A-Z of London Planning 2018-19 A-Z of London Planning WSP UK Ltd www.wsp.com Photography copyright © Shutterstock, Manesh Ravji, Cristina Morisson Please send any comments to:
[email protected] Disclaimer This report has been produced on the basis that the content contained within is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate at the time of publication (Summer 2019). Readers are advised that this data will become less accurate with the passing of time and that Indigo Planning does not accept any liability for the accuracy of the information contained herein. This report is the copyright of Indigo Planning Limited. It may not be used, referred to, reproduced or transmitted in whole or in part by anyone else without the express agreement of WSP UK Limited. WSP UK Limited is a private registered company, registered in England, number 2078863. Registered office WSP House, 70 Chancery Lane, WC2A 1AF. © WSP | Indigo 2019 v Foreword Planning for successful property development and regeneration in London is a complex business. Many facets influence the capital’s property market, from socio-economics to viewing corridors, and from public transport connectivity to local context and politics. The layers of London planning, with devolved city-wide governance through the Greater London Authority combined with the unique character and ambitions of each London borough, means that accessing and understanding key data is vital. But there’s a lot of data, which is why we produced the A-Z of London Planning – so that development professionals can access high level ‘need to know’ information at-a-glance.