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2Nd DONAGHEADY PRESBYTERIAN BAPTISMS DONAGHEADY SECOND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BAPTISMS 13 April 1838 to 3 July 1901 PRONI Film MIC: 1/P/459. A/1 – G/2 Transcribed, compiled and submitted to CoTyroneIreland.com by Faye Logue Note: Additional information to that recorded in the baptism register is contained within the brackets. Name of child Father’s name Employment Residence Date of Baptism ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Robert CURRY James Farmer Coolmaghry April 13, 1838 Joseph LOVE Andrew Labourer Cloghogle April 17, 1838 Mary Jane METHER [MATHERS] Joseph Farmer Tamnabrane April 19, 1838 Samuel McCLELLAND William Weaver Gobnascale April 20, 1838 Catherine HUNTER John Farmer Maheramason May 4, 1838 James DAVIS James Weaver Tamnabrane May 8, 1838 Robert HARPER William Fisher Gortavoy [Gortavea] May 8, 1838 Robert McBRIDE Thomas Labourer Cullion May 16, 1838 John HUTCHESON James Blacksmith Bready May 28, 1838 Thomas HANNAH Robert Weaver Drain May 28, 1838 Mary MURDOCK Hugh Labourer Lacknease [Loughnease] May 28, 1838 Elizabeth McKEEVER Farmer Keery [Tamnakeery] May 30, 1838 Elizabeth SHIELS James Weaver Barren June 3, 1838 William WOODS William Farmer Sixacre [Killyclooney] June 13, 1838 Martha STEWART John Shoemaker Cloughbuoy June 21, 1838 Charles MAXWELL Victor Fisherman Gortavoy [Gortavea] June 21, 1838 William CHRISTOPHER John Merchant Artagorven [Artigarvan] June 21, 1838 Samuel HALL Farmer Pollockstown June 21, 1838 Robert DONNELLY Labourer Drumgolly [Drumgauty] June 24, 1838 Elizabeth KEE William Farmer Burndennet July 11, 1838 Samuel WOODS Robert Farmer Cullermoney July 10, 1838 John FALCONTER John Labourer Killicluny [Killyclooney]July 11, 1838 [FALCONER/ FAWKNER] Catharine McCROSSEN Robert Farmer Bunnelly July 19, 1838 Margaret THOMPSON Robert Labourer Tyboe July 19, 1838 KILGORE Joseph Farmer Ballinabuoy July 19, 1838 ACMAN Joseph Labourer Clare [Tamnaclare] July 19, 1838 Fanny McDOWEL John Shoemaker Clare [Tamnaclare] July 19, 1838 David McCLAY Labourer Ballyheather Aug 19, 1838 William McBRINE Labourer Ballyheather Aug 19, 1838 Joseph BUCHANON Joseph Farmer Tiveny [Killyclooney] Aug 19, 1838 Elizabeth HUSTON Labourer Drummeny Sept 22, 1838 William TAYLOR John Labourer Glendermot Sept 23, 1838 Isabella LYNCH John Fisherman Cloughbuoy Sept 23, 1838 John LYNCH William Fisherman Crahan [Creaghan] Sept 23, 1838 Robert John BOND Robert Merchant Dullertown [Dullerton] Sept 25, 1838 Catharine ALEXANDER John Labouer Cullion Oct 12, 1838 James SHARKIE William Labourer Nov 19, 1838 Eliza Jane McNEEL Joseph Labourer Locknease [Loughneas] Nov 19, 1838 Joseph MARTIN? John Farmer Tiviny [Killyclooney] Nov 28, 1838 FORSYTHE Robert Farmer Tamnabrane Dec 6, 1838 Mary WOODS John Farmer Ballynabuoy Dec13, 1838 Robert KEYS William Farmer Dunnelong Dec 20, 1838 William BRONAGAN Doneel Farmer Ballilaw Dec 21, 1838 Anne DAVIS James Labourer Sandville Jan 6, 1839 Catharine DAVIS William Miller Leck Jan 6, 1839 Fanny WALLACE James Farmer Cullion Jan 6, 1839 Andrew HUNTER James Farmer Killicurry Jan 6, 1839 John CURRY Robert Labourer Sollus Jan 6, 1839 John PHILLIPS James Tailor Miltown Jan 6, 1839 Charles PORTER Francis Minister Gortovay Jan 6, 1839 Samuel ELDER Samuel Labourer Gortin Jan 20, 1839 [Clondermott, Co Londonderry] Eleanor STEVENSON Joseph Stevenson Farmer Moyagh Feby 3, 1839 Ross KING Ross King Farmer Eden Feby 3, 1839 James McELROY John McElroy Labourer Maghermason Feby 3, 1839 Robert PARKHILL Wm Parkhill Labourer Drummeny Feby 3, 1839 James HAMILTON Robert Farmer Gloudstown March 3, 1839 Margaret CUNNINGHAM David Farmer Clare [Tamnaclare] March 3, 1839 Alexander McCONNEL John Farmer Mt. Cashel [Mountcastle] March 3, 1839 George Alexander LOWERY John Farmer Glencush March 3, 1839 James HALL James Blacksmyth Gobnascale April 7, 1839 John McCOURD [McCOURT] Cullion April 7, 1839 Daniel RODEN William Labourer Sandville April 7, 1839 Ann DYAMOD Mathew Weaver Locknease May 5, 1839 Margaret Ann MORISON Charles Shopkeeper Gortmessan May 5, 1839 WORLING [WIRLING] May 5, 1839 HAMILTON May 5, 1839 John DIVINE William Labourer Clare [Tamnaclare] June 4, 1839 Rebecca LOWERY David Weaver Killicluny June 4, 1839 James NELSON Archibald Mason Gortmunly June 4, 1839 Sarah GOURLEY Archibald Farmer Tully June 4, 1839 Elizabeth LAUGHLIN Robert Weaver Killymallaght June 4, 1839 [Clondermott, Co Londonderry] Joseph WRAY Joseph Labourer Tully June 4, 1839 Elizabeth McCAURD James Labourer Maheramason June 4, 1839 [McCOURT] Nancy AUSTIN Robert Weaver Killycluny June 4, 1839 Sarah McGILL John Labourer Tully June 4, 1839 John SYMPSON John Carpenter Killicurry July 7, 1839 Mary Jane DAY James Farmer Greystone [Cavancreagh] July 7, 1839 Fanny Jane JOHNSTONE James Farmer Greystone [Cavancreagh] July 7, 1839 George CAMPBELL John Farmer Lait [Leat] Aug 11, 1839 William ANDERSON Robert Labourer Tiveny [Killyclooney] Aug 11, 1839 Jane KENNEDY Alexander Merchant Tyboe Aug 11, 1839 Elizabeth Jane MOOR Robert Farmer Clare [Tamnaclare] Aug 11, 1839 Cathorine SMYTH John Labourer Clare {Tamnaclare] Aug 11, 1839 James NORRY Oliver Norry Labourer Gortin Sep ?? 1839 [Clondermott, Co. Londonderry] Robt DAVIES Robert Davies Labourer Loughnease August 19, 1839 William KING Archibald Weaver Eden Sept 8, 1839 KENNEDY William Sept 5, 1839 Martha CURRY Andrew Farmer Greenans Sept 8, 1839 Elizabeth COWAN John Precentor Lisdivin Oct 6, 1839 Matilda McCLOSKEY Benjamin Labourer Tyboe Oct 6, 1839 Samuel TAYLOR William Schoolmaster Tyboe Oct 6, 1839 Rebecca ORR Joseph Mason Tamnabrane Oct 6, 1839 Mary McNEELLY William Farmer Maheramason Oct 6, 1839 Betty McDERMOT William Weaver Locknease Nov 3, 1839 William John DONNEL Joseph Farmer Coolmaghry Nov 3, 1839 Antony KINCAID Labourer Killymiral ? Nov 3, 1839 [Killymalaght?] WOODS Nov 3, 1839 WOODS Nov 3, 1839 Elizabeth Lowra McCREA Robert Farmer Grange House Nov 3, 1839 Mary Jane METHER Robert Farmer Tyrkeevny [Tirkeeveny] Dec 1, 1839 [MATHERS] Clondermott, Co Londonderry William GORDON William Farmer Gobnascale Dec 1, 1839 John James POLLOCK John Farmer Barren Jan 2, 1840 Catharine HUNTER John Farmer Killicurry Jan 5, 1840 James PARKHILL Cunningham Farmer Primity Jan 5, 1840 [Clondermot, Co. Londonderry] John DONNELLY Thomas Labourer Drumgalty [Drumgautty] Jan 5, 1840 Mary Ann FALCONTER William Labourer Altrest Jan 16, 1840 [FALCONER/ FAWKNER] Rosann PHILLIPS David Labourer Ballyheather Jan 16, 1840 George MITCHEL George Labourer Mahereagh Jan 25, 1840 PHILLIPS Labourer Ballydonaghy Jan 25, 1840 HALL Farmer Pollockstown Jan 25, 1840 Elizabeth LOWRY Cartman Mohoriah Jan 25, 1840 [Magherareagh] James LOVE Andrew Labourer Clochogle Feb 2, 1840 James CUNNINGHAM Alexander Labourer Altrest Feb 2, 1840 Margaret KEE James Farmer Killicluny Feb 2, 1840 Mary KEE James Farmer Killicluny Feb 2, 1840 Susan RANKIN John Farmer Crahair [Creaghcor] Feb 21, 1840 Robert CURRY Robert Bog B????? Bready Feb 21, 1840 Robert McANNLIN John Labourer Crahair [Creaghcor] Feb 21, 1840 Margaret McINTIRE John Farmer Tullyard March 1, 1840 William HUNTER James Farmer Killycurry March 1, 1840 Mary McKEEVER James Farmer Solace (Sollus) March 1, 1840 Mary Jane LOWRY James Labourer Moyah [Moyagh] March 2, 1840 Ann Smyth HALL John Farmer Tully March11, 1840 Elizabeth HENDERSON George Farmer Killymorol ? March 11, 1840 [Killymalaght?] Thomas FALCONTER Labourer Killycluny April 5, 1840 Matilda STEVENSON April 5, 1840 John McANAL Daniel Labourer Greystone [Cavancreagh] May 3, 1840 William LOGAN John Farmer Tullyard May 3, 1840 Matilda GEMIL [GAMBLE] John Labourer Grange June 6, 1840 Andrew HENRY Donniel Labourer Craigtown May 6, 1840 [Clondermott, Co Londonderry] James McCLAIRE Edward Labourer Ballilaw May 6, 1840 Mary TOSH John Farmer Taherona May 6, 1840 (Tagharina, Co Londonderry) Andrew McDONEL John Labourer Grange May 6, 1840 Mary Jane CURRY John Labourer Sandville July 5, 1840 Mary ALEXANDER Robert Farmer Sandville July 5, 1840 David BOND Robert Merchant Dullerton July 5, 1840 Samuel STEWART John Shoemaker Cloughbuoy July 5, 1840 WOODS Weaver Cullermony July 5, 1840 David DONAHY William Fisherman Crahair [Creaghcor] July 5, 1840 LOVE David Fisherman Crahair [Creaghcor] July 5, 1840 Mary NELSON Samuel Reedmaker Barren Aug 2, 1840 James LOWERY John Weaver Killicluny Aug 2, 1840 John KEE William Farmer Burndennet Aug 2, 1840 Margaret ALEXANDER Joseph Labourer Grange Aug 2, 1840 WOODS Farmer Glencush Aug 2, 1840 Eliza J. HUTCHISON James Blacksmyth Bready Aug 2, 1840 Jane McDERMOT John Labourer Tamnabrane Sept 6, 1840 Anne DAVIS James Weaver Tamnabrane Sept 6, 1840 Jane ALLEN John Labourer Killicluny [Killyclooney]Sept 6, 1840 Catherine Sarah LONG Archibald Shoemaker Eden Sept 6, 1840 Andrew DAVIS Mathew Farmer Lisdivin Sept 6, 1840 Martha KINCAID James Labourer Drummeny Sept 6, 1840 William James KILGORE Joseph Farmer Ballinabuoy Nov 1, 1840 Violet STEVENSON Joseph Farmer Moyagh Nov 1, 1840 John William McCAURD? John Farmer Mountcastle Nov 1, 1840 [McCOURT] McCROSSEN Nov 1, 1840 Janet ALEXANDER George Farmer Grange Nov 1, 1840 Isabella LAUGHLIN Robert Weaver Killymerat [Killymallaght] Dec 6, 1840 [Clondermott, Co Londonderry] William McCLELLAND William Weaver Gagnascale [Gobnascale]Dec 6, 1840 [Clondermott, Co Londonderry] James ALLEN David Farmer Killicluny [Killyclooney]Dec 6, 1840 Isabella HUNTER John Farmer Maheramason Dec 6, 1840 Mary Ann BARR Samuel Labourer Berry Hill Dec 6, 1840 [Coolermoney] Robert MOODY William Labourer Crahair [Creaghcor] Dec 6, 1840 Catherine HARPER William Fisherman Gortovay
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