** LAWSHALL “The old summer's-end melancholy nips at my heels. There's no school to go back to; no detail of my life will change come the onset of September; yet still, I feel the old trepidation.” ― Sara Baume, A Line Made by Walking September 2019 www.lawshallvillagehall.co.uk This magazine is published by Lawshall Village Hall Management Committee. We reserve the right to edit, shorten or refuse any item submitted for publication and cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of any claims made by advertisers. Copy deadline for October 2019 magazine 6pm Monday 19th September - earlier welcome! Copy should be emailed to the editor, Jenna Kitchen at
[email protected] Telephone 01284 830022 or delivered to Country Lodge, Lambs Lane, Lawshall (first house on the left, across the crossroads when going from direction of village hall) To place an advertisement in this magazine please contact the editor Black and White Adverts Quarter page £6 per issue Half page £10 per issue Full page £20 per issue Back cover £30 per issue Buy 12 months advertising in advance & receive a 10% discount. Wanted / For Sale - £2 per entry; Lost or Found items - Free of charge Check out our website at http://www.lawshallvillagehall.co.uk To discuss anything about the website please contact Jenna Kitchen on 01284 830022 The proceeds from this magazine will go towards the refurbishment and improvement of Lawshall Village Hall, registered charity number 304911 VILLAGE HALL HIRE CHARGES Lawshall residents... £14 per hour Other users..... £17 per hour Charges for Groups regularly using the hall are: Weekly users.