Bulldogs Bomb Annual Meeting
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;', ' 7-fT^5„frr/> ” - " V?9H & '^* J J ' ' - ’,“■■■ “ * '■- “*“* -■ ■ * - ' — *-- ■'>.'.' .V' .FX-'sr --TaiKa■ V te'E>Ji'iS>fl>■«■ ' DAILYTRJBJJNE-EXAMINER Monday, F«br|Wfiry.28,1972 -V- Classified-Advertls incfRdtes Trtntlthf and Buslnei* Directory •' JEEP WAGONEER, the one 4- WisShiK''-'»?,f , , HORSE SHOEING H wheel drive wagon to please you. Consecutive Insertions Minimum Ad 3Une* -^pjlfctoN—The Dillon Beavers points. , ,, ttW W ille d ,a ll.s c o r e r s with Blanchi, PH. 8 8 3 r ^ f f 20 Your Jeep dealer in Dillon is lx JX Jx 5x Monthly jjrcPliffi,a^heart-breaker Saturday DILLON 20 >5 13 32—70 t ppints, one piore than Dillon's Ted ELLIOTT FORD SALES. 3 Lines . S .90 - $1.65 $2.40 .. $3.00 $13.20 *Ori: tallied. Deer Lodge’s Bill. -4 Lines 1,70 - o jo 3.00 4.00 17;60 H K ^ 01888 A Western LIBBY « 10 I8 13-i47 FOR SALE: C H A R O N BULLS. 5 Lines . 1.50 2.50 3.75 5.00 22.00 ‘ Tooke swished 16 points and Lynn 1967 GMC '/j Ton LWB V-6, '4 Speed 6 Lines 1.80 3.00 ' 4.50 6.00 26.40 ^ r T S a ? w/ h**81*!1’ DUlon ~ Cypher 19, Ori 1*. Lodge Kaleva added 13. Dillon got 13 For heavier weapwB 'weight 7 Lines 2.10 3.50’ 5.25 7,00 30.80 Warden! 10 f „ ^ ’.MeW«,b.vi.«,raS. culves use CbarolaisinSlls. U. F. Positraction $1495. No Trade, 704 points from Jere Cypher. E. Sebree. 5 per cent discount for cash or if paid within 10 days after billing. DEER LODGE 4 14 17 If (31—41 Kluesner, Leadore. Iapho 83464. Blind Box Ads require 75 cents extra handling cnarge.and mailing School !SttrL2R ^Sl) Ubby'— Spencer 11, Nelson 11, DILLON 11 10 IS If (11—37 Phone 768-2403/ FEBRUARY CLEARANCE: All Deadline Is NOON day before ad is run. ! 'O f f r Loclgo — Hilton 20, Tooke 14, Kaleva 13, Cancellation deadline is 9:00 a.m . the day ad ts running. :-RS * S ■ ■ ■ T• l*HV i ? £vvuiuaiuciu K ? J 2 t * Siu ^ ^ a m w v •■Fm m i *■ Pitman 3, Weston,2; Romiqe 2,: used cars and trucks. All priced CARDOF THANKS Columbia Falls Thursday night. In DUlon — Ori If, Cypher 13, Nleld 8, Pllon 7. ANGUS BULLS for. sale. Phone to go. COLLEGE MOTOR Flat Rate-.......................................*$2.00 In the Saturday play, which Lodge 6 /Davis 3, Henderion 1. the second round of the double 683-2600 or 683-2821. V ' SALES. Home of Buck - Pontiac - dropped the Beavers from the elimination event Friday, the Beaver Coach Ted Stanisich said GMC Quality Service. tourney, the Beavers led after the today, “ I thought we had a good YOU ARE always welcome here. Beavers met Libby, winning 70-47. FOR RENT: New, unfurnished 2 first two stops, 12-6 and 22-20, but season, really: better than an Come in. Make our “ Full Service DUlon fired in 55 per cent of the For Sale, Mobile Homes bedroom apt. Adults only, no Deer Lodge bounced back and tied ticipated; with the size of the boys Bank” . your financial' field goal attempts in the victory L ivestock pets. Phone 683-2116 after headquarters. The First the score at 37-all through three and the experience they had. There ARRIVING SHORTLY Pickup over Libby, to oust the 1971 periods: 5:30 p.m. National Bank of Dillon. divisional champs from the was only one senior on the team Toppers and Pickup Campers The Wardens, who secured their M arket , tourney. this year. and Travel Trailers. Western ONE AND TWO Bedroom modern WATER WELL DRILLING second straight trip to the State Hie Beavers employed an ef “ Next, year we’ll have an ex Trailer Sales. cottages, all utilities paid, 683- Pumps—683-2631—Repairs Class A basketball tournament perienced team, with' seven or R ep orts 4743. Carl F. Hollensteiner fective zone defense, and moved FOR SALE; Older 8x35 trailer, air (March 9-11 in Butte), moved into eight seniors playing, as well as out to an 8-0 lead and at halftime an eight-point lead with three conditioned. Phone 683-5732. OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE, younger boys who have had at least DILLON CAB is back in service. had a 35-16 lead. After that the minutes left. But the Beavers OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — Livestock quotations Downtown location. For in one season in varsity. Monday: See the new 1972 Bell Coach and Phone 683-5512 for your trans Loggers were unable to come rallied and got the regulation game formation phone 683-2791. ' “ I was really proud of the boys at Hogs 9,500; barrows and gilts 501.00 lower; Trailer. Models now in stock. - portation needs. within 14 points of the Beavers in tie on Billy Davis' layup with'two 1-2 200-220 lb 24.25-24.50,' 1-3 190-250 lb 23.75- the second half. the tournament, they did very well 24.25; 2-4 240-290 lb 22.50-23.75; 290-320 lb 22.25- COLLEGE MOTOR SALES — seconds remaining to knot the 22.50; sows 50-75 lower; few lots 1-3 315-325 lb For Sale, Miscellaneous The Beavers, who won their in every game they played. We Home of Buick-Pontiac-GMC QUALITY—Frigidaire, Kitchen- score at 56-all. were only one point from going to 22.25-22.40; 2-3 325-400 lbs 21.2542.25. Quality Service. aid, Maytag, Motorola, Bigelow seventh game against 15 reversals, Cattle 6.500; calves 75; slaughter steers and But the overtime period FOR SALE: Frigidaire, portable penetrated Libby’s defense for state. H ie whole coaching staff and heifers 50-1.00 lower; high choice and prime FOR SALE: 1972 Mobile Homes. Carpets, Restonic Bedding at belonged to the Wardens’ Daye the team are looking forward to a 1.1501,275 lb steers 36.00-36.50; choice 975-1,250 dishwasher, clarinet, good THE HOMESTEAD HOUSE, lbs 34.50-35.75; good and low choice 950-1,225 All sizes and prices to meet several layups. Jere Cypher led Hilton, who accounted for his condition. Reasonable. Phone 683-5611. gpod season next year. We’ll still lbs 31.50-34.75; high choice and prim e 950-1,100 everyone’s budget. Call 683-5541 Dillon with 19, Ted Ori added 14 team's five points in (he frame. lack size, but hope to make that up lb heifers 35.00-35.25; choice 825-1.025 lbs 34.00- 683-5580 after noon. 35.00; good and low choice 800-975 lb 28.50- or write Daniel P. Ibey, Box 567, and Rusty Lodge chipped in with 12 Dillon was held to One point. LIVESTOCK BILL OF SALE with experience.” 34.00. Dillon. Sheep 400; shorn slaughter lambs steady; JEEP PARTS AT WHOLESALE Bound Books with original and J wooled slaughter lambs steady to weak; PRICES While they last. Supply 12x64 Broadmore mobile home permanent duplicate, complete slaughter ewes steady; choice and prime limited. Davis Motors, Inc. shorn lambs 31.00-31.25; chqlce and prime with porch and skirting. Ex with carbon. Dillon Tribune- wooled lambs 29.00-29.50; mixed good and Conclude Season with 17-8 Mark choice 28.00-29.00; cull,' utility and good cellent condition. Phone 683-2560. Examiner. slaughter ewes 4.00-6.00. ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE 10 tons ■ - i Estimated receipts Tuesday: Cattle 6,000; or more, 683-4572, 8 miles north THROCKMORTON’S RADIO & calves 50; hogs 6.000; sheep 500. Wanted of Dillon. TV, 16 So. Montana, Phone 4238 t ’ All work guaranteed. Bulldogs Bomb DENVER (APHUSDA) — Cattle 175: WANTED TO BUY OR LEASE: { TWO R U PP 440 Nitro-SS 1972. Will ' J. Slaughter cows steady; bulls 50 lower; Summer or winter pasture 25-100 LEASE-A-MAYTAG Washer and- slaughter cows high cutter and utility 23.70- sell separately or together. Friday’s wrap-up was all Winans was the game’s out cows, Box 477, Divide, Mont. or Dryer by the month. See us DILLON—Westefh Montana 24.75; high dressing utility 25.30-25.50; cutter Already licensed for 1972. wrapped up its 1971-72 cage season downhill after the Bulldogs standing boardman, pulling down 20.25-23.70; slaughter bulls, utility and low now! The Homestead House, 683- com m ercial 27.40-28.30. i Reasonable price, low miles. 683- on a blazing-fast note Friday night snapped an 8-8 standoff at the four 18 rebounds and dominating the Hogs: 1200; barrows and gilts75-1.00 lower; For Sale, Homes 4924. 5611. , by crushing Northern’s Lights, 111- minute mark. With Hall leading glass throughout. Freshman U.S. 1-2 210-230 lb 24.25-25.50; 1-3 200-240 lb 23.00-24.00 ; 2-4 240-260 lb 22.50-23.50; sows 50- WATER WELLS - 6” to 20”. - 69, as seniors Charley Hall, Butch the explosive fast break, Western Godfrey Saunders gave Winans a 1.50 low er; U.S. 1-3 300-400 lb 1^00-21.00. NICE TWO BEDROOM Home near Found Briggs Drilling Contractor. N of McEnaney and Dave DeBoer surged to a 23-11 spread and by strong rebounding assist while Sheep, no test. v college. Call FNI Group, Dick Dillon on Highway 41 or Call 683- fashioned memorable swan songs halftime held a 62-34 bulge.. counting nine points and Rankin or Jinny Greitl, 683-5361 HAVE YOU LOST Eyeglasses or 5732.