Filing Schedule Signatures In Lieu of Filing Fee Petitions for all candidates: 09/12/19 – 11/06/19 Nomination Period for Democratic, Republican and Peace & Freedom Party Central Committees and Green Party County Council: 09/27/19 – 12/06/19 Declaration of Intention for Judicial offices: 10/28/19 – 11/06/19 Declaration of Intention Extension Period: 11/07/16 – *11/11/19 Declaration of Candidacy and Nomination for all candidates: *11/11/19 – 12/06/19 Extension Period: 12/07/19 – 12/11/19 Write-In Period: 01/06/20 – 02/18/20 Vote By Mail: 02/03/20 – 02/25/20 Close of Registration: 02/17/20*

*Date falls on a holiday; it does not move forward to the next business day. However, the Ventura County Elections Division office will be closed.

OFFICES UP FOR ELECTION (subject to change)


President / Vice President Donald Trump / Mike Pence

United States Representative 24th Congressional District Salud Carbajal 25th Congressional District Katie Hill 26th Congressional District Julia Brownley 30th Congressional District Brad Sherman

Member of the State Senate th 19 State Senate **Hannah-Beth Jackson 27th State Senate Henry Stern

Member of the State Assembly 37th District Monique Limón 38th District Christy Smith 44th District Jacqui Irwin 45th District

Judge of the Superior Court Vincent J. O’Neill, Jr. Kent M. Kellegrew Tari L. Cody Patricia Murphy Jeff Bennett Matthew Guasco Gilbert Romero Michael S. Lief JoAnn Johnson Benjamin Coats Ronda McKaig

Member, Board of Supervisors 1st Supervisorial District **Steve Bennett 3rd Supervisorial District Kelly Long 5th Supervisorial District **John C. Zaragoza

***Political Parties – Ventura County Central Committee Members/County Council Members Democratic Party 23 Seats Republican Party 22 Seats Peace and Freedom Party 7 Seats Green Party 8 Seats

**The term limits for these offices have been fulfilled; therefore, these officeholders are not eligible to be elected in 2020. ***The number of seats allotted to each Central Committee/County Council for the 2020 Election shall be determined at a later date.