Carbenes and Nitrenes in Reactive Matrices
Carbenes and Nitrenes in Reactive Matrices Dissertation To obtain the degree of Doctor of natural science (Dr. rer. nat.) by Enrique Méndez Vega from La Habana, Cuba Bochum 2018 This work was carried out from February 2013 to October 2017 at the Department of Organic Chemistry II of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Wolfram Sander. Part of the work reported in this thesis was performed in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Yuan-Pern Lee at the Department of Applied Chemistry and Institute of Molecular Science, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. First Referee: Prof. Dr. Wolfram Sander Second Referee: Prof. Dr. Patrick Nürnberger Day of submission: 28/02/2018 Day of disputation: 05/04/2018 Publications Mieres-Perez, J.; Mendez-Vega, E.; Velappan, K.; Sander, W., Reaction of Triplet Phenylnitrene with Molecular Oxygen. J. Org. Chem. 2015, 80 (24), 11926-11931. Richter, G.; Mendez-Vega, E.; Sander, W., Singlet Halophenylcarbenes as Strong Hydrogen- Bond Acceptors. J. Phys. Chem. A 2016, 120 (20), 3524-32. Mieres-Perez, J.; Henkel, S.; Mendez-Vega, E.; Schleif, T.; Lohmiller, T.; Savitsky, A.; Sander, W., Dinitreno pentaradicals: organic sextet molecules. J. Phys. Org. Chem. 2017, 30 (4). Mendez-Vega, E.; Maehara, M.; Mieres-Perez, J.; Raut, A. H.; Tsuge, M.; Lee, Y.-P.; Sander, W., Hydrogen Activation by Triplet Carbenes, in preparation. Mendez-Vega, E.; Trosien, I.; Maehara, M.; Mieres-Perez, J.; Sander, W., Spin-Selective Hydrogenation of Carbenes, in preparation. Mendez-Vega, E.; Mieres-Perez, J.; Chapyshev, S. V.; Sander, W., Trinitrenes, in preparation. Scientific Meetings Graduate School Solvation Science Autumn Workshop, RUB, 10/2016 (Oral Contribution, Award).
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