(1983-1986) to the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics

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(1983-1986) to the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics U. S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR GEOLOGICAL SURVEY Merged bibliography of the quadrennial Seismology Report (1983-1986) to the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics by Carol K. Sullivan OPEN-FILE REPORT 87-516 This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards and stratigraphic nomenclature. 1987 FOREWARD This document consists of the merged bibliographies of the ten contributions to the quadrennial Seismology Report (1983-1986) to the IUGG (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics), which have been published in Reviews of Geophysics in July, 1987 (v. 25, p. 1131-1214). The principal purpose of the Seismology Report is to review the scientific achievements in U.S. Seismology for the four years of 1983 through the end of 1986 and to compile references culled mainly from the American literature for the same period. The 2,017 different references listed in these ten contributions are arranged here alphabetically by the first author's last name. Thomas C. Hanks Associate Editor August, 1987 IUGG BIBLIOGRAPHY Abers, G., The subsurface structure of Long Adair, R. G., J. A. Orcutt, and T. H. Jordan, Valley caldera, Mono County, California: a Analysis of ambient seismic noise recorded preliminary synthesis of gravity, seismic, and downhole and ocean-bottom seismometers on drilling information, J. Geophys. Re*., 90, Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 78B, Initial 3627-3636, 1985. Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, 78, 767-781,1984. Abrahamson, N. A., Estimation of seismic wave coherency and rupture velocity using the Adair R. G., J. A. Orcutt, and T. H. SMART 1 strong-motion array recordings, Jordan, Description and performance of the Rep. UCB/EERC-85/02, 134 pp., Earth­ Marine Seismic System during the Ngendei quake Engin. Res. Cen., Univ. of Calif., experiment, Initial Reports of the Deep Sea Berkeley, CA, 1985. Drilling Project, 88/91, in press, 1986. Adair, R. G., J. A. Orcutt, and T. H. Abrahamson, N. A., and B. A. Bolt, The spatial Jordan, Low frequency ocean-bottom noise variation of the phasing of seismic strong observations in the deep sea, J. Acoust. Soc. ground motion, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 75, Am., 80, 633-645, 1986. 1247-1264, 1985. Adair, R. G., J. A. Orcutt, and T. H. Jordan, Abrahamson, N. A., and R. B. Darragh, Preliminary analysis of ocean-bottom and Observation of a double event at regional sub-bottom microseismic ambient noise dur­ distances: the Morgan Hill earthquake of 24 ing the Ngendei experiment, Initial Reports April 1984, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 75, of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, 88/91, in 1461-1464, 1985. press, 1986. Abrahamson, N. A., and R. B. Darragh, The Adams, J., Active deformation of the Pacific Morgan Hill earthquake of April 24, 1984 the northwest continental margin, Tectonics, S, 1.29 g acceleration at Coyote Lake dam: 449-472, 1984. due to directivity, a double event, or both?, Adams, R. D., and M. Barazangi, Seismotecton- Earthquake Spectra, 1, 445-455, 1985. ics and seismology in the Arab region: a brief Acharya, H., Comment on "Seismic potential summary and future plans, Bull. Seismol. associated with subduction in the northwest­ Soc. Am., 74, 1011-1030, 1984. ern United States" by T. H. Heaton and Adeli, H., The Sirch (Kerman, Iran) earthquake H. Kanamori, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 75, of 28 July 1981 a field investigation, Bull. 889-890, 1985. Seismol. Soc. Am., 72, 841-862, 1982. Achauer, U., L. Greene, J. R. Evans, and Agnew, D., J. Berger, R. Buland, W. Farrell, H. M. lyer, Nature of the magma chamber and J. F. Gilbert, Project IDA a decade in underlying the Mono craters area, eastern review, Eos (Trans. Amer. Geophys. Un.), California, as determined from teleseismic 67, 203-212, 1986. traveltime residuals, J. Geophya. Ret., 91, Aki, K., Analysis of the seismic coda of local 13873-13891, 1986. earthquakes as scattered waves, J. Geophys. Achenbach, J. D., and M.-K. Kuo, Effect of Res., 74, 615-631, 1969. transverse anisotropy on strong ground mo­ Aki, K., Asperities, barriers, characteristic tion due to strike slip faulting, in Earthquake earthquakes and strong ground motion, J. Source Mechanics, Maurice Ewing Ser., vol. Geophys. Res., 89, 5867-5872, 1984. 6, edited by S. Das et al., pp. 111-120, AGU, Washington, DC, 1986. Aki, K., Evidence for magma intrusion during the Mammoth Lakes earthquakes of May 1980 Ackermann, H. D., Seismic-refraction study in and implications of the absence of volcanic the area of the Charleston, South Carolina, (harmonic) tremor, J. Geophys. Res., 89, 1886 earthquake, in Studies Related to the 7689-7696, 1984. Charleston, South Carolina Earthquake of 1886 Tectonics and Seismicity, edited by Aki, K., Prediction of strong motion using G. S. Gohn, pp. F1-F20, U.S. Geol. Surv. physical models of earthquake faulting, in Proc. of 8th World Conf. on Earthquake Prof. Pap. ISIS, 1983. Engin., vol. 2, pp. 433-440, San Francisco, Ad air, R. G., Comments on the absolute levels CA, 1984. of very-low frequency acoustic noise predicted Aki, K., An overview and issues: review of by Wilson's modification of Isakovich and simulation procedures, in Strong Ground Mo­ Kur'yanov's theory, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., in tion Simulation and Earthquake Engineering press, 1986. Applications, Publ. 85-02, edited by R. Adair, R. G., Microseisms in the deep ocean: E. Scholl and J. L. King, pp. 11-1-11-9, observations and theory, Ph.D. thesis, 166 pp., Earthquake Engin. Res. Inst., El Cerrito, CA, Univ. of California, San Diego, CA, 1986. 1985. 2 IUGG BIBLIOGRAPHY Aki, K., Attenuation and site effects at Crust, vol. 14, edited by M. Barazangi and high frequency, in Strong Ground Motion L. Brown, pp. 257-267, AGU Geodynamics Simulation and Earthquake Engineering Series, Washington, DC, 1986. Applications, Publ. 85-02, edited by R. Ambos, E., and D. M. Hussong, Oceanographer E. Scholl and J. L. King, pp. 23-1-23-9, transform fault structure compared to that Earthquake Engin. Res. Inst., El Cerrito, CA, of surrounding oceanic crust: results from 1985. seismic refraction data analysis, J. Geodyn., Aki, K., Theory of earthquake prediction with 5, 79-102, 1985. special reference to monitoring of the quality Ambos, E. L., and D. M. Hussong, Structure factor of lithosphere by the coda method, at the toe of the subduction complex: Middle Earthq. Pred. Res., 3, 219-230, 1985. America trench offshore Guatemala, Initial Aki, K., and B. Chouet, Origin of coda waves: Reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project, 84, source, attenuation, and scattering effects, J. 61-87, 1985. Geophys. Res., 80, 3322-3347, 1975. Ambos, E. L., D. M. Hussong, and C. E. Aldrich, M. L., B. A. Bolt, A. E. Leviton, and P. Holm an, An ocean bottom seismometer study U. Rodda, The "report" of the 1868 Haywards of shallow seismicity near the Mid-America earthquake, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 76, trench offshore Guatemala, J. Geophys. Res., 71-76, 1986. 90, 11397-11412, 1985. Alewine, R. W., Seismic sensing of Soviet tests, Amini, A,, and M. Trifunac, Analysis of a Defense/85, pp. 11-21, U.S. Dept. of Defense, feedback transducer, Rep. 83-03, 58 pp., Washington, DC, 1985. Dept. Civil Engin., Univ. So. Calif., Los Algermissen, S. T., E. Kausel, C. Mueller, Angeles, CA, 1983. and R. Borcherdt, Preliminary analysis of Amini, A., and M. Trifunac, Analysis of a force ground response and observed intensity, in balance accelerometer, Soil Dynamics and Preliminary Report of Investigations of the Earthquake Engin., 4, 82-90, 1985. Central Chile Earthquake of March 3, 1985, edited by S. T. Algermissen, pp. 117-124, Anagnos, T., and A. S. Kiremidjian, Stochas­ U.S. Geol. Surv. Open-File Rep. 85-542, tic time-predictable model for earthquake 1985. occurrences, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 74, 2593-2611, 1984. Alien, C. R., Earthquake prediction 1982 overview, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am., 72, Anderson, D. L., A new look at the inner core S331-S335, 1982. of the earth, Nature, 302, 660, 1983. Alien, C. R., Seismological and paleoseis- Anderson, D. L., Surface wave tomography, Eos mological techniques of research in active (Trans. Amer. Geophys. Un.), 65, 147-148, tectonics, in Active Tectonics, Studies in 1984. Geophysics, pp. 148-154, National Academy Anderson, D. L., Evolution of earth structure Press, Washington, DC, 1986. and future directions of 3D modeling, in Alien, C. R., A. R. Gillespie, H. Yuan, K. The VELA Program, edited by A. Kerr, pp. E. Sieh, Z. Buchun, and Z. Chengnan, Red 399-418!, 1985. River and associated faults, Yunnan province, Anderson,! D. L., The mineralogy of deep slabs, China: Quaternary geology, slip rates, and Eos (Titans. Amer. Geophys. Un.), 67, 379, seismic hazard, Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 95, 1986. 686-700, 1984. Anderson,! D. L., and J. D. Bass, Mineralogy and Allenby, R. J., and C. C. Schnetzler, United composition of the upper mantle, Geophys. States crustal thickness, Tectonophysics, 93, Res. Left., 11, 637-640, 1984. 13-31, 1983. Andersen,, D. L., and A. M. Dziewonski, Allmendinger, R. W., J. W. Sharp, D. Von Upper mantle anisotropy: evidence from free Tish, L. Serpa, L. Brown, S. Kaufman, and oscillations, Geophys. J. R. Astron. Soc., 69, J. Oliver, Cenozoic and Mesozoic structure 383-404, 1982. of the eastern Basin and Range province, Anderson, D. L., and A. M. Dziewonski, Utah, from COCORP seismic-reflection data, Seismic i tomography, Scientific American, Geology, 11, 532-536, 1983. 251, 60^-68, 1984. Allmendinger, R. W., H. Farmer, E. Hauser, J. Sharp, D. Von Tish, J. Oliver, and S. Anderson, D. L., and J. Regan, Upper mantle Kaufman, Phanerozoic tectonics of the Basin anisotropy and the oceanic lithosphere, and Range-Colorado plateau transition from Geophya.
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    https://doi.org/10.5194/se-2019-179 Preprint. Discussion started: 4 December 2019 c Author(s) 2019. CC BY 4.0 License. Aleutian island arc magma production rates and mechanisms Yongliang Bai1, Diya Zhang1, Dongdong Dong2, Shiguo Wu3, Zhenjie Wang1 1College of Ocean and Space Information, China University of Petroleum, Qingdao 266580, China 2Key Laboratory of Marine Geology and Environment, Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Qingdao 5 266071, China 3Institute of Deep-sea Science and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Sanya 572000, China Correspondence to: Yongliang Bai ([email protected]) Abstract. The variation in island arc magma production rates and their influencing mechanisms are of great significance since island arc magma is considered a main source of continental crust growth. The island arc magma directly originates from the 10 molten mantle wedge, and the mantle melting is driven by fluids or melts from the subducted slab. Slab dehydration flux mainly depends on the slab thermal structures, and subducted slab melting requires a sufficiently high temperature. For the Aleutian subduction system, the subducted Pacific Plate has diverse thermal structures due to the existing fracture zones, ridges and slab window, so it is an ideal region for arc magma production rate research. However, the previous estimations are based on seismic profiles that only provide magma production rates at specific regions of the Aleutian arc, and these results are 15 controversial. Here, we design a magma production rate estimation method based on gravity inversion constrained by deep seismic profiles. The first overview map of magma production rates along the Aleutian arc strike demonstrates that the magma production rates have the same trend as the slab dips, and the peaks correspond to the subduction of the fracture zones and ridges.
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