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25&e WBcMla Bailtj ugle: gtusfflng wcnm'tiijbtv 23, 1888. , .

""" hi Kansas CUy Live Stock. E. 11 OONEXHr, M. D. CHHESE COOKERY. AD notices of Employment Situations Wsnua. FOB BENT-liESIDE- Kansas city, Oct. 22. General practitioner of medicine, surgery, gynas-colo- willbecaarsedfortth rate ot t osnts perlias - and obstetrics. Treat all chronic and private BENT Honso of S voonw. good cellar. 5 The Llvo Stock Indicator reports- glTen required. per week: no notice for leas taaa 23 oeata. FOR diseases, oxygen treatment wnea wQl bo well on back porch, with or without Sjitilijse CATTLE Receipts, 6,000; ehipments, COO. Good Plea and all diseases of the rectum a specialty. WICHITA All For Bales or other bneinesa notice bam. at 2S N. Emporia. Call at SH . Emporta. OF A RESTAU- The EAGLE grass range weak, slow and 5c lower; canners and Office removed to 134 North Main street, over Kan- KITCHEN SUPPLIES charted tor at the rata ot 1C cents per line par weelc 1S46S e cow b V 12 a. m.. 1 a ml cows In better demand and steady; good n m sas National Bank. Offlce Hours to to co business notice Tor SO fae 7 8 dur-t- MOTT caien less rMn cent. common; and p. RANT ON STREET. COMMERCE-- . active and steady; ve&x; stcckers and t m. f T?OK RENT A new six room hous for five dollar FINANCE AND feeders slow and weak. Good to cholc corn fed. I- per month in Butler and rWhcr's addition. Ap- 2o: common medium, M25S4.60; gras ply 10 133 Q !?1 4.7fr5 to rTET.P WAftTED-MA- T.rl at room Sedgwick building. range steers, lt02515; stockers and feeders, l.fw E. E. HAMILTON M. D. MARKETS BYTELEGBAPH. 75. A. Spices ContU-racn- is V5; cows, $12532 Dtcnjuvq tS Great Variety of and RENT I have thirteen hoaes contslnlntt HOGS Rcceipta. 2,"i00; shipments, l,VO. Opened c.a(iiTHm nf FOR rooms i closing wea'c: Eye and Throat, "TTfT ANTED Two good solicitors to canvass this six to eight each in ilosimaa's ada New York Mcitey. active and fctrong to 5c higher; Ear. Noe A Stock of Standard Foods, v citrand eoaaty for subscriptions to the Com- which 1 will rent very cheap for the winter. The good to choice, tiAvJ5.C5. common to medium, i4.G0 Catarrh nd fitting glasses. 1134 NEW Oct. 22. corner of mercial Double the usual commission. Call at hore cars on Central avenuo will soon berunnins Tort. 05 40; skips and piss, $ l)O1.40. Office southwest Many of TThich Are 2fot Familiar to Chicago avenue. 13161 to this addition. A good large hoae for J tola a the- "at SHEEP Receipts, 3.500; shipments. 765. Steady Dougias and Market stree. V, Mone y on call was easy "with loans 2S2 W month. Call on J. Arnold. Receiver, over Hi good, weak common: good to choice muttons, upiniirs, ichlta, Kan. dtSO-U- last loan at 2J. for for Americans Sauces. HELP A first class horse-riioer-: one North Main street. t Prime niercant'le paper at 4 $f7. 13.5033.75, common to medium, tl.5033.CM. WANTED plain ana fancy wors; also Sterling exchange, dull but steady at TC51 lor Lonjj beforo Lucullus immortalized him- a first cla&s carriage ivocd wurktaan. None Dut sixty day bllls'&nd J1.87& for demand. thorough workmen need apply. K. W, McClelland, I0E BEST-BOO- MS. fctocks active but weak. Chlcjco Live Stock, HARRY CEOSKET, 31. C. self by regaling the jeunesse doree of Rome fcoi lltS, Wichita, Kan. dl33 6i, 311,694. Printers, Binders, Publishers, f The total sales ol stocks today aggregate CHICAGO, Oct. 22. Reldence UT3 N Wichita street; offlce, 203 E with his hundred thousand dollar dinners his "II'OR RENT Furn!hed rooms, tingle or en uitrr 127 lol-l- j;ood coraico Caswell X 111 t 4s coupon The reports: No 123. worker. H board can be obtAbJtd next door. Apply at w coupon 103H Drover's Journal telephone prototypes were indulging in the same pleas- WANTED: N. Lawrence iHs 15,000: 3, Statloners and dias lie ii iaju CATTLE Rrceips, shipments, Market, rauncfe otic ID good, 10c choice bc-ve- DENTISTS. in Fook-Cho- Missouri Gs steadv for com m n lower; ures on a similar scale Pekin and A grood livu. reliable, enersetlc TTOR RENT One nicely fnrnished front room on 1 t3.40O5.30; steers. t3 25,?j."3, stockers and fetdr?, Blank Book MTrs WANTED wagon; 1 Chicago & Alton rangers, gastronomy has been among the hors and delivery one who E first floor, sue xCs with gas and furnace heat-als- Chicago. Burlington fe Qulncy J10V8 t215i75; Texas cattle, $1.7533.50 wetern TT. for i well acquainted with the retail grocer of the one room lighted cows, mixed, 1 10 a. SEELYE. Sid furained. with Lackawana M 2.4ft4J5. bulls and 403 fine arts in China almost from the beginning city. To the right partv a coed situation will tw and furnace heat, Cr at ZSi N. Empi.r-.-- are. HOGb-Recel- K1X. shipments. 7.0X). removed bi oun-- to No. No.th dlfl-C-tt Erie : Jo3jSj.&). Dentist, has M. L. Country oSered. Address lock box 6i city. met pikeShoro .. WJ& steady; mixed. t5 40a.7c; heavy, Lawrence a e., first door norm t Irt Churc, of Chinese history. The Chinese chef has an Officers' Books ,i light, to 4035.70, skips, S j.5035.10. llo-ii- n Mlfasourl Pacific G.ia administered, TVrANlED-Ca- sh boys at Boston Store. dlSSMJ RENT floor good cellar, ,,, bHEEP-Recel- ptp, 9,0 0; shipments, 3,01 . official status of at least forty centuries' du- and Blanks FOR Three and with Northwestern & (W. $J.0Oj43 bO; and warehouse scale, lu rear of 1Q E. New York Central I steady: natives, tV?4 western, Texas INSTITU1 t2 75S3.55; tJ.50a5 00, WIOSaTA - DENTAL - ration. Two thousand years before the Chris- Douglas: an excellent location for a curatat.Jon Reading &K lambs. A bcoi keeper an 1 stenographer. No Inquire M. A Co. 14 1 as highly WANTED houic. of J. Alien tf Rock Island CEEDIT0E &BU0KWALTEE, tian era he was esteemed and paid City Officers' Books apply. He'erences required. Ad Union Paclflc Y&j as liberally as he is today, and now he is ex- dres B It. A. Co office. 110 if OR RENT Finely furnished front room with Wabash - Ji Dentists only tatO for a good set of tee h. One and Blanks tIe IjlWMOHtL Western Union BAILROAD TIME TABLES. all surgicai operations Ytllhou. pain, ceedingly well paid. Gentlemen who are F DKll.f.C UK " half mice for 116 WANTED interested in MD North 3Iai n street. example, chef in a 1 estaurant in business education short hand or telrffraphy RENT Three nice, & SAN FRANCISCO R. R. For the convenient houes with GRAIN IN SIGHT ST, LOUIS to all at office Southwestern Business Colieiro. FOR pantries clce-et- situated on Fana v avo. WILSON, llott street came to ewYork from San District Court Books Night school Oct. flrst, 7.50 o'clock. En- south of Douglas. They arcs'tual-'- oa 22. Following is a J. C. 40U DougUs ave. four blocti NEW York, Oct. TRAIN3. ARIIIVE. LEAVE. Francisco under a contract by which he re- and Blanks trance to night kchool E. & tf the motor line. In order to get a good tenant tor the Dentist. All work guaranteed t"la,P?I5,!; w will bo very cheat In. of visible supply of grain-o- & $100 besides his board and inter these hnsea rented statement the Going West, pass BfcE. Douglas avenue, over Barnes bon ceives a month, quire at a: N. Mirket s. 13 Saturday, October 20, as compiled at 525 AM 530am lodging, for his services. All things consid- ELP WANTED-I'EM- AIE. Going "West, pass. run REN C Nicely rooms J2.W produce exchange: 515 J! D. W. J. S. Hoogland. ered, is fully equivalent to tho Bar Dockets turn'shed front for the New York through) r Smith. this salary I?OR n eek. 1 d room at IL50 pe? wek.tho a Golng En-s- passenger. 1000 am District Court Bushels. Increase. IQlOl'M SMTTH & H0TJGLAND, $0,000 a year paid to such chefs as preside in ANTED a competent cirl to do general honse splendid sulto of rurnbhed room$ ery cheap it 111 Going East, passenger. OSppm "rrf T wort, now ashing. SUU s. Law reace N. 1J:6 32,972,370 702,109 Douglca vaua. Corner Law- Hoffman house, Delmoni-co'- s, Market. Wheat 122 street, Dentists. E tho kitchens of the ave. 135 11,203,451 742,253 City Union TicJvet offlce, North Mam i) Corn Depot, Oak rence. Wichita, Kan. the Union League club and the Vander-bi- lt RENT Thre large, room in flrst-c- 19,803 and Union street. Protiate Court Books Oats '... 7,733,581 mansion. The Mongolian chef, to judge "TV ANJ ED A good girl for general houtew orlr. FOR gas. etc , suitable for light hou Rye 1,202,342 80,302 Kansas midland railway. ARCHITECTS. and Blanks 11 u.nt be a good cook ironerand washer. Good keeping, dressmaking or tailoring. Appfr at room Lee-A- h, distinguished wages, K fereuce Apply SCBN. Topeka 1,401,070 6S1.30S by who is the individual required. at 6, 3 N. Main .tree!. dlSl 6tt Barley Going North, pass, (daily).. SMAJI like his Caucasian Going north, freight (tri- DTJM0NT & HATWAED, mentioned, is curiously RENT Largo nicely furnished nptalrj 6C1OAM 51 Chicago Grain and Produce. weekly. Architects and superintendents. Rooms M and colleaguo in that he is dignified, egotistical, Townsnip Trustees Records i ' AN 1 ED 3 g!rl for houc- - orfc, one can ha e FOR heated by furnace, southern expoNiire; Going pass, (dally ... B53 I'M Zimmerj cold al-- south, liuildiud. . thoroughly independent. Un- tt a home for a year in.i small family at good bath room, hot and rain water: loe-- l Chicago, Oct 22. The feeling in wheat Goinc Fouth. freight (trl-- petulant and and Blanks ase- -. 1 eider!) man on a farm to look after stock. 2 front Ave room cottaen. Enquire at 13? Ohm a eekly 800 PM 0. W. TEEEY, like the Caucasian, however, the great man farm hand. amenta to distribute goods. Everybody aiawx was again unsettled and nervous On the of employment can by City Union Ticket efflce 122 North Main street; Rooms 16 andU believes in working out fled sometuing appljlng Architect and superintendent. of tho Chinese kitchen eerj-bod- y whole trading was light aud the market Union depot. Oak street, and Wabash aenuo depot Wichita, Kans. Township Treasurers tome, ana farmers, lwteia. contractors cal T"OR RENT Nicely furnished rooms; rent cheap Bitting block, lelcphoue No.DJ. Records purpose 116 room NV L dUj-- " himself the simplest tasks in order to keep wanting help for any can alwayget X Last Third street. Ehiiuiro at a quieter feel- tf at at would have assumed much WICHITA & WESTERN R. R. and Township Of fictrs Guides supplied in short notice with more relinble he p of a few large himself in practice. than you a o .labie to procure yourelf. J. IL ing but for the operations W. M. EAPP o Douglas ave, VA t Going West. pas3. dally ex- - In taking charge of the kitchen of a great rooui t er c! 6t RENT A furnlhed room with outsid . local operators. Trading in December, in cept sunaay 'So A M tuperbitendent. Room Z12, cedg I?OR suitable for on or two gentlemen, rent Architect and restaurant his first work is to supply himself lil-t- particular, was very light, and chiefly in Going west, pass ill) I'M wick hulldinsr, Township Clerks Records AA""ANTED --5 ladies at the New Mn'ee. 40UE, leasonable. Call . Waco aeauc f 1 Goiu west, freight 0 '.0 A 31 titt with a great variety of spices and condi- i.Oilasae. Apply at once to m.& i.'er. were con- ea'-t- , "Warrant Books rooms fcouscke or way of settlements. Operations Going pash . E McPHEESON, ments, and in this particular ho is fully and mot RENT Cheap for ping 1 GoIhk east, pass, dally tx Kan- FOR room or will rent the flat of 2s rooms fined principally to May, in which month Architect room ' N Main sU Wichita, A 1L cept Sunday 650 PM U7 qualified tcrgive points to tho jaded sybarites WANTED cood cook: no housswork required: reasonable J. T. Dorsey, 3 North Main. tf traders felt less fear of manipulation. The Going east, freight 12 45 p M sas. of two with outs child. Apply at 1UU of the Occident In his stores will be black, Justice Peace Dockets N. Law reaco a o. 133 i May wero quite TlcketAfflce 122 street, and at tf tpeculative offerings for Union North Miin AETEOJE PEAB0DY, white and red pepper, as well as tho pimento I EOB Union Depot, Oak street. W. D, Muiu0C'v, Room block. First street, Civil and Criminal combined largo at times, and credited mainly to a &. agt 122 N Main, Architect. oscugwici: chutney, F. M. Hili, Freight Pass. Wichita. d31-- of tho tropics; curry, , RENT Tho Ooldust hotel, opposite stock- - hupt, cor 4th and Douglas. SITUATIONS WANTED-MA- LE. "0 board- prominent local trader who has figured "W. (tho favorite spice of tho east), green, POIt hotel for fJu a month, can ha V. T. PnouDrooT. G. Biiid. on tho owner tho . R. Justice Peace Blanks ers inside of a month Call at conspicuously on the bull side. December ATCHISON. TOPEKA SANTA TE R. dried, pickled, sweetened and pulverized; Kentucky hotel ot stockyards. Vm.D.wclJ. PE0UDP00T & BIED, "V7 NTED- - A situation as a clerk In a hardw are Ctt opened ybc lower than Saturday's closing see-y- which is the father of soy and tho I Constable Guides Y uul N OHTII AND E T. superintendents. Othco In Felch-helm- or grocery fctore by a young man of experi- 2c and closed Texas express 4 22 aM 4 22aM Architects and Worcestershire sauce; olive ence, llest of references Address L price, advanced receded 10 9 15 M block. grandfather of and Blanks furnished. tv perfect Mcht and lc, Eastern express 0 A M A Laglo office. 135-- bc above the lowest. May fluctuated be- Colorado and California ex oil, peanut oil, cotton seed oil, clarified butter . cutllatlon.in the Sedgwick, as low a IS per 4 50 P M 4 55 v Jl mouth. Appl at oOlce. No ao, second tloor. P. J. below Saturday's press CHEMISTS. (the ghee of India) ; , shallots, chives, ' tween c above and Chicago express . 9 20 1' M 32JA.M Collins, agent- - lc a cul- Road Overseers Account Books WAITTED-IEMA- "' final price, and closed K below. SOUTH AXD WEST. , D"WIGHT leeks, , f and (highly SITUATIONS LI, 8 00 8 0"i M WM. 0HTJE0H, reported in Texas exprosa PM tivated bitter cucumbers) ; ma-ta- i, for which j Receipt Books and Blanks Only a moderate trade was Panhandle express 71AM 7 1 A M General Anal tical Chemist. Laboratory 022 Kansas nNANOIAL. 11 SO A M 1135 AM Kan-a- s. Chemist city of thero is no English name; orange and lemon A position by young corn. The feeling was generally easier, the express.. nenue, loieka, for the "r.NTED as clerk a but; On t!m In mal! microscopic w ONEV TO LOAN-- snort 1. .. "NJrtrth "Mntn ptriftt. Topeka. Orders for chemical, and t from the east, ho has had experience in both en- V.1LV rni.i rtmn .. . , peel, vinegar, lemon juice, powdered crab uoruou, iv influence on the market being almost UII1UU IH.Mli wu, ..wv.. solicited, Price-ssen- t upon Records dry goods confectionery. amounts. Dean auuiu jiiunrei. tti.. Oak street. pheical examinations School District and Waia not so mm. h M dlslt tirely of a bearish character. Opening and Union Depot, near application. Expert opinions on the value ot and lobster shells, a curious preparation con- an object as sttady employment for thn winter. waters fur drinking puiposes, $3.U). Complete and Blanks Address M. A , SUJ est fcecond street. Cti c lower the closing MISSOURI PACIFIC R. R. taining iron, half a dozen forms of dried dlii To loan money on chattels, tjnns sales were about than analysis ot waters, "WfANTED propertv low mushrooms, and not less than fifty powerful A NTED Position as city reference. and improved city (Israel-M- prices of Saturday, and gradually sold off Scott, Kansas City, St AY nure; bet I, .No North ilarket. ) Port 11 4a Addre-- s Mrs DeVere, general dell cry. dl.il tt- - A Mrersruoni U and closed Louloand rostern ex 705AM A M MISCELLANEOUS. condiments and spices unknown to Americans Blank Books of all era building). dl31UI reacted c, became steady Scott. Kansas City, St lc, Fort m and having no English names. ANTED cook house-T- securlty c lower for the near futures, and Decem- Louis and eastern ex 300 r 103PM Kinds Made to order "tT7 Place as or to do general T FAKTED-- To lend ift on chaitie Conway Lprinics, Anthony E0GEES, In every kitchen is a stock of standard work In family willing to pay good wagea. . .n.i mnpf..n.rMrflmumea. lowest ratca c Saturday. K45 31 styles. M D.. Eagle office. i i...T -x 1 100 unlcKs jour ber lower than and Kiowa ex AM 730A The Photographer. Pictures in all sizes and which tho ulJ16t n,..iuii.ni thuii Springs, Anthony He also finest of picture foods, but a few of are familiar to tlrsl-cla- eiity In real tat The speculative market for oats was Conway : carries tho assortment chattels are and ' 43 P M is p si frames in the city. Giro him a friendly call and ex- American eye. Among tho more interesting Building & Loan Association large, do not inquire CU at room SM. very quiet. May delivery was inclined to Hutchinson, fatorllng. and amine sample. "WANTED-MIS0ELLANE- 0U& tnfldlnc. WU hlta. Kan 1115 AM 7 5 A 31 smoked chicken, duck and pigeon, which, Blanks Hnnu.xt nT ... are Books and WK- - be slightly weaker, but near futures were TANTED-To money. money. mogr. Hutch , Kanopolls, Pueblo GEEMAN. unlike our smoked meats, retain tho natural loan general failed to nr1 rrtT!VrX .... 745 PM 550 P3t PIANO AND UW to loan on chattle security .. V.to ..tn steady and the market TITANTED Ladles and gentlemen .who are T mtr-aKe- All trains run dally Lea, ot Germany color and appearance; shrimps, prawns, pen- on real estate purchase ja".iw" " show much change. Mrs. Th Rotchmun a natUe Bank Books and tercMed in bookkeeping, , vrlthroetlc, on improed farm and citj prjierty Tiount office U graduate of the of Leipiic, Instructs oysters and clams which have been dried manship, thonh-- n 1 ipewr.iin,-- telegraphy and Ml ? con- vnml and Wichita street: ticket 0(6 by Sii bedgw lck block. If. D. Thurinan. The market for mess pork attracted North Main street, E. E. Bi.ECKLKV, planoforto music. German and FreuclL bouth some mysterious process, unknown to us, Bank "Work a Specialty Germ 11 to attend the night school. Uuslnes I ollege. Ticket Agent. Water street. 11 ' lm' Entrance i'M E. Douglas. 131 1st siderable attention, with the interest cen- Passenger and AN! ED-- have money to loan on 0e yera until they are as hard and durable as wood; VV mainly in January and May deliv- NEBRASICA R, ANTED Bookkeepers time on city nud farm proprtr. ,?Sft,,,,ll0" tered CHICAGO, KANSAS .t It a fish that suggests sardines in oil, but which V7 and builnes) men to tlm on mortgage and noc. rAteyattl demand kocte," J. M PUILLIPS. S. E PniLLIPS. Books furnished for T know that tho National Accountants' Burcan AS dl-s- tt eries. Offerings were few and the "noc island is a foot in length, from two to three pounds offers unsurpassed fuciatles for tho procurement of Mortgage etimtwuy, spasmodically active. Prices fluctu- AND EAST "Water Companies first class and w omen fur as book-ke- was OOING NORTH sardine box cubic mn poilon ANTED-Cboi- loans, goo.1 rate x . rutv icon's in weight, packed in a a crs and accountants. Business men who eo considerably and wero advanced 10 L'oci.c PHILLIPS & PHILLIPS, want AY r. f lli.,,l A. Tn I ated and Chicago through mallj foot in size; dried fishes which range from a efficient help andextert bookkeepers who cam gl !10 S 15 A 31 class . 13c on the whole range, though outside anu expross. uuiiy AM lint references aud want situations would . tiny sprat smaller than but similar to tho Coal and Mining Co's, Stock Co's han-ea- v.K.r. t...n nn.A. tn Imtimtnl No 4 Kansas City, bt Louis. well b addressing us. Olllce for the state of s AA f flll figures were not fully maintained. Trad- Clilcago night express VETEBINABY x SUEGEONS. English to a mouster eight' feet at in j faouthw tstern Business College, Wichita, lowest rr.tcs with the privilege of paying At ahd whitebait, Corporations, . Etc 131 any wunouv a. iajuus. " ing was only fair in the lard market, but daily ...... E25PJI SC0PM long, two wide, and inches thick; Kansas lit lirao ,'jj No 02 accommodation, dally Veterinarj- - College; mem- feet two SetlgArick block dil, tf of- 11 Graduates of Chicago .ji the feeling was stronger. Speculative except Sunda) 1000 A 31 00 A 31 bers of tho Chicago cl erlnary ARsOclatio.i. preserved cabbage, which is rolled up so as to TyANTED 70 buy a four or tiro room houso T building particu- going souTn. Shorthand "Writers t north of Douglas and west of the Saiitu Fe lty AATANTED Choice loans, good ferings were only moderate and no J.M.PHILLIPS graduated with honors and wa, suggest a ball of yarn: bean, pea and wheat 1 .v - rat. No 3 Kansas i ity, St Louis lime, of Dr. "Win. "itust cheap. Alo a tour or flvo room houpo for a ueo. ii. lioya 1,0 wt ir rul- 00 A 31 (20AM for some an assistant tne eminent 011 demand from any sources. Prices and Chicago ex, dally. .. lame-ir"-- s. gluten in long candy like sticks, vhich aro Note Eooks home tao inxestment pl.m; can pay lu) cash; lar bheppaui, M. B.C. V. S., vettrinarsuigeonof money 6 pet No 1 Kansas City. St Louis tho Vet- Utmnce Ml monthly. Inquire of Grant A Lucklo, "TT7 ANTED To li'nd at ennton fnrnn ed slightly higher and the market closed llo is also a memDer of Kansas State mado by crushing the cereal and removing TV pmprrty on and Chicago through mall erinary Association. roomi), ill N. Jlaln. Mttr andlmproiot central ion stronger. and express, dallv 713 PM 'S5PM tho starch by often repeated washings; odd time at i per rent and a coruuiltitn So S. E. PHILLIPS has been associated, as an assis- w good. E. No 01 accommodation, daby M. Notaries Records TV ANTED 70) teitns for 11. R., o o second cook. delay here the title U J. Ilampbtev it 1 15 31 2 15 P M tant, with Dr. Withers. M. D. V. S , Dr. Hughes sausages, of which each ono is, suspended by The leading futures ranged as follows: excopt Sunday P 1 mio oum bon. d,. tf R. C. . S., and Dr. Baker, V. S. professor of Chicago Seal and Blanks lauimr). omuu,auiiiing Doc,auii College; Dr. Baker the largest brilliant colored cords, and is stuffed, not tributlrjgatent-i- n iisjKTlence uteded. goid boy. 3 O G recltnlng chair cars on morning Veterinary halng haml-,- , one t3.JCi 2 "WANTED Tonrke Mm Rrt cIrm city loan a r Elegant frco In Chicago. iraTellng agent, per day. Io-- sleepers on all night train. canine practice with an indistinguishable hash or paste, 223 11 forlxor twehe month. Kan.i n ami n trains, and Pullmau to all of veter- huue girls. Cook, tho employment man, room 2, over U UMt ARTICLES. g. o Tickets sold and baggage checked through to all The doctors ase prcpsred do kinds alternating dice of fat and E. Douglas ate. Investment Co.. ichlta National bank 5 2JJ0 Douglas avouuo. inary work, including canine practice, dentistrj and but with Loan Agent Books UK E r "" points. City t'eket office, East 1'aiseuger station, corner Douglas and Ra I .ue. nil surgical operations. Good accommodations for lean meat; hugo cans filled with tho ANTED Horse wngon, "7"ANTEI Uorrowcrs for money on f!rt maru care. CalLs by tele- and Blanks and either together or gsges yoM C. A, RUTIILUl OKI), Ticket Agent. nil patients requiring special TT wanted purpo-e- s (feed M on frm If waift to rvtterr rotir phone, mail will leceive prompt atten- famous edible bamboo tips, which look separate, for delUeiy low of Interpol tt telegraph or store). Call at E. Douglas once. 134 Ct old loans ut a rate call on vv tion day or night. smell like hugo asparagus, but in at lta Bunking Co.. No. llo W Douglas avu. t.Utf n Ut Wheat i and ' 1,'i Office, 825 Douglas Avenue. Tele- Real Estate Agents AT-LA-W. East anything in Christian markets; ANTED A second hand ptanut Apply ro November .... 1 15M 1 1H ATTORNEYS unlike AY roaster. ANTLD-Chol- lxlUdlng leant, good rale--. phone Ztfo. S. 129 tf at'.2N. Main st. i3tt M. A i8 lii& k m water lily leaves, which aro used both as a Books and Blanks w Geo. Bo;d Co. HI If as coloring imparting a TANTED A or S room house Inside . JK:t:::::::: food and material, of tiro ""ANTED JSorrowprBfor mon-- we plarn nim ey ' W. A. MORRIS. E.B.ROOD Into it wteks witliln J or 4 blocks of ardund Maiutt. October 44 4K JT Scc'y Merchants Pptec Asso'n. county, beautiful green to any food with hich 313 11 at tho lowcn rata on all kind of fJmlfi 4 Ui JH 4 In the piobito court of Sedgwick Kansas. Deeds, Mortgages, Contracts, Call or address Mrs. W. H. Palmer, . Market su curlty and aUoun second (a November tho of II. O. Burleigh, de-c- e may bo cooked; preserved eggs, c 13.16: loan, luvngagesud run. December, - ATTOENEYSATLAW. In the matter of estate they Wichita liaiikiLg Ca., Ao. lid DougU. t May 39H which each ono is embalmed in a rough mass Abstracts, and Wl Votes dl counted, money to loan on chattels and Notice is hereby given to A. A. IIdc. adminis- 1ANTED-T- he ladles of Wichita to know that October" WW H 21 2! real estnte. notary and typewriter InolliLC. rooms trator of the of Molllo L. Burlelh. de- of quick lime, charcoal and fish glue; sea ? Mrs. Mary V. A Barnard ha Just recolvetl a 2o-- Hd Majors, of ot P0B EX0EANGE. Noiemrsor 245r l 24is iM Sand o Fechheimer block. lnioi ceived N T. guardian the minor heirs sprouts, which resemble a string bean two large stock ol tho celebrated Jackson Corket Waist, I Mollit L Burleigh, deceased. Mltinie (ouley, Helen All Kinds of anu s located at No, 2U North Main gtnt. over I)ocemlHsr. every May 2354 2W X 2ilK II. fit Hon, and to whomever elicit may concern, feet in length. Peck's inulc store. Orders by mall will hao EXCHANOE To traders and ixxiy that I, Ihnrloi II. Snnth. as ndininUtrator of the Blanks in Stock prompt attention. , dl31 ui I70R Kansas aUtract agewy will furtiWh yoa Pork & JUNEINS, Occasionally in tho wealthiest establish- tfi- - L'-a;- EEDM01TD estate of II. O. Burleigh, late of edsuirk count j, alMtracts to any land la ttatw of 1u Octolier " 1oW Oetoljor, dlogramH. KUa. 14 TO 14 11 G5 . 11" Main 8t., Kann.is diceascd, did on the 20'h day of ments may be seen tho celebrated birds' "ANTED Ton ngpnts on commission or salary, dtmrtptloa aca oUiuatnl of value. November Attorneys at law. Olhceoter North ls-- AY 4. A'. 14(H) 14 MH 14 U) II 7.H 1Jj- - (lie in the pi obate court of Sedgwick countv at hu. 0 A. Main, rojra 17. dl31 Kansas Abstract Ageocy, room to No 1J" Unu.irv Kansas. fortj-thie- tho world like irreg- Real Books tt W 1 15 02 11 'JO 15 0U WLhita Knns a petition for tho sal j of lots nests, which look for all Pocket Estate Jltrkct at., ichlta, Kan.. J. heier, manngnr. Miy.... l lb is forty-seve- fott-nIn- 4t, fortv live. 45, 47. anil t1. masses of coopers' fins, "ANTED-- di-- ir Burleigh'rf t ular glue; sharks' for Farm and City Property, A ?on, ono well broke to tho saddle, October a l" on iomth aenuein rt audition to tho ,entle and suitable little girl's S M) HAEEIS & YEEMILIOIT, city of ichlta, Sedgwick Kans Iocs which aro greenish v. hito pieces of desiccated tt ierfectl lor November S 474 SCO 8.17 HAEEIS, count, is, and use. Call at Ao. CrjN. Law rent u ill J. Ct one, 1, three, 3. nve.o, and seven. 1, on Emporia ave- ae. EX0HAHQR December S 2:...... 2,i Attoruejs-at-La- Uls, 31uln street second Iloor. soft cartilage; a mollusk of P0B SALE 0B S 25 S 2U 3 2o nue in Burleigh's second addition to tho city of January. 6 20 Pocket Dockets To a i Wit hlta, Sedgwick county, Kansas for the p i meiit a high order, which is a first cousin of Victor "7ANTED rent furnished houe centrally OP. RANGE rvwt, T-- K- - 11 located. furnlsliod. Call ?OIthALK EXt Property wnt W. It. I'A NE, of debts of the Paid II. O Burleigh, deceased and Ut references or Mouth, 10. !.'; Quotations wero a; follows: Hugo's devil fish; and dried sea anemones, for Attorneys. 813 North dLO-C- t J north and inniwt from l'O annts Oj to Cash tint bj the order of th probate court of Solswkk, address Indlanaavenuo. U) Bcren improved lty FLOUR btendy and unchanged. PAYNE & ELAKE, The s lid petition will he lj samo resemblance and ulrntrivel pruprty 7 Bnrlinrl.lo'uOil 14K: No. o. sprlnc Oiint, Kansi.. heaid which bear the culinary to in ulmofrl evcrj town la K,wt.i and also ta Uuuois. wiiRATVn Offlce, os. Block. said court af 10 o'clock a. m. on 1 hufdny, tho r t fAN'IED &ome second hand countrs and you ttavn noli 2 1.1KU.H. Attorneys. Room Fietcher nests that snapping turtles do to tho AY room 402 hedgwlck If anything to or trad rJI l S.96; No red f day of No ember, I&53. at the olllce of tho probrt e birds' Registers Bhchlug. Euciulreat block. office hour from y to IS m '.' Uj 6 p. OKS-- No iZHc ichlta, Kansas. Loan ine, t and tu l court ot Sedgwick lountj, Kansas, in the cit of diamond back terrapin. Some idea of tho room 12. Getto block. A. J hdgoworui. 7s tf OaTS-N- o. lilc. "Wicldta. CilAiti.ts H.Smtii, Hotel Registers M- dt- - luxuriousness of tho Alongol is afforded by . . Administrator of estate of H. O. Burleigh, d. X7"ANTED Largo parlor stove, carpet and chairs K1.AX SE1 D- -N 4731.4"-- DEAN G0ED0N, 1 j-- tho prices ho charges for theso delicacies. Mum b good and cheap for CAh. I hae two STBAYED. PKI.ME TIMOTHY $ M. Attorney and Counselor at Law. 107 S. Main street, goodit tents, one double barrel shotgun ami small 13 ("J. SI oysters, POI5K f Wichita, Kansas- - 1' Dried clams cost aj)und; dried Rent Registers and Contract ptove for salo or trade. Call at 113 Vii OR gTOLEN-Pro- m my ptea on LaRD t'U'i. Catching aronkeys TJccr. S2 to S3, to Douglas nenue. dlJOJt STRAYED nlgnt. tKrt. Is, a bay pony with wiibKY-a- J with $1.50; sharks' fins, according mar" ai Books for Real Estate star In forehead. oin whltn ofc alt 4 (cH, aaa j MAEY MEEELLL, At Darfur, in Africa, tho quality; from 40 cents to C3, 7 a monkeys aro A A goods, two on left sld of f.tcc weigl or bundtel Lmoii . room -- ., Bitting and Rental Agencies TIT" NTED stock of cows, team, Attorney-at-la- Oitice, block said to bo so inordinately fond of a land .and birds' nests, from $20 to $50 a dozen. wagnnand harnexf, aud piano. Jiave good information at win t. So. Mi North MaUt.au tf II reward. W. Ji Harrali. MbU ARTICLES. RECEIPTS. SHIPMENTS. of beer mado by the natives that tho bev-erag- o In Chinese cooking sauces play as import- proport) that wilikUlt oii topxehanca for above. Lloj d IS. 1 trroll, room . Ferrell bld'g. 110 tf w. H. IUucu. is used by treacherous man as ant a part as in the cuisine tit Les Freres Scale Books ED OP. hT'LXN-O- ne Wck aom. . l W. H. BnrnEvn wan. a STItA"k higti.liiBn gimd - 42,0ft) SJ.CXM t old. In ftr.Ji. Wheat means of capturing unsuspecting Provcnceau. For tho preparation of these, W'AATED To buy railroad tickets to all point a w )rr ,(HK) SH).(O) EELDENBAUGH & EAUOH, their Assorted Sizes ono wfdte kind 'orf bit xtrip lb Corn 2 l Highest ca h price for all return portion of W He- -, Lwti ly.'lUO 120,()H) relatives. Cans of beer aro placed within as well as for tho thickening of soups and tho Cheap 11 la North Sli.rttt'1 A. (. tltil u Oat EJAtlonit-v-.- i m i uui. el.tia.it j.m Uounii 5and excursion tltknt rates to all joints. W. trt, ISaker A. Co., brokers, 14U N Main - at 205 North Main st. oJSStf reach, and when the convivial monkeys concoction of "made dishes,' there will bo railroad ticket m b.- fct. dVl tf STRAYED-Fro- Unee;Vrratj ah -' k HITTER Firm with some pales sllghty higher; have become so thoroughly inebriated bowlfuls of tho finest wheat flour and Receipt and "" tsl Uxh while Mar to frrfcal Elgin cieamtry. 2frS2tA6 choico 22u.'4; Jnvent 122 Wrst Dongiaa nrrotts, WJrbMa, K choice dairy l'iut"c. common to fair lVc. HATT0N & EUGGLES, that thov fail to know tho difference be- starch, and of that finest of all amylaceous Note Books A. Powell. dbawH EGGS-Ur- m; choice, lsslsc. Attornejsatlaw, ua h ruu.iim'v,' olte tween tho man and tho apo tho negro foods, rice flour. In this and in other re- EOB one kitchen CTOLEN OR STISArED-- rr prtval MaUo, takes tho hand of of them, in all good spects the stores of the contain the 142 North m Mr4ay a.gbt a York Produco Cemetery Association A good pSo Ma'ket tre New fellowship, and leads him off. The others samo articles as first class American restau- 170RSALE No Ecook stove, will sHl for blood bay miy five roontbs old. wilt Mik max.o New York, Oct. 22. E. B. Jewett. .T. B. LAXOWORTIIV one-ha- lf prlc. Also b or ID loads of and tail, aieo InacK Mf liofa Mix. ura firm, very No, 2 naturally follow him, and so gcod-b- y to kitchens. Whatever is to be found in Books and Blanks kindling w ood. Call or address TUl N. S Itif WHEAT MaHe b'gher. dull. JEWETT & LANGY0ETHY, rant at.r. blooded and a perfect b"anty A iltrl reward wui red 5110. their liberty. Once a Weelc our larders finds a placo thero, and tho JS5t Im nulil forhreoery of the abovn A40rmer COhNJ3Wc lower, Hteady; No. 2o3Hc. l.awjeis. Rooms-- '. audt, --V) Norm Main street call on A. E. MUlor. City Market Houm- - V. OATS A shade firmer; mixed 2Tu3lH white Wichita, Kansas. dlW-t- r numerous articles mentioned add the variety Magazine Binding II'OR SALE Two second hand rendering tasks, Kan. tftvCHrt "ivSllc. Ocean Derelicts. which tho main distinguishing feature of JD one 11 It Cinches high. 6 ft in diameter oae 11 COFFEE Options dull sales, C2.0O) bags, spot Drift of is Law Binding feet 6 Inches high, four feet in diaintr; abo 14 1C by complete EOB TEADE. dull, en)y at JOHN W. ADAMS. G. W. C. JONES. GEO. W. ADAMS Everett Ilaydcn, of the Ilydrographic the Chinese cuisine. inch lOfoot boiler Aboe outfit all In Sl'OAR Steadv. dull; C. 6JtC C. CJiCGl-lC- ; white Tho of tho kitchen presents a flrfetclas reiiatr, wlllbettold cheap Address Fort citra C. C3tt cllow0)a!''4c. ADAMS, JONES & ADAMS, bureau, in a recent lecture beforo tho furniture Scott Foundry A. Machine i orks Co., Fort 'c-ki-, TRADE 177 acres of choice fannlnlnd la Flim,21Hc, tho invasion of east Binding Kan. - FOR connty Kaawui Will nebaoge EGOS Law. OOico first ulrww east of Franklin institute, gave some interesting curious instance of the Music lratt- for BUI'lEK Flrm-i227- Attorn at Wichita property ApjMy to liJl U Iiuh, row II Bank. west, the cast Iron stove or range t CUHESE-UncUan- RilOc Wichita National lli data concerning tho remarkable drift of by tho for Book Binding and 15. TSli North Main trt-- dWMtt tho bench used A flrstclaM horsp and Iraggv forMlo ocean derelicts. For example, the ship is found bsside brick in Jr"ORSALE easy, grod mort- or will trade for SO new triggiea Kansas City Produce SLUSS. w. E. STAXLEr. resembles tbo one rec- oil- TRADE and aeood hand H. C. Ada Iredale caught firo from spontaneous China, which greatly gage note and will put in some cash. Morton W FIR carriages and waaob. City. Oct. 22. Binding of man A Cb.. ZJ N Main. lii t - Kansas SLTJS3 & STANLEY, combustion, was abandoned, drifted 2,423 ommended by Count F.urnford in his famous 1 tn hor- power boilr and "uglse. No. 2 HS"c asked; No. 2 IZ.UX) agricultural WHEAT Weaken red. Attorney at Law. Wichita. Kansas. studies beginning of tho century. This all kinds worth of la4:cnU oUUj eoft.Jl 04 asked. miles in eight mouths, was towed into at the SALE OR TRADE In good location, one cf plow, corn pUnlcrs, one Fiytsg Xs4ckma. etc COllN-Qul- et; May..0Vc bid. port and continued to burn for eleven bench is about four feet high, four feet wido EOR long le&M--; no rent to pay till spring t fire proof afe. OATS Mv. 24Hc bid; ir eerythlng In good snap; wotted like from i) to 40 10 delivery wajon. all klada. m from to twenty feet in length. At 1 FLOUK Demand good. NX. S1.10; XXX. J1.20; W. P. CAMmELL. J S. L. D VKB mouths longer; then was repaired and and ten Lithographing of all Kinds acre of land ' e to a town In JHAOufl, will pay 2 entire grocery stocxa, also part of ttock. famllv, tl.40; choice. 1 75. fancy, i'.W, extra fancy, made into a handsomo bark, which is one end of it is a large fireplace cylindrical can amrrecce vs. sauixactory. call or aaarrst a. 1 tock dry goods J2.a't2.90: patent, CAMPBELL & DYEE, Second to None W SI'S Kh ave. Ui 12tl Fifty thousand wMtjro laad. 2V2.1. - airw MEALr-tsViP- doing good Chinese- shape, or three feet in diameter and 1 -- CORN Attomeys-at-La- "Wichita. Kan. jB-t- service in the trade. in two lot oCc flxtcr j all deerlpJo. CORN CHOP Yellow. S0&KC Another vessel drifted 8,321 miles in eight three feet deep. This is used in roasting. SALE Hotisehold goods, piano, oil Alto land la LUiol. Jilouri. Arkaatas an-- BRAN aTOffic. Texas. months and ten da vs. New York Tribuno. The of the top of tho bench has Tinting FOR mirror. parlor t, rattan rocic-er- s. wjth wtu SH I PSTU remainder Ruling and dining refrigera- All property Ubd us rcST prooipt ISc P. A. E0HEBAUGE cheSon.er, Ixlruom mu tabi5, attpaUon United Ao KYE bid. several circular openings of different sizes. tor, large cook stove, heau-r- and kitchen furattU' at the Tra Ii HAY Weak; prairie, JC.OO7.00; timothy. J70A Attorney at law Attorney for ctcrn Colles of all and 747 .North Malt t. formsrljr M- -ia ftlrevt Tb-t- -, rent, up Bureau, hoojjis L- 8 A No. lot N. Marke Teutonic Element in Chicago. In the sides and ends there are smaller fire- Rooms alo for llniulro 23 b. Mais, stairs. tolldlag, Wichita. Zan. AtXtJ tlo - Kinds on Notice 4C FLAX SEED-S1.- 23. ttreet, Wicliita, Kan. dUJ- more eight inches square. Short Chicago is one of tho Lirgest German j places, seldom than BUTTER Receipts largo and market Meadv; kiln dried TXR TRADE- -I have tb foHow'ag yn- -j to rreamery. J32;ic dairy, ISc; roll, ISai.c; store pack- cities in the world, so far as tho numeri- - The fuel used in cooking is wood, ALE Two pood ilerrlcks. Works. rcp and Jl trade for a rood riWM Ifl e.It. lUHk) M. POR1 cL-- ed, J. HuurnitKT. No vh ALLcx. hickory cr some similar variety being pre- com plete, ery p. Inquireat ju houth fl cor Wo and Ufa U UjtfQmvtr WCilazn.es- -4 Plt. cal strength of tho Teutonic element is Charters and - -- CHEESE ll12c HTJMPHEEY & ALLEN, Hydraulic avenue. d Hi. 6U ioe- to z naibrt6 two lu ii EGG-bte- Bazar. lt'kc concerned. Even in the fatherland there , ferred. Harpers Legal Blanks of Every Kind liO. wjth food cottage on wuh jkx. 4 Urrlracabtlot ta Receipts Law. 02ico JOOMfc. LIVE CHICKENS falr;hens. 2.22.50, Attorneys and Counselors: 0 jjj j Pratt City rent for pr ill trA ae BS-- can SALE The Barton hotel car works. A f VT. roocters. Ji.00. North Main street. aro few centers of population which IJ"OR at plKA which may - E. ilatchltsoa. rf ti 1 1 KKEYS 7c per ponrd. vie in this respect with tho wonderful Butter Inspection In France. at lli) North Mala street. Kaxuoa It Kay. lIrd at. Wichita. SL'OAR CURED HAMS-l- lC II. L. GonDox. F. Job and imEAKFAST ITACON 11.40. CKA3. Corns mctroplis of tao western hemisphere. Among the recent decrees made in Franco DIULD I5EEF.8UC G0ED0N & C0PPLN, Whatever causes may have driven the Is ono relating to the inspection of butter for Poster Printing SALE Th leading boot and shrxi DRY SALT&1IOULDERS-JSL2- J; long fS.S5, herue JTOLEK clear. Consulors at Law. Offic dealings. By FORDjt ado, Ka stock atd Osvat. Trade govl rib. t.hort Attorneys and lo&ndu. German from tho land cf his birth it can tho repression of fraudulent 11 clear fs n' clear, f .5. block, Wichita. Kan. Reasons fbr wanting to zvrX. Cah traut cciy Tb OceW'titAl Nw 0rjny w,tl SMOKED SHOULEERS 19 00; long clcicSOSi; Ftchaeimer truthfully bo said that his first aim on this, special persons are authorized to tak be cosiderwd- - Aodre A, E. El STOLEN ward for 1 that wtt) evirvlet lU clear rib. 19 V: 9m. Stationery and Office will Koseabc. tt rHtx shcrt clear, f him- place, w Dorado. Ear.- - USi-l- wbsapvroprlatM oar f the . 1'ORK-5.- 10. I. R. IIAI.1.0WKIX. J.E. Huits. foreign, soil is to create a homo for samples of butter in any hcther the re4alrr Cstoa Cfsrt. oa LAUD-?5.- Supplies of all Kinds at the 7i. Late U. S. Attorney. self. Then ho organizes a vercin a so is exposed sale, stored in a ware- alcht,Isls Octobtr U, life!, and V hlgt,xta7Octo- butter for ?ALE At CO cents on dollar, all Wad Ktuwhr - ob- tie ber 17. Vat. die tu St. Louis Produce. HALLOWELL & HUME. ciety. In fact, in populous cities the so- i house or in transit by land or water. Xo FOR and fancy srods la silk, etc .will U they cost ta CMsa for thU Oct. 22- - Lawyers. N Main street Wichita. Kan. M-- t ciety precedes the home. Lnicago limes. i3 to be in the way of this, and Publishing at wkat month fair. St. Locis. stacle thrown Book QooagJt Wah. SA West ItvaiZt ave- - text to IXrzjtXtj LOST. FLOUR Better feeling but is light. all way bills, receipts, bills of lading, or dec- aveatxe houl. 12 Ui WHEAT Cash dull. Option opened quiet and D. A. MITCHELL, on demand. Each fteady but at once and sold up ?fc Xor Eoys DressI like GlrLv larations must bo ahown A a-- o pi Price Lists ! SALE-- lady oa X. December and c for May. A other markeiaa- - Attorney at Law and coUecUou atfent. No. 14 Mala be subjected to a special T?OR billiard and pool tables. Call at LOiT w13 plPA cajl O. A Philadelphia miss, who has sample taken is to so--- iu-- 24t i1air at iA &otgvtk anced a weaker feeling follow ed and the cloe w as tret. Wichita, Kansas. littlo Premium Lists r 21 a il-- - &4 1 ecember He and May so lower than Satur-fla- y. been traveling in northern Europe during examination. Pure batter, mixed butter, 2 No, rod, cash, H.On W. N. in- .l 0"T-Aj- LI141.l?k, a Morris. J. Hatjukis. tho summer with her mother, was much margarine, oleomargarine, and jrreasn SALE One pair cf inltr saos-- gr rr7 Jwk". Th3rdr.oa 13th C I closing tl.Uk; May H.lOai.lSH. closing l.Lfe. I'OR plsloarr, J" i a&d No. 2 HAYMAKER, consumption, forwarded in OK iUcW 4i fsfe. 3X &szar Lawrezc ave U. at CORN Hlcher. cah. )Us Octolvr XHc. M0EEIS & amused at the way that prevails in Hol- tended for two fane cn J H jirt srrews corad is.lwsporta. Mrii Le v, Pamphlet and 4t. with Ilsehs Ut Zx t&tt rloing ak: bid: year. closing 3340 bid: Jauu-ar- Ofiic us N Main stnwt. Wichita. contained in closed packageSj 42 41 tl ezm closing &Jc Sc. Lawytn. land of dressing boys and girls under S transit must bo nd win ciau crvrr bTt ty.. S3.c, bid. May, Vic Catalogue wi4 rtth.a t- U taxes soon. Cuii z tt, A OATS Dull; No. 3 cash.SJitc; May2Sc;Novem-tor- . the origin and catura of the merchan- Publishing tii for -i cii T ST browaiih, greJi lap robe, rn years of asre exactlv alike in full dark and troilTJ. msAKT b rsltaMy rra-- bid. bodices. bo conspicucusly specified thereon. by1J wi iSAl KYE-Hlg- 52355c PHTSICIAIT& skirts and bright The only way dise must I'artit a at iiu oSce BARLEY Quiet. to tell them apart Is that tho girls wear In every waT tho 'article to be exported muss Anything and everything SALE Don", ftul to call at tie urtaekT HAY pool demand; f9.0039.J0; that is FOI tfc d wct- na-- In prairie, col- raissc" roccrdod. London first-cla- ss Ktor and eiexant itl. 0JftJlJ0. plain caps, whilo the boys' caps are have its full done in a publishing derwtar. soiid urder3Jtxie San-ari- s. T1ZE5 U?. m: DB. NANNIE STEPHENS. FLAX SEED-Fli- $L4S. ored. Both wear the h'air short, with Times. bouse. Send on etc. jilo af.rcll lire of tse hoir7'. giov, LFAD Unsettled, with $3.60 bid for corroding OfSce at residence. Ott ooth Water St. OCee for estimates aais and cap. All will be offerrattfor the titrty r"PACEN CP ytK,lit7 i&rf. ar la Jer4d, at aTi -v hours 11 to 12 a. in, 2 to 5 p. ra. d.'Xf bangs, so that the face offers no hint as any kind of work. day at pazic prtcn. tte 9Ur. IX X. fet4 f-- fcHs. fcraa&ed la fi Uj. O- m: ftDbeT cU-i- Vy pyl&? BVITER-Hr- creamery, TzaXc; dairy, axsa.'c to tho sex of the child. Philadelphia Puis 3netre, Acrlh Jiala, old New Tcrk store. Z eaajsave same ?crtt ytytrtr aa4 EGGS Firm; IEc for good btock; 143Uc for In- trwi J. T. Tacxer. i tstV t a ferior. DES. TEEELLL & SHULTS, Times. The receipts of the twenty-si- x Parl3 thea- Kikj ti. IS J , CORN MEAL 5.10. Surj-eon- Phvslcian and 14 N Main tres last year wero abouJ $S,500,000, which EOABDim - WHISKY Steady; H.14. N0.-V- 1, for reldcnce IX. Dr Tar-ri- ll, rpAEEN tP-- To ev--i, ! UZt rilOVlSIONS-Du- ll. t5 Tendency to Increased Lnmry. fS50,CCO -- kx a U la gectral practice, diseases of women and chil- was a decrease of ever tho previous 1 fore fio Cn'ttnui. a rri POKK-S15.- 3& w 1 obstetric. Dr. thultii, oonumpt!on. Tho of time is to ANTED erf IVardter. Rora .Jrpot. U l H dren and tendency the increased -i- wtb f ABD Prlmo steam, nominally tS . catarrh, all throat and chest diseases, piles, rup- year. A ddress all letters to w board la jrlrai boss With Odtrsi cvat-- s bOfartT7 Vntt f . HJ tures, blood, skin and chronic diseases generally. luxury. Thero will be more pretty little ieaces. Ci N Te;-- V trt. VS, a !. St. Louis Live Stocfc. Consultation free. L'T-t- f adjuncts to tho dressing" case this year A young child of 2r. and Mrs. Reoul-braul- t, Pinui DELTSU, Jalj 3!. IS. St. Lons, Oct. 22, than ever. Toilet sots have been growing of Manchester, 2. H., has two per- ST0BAGE. Wlchlu ULGtZ. WiciliUk, XVAS. CATTLE Receipts. .C25; shipments. 11,70. Mir-- DB. E. Y. MTjIxSELL'3 richer and richer every year. Last year fectly fcrosd beads, joined to tho body by Gentlemm We itAve a ens at jo-i- t kct dull; choice heavy native steeiv. $5.Xs.0r EYE. VOvE s.VD THROAT fcrxned fair to good native steers. W.4O45.0J: butchers.' s ivory back3 to brushes, and ivory ccxnb3 two shcr; but well necks. Tho child STORAGE rer!es&!&ir. I.UO54.40; rcri 1NFIRMARY If 70a aar gviU to rjtrt VhilsAtlybta. itortpW a Trttsi med(um to choice. stockors and fredep,. wero considered the proper things. This is otherwise cf sonaal development and en- W iv the Co, gooa. rangers, jjj.viit.iu; SPECTACLES FITTED. B. P. MUEJDOCK, Manager. trtnc to",Ut fciiUk blor C. As. i "area aa i obUf:d IZ jotx Ui zairio ftusu; ctra iea. year everytiing runs to oxidized silver joys good hsolth. Dccgiaatiive- - afctl tiia dtr, ltU Rooms 5 and 4, No. 230 N. Main su 11- - ad ihu ccrnfn oe.b strxxiUr in aII : for combs and brosi and mirror backs. I eartJe- -s fteailj-- cholc heavy and butchers' selections, SS50 of success STOUAG5 All klsd of Iscneebo'd rw.4. at jcrar cmrtsiesix, ao! a 70. packing, medium to prime, iS.4a53.G0; lLjht suppose after awhile gold will bo the TLa secrets incch in this world ec can b friy orTl 14 Kjciitilly joor, ordluarj- - to best, 13 3 j4J0-- MRS. MAEY GAGE DAY, M. D, cash, confidence, cheerfnlartg con the larxe brie bofidlcg. car&rr ct ir trades proper capor. J. A. W. Femovr ia are and by7iri al Tvzqsqzz I'uxmt&Gnxx. SH 740; shipment, Mark.et Ofaoe 1111 aven-- e. Office rtfta svear ferrtcrly cjpJ tte S. H. iftrpyty 60. at residence, University ssacy. Baltimore American. Wichita Kansas. B. L. teady; fair to choice, to.00e4.40. hours 9 to u a. m. 7o 9 p. sn. cttrjaay. liertlr, Jiasgcr. -

jjfM4M OtiaiSiw,