THIS IS a GUIDE to MOST of the PEOPLE on the LUNACON '84 PROGRAM the Information Contained La Meant Only As a Guide and May Not Bo Completely Accurate
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THIS IS A GUIDE TO MOST OF THE PEOPLE ON THE LUNACON '84 PROGRAM The Information contained la meant only as a guide and may not bo completely accurate. G1NJER BUCHANAN: 1 She 11 one of the World Fantasy Award Judges this year. Ai ot March Itth, she will be Editor of Fantasy and SF at Berkloy/Ace. She Is also a well known fan writer. Her work has appeared professionally in Cosmos SF Magazine and In many fanzines. Interview with Terry Carri Saturday 3pm BILL BURNS I ’ A transplanted Englishman. Well versed In the eleetronlea field, where he Is a well reapeeted writing authority. Co-ageat for the annual Eastereon In England and global traveler. Panelai Saturday noon MARY BURNS: An American who la a global traveler, well acquainted with Inter* national fandom. la well reapeeted In the computer field. Co-agent for the annual Eaatereon In England. Panelai Saturday noon AVEDON CAROLI The 1113 TAFF delegate. She la wall known for her fannlah writing and her straight forward, no-nonaanae atyle. Panelai Saturday noon and 1pm . I JACK CHALKER: Well known for hla WELL WORLD atorles among many othars. A former Lunacon chairman and proud father of David Chalker. He la currently working on the SOUL RIDER aeries, the first of which has Just been released In paperback by Tor Books. READING: Saturday 1:30 pm Panelai Saturday 4pm HAL CLEMENTI Beat known for hla novelsi NEEDLE and MISSION OF GRAVITY. Famous for keeping the science In science fiction. A regular Lunacon attendee and program participant. Panelst Sunday noon • SUSAN COLLINS I She Is an Illustrator who has worked for Bluejay and Berkley Books. She Is the cover artist for Diane thiaaa'a novels published by Bluejay Books. Panelsi Saturday 1pm LINDA DENEROFF: Former Lunaeon chairperson. Publishes the fanzine "Guardian*. Very knowledgeable on the Ins and outs ot the media fanzine scene. Panelsi Saturday 11am VINCENT DI FATti Well known Illustrator of countless book covers. Famous for the hard science look of hla atwork. Former Lunaeon Artist Guest Of Honor. Panelsi Sunday noon JOHN DOUGLAS: .............. ’ ”------- -------------------------- -- ------—---------------------- Science Fiction Editor at Avon Books, whose responsibility extends to other fields. Formerly with Timescape Books. Panelsi Saturday noon GILLIAN FITZGERALD: Writes fantasy In the tradition ot the Irish aoannaohles. Her abort stories have appeared In ELSEWHERE, AMAZONS II, YEARS BEST FANTASY, Dragon Magazine and Fantasy and Science Fletioa Magazine. Panelsi Sunday 1pm JIM FRENKEL: Heed of Bluejay Books. Proud father ot both hla new publIahlng company and Jessica Frenkel. Panelsi Saturday noon CRAIG SHAW GARDNER! He Is the Manager ot the Science Fantasy Book Store of Cambridge, Massachusetts. Hla short stories have appeared In a wide variety of magazines and anthologies. Ineluding SHADOWS, the Dodd Meade GALLERY OF HORROR, PERPETUAL LIGHT, FLASHING SWORDS and GHOSTS. Ho reviews SF and film books regularly for the Washington Post and The Cleveland Flala Dealer. Panels: Saturday 11am a"4 midnight ALEXIS GILLILAND) His novels Inelude: THE REVOLUTION FROM ROSINANTE, LONG SHOT FOR ROSINANTE, TOE END OF TOE EMPIRE end the eertoon book, THE IRON LAW OP BUREAUCRACY. Plus the musical eomedy "2001: A Space Opera", performed at Constellation and at Dlseon II. Currently, WIZENBEAK, a sword and sorcery epic, Is In submission to Del Rey Books. Panels) Sunday tlam PARKE GODWIN) His BELOVED EXILE will be published by Bantam In June or July. Ills collection of short stories, TOE FIRE WHEN IT COMES Is due to be published by Doubleday In April. Reading) Saturday 1pm In room 1001/1002 From BELOVED EXILE Panels) Saturday 2pm and 4pm CHARLES L. GRANT) Well known for his SHADOWS anthologies. His NIGHTMARE SEASONS won the World Fantasy Award. His CONFESS THE SEASONS tied for the Best Novella World Fantasy Awlrd, which appears In the PERPETUAL LIGHT anthology. Forthcoming from Pocket Books Is NIGHT SONGS. Panels) Saturday 2pm and 10pm PETER HECK) SF reviewer for Newsday and Is currently editor of the Walden Books newsxlne "Xlgnals" Panels) Saturday 11am SHARON JARVIS) Has been In book publishing specializing In SF and Fantasy since 19S1. Started the anthologies SHADOWS and WHISPERS. She helped create the SPACEWAYS series. Discovered both John Crowley and Octavia Butler on the slush pile. She Introduced sex Into science fiction. The first to publish Eric Van Lustbader. Currently working on two series) THESE LAWLESS WORLDS for Pinnacle and TOE ALIEN TRACE for NAL. The first volume of THESE LAWLESS WORLDS series Is THE LOVE MACHINE,whI ch Is already on the stands. She is the eo-author of THE ALIEN TRACE series. Panels) Saturday 4pm ROBERT JORDAN) He has been writing for six years and has had nine books published. His latest will be CONAN TOE MAOUFICENT from Tor Books In May 1»I4. It will be his tenth book and fifth Conan novel. At present, he Is working on CHRONICLES OF THE DRAGON REBORN (his working title), a multl-volime fantasy with no dragons in it. Reading) Saturday 11)15 In room 1001/1002 From CONAN TOE MAGNIFICENT Panels) Saturday 4pm MARVIN KAYE) He has collaborated with Perke Godwin three tlmest TOE MASTERS OF SOLITUDE, WINTERMIND, and A COLD BLUE LIGHT. WINTERMIND Is being Issued by Bentam In paperback for April 19(4. Part of his INCREDIBLE LMBRELLA won first runnarup In the 1971 British Fantasy Awards for Best Novella. It Is In the tradition of THE INOOMPLEAT ENCHANTER AND SILVERLOCK. WINTERMIND is the tragic and horrific sequel to TOE MASTERS OF SOLITUDE, which Stuart Sehiff called, 'Possibly the most Important Doubleday science fiction novel In many years' and which Galileo SF Magazine compared to LAWRENCE OF ARABIA, SHARDIK, and RENDEZVOUS WITH RAMA by Arthur C. Clarke. Reading) Saturday 3pm In room 1001/1002 A chapter from WINTERMIND and a chapter from THE INCREDIBLE UMBRELLA. Panels) Saturday 4pm NANCY KRESS) She has published short stories In Onnl , Fantasy and Science Fiction Magazine, and UNIVERSE, among others. Both of her novels are fantasy: PRINCE OF MORNING BELLS (19(1) and just-pub 1ished by Bluejay Books, THE GOLDEN GROVE. TOE GOLDEN GROVE Is a fantasy re-telling of the Greek myth of Arechne. Panels) Sundey 11am and 2pm MORGAN LLYWELYN) She writes historical fiction with a fantasy slant. Her novel, LION OF IRELAND (Berkley) la being filmed on location In Ireland this sumner by Herbert Wright of Lion Productions. Her THE HORSE OODOESS has been chosen by the Book of the Month Club. BARD, THE ODYSSEY OF TOE IRISH, about the fairies of Ireland (the Little People), who and whet they might be Is due to be published by Holt In hardcover. Penels) Sundey 2pm FRANK BELNAP LONG) This year marks the 50th anniversary of his first professional sale. He has been s practicing professional writer throughout these past sixty years, contributing many horror and SF stories. He was a member of the Lovecraft Circle. Hit belt known and moot reprinted story (appearlngln over 1 dozen collection! over the years) li 'The Hound* Of Tlndalos*. He hae been presented with the World Fantasy Life Achievement Award. Panelst Saturday 4PM MARIE MARINO! " “ ........ I" “ She Is the Assistant Contract Manager of the Berkley Publishing Group. Panelst Saturday noon DAVID MATTINGLY! An illustrator who has <orked on a wide range of projects, Including doing some of the matte paintings for *The Blaek Hole* for Walt Disney Films. He has worked tor vl'tually every publisher In New York. Panels: Saturday 1pm HARRIET PC DOUGAL:* She Is the Editorial Dl'eetor of Tor Books, and former Editorial Director of Ace. Panelst Saturday noon JUDITH MITCHELL: She has just recently Illustrated the new edition of Mildred Downey Broxon's TOO LONG A SACRIFICE tor Bluejay Books. Has worked for Berkley Books as well as doing Illustrations for Analog. Panels: Saturday 2pm I PAT O'NEILL: He has been a writer fcr Starlog Magazine and other publIeetIons. His work has also appeared In in ny medle-orI ented fantines. Psnels: Saturday Ham 1 1 PETER PAUTZ: * I His work has sppeared la Fantasy and Science Fiction Magazine, Questar, Fantasy Tales and has baen In Charles Grant's SHADOWS anthologies three times. He Is currently the Executive Secretary tor tha Science Fiction Writers of America (SFWA) and Is the current President of the World Fentasy Awards Assoclstlon. Presently, he Is working as a teacher for severely emotionally disturbed children. Panels: Saturday 10pm ANDREW PORTER: ! The Ed Itor/Fubl I sher of SF Chronicle and contary to popular belief Is the owner of only half a Hu> o for Best Fanzine. Panels: Saturdsy 1pm CHUCK ROITMAN: . ________________i . His story "The MunlJ Deserters,* appeared In the June lilt issue of Isaac Asimov's SF Magazine. His second story, *The Transformation,* will appear thia spring In the original anthology TOMORROW'S VOICES. Panels: Sunday 11am ALAN RYAN: i His next novel, CAST A COLD EYE, will be published In hsrdeover by Dark Harvest Books In Aprl< 1114 and In paperback by Tor In July 1914. Coomentlng In advance, William Peter Blatty says of It: *The writing Is beautiful, haunting, hypnotic, the story a page-turner.* Hill House.will publish a collection of hi» stories, DARK ASSORTMENT in hardcover for October 1914 end Tor Books win Issue the paperback In 1919. A collection of four original novellas, QUADRIPHOBIA, will be published by Doubleday in 1919. He la currently editing two anthologies of new horror stories^ HALLOWEEN HORRORS for Doubleday, and NIGHT VISIONS 1, the first volume of an annual series, for Dark Harvest Books. He has served as a Judge for The World Fantasy Awards and l> a member If the National Book Critics Circle. Panels: Saturday Ham, 10 m and midnight ART SAHA: Has served as a judge for the World Fantasy Award*.