitive brain of Pi lis Ureeaevoldtl, l.l. poniienttai v moil of htm Hie ape ears mild ami h. would piohanly retire, with of which Ittile like "It Is because no man In a conspic- I) III IK 111 tlUVC at Odd ilignilv. to seek seine easier prey." dark, hard he sell He uous position of the world with hands, Origin in North a democrat! his had about lout leel lush, later tadaj is so entirely governed by prin- when so htng to th. The d. script ion s based on a skull otgh I ill. I,. ny. I is staiidms. tea. ciple by 'f hut be and moral aum lions that knees both hands ami feet would fragment discovered hy Di ls In I 1,1, I ii ill lu f$EARNiNfi v will a i,. Wilson not oieielv the that Mill apt eciate i lie," is unole.l tu Kay da large, cheat narrow, he would be .Ini the skull ..f a feature """" fust cltlaen of the United states, hut 111 . slight!) bandy! egjgtaj, but nothing to exactly on line between IHI It III II .In. that the ""' the first cltlaen of the world." mkiiiI., foi even at flits period he ilo- highest anthropoid npea, I p. il That is reniarkahU. language for a Will li coin lad, until Ihe ptobahlv small anilnala and The verj origin of Ihe, huma ' chased Hrttlsh editor and one or ability. Il i m i Soldi. our lapd according m r has left huftti d on foot. i" Profeaaor Rlllr reminds ..tie of a passage In Tolstoi'S iay h ' lo In-- . I ,il tile 8d of the Ills II. .III.- In a Ins have been in "Vision of the World War;" B.ll.Je, t 111' W wi III p.'WI the "At night he w.nill nine lo a lie see all Kur6P In flames and ar of the , se. Ills pi a I . hildr. n his roughly Woven in st in the brain lies "It hleisllng hear the lanientntlons of id blston in of Wbell sleeplln bis ll.,!.!. North mi i ,i :r"' b. But gt tie. lrange nth fields. about the h. got will Pull of would be bent foiwmd .vol his pi imate origin.Hi Tb. se Intel tng year 191 fi a strnnge figure from the wiisis these would Ih' rrwaaed 1st lanlmals are fount a Ilo- lower I e'"' north a new Napoleon enters the Will ll I Vi ry lew people cross the Atlantic ft. .Ill of 111" to st Willi elbows dowrt deposits. ill an ihat th. are bloody drama. II,. is a man of little ana outward dlls legs would he perhaps the most indent of II ko wn mehavristlc training, a writer or a ROSENWALD'S KdWi these daya without seeing a periscope I " Sn gtroHgl bent 01 th xed. so that the mammals .lottrnnllst. but In his grip most of Ku-er- y III I sl..- - e Ihe Ida. id th old and ...... were iiUo near ihe wrists. Ilia prim ten th rope will reniain till 1 925 " Itimr hi.iiornj atau reiitrat. i'i I ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, MONDAY, AUGUST 2, 1915. SEVEN

Copyright till Bringing Up Father International Now Service. By George McManus


jfc nov, 00 KATTMtlR WHATb V" ' ' I I - ' nT 'ft

- i . --I way MIRACLE ASKED OF They must be allowed to form spei .1 regiments of different rlnsstn KITCHENER BY PEOPLE mi i hilt while one regiment may i on-lai- n 1 Tow lave a Waal too men tit to be officers, OF GREAT BRITAIN regiment tna contain Isa than Tel Tinroo JOURNAL SSIFHEP COLOMH ten. 1 tie OA Men of apps varying from -- o to M (Com hMted I nun Page One.) may be In lha Mime regiment end men from strongest In the to the weakest IFiiirsft war ttppurtm physique ; t be put in the Mime regl SALE Qaaa u It .1 that they ment, with res that a group of roi sio-- le httif One of the bsst built t heihselves, regiments worth about A FOR svi.t: plan is fori ins much as an equal number of men mmi new homes II has StrSf been our hi1 (Toll u dim. ti tin pleasure w offer In Lowlanda very sum' ll.aoo bungalow, modern, brick, trranca systi pebble dash finish, Highlands, close in. Siintu i'e four rooms, built-i- n boek oases, chins ctoa Ruaala are at war, but with no I y.imph ut t.oi man- - close m. eta cabineta Uso has machinery to do i four-roo- m and kitchen rnmental this i' e it neaaee were prcsi ni at ifi.tiou j frame cottages kitchen and and with n public inn in, targe sleepim luom, the reoccupatlon of Prxemysl by the on three lots, near shopa oloss front parches Hardwood floors, big rustnmeo to Discipline, tne A In- Conducted Hie Keil KatatS business of such Lisa Qermana apeak of thai the rent for per month, fine I - Ralph liunbiir. who has i the fact closets, modern plumbing and ptrict- I B herculean, vest ni nt. i: it Dunbar v Co. since the death ot his father, finds thai the active troops occupied the lertrene, ive-roo- m ly v erv respect Pi l Leading politicians have sou nd ed bungalow, New me lern bungalow. in business of Dunbar Reauchamp, of which firm he is the and that iis soon as it was in theii $1,600 (rama sleeping porch, two reasonable and terms to your liking. Plumbing warning In the most rousing speeches modern, two sleeping porches, 50- - in senior mber, requires all of his attention ami he has accordingly possession the landwehr, or older d built-i- n buffet, mt In the aama wmv of ihe peper line, ward, porchea kold .1 lit, MOORE iiKAl.TY t'u. the Dunbar Real Kstnle llll'll, look heir plil. es and the young ft. lot. near ear 4th lo the . pro-.h- bookcases and cabinets, li r. I. II. in l.vv-1- thai these warnings have been In t'u Id to frame, bath, burn, & CO. I,,imI,,.mu Will ns iei In III.' late IMinicir men were again put the til f ".ram Five room to-ii- in very respect T1BIMTON Meet rd the military presg bureau and iiii The .1 If, M e iti iit will in tin fill IIII ml chicken houses, shade and fruit tiu-u- s dls tack. nation The beat im in 'ill Weat CteM Avenur inbar Co., i headline writers have inletl the in occupying ml llnea of trees, lot 4th ward. formerl) payable by forties! IMxlit, r $2,8S0. bet show It to gitronags of gpeechea representing some minor trenches middle aged are dwelling, mod- - them a eontlnuan skirmish as a su Instant hi victory and $8,000 frame stnntially its cunt iis ths si j ern, fine shade, good outbuildings; innounctni a substantial defeat men strategic retlri ent. Germany uses her middi aged 3rd ward, close in. adlcal politician for this kind of work, and the yoUAg 0, has men for active work !P(S)ITkrl!kSdl, leadership in Under the voluntary system arhtre Fire Insurance C. le young Loans irking men un- - old and are mixed together half South Fourth Street. the reglmerit of young men are im- - lit REAL IBTATK-KIR- K INSUUANCft. W MgMEIJK)M Al.l'll i' martial law. . E i mol In permanent LOAN8. Pairloticallj he pu all the popu-- I ilied fortifications I'll West tiold. nr he had acquire in leading the and regiments composed In half of against employer! and oldish men are sent on long man his, 216 W. GoM borers then (Notice in. Rooms II with the result that half the regiment rat rnid Mill RENT his uhtletN as political cam PI 111 II I All, oooooooooooooooooooos ooooo nation, Is left on the roadside. II must be AMI Acith jiRner to the service of the Ogles nt Commissioner .Jlliri lH l.f WANTED. North. o o Dry Clean at the colleaguea were plain that the latter form of organisa- New O ' .1 I I I ( l s o Man of hie former sum" ,,t New Baaloo, - ( Moiiero roes til t.l of mea tion can never defeat the former. ISIS. Male. o sit the Mexico, June It, Seatral Three rooms with bath, com- Soulh lliiril. Let it be borne In mind that Great Notice t hereby given tiiat pureasat I" o VVANTBtJ CMS and errand boys. Apply ,, t sleep- o Britain had orgsvnied a voluntary thi provisions "f an Aet nf Cimiicas COR IIKNT line ii i. .ions and plete. Neatly I'm lushed & RoesttwaleVs, enette, furuislied orth Court plumbing, o Acnio Diy Cleaninr, was army infinitely better than r volun- June '.'0. into, the laws of the mat ing porches, double o i' the Prusal&a imperial guard reicula-ti,.n- 5 Kxperlcnced reus, car-- 1 be- of New Mexico and the rules and WANTKll win also II V MAY or week, modern furnished ronnH perfectly Sanitary, Ui'4 Kusl iMise stepping in Trafalgar square tary arm) has ever been organized pesters Mmployggiaj agency, ,s,,iub o Piessing Co, ,.f the state land "iriee. Hie commie li" S and tM week. BraM building COhtnU avenue l'hone 381. 6 I in entrenched themselves upon the fore, and has allowed less polities to I of pui.n, lamln will i.Rer at public TWrt SI reel. I'll.. lie 304. IVlllTHl pos- doner rtl' Wrl ruieg had been thought I bldipT. 3 e nstorated heights of union and Interfere than sale, in ihe highest at o'clock I male Ki Ul IIKNT l.inue oooooooooooooooooooooooooo ealted Ins attack. sible. It has ex, ceded every standard in. en Tuesilay, September the Mat. lllla. liloyd-fleorg- e, too skillful to be of a Voluntary army that has ever tn ihe town uf A Ibeeuei Que, ...oily "f ;ii Sulcsladles and salesmen. - atate of Now Mealcp, In front ot ply llosenwabl Itlos.' li Ml I IIOIIS4W. raw against such a barrier, march- been Imagined, and yet has demon . ?lne heuae Ibeieln, (hn (ellowlag de-- Ariji'ioliitlon. the flank and blamed all Bag at rat ei Just one thing that n Imge niurt WANTED t'omseteni .ink. apply III; SAI.IO Six r ii In Ilk li si. Idle ralbUQUartyttf lliiail M. rt tin mn' fb a, i l ,'f land. VlSl M I. tij army compete with trai Mlern. West I'oppcr. bSth 4S0 N in. I'i'oUn i lib k. n hoUl table! owa wutet ennn, Hecrclary nil's ills on drink! voluntary cannot I, 2. 4. II. 10. N It. I gCtS, wRb " Lota Sec. Tp I I op Bldg. S T i; I) is;.-,- p Ion .07 Wesl Milll.le.'l le J ffanaC SSI. II Bcruett He hroke til'1 tension. confused universal service troops. eoataiaiag seres, There are so hn WAN Americas wosnai to huiuekeep fgentlemen pal) In. fi.H for tw.. Apply in once at 103 s..uih M issue. Babel and from Mow can it a major command- j land run HALE Blrlcily i b in four room III Toiiowed when pr.a'enienla un Ihla w.uiei "oetli. SIIHIH. ulii'l sllrli a law Is beiim enacted as ing BOO men has les military educa- No bid will be aeeepted f"r baa t hall tell bungalow, un your terms, provided a mini- ap-- . WANTED dotnpetenl girl general CURNWMBD fronl room, modern, no alok, mum monthly payment uf jo le made, K. HIIAKT ie caar of Russia has not de reed. tion than a sergeant eoininii tiding per acre, which la the for housework; BU Mrs. Sol no children. 411 Weat Silver, Phone llelllal MorgeoB. is everybody mili- pralfeO value there, .f. easnttlffi Apply tltlW, rerybody busy blaming thirty men, yes. and often, less I land will be aub.lect Weiiler. it West TI jeraa, It UNI'- - for light -- . - I i Barm nidg Phone rk lo ;m k The above aale of .uK 1'uriilahed riitn I'olt salk 'Hii. houae in the lllch- ill th tary education than private auc- - , Made tty Mali P. Hie fallowing condition!, vis: The WANTKH Young gin for general house-- housekeeping. ;;4 H;"Lh.H':'ll: out., two i perches; huge hit; appelStmenll only himself? cennfiil blililer most pay to the itmmlwlnn- - - oiithuibiinge. Terms, balance Stork In small fsjnll Atuily morothgc, pt RENT lurnlSbed rooms for teniae- III cash: (til HI i h - HVNII IANS AND Kt.KONK. Must Urn qhallnnlrr System, i r of nubile landa or hi ato ni li'tMinor mit Mrs, I,, m iii'.m i.nj I, in lb. ul,-- .ii. keeping. Call West Central. per month. Adiiiess Owner, Boa hi. So- j by III Ti Is Nei (led. sale, of the price offered hlia N army has. therefore, (I A hum It WOrtl- - had B Mil II. HI III It I UN, M. II. Kitchener's the t per Beat Interest In advene ait Knit RENT Two ill roeme strong eomb itloll of for laadi hnuiaWOfki itoop Iiwiim' C6R BAtil Owner leavlns . hi in una Sin aeon done one great thing It has shown for lha hulnnre of auch piirchaae price, the KfTicrn for light housel plsi sick. O.'l lb lacl and o the law r. i u si Ttieraj avanun aiepsss of bosue in nig plume T7 llurnstt Rldg. firmness make thai the whole military system of feea for ndv.rtlsiiB and appraisement, tiiy Weat Hllver. diKcord: -- roeflle mcdera shade and work withoui cauathg evil Be revolutionised mii to the aale herein, ffANTSID Two wiiiMtn ,ii uf t akin IiBR Mceiv furnished, modern, I Great Britain must incidental I RRNT our OS n in h e VOed o terms OR T, TAMNI'S ai the of writing a BtUSt he if h iiHch"li1 mi'l hltfhfii employed moment and aft. 'i such a system has been and each and all of aald amounts illtlN (rent rooms for ladies. Mmh - ,., .".111 Ipedsllel In Rye, gar, Nose Threel. of niiii'H Phone mil West ul Strike of the South Wales coaj miners last year's training deposited In cnah or certified exchange ul omaii raaoH twiiiiv from Kanti Apgrtmants ,;i;i n..uih Third ShiiH Fe. N, II revolutionized the amoiiutH hV. CboklnR must bi (Kt'il iuiui $tm$ full 8AI.K Modern frame houae. threatens the nation with defeat. in measure In the time of aale. anil which aald RENT Three large cool i ma, aleep- - will pay for Itself full mibject to liiii'iai vvuKt'H aiIiImn Aahtay pond, foil In Highlands, mi street car Una. close tRH4 et IIAKKN However, i o and' all of them are forfeiture poruS bath, completelr the the riKhi I Ini and furnished nation the new organisation, to the of New Mexico If the )(ii kiuati Ran (a Pa uttflly. N'. M Hania He aSopSI Ideal location. Newly I linlled In, Bsr, Nee irack In handling que ctate seeoeti for houeekeeplas, ul" West Coat yorchna. rracllie 'he munitions TO send the present army to the not execute A wlth-- : papered throughout, 'two acreeneil Hon fill bidder doea contract Ihriisl. llial is. all of it excepting the to fight against a better Ot In thirty dsva after anine has been sxalled lllghlunds. large enough fur beds Terms rraaonahle. male Nsllimal llsnk continent ii- - CM OH pn is bureau, to Imn by office, eatd enn-- Smith sires! ganlaed, better trained GermM force, the alale land wan KP Ifiipte-rl- t in i d ault iladlea at the FOR RENT te.iisekeeplna rnome. The problem to provide payment of the blabt on Fit ANK us whieh is lo slaughter so many thousands of tract for the Booaomlf :'is Houih Walter. Phone Mi. MlHiellnoeonji. - confronts the is Ihe formation balance of the purchase price of aald Unda t Hilt BPSCtAUITi nation without any possible chance of In-- men In thirty equal Installments with I Kiin RENT Modern furnished rooine, with THROAT AND l.ltNOS. Of an iimy large and ut thul annual t in SAI.H i rial post s p: I .. I SW enough Victory. on sleeping porches M 'I K.isl 1071 19 in Harnett HMs. K.une terest all deferred payments at the rule uli i'eitrl. time enough to meet I Is will- y 'l HAI.K ptiggv wind efficient At this poln the reader who of 4 per aval per annum, in advance, PXy I.'uli N't' Mice bo ao-- ruiitns with tit mil tiurness and Ihe lei WANTIO I Ptml Uotis. .; un, s, ml mans in the open field. ing to ' my statement must think menu and Interest due on October 1st of hoard, S! reseonabte rates I'hona mill ,s OK, W, r, " W. DILL Whi small armies suffice it is evi- to himself: each year, and such ether cuditions, obib wan rUU Buokftefipei .,f foortMn reartf IBI7W III Smith RAllh. Killtn"'i.K 1. e, ion bookcase, cheap dent may t i that voluntary armies are better - "Then Kiigland is In a Very desper- gallons, reaervatlona and lerma as be expl h iii' "in n r. piil it ml FOR llK.vr Nicely rusplehed front rueat, 'all nt Wesi 'antral S 4 p than armies trained by universal servi- ri'ipilred by law. uciiifatc. flrntreB poa.ttun wtih r'linPl4 SOU modern, bo price reasonablei FOR" HAI.K iiiik"rToi7rmiilBli.i ii iiioKulu New ArtoMo lll.t,,' to m. ate position." his ce, The eimmlaci..ner of public lands or cam. 'an furnUli besl uf pofffl BOi aa Now SSI Welter t.lii Wesl ' because the more adventurous go it were not for sreferrflt, North I'ull oi Phone I she would be if ... holding such sale, reserves th tnipi" tit by ffl inafchanti Sot A. O. MltiUI B, M. 11. volunteer pby-slca- ! - "c riht k"0 : For cash, ami those not up to the Ifl HUt'll , Foil i,i: ii uuggy, chenp I'm, II. e Tllberenhtete-llour-e her navy, which is as efficient I"' to reject anv nnil all bids offered i healthaawliar, Adilnff uara JouraaL IIKNT D el lines. l.lmlled to requirements may be rejicted. I rOH W. ii McMIH Wesl .i'l. lo 12 cm me aoanel as it is powerful In numbers. aale Possession Seder conlin. of sale fof " i" lift bill wln UL' - a nil - ie a substantial proportion of It has met every test and, barring ac- the RDOVS described trad will be given on A VI I. Ulu,wllnu,,H North WOH SAl'.K useil cars ,o a uoudl- IVI1,!, West Central Asenue. ihe 1. Albuquerque nation la noeded for war the vol- will do so, or before October 1111. ti. in ami nlieap BUtler tuto Co. asnitarlum. Phone III. cidents, continue to nf I'Aiii'K'i CLBANINO, farniture and store POR HINT I room goqerh brick with untary system collapse Witness my hand and the official seal i w l lypewiii. t, g....u must utterly, It is Amerh an to bear in mind A tt range mid al I0UN I'orrcster. Ap- - FUlt tub IIII S, (. IN MI S as it for the Stale Laud Office, this loth day of repairing W Ooff Phone shsde II has In Ktifcland. expect ply ji. t I' oi lo Bye, Mar, Nose mill iiuti we oannot to do better on A. D 10. WA fjtSta kind, n lci limited in collecting n large voluntary June. la N'TKu I'liickiuis use and Klill sTi',l';Haoii r"ndsicTii'perfccii land than at Britain has done, ana ROBSRT P IttVIBN, Kred Km I general delivery, FOR IIKNT On A usual iilth, four room fhsaats urmy On price Moot-- . men must be tempted In every of partly furalahed, luith, der, .i will mi'l lor clti Ms, lu:t. In,- Ill lo I:, J to 4. at sea. even if pur naval authorities Commissioner of Public Lands. State WA N'TBO simply, one and lirlck. elocirlc COJ New Mexico. lights, gas. water paid PbonS SAIiR Nearly I' Central Ave. Phone M Wei e free to londuct the fleet in d cans. .1 C Hnldrlilg" I, umber (jo,, N F'lll publication mir,; last pub-- j or Inquire Hit (Irunllo iiveuue dree set brass lied, Ing to their best opinion, as they llrst June ;t, gOUtjl street mi m ill v SANATOaiVM August 2.1, first North Sixth the would not he, there are ut hast three llrailon lalfi. Pull RENT- - Heal hutifiilow for two, new Tuberculosis of Die Tliroal and I n . kllchen; FOR Sai.E- - Keep, ' wipe us off (Notlre Kor Publlc.1 loll. ) WANTKIl Mom-y- and oteSSI cabinet sleeping rm'iiisiiii t'lir Olfloe, II 1 1 Wesl Central Avenue. naval powers that could i nice, I'l III. If I.AMI NAI.K. perch, ft ut and lear porches; fine shade; in house, siiiiilal Office Hours: I to It a. m. ; 1 to 4 p. to. the seas. g t. ; A l 1401. Address, M. h M entice of t'ommlssloner of Public bands WANTED Loan of 000 real estate furnished Inquire Itoina avenue. ,,, f,'", Katialorlum Phone 111. security. C. W care Miming iMI; 11111111' W. M WANTED: A State of New Mexico, Santa Ko, New Address Hon Hi tJ.W.K ru, mis sihltar) fm T Murpliev, It, Medical Director. Mrs, rAtadsC) liyinit. Meklco, June ir,. Ifll, Journal. will rent ynu on- - fee ISOl three n I'V, Aug. I. Mrs Is heretiy given pursuant lei fOn i;i:nt One ' ii lulled M, Simla Notice that I W, SHERIDAN, M. D. ap-- I (lit It NT -- Rooms Willi Hoard. i ei ond Bright mother of Mrs. Charles A Sppss of the provisions nf an Act of Congress aim rtttieat model Young 175.1 I - atreel Phone i. proved .tune 20. Iain, the laws Bf atslsi Praetlss united East Vegas is very low and phy- the I'l 'It RENT Rooms an. lend RStSS 11.011 Meglco, regula-I- I I, - i A long established and no hope h of New and Ihe rujes and per day Broadway, Pi tit HUNT four to., well fiitulsh- Hhuffli bni g. s Transfer line, :l nffcawa sieinris hold out commls-alono- tnsouiii jGcnito Uiinary Diseases and ois of Ihe stale land office. Ihe ell $ V, Willi INtld wett aeid ap- - Copper aval reputable house 40 of public lands will offer at public Mi lltKIt N rooms Willi sleeping porches. ply i;. West OolS irth .1 Walter. K'ti; HAf.H Beautiful dining t sale, to the hlghesi bidder, at II o'clock on (I,. oil board resonahle 7.M South Edith. J Diseases of the Skin. years in holiness has FOR RENT Bungs ..lern am rum-ene- nnti eitaiis, wuii Spanish leather lm I SI ii. In el i "Till iiIkIii-.- cmTui rut! inns. Tuesday. September the "tat. the KDIt ItPlVT line lib ntld n opening in this city (or a resident ni.ii pie furnisher llss ping quartered oak astor refrigerai Ilia WSMermsns and Noguchl Teats; Ml received at town of Bernalillo, rounty of Handoval. state glassed-i- sleepiiia porch, suitable for twu. , Sealed bids will he the port Inquire 303 'i set b e, kitchen titblu and linn Tarsnn "SUA" Administered, irpreicntrUve. Hit time will be largely offiee of the county clerk of Hernallllo of New Mexico, in frnnt of the court house nidi board 4oi South Walter, ciilseiis ot W,l iV' afternoone, Hank hit county, New Mexico, up to 2 o'clock therein, the foiluwina described lit PEN Mceiv furnished, well velliil- sjaglaa own; the work is pletunt and 1 It KOIt ItlONT and niseis, SALE A land base bill pel Ntw land vis: good $.', per Full In the afternoon of Thursday, August ated rooms; hoard, week; brick, Sanitary ISTSe, aSWI sjneeable ; his profit averages more then I. ! S, 5 I flee ;?, clean, eoaditloai tan, extra sattie as Utl PW4 SW'i. rooms. ,11 per week. Mis. Chess, '4 I. I I KIIIN AIIV ' for of a build- II close gus pt. relies, modern, rent est I gootl new .oi COI.I.K'IKS. 1, 1I, the erection Twp, 14, N, It. 1 W. containing 18.VM in lunge, ton ranee as I. on the business done, end Al-- South Edith, ... ing in l h c county jail yard al Old i COS reavuiahl. Situated Ml ami In? South room stills t us it, i tltleboard. three lacei The improvements .n ibis land S. F VKTEItlNART coi.I.EHB befflas Sept, previous is not essential. in accordance IfiO.OO. FOR KENT Nicely furnished !! ISStliats Seventh street Appiv Moore Realty On, eel. I. till' Hiel I,. eiperienre busjuerque, to he built slit of fencing, value prnfessloa "ff-r- s equal opportu- - ed room with tioard. excellent home cook- A Ion gain it This U n ideal opportunity (of young with plans and speelfu Htione in Hie No bias will be accepted for less than lllghlunds niiv Catalog fie,, c. Kea s ing, verv plessant dining room Mrs fliiod-0r- . President, IIII offb-- of (Jeorse P. Hill, architect; all three dollars (gfaSt) per acre, which la ihe Ktlitb strset, san man nl good appearance, wide cade of North Eirhtti street Phone 1SW. FOR IIKNT House at North Edith. Msrkel Psaaesses supervlSloB aj. iraised value thereof, and in addition Ill llu 2t work to be done under the D- ii 4X4 i f I i i. fquaintence and a genuine desue to ; thereto I lie bidder must also pay for the BOAP.- ON RANi 'II for-- Ji s. Iteis" Phone or 117. tit s ii ivcsins sad Piiultry, and lo the satisfaction of said archi-- I I I on above sleeping porch or collage; two ,i 4 Br- - Kill Sl,l; ten slate make good in .rorttable field of work. Improvements which slat Ihe room with Ki'b oi. and in ii" ueea ui Km reater, led. lands, city, sli fruit, nibk and eggs; Hilt SAI.K re- disTibed at the appraised value. miles from fn Mllh. lull i.u.K rwc comer lots surrounded by The earliest reply will receive first The Successful bidder will he above sale of lands will be Subject free conveyance It in h I'ti 1,','inW Fi lt' HA i.K. Liimi.k bene, ytiuni The Pfaf .I l ooms, hade trees, two blocks from ear line, quired to Hive bond, satisfactory to following unit rabblis cheap, IIS Hopth Afho. consideration. a to the renditions vis: The sue LOCK HART RANTH f ai"tracllve mi Hlatt, Journal hemost - -- JJ - ''""karl. office the hoard of county commissioners, oessfut bidders must pay to the commis- resort. One mile north of town-A- roM SAI.lT ut Mi'l l ratle for itifalft- One - health BMAt.i, Miaaourl Farm- - (I rash and fi conditioned the faithful pctfor- sioner of public lands or his agent holding milk, errsm snd eggs produced on place email brood llllile O. B. Ami. II." South for monthln no Inleret highly pro- - mani c of the contract. so. li tale, h of the prices offered by Free carriers for guests. Electric lights, W'l.ltet iaa; FOSTER GILROY land; 4 per real dtti'tlve land Meee to i.tst markele; write i board reserves right to re them respectively for the city mall service. Rooms or eottaaee Phone KiiH SALE res tin llelslau bare The the of such large sleeping porch, eslrs for photographs and run information Mun 301 Lafayette Strcat any bids. tnterSSi In advance for the balance 101S. Mrs. W II Read soulhe M' suri I,, .... ject or all purchase prlees; Ihe fees for adverilstng Phone 7t. un Kaat central. By the order of the Hoard of County jTttS VI Hi SIN I A HPITHi'll. f.omelly of tro and IhleS old. lion Sc. New York anil sptii a Iseiiient and all costs Ini nlentni t'lty. she has locat- frSfl RENT ii ul I'Ulldtllgs It end street. Phone 113, CommlBSiu ners. of said Silver SSaesScea lhat to the sale herein, and each and all boarding looming es- sen ened port ties. to shop. They iM(l Iti IdlArs K. cer- ed a high lass and till I'M BY LA V, win. they pay. that's A. WALKKR. amounts must be deposited In of I h ilillllll!lililll!!lll!llllil!!!ll!ffl rash si .10 South street, South .vim. itriuit .mii arse. I., II t Rede, Ml I, Clerk. tified exchange at Ihe time nf aale. end tablishment Walter enough si, Msvaje Htock INKY I'u DAN "ll salaries, household Is preparetl to offer the finest table OPM FOR" RtfSRnVATION tilsiied i'l 717 which said amounts and all of them are and Cut ami eggs i, B. tas Poultry Tarda, goods and livestock, without removal. board In the city at II per day. Telephone four-roo- tutngalow, embcdylag avenue, Albuquerque, N. M Dnloa I',.., sublecl lo forfeiture ii, the of New all Eaal Havel. line Loan lail Suuih third. Phone slate MW features, end arranged 10 1211. Mexico If the successful bidders do not ex- meet the FoVt Fency bred Plymouth Hook II requiremekte' of dis. nui'minnr people, Iii per Kuncy ecute a contract within thirty daya after HKIVT Itonosa eege 7t rents setting bred has been mailed to thorn by the state land rem ilfflr Buff Orpington rggr. II per selling. Black office, contract 10 provide for the pay- - build- in. nine t ooiii t lei ji , j rsb SJtaoreea per selling Call at 401 North lii"!!!: said FOR It ENT tiff les suits In Woodmen ll ALL KINDS both second-hand- , ii Broadway; lawn, shade or phone 9I tow aad ment of th. balances of Ihe purchase prices ing, June Inquire D A. Man Thirteenth - after let m bought, s..ld rested and repaired. Alhu- of said tracts of land In thirty equal an there., tooensl oS?le raage kllchen: no HAMBOUILLBT RAMS -- Large ftp Full SAI.K Installments, on de- nisltetl no chil heavv-woole- nua! with Interest all amooth. range raised. S.mlli Sr. 11,1 .Meet ferred payments at the rate of 4 per cent see It rhalnplolishlp si Ail. na Slate Fair. Honl per annum. In advance payments end In t. rest due on Oct , her 1st of each year, and Li 1ST-- Knlh' Templar charm, suits). TlUt HKVI' Aparnnsotsi. V5 l,ii.. Liime guch other conditions. reservations and ward will tie paltl If returned lo siutges FOR KENT -- Housekeeping rooms ana fur- Dally passenger service leaving Roawell terms as may be required by law. hotel, nd .' a. m. sleeping porcbaa 111 Carrtsesa at saio Kaeh of the tracts as described herein nished cultagee, CM on i! res branded .i P t 141'KIM CI Ugh far, one war Will be offered separately The commission- lost stolen West ral. about 7 years old. red ponv Beturn to tENT blocks P. O.. brick latennedlate points, per mils ll er of public lands or tils agent holding such - FOR RENT Three room furnished flat, IS from - Fells Monloya. obi Albuquarqiia an I re- Ing. fbior, lo lha. baggage free- Exceea carried. sale reserves Ihe right to reject any and ill with sleeping por. ties, modern. 211 South fiftxll. concrete suitable CO., ,. "ir- - See i.en-- 41i nttwr BOSWRIX Alio bids offered al said telle Possessions under alvlh lentils Rivnf r tvst Operators 111 roll "f in may containing t;ir. in owners sol Phone contracts of aale for th above described lost t lirdNT Three rooms, furntsh-ligh- t Kolt SAI.K Only millinery store In a ti a of 14. FOR modern tracts will be glvn on or before October 1, bills and check Think lost on housekeeping with modern of about 4.00 and Is now taking ei Central avenue downlowa dial ru Saturday I(i4 boom, doing a wing mis. 101 riinienleiiees. Inquire North Second at tan in. my aeal night. Return to South Waller and l Witness hand and the official of. Sicily furnished apartment i.'s health, Address Hox rare .Loo TO office ims 1Mb day of ions, receive reward. i.,i: RENT 81'HS''RIRRRS the state land with sleeping porch, modern, no If you fall to get your Morning A D. 1 HOHKItT P. KHVIKV LIBERAL REWARD for bay horse stolen ROSENWALD'S Irk or children. tlx West Sliver avenue. I'l ltOV tl Journal, cell j C'lmrnlastoner of Public bands, fltate of from Inran 'Ut'son grocery; bnrae v ERN UNION rRLBOKArll CO i New M . hands high, IS years old. weight SOU EXPERIENCED Sets uvea. ii business eleven I'lt SS 14S- - 1ST. First publication June 21, 1915, last pub- pounds hlml feel while, dark mane and FOR RENT -- office Apply D A Ma. ph. r sirtciiy i ouftdentlal. Soul western De- - lication, Aufiut U, tall, branded on both nips. n. Journal offloe, teellve Bcrtice, Alhuquerttue. EIGHT ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. MONDAY. AUGUST 2. 1915. CO. CRESCENT HARDWARE ADVANCE GUARD LONG REPORT OF I I a th- nit I I I I I I I I I I I I at I - it- -, I l, laln-- S(iH' f l, Ml ..I Iron Plie, Mi ri; hue. riui r Work

1 1 15 STATE GOOD RURAL S CHDQL US W. CKM l it M i ri mora FIR COME EARLY DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE ROAD S MEETING IS COMPLETED BEST THINGS ARE SOlD. 11 M Thorn. i th B H. & K. Coffee lioanl aim i K. II m-- 1 i i i ii R N i sti iii IN I. s AND WW M PPM TP id IS 1 CITY Cou iperintendent Tag "iiinn Sends Docu Our Green Sale Hi w i

BOND-CONN.- MORNING Ll SHIIP AND W001 COMPANY STARTS THIS nt Is Shown I P WOOL, HIDES M rptinn hihI r I'm AND YOU WILL BE Mil Ml I'l lIY y W i anmk tin visitois Crowd plnKI'MHI of till- - Will .IHlU'le llolh- - l Of fli i' nmt tin lniti-- - i iiimi- mnl ItHilroiiil Tim U tend Con ention; Imt snappy miii is. though there SURPRISED AT THE Ju Is I he word that i Richardsor Among Fir Jin h plenty Dl MBOke 11 Hagla MM I all linn is to be ne Komi i . in uik. aia are uraiegj'i' CouBty Supe rintendCBt At local people I., nu n ...n for tin Mmitnya's h inun! resort to Bte

n. Values BADLY h f Tremendous SESSION AT IRIAN WILL OPEN hen rnwiMPRPiAi ri hp mnAY - and mailed it to tin itate luparinten- - HEINZ uu"""LMUInL """" '.mm! BBS ha.l ISnl pi ill denl thai day. The report is lengthy WE OFFER THIS TIME-- IN huuuii que hail and retUired weeka of clerical work, nereaae ataa-dar- NJUREDMU in anrotlneat, higtiar d I Automobiles Aie Want( of teacaere. liigger aalari 4 ami SUITS ESPECIALLY YOU Increase In th- alue tif srhnol pr.ip-ert- ) BAKED PRINTER in the county are ohown In the '5 The rt'iatrt. ruiiii achoola had more CAN SAVE TO OM T E puplla Enrolled than the cits achoola. $5.00 $10.00

BEANS - BY ONE NOW. GIVES BIG BOOST tiiv Ht'hnniK Tin- enrollment of i GETTING Wnlllil I"- greater, hill for Ihe Mi hnola. which have an ciiKillment Jesus Calderon's Sku raC- - Tim advance guard of delegatea for ,001 pupils, rhjrty-thrr- e rir-- I . j the good roada roeetlni whl h ope na t Qrada Tagclatwi lured When Head Is ilsint 'hi mornlns el tha Commercial club TO NEW MEXICO T'a hlng in the rural achoola th fitiy-iwt- . r Kim arriving earl vi- - N nl.i.i anil by iwern teachera; in the ) choolB, sixty, in Simon Sternjnc Between Post and OilniKin a considerable numbet hail1 and private acho reached the etty Hoteli have rcaer- - t litmus thai HmI I. ali fan alUld 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I profeaalonai Or, l."r, 12.V crowd li i i .1 s the attendance thin tlticatt; aavanteen certifi- ytfu iiii in only fair, but those who cates; fifteen find mad.' certlf icatea; have foi iiii- ft ur aecond grade certificate!. Ighi .IcsllN Calderon, of Last street, l:(H arrived H'' in meeting c 'I'lif Baked Beam ! portumty third grade oartiflcatea, and aeven per. kial ,. , M, Mlsim Ilial ik I" s IliKllI lA) .11 tlii Sallta "' iiilim ni - - This a of thiriy- - ! " Ko'i'l Lima. Thi' s, nil- mils. makes total j?SDudaVgrsgaR ll..' Jl III lllligl lull- ii I'lllmn hk the ""' '"r " HMHH iWkVvtt&&ttt?EiW&. n. '1 Statement Made by Noted three fnsi grade teachara, 8at-lm- n' "' lo Insl niKlil reaull of an injurs hiisIiiI in. lali '"I'' Hereafter, no teachera are to be! i, rnunij i local hoteli ami about Iowa was! Advertising l Maaazine. ,., t,.,i i,, iHi-1"1- "baelnesB'' waa ih thing hat WARD'S STORE althouah Br nseded attention at thli llmi In thai IV lurseon' Vo4 roada propsgandu ami the ap--i THEATER TODAY recovery jpeared in wlah to im ii tin j entire HI.'. Mar Mi Mmmm I lir. IMkN . uibtraat while here. employe the hoards have difficulty in m TOMER II. WARD, Mgr. (he limn,- limine a. 01 that Kivea 111 tin current laaue ol mu riding oui nf juage ursnvwe tticiiaraaon, j lOrOITIOtl Rn ni one the Instructors. nil Jl fleight id. mi win. pi i'iii' hi tb Baetcrn New 'Printer'! Jni,'' "i blnN The Bvarage term was eight BEST SHOW IN THE STATE .'.I t nil ii tn ga ml' a a Mexico flood ami beat of tin newa(Mper ami ad k tin between thai Itoadi aaaoclatlon, ami one-fift- h AH . In months. "f the ili n ml i I'liili-r- Juat the J A, M Have, of eacretary vertlaera' maSai'net tht United engine Carlabadi j schools had nine-mont- h terms nr. Hnd j siaifs Tim ii 11 M ii- in illuatfated with oui thereof, air heading the Pecoe valley y Bajgff -" 7 u t crime l4oeeeeeeee the 'ablcrowd, There in a delegation in, ihowlng Opportunlt) knocklruj 1ST. B ''ii Iran - Thi average salary was Ih U ( it,-- , K . r at n.'w Mexloo'i door, ami ELAINE" VUDOR PORCH SHADES h ii wan Ih mi thi- wa .lohn Jr.. entitled "EXPLOITS Of Mr nra I'OHt it i inn, "THE RECKONING" 14th EPISODE an . no, a,, artei a iouk' ami four; JTn, "ii "n well' in ride mil from Car, Iowa: $85, Ol.oj ITJ. three. ROSEN WALD'S eat in roundab mi trip from Reien in Alhu-- i MS, eight : eight: 158, four; $r,o. rtaoso up .1 certain lortuou canyon la i.i Ti iin a mi !oyote cart- - $!. 135, i iueriue Om ji fifteen; 15, four; lit, two; on, I of Tree t'erroa, few bourn imiirlKhi ma iih-- ona s vela bonalerH from Kanta Ke Th,. total value "f wbooI property, "THE WAR OF DREAMS" t- would fetch Mm in a dilapidated little i,, ialk ami' ilnwn laMt nlKht for tlx - im lulling iiuiiiiiiigs and furniture, out-aid- e cabin occupied by a dejected little I t :t I I 8 i n empic UK. Twltchell, he diamond 8PM III in man, r mi ai c ipted the iin Itatlon the city, is $79,83! This will TAYLOR TAXI CO. a ,i - Si w IjM I,, in. an ved in whan' him i.i 1, ol baana, iin renaed ith the opening nf the in Phone 321 III, "HAM AT THE FAIR" S,M I'rr Hour. Tl niiciai inn i'Xn" I.-- I., lueimoat amaanK iiiHli ll,. wnuiii take It M COMEDY. rmiii down to in mta t ii i ( alia, buaineaa thli in up hli coal wicket, walk oui about CITY MAY BEGIN i ,'t'l-- Al l. Ill l( It VMM and K' in work, the addi ol I '.' yards, ami nli pick ami ihOVal onta i" inK liittltad in numbt r t mi' dm oua a aouttle nt coal Crow the Schoola 'ii tie valley will open the notwlth-atandln- g land ihni uiii he .1 brief M face of a hill in about two mlnuea! first Monday in September, Clark day. I'nir. president nf Hie c'liiiiiiieriial 'Think of Inning a con I mine In the facl it will be l.ahnr will loh. luiH been prevailed upon lo de- your back yard, iih iai at 3 lo 1 in the mountain dkrtricti achoola eeee A N T Oc- - Strong Brothers ACTION liver II. Mi fi ltd nol want In .1 Ion! Vet thai deji nol open until th" inst Monday in got miii ihe him in in luii agreed1 im as poor tis a peon! Undertakers iii tin ihe honor as a portion of his a ins bar the steam Toacbora to Meet Scptcmticr official dui lea He win head a crowd REARINMINP TlltlMIT HI ItVH l: I'HONR of Albuauerqueana who will attend ta BTitoNti iii.k., rjofvn T AXDELlNDuLNTS Ithe meeting 0 and will make the yisii-or- a AM) M l ONDi feci at home al the lub, 'I lUf In 'i of September to diacuaa work for the aaaoclatlon ii appeal-- , thai there are two Inv ihe great ata term and ortranixe their llllluts I,. i,iliH al the Inn Willi Mr, Montoya said that pupils nun lilt the In meeting, aside from the question of un,vi change old books tor new texts t 11 a I'lllli Ii ll villi I,., loiii'h.wl noun Iture has pari payment $ractieally all texts Cle litis Mexico, h l educa- Tim firal if theai la general ahakini til have been changed stale LOCAIi ITKMS up if all the good roada guarded alth that tional nut hnrit ies. the lelegati w feated Or stiite from ilm elopn iJTEHST I' ot hep fnel Hi Ibduatl If county tailing upon parents 10 naw tl a in ppxt I Villi tit 111 POM I llns hi want win partially Dhildren who will enter achool link of harmony in the good road en jii.imhi.ihhi Kile to I lllel ull the great male,' The ctroulara me Work 1:0111k which can he fail vat' ROSENWALD'S lOS nil pliant Butte irrigation dam, now y Km the n ll a s eliminated once the toak is approach b im' n il in m ei diitrlcl I. r un, nsarb nuisheil. turns its waters nnio nt I it jiti in aarRsatneaa; Hun the different Mi Hughea an tin dneert places of Ihe iii" urande aad llo hntaeB. Trltnblt'a mas laaaoctationa fur y I,lvry and cauld work together 11 iii- Thia dam win form Ulatrii Manual (J Vl lak Had Ham. the general object ol mails in perfect 4r miles long and will Irrigate 180,-tin- o UPOfl the inn iiitf Here iniihnK barren aanda into 11 p Uon agalm garden Bpoti TAXI SaH H llniiuenta The 'Ii' Hat and LVIghl stand. Ml Irnpulitaii to eaa tn Sea Mexico. Mm llmel. Phone 1 nt,, aas more! She has PEItl'iX'TO VllMIJO, a held Hanit CRYSTALTHEATER PASTIME THEATRE Stil til vi Iportance is ih idea of imiiiitiK atate- - ""' ' " uke. the lumber, the ' void, plodllcls I ATM TO CTtASgTFT. Iwidt htn khole Da) aaid entry "i'l"'1 Ihe 'lay TOO iti:i W. Central Ave, nt her 1,111 rials i" make her Ins idea, alth Us and BALE Two largi tenta wiuill 1111111-1- 1 HI VM'SieiO l l'llll- FOR ,...... lt. ,.v Oil I'll t'lVUI imping ni Hear .. ..' nvl MiehiK'in Alieadv sh nomulcte "nun TODAY a on ,',111 aula ami o soon H in"! Hill Ihe value if taken J. 111 la t i a day h ,'""" TODAY Mllppe ,, - ,.,, oliiinxloiiH 11 Weed as Win ll EMMETT tOHItlt.VN this tax grnna covering paper stock. I i, I II floor and The I ' lehralfil Hit i nit ,ua Ii. vv . I In DlMlngttiajNid Vi 11 "In ew Mexico ihert are two or Star Drain, ilu thi itotute three small national adv ertisers. lor In I rank I,. I'm kanl Vt t K GABY .t Hut!.' III tl in followl i mic of tht is the I'Tum Is Lester DESLYS Nmcl Storj lion- - Hill N load up .1 eohvej t Mesiiia r,.ik. marketing NEW CASH GROCER! tjOVK no . ompiiuy. Supported t HATH ' ami for II bj Hun I'ihcr. in "i.i;i;ii.l! d intend 'ha fortunatt brethn depart toilet arttclea tad aoveltles. This' MAN" olorai specif ted section it in- 0 ) high-wil- l ' nt the lit II '; uni oncei H stai n on the right track "HER TRIUMPH" apt ml iv - fill A lloautif u Gripping Diama i .1 the Vein It here tinn proceed to ami vmiii able advertising guidance vv PAY CASH SAVE MONEY In Wve Parts nihil ip the ea ill lie rnlled mil possesses poBelbilitlea for unlimited I PAR MOl XT ritoiil fTliiN. lha I ll if the 111.. I.. . I.. I. II...... I il... !... A Picture thai Will ppeal ih. n ,,1 Hood Roada 'Another advertiser la an Ayer PHONE VOVR ORDERS IN no Heautiful IVomon mi iim Htago. io Hh'oryoiH. 11 will He a ,v In- - Mil. GOODS in,- s, Mexico Military HOLlCITt lts. Matinees at 31:18 ami BiSO, a KPECIAIj IDMHWION: If it a put through, 111 Col- - DELIVERS!). at Hut 1:,.swell. in Mghta hi 7. 8:111 and 0:3O iioits, loci Children, 5c. in. his ciitlontl nf came to Vdvertlalnglll. wiilsun of i, 1:15, :;.. the first half mile J Headquartera for a diagnosis. Hla Admission 10c. Children 5c 'lime Shos PHONE 236 I: 15, li, 7:15. S::'.0. it. !' p. 111. M v, and his carload achool waa confronted with difficult o 11 ne 114 I 1 of thi morai ttwti ' prooiema unnieun V w Huga I.'. Ill s on ,oca eKSDC oaaaoceacao)t09veoj at 14 iirivcn a', ti"i let rlet'iv is sparsely semen neo Bet i Hiurar, ih .110 mi ni. il i entltli ill actual d i rtlslng was tried mil found un t It Medium ottolcnc lent Ill- - Ms prol liable, tur aipei in Large Oottohsne. .110 advertialng dictated SEE SHUFFLEBARGER'S HWlft'a I'lt niiiioi Hums. Hi JO LET US SEND A MAN tisiug. w im h attractei Hwift'a Promittm Hacon, lb, ev erv part t III ' TRANSFER LINE nf ah l'4ig- -. do To Replace Thai Broken ,., ially New Mexico, I n itse Window from Here OKamrr) Rntter, lb (.1.144 an advertlaer who realilea thai 11 At. HI i ,H I I I lug , I Isiye ii IjCMRER afterward tnr not filling up the I...... ,.,.., lu I, 41 ...Mill I sear. Might lnt bl', i OMPA.V1 i ihe l front gale thai he Mlng HreaklM-- l Coffci ranafi r work. nil,, handle hla business, though RoaWell Phone lit g, on hi waj i" town. The three daya n Philadelphia. Morado CVffee. lb. till in lrs, Phone ne HI HI 11 11 lb. Office: 111 c,t Copper t he stHte Into Iv... ..It ei I mini! ran si III lat Raker's liocolule. .1 ills camp. We i iiii, '.' ih sM ill in. stiiiK the growth of more achoola In th Baker's ih may be small. Im Pet Milk, liioiily sic. I mils southwest Thev BAT MORE -- keep ihem from stay Hood Corn, ;t oaM ICE CREAM-i.oo- d IT'S tdvertlalng wtli i nt V way, We believe an t.oitil Ttmiatucs, :l can- - or me thai don'i I h iiosiiiess or Inatitutton la too ants! Ht s I'nic.ipplt J'. lh. cant ,,r ti" large t" prnflt In Sliced I'ineilppll h, CHIIs Willard I,rv 1, , t Dllikis' Sjilad Drisslng. I0-- ill.-- , waul I" slunt viiii. Ky.ri IniKinc-- s small large nt ir bottles n ggi a i i l-- si vit bt ins to list il how At' i aoverttsii Price's Vanila bottle in listed lust " GRIMSHAW'S Patteiiew rbargea. reiKiirpil timj aiek togi Htea around lo Paitd thai hu uit II s I Prtcc'a lawton. a, bottle.... Cornet Booond and Contral MH Mishit Mid mi. ins lotaief ti roue llns aft Pi aches, - i - it', ran, i, ftie afternoon At Fcrcjuson's. all Trimmed th. can will U' iivi r at .V' Vii. can i, .' i' a!i I, mop Hats $4.00: Untnmmed p . llllip siltitt Karo ( crrlllos l ump Ccrrlllos siott Shapes $1.00. Knro syrup. h, ran Hahn Coal Co. is been don! Karo Syrup. 10-l- inn PHOJIE til pel mi wile ' "" Xsparagiis Tips, 'J - Ih , an g N I Hit u r. A LI, sl.i:s: KTEAM OOAfj I. I Unnru lynnriift onH Beta Patent Clour, Ml '.HI. 'i. 00 oke. Miii i. pactory WmMt, Cord Wood, -. iii i:i y Iniilc.nil i uiim. Kstlve Kmiiiin- Lame iii aulboi i',..i(,'i other things. Phone 939. NEW GOODS NEW PRICES CASH ONLY tin reap' PHONE 23 tiNi i wi n i Dm mill Night, F. F. TROTTER f' A R. llC. Kill ll BEARINMNP In .llUllS PHONE .' ( OMRS IIOTKI, I I I I Hi W I .s I' D 1 I ( I N l N D M1XI I.I it, and nf ih" DAM nd (TIGHT t I'l I N N ll N II n t.l t.RANMs iM s hi N in.: 14 PARI y edm i-- XHsiii t 1 i x PCRE LARD, N(.I I (i I'HII A II ,, ihe San S Ilm. Cans X.V tardl) felt d llat, funs 68c ii Men nant ronce bcr ices e Itll- - If 10 It'- - I'M"" SI. Ht TELMO ill i. s NTI HN Ml IX . 1 x IT in UVHVAIU a PtMBM I,, i. i,. nn SPRINGER l5 At Ferguson's, all Trimmed lit V Till It It N D (K it m UM N N I D BOOM ND YOP wiiii - 11 ROSENWALD'S PanUal .f tl Hntv nfl- ntrim niprl GIVE GOOD 111 ti II WE HLST. WE ALWAYS Homm t '.ml WThtting Huilding llieir Tins thi: ernwtnr piu ,e of the Shapes $1.00. vii.ii V ivk