Deep Space Gateway Science Workshop 2018 (LPI Contrib. No. 2063) 3111.pdf ADVANCES IN PLANETARY PROTECTION AT THE DEEP SPACE GATEWAY. J A Spry1, B Siegel2, M Race1, J D Rummel1, D E Pugel3, F J Groen2, G Kminek4, C A Conley5, N J Carosso3 (1SETI Research Inst, Mountain View CA (correspondence to
[email protected]), 2NASA HQ, Washington DC, 3NASA GSFC, Greenbelt MD, 4ESA ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands, 5NASA ARC, Mountain View CA). Introduction: Deep Space Gateway (DSG) envi- tary Protection Requirements for Human Missions is ronments provide an opportunity to address planetary part of that narrative, evaluating recent efforts, activi- protection knowledge gaps that will feed forward into ties and the state of the art in the context of current architecture concepts for surface operations at Mars COSPAR Planetary Protection Policy [2], collecting and for deep space travel, particularly concerning the inputs and identifying and prioritizing knowledge gaps return of astronauts to Earth after visiting the martian on the path to establishing numerical requirements surface. against which a crewed mission concept can be de- Spacefaring nations have, since the earliest years of signed and validated. the space programs and as reinforced by the Outer In this context, the DSG vehicle provides a plat- Space Treaty (OST) in 1967 [1], committed to protect- form for planetary protection investigations that could ing solar system objects from harmful contamination be performed to inform the planetary protection re- carried by interplanetary spacecraft. One result has quirements development process. This includes exper- been that the scientific investigation of extraterrestrial iments performed on the inside of the vehicle, to im- targets can be performed without the threat of being prove understanding of interactions between microbes compromised by terrestrial biological contaminants.