The Preamble of the Constitution of India’s fundamental and supreme law CONSTITUTION

 India is the biggest democracy in the world.  Indian Constitution established a parliamentary system of government that is the President of the Union is the Constitutional head of the state.  According to the Constitution, India is a Union of States. According to the Constitution, the name of our country is India, that is Bharat  First democracy in the world - Greece. þ  Longest surviving democracy in the world Brit- ain  Home of direct democracy - Switzerland  Mother of Parliament - Britain P\-§Ä thm«p sNbvXv P\-t\-Xm-¡sf sXc-sª-  Sp¯v `cWw \S-¯p¶ kwhn-[m-\-amWv P\m-[n-]Xyw. Golden Jubilee of  In a democracy the real power rests with Indian Parliament (a) the People (b) the President On May 13, 2002, the Indian Parliament celebrated its golden jubilee. The first Lok Sabha election was held in 1951-52. On May 13, 1952 President, Rajendra Systems of Government Prasad had addressed a joint sitting of the Lok Sabha Anarchy : A state of utter disorder or chaos cre- and the Rajya Sabha for the first time. ated by the absence of a government. 13 / 12 / 2001 : The day on which terrorists attacked Autocracy : Absolute government in the hands Indian Parliament. of a single individual. Bureaucracy: The form of government by officials. (c) the Parliament (d) the Supreme Court Democracy : A government of the people, by the people, for the people. Ans: (a) the people Gynarchy : Government by a woman or a set of  The Indian constitution is founded on a nice women. balance of power among the Monarchy : The form of government by a king. (a) executive (b) legislature (c) judiciary 1950 P\p-hcn 26\v C´y Hcp ]c-am-[n-Imc Oligarchy : The form of government in which  the supreme power lies in the hands dn¸-»n-¡mbn {]Jym-]n-¡-s¸-«p. `c-W-¯-e-h³ of a privileged few. sXc-sª-Sp-¡-s¸-Sp¶ cmPys¯bmWv dn¸-»nIv Plutocracy : The term of government run by the F¶v ]d-bp-¶-Xv. wealthy people. Democracy : A nation in which the supreme power vests with the representa- Constituent Assembly tives elected by popular vote.  The was framed by a

6 5 8 Constituent Assembly set up under the Cabinet Mission Plan of 1946. Article 32 : Heart & Soul of the Constitution  The idea of a Constitution for India was first ex- "If I was asked to name any particular article of pressed by M.N. Roy (communist leader) and it the Constitution as the most important one - an was supported by Gandhiji & Nehru. article without which this constitution would be a  The Constituent Assembly was in session nullity - I would not refer to any other article ex- between December 9, 1946 and November 26, 1949.  Total duration of the making of the constitution cept this one. It is the very soul of the Constitu- was 2 years, 11 months and 17 days. tion and the very heart of it and I am glad that the The Constituent Assembly had 389 members origi- house has realised its importance...... " This nally. Later reduced to 299 as League declined. opinion of Dr. Ambedkar has been reaffirmed by  On the inaugural day of the assembly on Decem- the Supreme Court of India on several occasions. ber 9, 1946, Dr. Sachidananda Sinha was elected  Article 32: empowers The Supreme Court as the temporary President to chair the meeting "Right to Constitutional Remedies." and on December 11, 1946, Dr. Rajendra Prasad was elected as the permanent President of the  The Constituent Assembly adopted our Na- Constituent Assembly. tional Flag on July 22, 1947.  Constituent Assembly worked by constituting  The Constituent Assembly adopted our Na- 13 committees and the most prominent committee tional Anthem on January 24, 1950. was the Drafting Committee of the constitution.  Dr. B.R. Ambedkar was the Chairman of the Sources of the Constitution Drafting Committee of the Constitution. C´y³ `c-W-L-S-\-bpsS apJy -inev]n Bbn-cp¶p   The most vital problem agitated the minds of the kzX{´ C´y-bpsS BZys¯ Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. makers of the Constitution was how to ensure the \n-b-aa-{´n-bpam-bn-cp¶p At±-lw. 1990-þÂ C´ym unity of India. Kh¬saâ v acWm\-´c _lp-a-Xn-bmbn `mc-X-  Accordingly a Constitution came into being by cXv\w \ÂIn BZ-cn-¨p. borrowing from various sources relevent to the  Other six members of the drafting committee were Indian situation. Thus, the Constitution of India N. Gopalaswami Iyengar, Alladi Krishna Swamy can be called a Borrowed Constitution. Iyer, K.M. Munshi (founder of Bharatiya Vidya  The Government of India Act 1935 and the Con- Bhavan), Syyed Mohammad Sadayatullah, stitution of various other countries have played N. Madhava Rao and D.P. Khaitan. their part in framing the Constitution.  Jawaharlal Nehru, introduced the objectives of  Our Constitution was also influenced by the ideas resolution (purpose and aim) in the assembly and that resolution constituted on the basis of the References (Constitutions) The Aspects adopted Preamble of the Constitution. Government of India Act, 1935 The Federal system, Office of the  The Constitution of India was adopted on Governor, Federal court, Emer- gency power November 26, 1949 and it came into force on Britain Parliamentary Government, January 26, 1950. Single Citizenship, Rule of law, Office of the CAG  The date January 26, was chosen to inaugurate U.S Judicial Review, Fundamental the Constitution in memory and honour of the Rights, Impeachment process, Lahore session of the Indian National Congress Preamble Ireland Directive Principles, Presiden- on 31st December 1929. tial Election. Canada Federation with a strong cen- tre, Residuary power.  B.N. Rao: The first Constitutional Advisor. Germany Suspension of Fundamental (Weimar Constitution) Rights due to Emergency  Sardar Vallabhai Patel and V.P.Menon: The Australia Concurrent List. problem of the integration of princely states South Africa Amendment Procedure was ably handled. France Republic Russia Fundamental Duties

6 5 9 of Equality, Liberty and Fraternity, the three slo- The Preamble is a part of the Constitution statute gans released by the French Revolution (1789), but it is not a part of the Constitution. the American Declaration of Independence (1776) It is its identity card." : N.A. Palkhivala. and Gandhian thoughts. Which one of the following features was borrowed partly flexible and partly rigid. by the Indian Constitution from the British Consti-  The examples of Rigid Constitution are United tution? States, Canada, Switzerland and Australia. (a) Parliamentary System of Government  British Constitution is a flexible Constitution. (b) Rule of Law Unitary / Federal (c) Law – making procedure (d) All the above  A Constitution is said to be unitary if it concen- Ans: (d) All the above trates all authority at the centre, making the vari- ous regions subservient to the central government. Nature of the Constitution  Britain and France have unitary Constitutions.  A Federal Constitution divides government Written/ Unwritten authority between the centre and the regions  A Written Constitution is one in which most of conferring on the latter an autonomous status. the fundamental or basic rules of government  The US Constitution, the Canadian Constitution organisations are contained in a document. and the Indian Constitution are examples of  The Constitution of India is the longest written Federal Constitutions. Constitution in the world.  Indian Constitution is described as federal in  America has the shortest as well as the oldest term but unitary in spirit. written Constitution in the world. Ata-cn-¡³ sFIy-\m-Sp-I-fnse s^U-d kwhn-  The Constitution of U.S. was framed by the del-  [m-\-t¯mSv C´y³ `c-W-L-S-\bv¡v IS-¸m-Sp-­v. egates meeting in the Philadelphia Convention. F¶m Ata-cn-¡-bn \ne-\n¡p¶ s^U-d  Swiss Federation was formed in 1867. kwhn-[m-\-¯n \n¶pw hyXy-kvX-ambn, Hcp tI{µ  Canadian Federation was formed in 1848. Kh¬saânsâ Iogn {]hÀ¯n-¡p¶ kzbw-`-  Australian Federation was formed in 1901. cW A[n-Im-c-apÅ kwØm-\-§-fpsS s^U-td-  An Unwritten Constitution is one in which most j³ BWv C´y. of the fundamental rules and principles of gov- ernmental organisations have not been reduced  Indian Constitution is Quasi - Federal. to writing by any authorised body or persons.  The word Federal is however absent in the  The best example of an unwritten Constitution is Indian Constitution. the British Constitution.  Israel is another country without a written Salient Features of the Constitution of India Constitution.  The Constitution of India is the lengthiest or Flexible / Rigid bulkiest written Constitution in the world.  If a Constitution can be amended easily by the  The Constitution at present contains 444 Articles simple majority of the member of parliament, it is and 12 Schedules. said to be flexible.  The Constitution has 22 parts. The first part has  If the procedure of amending or repealing ordinary four Articles. laws is difficult, the Constitution is said to be rigid.  Originally our Constitution contained 395 Ar-  The Indian Constitution is rigid in so far as its ticles and 8 Schedules. basic principles are concerned. Some of its provi- sions can be amended by a simple majority of par-  It is designed to work as federal Constitution in liament while others require either a two third ma- normal times and as a unitary one in emergency. jority of parliament or a two third majority of parlia-  It establishes a parliamentary system of Govern- ment besides the accent of majority of state legis- ment both at the centre and in the states. lature. So it is said that the Indian Constitution is  The President is the Constitutional Head of the

6 6 0 State (Country).  The Constitution of India introduces adult fran- chise and also the system of joint electorates.  Our Parliamentary system is based on universal adult franchaise ie, every adult above 18 years of age has (61st Constitution Amendment 1989) the right to vote.  The Constitution of India guarantees Fundamental Rights to all citizens of India.  It lays down the Directive Principles of State Policy for the guidance of the governmental authorities 93þmw t`Z-K-Xn- in the country. 2002-þse 93-þmw `c-W-L-S\ t`Z-K-Xn-_n {]Imcw  It provides for an independent judiciary. (86-þmw `c-W-L-S\m t`Z-K-Xn-\n-baw) hnZym-`ymkw  The Supreme Court acts as the guardian of the Hcp auen-Im-h-Im-i-ambn amdn. CXp-hgn 6 \pw Constitution. amXm-]n-Xm-¡-fp-sSbpw14\pw CS-bv¡pÅ Ip«n-Isf kaq-l-¯n-sâbpw ]Tn-¸n-t¡-­Xv IS-a- bmbn amdn. Preamble to the Constitution ]s£ BsIbpÅ Bdv auen-I-mh-Im-i-§-fpsS  The Preamble or the preface gives in a nutshell the {]tXyIwF®-¯n {i²n-¡-Ww. CXv hÀ²-\-hp-­m-¡p-¶n-sÃ-¶Xv CXn\v ImcWw Article aims and purposes of the Constitution of India. þsâ `mK-am-bm-Wv t`Z-KXn Ah-X-cn-¸n-¨n-cn-¡p- ¶-Xv.21 hnZym-`ymkw auenIm-h-Im-i-am-bn«pwauenIm-  The Preamble is cosidered to be the key to open h-Im-i-§-fpsS F®w Bdp Xs¶-bmWv. the edifice of the Constitution. `c-W-L-S-\-bpsS Poh³ F¶-dn-b-s¸-Sp-¶Xv  Bap-J-am-Wv. (d) Sovereign, Socialist, Secular Republic Ans: (c) Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic,  The objectives of resolution introduced by Republic Jawaharlal Nehru constitute the basis of the  In, 1973, with the ruling of the Supreme Court that Preamble of the Constitution. the Preamble is an integral part of the constitu-  The Preamble declares that sovereignity or tion, in the case Kesavananda Bharati Vs State of supreme power in India belongs to the people. Kerala, the Preamble began to be considered as a ? According to the Preamble of our Constitution part of the constitution. India is a : (a) Sovereign, Democratic, Socialist, Republic  The word 'soverign' means that India can follow a (b) Sovereign, Democratic, Republic type of foreign policy so as to preserve her (c) Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, Republic national interest.  The word 'socialist' means that the land and factories (the means of production) shall be owned and Vijayendra N. Kaul, the operated by the state or the community or the society Comptroller and Auditor for the general welfare of the society as a whole. General of India has been elected as the exter-  The preamble declares India to be a secular nal auditor to WHO for state. The state has no religion of its own and is two financial periods expected to remain neutral in religious matters. 2004-2005 & 2006-  The word 'republic' implies that the head of the 2007. This is for the first state namely, the President is an elected person time that an Asian Can- for a fixed term as against England where the didate has been elected hereditary monastry is existing. to this job.  How many times, the Preamble has been amended so far?

6 6 1 According to Article 79, the Parliament Dual Citizenship does not consist of Attorney General of India.  The Government has decided to permit dual citizenship for People of Indian Origin (PIO) (a) once (b) twice (c) thrice (d) never living in certain countries. Ans: (a) once  America, Britain, Canada, South Africa, hgn 1976 emWv t`Z- F¶o 7 cmPy§  42nd Amendment Preamble Singapore, Germany, France KXn sNbvX-Xv. -fnse C´y³ ]uc³am-À¡mWv Cc« ]ucXzw  Which of the following words were added to the A\p-h-Zn-¨p-sImSp¡m³ Xocp-am-\-am-b-Xv. Preamble of Indian Constitution under the 42nd  C´y³ `c-W-L-S\ GI ]uc-Xz-amWv AwKo- Amendment? I-cn-¨n-cn-¡p-¶-Xv. CXv {]Imcw GsX-¦nepw (a) Democratic Republic C´ym-¡m-c\v hntZi ]ucXzw t\Sm-\m-bm (b) Democratic, Socialist C´y³ ]ucXzw X\nsb CÃm-Xm-Ipw. (c) Socialist, Secular & Integrity AtXmsS C´ym-¡m-c³ hntZ-in-bm-Ipw. ]ns¶ Cu C´y-bn-te¡v (d) Sovereign, Secular NRI (Non Resident Indian) IS-¡m³ Ans: (c) Socialist, Secular & Integrity VISA (Visitors Intention of Stay- thWw. C´y-bn \n¶pw Ata-  The words 'socialist, secular' and the 'unity and ing Abroad) the integrity' of the nation were added by the Con- cn-¡, Im\-U, Cw¥­v XpS-§nb cmPy-§- fnÂt]mbn Ahn-Sps¯ ]uc-·m-cmb [mcmfw stitution (42nd Amd. Act, 1976. Ch-cpsS ]Ww kz´w \mS³ hntZ-in-I-fp­v. Citizenship \m«nse hnI-k-\-¯n\v D]-tbm-K-s¸-Sp-¯m³ At\Iw IS-¼-IÄ D­.v ImcWw ChÀ tech- hntZ-in-I-fm-W-tÃm. CXns\mcp ]cn- (Article 5- 11) nically lmcw ImWm³ BZyw sNbvXXv PIO card Cd-¡p-I-bm-bn-cp-¶p.  The Part II (Article 5-11) of the Constitution deals Persons of Indian Ori- C´y³ ]uc-Xz-an-Ãm¯ C´y- with the Citizenship, of India. gin card ¡mÀ¡v CÃmsX kz´w \m«n-te¡v  Articles 5 – 8 deals with the citizenship at the time VISA of commencement of the Constitution. hcm-\pÅ kuI-cy-sam-cp-¡n. ]s£ Dt±-in¨  Article 9 - citizenship will be terminated if the per- ^ew ImW-m¯-Xn-\m Nne Øe-§-fnse IÄ¡v Cc« ]ucXzw \ÂIm³ kÀ¡mÀ son acquires citizenship of another country. NRI  The ways in which the Indian citizenship can be X¯z-¯n Xocp-am-\n-¨p. CXv kw_-Ôn¨ acquired are \nb-a-\nÀ½mWw ASp-¯nsS \S¶p. \mSnsâ (i) by descent (ii) by naturalisation hnI-k-\-¯n\v CXv Hcp apX¡q-«m-hpw. Ime- (iii) by registration (iv) by birth and ¯n-\-\p-k-cn¨v amdm³ \½psS kaqlw ]Tn- (v) by incorporation of territory. ¨p-h-cp-¶p. Cu amäw \n§-fnepw thWw. GI ]uc-Xz-¯n \mw {_n«sâ ]mX- ]n³  P\p-hcn 9: `mc-Xob {]hmkn Zn\w. KmÔnPn Xp-SÀ¶n-cn-¡p-¶p.  {]hmkn PohnXw Ah-km-\n-¸n¨v C´y-bn- How long has a person to reside in India before te¡v Xncn-s¨-¯n-b- Zn-h-k-am-WnXv. he or she qualifies to acquire citizenship by registration? Ans : 5 years (earlier it was six months)  A person can become a citizen of India even if  Who has the authority to prescribe residence born outside India if his/her father or mother is a within a State or Union Territory as a necessary citizen of India at the time of person’s birth. qualification for certain classes of employment under the State or Union Territory?  The citizenship can be lost by renunciation, (a) The President (b) The Parliament termination, or deprivation. (c) The Governor (d) The Prime Minister The period of acquisition of citizenship through Ans: (b) The Parliament registration has been increased from 6 months to

6 6 2 5 years. Right to Property The Constitution of India provides for 1978-þ P\Xm Kh¬saâ v 44þmw `cWLS\m t`Z-K- (a) dual citizenship (b) single citizenship Xn-bn-eqsS auenIm-h-Im-i-ambncp¶ sb am{X-am¡n Npcp-¡n-b-XvRight \mSnsâ to Property hnI- (c) international and national citizenship legal right Ans: (b) single citizenship k\w Xzcn-X-s¸Sp-¯m³ hnI-k-\- ¯n\mbn IqSp-X tdmUp-I-fpw,th­n-bm-Wv. sdbnÂth sse\p-I-  The Citizenship Act, 1955 provides for acquisi- fpw, hnam-\-Xm-h-f-§-fpw, hyh-kmb ime-Ifpw ]pXn-b- tion and termination of citizenship after the com- Xmbn \nÀ½n-t¡-­n-hcpw. CXn\v kÀ¡m-cn\v s]mXp- mencement of the Constitution. h-ImiwP-\-§-fn auen-Im-h-Im-i-am-bn-cp-¶-t¸mÄ \n¶pw Øew Gsä-Sp-t¡­n hcpw, Bfp-IÄ kz¯- C¯cw \o¡-¯ns\Xnsc tImSXn Ib-dn-bn-d-§n, hnI- k\ {]hÀ¯-\-§-fpsS Xmfw sXän-¨p. `c-W-L-S\m hnZ- Fundamental Rights Kv[À¡v _p²n-bp-Zn¨p. A§ns\ kz¯-h-Imiw ssIh- imhIm-i-ambn Npcp-§n, F¶n-cp-¶mepw Bizm-k-atÃ, (Article 14 to 35) \mSv hfÀ¶ntÃ!  The concept of Fundamental Rights has its origin in the ''Bill of Rights'' of USA. Rights, was taken away and it is only a legal right  Part III of the Constitution deals with Fundamen- by the 44th Amendment (1978). tal Rights.  Fundamental Rights can be suspended during an emergency by the Parliament.  Fundamental Rights are justifiable.  The Fundamental Rights are protected by the su-  The power to impose reasonable restrictions on the Fundamental Rights of Indian Citizens rests with preme court & the high court as the guardians of the Constitution. (a) The Supreme Court (b) The Parliament auen-Im-h-Im-i-§-fpsS kwc-£-WmÀ°w Hcp  (c) The President (d) None of the above C´y³ ]uc\v kp{]ow-tIm-S-Xn-bn t\cn«v tIkv Ans: (b) The Parliament ^b sN¿mw.  All the following are Fundamental Rights guaran-  The main objective of the inclusion of Fundamen- teed by the Indian Constitution except tal Rights in the Constitution is to establish (a) the Right to Equality a government of law and not of man. (b) the Right against Exploitation  The original Constitution classified the Funda- (c) the Right to Adequate means of Livelihood mental Rights into seven categories. But now there (d) the Right to Freedom of Religion are only six categories. Ans: (c) the Right to Adequate means of Livelihood They are  The Constitution abolishes untouch-  (1). Right to Equality (Article 14-18) H.J. Kania ability (Article 17) and First Chief Justice of  (2) Right to Freedom (19-22) its practice in any form India  (3) Right against Exploitation (23-24) is punishable with the  (4) Right to Freedom of Religion (25-28) term of 2 years impris-  (5) Cultural and Educational Rights (29-30) onment.  'Right to Constitu-  (6) Right to Constitutional Remedies (31-35) tional Remedies' (Ar-  The Right to Property, one of the Fundamental ticle 31-35) was de- scribed by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as ‘'the The Citizenship Act, 1955 provides for heart and soul of the acquisition and termination of citizenship Constitution.'' after the commencement of the Constitution  Article 32 empowers the supreme court to

6 6 3 issue writs for the enforcement & protection of  Prohibition - This writ is issued by the Supreme fundamental rights of a person if these rights are Court or a High Court to an inferior court forbid- violated mostly by the state. ding the latter to continue proceedings in a case in excess of its jurisdiction or to usurp a jurisdic- tion with which it is not legally vested. Types of Writs  The Supreme Court exercise the power to issue  Types of writs are writs under Article 32 and High Court applies such Habeas Corpus Mandamus Centiorari a power under Article 226 of the Constitution Quo Warranto Prohibition.  Supreme Court & High Court alone have power to issue writs.  Habeas Corpus (to have the body) : It is an order calling upon the person who has detained another, Directive Principles of State Policy (Article to produce the latter before the court in order to let the court know on what ground he has been con- 36-51) fined and to set him free if there is no legal justifica-  Part IV of the Constitution contains the Directive tion for the imprisonment. C Principles of State Policy (Article 36 - 51).  u dn«v `c-Wm-[n-Im-cn-IÄs¡Xn-scbpw, th­n h¶m kwL-S-\-IÄs¡-Xn-scbpw ]pd-s¸-Sp-hn-¡p-¶p.  The idea of directive principles has been borrowed  Mandamus (we command): commands a person from the Irish Constitution. to whom it is addressed to perform some public  The directive principles imposed certain duties or quasi public legal duty which he has refused to on government for the purpose of a better soci- perform and the performance of which cannot be ety in India. enforced by any other adequate legal remedy.  The Directive Principles are not enforceable in  Certiorari (to be certified) is issued directing the courts. subordinate court to send up certain records for  Article 44 directs the state to secure a Uniform review. A[n-Imc ]cn-[n-bn Ihnªv kzm`m-hnI \oXn- Civil Code (UCC).  ew-Ln¨pw \ÂI-s¸« Hcp-¯-chv d±m-¡m³ hnNm-c-  Article 45 directs to provide free and compulsory Wbv¡v tijhpw Cu dn«v hn\n-tbm-Kn-¡-s¸-Sp-¶p. education for children upto 14 years.  Though the Directive Principles are not enforce-  Quo Warranto (on what authority) is a proceed- ing whereby the court enquires into the legality able, they are declared fundamental to the gover- of the claim which a party asserts to public office, nance of the country. and to oust him from its enjoyment if the claim is  The crucial difference between the fundamental not well founded. rights and directive principles is that the former s]mXp-kz-`m-h-t¯m-Sp-Iq-Sn-btXm KW-\ob-am-b-tXm,  are justifiable and the latter are non justifiable. kzX-{´-]-Z-hn-bn-ep-ÅtXm Bb Hcp-tZymKw A\Àl-  K.S. Shah, a prominent member in the constitu- lÀPn-bnÂambn t\Sn-bn-«pt­m tImS-Xn¡v F¶p ]cn-K-Wn-¡m-\p-Å-Xv. am{X-amWv tIzmhm-dtâm ent assembly, described the directive prin- ciples as Pious Wishes and also held that Di- rective Principles constitute 'a cheque payable if its fund permits.'

Ignorance of the law Fundamental Duties (Article 51-A) excuses no man, not that all men know the  The Fundamental Duties of Indian citizens were law but because it is incorporated in the Constitution by 42nd Amend- an excuse every man ment in 1976 to curb subversive and unconstitu- will plead tional activities. John Selden  Fundamental Duties are modelled on the Russian Constitution.  Under the new Article 51-A, a list of ten duties are

6 6 4 enumerated . 1. To abide by the Constitution to respect its ideals, Registration of Political Parties the National Flag & the National Anthem. 2. To cherish and follow the noble ideas which  The Representation of the People Act, 1951 inspired our national struggle for freedom. provides for registration of political parties 3. To defend the sovereignity, dignity and integrity by the Election Commission. of India.  A party registered with the Election 4. To uphold the country and render national service. Commission may be granted recognition as 5. To promote harmony and spirit of common broth- a National or State Party on the fulfilment of erhood among all people transcending religious certain criteria based on its poll performance. linguistic, regional or sectional diversities, to re-  If a political party fulfills the criteria for nounce practises derogatory to the dignity of recogition under the Election symbols women. (Reservation and Allotment) order, 1968 in 6. To value and preserve the rich heritage of our four or more states, it is deemed to a National composite culture. Party. 7. To protect and improve natural environment in-  A political party recognised in less than four cluding forest, lakes, rivers and wild life and to states is a state party in the state or states in have compassion to living creature. which it is recognised as such. 8. To safeguard public property and objure violence.  An exclusive symbol is reserved for a 9. To develop scientific temper, humanism and National party throughout India. spirit of enquiry. 10. To strive towards excellence in all fields of indi- vidual and collective activity. college (consisting of members of both houses of  Swaran Singh Committee recommended the idea Parliament, elected members of State Assemblies of including charter on Duties. and the elected members of the legislative assem- The Fundamental Duties of a citizen do not include- blies of Union Territory of Delhi & Pondicherry) (a) promoting communal harmony in accordance with the system of proportional (b) developing scientific temper representation by means of a single transferable (c) safeguarding public property vote by secret ballot. (d) protecting children from hazardous employment  Articles 54 and 55 of the Indian Constitution Ans: (d) protecting children from hazardous laydown the procedure for electing the President. employment  It is also provided in the Constitution that the candidate to be declared elected as President must receive more than 50% of the polled valid votes. Executive  The members in Legislative councils have no right to vote in the Presidential election.  To be a candidate for the office of the President, nomi- The President nation must be proposed by atleast 50 elected mem- bers and to be seconded by another 50 electors. This  The is the head of the state and procedure was introduced during the Presidential elec- is elected for a term of 5 years. tion in 1997, when Mr. K. R. Narayanan was elected.  The supreme commander of the defence forces of India is the President.  At present the President's salary is fixed at  The President of India is the Constitutional head Rs. 50,000 and he is eligible for other allowances of India. charged on Consolidated Fund of India. Xsâ A[n-Im-c-§Ä cmjv{S-]Xn \nÀÆ-ln-¡p-¶Xv   The President can be removed from office by {][m-\-a-{´n-bp-sSbpw a{´n-k-`-bp-sSbpw D]-tZ-i- 2 rd adopting an address by not less than /3 {]-Im-c-am-Wv.(BÀ«n-¡nÄ þ 74) majority of the members of the House and to be  The President of India is elected by an electoral approved by a similar majority of the members of

6 6 5 the other house.  The President can also be removed from office on Article 370 the ground of violation of Constitution by the process of impeachment (Article 6) by giving 14 1 days notice signed by atleast /4 th of the member of the House (either Rajya Sabha or Lok Sabha).  A candidate for the presidency must be a citizen of India and must have completed 35 years of age. He must be qualified to be a member of the Lok Sabha. He cannot be a member of any Legis- lature. If he is a member, he ceases to be so imme- diately on assuming office. He cannot hold any P½p-Im-ivaoÀ kwØm-\s¯ kw_-Ôn-¡p¶ office of profit. {]tXyI BÀ«n-¡nÄ BWv 370. CXv {]Imcw  Pocket Veto is the power enjoyed by the Presi- Cu kwØm-\-¯n\v Nne {]tXyI A[n-Im-c- §fpw Ah-Im-i-§fpw `c-W-L-S-\-bn DÄs¸- dent of India. As no time limit is imposed by the BÀ«n-¡nÄ 152 {]Imcw aäp Constitution for giving his approval for a bill kwØm-\-§-fpsSSp-¯n-bn-«p-­v. ]«n-I-bn \n¶pw P½p-Im- passed by both the houses of the Parliament, he can keep it pending indefinitely. ivao-cns\ Hgn-hm-¡n-bn-«p-­v.  Chief Justice of India administers oath of office to  All executive actions of the Union must be taken the President. in the name of the President.  President appoints after every 5 years.  All important officials like Prime Minister, other  Money Bill is to be introduced only on President's Union Ministers, Attorney - General, Comptroller recommendation. and Auditor General, Judges of the Supreme Court  Budget is laid before Parliament in the name of the and High Courts, Governor of a state, UPSC Chair- President. man, Chief Election Commissioners, Ambassadors,  President’s rule can be declared if the President is Deputy Chairman of members of planning com- satisfied that the Government of state cannot be mission etc. are appointed by President. carried on in accordance with the provisions of  The President has the power to remove all the the Constitution. following except: (a) Attorney General of India (b) Governor of a state (c) Council of Ministers (d) Chairman of the State Public Service Commis- sion on the report of Supreme Court Ans: (d) Chairman of the State Public Service Commission on the report of Supreme Court  Which of the following does the President not appoint? (a) Finance Commission (b) Planning Commission (c) Commission on official languages (d) UPSC Ans : (b) Planning Commission Delhi is the only National Capital Territory  Planning Commission is only an advisory body. It having a High Court of its own is a non statutory body.

6 6 6 unopposed? Staff Selection Commission initially known as (a) Dr. S.Radhakrishnan (b) Neelam Sanjiva Reddy subordinate commission was set up (c) V.V. Giri (d) Dr. Rajendra Prasad on 1, July 1976. Ans: (b) Neelam Sanjiva Reddy  The President of India represent India in interna-  The President addresses both Houses of Parlia- tional forums, sends and receives credentials of ment assembled together Ambassadors and High Commissioners. (a) once a year whenever he chooses  The President summons, prorogues the House of (b) at the commencement of each session Parliament and dissolves the Lok Sabha. (c) at the invitation of the Houses  The President has the power to nominate 12 mem- (d) at the commencement of the first Session of bers to the Rajya Sabha and 2 members of the Anglo- Indian community to the Lok Sabha. each year  Presidential assent is essential before a bill be- Ans: (d) at the commencement of the first Ses- sion of each year comes an Act. ]mÀe-saânsâ Hmtcm Xocp-am-\-¯n\pw XoÀ¸p-  If the President returns a bill to the legislature for  reconsideration, the passage of the bill by ordinary IÂ]n-t¡-­Xv cmjv{S-]-Xn-bm-Wv. majority will compell him to give his assent.  President is the only authority in pardoning the {]kn-Uâ v `c-W-¯n-en-cn-¡p¶ Hcp kwØm-\-  death Sentence (Article 72) ¯nsâ _UvPäv ]mkm-¡p-¶Xv ]mÀe-saâmWv. kÀÆo-kn-en-cns¡ acn¨ BZys¯  (die in harness) cmjv{S-]Xn tUm. k¡oÀ lpssk³ BWv. 1969Â.  The President has the power to legislate by ordi- nance at a time when it is not possible to have a  The second President of India to die in harness is parliamentary enactment. But to become an Act, Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed. the ordinance should be passed within six weeks of reassembly of Parliament Emergencies {]kn-Uânsâ Gähpw {][m\ \nb-a-\nÀ½m-Wm-  [n-Imcw HmÀUn-\³kp-IÄ ]pd-s¸-Sp-hn-¡m-\pÅ (Article 352-360) A[n-Im-c-am-Wv (Article 123).  The Constitution of India provides three types of  In the Constitution of India, the power of dissolv- Emergencies (i) arising out of civil war, external ing the Lok Sabha rests with the President. aggression or armed rebellion (Article 352), (ii) arising out of failure of constitutional machin-  The term of office of the President is five years ery (Article 356), (iii) Emergency in a state or unless he is removed by impeachment or resigns be- Presidential rule arising due to financial crisis fore expiry of the full term. He is eligible for re-election. C´y-bpsS 11-þmaXv {]kn-Uâmbn F.-]n.-sP. (Article 360).  A_vZpÄIemw Øm\-ta-äp. 2002 Pqsse amk-¯n  A proclamation of national emergency ceases to \S¶ sXc-sª-Sp-¸n Ct±-l-¯nsâ GI FXn- operate unless approved by Parliament within one cmfn Bbn-cp-¶p. 89.58% month. Captain Lakshmi Sahgal iX-am\w thm«p-IÄ t\Sn Ct±lw C´y-bpsS cmjv{S-  The first national emergency in India was declared ]-Xn-bmbn Pqsse 25, 2002-þ Øm\-ta-sä-Sp-¯p. in October 1962 due to Chinese aggression. C´y-bpsS _ln-cm-Im-i, BWh {]Xn-tcm-[-ta-J-e-  The second national emergency was declared in  IÄ¡v A`q-X-]qÀÆ-amb hfÀ¨-bmWv Ct±-l-¯nsâ December 1971 due to Indo-Pak war. kaÀ¸-W-t_m-[-t¯m-sS-bpÅ IÀ½-cwKw k½m-\n-¨-Xv.  The third national emergency was declared in Iem-ansâ P·-tZiw : cmta-izcw  June 1975 on grounds of internal disturbance.  Who was the first President of India to be elected  44th Amendment of 1978, provides that National Emergency under 352 can be declared by the Presi- Article 312 of the Constitution deals with the dent only on the basis of a resolution adopted by creation of one or more All India Services the council of ministers in its meeting presided over common to the Union and State. by Prime Minister requesting the President to

6 6 7 declare National Emergency on relevant grounds.  Financial emergency has not yet been declared in India.  The Sarkaria Commission, on Central and on State relation (1983-88) recommended to apply Article 356 rarely and only in extreme cases after giving chances to the state government a period of time to change its style of functioning.  During President rule, the high court of the state Law and sense are not the same thing continues to enjoy its jurisdiction but if the Jawaharlal Nehru President considers it necessary, can issue spe- cial order and restrict its jurisdiction.  If the President resigns or dies in office the Vice  The emergency under Article 356 has been de- President shall act as the President for a maximum clared so far more than 100 times. period of 6 months and before the end of that period a new president will be elected.  During Financial Emergency, the salary of any  Vice President of India - Bhairon Singh Shekhawat public servant including the President, Vice Presi-  Indian Consitution does not provide any proce- dent, Judges of SC & HC etc. can be cut down. dure to remove which of the following?  To prevent the misuse of emergency provision, (a) Cabinet Secretary (b) Vice President the words armed rebellion were substituted for (c) Attorney General internal disturbance. (d) Comptroller and Auditor General  Under whose advice the President of India Ans: (b) Vice President kÀÆo-kn-en-cns¡ acn¨ C´y-bnse GI D]-cm- declares Emergency under Article 352?  jv{S-]-Xn-bmWv "Inj³ Im´v.' (a) Council of Ministers D]-cm-jv{S-]Xn acn-¨m F{Xbpw thKw Xnc-sª-  (b) Cabinet Sp¸v \S-¯p-I-bmWv `c-W-L-S-\-hy-hØ sN¿p-¶-Xv. (c) Chief Minister of all states CXn\v ]Icw asäm-cmÄ XmXvIm-en-I-ambn Øm\w (d) The Prime Minister hln-¡m³ hyh-Ø-bnÃ. D]-cm-jv{S-]-Xn-bpsS Ans: (b) Cabinet {][m\ IÀ¯hyw cmPy-k-`-bpsS A²y-£-]-Zhn  The proclamation of Emergency is in operation, hln-¡pI F¶-Xm-Wv. D]-cm-jv{S-]Xn F¶ DtZym-K¯n-\p-]cn cmPy-k`m who shall have the power to make the laws for  A²y-£³ F¶ t]cn-emWv D]-cm-jv{S-]Xn i¼fw the whole or any part of territory? ssI]-äp-¶-Xv. cmPy-k-`-bn A²y-£³ CsÃ-¦n (a) The Parliament (b) The Supreme Court D]m-²y-£³ DÅ-Xn-\m Imcy-§Ä¡v XSÊw (c) The President (d) None of these kw`-hn-¡nà F¶ Imc-W-¯m-emWv `c-W-L-S-\m- Ans: (a) The Parliament hn-Z-Kv²À ]I-c-kw-hn-[m-\-s¯-¡p-dn¨v Nn´n-¡m- Xn-cp-¶-Xv. The Vice President  Vice President is the ex-officio Chairman of the Comptroller & Auditor Rajya Sabha. General (Article 148)  He is elected by an electoral college of members of both the Houses (Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha)  Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG): Ap- of the parliament by single transferable vote by pointed by the President. He holds the office for 6 secret ballot of the Parliament. years or till he attains the age of 65, which ever is  The Vice President shall act as the President dur- earlier. Procedure of removal of Comptroller and ing the latter’s absence. Auditor General and Supreme Court judge is same.  The term of Vice President is 5 years. Both of them are removed by the President, on

6 6 8 recommendation of both the Houses of Parliament.  Comproller and Auditor General of India Inter - State Water Disputes Vijayendra N. Kaul  Article 262 of the Constitution provides for  Main Function of CAG is to monitor the expendi- parliamentary registration for the adjudification ture, or in other words he can be called the of inter state river water disputes, and for barry guardian of public purse. In case of state, the the jurisdiction of the courts (including the report is submitted before the Governor. Supreme Court) in such cases.  The Constitution provides for the comptroller &  Inter State Water Dispute Act 1956. Auditor General the guardian of public finances and to serve as the Chief Accounts Officer of the Govt. of India. He is a senior administrative offi- (e) freedom of residence and settlement in any part of India cial appointed by the President, retiring at 65 years. Lord Macaulay His primary functions are: (f) freedom of occupation.  To examine and satisfy that the money allotted by  Article 21 - Provides protection to life and liberty the Parliament to the various departments through to all persons the budget has been properly spent.  Article 22 - Affords  To present the proforma in which the accounts of protection against arbitrary the govts should be shown. arrest and detention  To direct, supervise and control the activities of  Article 23 - Prohibits the Accountant General in states whose duty been to traffic in human beings and Associated with examine and satisfy that the money allotted by drafting of the beggars. Indian Penal Code the legislative assembly of the state to various  Article 24 - Prohibits the departments is to be properly spent. employment of children below 14 years of age  To secure as the Friend, Philosopher & Guide of  Articles 25-28 - Relates to Right to freedom of religion the public accounts committees of the parliament  Article 32 - Right to Constitutional Remedies described as ‘‘The heart and soul of the Important Articles Constitution’’ by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar  Article 36-51 -Relates to Directive Principles of State  Article 14 - Relates to Right to Equality Policy.  Article 17 - Abolishes the practice of untouchability  Article 51(A) - Relates to list of Fundamental  Article 18 - Prohibits the state from conferring any title. Duties Article 19 - Deals with six freedoms of Indian  Article 40 - Deals with the formation of citizens namely, Panchayats (a) freedom of speech and expression  Article 45 - Free and compulsory education to all (b) freedom of assembly children below 14 years of age. (c) freedom of association  Article 324 - Relates to the Election Commission (d) freedom of movement throughout the territory  Article 352 - Gives provision regarding of India emergencies  Article 356 - Proclamation of President’s Rule in the states.  Article 368 - Amendment of the Constitution by the Parliament  Article 370 - Special status to Jammu and Kashmir  The Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir came into Father of the force on January 26, 1957. International Law  Which Article of the Constitution empowers the Hugo Grotius President to appoint a commission to investigate 1583-1645 the condition of backward classes in general and suggest amelioration measures?

6 6 9 (a) Art - 339 (b) Art – 340 ]©m-b¯v cmPv: \mÄhgn (c) Art – 342 (d) Art – 344 {Kma-kz-cmPv KmÔn-Pn-bpsS kz]v\-am-bn-cp-¶p. Ans: (b) Article 340  1952: C´y-bnse ]©m-b¯v cmPnsâ _oPm-  The Prime Minister hm]amb I½yq-Wnän sUh-e-¸vsaâ v t{]m{Kmw Bcw-`n-¨-p. (CDP)  The Prime Minister is appointed by the President 1953: `qcn-]£ ]mÀ«nbpsS AsÃ-¦n Iq«p-sI-«nsâ  National Extension Service (NES)  {]hÀ¯-\-§Ä¡v B¡w hÀ²n-¸n-¨p. t\Xm-hn-s\-bmWv a{´n-k`m-cq-]o-I-c-W-¯n\v {]kn- 1957: _Âh-´-vdmbv ta¯m I½nän A¶s¯  Uâ v £Wn-¡p-¶-Xv. sb¡p-dn¨v ]Tn¡m³ Bcw-`n-¨p. CDP ]mÀe-saâdn P\m-[n-]-Xy-cm-Py-amb C´y-bn 1959: _Âh´v dmbv I½nän dnt¸mÀ«v {]Im-c-   bYmÀ° A[n-Im-c-§Ä \n£n-]vX-am-bn-cn-¡p-¶Xv amWv ]©m-b¯v cmPv F¶ {XnXe `c-W- {][m-\-a-{´n-bn-em-Wv. kw-hn-[m\w Bcw-`n-¡p-¶-Xv. 1959: cmP-Øm-\n BZy-ambn ]©m-b¯v cmPv   The Council of Ministers in India is presided over \S-¸m-¡-s¸-«p. by the Prime Minister. 1960: tIc-fw- DÄs¸-sS-bpÅ kwØm\§fn   The Prime Minister is the ex-officio Chairman of ]©m-b¯v cmPn\v XpS-¡-am-bn. the Planning Commission. 1992: 73, 74 F¶o `c-W-L-S\ t`Z-K-Xn-bn-eqsS {][m-\-a-{´n-bpsS D]-tZ-i-{]-Im-c-amWv aäp-a-{´n-   ]pXnb ]©m-b¯ncmPn\pw (73) \Kc k`- amsc cmjv{S-]-Xn -\n-b-an-¡p-¶-Xv. IÄ¡pw (74) P·w \ÂIn. ]©m-b¯v Ce-  Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had the longest tenure £³ \S-¯m³ kwØm\ Ce-£³ I½o-j³, ]©m-b¯v kwhn-[m-\-¯nsâ km¼-¯nI `{ZX Dd-¸m-¡m³ kwØm\ [\-Im-cy-I-½o-j³, Dr. Manmohan Singh thm«-h-Im-i-apÅ FÃm-hcpw DÄs¸« {Kma-k` served as the governor of the Reserve Bank F¶nh 73, 74 t`Z-K-Xn-bn-eqsS krjvSn-¡-s¸« of India ]©m-b¯v cmPv `cW kwhn-[m-\-¯nsâ Professor of International Trade {]tXy-I-X-I-fm-Wv. temI-k-`, \nb-a-k` koäp- (1969-1971) I-fn Hgnhv h¶m 6 amk-¯n-\p-Ån sXc- Finance Minister of India, (June 21, 1991 - sª-Sp¸v \S-¯-W-sa¶ \nbaw, Xt±i kzbw- May 15, 1996) `-cW Øm]-\-§-fnse koäp-I-fpsS Imcy- ¯nepw _m[-I-am-Wv. First Sikh to become Prime 1993 G{]n 24\v ]mÀe-saâ v ]mÊm-¡nb Minister of India  ]©m-b¯v cmPv 73, 74 `c-W-L-S\m t`Z-KXn as Prime Minister for nearly 17 years and Vajpayee C´y-bn \ne-hn h¶Xv 1994 G{]n 24-em- Wv. tIc-f-¯n 73-þmw `c-W-L-S\ {]Im-c-apÅ the shortest (13 days). tIcf ]©m-b¯v cmPv \nbaw 1994 G{]n  Morarji Desai, who led the nation’s first non con- 23\pw, 74-þmw `c-W-L-S\ {]Im-c-apÅ tIcf gress government of the Janata party, was the ap³kn-¸m-enän \nbaw 1994 sabv 30-þ\pw Prime Minister for a two-year period. \ne-hn h¶p.  V.P. Singh led the first minority government of s^{_p-hcn 19: ]©m-b¯v cmPv Zn\w.  (_Âh-´v -dmbv ta¯-bpsS P·-Zn-\-amWv the country for 11 months. .) tNmf-·m-cpsS `cW kwhn-[m-\-¯nsâ Gähpw  Article 74 (1) state that the Prime Minister shall be  'at the head' of the Council of Ministers. {it²-b-amb t\«w P\-§-fpsS Iq«m-bva-bmb  As a chairman of the cabinet, he summos its meet- hntÃPv ]©m-b-¯m-bn-cp-¶p. ing and presides over them.  Youngest Prime Minister of India Rajeev Gandhi  The Prime Minister who ruled for the shortest term Charan Singh  First to become Prime Minister without being a Father of Local member of Parliament Self Government  Morarji Desai was the oldest to be the Prime Min- Lord Ripon. ister.

6 7 0 Officials Term of Salary Comparison between Emoluments Office (per month) Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha President 5 years 50,000 Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha Vice President 5 Years 40,000 1. It is the Council of - It is the House of People or Governor 5 years 36,000 the Upper House of States also known as Chief Justice of the Till he attains 33,000 Parliament. It is equal Lower House of Parliament Supreme court the age of 65 years to the House of Lords It is equivalent to the Judge of the Till he 30,000 in the British Parliament House of Commons in the Supreme Court attains the age of British Parliament. 65 years 2. Maximum strength is - Maximum strength is 552, Chief Justice of the Till he attains 30,000 250. 12 members who out of which 530 High Court the age of 62 years have distinguished represent Judge, Till he attains 26,000 themselves in art and the states and 20 culture are nominated represent High Court the age of 62 years by the President Union Territories. 2 members are nominated from the Legislature Anglo-Indian community. Union Council of Ministers 3. To become a member - To become a member one  In India there are two types of executives: a candidate must be must not be below 25 years over 30 years old. 1. constitutional or ceremonial (President) 4. The Vice-President - The presiding officer is the 2. the real executive namely the Union Council of presides over the Speaker. Minister headed by Prime Minister. Rajya Sabha  Our system of government is called as parliamen- 5. Members of the Rajya - The Lok Sabha usually tary because the real executive namely the Union Sabha have a tenure of has a tenure of five years. Council of Minister emerges out of parliament and six years. One third of is answerable and responsible to it, it shall con- its members retire tinue in office so long as it continues to command every two years the majority of the house and shall go out of 6. It is a permanent body. - The Lok Sabha can be office if it loses its majority there. It has no power over dissolved by the President.  Article 74 - says that the President shall exercise a money bill. Money bills are introduced his power on the aid and advice of the union At the most it can withhold only in Lok Sabha. It is the council of ministers with the Prime Minister as its power the money bill for Speaker of Lok Sabha who head and that if he seems it necessary, can ask for over14 days. considers whether a bill is reconsideration of such an advice and if the same a money bill or not. advice is given once again, then the President is  In India, there are 3 types of Ministers in the Union bound by that advice. Council of Ministers namely, the ministers with  In case, a no -confidence motion is passed against Cabinet rank, Ministers of the State and the any minister, the entire Council of Ministers resign. Deputy Ministers. ]mÀe-saânsâ Ahn-izmk {]tabw Ah-X-cn-¸n-¡-   The Cabinet consists of the Prime Minister and W-sa-¦n Ipd-ªXv 50 AwK-§-fpsS ]n´p-W-bp- other cabinet ranking ministers and its meeting ­m-hWw. are presided over by the President.  Union Council of Ministers has to function as a  The Primary function of the union council of min- team and the ministers swim together or sink isters include supervision of the day to day ad- together. ministration of the country, preparation of the bills

6 7 1 (c) The Vice- President (d) None of these Article 108: Ans: (a) The President Joint Sitting of the Parliament  A person can be debarred from taking his seat in the house if he has been absent without the per-  ]mÀe-saânsâ Hcp k`-bn Hcp _nÃv ]mÊm- hp-Ibpw adp-k-`-bn ]cm-P-b-s¸-Sp-Ibpw mission of the House for more than 60 days. sNbvXm `c-W-L-S-\-bpsS 108-þmw BÀ«n-  The Lok Sabha is the lower house or the first ¡nÄ {]Imcw kt½-f\w hnfn-¨p-Iq«n B chamber and Rajya Sabha is the upper house or the second chamber. _nÃv ho­pw ]cn-K-Wn-¡m-hp-¶-Xm-Wv.  temIvk`m kv]o¡-dmWv kwbpà kt½-f-\- The first no confidence motion moved in the Lok ¯nsâ A[y-£³. Sabha after Independence was on 1963. 2002 amÀ¨v 26\v "t]m« _nÂ' ]mÀe- Ct¸mÄ \ne-hn-epÅXv 14-þmw temI-k-`-bm-Wv. 14þmw  (POTA)  saânsâ kwbpà kt½-f-\-¯n 269 temI-k-`-bnse sam¯w AwK-§Ä 545 BWv. s\Xnsc 425 thm«p-IÄ¡v ]mkm-¡p-I-bp- (530þkwØm-\-§-fn \n¶pw, 13þtI{µ-`-c-W-{]-tZ- i-§-fn \n¶pw, 2þBwt¥m C´y³ kapZm-bs¯ ­mbn. {]Xn-\n-[o-I-cn¨pw)  C´y³ `c-W-L-S\m Ncn-{X-¯n CXv aq¶mw Xh-W-bmWv kwbpà kt½-f-\-¯n Hcp  Dr. Manmohan Singh became the 14th Prime Min- \nbaw ]mkm-¡p-¶-Xv. t\cs¯ ]mÊm-¡nb ister of India on 22nd May 2004. \nb-a-§Ä [1] The Dowry Act, 1961 [2] The  UNION COUNCIL OF MINISTERS F¶n-h-bm-Wv. Banking Act, 1977  Dr Manmohan Singh: Prime Minister  UNION CABINET MINISTERS and the budget, answering questions raised on  Shivraj Patil: Home the floor of the house, advising the President on the matter of administration etc.  P. Chidambaram: Finance  A.K. Antony: Defence The Union Legislature (Par-  Pranab Mukherjee External of Affairs liament)  Laloo Prasad: Railways  The Parliament is the highest law making body of  Sharad Pawar: Agriculture, Food & India and is bicameral with two houses namely Civil Supplies, Consumer Affairs and Public (i) Lok Sabha (House of people) Distribution (ii) Rajya Sabha (Council of States).  Arjun Singh : Human Resource Development  The term Parliament originated from the French  Ram Vilas Paswan: Chemicals & Fertilizers; Steel word 'parler' which means 'to discuss', 'to talk' etc.  Jaipal Reddy: Urban Development  The 'Parliament' is the national forum to discuss  Sis Ram Ola: Mines any problem of the people of India.  Mahavir Prasad: Small Scale, Agro & Rural Industries Lok Sabha  K. Chandrasekhar Rao: Labour and Employment  P. R. Kyndiah:  The Lok Sabha held its first sitting on May 13, 1952 Tribal Affairs; Development of North East  A non member of the house (Lok Sabha) can also  T. R. Baalu:Road Transport & Highways, Shipping be nominated as the Prime Minister on condition that he should qualify to become a member of  S. Vaghela: Textiles either house of parliament within a period of 6  Kamal Nath: Commerce & Industry months.  H. R. Bhardwaj: Law & Justice The Lok Sabha can be dissolved by  Raghuvansh Prasad Singh: Rural Development (a) The President (b) The Speaker  P. R. Dashmunshi:

6 7 2 Information and Broadcasting, Parliamentary Affairs Important Dates in  Mani Shankar Aiyar: Indian Constitution Youth Affairs, Sports; Panchayati Raj 1935 The Government of India Act 1935 pre-  Meira Kumar: Social Justice & Empowerment scribed a federation for India.  A. Raja: Environment & Forests 1946 The elections to the Constituent As-  Dayanidhi Maran: sembly under the Cabinet Mission Plan. Communication & Information Technology Dec. 9, 1946 The Constituent Assembly held its  Anbumani Ramdoss: Health & Family Welfare first meeting. Dec. 11. 1946 Dr. Rajendra Prasad was elected presi-  Sushil Kumar Schinde: Power dent of the Constituent Assembly.  A.R. Antulay: Minority Affairs Nov. 26, 1949 Constituent Assembly approved the  Vayalar Ravi: Overseas Indian Affairs Constitution.  Murli Deora: Petoleum Jan. 26. 1950 The Constitution of India came into force. 1951 The first Constitutional Amendment.  Ambika Soni: Tourism and Culture 1952 The first general election (1951-1952)  Saif-u-Din Soz: Water Resources to the Lok Sabha was held. 1953 The first linguistic state of Andra  Santhosh Mohan Dev: Heavy Industries Pradesh was created.  Prem Das Gupta: Company Affairs 1959 Panchayat Raj was introduced in  Kapil Sibal: Science and Technology Rajasthan. 1962 First emergency declared.  A recent legislature by Parliament has fixed that 1963 The first no confidence motion was moved upto 2026 the existing number of the members of in the Lok Sabha after independence. the Lok Sabha (550) should not be raised and that 1975 Emergency due to internal disturbances this figure shall continue. 1976 The Fundamental Duties of Indian citi-  F¶m `c-W-L-S\ \njvIÀjn-¡p¶ AwK-§-fpsS ]c-am-h[n F®w 552 BWv (530þkwØm-\- zens were incorporated in the Constitu- tion. §Ä¡v, 20þtI{µ-`-cW {]tZ-i-§Ä¡v, 2þBwt¥m th C´y³ =552). AXm-bXv Ct¸mÄ DÅ AwK-§- 1978 Through the 44 amendment Right to Property has been deleted from the list fpsS F®-amb 545-þ \n¶pw tI{µ-kÀ¡m-cn\v AwK-§-fpsS F®w 552 hsc DbÀ¯m-\pÅ Ah- of Fundamental Rights. 1989 Reduced the voting age from 21 to 18 Im-i-ap-s­-¶À°w. CXn IqSp-X hÀ²n-¸n- years for the Lok Sabha as well as As- ¡m³ `c-W-L-S\m t`Z-KXn th­n hcpw. sembly elections.  P\-kw-Jy-bmWv temI-k-`m-a-WvU-e-§-fpsS F®- ¯nsâ am\-Z-WvUw. 10 e£w k½Xn-Zm-bÀ¡v Hcp 1991 Created the National Capital Territory temI-k-`m-a-WvUew F¶mWv IW-¡v.-]s£ CXv of Delhi. IrXy-ambn ]cn-]m-en-¡m³ Ffp-¸-a-Ã. 1992 Formation of present day Panchyati Raj. 1999 Extended the reservation of Scheduled  The Lok Sabha is popularly elected whereas the Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Anglo Rajya Sabha is indirectly elected and nominated. Indians in Lok Sabha and State Assem-  The 61st Amendment (1988) reduced the voting blies for 10 more years ie. up to 2010. age from 21 years to 18 years. 2000 The creation of new states of Jharkhand,  After election, inorder to start functioning of The Chattisgarh and Uttaranchal. Lok Sabha, the President appoints a pro-tem 2002 In the field of free and compulsory pri- Speaker who would be the senior most member of mary education for children Right to th th the Lok Sabha. In the 12 and 13 Lok Sabha Education for Children has been made Indrajith Gupta acted as the pro tem Speaker. a Fundamental Right.  Pro-tem speaker has two duties to fulfill

6 7 3 (1) to administer the oath of office to the newly sitting the Speaker shall preside the meeting. elected members of the house.  Normally the Speaker has no right to vote in the (2) to conduct the election to elect the regular house, but he can exercise a casting vote if there speaker. temIv-k-`-bn-te¡v aÕ-cn-¡m³ Hcp Øm\mÀ°n is a tie in passing a bill, resolution etc.   In the absence of the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker sI«n-h-bvt¡­ XpI Ct¸mÄ 10,000 cq]-bm-Wv. t\cs¯ CXv 500 cq]-bm-bn-cp-¶p. kwØm\ \nba- shall exercises his duties and that he is elected by the members of the house from among themselves. k-`-bn-te¡v aÕ-cn-¡m³ sI«n-h-bvt¡­ XpI 5000 temIv-k`m kv]o¡-dm-bn-cn-¡p-t¼mÄ acn-¡p¶ BWv.  ]{XnI ]n³h-en-¡m-\pÅ ka-bhpw Ce-£³ ka-  c­m-as¯ hyàn-bmWv Pn.-Fw.-kn. _me-tbm-Kn. bhpw X½n-epÅ Znh-k-§-fpsS F®w 20-þ BZy-s¯-bmÄ C´y-bpsS BZy temIvk`m \n¶pw Ct¸mÄ 14 Bbn Ipd-¨p. kv]o¡-dm-bn-cp¶ Pn. hn. ahve-¦mÀ BWv.  Hcp Øm\mÀ°n¡v Htc kabw c­n IqSp-X aWvU-e-§-fn \n¶pw aÕ-cn-¡m³ Ign-bnÃ. Rajya Sabha Ce-£\v 48 aWn-¡qÀ ap¼v {]Nm-cW ]cn-]mSn   The Rajya Sabha was first constituted on April 3, 1952. v. Ah-km-\n-¸n-t¡­-XmW The time - gap between two sessions of Parlia- sI«n-h¨ XpI Xncn¨v In«m³ sam¯w t]mÄ  ment must not exceed sNbvX thm«nsâ 10% F¦nepw t\Sm-\m-hWw . (a) 3 months (b) 6 months (c) 9 months (d) 1 year Speaker Ans: (b) 6 months  The Presiding officer of the Lower House is the  The council of states (the upper house) is com- Speaker. posed of not more than 12 members nominated by the President and not more than 238 representa-  The Speaker is the ex-officio chairman of the tives of the States and the Union Territories Business Advisory Committee and the Rules elected by the method of indirect election. Total Committee. number of members is 250.  The Speaker is elected by the members of the Lok Sabha from among themselves.  Rajya Sabha cannot be dissolved. It is a perma- nent body.  Present Lok Sabha Speaker - Somanath Chatterjee  The members of Rajya Sabha are elected for a  Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha -Charanjith Singh term of six years. Atwal  Each state get a representation in Rajya Sabha on  If there is a dead lock between the two houses in the basis of its population of the previous passing a bill other than a money bill, the Presi- census. dent shall call for a joint sitting of the two houses  Pondicherry and the NCT of Delhi are the UTs for resolving the difference and in such a joint having representation in the Rajyasabha. Pondicherry has one member and Delhi has three.  UP has the largest membership, i.e, 31  Rajya Sabha can exercise a special power in rela- tion to a subject included in the state list. First Speaker of  Vice President is the ex-officio chairman of the Lok Sabha - Rajya Sabha and his primary duty is to conduct G.V. Mavlanker its business in an orderly disciplined manner.  Deputy Chairman of Rajyasabha K. Rahman Khan

6 7 4 C´y-bnse Law making procedure of BIvSnwKv cmjv{S-]-Xn-amÀ Indian Parliament hn.-hn.-Kncn : tabv 3, Pqsse 20, 1969  Every bill before becoming law has to undergo PÌnkv apl-½Zv five stages within the House of the Parliament. lnZm-b-¯pÅ : Pqsse 20,BKÌv 24,1969  The five stages are _n.-Un. sP«n : s^{_p-hcn 1, Pqsse 25, 1977 cmjv{S-]-Xn-bpsS A`m-h-¯n At±-l-¯nsâ Npa-  Ist stage: At the first stage the bill will be intro- X-e-IÄ \nÀÆ-ln-¡p-¶Xv D]-cm-jv{S-]-Xn-bm-Wv. duced by the concerned ministers and it will be F¶m cmjv{S-]-Xn-bp-sSbpw D]-cm-jv{S-]-Xn-bp-sSbpw given first reading. A`m-h-¯n kp{]ow tImSXn B Npa-Xe \nÀÆ- ln-¡p-¶p.  2nd stage: The bill is printed and a copy of each is supplied to the members of the house and bill will be given the second reading and will be followed by a general discussion of the bill.  3rd stage: The bill will be passed on to a Select C´y-bn C¯-c-¯n-epÅ Committee generally comprising of 15 to 30 mem- Npa-Xe Gsä-Sp¯ GI kp{]ow tImSXn bers and this stage is called Committee Stage. No^v PÌnkv  4th stage: The committee collects all data, inter- Fw. lnZm-b-¯p-Å-bm-Wv views persons and reports the bill back to the house and this stage is called Reporting Stage. At this  There are various committees functioning in the stage there is a thorough and detailed discussion Parliament particularly the Lok Sabha. of the bill and often every sentence is passed with  Parliamentary committees are of two kinds the approval of the members and voted. Standing Committee and Adhoc Committees.  5th stage: This is the final stage. The bill will be  The leading committees of Lok Sabha are listed given a third reading, oral amendment can be in- below. troduced which may or maynot be accepted and  The Business Advisory Committee after a general voting of the bill it will be declared  Concerned with planning and regulation of as passed and the presiding officer of the house the business of the house. shall sign it.  Consists of 15 members.  A similar process takes place in the other house  Speaker of Lok Sabha is the ex-officio Chairman. also and then the bill will be presented before the  In the Rajyasabha the Business Advisory President for his assent. Once the bill gets his Committee has 11 members including the assent, it becomes an Act. chairman as its ex-officio chairman.  By a verdict given by a divisionbench headed by former Chief Justice V.K. Sabarwal the parliament  The Rules Committee has given Supreme power to oust MPs.  It lays down and amends rules of procedure for conducting the functions of the house. Important Parliamentary  15 members are in the committee. Committees  The ex-officio chairman - Speaker of Lok Sabha.  In Rajyasabha the Rules committee has 16  The work of the Parliament is made easy and effi- members including the chairman as its ex- cient by the operation of various committees. officio chairman.

6 7 5  The Select Committee  Public Accounts Committee (PAC)  A bill introduced in the house at its committee  Public Accounts Committee and Estimate stage goes to a committee called Select Committee together called the pillars of pub- Committee and it is meant for a particular bill. lic finance. They are the two eyes which  Committee on Petition guard the public finance.  Examines petition made by the member of the  The committee was set up first in 1921 under house and give its opinion for remedial the provisions of the government of India measures. Act of 1919.  It has 15 members.  Public Accounts Committee is a joint com-  No minister can be its member. mittee consisting of 22 members (15 from L.S.  Committee on Privileges & 7 from R.S.)  Primary purpose is to protect the privileges  The Chairman of the PAC shall be the leader or special rights of the members of the house. of the opposition of the Lok Sabha.  It has 15 members, nominated by the Speaker.  Primary function of PAC are:  Chairman: Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha. (i) To examine and satisfy the money allotted  Committee on Subordinate Legislature by the Parliament to the various departments  It ensures the rule making power delegated through the budget has been properly spend to the ministers and top officials is not mis- and that no public money is wasted. used and that the executive faithfully (ii) To recommend the measures to be taken for executes the law passed by the Parliament. streamlining public finance.  15 members.  The Comptroller and Auditor General of  No minister can be a member of this India serves as the friend, philosopher and committee. guide of Public Accounts Committee.  Committee on Public undertaking  Estimate Committee  Created in 1964 on the recommendation of  Committee of 30 members (all from Lok Sabha) the Krishna Menon Committee. are elected on the principle of proportional  Originally it had 15 members (10 from Lok representation, for one year term. A minister Sabha and 5 from the Rajyasabha). In 1974 can't be elected to the committee. membership was raised to 22 (15 from Lok  Its chairman is nominated by the Speaker Sabha and 7 from Rajyasabha). belongs to the opposition in the Lok Sabha  It examines and sometimes supervises the  The functions of the Estimate Committee is functioning of Government owned to scrutinize the budget estimates for the companies or public undertaking including year, to suggest economy in expenditure, their finances. improvement in organisations and other  The Chairman of the Committee on Public subjects to increase efficiency. Undertaking is appointed by the Speaker from the Lok Sabha members elected to the com-  Public Accounts Committee, Estimate com- mittee. mittee and Committee on Public Undertak-  Committee on the Absence of Members ing are the three financial committees of  It examines the leave application of the mem- the Parliament. bers for their absence from the house.  Parliamentary Committees are appointed by  15 members. the respective Houses themselves or by their  Rajyasabha has no such committee. presiding officers.

6 7 6  Parliamentary committees are of two types; move a motion for discussion of matter of public Standing Committee and Ad-hoc Committee. interest.  The Speaker appoints the Chairman of all the Motion of thanks Parliamentary Committees.  A motion of thanks is a formal resolution adopted  In addition to these committees there are 17 by both the Houses of Parliament expressing Department Related Committees. Its primary thanks to the Head of the state for his address to function is to study in detail the first part of the Houses assembled together. the Budget dealing with the expenditure of No confidence Motion (Censure Motion) the government which is introduced nor- A motion moved by a member to express lack of mally on 20th February every year. confidence in the government for any reason. Sessions of Parliament Terms related to Parliament  Vote on Account – As there is usually a gap  The President has the power to between the presentation of the budget and its (a) summon either house approval, the vote on account enables the (b) prorogue either house and government to approve some amount from the (c) dissolve the lower house. Consolidated Fund of India to meet the expenses in the intervening period.  The Constitution casts a duty on the President to  Quorum : It is the minimum number of members summon each house at such intervals that six whose presence is essential to transact the busi- months shall not intervene between its last ness of the House. The quorum of either House sitting in one session and the date fixed for its shall be one-tenth of the total number of members first sitting in the following session. The of the house. purpose of this provision is that Parliament must  Question Hour : The first Hour of a sitting of Lok meet at least twice a year. Sabha is called the question hour.  The sitting of a House may be terminated by  Zero hour : This follows the question hour and (a) dissolution (in the case of the Lok Sabha). generally begins at noon. (It is the time when issues of utmost importance are raised.) (b) Prorogation (c) adjournment  Dissolution brings the term of the Lok Sabha to Budget (Article 112) an end.  Budget is known as the, Annual Financial  Prorogation terminates a session. Statement. Important Motions in the Parliament  It is an estimate of all anticipated receipts and ex- penditure of the union for the coming financial year.  Adjournment motion: Adjournment does not put  Budget is laid before parliament in the name of the an end to a session of Parliament but merely post- parliament. pones further transaction of business for a speci-  It is the key responsibility of the Parliament to fied period. pass the national budget.  A motion for adjourment is meant to the attention  Budget is presented on last working day of of the house to a matter of urgent or public February of every year. importance.  Railway Budget is prepared by the Railway Minister  The motion compels the government to act fast in and General Budget is prepared by the Finance an appropriate manner, as otherwise it runs the Minister. risk of losing the confidence of house.  Line - item Budgetting, Performance Budgeting, Programme Budgeting and Zero-based Budget- Call Attention motion ing are the types of budgeting.  A member can with the consent of the Speaker

6 7 7 Xn-bn PUvPn-am-cpsS tImdw XnI-bmsX hcp¶ Ah-k-c-§-fn {]kn-Uânsâ A\p-a-Xn-tbm-Sp-IqSn kp{]ow-tIm-SXn No^v PÌnkv Xm¡m-en-I-ambn \nb-an-¡p¶ PUvPn-bmWv AUvtlm¡v PUvPn (Ad hoc judge) In the absence of both the President and the Vice- President who acts as the President? Ans: The Chief Justice of India  The power of Judicial Review is vested in the Supreme Court and High Court.  The Chief Justice and other judges of the Supreme Court can be removed from their office by an or- der of the President passed after (a) an address by each house supported by the majority of the members present and voting has been presented to him Judiciary (b) a resolution of both the Houses passed by a rd Supreme Court of India (Article 124 to 147) 2/3 majority of total membership is pre- sented to him.  The apex of the entire judicial system in India is (c) a resolution passed by 2/3 rd majority of total the Supreme Court of India. membership of Lok sabha is presented to him  Part V, Articles124 to 147 deal with the structure, (d) an address by each House supported by a powers and functions of the Supreme Court. majority of total membership of that House 1950-þemWv kp{]ow-tIm-SXn \ne-hn h¶-Xv.  and not less than 2/3rd of members present  The Supreme Court now comprises of the Chief and voting has been presented to the Justice and not more than 25 other judges. President.  The Chief Justice is appointed by the President in Ans: (d) consultation with such other judges of the Su-  Harilal J. Kanya was the first Chief Justice of preme Court and High Court. the Supreme Court.  The Supreme Court has the power to review the  The Chief Justice of India administer the oath of acts and orders of the legislature and executive affirmation to the President and the President ad- wings of the government and to declare them null ministers the oath of office to the Vice-President. and void if they are against the provisions of the  The Salaries of the judges of the Supreme Court Constitution. (Article 125) are drawn from the Consolidated Fund  Supreme Court is known as the Court of Record of India. (Article 129).  To be a judge of the Supreme Court, one has to be a  Supreme court is located at New Delhi.  The Judge of the Supreme Court can resign his (i) Citizen of India office by writing a letter to the President in own (ii) He should be a distinguished jurist and has his handwriting. been a High Court judge for atleast five years or  A Judge of the Supreme Court can also be re- an advocate of a High Court for at least ten years. moved from office on the ground of proved  The Supreme Court Judge can continue in his post misbehaviour or incapacity by the process of impeachment. until he attains sixty five years of age. 1996-þ A]-I-S-km-[y-X-bpÅ hymh-kmbnI taJ-   Ad-hoc: ("Cu Dt±-iy-¯n-\p-th­n') kp{]ow-tIm-S- e-I-fn Ip«n-I-sf-s¡m­v ]Wn-sb-Sp-¸n-¡p-¶Xv

6 7 8 kp{]ow-tIm-SXn XS-ªp.  The Supreme Court exercises three types of juris- House of Lords and Commons diction namely: {_n«ojv ]mÀe-saânsâ amXr-I-bn-emWv  (i) Original (ii) Appellate (iii) Advisory C´y³ ]mÀe-saânsâ LS\. {_n«ojv  Original Jurisdiction (Art. 131) is meant for that ]mÀe-saân\v c­v aWvU-e-§Ä D­v. cases involving a dispute between the Union Govt.  Upper House : House of Lords and State Govt. or a dispute among the State  Lower House : House of Commons Governments themselves. Supreme Court settles C´y-bnse D]cnaWvUew cmPy-k-`bpw  such case by interpreting the Constitution. At[m-a-WvUew temIk`-bp-am-Wv.  Appellate Jurisdiction: It meant that appeal temIk`-bn-te¡v P\-§Ä t\cn«v thm«v  petition can be taken before the SC from the sNbvXv A[n-Im-c-¯n hcp¶hcmWv temI- judgement or decision of the high court on cases k-`mw-K-§Ä. involving civil, criminal, etc matter after its cmPy-k-`-bn-te¡v ]tcm£ coXn-bnse sXc-  judgement. sª-Sp-¸mWv. Hmtcm kwØm-\-§-fn-sebpw  Advisory Jurisdiction (Art: 143) : It is meant \nbak`m kmam-Pn-I-cmWv amÀ) CXn\v (MLA that the President of India can refer to the SC for thm«v sN¿p-¶-Xv. its advice or opinion if he has some doubt on a law or Constitution or a fact.  Art 138 provides for the enlargement of the juris-  Advocate General: Advocate General is the Prin- diction of the Supre Court by the Parliament. cipal law officer of the state. He is appointed by  The Chief Justice of India is Justice K.G. the Governor. Balakrishnan.  The first law officer of the Government of India is Judicial Activism the Attorney General  Superior court issuing direction to the govern-  The Attorney General of India is Milon Kumar ment officials or executives to perform certain Banerjee. duties in time if they fails to do so. Such direc-  Attorney General : Attorney General, as ap- tions issued by the court on the strength of pub- pointed by the President, is the first law officer of lic interest litigation to serve the general interest the Government of India. of the society. Judicial Review  The power of Supreme Court to review or examine a law passed by the Parliament and see whether that law is within the framework of the Constitu- tion or not.  The Supreme Court of India exercise this power as the principle of procedure established by law. Administrative Tribunals  According to the provision of Article 323 (A), the Administrative Tribunals Act, 1985 was enacted by Parliament. 37th Chief Justice of India  The tribunals are to adjudicate disputes and com- K.G. Balakrishnan plaints relating to recruitment and condition of

6 7 9 service of persons appointed to public sevices  The District Judges are appointed by the Gover- nor of the state and posts in connection with affairs of the Union  The subordinate courts are more popularly known Government. as District Court.  A Tribunal can be checked by a High Court for  The National Judicial Academy was set up in 1993. exceeding its jurisdiction or if its order is contrary It is located at Bhopal with its registered office in to natural justice. New Delhi.  Dr. G. Mohan Gopal : The Director of National Family Courts Judicial Academy  Ombudsman : Ombudsman is an officer appointed  Courts aim at promoting counciliation in and se- to hear and investigate complaints by private citi- curing speedy settlement of disputes relating to zens against government officials or agencies. He marriage and family affairs. helps and protects the common man against offi-  A high powered committee constituted under the cial oppression. Now various agencies and chairmanship of Justice P.N. Bhagawati formu- public sectors have realised the need of setting lated model scheme, which every citizen whose up the office of Ombudsman to redress the griev- annual income from all sources does not exceed a ances for the public who are the customers or certain sum, is eligible for free legal aid. clients of these organisations. hÀj-§-fmbn sI«n-¡n-S-¡p¶  Fast Track Courts : {Inan-\ tIÊp-IÄ XoÀ¸v Iev]n-¡p-¶-Xn-\mbn Public Interest Litigation 11-þmw [\-Imcy I½o-jsâ \nÀt±-i-{]-Imcw cq]o- Ir-X-amb tImS-Xn-I-fmWv (A-Xn-  Any member of the public can initiate a proceed- Fast Track Courts ing on behalf of the aggrieved person (especially th-K-t¡m-S-Xn-IÄ). C´y-bn sam¯w 1734 AXn- if the person is too poor or unable to move the th-K-t¡m-S-Xn-I-fmWv Øm]n-¡p-¶Xv. tIc-f-¯n court on his or her own) in either the High Court Ch-bpsS F®w 37 BWv. or the Supreme Court for enforcement of Consti-  Lok Pal Bill : Lok Pal Bill has been introduced to tutional rights. provide for setting up of a Lok Pal that would en- High Courts quire into the charges of corruption against public functionaries in the central government level.  Article 214 provide that there shall be a High Court  Lok Ayukta : Lok Ayukta is a state level institu- for every state. tion set up to enquire into the charges of corrup-  Three new High Courts were set up in November tion against public functionaries in the state. 2000, following the creation of states of  Chairman of Kerala Lok Ayukta is Justice Chattisgarh, Uttaranchal and Jharkhand. These K. Sreedharan. High Courts are located at Bilaspur, Nainital and Ranchi  Justice K. Krishnan Nair is Upa Lok Ayukta. respectively. At present there are 21 High Courts.  NALSA - National Legal Service Authority.  Which High Court has the highest number of  Legal Service Day is observed on November 9. benches in India?  On August 21, 2002 Rajasthan became the first Ans: Guwahati - Five. The benches are at Kohima, state in the country to establish permanent Lok Aizwal, Imphal, Shillong and Agarthala Adalats for hearing cases relating to public utility hmZn-I-sfbpw {]Xn-I-sfbpw tImS-Xn-bn  Originally known as Assam High Court, renamed services. as Guwahati High Courts in 1971. hnfn¨v hcp¯n A\p-c-RvP-\-¯n\v t{]cn¸n¨v tIkp- IÄ H¯pXoÀ¡p¶ coXn-bmWv temIv AZm-e-¯v.  Article 231 also provides Parliament with the power to establish a common High Court for two  Rajasthan is also the first state where Panchayati or more states. Raj was introduced in 1959.

6 8 0 dent constitutional authority set up by Article 324 The Finance Commission of the Constitution of India. (Article 280)  Who is responsible for keeping the voter's list  C. Rangarajan, heads the 12th Finance up-to-date at all times? Commission 2005-2010. (a) the Home Minister (b) the concerned states  Article 280 of the Constitution provides that at (c) Election Commission (d) Chief Justice the end of every five years, the President shall Ans: (c) Election Commission appoint a finance commission with a chairman and  The independent body which supervise the en- the member. tire procedure and machinery for election is called  The Finance Commission has the following pri- Election Commission 1993 HIvtSm-_À 1 apX C´y-bn Ce-£³ I½o- mary functions:  j³ AwK-§Ä 3 t]cm-bn. (i) To recommend to the President, the prin- The Chief Election Com- ciples and manner by which the revenue aris- missioner and other two commissioners enjoy equal ing out of the union budget may be shared powers. between the Union and States.  The Election Commission is appointed for a term (ii) To recommend to the President the principles of 6 years. and the properties by which the grand-  The first Chief Election Commissioner of India was in-aid is to be provided to the states by the Sukumar Sen (1950-58). Union Govt.  N. Gopalaswamy is the present Election Commis- (iii) To recommend to the President on any other matter in the interest of public finance. sioner of India.  The grand-in-aid is extended to the state by the  Other two Commissioners are S.Y. Quershi Navin union out of the Consolidated Fund of India to Chowla. meet the cost of development scheme approved  Nirvajan Sadan is the headquarters of Election by the Union Govt. Commission in New Delhi.  The first Finance Commission was constituted in 1951 under the chairmanship of Mr. K.C. Neogy. Union Public Service Finance Commission Commission (Article 315)  The Constitution provides that there shall be a Number ...... Chairman Public Service Commission for each state and for I ...... K.C. Neogy Unions. II ...... Mr. K.S. Santhanam  The Chairman and other members of the Union III...... A.K. Chande Public Service Commission (UPSC) are ap- IV...... P.V. Rajamanna pointed by the President while that of the PSC V...... Mahavir Tyagi is appointed by the Governor. VI...... Brhamananda Reddy VII ...... J.M. Shelat  The members of the UPSC are appointed for a VIII ...... Y.B. Chavan term of six years or till they attain the age of 65 IX ...... N.K.P. Salve years and in the case of a State Commission, or a X ...... Mr. K.C. Pant Joint Commission the age is 62 years or a term of XI ...... Prof. A.M. Khusru six years which ever is earlier. XII ...... C. Rangarajan  The chief functions of the UPSC are:- (a) to conduct examinations for appointment to The Election Commission All India and Central Services (Article 324) (b) to advise the President regarding claims of civil servants for cost incurred in the course  The Election Commission of India is an indepen- of execution of duties

6 8 1 (c) to advise the President regarding disciplin- enriching Hindi with form and expression drawn ary action against a civil servant from other regional languages of India and  UPSC Chairman : Gurbachan Jagat Sanskrit.  Which of the following three languages have been Special Status to Jammu and included in the Eighth schedule of the Constitu- Kashmir (Article 370) tion by the 71st Amendment (1992)? 1. Konkani 2. Dogri  The Constitution of Jammu and Kashmir came into 3. Manipuri 4. Nepali existence on 26th January 1957. (a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4  The state of Jammu and Kashmir was accorded (c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 4 special status under Article 370 of the Ans: (c) ie Konkani, Manipuri & Nepali Constitution.  Though Hindi is the official language of India, En-  The Parliament can make laws with respect to glish has been permitted to continue for official Jammu and Kashmir only in subjects in the Union purpose List. (a) till 1999 (b) till 2000  On the failure of constitutional machinery, the (c) till 2010 (d) for an indefinite period Governor shall have the power of the President. Ans: (d)  Languages in the Constitution: Assamese,  Jammu and Kashmir has the distinction of being Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, Marathi, Gujarathi, Punjabi, the only state of the Indian Union which has its Sanskrit, Kashmiri, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, own Constitution. Kannada, Oriya, Sindhi, Konkini, Nepali ,  Jammu and Kashmir has a bicameral legislature. Manipuri, Bodo , Maithili, Santhali and Dogri. Cu ]-«n-I-bn DÄs¸« `mj-IÄ¡mWv Úm\-  The Bill for the special status of J & K became Act  in 1982. ]oT ]pc-kvImcw k½m-\n-¡p-¶-Xv.  J & K is excluded from the list of other states. As  The Parliament passed the 92nd the Amendment per the article 152. (100th Amendment Bill ) of constitution on 22nd December 2003 which recognises Bodo, Mithali, Santhali and Dogri languages in the 8th Sched- Official Languages ule. (Article 343 to 351)  India is the country where largest number of lan- State guages are spoken.  State Executive consists of Governor and Council  Sindhi was added by the 21st Constitutional of Ministers with Chief Minister as its head. Amendment Act, 1967.  The Constitution declared Hindi in Devanagri Governor of the State script as the official language of India.  Governor is the Constitutional head of the state.  B.G. Kher was the Chairman of the first official  All the state Governments except Jammu and language Commission appointed by the President Kashmir have uniform structure. in 1955.  Governor is appointed by the President and not  The Constitution allows the use of English lan- elected because it helps to provide a strong cen- guage for official purposes. tre and to avoid friction between two elected indi-  India has 22 officially recognised languages in viduals ie. Chief Minister and Governor. the 8th schedule of the Constitution.  Governor is appointed for five years.  Originally the Constitution recognised 14 lan-  Governor nominates one member of the Anglo- guages. Indian community to the Legislative Assembly  Article 351- The Union is directed to strive for of his state.

6 8 2  Governor has no power to pardon death sentence.  There are 99 subjects in the Union List, 61 subjects  Every State Legislature has a Speaker and a in the State List and 52 in the Concurrent List. Deputy Speaker.  Parliament has exclusive power to make laws with  Indian Constitution does not provide any respect to the subjects enumerated in the Union procedure to remove Governor. List. State makes laws with respect to the sub- jects enumerated in the State List. Council of Ministers  On concurrent subject both the Parliament and a  The Council of Ministers is collectively State Legislative Assembly can make laws and responsible to Legislative Assembly of the state. that if these two laws agree, both will allowed to  The head of the State Council of Ministers is the exist; If however there is a conflict between these Chief Minister. two laws the union laws shall prevail; In such a  The Chief Minister is appointed by the Governor. situation the court shall reject only that portion of the state law which violates the union law. Legislature  The Constitution provides that the residuary  For every state, there is a legislature which con- power belong the union government as in the case sists of Governor and one House or two Houses of Canada. as the case may be.  Space Science and the Organisation of ISRO were  In Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, not originally stated in the Constitution but uti- Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh, there are two lized later on the basis of residuary powers by the Houses known as Legislative Council and Union Government. Legislative Assembly.  Legislative Council (Vidhan Parishad) of a state Financial Relations comprises not more than one third of total num- ber of members in Legislative Assembly of the between the state and in no case less than 40 members. There Union and the States is only 36 members in J & K legislative Council. kwØm\ Akw-»n-I-fpsS (Article 268 to 281)  (Legislative AwK-kwJy Gähpw IqSn-bXv 500-þDw, Assembly)  All the public money received by or on behalf of Gähpw Ipd-ªXv 60þDw F¶mWv `c-W-L-S\ the Government of India or the Government of A\p-im-kn-¡p-¶-Xv. F¶m BÀ«n-¡nÄ 371F {]Imcw kn¡nw Akw-»n-bn 32 AwK-§tf DÅp. State shall be credited to the Public Account of India or Public Account of the state.  D¯À{]-tZiv Akw-»n-bpsS AwK-kwJy 500 BWv.  Contingency Fund (Article 267) is placed at the  Seats have been reserved for Scheduled Castes disposal of the President to enable advances to be and Scheduled Tribes in proportion to their made by him to meet the unforeseen expenditure. population.  The Consolidated Fund of India (Article 266) is a fund where all the money received by or on Legislative Relation behalf of the Government of India in the form between the revenues, fresh loans, repayments of loans etc. are Union and the States deposited. (Article 245-254)  The taxes on income other than agricultural in- come are levied and collected by  The Constitution makers listed various subjects (a) State Government (b) Central Government of administration into three lists (i) Union List (ii) State List (c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these (iii) Concurrent List. Ans: (b) Central Government

6 8 3 Provisions relating to special (b) K M Munshi (c) Ashok Mehta (d) S.K. Dey classes Ans: (a) Balwant Rai Mehta  Part 16 of the Indian Constitution deals with spe-  Persons having attained 25 years of age can cial provisions for certain classes; scheduled contest for State Assemblies. Which was the first state where Panchayati Raj castes and scheduled tribes. was introduced?  The was set up in 1978 to find (a) Gujarat (b) Rajasthan how many backward classes were there in the (c) Bihar (d) Andhra Pradesh country. Ans: (b) Rajasthan  The 74th Amendment Act constituted the Local  The states of Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa Urban Government, Nagar Palika Bill. are obliged to appoint a separate minister to look  The duration of Municipalities is five years. after the welfare of Scheduled Castes, Tribes and  Iayq-Wn-kväv ]mÀ«n Hm^v C´y t\XrXzw \ÂIp¶ Backward Classes (Article 164) CS-Xp-]£w 2002 Pq¬ 21-þ\v ]Ýna _wKm-fn 25 hÀjw XpSÀ¨bmbn `cWw \S¯n F¶ A]qÀÆ  The Constitution makes provision for the protec- _lp-a-Xn¡v AÀl-am-bn. tion of the interests of linguistic minority. Lin-  2000 HIvtSm-_-dn Øm\-sam-gn-bp-¶-Xp-hsc 23 guistic minority is a class of people whose mother hÀjw XpSÀ¨-bmbn tPymXn-_kphmbn-cp¶p apJy- tongue is different from that of the majority in the a-{´n. state or a part of the state.  Iqdp-am-dp¶ Xt±i kzbw-`-c-Wmw-K-§Ä¡v ]n¶oSv sXc-sª-Sp-¸n aÕ-cn-¡p-¶-XnÂ\n¶pw Bdp Local Government hÀj-t¯bv¡v Atbm-KyX I¸n-¡p¶ HmÀUn\³kv C´y-bn-em-Zy-ambn tIcf a{´n-k`  The Panchyathi Raj was introduced in the coun- ]pd-¯n-d-¡n. try in 1959.  The present Panchyathi Raj had come into effect Union Territories by the 73rd Amendment Act in April 1993.  The members of the Panchayat at all levels are  Union Territories refer to areas directly adminis- elected by direct election. tered by the Central Government.  33.3% seats are reserved for women.  There are six Union Territories and one National Capital Territory ie. New Delhi.  The duration of Panchayat is five years.  The administrators of Union Territories are vari-  The Act presents a 3-tier system of Panchayat ously known as Lieutenant Governors, Chief Com- consisting of Panchayat at missioners or Administrators. (1) village level (2) the district level and  In Daman and Diu and Pondicherry, they are des- (3) the intermediate level between village and dis- ignated as Lieutenant Governors. In Andaman and trict panchayat Nicobar islands and Chandigarh they are known  Which of the following states has no Panchayati as Chief Commissioners and in Lakshadweep as Raj system at all? Administrator.  The 68th Amendment carried out in 1992, pro- (a) Assam (b) Kerala vided a special status to the Union Territory of (c) Tripura (d) Nagaland Delhi, the Administator is designated as Lieuten- Ans: (d) Nagaland ant Governor.  Who among the following initiated the Commu-  In December 1991 Parliament voted to give Delhi, nity Development Programme? a Legislative Assembly. Madan Lal Khurana thus (a) Balwant Rai Mehta became the first Chief Minister of Delhi.

6 8 4 Schedules of the Amendments of the Constitution Constitution  Amendment means a change or an alternation of law.  The original Constitution contained only 8  The Constitution was first amended in 1951 to Schedules. But, now it has 12 schedules. overcome the difficulties created by the Supreme  I Schedule : Contains a list of States and Union Court due to the decision regarding Fundamental Territories that comprises the Union of India. Rights especially the right to equality before law.  The procedure for the amendment of the Indian  II Schedule : Prescribes the salary payable to the Constitution is given in Article 368. President, the Governor, the Chief Justice of In-  The amendment procedure of Indian Constitution dia, Judges of the Supreme Court and High courts, is modelled on that of South Africa. the Comptroller and Auditor - General etc. C´y³ `c-W-L-S-\-bpsS ASn-Øm\ N«-¡qSv Hgn-   III Schedule : Prescribe the forms of oath or affir- sI-bpÅ Imcy-§Ä t`Z-KXnbneqsS amäm-hp-¶- mation to be taken by the Union Ministers, candi- XmWv. Ime-¯n-\-\p-k-cn¨v amä-§Ä A\n-hm-cy-am- dates for election to parliament, a member of par- sW¶ Xncn-¨-dnhv aq¶p hn[-¯n-epÅ t`Z-K-Xn- liament. IÄ \njvIÀjn-¡p-¶p.  IV Schedule : Seats allotted to various States 1. By simple majority of Parliament and Union Territories in the Rajya Sabha. 2. Two third majority  V Schedule : Deals with the administration and 3. Two third majority and approval of a majority control of Scheduled areas. of the state legislatures  VI Schedule : Deals with provisions regarding How many states are required to ratify certain administration of tribal areas in Assam, Meghalaya amendments to the Constitution? and Mizoram. Ans: Not less than half the number  VII Schedule : Division of subjects into three  The amendment procedure is a rare combination lists : Union List, State List and Concurrent List. of rigidity and flexibility. The power to amend the Indian Constitution vests  VIII Schedule : List of 18 regional languages in the recognised by the Constitution. (a) President (b) Parliament  IX Schedule (Ist Amendment 1951) : Contains (c) Prime Minister certain acts and regulations of state legislature (d) Chief Justice of Supreme Court dealing with land reforms and abolition of Ans: (b) Zamindari system.  The most controversial amendment passed  X Schedule : (52nd Amendment, 1985) : contains during the emergency was 42nd amendment (1976) provisions regarding disqualifications on ground  42nd amendment (1976) brought about drastic of defection. changes in the Indian Constitution. Because  XI Schedule (73rd Amendment 1993) :Enumer- of its drastic nature, it came to be called a ates powers and functions of Panchyati Raj insti- ‘Mini Constitution’. tutions.  The basic features of the Constitution which can- not be amended are:  XII Schedule (74th Amendment, 1993) : Lists 18 matters which are the responsibilities of 1. Supremacy of the Constitution Muncipalities. 2. Rule of Law 3. Judicial Review and

6 8 5 4. Balance between Fundamental Rights and Fun- Eighth Schedule, thus raising the number of lan- damental Duties. guages from 15 to 18.  Amend. 73 (1992) Lead to the formation of  The Amendement of the Constitution can be initi- Panchayat Raj. ated in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.  Amend. 74 (1992) Led to the formation of Nagar Palikas.  Through the 44th amendment (1978), one of the  Amend. 79 (1999) Extended the reservation of Fundamental Rights, ‘Right to Property’ has been Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, and Anglo deleted from the list of Fundamental Rights, and Indians in Lok Sabha and State Assemblies for now it is only a legal right. ten more years ie, upto 2010.  Amend. 84 (2000) Relates to the creation of new states of Jharkhand, Chattisgarh and Uttaranchal. Important Amendments  Amend.85 (2002) Allows Government employees belonging to the Scheduled Castes and Sched- Amendments Deal with uled Tribes to accelerate seniority consequent  Amend. 1 - (1951) to overcome the difficulties cre- upon their elevation under the reservation rules ated by the Supreme Court due to its decision with effect from June 1995. regarding Fundamental Rights. Also added Ninth  Amend 92 (2003) provided for the amendment of Schedule. the 8th schedule, thereby included Bodo,  Amend. 7(1956) Implement State Re-organisation Plan. Santhali, Maithili and Dogri as official languages  Amend. 25 (1971) Amended Art. 31 regarding the raising the number to 22. right of the state to acquire private property for  Amend 93 made education of fundamental right. public purpose.  Amend. 42 (1976) Brought about drastic changes in the Indian Constitution. Because of its wide Commissions and Committees sweep and drastic nature, it came to be called a Mini Constitution. Its main provisions are 1) the  Constitutional Review Committee: Headed by words ‘secular’ and ‘socialist’ were added to the Justice M.N. Venkitachellaiah formed by the BJP Preamble. 2) the primacy of Directive Principles Government to review the Constitution which is 50 over Fundamental Rights was ensured 3) restric- years old. tions were placed on the exercise of judicial re-  R.S. Sarkaria Commission: Studied centre-state view by the High Courts. It was laid down that the relations. Supreme Court alone would be entitled to exam-  Balwant Rai Mehta Committee: Introduction of ine the constitutional validity of union laws. Panchayati Raj institutions in the country.  Amend 44 (1978) The Right of Property, a funda-  Sen Committee: Report relates to decentralisation mental right was taken away and it is only a legal of power to Panchayati Raj institutions in Kerala. right now.  Mandal Commission : Recommended 27%  Amend. 55 (1986) provided a 30 - member State reservation for Other Backward Classes (OBC) in Assembly for Arunachal Pradesh. Central Government Service.  Amend 56 (1987) Accorded the status of state-  Saikia Committee: Considered the proposal to hood to Goa. Provided a 40 member Legislative make free and compulsory education a Funda- Assembly to Goa. mental Right.  Amend. 61 (1988) Reduced the voting age from 21  Dinesh Goswami Committee : Studied about to 18 years for the Lok Sabha as well as Assembly Electoral reforms. elections.  Indrajith Gupta Committee : Recommended  Amend. 69 (1991) Provides that the Union Territory State funding of elections. of Delhi shall be called the National Capital Terri-  Ram Niwas Mirdha: Headed the Joint Parliamen- tory of Delhi to be administered by the Lieutenant tary Committee which enquired into security Governor. scam.  Amend. 71 (1992) Provides that the Konkani,  Vohra Committee : Studied about nexus between Manipuri, and Nepali shall be included in the criminals and politicians in India.

6 8 6  Just. Ram Nandan Prasad Committee : Set up to  Human Rights : Refers to those inborn funda- identify the creamy layer ie, the socially and eco- mental rights and privileges which belong to a nomically advanced sections among socially and person regardless of constitutional or legal pro- economically backward classes. visions because these cannot be denied to him  K.K. Narendran Committee: Set up to identify by any government since he is a human being. the creamy layer in Kerala. These are also known as natural rights.  Ashok Mehta Committee : Appointed in 1977 to review the working of Panchayati Raj Institutions.  Lame - duck session : Session held when a new Parliament has been elected, but the old Parlia- Ready Reference ment meets for the last time before it is dissolved. The lame-ducks are the members of Parliament  Amnesty : An act of general pardon of offenders who have not been re-elected. and termination of their penalties. Amnesty is gen-  Mandate : Refers to the responsibility given by erally guaranteed for political offences. the electorate to the winning party of an election.  Annexation : The act whereby a state takes pos-  Ratification : The formal adoption by a state of a session of a territory formerly belonging to an- treaty signed by the representatives. other state, or to no state at all.  Referendum : A device of direct democracy which  Bureaucracy : Drawn from the French word bu- is used to ascertain the view of the electorate ei- reau, the speciality of bureaucracy is that the offi- ther on the form of government or as a legislative cials are organised in a hierarchical order, each rep- proposal, or on a policy issue. This device is quite resenting a chain of command. frequently used in Switzerland.  Bye-election : Special election to fill up seat ren-  Sanctions : Coercive measures taken by sover- dered vacant during the running term of an elected eign states to force a law breaking state to comply person. with international law and treaty obligations.  Mid term election: Election conducted before the  Welfare State : A state concerned with public specified term of 5 years due to dissolution of the health, unemployment etc and taking a large share Lok Sabha or Assembly. of responsibility for the public welfare.  Coup d’ Etat : A sudden change of government  Whip : The term is used for a particular member of by force, brought about by those who already a party who is charged with the responsibility of hold/held some governmental or military power. securing the support of other party members in  Dictatorship: The absolute rule of a person or favour of or against a particular issue. group without the necessity of the consent of the  Police State : It is one based on brutal force governed. thm«v sNbvXv aS-§p-¶-hsc kÀth which makes extensive use of police, secret po-  Exit Poll : \S¯n Ce-£³ dnkÄ«v {]Jym-]n-¡p¶ coXn. lice, army etc to control and monitor the people. There is no place for civil liberties and the rule of  Federation : A political unit on which a number of law in such a state. smaller political units devolve certain power over  Unicameralism : The term means legislature with themselves and their citizens and to which they one house. In India States other than Bihar, usually entrust the conduct of their foreign Karnataka, Maharashtra, Jammu Kashmir and affairs. Uttar Pradesh have unicameral legislature.  Filibuster : Parliamentary device of long winded  White Paper : It is an authoritative and detailed speeches, not necessarily relevant, to obstruct, policy document prepared by Government. A delay or bargain over a measure under consider- white Paper is prepared at the highest level and is ation for voting. placed before union parliament with the osten-  Guillotine : The act of putting all the demands to sible purpose of securing a purposeful discus- vote without discussion on the day marked for sion there on, besides providing an opportunity discussion of budget. to the members to share the information.

6 8 7 Constitution :Objective Questions 1. An individual can contest election for the Lok 9. Who acts as the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha ? Sabha if he has attained the age of (a) the President of India (a) 30 years (b) 21 years (b) the Vice-President of India (c) 35 years (d) 25 years (c) the Speaker 2. The minimum age for a candidate to be eligible (d) the leader of the majority party in the Rajya for membership of the Rajya Sabha is Sabha (a) 21 years (b) 30 years 10. The Council of Ministers at the centre is respon- (c) 25 years (d) 35 years sible to 3. The representation of a state in the Rajya Sabha is determined by (a) the Lok Sabha (b) Parliament (a) the size of each state (c) the President (d) the people (b) the size and population of the state 11. Who is the Chairman of the Planning Commis- (c) the population of the state sion ? (d) the proportion of number of members in the (a) The President state assemblies (b) The Vice-President 4. If the office of the President of India falls vacant, (c) The Planning Minister when should the new President be elected ? (d) The Prime Minister (a) Immediately (b) Within two months 12. An individual who is not a member of either (c) Within six months (d) Within one year House of Parliament can be appointed as a 5. The President of India issue an ordinance member of the Council of Ministers, but he has (a) if Parliament is not in session to become a member of either House within a (b) if Parliament is not likely to pass it period of (c) if there is any danger to the nation (a) one month (b) two months (d) if there is a deadlock between the two House of Parliament (c) three months (d) six months 6. The supreme commander of the defence forces 13. The Judges of the Supreme Court of India hold of India is office until the age of (a) the President (a) 55 years (b) 60 years (b) the Defence Minister (c) 65 years (d) not certain (c) the Prime Minister 14. Who discharges the duties of the President (d) the Chief of the Army Staff when the office of the President and Vice-Presi- 7. How many types of emergencies are provided dent becomes vacant ? for in the Indian Constitution ? (a) The speaker of the Lok Sabha (a) Two (b) Three (b) The Prime Minister of India (c) Five (d) Four (c) The Chief Justice of India 8. The electoral college that elects the Vice -Presi- (d) The Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha dent of India consists of (a) members of the Rajya Sabha only 15. Who is the Chairman of the Lok Sabha ? (b) elected members of both Houses of Parliament (a) The Speaker (c) members of both Houses of Parliament (b) The Prime Minister (d) members of the Rajya Sabha and the (c) The President Legislative Assemblies (d) The Vice-President

Ans: 1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (a) 11. (d) 12. (d) 13. (c) 14. (c) 15. (a)

6 8 8 16. Who was the chairman of Constituent Assembly ? (c) the Central and the State Governments (a) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (b) Jawaharlal Nehru (d) the President and the Governor (c) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (d) K.M.Munshi 24. The Constitution of India provides for a 17. Who was the Chairman of the Drafting Commit- (a) dual citizenship tee of our Constitution ? (b) single citizenship (a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (b) K.M. Munshi (c) both the dual and single citizenship (c) Jawaharlal Nehru (d) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar (d) international and national citizenship 18. When did our Constitution come into force ? 25. The right to property is (a) November 26, 1949 (b) January 26, 1950 (a) a fundamental right (c) August 15, 1947 (d) December 9, 1946 (b) a legal right 19. According to the Preamble of our Constitution, (c) an ordinary right India is a (d) a statutory right (a) Sovereign Democratic Socialist Republic 26. The basic principle in granting fundamental rights to citizens is to give them (b) Sovereign Socialist Secular Republic (a) full opportunity for growth and development (c) Sovereign Democratic Republic (b) freedom from exploitation (d) Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic (c) social and economic equality 20. According to the Constitution, India is a (d) freedom of speech and association (a) federal state (b) unitary state 27. The provision of the directive principles of state (c) union of states (d) quasi-federal state policy in the Indian Constitution has been de- 21. Who constitutes the Cabinet ? rived from the constitution of (a) The Council of Ministers (a) Ireland and USA (b) Only Cabinet Ministers (b) Ireland and Spain (c) Cabinet Ministers and State Ministers (c) Ireland and Canada (d) All Ministers (d) UK and USA 22. In case of a conflict between the Centre and the 28. Parliament consists of State Government over a subject on the concur- (a) the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha rent list, (b) the Lok Sabha (a) the state law has the upper hand (c) the Lok Sabha and the Vidhan Sabha (b) the central law has the upper hand (d) the Lok Sabha, the Rajya Sabha and the (c) both are equally applicable President of India (d) the Supreme Court decides whether the state 29. The President of India can be removed from of- law should prevail or the central law fice by 23. A subject is said to be on the concurrent list (a) the Prime Minister of India when a law can be passed on it by (b) the Chief Justice of India (a) the State Government (c) Parliament (b) the Central Government (d) the Lok Sabha

Ans: 16. (c) 17. (d) 18. (b) 19. (d) 20. (c) 21. (b) 22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (b) 25. (b) 26. (a) 27. (b) 28. (d) 29. (c)

6 8 9