Of the Felgh Family in America and Wales
THE MEMORIAL H I S TO R Y O F TH E EL H FA ILY I N AMERIC AND WALES F G M A . T — H E R S N L A TE S T OR 1 6 1 188 1. EA LIE T A D REC DS , 4 B Y . RR N H C O L UMBUS HIO W FA A D FELC , O . I R PR NTED F O TH E AUTHOR . h mb s h io . Press of J F E t 8: C o . Col u u O , ar ar . , 1881 we In Cambria are born , and gentlemen u Further to boast were neither tr e nor modest , I . w e M N . Unless add , are honest CY BELI E w a s But , somehow my soul ever lifting itself up , and gazing a s f i forward upon posterity , if, when it should depart rom th s TH E . life it would then begin to live. ELDER CATO The stream is brightest at its spring , And blood is not like wine Nor honored less than he wh o heirs h o . Is he w founds a line JOHN G . WHITTIER INTRODUCTORY . As the life of an individual furnishes , upon the whole , the most agreeable of all literary subjects , other than the merely m a o ritv mantic , to the j of readers , so the life of a family , duly su l m a tter traced and authenticated , ought to pp y of no common utility , both for amusement and instruction . It has often been r — Va l e rii remarked how the great Gentes of Roman histo y the , C l a udii — the , the Scipios , and others seemed to prolong , gene i i rat on after generat on , particular types , not only of political sen time nt and conduct , but of personal character ; and the same has been observed in respect to the English races which have taken from father to son so large a share in political and social ‘ C lifi o rds O ld life , the Percys , Mortimers , and in the days , the G re nville s Howards , Russells , , and many more in later times , t have consti uted not merely households but castes .
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