HOW ISBN 978-3-00-061938-0

© 2019 HEADT Centre Publications, Berlin

Cover Image Eagle Nebula, M 16, Messier 16 NASA, ESA / Hubble and the Hubble Heritage Team (2015) Original picture in color, greyscale edited © HEADT Centre (2018)

Typesetting and Design Kerstin Kühl

Print and Binding 15 Grad Printed in Germany 1



Edited by Dr. Thorsten Stephan Beck, Melanie Rügenhagen and Prof. Dr. Michael Seadle

HEADT Centre Publications goal of the exhibition

The goal of this exhibition is to increase awareness about research integrity. The exhibition highlights areas where both human errors and intentional manipulation have resulted in the loss of positions and damage to careers. Students, doctoral students, and early career scholars especially need to recognize the risks, but senior scholars can also be caught and sometimes are caught for actions decades earlier. There is no statute of limitations for breaches of good scholarly practice.

This exhibition serves as a learning tool. It was designed in part by students in a project seminar offered in the joint master’s programme on Digital Curation between Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and King’s College London. The exhibition has four parts. One has to do with image manipulation and falsification, ranging from art works to tests used in medical studies. Another focuses on research data, including human errors, bad choices, and complete fabrication. A third is concerned with text-based information, and discusses plagiarism as well as fake journals and censorship. The last section covers detection and the nuanced analysis needed to distinguish the grey zones between minor problems and gross negligence in case of fraud.

Detecting fraud is important, and it is equally important for people in decision-making roles to understand when actual long term damage to scholarship has taken place, and when scholars have done something wrong but without negative consequences in the long run to both and scholarship in general. Students especially need to learn the distinction between error and intent, negligence and gross negligence. Everyone makes mistakes, but undermining the reliability of scholarly results harms the whole scholarly community. images 3 and integrity

Images play an important role in many scholarly disciplines – in medical research as well as in art history. Images open up the invisible, they represent data and facilitate the understanding of complex contexts. Their power of persuasion is much praised – but the ability to manipulate images digitally has increased the distrust in them.

Faked images can falsify reality, simulate results, or show an idealized world. This part of the exhibition shows the different ways in which images can be manipulated and how difficult it is to detect errors or to expose forgeries. Examples are drawn from medical research, astronomy and art history, as well as from photo competitions. Look closely – what seems deceptively real is not necessarily authentic. 4


In 2010, Wolfgang Beltracchi emerged as a man who, along with three accomplices, forged a vast number of paintings attributed to dozens of renowned artists and sold them for millions to auction houses, collectors and museums. In 2006, a Maltese company bought the painting Red Picture with Horses, attributed to Heinrich Campendonk. Beltracchi’s activities came to an end when Nicholas Eastaugh, a forensic art scientist, performed an analysis of the painting and discovered traces of titanium white, which was only used from 1916 on, while the painting is dated 1914. Beltracchi later blamed a mislabeled oil color tube for this mistake. The forger was sentenced to six years in prison for 14 of his forgeries. He claims to have created more than 300 forgeries, some of which may still be part of museums, galleries and private collections worldwide.

So I took a zinc white from a tube, a Dutch “product, but unfortunately it didn’t say that it contained a small amount of titanium white.” 1 Wolfgang Beltracchi, Art Forger and Artist

1 Wolfgang Beltracchi, in: Gorris & Röbel [2], 2012. 5

Red Picture with Horses Attributed to Heinrich Campendonk (1889 – 1957) Forged by Wolfgang Beltracchi Oil on canvas About 2005 Source: dpa - picture alliance GmbH (Accessed September 12, 2018. Access requires registration) dpa - picture alliance GmbH 6


What makes this copy of Galileo Galilei’s Starry Messenger special are the watercolor drawings of the moon. Assuming this would make the book extremely valuable on the market, the owner Richard Lan, a New York book seller, asked art historian Horst Bredekamp for an in-depth analysis of its authenticity in 2005. Bredekamp’s analysis concluded that there was no evidence of forgery, but that the “New York” copy was most likely a print template for all later editions of the Starry Messenger. But some doubts remained. In 2011, Georgia State University art historian Nick Wilding compared the “New York” copy to other known copies of the work and discovered anomalies, such as misspellings, a closed circle in the stamp of the Cesi library, as well as some distorted portions of text, which are not typical for a letterpress print. After more evidence was collected, it became obvious that the “New York” copy indeed must have been a forgery – created from the digital version of another edition. Given this proof, Bredekamp and colleagues started another research project in which they critically reflected on their own authentication methods. Since it was now clear the book was not an original, more invasive techniques could be applied. The material analysis of a fiber sample eventually revealed that the manuscript contained cotton linters, which were not used in paper production before the 19th century.

I have learnt, in a bitter way, what I knew “before, but not in this concrete sense: that phenomena can be looked at from different perspectives and that from different viewpoints they tell completely different narratives.” 2 Horst Bredekamp, Art Historian

2 Bredekamp, Brückle & Needham, 2014. 7

Drawings of the “New York” Copy of the Starry Messenger Attributed to Galileo Galilei (1564 – 1642) Ink and watercolor on paper Forged by Marino Massimo De Caro (before 2005) Drawings by Dr. Thorsten Beck (2019) 8


In this image from Hubble Telescope, we see the “Eagle Nebula” – a young cluster of stars in the constellation Serpens with bright blues and greens swirling together in pillars of clouds. It may surprise some to learn that such images were, in fact, originally greyscale-colored and that the colors were added using color filters that illustrate the colors associated with the chemical elements in the nebula. There is no doubt NASA and ESA/Hubble manipulated these images, but the question arises whether this form of coloring should be mentioned more prominently than is currently done. Scholarly research generally demands transparency, yet one of the largest research facilities does not state clearly that the colors do not reflect the Hubble Telescope image. Uninformed viewers may believe that by looking through a telescope, one sees these amazing and awe-inspiring sights, while the colors are actually rendered after Hubble Telescope took the greyscale image.

This image shows the pillars as seen in visible “ light, capturing the multi-coloured glow of gas clouds, wispy tendrils of dark cosmic dust, and the rust-coloured elephants’ trunks of the nebula’s famous pillars.” 3 Hubble Space Telescope, 2015

3 Hubble Space Telescope, 2015. 9

Eagle Nebula, M 16, Messier 16 Post-processing space image 2015 Source: NASA, ESA / Hubble and the Hubble Heritage Team (Accessed September 12, 2018) NASA, ESA / Hubble and the Hubble Heritage Team 10


This photograph by Marcio Cabral was one of the winners of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition in 2017, but before long, third party accusations were made that the anteater in the photograph could be the taxidermied prop at the entrance of the park where the image was taken. The museum carried out a several week-long investigation. While an expert panel of investigators concluded that the anteater in Cabral’s image bore too much similarity to the taxidermied specimen to be a coincidence, the photography website, Petapixel, made a case the image is genuine. The museum ultimately decided to rescind Cabral’s prize because, from their perspective, it violated the contest’s rule that “entries must not deceive the viewer or attempt to misrepresent the reality of .” 4 Unless the photographer can provide clear evidence he did not stage the photo, the museum will not reverse its decision, and will bar him from entering the contest ever again.

After a thorough investigation, and a “ review of all of the information collated, a decision was made.” 5 Wildlife of the Year competition office

4 Natural History Museum, London [2]. 5 From an email from Wildlife of the Year competition office. 11

The Night Raider Marcio Cabral Photograph 2017 Source: Biosphoto (Accessed November 4, 2019) Marcio Cabral / Biosphoto 12


The “Savior of the World” is the title of the painting that goes down in history in November 2017 as the most expensive artwork ever sold. The auction house Christie’s scored nearly half a billion US dollars at the auction for a picture that was traded in 1958 for only 45 pounds. The spectacular rediscovery and time-consuming authentication of the image as an original da Vinci is documented on the auction house website. For more than 6 years, well-known experts examined the work of art before finally concluding that this was an original from Leonardo’s hand. Critical voices, including the American art critic Jerry Saltz, have cast doubt on the authenticity of this work. This is not just about authorship – the work cannot really be meaningfully integrated into Da Vinci’s Œu­v­re – but rather how much of Leonardo’s original artwork is left. The picture was restored and painted over too often and too comprehensively to speak of a genuine Da Vinci. The claim is a cliché of how to imagine a masterpiece from Leonardo’s pen. The commercially successful auction of this “newly discovered old master” expresses a system in which money matters more than authenticity.

Why is a Leonardo in a Modern and “ Contemporary auction?” Before I could say, “Yeah! Why?” he answered, “Because 90 percent of it was painted in the last 50 years.” 6 Jerry Saltz

6 Saltz, 2017. 13

Salvator Mundi Attributed to Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519) Oil on panel About 1500 Source: Christie’s (Accessed September 12, 2018) Christie’s 14


This image was included in a paper that was used politically as a reference for the Italian senate’s opposition to genetically modified food. The research showed that genetically manipulated soya bean could have an impact on goat offsprings whose parents ate those soya beans. Due to its political significance, Elena Cattaneo, an Italian senator and neuroscientist, took a close look and discovered various aspects of image manipulation. She then commissioned an Italian forensic expert with an analysis of the images. Federico Infascelli – who headed the research team that produced this paper – was accused of self-plagiarism, the erasure of elements from the images and image duplication and recycling. After uncovering the manipulation, Dr. Cattaneo contacted the University of Naples, which conducted a research integrity investigation. As a result, the paper was retracted. Afterwards Cattaneo herself had to face accusations in the Italian senate for acting as a lobbyist for biotech giant Monsanto.

The case is very important also because these “ papers have been used politically in the debate on GM [genetically manipulated] crops.” 7 Elena Cattaneo, Italian Senator

7 Palus, 2016. 15

Manipulated Electrophoresis Gel Federico Infascelli et al. (1) Fig. 1 from: “Fate of transgenic DNA and evaluation of metabolic effects in goats fed genetically modified soybean and in their offsprings” (2) Fig. 1 with altered contrasts and brightness (edited by Thorsten Beck) Published in Animal, 2010 Source: Cambridge University Press (Accessed September 12, 2018) Cambridge University Press text and integrity

Text is ubiquitous in the academic world, including in the natural , where some scholars characterise the descriptions in articles as mere advertising for the real results in labs or databases. Nonetheless verbal descriptions still matter. Citations in academic papers have themselves become an industry, and some universities use citation counts as a factor in hiring, tenure, and promotion decisions. This has tempted some people to increase their citation count by citing themselves frequently, sometimes arguing that they want to avoid self-plagiarism this way. Plagiarism itself has become a widely discussed topic with commercial software systems to discover plagiarism, and with people who set strict rules about copying for cases that once represented a legitimate reuse of the language of a topic. Actual plagiarism is an ethical and potentially a copyright issue, but even serious copying does far less damage to the fabric of scholarship than data falsification. 17

The drive to publish has created a market for pre- datory journals. These journals charge for publishing through Article Processing Charges (APCs), and attract authors by promising fast turnaround via an abbreviated or entirely fake review process. The contents of these publications are not necessarily false, but they have skipped the benefit of a review process meant to catch errors and to detect untruths.

At the other end of the spectrum is censorship, which takes a variety of forms. Sometimes it involves local governments rejecting texts for libraries or schools, and sometimes it becomes a ban on works that express unwanted viewpoints or opinions. Not all forms of censorship are bad, such as those that restrict incitement to violence and hate-crimes, but it can also affect information about, for example, evolution, or lead to a ban on novels. 18


The plagiarism detection site VroniPlag uses a diagram that looks like a barcode to indicate the number of pages with text that – by their standards – match texts that other authors wrote. The bar- code uses five colors: light blue means pages that are not relevant, white means pages with no matching, black where there is some matching (less than 50%), dark red means 50% – 75% of the page had matches, and red means that more than 75% had matches. VroniPlag also gives the total number of pages where they found any matches, and the percentage of pages for the whole work. The barcode graphic, the number, and the percent are persuasive in conveying an accusation, but do not convey a balanced view. Without changing VroniPlag’s standards for what constitutes a match, more balanced numbers can be found by calculating how much matching occurred simply by using the colours. The example below (Dissertation Thiemo-Marcell Jeck) uses both the maximum percentage for the colour, and the average between the minimum and maximum percent for the colour:

Colour Pages max Pages Average Pages with % colour with max % colour average colour % colour % colour

Black 20 50% 10 pages 25% 5 pages

Dark red 4 75% 3 pages 62.5% 2.5 pages

Red 2 100% 2 pages 8 7.5 % 1.75 pages

Total 26 15 pages 9.25 pages

This calculation means that instead of 26 pages (17%) with potential overlap, as VroniPlag claims, there were 15 pages (9.1%) using the color percentages at maximum values, and only 9.25 pages (5.6%) using the colour averages. These numbers could make a significantly different impression on those evaluating whether plagiarism occurred, while still using the same standards. 19

Website VroniPlag Source: VroniPlag Wiki (Accessed September 12, 2018) Screenshot, September 12, 2018 20


A consensus has grown among scientists that climate change is a serious issue. Nonetheless the US Environmental Protection Agency removed its page specifically on climate change < > in 2017. Other pages on climate change are still available, but Time Magazine notes that “The EPA’s site is now riddled with missing links, redirecting pages and buried information. Over the past year, terms like “fossil fuels”, “greenhouse gases” and “global warming” have been excised.” 8 There is good reason to believe that the missing infor- mation is a deliberate form of censorship by the administration.

Website of US Environmental Protection Agency Source: United States Environmental Protection Agency (Accessed November 4, 2019)

8 Barron, 2018. 21

Website of US Environmental Protection Agency (Status: November 4, 2019) (Accessed November 4, 2019) Screenshot, November 4, 2019 22


Fake journals damage the integrity of publishing with a pretense of academic rigor and the goal of enriching themselves from research money. The Süddeutsche Zeitung submitted an article to the Journal of Integrative Oncology on 20 July 2018, in which a fictitious author, “R. Funden” (equivalent in English to “I. Maginary”), wrote a fake study on “Die kombinierten Effekte von Essigsäureethyl- esterextrakten in Bienenharz auf das Absterben menschlicher Darmkrebsstellen” (English: “The combined effects of ethyl acetate extracts in bee resin on the death of human colon cancer sites”). The journal accepted the article with the claim that a reviewer wanted the label on a graphic improved and asked if the ethics commission had approved the study; with those minor changes the article was accepted and the author asked to pay 1892 € publication fees. is the publisher of The Journal of Integrative Oncology, and the US “filed a complaint against the publisher OMICS Group and two of its subsidiaries, saying the publisher deceives scholars and misrepre- sents the editorial rigor of its journals”9 . There are blacklists (such as Beall’s list of potential predatory publishers) and white lists (often maintained by subject specialties within universities), but scholars should also watch for the obvious signs: overly fast without substantive comments, undocumented impact-factor claims, Article Processing Charges (APCs), and grandiose names or names similar to established journals.

Beall’s List of Predatory Journals Source: Beall’s List of Predatory Journals and Publishers (website) URL: (Accessed September 11, 2018) Status: September 11, 2018

9 Straumsheim, 2016.

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Ltd. International (INGENIN) Biohelikon Development of Teaching and Gatha Cognition Innovare Academic Sciences Biohouse Publishing Group Business Processes in New Net Gavin Publishers Innovational Publishers BioInfo Publications Environment in B&H) GBS Publishers & Distributors Innovative Journals BioIT international Journals Dynamic Publishers (India) Innovative Publication 24

Innovative Space of Scientific International Formulae Group International Science Community Madridge Publishers Research (ISSR Journals) (IFG) Association Mainspringer Innovinc International Forum of International Scientific Management Journals INPRESSCO (International Press Researchers Students and Academic Corporation Marsland Press Corporation) Academician (IFRSA) International Scientific Academy Mary and Sam Research Academia INREWI International Foundation for of Engineering & Technology Maryland Institute of Research Ishaan Publishing House Modern Education and Scientific International Scientific MASAUM Network Insight Core Research (INFOMESR) Engineering and Research Mathews Open Access Journals Insight Knowledge International Foundation for Publications Maxwell Scientific Organization Insight Medical Publishing Research and Development International Scientific MAYFEB Technology Development (IMedPub) International House for Invention Journals McMed International Instaci Academic Scientific Research International Scientific Meas Publishing Ltd The Institute for Business and [Link dead as of 2013-01-02] Publications MECS (Modern Education and Finance Research (IBFR) International Indexed Refereed International Scientific Computer Science Press) Institute for Research and Research Journal Research Organization for MedCrave Development India (IRD) International Information Science, Engineering and Medical science Institute of Advanced Scientific Institute Technology (ISROSET) Medical Science Journals Research International Institute for International Scientific [Link dead as of 2012-11-14] Institute of Doctors Engineers Private, Commercial and Research Organization Journals Medip Academy and Scientists (IDES) Competition Law (ISROJ) Mediterranean Center of Social Institute of Electronic & International Institute for International Skill Research and Educational Research Information Technology Science, Technology and Journals (MCSER) (note: from January 2017 Institute of Integrative Omics Education (IISTE) International Society for this publisher’s journals are and Applied Biotechnology (International Knowledge Engineering Research and published by De Gruyter Open, a Institute of Language and Sharing Platform) Development (ISERD) legitimate open-access Communication Studies International Institute of International Society for publisher) Institute of Research Advances Engineers (IIE) Engineers and Researchers MEDNANO Publications (IRA) International Institute of (ISER) Medwell Journals Institute of Research and Engineers & Researchers International Society for Medwin Publishers Journals (IRAJ) International Institute of green.sustainable engineering Meghana Publications Institute of Research Engineers Informatics and Systemics and management Mehta Press and Doctors (theIRED) International Institute of International Society for Merit Research Journals Institute of Research Engineers Science & Industry Research Zoological Research (ISZR) Meta Research Press and Scientists (IISIR) International Society of Thesis MNK Publication Institute of Research In International Invention Publication (ISTP) Modern Research Publishers Engineering and Technology (IRET) Journals International Society of Modern Scientific Press Institute of Strategic and International Journal of College Universal Research in Sciences Mr. Scholar International Studies & University (IJCU) (EyeSo u rce) Muhammadon Centre for Research InTech Open Access Publisher International Journal of The International Technology and Development (MCRD) – Mirror site Research & Development Innovation (ITi) MuK Publications & Integrated Academic Journals Organisation (IJRDO) Distributions Integrated Intelligent Research International Journal Internet Scientific Publications Multidisciplinary Journals (IIR) Publishers Group Interscience Journals Mustang Journals Integrated Publishing The International Journal Interscience Open Access N&N Global Technology (NNGT) Association Research Publications (TIJ Journals Narain Publishers Pvt. Ltd Integrated Science Publications Research Publications) Inter-USE (International Union (NPPL) Intellectual Archive International Journals (Yadav of Scence and Education) National Association of Intercontinental Management Scientific Journals Publishers) Intuition Journals Scholars (Национальная Research Review (ICMRR) International Invention Journals ассоциация ученых: НАУ) Interlink Continental Journals International Journals for IORE International National College of Physicians Intermedcentral Research (IJR) IOS Publishing (Institute of Natural Sciences Publishing International Academic Journals International Journals for Science Publishing) Corporation International Academic Research (IJR Group) IOSR Journals SEE International Naturepub Publishing House International Journals for Organization of Scientific Nauk Publication International Academy for Researchers Research +Nemis Journals Advancement of Business International Journal of iProbe Group Nessa Publishers (NP) Research (IAABR) Academic Research (Publisher) Ira Publications Net Journals International Academy for International Journals of IRED International Journals New Century Publishing Group Science & Technology Education Engineering & Sciences IRO Journals New Century Science Press and Research (IASTER) International Journals of Multi IROSSS (International Research Publisher International Academy of Arts, Dimensional Research Organization of Sciences and New Ground Research Journals Science & Technology (IAAST) International Journals of Social Sciences) New Science Series Journals International Academy of Multidisciplinary Research Isaac Scientific Publishing (NSSJ) Business Academy iSER Publications New Scientist Publishers International Academy of International Journals of N&N Ishitv New World Publishing Business & Economics (IABE) Global Technology (IJNNGT) ISISnet New World Sciences Academy International Academy of International Journals of Islamic World Network for Newpubli Computer & IT Engineering Research (INTJR) Environmental Science and Nexus Academic Publishers (NAP) (IACITE) International Journals of Technology (IWNEST Publisher) nhsJournal International Academy of Research Papers (IJRP) ISPACS (International Scientific Noble Academic Publisher (NAP) Ecology and Environmental International Journals of Publications and Consulting Nobel International Journals Sciences (IAEES) Sciences and High Technologies Services) NobleResearch International Academy of (IJSHT) Ivy Union Publishing Non Olympic Times Science and Higher Education International Journals of Jabalpur Management Association North American Research (IASH) Scientific Knowledge (IJSK) Jacobs Publishers Publishing International Academy of International Journals of JACS Directory North Asian International Science, Engineering and Scientific Research Publications Jaypee Journals Research Journal Consortium Technology (IASET) (IJSRPUB) JET Publishing (NAIRJC) International Academy of International Journals of Journals of Scientifics R&D North Atlantic University Union Science, Engineering and Scientific Research (IJSR) Joseph Publishing Group Noto-are Technology (International ASET) International Knowledge Press Journal Dynamics Nova Explore Publications International Academy of International Knowledge Sharing Journal Issues Novel Science Science, Technology, Platform SEE International Journal Network Novelty Journals (see also Engineering and Management Institute for Science, Journal of Comprehensive Social Science Journals) International Academy Technology and Education (IISTE) Research Novus Scientia Journals Publishing (IAP) International Network for Journal of Harmonized Research Nuclei Online The International Academy, Applied Sciences and Technology Publications OA Publishing London Research and Industry International Network for Journal of The International OAE Publishing, Inc. (OAE) (OAE) Association (IARIA) Natural Sciences (INNSPUB) Association of Advanced Oak-Fortress Journals International Advances for International Network for Technology and Science (JIAATS) OASP Journals Research Scientific & Industrial Journals Club & Co. Oceanic Journals International Agency for Information Journals Pub Ology Science Development of Culture, International Online Knowledge JournalsBank OMICS International Education and Science Services Provider (IOKSP) JScholar Journals (OMICS Publishing Group) International Association for International Online Medical JSciMed Central Ommega Publishers Academians Council (IOMC) July Press OneCentral Press International Association for International Organization Juniper Publishers Online Journals Management Engineering & Technology Center of Academic Research Jyoti Academic Press System (OJMS) International Association for (OCERINT) KAAV Publications Online Research Journals Engineering and Management International Organization of Kaleidoscope Journals Online Science Publishing Education (IAEME) Scientific Invention (IOSI) KambohWell Publisher OPAST The International Association International Organization of Enterprises Open Access eBooks for Information, Culture, Human Scientific Research (IOSR Kamla Raj Enterprises Open Academic Press and Industry Technology Jo u r nals) (KRE Publishers) Open Access Journal Limited International Association of International Organization of KEI Journals (T he OJAL) Computer Science and Scientific Research and KEJA Publications Open Access Journals Information Technology Development (IOSRDD) Kenkyu Group Open Access Journals Publishing (IACSIT Press) International Postgraduate Key Research Journals (KRJ) Company International Association of Network Kiban Research Publications Open Access Library Advances in Engineering and (IPN Network) Kindi Publication Open Access Pub also here Technology (IAAET) International Publisher & C.O Knowledge Publishing Printing & Open Access Publishing Group International Association of (IPCO) Distribution House Open Access Science Research Engineering & Technology International Publisher for Knowledgebase Publishers Publisher (OASRP) Researchers (IAETR) Advanced Scientific Journals KnowledgeCuddle Publication Open Access Text (OAT, OA Text) International Association of (IPASJ) KnowledgesPublisher Open BioMedical Publishing Journals & Conferences (IAJC) International Recognition Knowledgia Scientific (formerly Corporation (OBM) International Association of Multidisciplinary Research Knowledgia Review) Open Journal Systems Scientific Innovation and Journals, Monthly Publish Kogaion Publishing Center Open Knowledge Journals Research (IASIR) International Recognition Kowsar Publishing Open Research and Science International Association of Research Journals Kozmenko Science Publishing Library (ORSlib) Technology Education & Industry International Research Krishi Sanskriti Open Research Network International Bauhaus Science Association of Computer KSP Journals Open Research Society Press Science, & Technology (IRACST) KY Publications Open Science International Center for International Research Ladder Publishing House Open Science Publications Business Research E-Journals Landmark Research Journals OpenAccessPub also here International Centre for International Research Group LAR Openventio Publishsers Integrated Development Research International Research Journals Lawarence Press OPR Science (ICIDR) (Accra, Ghana) Lecolink Research Journals ORB Academic Publisher International Centre of Culture International Research Journals Lectito Journals Orbit Research and Development Inventory (Lagos, Nigeria) Leena & Luna International ORIC Publications International Computer Science International Research Lexis Publisher Ozean Publications and Engineering Society (ICSES) Organization of Computer Library of Academic Resources Pacesetter Online Publishers International Conference on Science (IROCS) (LAR) Pacific Group of e-Journals Computer Science and International Research Lifescience Global (PaG e) Engineering Publication House (IRPH) LifeSciFeed Ventures Pak Publishing Group International Digital International Research Society Lighthouse Journal Publication Pakistan Science Mission (PSM) Organization for Scientific For Promotion of Science (INPOSO) (Lighthouse Journals) Palgo Journals Information (IDOSI) International Scholarly Open Literati Scientific and Panacea Research Library International Economics Access Research (ISOAR) (also Publishers (Literati Publishers) Paper Publications (see also Development and Research Center here) (see also Edupedia London Journals Press Social Science Journals) (IEDRC) P ublications) Longbridge Publishing Company PaperSciences Research International Education International Scholars Journals Look Academic Publishers Publisher Research Foundation (IERF) International Science & Lorem Journals Paramount Journals International Educative Research Journals (ISRJ) Macoctagon Journals PBS Journals Research Foundation And (isrjo u r nals) macroJournals Peak Journals Publisher International Science and Macrothink Institute Pearl Publication International eJournals Medical Journals (isaMed) MacroWorld Pearl Research Journals 25

Peertechz (Peer Teechz) Scholars Research Library Education United Kingdom Wireilla Scientific Publications Pelagia Research Library (SSE-UK) also called Society for WIT Press Pencil Academic Press Scholedge R&D Center Science and Education WOAR Journals (World Pezzottaite Journals Scholink Society for Science and Nature Organization of Academic Pharma Intelligence Scholoxy Publications Society of Business Research Research) Pharma Publisher Sci-Afric Publishers The Society of Digital World Academic Journal of Pharma Research Library Sci-Edit Publications Information and Wireless Business & Applied Sciences Pharmaceutical Research Sci Forschen Communications (SDIWC) (WAJBAS Publishing) [Publisher] Foundation SciDoc Publishers Society of Education (note: one World PharmaInfo Sciedu Press of their journals – Advances in World Academic Research PharmaInterScience Publishers Science & Engineering Research Bioresearch – is listed in JCR) Journals (WARJ) Pharmascope Publications Support soCiety (SERSC) Society of Engineering Science World Academic Union Philippine Association of Science & Knowledge Publishing and Technology (SEST India) World Academy of Research and Institutions for Research (PAIR) Corporation Limited Sons and Daughters Publishing Publication Photon Foundation The Science and Information House (SDPHI; E-JOURNALDIRECT) The World Academy of Research in Pinnacle Journal Publication Organization (SAI) Source, Source Journals Science and Engineering (WARSE) Pinnacle Research Journals (PRJ) Science and Knowledge Research South Asian Academic Research World Academy of Science and Pioneer Scientific Publisher Society (SandK Research Journals Technology (WAST) PiscoMed Publishing Society) Southern Cross Publishing Group World Academy of Science, Planetary Scientific Research Science Academy Publisher Speak Foundation Engineering and Technology Center (PSRC) Science Alert SPIRI The Global Research (WASET) Platinum Global Journals Science and Education Centre of Spring City Culture World Business Institute Also Premier Publishers North America International Group Pte Ltd. here: PressAcademia Science and Education (SciEP Also: here. World Journal of Publisher (WJP) Prime Journals Spring International S&T World Journals of Academic Pristine Research Journal Science and Engineering Publishing Media Co. (Spring Advances Publications (PRJP) Publishing Company Media Publishing) World Open Access Journals Priyanka Research Journal Science and Technology Central Spring Journals World Research Journals Publication Science and Technology Springwood Publishing World Research Library Progress Publishing Company SEE Publishing Corporation World Research Publications International Journal of Science Arena Publications Sprint Journals World Scholars Academic Research (Publisher) Science Education Foundation Sri Krishna International World Science and Research Progressive Academic Publishing Science Explorer Publications Research & Educational Publishing (WSRP) Progressive Science (ex plorer p u m) Consortium (SKIREC) World Science Publisher Publications Science Fair Open Library (SFOL) SS Publications World Science Research Journals Project Innovation also here ScienceFlora St. Anne Mary Publication (WSR Jo u r nals) ProJournals (Professional Science Huβ Standard Global Journals World Scientific and Engineering Jo u r nals) Science Instinct Publications The Standard International Academy and Society (WSEAS) Proscience Journals Science Journal Publication (SJP) Journals World Standard Organization Prudence Journals Science Park Journals Standard Research Journals World Wide Journals (Sara Book Prudent Journals Science Park Research Statperson Publishing Publication) Pubicon International Organization and Counseling Corporation Wudpecker Research Journals Publications (Pubicon Journals) (SPROC) STM Connect Wyno Academic Journals Public Science Framework Science Publications (www. Streem Journal Wyvern Publishing Group Publishing House of Sciences Stringer Open Xia & He Publishing also here (PHS) Science Publications Suryansh Publications Yellow Loop Journal ( Sustainable Scientific Publisher Zant World Press Purple Journals The Science Publishers (TSP) SV Publication Zeal Scienza Realm of Erudition Pushpa Publishing House Science Publishing Corporation Swan Open ZealSci Journals Pyrex Journals Science Publishing Group Swedish Scientific Publications Zeetarz Group Publishing Qingres Science Q Publishing Group Swift Journals Zenith International Research Quazzy Journals Science Record Journals Swiss Journals and Academic Foundation (ZIRAF) Quest Journals Science Research Association Symbiosis (Symbiosis Online Zia World Press R&D Modern Research Publication (SCIREA) Publishing) ZolCat Academic House R & S Publications [Link dead as Science Research Library (SRL) Synchro Publisher Zt-Journals of 2013-07-04] Science Sights Synergy Publishers Zygoscient RAJ Group Science Signpost Publishing T&S Journal PUblications Rating Academy Inc. (SSPub) TAF Publishing Last updated December 31, 2016 Readers Insight Publishers Science Target Takayama Publishing Group Recent Science Science Web Publishing Takshila Red Flower Publication Private (Scienceweb Publishing) Taraksh Journals Limited ScienceDomain International Techmind Research Update RedFame Publishing also here. Technical Journals Online Here we include publishers that Remedy Publications Scienceline Publications Technopark Publications were not originally on the Renu Publishers ScienceSolve Techno Science Academy Beall’s list, but may be Research & Analysis Journals Sciences & Engineering Research Terminal Journals predatory. (R A Jo u r nals) Publication Textroad Journals Research Academy of Social ScienceScript Thales Academic Publisher Academic Solutions (child of Sciences (RASS) Scienpress Ltd. Thavan E ACT International Academic Publications Ltd. and Research Alert Journals Sciencevier Journals Dynamic Publishers, both on the Research & Development Scient Open Access Thetic Journals B e all’s l i s t) Organization ScienTech Publisher Thomson & Ryberg Publications AGU Publications (website is not Research and Educational Scientia Ricerca TI Journals working, so I have listed all Society Scientia Socialis Time Journals their journals in the Standalone The Research and Information Scientific & Academic Publishing Timeline Publication Pvt. Ltd. Journals section) Organization (RIO) Scientific Advances Publishers TLEP Journals (The Leading Edge AI Publications Research and Knowledge Scientific & Academic Publishing Journal Publication Company) Bio-Byword Publishing PTY LTD Publication (SAP) Tomas Publishing Cambridge Scholars Publishing Research and Scientific Scientific Cooperations Topclass Global Journals (CSP) Innovation Society (RSIS) Scientific Federation (SciFed) Trade Science, Inc Center for Promoting Education Research & Reviews Scientific Future Trans Stellar (Transstellar) and Research (CPER) (International Journals) Scientific Institute For Transaction Series on Chembio Publishers Research Centre for Management Advanced Training and Studies Engineering Sciences and Cloud Journals (also Cloud and Social Studies (RCMSS) (SIATS) Technologies P ublications) Research Consultants and Scientific Journals Transcontinental Publishers Consortia Academia Publisher Scientific Journals Transnational Research Journals Crimson Publishers Research Foundation for International (formerly Universal Research Edupedia Publications (see also Humanity (RFH) Scientific Literature Jo u r nals) International Scholarly Open Research India Publications (RIP) Scientific Online Publishing TSPublications [Link dead as of Access Research) Research Institute for Scientific Open Access Journals 2013-08-23] EnPress Publisher Progression of Knowledge (RIPK) (SOAJ) Tulpar Academic Publishing eScientific Research (eSciRes) Research Institute for Science, The Scientific Pages (new website U.S. Science Press GJ Publications (GJ Technology, and Society (RISTaS) at Scholarly Pages) U H I V E ( U l u s l a r a r a s ı H a k e m l i P ublications) Research Journal Scientific Perspectives İletişim ve Edebiyat Globeedu Group (the group’s ResearchLEAP Publishing (Scipers) A r a ş t ı r m a l a r ı D e r g i s i ) a l s o h e r e journals are already on the Research Open Scientific Planet Ulster Press Beall’s list, but the group Research Publish Journals (see Scientific Platform Online Unified Journals didn’t have a website before) also Social Science Journals) Journals Unique Journals Communication Gupta Publications Research Publisher Scientific Research Gate (UJC) Healthcare Bulletin Research Publishing Group Scientific Research Publishing Unique Research Journals ​Incessant Nature Science Research, Science, and (SCIRP) United Scholars Publications Publishers (INSPublishers) Technology Publishers (RST) Scientific Times United Scientific Group Innovision Health Media, Inc. Research Script Scientific Viewers Universal Association of International Journal of Modern Research Trend ScientificWebJournals (SWJ) Computer and Electronics Research and Development Research WebPub SciForschen SEE Sci Forschen Engineers (UACEE) (IJMRND) Researchjournali Scigmoid Universal Association of International Peer Reviewed Revistas Academicas Sciknow Mechanical and Aeronautical Journals and Books (IPRJB) Revotech Press Scinzer Scientific Publications Engineers (UAMAE) IRDP Group of Journals RG Education Society (RG Journals SciPress Ltd Universal Publishing & Research (Innovative Research Developers of Scientific Research) SciRes Literature Organization (UPRO) and Publishers) Rising Vision (RV) SciRex Universal Research Group Kosmos Publishers Ross Science Publishers SCITECH Universal Research Publications Longdom Publishing RS Publication The SciTech Publishers Universe Scientific Publishing Lupine Publishers Rutveg Publishing, Inc. Scitechz Modern Business Press RW|ResearchWorld SciTechnol Universum Scientific Journals Multidisciplinary Digital Sacha And Diamond Academic ScottishGroup Education and ( Н а у ч н ы е ж у р н а л ы U n i v e r s u m ) Publishing Institute (MDPI) Publishers Testing Services also here (note: MDPI is very much a Sageya Publishers Scribes Guild Uptodate Research Publication hit-and-miss. Some of their Sadguru Publications SEAHI Publications & Academic URO Journals journals have a very poor Sai Om Publications Journals (SEAHI PAJ) USN peer-review; some are fine.In the Sai Scientific Communications Segment Journals Valley International Journals future, I will list MDPI journals Sakun Publishing House (SPH) Seitejournals VBRI Press separately.) SAMANM Group of Research Serials Publications Pvt Ltd Verizona Publisher (VZP) Ology Journals Publications (SGRP) SETScholars Vernon Innovative Publishers Open Access (OA) Publication Sanford Inter Science Press Seventh Sense Research Group (Vernon, VIPOA, Vernon Open Prague Development Center Sans Publishing Group Journals Access) (PRADEC) Sapient Press Shri Param Hans Education & VIBGYOR Online Publishers PubMedHouse Savant Journals Research Foundation Trust Victorquest Publications Research Center of Education and SAVAP International Sift Desk [company dissolved] Science (RCES) Savvy Science Publisher Significs Online Publishing Vidya Publications Research Route Scholar Journals [Link dead as Signpost e Journals Virtual Foundation for SAE Publications (Scientific and of 2013-04-20] Silicon Valley Publishers Advancement of Science and Academica Editores Publication Scholar People Singaporean Journals Technology(VFAST) house, SAEP) Scholar Publications SJournals VNMPublication Scholarly Pages (new website of Scholar Science Journals Sky Journals Vow Scientific Quest The Scientific Pages) ScholArena (also here) Slovakia Academic Publishing VRJ Publishers Scholars Academic and Scientific Scholarlink Resource Centre (SVAP) VSRD International Journals Society (SAS Society) Limited SM Group (SM Online Publishers) Watch Plus Scientific Education Scholarly and Academic Research Smart Science & Technology Webcrawler Journals Scimaze Group (Scimaze Journals (SARJ) SmatPub We-Together to Save Yourself Publishers) Scholarly Journals Smile Nation – Lets Smile Society SciTech Central Inc. Scholarly Research Journal’s Together Wesley & Eber Publishing Social Science Journals (a Scholarly Research Publisher Smith & Franklin Academic West East Institute website created by three Scholars Academic and Scientific Publishing Corporation WFL Publisher predatory publishers) Publishers (SAS Publishers) Society for Advancement of Whites Science Synotec Publishers Scholars Scitech Research Sciences Whioce Publishing Pte. Ltd. UK Education Consultancy Scholars Middle East Publishers Society for Science and Wilolud Journals Services Ltd 26


A year after German Defense Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg admitted plagiarism, another member of the German government, Minister of Education Annette Schavan, was accused of plagiarism. Schavan never admitted plagiarism, but in 2013 the Universität Düsseldorf took away the doctorate that she had earned in 1980. Less than the equivalent of 20 complete pages out of Schavan’s 335 page dissertation, are said to be plagiarized, but the accusers made their case by speaking in terms of the high number of pages (97) with plagiarism – this equals 29% of all pages. Here is an example from the blog schavanplag and its list of “unambiguous” plagiarism cases. The words in red are from the Schavan text that match words of Hannah Arendt. The words in blue in the Arendt text are those that do not match those of Schavan.

Schavan “Durch die Gründung und Erhaltung von politischen Gemeinwesen schließlich schafft menschliches Handeln die Bedingungen für eine Kontinuität der Generationen und damit für Geschichte.” 10

Arendt “[…] das Handeln schließlich, soweit es der Gründung und Erhaltung politischer Gemeinwesen dient, schafft die Bedingungen für eine Kontinuität der Generationen, für Erinnerung und damit für Geschichte.” 11

In this passage, 17 out of Schavan’s 23 words (74%) match those of Hannah Arendt, and 17 out of Arendt’s 26 words match those of Schavan (65%). The overlap is considerable, but not simple copying of whole sentences. The accusers apparently feel the overlap suffices to rule out chance selection.

10 schavanplag [2]. 11 schavanplag [2]. 27

Möglichkeiten. [FN 4] der das Dasein sich selbst wählt, auf Grund seiner eigensten Möglichkeiten. [[FN 4] "Das Selbst des alltäglichen Daseins ist das Man-selbst, das wir von dem eigentlichen, das heißt eigens ergriffenen Selbst unterscheiden" (Heidegger,Martin: a.a.O. S. 129.]


Auf Biemel wird im vorausgehenden Absatz verwiesen, hier jedoch nicht. Die Verfasserin eignet sich eine Aussage Biemels weitgehend wörtlich an, ohne diesen als deren Urheber auszuweisen.

1.4. Der Mensch – das handelnde Wesen [035]

Typus Quelle Verschleierung Arendt 1960

Dissertation: Fundstelle: Seite: 037, Zeilen: 09-12 Seite(n): 015, Zeilen: 29-32

Durch die Gründung und Erhaltung von politischen [...] das Handeln schließlich, soweit es der Gründung und Gemeinwesen schließlich schafft menschliches Handeln die Erhaltung politischer Gemeinwesen dient, schafft die Bedingungen für eine Kontinuität der Generationen und Bedingungen für eine Kontinuität der Generationen, für damit für Geschichte. Erinnerung und damit für Geschichte.


Die Urheberin des Gedankens, die politische Theoretikerin und Philosophin Hannah Arendt, wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit nicht nur nicht hier, sondern an gar keiner Stelle erwähnt.

2. Erziehung: Hilfe zur Personalisation [039]

2.2. Erziehung als Hilfe zur Personalisation [040]

Typus Quelle Bauernopfer Fend 1976

Dissertation: Fundstelle: Seite: 044, Zeilen: 17-23 Seite(n): 020, Zeilen: 01-07

Neben der behavioristischen Psychologie, wonach unter Unter "Sozialisierung" wird hier nichts anderes als jenes "Sozialisierung" jenes Muster von Belohnung und Strafe Muster von Belohnung und Strafe verstanden, das sich z. B. verstanden wird, das sich z.B. im Verhalten der Mutter im Verhalten der Mutter gegenüber dem Kind manifestiert. gegenüber dem Kind manifestiert, jene "child-rearing- Mit "Sozialisierung" sind "child-rearing practices" gemeint, practices", durch die der junge Mensch soziale besonders jene, die während der frühen Kindheit in der Verhaltensweisen erlernt, die ihm die Eingliederung in die Familie angewendet werden. Durch sie lerne der Mensch Gesellschaft ermöglichen [FN 3] [...]. sozial akzeptable Verhaltensweisen und werde dadurch in die Gesellschaft eingegliedert. [[FN 3] vgl. dazu eine Kurzdarstellung mit Literaturverweisen bei Fend,Helmut: Sozialisierung und Erziehung. Weinheim


Page 9 from the Plagiarism Documentation of Schavan’s Dissertation Note: The remark at the bottom of section 1.4. says that Annette Schavan did not give any reference to the philosopher Hannah Arendt in her entire dissertation. Source: Anonymous. “Dokumentation von Plagiaten in der Dissertation von Annette Schavan.”, June 15, 2015 (Accessed September 13, 2018) Screenshot: September 13, 2018 28


Cornell University professor and former editor of the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science, Robert Sternberg, has been accused of self-plagiarism and an unusually high number of self-citations (150 during his editorship). Earlier in 2018 researchers, prompted a petition to the Association for Psychological Science. Graduate student Brendan O’Connor opened the public discussion on Twitter. Nick Brown compiled his own findings and those of O’Connor in a blogpost at the end of April 2018. One of the most alarming examples was an article written by Sternberg that was comprised of 95% of two of his own works without referencing either one. Recycling one’s own text could theoretically be a breach of copyright if authors have surrendered the copyright of their published articles. Some self-plagiarism is almost inevitable, but it becomes problematic when taken to extremes. 29

Image of Robert Sternberg’s Article “WICS: A New Model for School Psychology” Areas highlighted in green and yellow are recycled from of Sternberg’s other works. 12 Source: Nick Brown’s Blog (Accessed September 13, 2018) Article published in School Psychology International, 2010 Sage Journals

12 Brown, 2018. data and integrity 12_ MISIDENTIFIED CELLS

Misidentified cells quickly become a form of de facto contamina- tion in lab sciences. In 1966, a geneticist and professor at the One of the principles of modern scholarship is the University of Washington proclaimed that cells he was working ability to build on past research results. This is true with appeared to be contaminated. In 2015, Christopher Korch for the humanities as well as for the social sciences looked into the issue, and concluded that “nearly 5,800 articles and especially the natural sciences. Fake or in 1,182 journals may have confused HeLa for HEp-2, and another unreliable data undermines any new work that tries 1,336 articles in 271 journals may have mixed up HeLa with INT to build on it. The cases in this section all involve 407”. 13 More than 30,000 publications are said to use misidenti- some form of false data that reached public notice, fied cell lines. but not all were intentional fraud. Contamination of There is no reason to think that scientists deliberately samples and disagreements about the interpretation misidentify cells, but once the misidentification has taken place, of data played a role in some. More problematic are the problem spreads, since the samples themselves are a form of other cases where process-falsification undermined living data. Precisely how best to warn people about the problem the credibility of the data, such as fake peer reviews is itself unclear. Retractions seem overly harsh in papers where or falsified consent forms. There are also cases where some uncertainty still exists about the scope and effect of the notable researchers just grew weary of the work problem. Published “expressions of concern” are one possible involved in creating real data and knew enough solution 14, but professors and research leaders need also to warn about how people in the research world thought to their doctoral students and staff. reverse engineer the process in order to create data that reflected the desired results.

It is hard to say how much false data is part of the current scholarly record. Replication studies are not popular with journal editors or scholars, and many experiments go untested. Scholarly data are too infrequently made available for re-analysis, and recreating the data themselves is expensive and time-consuming. Some attempts have been made to create fraud detection tools, but the tools tend to be discipline-specific and often rely on statistical expectations whose fit to a particular case must always be examined.

Uncertainty about the identity of Hep2 Cell Lines? Dr. Thorsten S. Beck Photographic Collage Illustration 2018

13 Oliver, 2018. 14 McCook, 2017. 31


Misidentified cells quickly become a form of de facto contamina- tion in lab sciences. In 1966, a geneticist and professor at the University of Washington proclaimed that cells he was working with appeared to be contaminated. In 2015, Christopher Korch looked into the issue, and concluded that “nearly 5,800 articles in 1,182 journals may have confused HeLa for HEp-2, and another 1,336 articles in 271 journals may have mixed up HeLa with INT 407”. 13 More than 30,000 publications are said to use misidenti- fied cell lines. There is no reason to think that scientists deliberately misidentify cells, but once the misidentification has taken place, the problem spreads, since the samples themselves are a form of living data. Precisely how best to warn people about the problem is itself unclear. Retractions seem overly harsh in papers where some uncertainty still exists about the scope and effect of the problem. Published “expressions of concern” are one possible solution 14, but professors and research leaders need also to warn their doctoral students and staff.

Uncertainty about the identity of Hep2 Cell Lines? Dr. Thorsten S. Beck Photographic Collage Illustration 2018

13 Oliver, 2018. 14 McCook, 2017. 32


This scene of a seating arrangement illustrates one of the studies that psychologist Diederik Stapel claimed to have carried out. Stapel argues that untidy surroundings triggered racist behavior. His setting was a train station in Utrecht (Netherlands), but he did not adjust his descriptions to the exact specifications of the actual station and got the number of seats wrong that he claimed were part of his experiment. Stapel was a professor who did real research at some point in his past but eventually started to fabricate data that was more elegant and less messy than real data, and was more pleasing for editors. His fraud unraveled when in 2011 two graduate students voiced their suspicions to the department leadership. Almost 60 of his publications have been retracted by now. He lost both his job and his doctoral degree.

Seating arrangement as in one of Diederik Stapel’s experimental environments Dr. Thorsten S. Beck Photographic Collage Illustration 2018 33


Jan Hendrik Schön claimed in 2000 to have used nanotechnology to show superconductivity in organic materials. Researchers failed to replicate Schön’s results, which raised doubts. In 2002, physicists noticed similarities between figures in Schön’s works. Bell Laboratories, Schön’s employer, started an investigation, which ultimately concluded that he committed misconduct in 16 out of the 24 cases that staff evaluated. Bell Laboratories fired him after the committee reported that Schön misrepresented and manipulated data. Reich (2009) wrote “… in 2002, Schön revealed to his investigators how he had actually done it. He was doing science backwards. He started with the conclusion he wanted and then assembled data to show it.” 15

Jan-Hendrik Schön: 10 million nano-transistors on the tip of a needle? Dr. Thorsten S. Beck Photographic Collage Illustration 2018

15 Reich, 2009. 34


This image illustrates an approach to treating Parkinson’s disease that neuroscientist Bruce Murdoch and Parkinson’s disease researcher Caroline Barwood promoted based on a study they never conducted. Murdoch had received grant money and forged consent forms to “prove” people agreed to participate. In the end he faced legal consequences. Murdoch and Barwood described their study in a paper that they published in the European Journal of Neurology in 2011. The hint to raise initial doubts came from a whistleblower. Their employer, University of Queensland (Australia), investigated 92 papers and retracted three of the Murdoch/Barwood co-authored papers. The university ended up re-paying roughly AUS $ 175,000 in research funds. Murdoch and Barwood were ultimately sentenced to two years in jail. Murdoch admitted to 17 fraudulent cases.

Treatment for Parkinson’s disease? Dr. Thorsten S. Beck Photographic Collage Illustration 2018 35


Ex-Harvard psychology professor, Marc Hauser, claimed that tamarin monkeys reacted to the alternation of music patterns in the 2002 paper “Rule learning by cotton-top tamarins”, published in the journal Cognition. If true, this would have been an important discovery. The research assistant who was asked to examine the research video of the tamarins, however, had a completely different opinion and felt that the monkeys did not have any reaction. This contra- dictory analysis of the result raised suspicion. Harvard’s report on the case says Hauser skewed his analysis and misrepresented results. The Office of Research Integrity issued a report after that in 2012 that claims that Hauser even fabricated data. In 2011, Hauser had already resigned from his position at Harvard, though he only admits to mistakes, not to research misconduct. The article in question as well as others have been retracted.

Cotton-Top Tamarin listening to music as in an experimental environment Dr. Thorsten S. Beck Photographic Collage Illustration 2018 detection and greyscale analysis


The integrity of information is complex and should not be judged in strict black and white / yes or no terms. Fair treatment for those accused of integrity violations requires a nuanced view using greyscale metrics. Greyscales show both the range of integrity levels and the degree to which each level indicates potential malpractice. Those levels allow nuanced and balanced decisions about consequences that affect people’s lives.

Plagiarism greyscale metrics for texts without a reference 16:

Type Description Label Valuation Significant Multiple identical C1 Probable matches sentences in a paragraph plagiarism Some matches ≥ 5 contiguous words C2 Potential within a sentence of plagiarism ≥ 5 words Near copying 1 Multiple (≥ 3) exact C3 Potential phrases (≥ 3 words) plagiarism overlap in contiguous sentences in a paragraph Near copying 2 Fewer than 5 C4 Potential contiguous words plagiarism within a sentence of more than 5 words Similarity 1 Several (< 3) exact S1 Questionable phrases (≥ 3 words) practice overlap in contiguous sentences in a paragraph or more than 9 words in sequence Similarity 2 Many (≥ 5) of the exact S2 Questionable same words (excluding practice function words) in contiguous sentences in the same paragraph Topic overlap Topic overlap with S3 Probably not facts and standard plagiarism phrases Standard words Widely used words or SW Not or phrases phrasesin this context plagiarism General Information so broadly GK Not knowledge/facts known that plagiarism formulations cannot be considered unique Implied Something such as an IQ Matching quotation indentation or colon without an implies that the intent to passage was quoted, deceive but no reference is supplied

16 This table is an extract from Seadle, 2017, S. 38, with minor changes made for this exhibition. 37

The form of integrity violation that does the least damage to scholarship and to science generally is plagiarism, which is a legal and ethical problem, but does not falsify data. The tables on the following page offer metrics to measure plagiarism problems. The same principles can be used to judge the far more complex situations that arise with data manipulation and falsification.

Plagiarism greyscale metrics for texts with a reference 17:

Type Description Label Valuation Missing A correct reference is MQ Bad practice, quotation marks there, but the but no quotation marks are deception missing Incomplete A partial reference is IR Bad practice, reference there, but quotation probably no marks are missing deception Poor reference An inaccurate PR Bad practice, reference is there, potential with or without deception quotation marks

17 This table is an extract from Seadle, 2017, S. 39, with minor changes made for this exhibition.

The same principles can be used to judge the far more complex situations that arise with data manipulation and falsification.

Data manipulation or fabrication greyscale metrics:

Type Description Label Valuation Missing Provenance is MP Serious risk provenance necessary to establish of data fraud d ata validity. Inaccurate or Provenance should IP Possibility unreliable include evidence that of data fraud provenance is itself genuine. More than 10% This suggests tampering RDM Risk of data of the data for samples ≥ 100. fraud manipulated More than 1% of The reasons for the PDM Possibility the data manipulation need to of data fraud manipulated be convincing. Some data (less Some data manipulation SDM May be than 1%) can be legitimate with acceptable manipulated a reasonable explanation. Missing The data may be MD A serious description/ impossible to problem metadata interpret correctly. Inaccurate The metadata are ID Potential description/ verifiably incorrect. fraud metadata image integrity database


Image manipulations that violate the rules of good scientific practice are a serious problem in many scientific fields. Especially if erroneous or deliberately falsified images go undetected, there is a risk that research based on them will produce incorrect results. Detecting image manipulation is by no means trivial, and numerous research teams worldwide are currently working on developing algorithms for the automated detection of manipulations. Comparing and testing the efficiency of such algorithms requires comparable test data. The Image Integrity Database of the HEADT Centre collects images from retracted publications that have encountered problems with images. This comprehensive data pool makes it possible to test algorithms for manipulation detection on images from actual research.

For more information on the image integrity database visit: 39

The HEADT Centre Image Integrity Database Source: Image Integrity Database (Accessed November 4, 2019, resticted access) Screenshot: November 4, 2019 references



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NOTE – parts of this text come from: Seadle, Michael. “Defining Predatory Journals.” HEADT Centre, Information Integrity Column, 2018, no. 3 (August 1, 2018).


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Seadle, Michael S. Quantifying Research Integrity. Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval, and Services 53. San Rafael, California: Morgan & Claypool, 2017. imprint



An exhibition of the Berlin School of Library and Information Science at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the HEADT Centre (Humboldt- Advanced Data & Text Centre).

The exhibition is the result of a project seminar offered in the joint master’s programme on Digital Curation between Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and King’s College London. ______

Initial venue of the exhibition (autumn 2018): Jacob- und Wilhelm-Grimm Zentrum, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin ______

For further detail and contact please get in touch with [email protected] 47


Student Contributors Sasha Agins Tina Christensen Laura Heikkinen Ho-Ya Hsu Christine Therese Kolar Safete Neza Jiaming Song Iulia-Cristina Strafalogea Catherine Alexa Tershak

Faculty Dr. Thorsten S. Beck Ulrike Liebner Melanie Rügenhagen Prof. Michael Seadle, PhD. Katharina Toeppe-Hudy

Exhibition Graphics Kerstin Kühl

Photographic Collage Illustrations Dr. Thorsten Beck

Design Exhibition System Julia Blumenthal, Head of Design Laboratory, Image Knowledge Gestaltung. An Interdisciplinary Laboratory. Cluster of Excellence Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Production Radebeuler Machwerk e.K.

Production Print Products 15 Grad

SPECIAL THANKS Julia Blumenthal, Interaction Designer Prof. Horst Bredekamp, Art Historian Nick Brown, Blogger, Nick Brown’s blog Marcio Cabral, Photographer Prof. Dr. Andreas Degkwitz, Director, Jacob-und-Wilhelm-Grimm-Zentrum Amaya Steinhilber, Director, Einstein Centre Digital Future Deborah Zehnder, Director, Image Knowledge Gestaltung. An Interdisciplinary Laboratory. Cluster of Excellence Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 48

ISBN 978-3-00-061938-0