1. Bioi. Control, 13: 141·144, 1999 Research Note

Field survey for plant pathogenic fungi associated with Parthenium hysterophorus L. in ,

L. P. KAURAW and ARCHANA CHILE National Research Centre for Weed Science Maharajpur, 482004, Madhya Pradesh, India

ABSTRACT: The survey conducted at eight sites, namely, Jabalpur, , , Seoni, Gadarwara, , Bhopal and Chargawan road in Madhya Pradesh, revealed the association of Fusarium pallidoroseum, Colletotrichum gieosporoides, Alternaria aiternata, Curvularia lunata, Sclerotium rollsii and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum fungi with Parthenium hysterophorus.

KEY WORDS: Parthenium hysterophorus, plant pathogenic fungi, survey

Parthenium is a pernicious exotic weed contamination of air, water and soil. There that has assumed the status of a weed due is a need to find out the suitable alternative to profuse growth, fast multiplication and method for the management of Parthenium rapid spread through seeds. It competes in India. Only a few reports are available fast with natural useful vegetation and on the occurrence of fungi to be used as suppresses it. It has the ability of prolific mycoherbicide for the management of seed bearing and rapid dissemination. Parthenium. The present work was Parthenium is a dominant type, once this undertaken to search the suitable host weed gets established, it does not allow specific indigenous fungi that can be used other plants to grow, due to secretion of for management of Parthenium in India. toxic material from roots. Parthenium plant is toxic to human beings and animals, and The survey was conducted in the state causes dermatitis, sneezing, reddening and of Madhya Pradesh. Maximum sites were swelling of eyes. Evans (1987) has listed selected from Jabalpur, Katni, Mandla, the pathogens of Parthenium Seoni, Gadarwara, Narsinghpur, Bhopal hysterophorus L. reported from various and Chargawan road. Samples were parts of the world. Herbicides like 2,4-D collected at 10 km distance in all the sites. and glyphosate are used for its control but The sites were visited up to 3 times from these chemicals cause health hazards by July, 94 to March, 97 (Kauraw et al., 1997). KAURAW and CHILE

The samples of Parthenium hysterophorus seeds/seedlings and the cultures obtained exhibiting disease symptoms were collected were compared with the original culture and brought to the laboratory in polythene for confirmation. The pathogens isolated bags. The disease symptoms were recorded from different localities were sent for and associated pathogens, isolated. identification to Common wealth Isolations from diseased plants were made Mycological Institute, England. on potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium. Infected samples of Parthenium Isolation of the pathogens and hysterophorus revealed the association of maintenance of the cultures Fusarium pallidoroseum (IM 1359246 , The diseased parts of P. hysterophorus 47), Colletotrichum gloeosporides (IMI were cut into small bits and washed 3597775), Alternaria alternata (IMI thoroughly in running tap water. The bits 359776), Curvularia lunata (IMI 359782), were surface sterilized with 1: 1000 Sclerotium rolfsii, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum aqueous mercuric chloride (HgCl) for 30 from Kanti, Seoni, Chargawan road, seconds and washed in sterile distilled water Gadarwara, Mandla, NRCWS Farm and thrice to remove the traces of mercuric around Jabalpurcity. In the NRCWS Farm, chloride if any, then. transferred to sterile A. altemata was found infecting the leaves, PDA slants. The incubation was done at branches and flowers of P. hysterophorus 25± I DC for seven days. The fungal cultures (Table 1). This fungus seems to be very were purified by single spore or hyphal tip effective in killing P. hysterophorus flowers. methods. The fungi were incubated at Myrothecium roridum Tode ex fro and 25±1 DC. The cultures so obtained were S. rolfsii have been reported by Pandey et stored in refrigerator at 4 °C and were sub­ ai. (1990). Aneja et ai. (1994) reported cultured each month for further studies. Cochilobolus iunatlls causing leaf spot on P. hysterophorus in Punjab and Haryana. Pathogenicity

The seeds of P. hysterophorus were SYMPTOMS ON HOST WEED inoculated with spores of isolated fungi! macerated fungal hyphae. The infected Fusarium pallidoroseum (Cooke) seeds were plated by blotter method and Saccardo sown in pots which were incubated at 25± .1°C. The young plants sown, were The symptoms appeared as water moculated with spores and covered in soaked brown spots scattered on the leaf po}ythene bags. Humidity was maintained surface. These spots coalesced and formed at 90-100. per. cent. Suitable control plants larger brown spots. The seeds became ~e~e mamtamed by spraying sterilized shriveled and small in size. however, no dlstllled water and incubated at temperature clear symptoms could be seen on the seeds. of 25± 1°C for 15 days. After the Under artificial inoculation, the fungus appeara~ce of symptoms, the organisms infected seeds and seedlings, but no were re-Isolated from artificially infected symptoms developed on leaves.

142 :n c:OJ (J) c ~ Table 1. Fungi associated with diseased samples of Parthenium hysterophorus during July to December ~ o..,., '0 l Plant Name of localities Extent of [ damage(%) . part Katni MandJa Gadarwada Charagawan Around JabaJpur NRCWSfarm a::r ~o· Fusarium - Fusarium 50.75 ? Leaf Fusarium pallidoroseum - Q pallidoroseum - pallidoroseum f!9. Alternaria alfernata Alternaria - - Alternaria alternata Alternaria alternata 80-90 alternata Colletotrichum gleosporoides - - - - 40-80 Stem Curvularia IUllata - - Sclerotiorum roifsii Sclerotiorum roifsii Alternaria alternata 20-30 Sclerotina sclerotiorum - - Sc/erotina sclerotiorum Sclerotina sclerotiorum 50-75 Sclerotiorum rolfsii - - - 75·80 .s;:.. - - w Root Sclerotina sclerotiorum - Sclerotina sclerotiorum Sclerotina sclerotiorum - 80-90 Sc/erotiorum rolfsii - - Sclerotiorum rolfsii Sclerotiorum roifsii - 75·80 Seed Alternaria altemata Alternaria - Alternaria alternata Alternaria alternata Alternaria alternata 50-75 alternata Rower. - - - - - Alternaria alternata 90-100 KAURAW and CHILE

Alternaria alternata ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Small, oval discoloured lesions Financial assistance provided by the appeared on the leaves. Th~ s~ot~ became Secretary, Department of Biotechnology, irregular in shape. When theIr SIze mcreased New Delhi in the form of Research Project they turned brown to gray in colour. F. No. BT/AB/071l2/93, dated 31.3.94, is Sometimes concentric rings were formed gratefull y acknowledged. We are thankful surrounded by a yellow halo. Several such to Dr. Seema Wahab, Director, Department lesions coalesced involving large areas of Biotechnology Project, for co-operation resulting in leaf drying. The symptoms also and help in running the project. We are also appeared on terminal branches and flowers. thankful to the NRCWS staff in smooth The colour of the flowers turned dark running of the project. black.

Sclerotium rolfsii REFERENCES The infected plants first appeared pale green and stunted. The infection occurred Aneja, K. R., Kaur, M. and Sharma, A. at the base of the plants namely, the collar 1994. Leaf spot disease of Parthenium region. The tissues of the infected portion hysterophorus - a new disease record. softened and turned brown and eventually, National Academy Science Letters, 17: the plants drooped and dried. White, fan 179-180. like mycelial growth was observed on the stem at the basal region. White to brown Evans, H. C. 1978. Life cycle of Puccinia mustard like sclerotia were also present. abrupta var. partheniicola, a potential biological control agent of Parthenium Sclerotinia sclerotiorum hysterophorus L. Transactions of the The infected plant first appeared pale British Mycological Societies. 88: 105- green, then dried. The infection occurred 111. at the base of the plants namely, stem and roots. White cottony mycelial growth was Kauraw, L. P., Bhan, V. M. and Chile, A. seen on the basal portion of the stem, on 1997. Survey of pathogens associated splitting, the stem exhibited black sclerotia with Parthenium hvsteroplzorus, of the fungus. Cyperus rotulldus and Phalaris millor. Indian Phytopathology-49th annual Colletotrichum gioeosporioides meeting and National Symposium Feb. The symptoms appeared as irregular 15-17. 1997. Jabalpur. IPS 88. brown to deep brown spots of various sizes scattered all over the leaf surface. Under Pandey, A. K., Hasija, S. K., Rajak, R. C. high humidity, the fungl1s grew rapidly 1990. Myrothecium roridum Tode ex Fr. forming elongated brown, necrotic areas. A new pathogen of PartitelliUm Infected leaves often exhibited shot hole hysterop}lOrus L. with biocontrol symptoms. The disease was more on older potential. National Academy Science leaves than the younger ones. Letters, 13: 369-370. 144