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Carrizozo News, 1908-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

9-5-1919 Carrizozo News, 09-05-1919 J.A. Haley

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Recommended Citation Haley, J.A.. "Carrizozo News, 09-05-1919." (1919).

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C'ARRIZOZO SCHOOL NOIFS New Mexico to Build 483,28? Your Home Paper and trie High Institute Resolutions Oscuro News Notes birthday cake baked by Mrst lllack was a beauty. Miss Orltilc

) Miles ol Roads Cost ol living (It. Iv. li Tri-Coti- rccolved quite a number of pres- h' Oil The Institute ol In some localities there has been Tlie public school (if Carriinio Otero, Doua Ana and Lincoln ents. Santa I'V. New Mexico, Sept. I. Shoe uii'ii predict that bv nest uire rains, and griming is good, opened Monday morning with counties is drawing to a close Dr. West, wife and two little A of thirty-nin- e we once paid lor Stock is fat, gardens flue, orchards .'UIU pupils in attendance. total federal spring shoes it atmilt Your committee, in all honest splendid, though not n large daughters left Tuesday for their enrollment, assignment to aid highway project have been will he around $15 and $2U, After muleavor to learn the sentiments yield. The fruit is certainly home in Ilatavla, Illinois, having ctrteees Hinging of songs tin initiated in New Mexico since the Clothing peopie snv n very ordin- mitt of the members of this institute, delicious. lCvcry one seems to spent the past three months with were allowed tn go home United States "ufty-fifty- " plan ary suit will sell at $50, ami every plinlls find so great agreement on all he happy and of good cheer, for Dr. and Mrs. K'anulgcr. ilx- - was adopted in New Mexico. thing else wc wear will be in Tor the remainder of day. point considered that we offer 11. D. New Mexico ha hIiowii remark-aid- e price of the prospects are now a rush in Chamberlin, of HI Paso, The attendance in the liiiili proportion. Already the the following resolutions: tlie oil development. is doing clerical work in Mr. e, speed, insofar as the federal groceries ami furniture, in fact, school t thirty-fiv- and the 1. That we express our ap- provisions permit, in accepting of all necessities, is so high that KalTcty's oil olllce. teaching force n siiflleieut to do preciation of the splendid work The Canadian-America- n Oil & federal assistance in her road it makes a fellow's huud hurt to li, W. Ounyoii, of ItlO I wet work. In the high dntie by our instructors, and our Lousing company, of Vancouver, manager the building. Seven of the projects contemplate such soaring. And oil company is drilling school the following course gratitude to all others who have II, C, have taken over the rig that near have been fully approved with vet, amid it all, there is one lliliii; town, and Mrs. wife, English, four years; helped toward making the ses- and holdings of K. O. Kaffety, Gunyon, his construction underway, including that lias not kept pace in ascend went to Kl Paso last Friday, re- Hpnuittti, four yearn; Latin, four sions both pleasant and profitable. and arc now drilling after spend- nearly one litiudrcd mile of high-w.i- y iug price with other things a turning on Tuesday evening. jenini Commercial, lour years; 2. That we appreciate the ing a few days on repair work. on which a total of over civiliied people cannot well get Sciailce, four years; History, three privilege of holding our meetings They are going to carry the hole Kd. llowser has rented the S'fSU.OOO will he expended. Two along without ami that is your yearm Manuel Training, two in the heaulitul new buildings of on down from its present depth of building next to Chas. F. Orey's other projects have heeu approved home-tow- n paper. MM) years; Home Ikouomlcs, two the Otero County High School. feet. However, they are store, aud will open an oil olllce ami hid for their construction Don't stop reading there if you years; and Aicriculttire, one year. i. That wi express to the reaming out a 60 foot olTset that there. The Oscuro Uusiness Club will he opened the middle of are a d man. give TheHe courses art' being Just cttixeusof Alamogordoour thanks had been made, and are making a will also have u room there. September, involving some ten this a minute's thought. Is there strengthened in every possible for many courtesies uxtended. hole all the way down, miles of highway at an estimated anything that gives you the same There was two very prosperous way. The hool ha twelve I. That we extend congratula- which they intend keeping as cost of some $75,000. amount of enjoyment, the same looking oil men in town last benches for work in .Manual train- tions to Hip county superinten- lung as possible or as long as The plans and specifications amount of knowledge, the Haute week, and the report is, that they ing, n large equipment lor the dents ol Lincoln, Uoua Ana and they think best. They have a are ready for two more projects amount of valuable suggestions will be back in just a few days, Domestic Science department and Otero counties for the splendid car of coal coming, also another totalling sixteen miles at a cost and then serves worthy pur- I Canadian-America- n & teveti typewriters in the Com- aoine management shown and their driller. W. (iiinyon, geologist, The Oil of SJi'i.OOO. One project has pose that the home-tow- n payer Leasing Co, received of mercial dopartiueitt. A lirstcliiM spirit of devotion of Vancouver, is director and a car coal hecu ap proved hut construction does. Ami did you know that it Monday, which was unloaded tnhlo for work in Physics will he to the cause for which we stand.1 general manager. W. H. Tiller, and deferred; surveys ami plans are has yet never asked you to lay delivered at the oil rig. hllilt by the Manual TraiuiiiK S, We go on record as un- also of Vancouver, a director, is being made for eight more, ag- down your good money unless it classes and a splendid eipiipmuiit utterably opposed to the proposed here. J. Wcllbauk of the same A most enjoyable evening was gregating l'J'i miles, estimated met your every requirement. It lion heeu ordered for this amendment providing for placing place is on the joti, dressing tools, spent in the parlors of Mr. and cost id2 1,000. Approval has also is one thing vou can contract for the educational and penal institu- They have rented the 1'Mwards Mrs. C. F. Grey, by a social heeu asked for twelve more pro- - ami ipiil when you choose and liStmlinaU itrfll hi ttliiri'il nil tions of the state under one hoard Hotel building and in the store bunch of 50 players. Miss - you're still ahead of the game. work ill the common hrauches allU ,"".u"' of control. room part will have their ollices. Woods, our principal in the ') "e projected hns '..-heeu d.s-ho- Printer's ink, white pi per, type Along the line. We want ur fi. That the sentiment of this They have bought ami leased school, carried oil the grand hy the department of metal, labor, everything ami girl to read mid write nM'vl that institute is that all iullueucc more than 15,000 acres of laud. prize. Mr. Wcllbauk, a tool 1 wo have heeu goes into the making of your well; to he aide to spell well and "Br cjiHure. possible be brought to hear to There is unite a little Ira flic in dresser, won the booby prise. withdrawn on the request of home. (own paper has gone tip in llgure wull. After that a strong have formed a separate depart- leases now going on here. oll'ereil. county commissioners who wanted price as other things went up. high school course is ment of education with repre Harold Havens, geologist, of The President and tlie Shopmen We every hoy ami girl in others substituted. Hut we are asking you i:u more want sentation in the President's California, was here last week, ami get all The total mileage of projects money for youi paper. For that tile diltrict to come cabinet, as provided in the Smith- - and said: "I have been all over President Wilson has earned u under construction approved and reason, why wouldn't it he a good the education possible. Hducu-tlo- Punier Hill. the right to speak to the railroad for which statements are ready is idea to show your appreciation m' New Mexico, looking up the oil is the only thing on earth 7. ).SJ,2S7 That we go on record as possibilities, and around Oscuro shopmen as a friend. From that that it free to all. Kvcrythiiig miles and estimated total the one thing that has remained cost favoring medical inspection of is the most favorable pi. :e 1 have point of vantage he proffered else is screwed down tight, ami S3,377,21.l. The govern- at the same price by paying up sohools, under the supervision of seen. I will report same to me them caution and advice which the screwdriver hut. ment will pay halt of the cost, your back subscription. It takes to the State lloaid of Health, and companies in California I asi out were none the less friendly be- 'tMie of the statu provide the other money to print and mail you a teaching force Carmoto that we urge all teachers to use for, will in cause solemn in tone, and which, in which pro-jest- s which result further fl ua follows: I?. IS. Cole, super- hull. Counties the papei every week for a whole their inlluence toward that end. examination of this field by their in their own interest and for the Coxier, are located contribute out of year, and the printer-ma- n ap- intendent; llryau principal H. That recognising the broad own specially employed geo behoof of the entire nation, it is county levies. The state and preciates a timch check. of High School, Manual training; ening inlluence of a wider nut- - hoped they will accept in like counties must therulore pi o vide logists." IWItlf Lutlon, Kiiglish; Minnie look, we recommend that eveiy spirit. i $l,tiS8,to'i. to to meet federal aid Henry Dracc, a former resident Still v n it t , Commercial branches; Carranza Soldiers Sboot Down member of this In The president reminded the on these projects, . Projects have and still a property owner of this Jewel Macheu, Spanish; Alice stitute become afllliated with his shopmen that the cost of living already heeu started in all hut place, dropped off for a day to Tipton, Nighth grade; Mrs, Yelma U. S. Airplane state and national organisations. has reached its peak and its Otero, Socorro and Torrance see how things wore coming in that Carlisle, Seventh grade; Kttliur '). That it is the sense of the trend may hereafter he cxpectcil counties, the oil business. He was on his 9eale, Sixth grade; Ulixaboth Washington, Sept. 1. The war inombers of this organization to he downward, ami is certain to "The movement to have the way to Heloit, Wisconsin, where Jnrrett, Fifth grade; Lucille department will await an ollicial since the institute of PHo fall much lower so soon as the public lauds ceded to the status is that his wife and baby now are. Mr. Lindsay, Fourth grade; Inex report from Major tieneral Hick- litis been so eminently successful, treaty of peace has been ratified. gaining sui prising support," said I) race has been living in Wilcox, Holland, Third grade; Mrs. Nora man, commander of the southern the Institute should Until ratification has Governor O. A. Larnuolo, hack Ariiona for some lime, but is now after that Massie, Second grade; Verda department, Secretary ltsker said become a permanent institution. been accomplished uud all busi Keff, from the Salt Luke City confer- moving to Heloit to take a posi First grade; Ivy Lindsay, today, before considering the 1U. That we go on record us ness aim is put upon a ence of governors, The move- Fnirbaulc-Morri- s industry First grade; Mrs, tliiiuin, Mast question of whether some action tion with Co. ment was initiated hy him early favoring the lengthening of the sure footing, President Wilson side; and Miss Hughe, Must side. would be taken against the Mex-ica- in hi administration. tenure of office of both the state Olc Norton, recently diichargcd axpluiued, increases of wages who fired iiton an American ami county superintendents, and from the truck department in dictated by the maximum costs of Of Interest tu army airplane on the Kio Urn tide, that these same should be persons France, was in town for a short the moment would defeat the Death of Cupt. .foil u Lee wounding one officer. Until some of suflicieitt to hold n lime. Said, lie would, in u few campaign which Tile following advice from the education the government report was received, Mr. Uaker first grade certificate or its days go back lo his old home in ts now conducting for .lower war ileparlmeiit will he of interest All the old residents of Lincoln declined to speculate on what Hue equivalent. Wisconsin to see his mother ami prices; would advance the raise tu alt soldiers discharged, or county will regret to learn ol the the department's action might K. li. Cot.B, Chairman. father. fur transportation and in transferred to tlie Reserve, since death of Capt. John Lee, which that take. Mrs. A. IS. Thomas. way enhance every charge against April li, 1'17; a largo number of occurred at the home ot hit Floyd Crews, from Chicago, In military circles, the tiring Mhh. K. M. (iKouii. production uud distribution, whom returned tu civil life with daughter, Mrs. Kd Oueeu, at came in last week, to spend a upon army liters was considered These increases of wages to meet out claiming their "kit," Douglas, Ariaona, laat Friday. mouth or more with his parents, Inr more serious than the reeeut a temporary situation would he Honorably discharged soldier The deceased was a native of Mr. aud Mm. Judge S. F. Crews. detention of two other aviators Jack's Peak Allnino; Co. permanent and their effects on or those tirloitithed to the reserve Scotland, and followed the sea in Floyd certainly looks Hue, and he for ransom. All army machines the cost of living would be equally are ouiitiod to psriimuoutly retain his earlier life. Ho located lit A reKirt from the Jicnrilla is getting a uico tan on already. are plainly marked, it was said. lasting. the following article of uniform White Oaks about .15 years ago, mining district suvs: The narrow and the press reports Iroiu Hi Miss Anna Drowning of May- - Not only the shopmen, all Hiul equipment: where he was in business for a gHge railway from Luna, a station but bolder would indicate that Cap hill, N. M. add Miss lSvyllu Core workers and employers every One hat sutl cord, 1 pan long number of years, moving to on the li. P. A 8. V., to the iron tain McNabb'a airplane was either of Alamogordo, the young ladies, man, woman aud child in the breeches, 1 pair shoes, 1 pair Carriioxo about ten rears ago. mines is almost completed. One on the American side or was fol who taught the Oscuro school United Stales would continue to leg gins, I waist belt, 1 slicker, I Of late vears he suffered from an of the mines has suspended work lowing the river - the interna lust year, have been visiting Mrs. feel the pressure of excessive overcoat, 1 barrack bag, 1 pair internal ailment, mill underwent teiuimrarily, until the air com- tlouui boumhirr at this point, lllack for the past week. I'll bet prices of till they need for food, gloves, I O. D. skirt, 1 coal nod an operation about a ytsr ago, pressor, ordered some time ago, lit either case, it should have been a lot of nice punches was picked clothing and shelter. Those ornaments, 3 suits underwear, 4 but I ailed to regain his strength. is put up. Also a power hoist, immune from hostile attack. olf of to whose (Airs is development passed those trees next the income takes the form of stockings, J scarlet chev- The captain made friends with nil The fact that press dispntchoti has the - hand-labo- house, while they were there. wages and salaries would feel it rons, I toilet articles- whom hr came In contact with. r stage there. When referred to repeated "volleys" most of all. Strikes which stop Additional if overseas: One He was about H5 years of age. the machinery arrives and is put The school hoard eluded, Miss from the Mexican side alio was the rate and multiply the costs of loa mask and balaaet, 1 overseas lis leaves two sous, Jim and l?d In place, the Jicarillns will be the Hertha Woods of Knswell for conslilureil significant 'as indicat production will only magnify the sat) ia place of kat and cord. Lee, who were present whan his hoiuiugiit boom ramp in New principal, Miss Nora Kim- - ing that the assailants were under and diOiculties. unUcateaef the articles will spirit passed away, ami a datigh Mexico, with Carrisoso as the moil of Corona as the teachers some sort of military command. l'he remedy is quick ratifica be NQed to the aoldter onapj-- 1 ter, Mrs. li. II. Lemon, who was trading and distributing point. this coming year. Tlie school Reports persisted here that Hon of the treaty. This will out ulisati, hi sending his name, absent from town, ami did not The Jack's Peak Mining company will start September 1st. (Souural Hickman has authority a period "to the uncertainty regiwew ttn cemtwitj, and the laaru of her father's death until may be the means o( which to meet such situations, without A very enjoyable dance was makes speculation of every in- cstMO froth which his discharge she returned, which was too lute iug the Jicnrilla mining district. waiting on his superiors, hy Mend given in the hall next to C. F vestment, enterprise and transac- was iseilld together with dale, to for her to attend the ftiuerul, - - - iug a column across to capture or Orey's store by Mr. aud Mrs tion thut ought to be. predicated the Ulmllff of (storage, Muni-tleu- s which took place in Douglas last scatter the olTendiug hand ami to We are this week publishing I'urcella, in honor of upon sound, stable bMllillijtt, Washington, D. U. Saturday. their conditions. clean up the district in which the articles of incorporation of daughter's birthday. Music was Neither an increase of wages ruts iiiiiniKUioit win ne oi in- TIid Nhwh extends ccimtul ncc at a g"reat they committed the objectionable the Consumers' Coal coiui-au- of furnished by the Tulurosa the hands of the preuident terest In many soldiers, to the family. Jau nor a who left the army with nothing action. It wutihl not come as Oscuro. Our little neighbor on Orchestra. There was 75 or more stoppage of work on the part of labor a but their fatigue uniforms, and iiewareoi small uxpeiuuat a surprise to many olllceis If djs-- the south may yet occupy a pro- present. Some from Tularosa, can ailord cure. The d senate alone jwrliajis u "coollo" or two smug-fle- paicnw minted to u southward minent place on the map. Oil, has the means of Carrisoso and Nogal were there. ending the evil state over front Fraiieo. movement by cavalry. anil of things, coal copper it a goud starter. Cake aud eollec was served. The Notify the treaty I THE OARRIZOZO NEWS.

was from her he cntSRht hit Dibit 6i uilng slang, Sylvia felt sore. THE Thnt wns another reason for rilillk Lace Frocks in KITCHEN Sylvia and Ing the girl. One who disliked the fa- CouldnYVork vorite of Hip nnicp could not hope to ha CABINET Slang populnr. so Syhla hnd tn content her- S. W. Bishop Wti Lild Up By self with rending; Hip hooka of 3. !! Favor in Paris In roln Trenthwny on phllosophlcnl s. lily thmtirhts coma tiring forth Kidney Trouble. Now Owes nocks. Of course, she did not under-stan- d By OKRALD ST, (Iity, rniter nnts nt vtvld hue, Good Health to Doin's. ETT1ENNE them, hut there was some con- Monto tired In tho principally nnd thn Hut oh, the winaett thlnKS Dcnnvlllc, and skirt little , solation In dreaming nhout J. Lincoln Carlo nru prlnclpnl points of Interest waist was of tnfTctn Willi a touch of That will not flutter llirouglit "I owe my present Root hrtltb, ltrte-lr- nnd ndinlrlng hnndsmnc face ns It to Uoan't Kidney J'(ll," m)t S. his on tho fashion program. I'arls, which luce. Tunics are ns prominent ns over Th tittle lovely wistful things W. ItUhop, fllPj Kensington Ave., St. iCcprrieM, IMI, lh UeClura Nss-li- r wns pictured on the flyleaf. Thero wns hns In scheme nf Inco dress, but Jxiiui, .Mo. sble smiicst.) Is to sny nil of fashionable Paris, the the Thnt start nnd then draw bsok "I wstn't to work. n renl man n tnnn who found the flno betaken Itself to thn sinnrt resorts In tho laco reaches almost to tho bottom with fear: Slitrp I'sint would rstch m when I All stooped or tried tn hit anything, and Hytrin was n girl nf high Idenls mid things of life nnd who loathed tho low so It Is neeessnry to follow of tho foundation skirt. Thcso nre the ones nf France, Thnt 1 hold vastly denr. si wsire i ne siunrv se- 'now thought." Ilpr mind wns nlwnyn nnd the hnrhnrnus. closely, itHserts a prominent Now York Ttio dark silk dresses rnnsldiinl Urnr Itostlck. cret Ion a patwd frequently draggling beautiful thoughts liow her heart bent one dny ns sho fashion writer, If nnu Is to keep In snlllclently elaborate for nny after- ami were scanty ml painful. Specks seemed to mil philosophy, though It must lio wns In tho private olllce of thn man- thn Intest developments noon nffnlr If embroidered or other-wls- a SANDWICH FILLINQ OF VARIOUS touch with bo Moro air ctcn nnd 1 right here Hint although Kylvla's ager taking dictation nnd sho realized In dress. embellished seem to bo passing KINDS. would get dluy. There tmtcs luy Hint wny, Iter iiilml wns not Hint the visitor who entered wns no Always on Hip alert, I'urls trnveled out, at least for tho summertime, was a puiiinesa under mr A sntidwlch mny bo filled with meat. eyes, 1 rqlinl to It. RIip Just understood such other than J. Lincoln Trenthwny. to tho races, hut mnny nf tho best pen-- Jenny uses Chnntllly laco In n largo could see myself chicken fish, tanking a sntidwlch falling from dny to day things partly not Hint Hjlvln wns Unmindful of tho manager jilo thn way, Is to nay, In quantities and or her wero nhsent and mldluettoi that which Is In Itself end I finally was laid up ituplil. Slip wns really one of the clov-Irr- Jumped from bis chair and ran forward failed tho dressmnkers at tho Inst mo- In big ispiiccs. A black satin nnd irom ,iune mini cciiinii u n itionl, or filled her, 1 KM- - BUf nml most ronsrlpntlmn stenog- with n hand of welcome extended. ment, no were npw got Doan't that thero fewer with sweets, n des- Villa anil uxnt ttirm. I received rapher In ttio employ nf Kill & Co., "Congratulations, Lincoln, old boy. expected, llnp-pit- y frocks than hnd been sert or n dainty tn relief with the first box nnd iweame mil fnlr U look upon) lint Hint In Miss Is girl In tny em- nro over stronger every day. 1 could sleep well win Wilson tho Illicit most of tho troubles and servo with n cup of oil Hint could do said of tier orhn'.d. ploy, nnd I know she will mnko you tho best houses Imvo promised Inter- at night and the kidney accretions were ten n glnss of now of natural color. The iIImIiipss Madge n very different typn of happy. told mo nil nhout It." changes. How- or wiih Sho has esting nnd Important cooling beveraje. ami other troubles disappeared and I girl. "New thought" wiin from sho Lincoln ex- - ever, we to guess whnt tho up in weight. I had used farthest "Isn't wotiderfull" are left Cold meat put After hpr mlntl most of the tllnp, nnil for claimed enthuslnstlcnlly. "Why, sho changes, nre to he, though a few of flckrd of iHian't KMney I'llli 1 ni through tho meat and felt like my old self. beautiful thoughts ntnl tlic nrt nf liv- Just seems to have been made for me, models give some Important clews The tho chopper, with a sweet plcklo or two euro seemed s miracle and I Hrmlv lt. ing In perfect hnnnony with every- Her happy-go-luck- nature nnd bright tho assurance Hint whntcvpr tho lieve that my life was and and bound together with n snlnd dross-lug- , saved by this thing nml everybody, welt, sh lesi Idrns of llfo arc Just whnt 1 need to changes mny lie one mny bo certain makes a good sandwich nnd one v... didn't think of Itfn In Hint way. Gel tnke mo out of myself. Did you ever they will ho Interesting. flicern fo Icforc me. that In which leftovers mny bo used with- nil Hip enjoyment out of everybody nnil henr nn) thing original ns her slang J pre-wa- r JOH.V W, njlVXB, to Tho clegiiiico of tho toi- out faintly. Votary Public. everything nml glvp everybody nml ev- too clever, though, to bo called remarks from tho Its lettes Is repeatedly mentioned nml Tongue Dean's at Anr Store, 60a a net erything nil ttio enjoyment of youmrlf slang. It's more like witty phrases. veal and Sandwiches. rut Gt there Is every Indication that even- tho vent nnd tongue through tho moat us fnr n b It Im within your imwcr, wns Mmlgc Is tho most wonderful girl In moro tually tho elaborate manner of chopper moisten with a small Hip coiIp Hint MiuIbc Uveal up to tho world." and DOAN'STlVFOSTER.MIU1URN CO, BUFFALO. dressing will return. Luce, which hns amount soup with N.Y. Kor n long, long tlmo after sho had of stock; season long since been discarded, Is consld paprika nutmeg. Spread on but She wns life of (tie olllco nnd retreated from the private ofllco Sylvln - and the ered one of the most Important innto- chilling tho ment, And They Were Happy, populnr with hut Sylvln. sat down nnd thought It over, Tho wear, tered bread nftcr pvrrjhody rlnls for nftcrnoon Any kind of meat, minced or slIceiL I'nt didn't know Just how to pop tho Kylvln eould not mnko out Madge nt thnt her views hnd been nar com- Mnny nnd conflicting wcro tho mixed with vnrlous seasonings such question mid appealed to his mother. nil. Mie row suddenly dnwncd upon her. Mak- At times seemed ments on Its use at tho rnces, but tn ns capers, pickles, will Then to tho girl of bis henrt! "Mnry," nnil, on unexpected occasions, enmo ing llfo worth while nnd enjoying It nuts or olives spite of adverse opinion It wns noted mnke, with n Ingenuity of the said bo, "me mother wants to know out with real phlloviphy Hint astound-e- to the utmost was what counted, after llttlo Hint ns the dnj-- passed hy nnd tho cook, n countless number of good and If ye'll come mid live with us nlwnysl" ttio other Rlrl, hut whatever good nil, She hnd ruined her own happiness milkers had an opportunity of show- appetizing sandwiches. "(lo home," until Mnry very coyly, Impression on Hylvln wns by n fnlso Iden of what real living In- Hint iimde ing new models tho laco dresses your I will." IJvery-body- 's was. Slowly down Thinly sliced , cucumbers, "nnd tell mother quirkly banished hy Madge's una of the tears started creased In numbers. Magazine. checks. , , chopped green peppers nnd let- lung. her An frock was contemptu- 'Sylvln I" was Dick. They wero tuce mnko most tnBty sandwich 'J'lint wnn Hip hugbenr nf poor Syl- It ously referred to ns n Inco curtain, An organdie embroidered summer To Have a Clear Oweet Skin. via's life. She would nnd alone In the olllce nnd thero wns n noto Just nit hnrk but nevertheless tho dress wns re- skirt with a flesh georgette blouse Olives, stuffed, green or ripe, Touch pimples, redness, roughness gnsp nml hold her heart when Madge of sympathy In Ills tone thnt seemed to cither pented later by other women. with Val lace. Tho hat la mallne mny bo mixed with nuts nnd boiled pr Itching, If nny, with Cutlcura Oint- let loose Home of npw versions of draw her tn him. her Tho widely diverging vluws In re- with a robln'a egg blue raffia crown dressing, ndded to cream cheeso or ment, then batho with Cutlcura Soap the English language. "I should wor- Tcnrfully she confessed her new dis or gard to the use nf Ineo nro to ho ex- a fine summer outfit to cottngo cheese. and hot water. Hlnsc, dry gently and ry, "Ilnvu n sny Hint It covery. "Oh, Dick, I don't enra wheth- henrt." "I'll pected, for there Is no moro difficult Cottngo cheeso with chopped cnndlod dust on a llttlo Cutlcura Talcum to In" nml Mich hurrlhle expressions wcro er you use slni'g or swear or anything black Inco frock by her la typical of cream cheeso Is richer), leavo a fascinating fragranco on ekia, mild to some of thn crimen against so lone na It Is you," tho blurted final tho prevailing inodo In moro ways cherries (or makes tasty snndwlch a Everywhere 25c each. Adr. Webster Unit flonted so enslly from ly. than one. It carries tho harem hem, a most for Mndgci's pretty, toughing lips, 'Won't you even enre If I get enfe- - tho almost sleeveless bodice, and tho Bweet snndwlch. Chopped nnd cheeso (tho Hygienic to a Degree. Mild Madge original, terln nnd help myself to a kiss, denrr' ntpped-t- wnlstllno with tho fullness The olhcrn win American) nnd ltoqucfort nro nil good "They nro very particular at tho Intcrprc-Intlo- n he laughed happily. bulging both below nnd above. To hut Hylvln could nee no other as filling. new bnkcsliop. The girls who watt on nf such n manner nf hut 'I should worry! The expression nil Intents and purposes tho dress Is hnvo to wenr glove." g A club snndwlch Is enjoyed by tho customers white foiiimonnesH nnd utter Inck of proprl sounded strangely new on tho lips of of lace, with tho pattern In tho awecp-In- "Vrs, mid I'm told they don't even curves Chnntllly. De-lo- men prepnred ns follows: I'laco a rty. Sylvln ns she raised them to Dick's, common to allow tho lndyflngers to touch pcplutn sllro of tomato with salad dressing on tlx It would not hnvp heen no hnd, Ryl tho waist thero Is a full other cookies." Iloston Transcript. mid tho sntln Is draped ns a scarf over n buttered sllco of rye bread, add a tin thought, If Madge hnd confined her YOUTH IS LOVE'S GOLDEN AGE layer of crenm cheeso mixed with Alnng to une nmong her associates, hut the shoulders, forming tho only sleeves thero nro and fulling straight chopped nuts, then top with n sllco of when she portlstod In using It even In Lets 8tsble but Far More Pleasant ryo bread; HOW presence of mnnugor nnd tho to tho hem nt tho front, leaving nn tin the Than That Experienced In Chopped egg mixed with president of tho Ann, Hint nhout open spuco showing tho lace, ubout RHEUMATISM Later. Years. butter, n pinch of , salt and capped Hip climax as fnr ns Sylvia was eight Indies wide, In tho center. pepper makes n most appetizing bb.d.1- - If Drapery and Plaiting. BEGINS concerned. What did It matter Tho lovo of youth Is nlwnys full of wlcli. express Several striped dresses In taffeta Undue could herself better hope. It Is qulto frco from doubts and The excruciating arontes of rheuma- than nny other Rlrl In the ofllco Just have been noted that show tho enmo tism are usually tun result of failure of fears. Tho young tnnn and girl havo arrangement of drapery over tho Lite Is not so complex If we do the kidneys to expel poisons from the hy retorting to stnng? liven when not persist In making It so. We unbounded faith In love becnuso they shoulder nnd ono n bit on that onlcr system, if tho irritation of theae urlo Mndge win the menus of securing nn need faith) we need to be brave) In- hnvo hnd no experience of the heart's marvcloiisly of flno acid crystals Is allowed to rnntlnue, twenty-dolln- r bonus for the stnff Is constructed we need chronically to keep the curable bladder kidney disease may extra Instability, Neither women nor men corners up or Syl'vln could find nn excuse for her. plaiting. Variation Is found In thn of the mouth turned result. Attend to it at once. Don't enn love qulto so and way looped up thn Snd not down. And after all It Is resort to temporary relief. Thn sick The Incident Is worth relating. the plaiting Is at only n step at a time. Italph truly once their fulth In lovo has been n kidneys must Is restored to health by Kor two weeks every stenographer sides Is modified pannier effect. wniao Trine. the use of somo sterling remedy which shaken, Tor this renton tho palm for upper part tho In the employ of I.llls ft Co. worked Across the front of tho will prevent a return nf thn dlsrase. true loving goes to youth. Older folks girdle, FOOD FOR HOT DAYS, (let somo (10I.D MttDAI, Haarlem nights tn finish some speclnl work. Of plnlts urn held In closely, llko n sometimes lovo with more passion, but nnd nt each side allowed to fnll loose Oil Capsules immediately. Tliey have course a promised bonus wiih looked afiy brought back joys of Ufa to count- they ore nlso moro subtle. They are ly In loop. There Is nothing Hint tnkes tho the forward to anywhere from thirty to u n large less thousands of sufferers from rheu- much richer In exquisite expression of n Chnrtretiso colored place of good vcgotnbles for hot back, lumbago, sciatica, hundred dollars wiih figured on hy ev Drecoll shows matism, laina their affection, but this ability to "talk frock with Hie skirt draped In Chan wpnthcr d I s h o s gall stones, gravel and other affections cry girl, Picture their disappointment Is of thn kidneys, liver, stomach, bladder love" only comes with practice, nnd tllly girdle forming wlng-llo- i t li o y rank with when the honun turned out to he n and the raid allied organs, i no proof of sincerity. tn I m p o paltry ten dollars each, Ilvpry girl loops at tho side, giving tho desired fruit They will attack tho poisons at once, This does not menu thnt nn older A out thn kldneya nnd (Sjlvln Included), excepting Madge, width. healthy clear urinary tract man or woman Is not sincere, but tin must liicludo and the soothing healing oils nnd herbs gut nngry anil mumbled tn them On tho whole new models nro rather diet wilt restore tho inflamed tissues and doubtedly experience has tuugbt them vegetables, they solves about the unfairness of tho senrce, suggesting Hint tho best known for orjrnns to normal health. Hint the love they have won must be makers are not averse to holding buck not only build up All others nro imitations. Atk for thing. flOIil) MIlDAIj bo constantly oiled with sweet words If ns many of us tliey tho bones and teeth nnd suro tho nam .N'ot mi Madge. The minute she dis their creations GOLD Ml'. DA I, Is on the box. Three the desire Is to keep It. To a rertnln may In season. but supply It ii k, covered the extra ten dollars In her for Inter tho sizes, at nil good druggists. Adv. extent they nre "plnylng n part." while Whether by accident or following which Is mi essential to Intestinal pay envelope she was bnek to the ensli Is spontaneous. tho lovo of youth Ainer-- l movement ; their chief value Is In Not So Dad. lor, mid Mild, In n tune loud enuogb for the lend of l'nrls, a A girl does not analyze her lovo for nn designer out lately n their mineral salts, which are needed "I saw the bridegroom neross the the iiiiinnger nml president to bear per turned the boy nor his for her. She hns charming dress of tirxniidle tn mnko good blood nnd produce way throwing things at his wlfo." "Well, people nro so menu they yields willingly to afternoon mine fect fnllli nnil tho nnd black net, bearing out the asser- changer In tho body cells which nro "Already? What wns bu throwing would ling through their nose tn save loved olio's iiuthorliy. The love of tion Hint MlkH nre no lunger absolute ueeessiity tn keep tho body young and ut her the fitrnltiiieV" the wear nnd tear on their fnlso teeth. folk Is hedged In hy older reservations ly neeessnry In the construction of tin) supple. "No; kisses," Now. Mr. Ventilator," (the cashier's nnd It cannot the of mar stand test reception nnd dinner frock. A rulo which hns no exception", Is name was Vmisluter, but Madge hnd rliigo so well. The entire gown was of French bliin to cook vegetables In boiling water The Result. perslited In nicknaming him from the lovo not he blind, It True need hut organdie draped with the net In tuule nnd most liquors should ho saved for "Is your daughter's cvi'tillon good first), "do M'ti think this n fair bou should tint keep Its eyes tun wide open, n ami edged with black Inco. It soups or to servo as a sauce with the on the plnno'" its? Or," sho ndded. "perhaps the llrni- - nor should It do too much reiiM'iilnu' either this frock or the frocks vegetable; tho liquor from beets Is ono "Well, she mnnnges In t ,11 time" I giving us our houui In Installments.' or It mny he killed. New bce noted ut the races nro any Indication, tn except. Mnilgo was never Impuileiit. Slang Tlmos-I'lenyun- e the chemise dress Is on the wane, for String benns served with a bitter her lips tn the of anybody from ears each one Is marked by u decided waist- suiico or In a rich crenm sauce nra luit Sylvln sounded perfectly nil Our "Aln" Heme Folk. line nml both show sashes tied In hugo delicious, but for variety coolt them right. She wns gifted a personal with If we hope I" rind life .,nh while hows ut the buck. two to three hours with a quarter of Ity could almost have put across that we must iniike the best of .aIhiIiil; eon This Is a combination All tho latv models hy lleer point to n pound of suit pork or n fow slices prnftinlty. creation of rich illttons nnd r the persons unumd us. cream lace and gold and the fact Hint tho during tunic over u of bnoon If preferred. Cook down Wwjus .Mr. Vnnslnter eould volunteer Im- - over-cleve- r llefnre Sonui of them may neither chiffon. Hat la of tighter foundation will continue In with the suucepmi uncovered until French DiscovceM question, II mi answer tn her surprising nor brilliant, but If we nd them black, glazed Milan, with great yel fuvor. tho moisture Is nearly all absorbed rcplocoa rvcrv'c waatoic III mn hnd come from his olllcc. - the miner thoughtful and considerate tliey nrt low organdie rote. itedlngotes Are Coming Otek. nml evaporated, then add n tablespoon-fu- l increases strcnith carc- "You lire iililli- - right. Ml Wilson," worthy of our highest regard. Of ifcVrt. Clnlh In redlngoto stylo con- or two of vlnegnr, snlt If needed, ulferflrmcy M ho 'Thorn wns u mistake course It Is very plcuHlng to be "tak- material to handle, mid If used tho drosses npnngxis. to appear and nro quite tho nnd n dash of cayenne. tills week. An additional twenty ilol en up" by "really smart" folk, but frock Is sure to bo either n decided tinue uo BEST 1VIINO rxriOWM FOR nro Creamed Onions and Topi. Tnke tv- jilrg Hit) cepted thing when wool dresses - iiimmm -- will ho Included In envelop sometime this prestige lives only for Mtecetis or a miserable fa tire. flngcr-slze- onions, cut, leaving n isllil M worn. From this tho Indications nro T 1 kmimJ lioxt pnyflny." a day. mid then those persons go their l'nrls Is surely correct when follow- three-Inc- h Hint tho redlngoto wilt bo nmong tho stem, cook until tender and Uliugin "llnw cliejilptls of you!" It was way, completely forgetting us and our ing Its usual rule of never doing things servo tn white sauce on toast ns half-wa- y ntitumn models when they mnko their H'lUch't expression, but Itn't all alnnn strenuous efforts to entertain them. by measures. It selects tliu Is served. Young beets, tops fable, widest possible nnd dritpcH them appearance on this side, Itedlngotes mi FollloJeBa! And HlMI the way Madge Happiness, like the blue bird of lares all", good wero Introduced two or (seasons mid nro very served ns n MtUl It, It a whole lot la found at home among our over something diirk to give the pat- threu tiprtwscd oftenett not vegetable. Cook thorn until tender, "aln" home folks. tern the best advantage. Other mod- ago. At tho time they did mnko Sjlrlil Jillt gMped, while the others nny deep Impression, but nro now chop or cut up In ennrso bits and TetiCMl tn applaud. I4ver or els lllustrnte the use of black and one them ralhnr surer of success, as any sug- servo with butter and vinegar Tho swell nu rrum any French Villages Forever Ruined, white Cbaiitllly. used In the snmo In know that outburst gestion of being extreme will bo out secret nf snvoriness vcgotnbles Is tliPtn would have won Many ruined vlllnirwi of enn dress with n most refreshing effect. seasoning. dtie at instunt Franco of tho question, nnd tliey aro undoubt- enro In Do not always dltWUHMll. the exception rebuilt, according tn Hip Cnllot, Cherult mid I'lerre ISullos utlt with of not be edly smart. verve tho snmo dish with the snmo ajlvln they rrallspit thin Mndgp'a on reconstruction. Vnux, nenr nre nil mailing use of quantities of aensonlngs. Inco models, which As tho longer Jncket Is rather euro penonallty eouuted more with ih ttrm Vwilmi, which wns m heroically de- In the rummer thry When tenchlng n child to llko n cer- always show In tnlilseiison tho nf being the proper thing this fnll, one null HHt)bo( her slang seemed to fended, Is one of ttiosp, and now the for kind of TPgntnbto mnko It ns at- clien- may hnvo tho snmo troublo ns former- tain mflke tip part of tliat pxraooallty. mayors of two other historic hamlets, benefit of their resident l'nrls tractive as possible In appearance, nnd tele. French women hnvo nlwnys. been ly In trying tn tell n dreu from n cont I 'nor Sylvia l It wns I ml enough to ltoimmont nnd I"ury, have Informed go farther to nvnld disappointment I fellow-rltlzens- , pnrtlnl to Inro wear and or ttio reverse. twve to work with n girl Hint tised their who have tnken for afternoon niako It so tasty thnt no further urg- know how wenr It to tho ad- All authorities ngreo so fnr on tho sinai: to aboat every tlftb switrnet) refuge In different parts of France, to best ing Is necessary. vantage. American womnn wider hip lino and tho accentuated wHawat havlac a raau who tited Mnng Hint the (Irrmnn hns made them exiles Where the Such vegctnbles ns tender green Is prone to place with lint Hint fullness about the hips, and this Is ( to wltii har. tMek Uvrry's slang for life. The soil cannot ho cultivated, it it pens ho cooked In ns little snmo noto as tho to bo found In thn coats nnd suit Jack- thonld vnw not ortiltml It wns tun nrdlnnry nnd the ruins are so full of hlddei tarries tho tame water ns possible, not to loso tho good laco, womnn will wear ets, as well bh In the frockp, where It 1hii that did more dangers that rebuilding Is Impossible, the French flavor. reason steaming Is an something will provide n contrast has been seen principally bo fnr. For this to Irritate the object of his affection Hint economical method to use. Tho Clothes nnd tone up tho costume. Tho Jenny In very nctlvo In turning out French Baby's UmUI all the noim of candy nnd Off His Qame. entire pens In lottuco leaves In tho top contrasting note will be found usually suits, ns It appears that the dolmnn cook will be white the driven mow of derollon eould ever do to "It's too Intel." tho steamer the lettuce Is served at In tho lint or mnterlnl combined nnd oven the capo nro slightly less In of II you iriliy her. "Wtint's the mntterl" the ns greens, making a most tasty dish. when laundered uio with tlie tare. As black unil white Is demand nnd It Is anticipated Hint tho At flftt Sjltla bellevij the enred "lie's Just shot the best game nl with and n of vine- for nt present ttio most populnr combina- suit will tnko tho ptnev to n certain Servo butter dash Dint, but llnally when the found oil Rolf bo's ever played In his life." gar. Red Cross Bag Blue tion In thn Is frequently of extent. adllionllloin again! the use of "Well, what Is there bad aboui l'nrls hit kinds, using if black tulle, either irltli or para- Salads cf vnrlous both mMtl and. to her, expressions I should think ho'd be very crosto vegetables and nro It never ttreaki or ipoti the vulfsr that? dise. Among New Fall Shades. fruits, most ir&rfe In vuln, elm rrfuiNl tn have nny happy," wentrvj clothes, nor doet it injure the Two of sinnrU'Kt of laco Among Hip new fnll shinies, Indian hot dlrtna. ihJilR fUMher tn do vrttlx hint. Madge "Oti, he Is hnppy now, but for the dresses mott delicate fabric. tlx nt Monte Carlo wero In blnck, ns wero red, l'ompolnn red nml Cordovan ie tlilliB. Hick rest of his llfo he's gains to bo sick sell it 5 t"JPfl.'6'' U' lints which wero worn with them, brown (n warm yellow brown tone), All cood eroceri i cents rKfillu tlHGmniMI IPnucht Madco nt heart becqus be equal hb the can't fig- - aro most prominent. a package. (Hi tSv wonderful fur unyiblns. It record." lit both of these dresses tho Inco THE OARRIZOZO NEWS.

TO HELP THE CHILDREN OF AUSTRIA Good Chickens Aro Profitable Investment The Carving of Turkey Glimpses of the stnty Uurdms to i.iy shoulders I hays lifted Empire Which Is Abolished WnsliltiRtnn, I. C The sinKinsi of lletihiMi l,uwp. nf Nnrtli Slinlv Not for mil tha Bllmics of the surly litre. IvlKli. Slu., IIP.tslrntM tlio pnnKl-M- o Tkrouxh urlmevnl forests I my ax went by the Peace Treaty UueplnB sKitutinir, prnlltH from poultry Till the nloorny wlldwooj llnht and shel- whuru rnrufitl tiinnnKutni'itt is ter save. prnutiruii. iniriiiR una ihn only All the unknown mysteries on my slioul- - poult rjuiiui. who iluvotus aer prusmc, pnrt nf IiIh tlmu to chlrkuu rntfi-In- lluncer and the nerce beaeta and the kept S.V) lilril. whirl, pnlil aavnirft men. shlnlns; lock lilut n profit nvur fowl of Tet I Isuched, my muiket'a rnt carrssinff liinro thnn $1,000, ecpilvnlont to Boon the ilrail lay quiet and the wound- $1 ii hlnl. Indmli-i-l In this ed souitht their den, nnimint nru llm siiIuh nf n fuw Lonellneis In deserts, soul and body thlrat- - ubrh fnr liiili-liln- nhoiit SUl rock-urul- n Inc, xulil fnr hreeillns purpou Harvests Ions; awaited burned by cruel nt W..V) lo ?." uiirh, n well as sum I have watched the torrents my dams' tho tiinrkct uki:". whlrlt wuro strong barriers bursting: uf In In rc iiunntlty. Mr, I have lauahed and lost, and I have l.owo kpeps Wlillo WyniulottuH laufhed and won, of n Htrnln Hint wins In tliu slmw Borne full oft the weight of war and rlni? when JiiiIkimI ncrorillni? to women'a weeping, tliu Mnmlnril nf purfec-Uni- t nut I never faltered on my destined oltlicr way. or n utility Htnmlnril. Onn pull nf 20 piillutH mvtifil Now the world such burden of hopes on hy UiIh .Mnlnu me Is heaping. poultry rnlur my Novum-hur- , Faint my eplrlt grows and I feel ckuh us follows: body sway. JIIIH, 41fl ; Durutiihur, 1018. Dulls munis to tln J'J.l.fXMI children ir ' ilium Alistrlti, ulin lire III lilttur lISi .Inntinry. Will, nSfls IVIirii-nry- , Freedom of the prairies, wind from need, iiri' iiimli' pimslhlu by i lie fotmntlon (if thu Amcrlenn mission for lliu mountains mowing. lllll), .'ll'ili .Mnrrh. mill. I.VIi my litilgi nf Herman AiiKlrln (Mir photograph shows it ci'li'lirnllon Dreams and clean achievements nf ilu children n total of l.tK.l.'l ukkh, nvuniKlns herltara hava beam III or the nf the "ocluly nt lliu Aligiirton In held liiiimr tirtlw slurt lii.tlo ukks pur hint In ilvu Strength has flowed to meet me and Turmy Ih assembled American unil Aiixtrlitii Colonel nddroMHliiis the i!iii'tii. inotilhs. strength Irom me is nowing. World I I'll show you visions that mine It piiyn to kuup poultry nf lhl eyes have seen. klml, unil Knuvurn uvurywheru Virginia Watson, In Harper's Magailne. nru cuuiltiK In renllr.e Hint there Ih morn tuniiuy In kuuplne hut-lu- r lawlallllaaHalBavalllll TELLS LOST SHIP proii-rrl- fnwl mul fuuilltm thuui Imlmiruil rntlntiH tlmu In HINTS FOR THE wiihUiii; tlmu with lufurlor hlrln. WHERE SHE IS POULTRY GROWER

- unit nut IrnhiuilttorH, However, onrh us to throw Ilium nut nf thulr ri'tirnp. CltlrJtcn m It es nro a constant men- System of Trlangulation Will Give nco to tho Hock. Tltcy - llf Hill rillllll 1'lllllpllHH StlltlntlS IIOtllll'H Anil thus nln Is tliu iliitixur nllenillUK curtnll ductlon, growth, rciluco vitality Bearings to Bewildered the I'l'iilritl station III Whltcnll sited fni; hnnkH ellinlniituil. hinder nnd sometimes causa tho of sot t tin f ii ship w Ihe illNtrlL't It'iiluiiuiit ('niuhiiiliili'r It. II. ucath Craft. ------M. N.. Ih mipurlntutnli'iit nf lliu ting liens. d Inniiillng to know Its liieiithiii. Inline- I'. Tho poultry-keepe- r must mnlntnln a illnluly lliu ci'iilnil Htiillon riiillii" Miu I'Utilrnl Htntlon nt II Whllelnill dtruul, The great atone tower In this photograph Is Rumlll castle, overlooking V. N.. N In constant warfare on these peats that liewlhleieil miirlniT to lunllinie lluii-Iti- Muilt. M. W. Arpn. S. the Bosporus at Constantinople. It was built In 1452 as a fortification against !! rciluco his profits. ALL U. S. PORTS TO WATCK IiIh mil lelterH f.,r nt leust tltlrly illruut I'luiru" nf lliu Nuw York advance on Sublime tower la one or many They multiply very raplilly In warm tha Moslem the Porte. The the fii'rullilH. Anil lit till' rmiiu llluu tliu trier. buildings In or about the great city, whleh under thd terms of tha llfo cyclo from ccs to picturesque rillllll ('HlllpltKH HllltlllllH lll'KllI ulituln- - weather. Their pence treaty ceases to be the capital of an empire. requires only nhout n week's Operators nt Radio Stations Figure liiU liunrlncH tin tliu ship. BID BY FRANCE IS TOO LOW adult Turkey will be several Independent states, under governments supervised tlmo. Itlood Is essential tlio do Out Position of Ooat by Com- Then Its Slmplo. for by the and the United States. Turkey Is rich In natural resources, and relopntent of tho inlto In nil stnecs allies passes In Navy Tliu iiperntiirK In the the sIiiIIuiih Only $300,000,000 for United all new statea will need to make them productive and prosperous Is an Used Offers of growth. They nro active at nlclit the turn Ilit'lr eiitnpMMi uIiuuIh iiiiIII eiich Material May Be Sold Injection of occidental hustle and a general adoption of western y- for Years. States when tho liens nro on tho roosts, and machiner- Iiiih mi nci'iiriitu lii'iirliiK. Thusu live Elsewhere. manufacturing machinery, motorcars, etc. chicks nro In coops, sucking tilood railroads, I'i'ililllIKH lire tnillNllllttell to lliu n tho Xew Vnrk. Nut Hie least nf the until they nro full nnd then returning tn-- Hlntlon where, un it Iiiiku ihiirt. Tliu I'ri'lieli envorn-uu'ii- l U'lttKors iittuhillng lint IiiisIiiumh nf li WiiHliliiKtun. to cracks and crevices durlnR tho day. Ihn live rt'iullMpi lire uninlilneil. I'neli luilns offuri'il only Siim.OOO.tXK) 'rcscrlptions May Best IC, a innrllit'r bus Iii imi Unit of lining To comtmt them, hiding; plnccs mu- -t runitlim will Inilleiilii n I'urtiiln iiiiiu-he- r Ainurluiin iirmy uniilpmunt In oiiu's wlillo nt sun. Tlmu miis fur Iio ?! Be Filled by Thoso Who I reduced to tho minimum, and nil Cook Book vIipii uf lulled hetueen lliu ulilp ts tit ll.o rrnneu niniiiK $i,r.ou.i"io.noo. thu Mother's lliu sailor's llfn was iiinru cffectlvo spray must penetrnto every ?1 Ailing Htiillnu lint luuk tliu lii'iuiliK. II Ih n win ilupnrliiiunt Iiiih onluruil n riiIuh i Think They Aro Willi danger tliuii In thesu days ' crack nnd crevlco wlicro they may Iio rihi lively Klinpln uiiillur, then, In nil fur illHpoHUl of lliu prop of nilviinccil iiiiirlllini' uillclcncy. Ili:t lildllie. IfMn lh hlshait ambition, whleh doesn't penplo pnijeet thuM' tin ch tipiin the elnirt un- urty liu formuil In rriinuu, Dlrurlur nf an., , If always knew bcfnrehnnd llmiigli tin' nceuti terrors were of Rood mix mini) worn vu,c, iu im til lliu live lliii'M ItitiTf-i'- t t. Ami Unit SiiIuh n re tnlil u "peehil liniiu cum llicro nre a nmnlier tha quality rsttiar than tha rank of Its Just whnt tho doctor's prescription one by inn' iiiilll Hutu remained In work. Utorsa lUlot, point uf Inlei'iMTtloii Ih lliu lull mlltee wur ilupiirtmunt turea that linvo jroven cffectlvo would be, most nf thn tlmo It would Utile In lie ii frnlil nf. theru Bllll was Ihe n lliu nhlp. Aukiiiiwluiluiiiiut iilirniiil. Uliuctor llnru controllltiK theso Insects: bn qutlo unnecessnry to consult n doc lliu illscnnccrlltiK possibility uf n slili uf u.siiunillturi'H A Qood Kind of Dessert. tliu uoiiipli'luH tliu npenilh.ii. snlil the I'luneh nlTur wiih Illllllu lo Cruda petroleum thinned with ono tor. losing ItM'Ifj nf fogs iiiul cumptiH fnitu flili There Is no dessert more wholesome, Ilvury port nnw lieituj 1'iirkur uf thu I'tiltuil HIiiIum pnrt of kerosene to four quarts of A patient with a rngtto nnd tndo-- Instm-lin-I- I Auiurlciin ih Cliiilniiiili attractive and well liked than fruit. uf tuMiupH In Is kill HiifuKtmnluil liy hhoIi h.vhIuiiih of lluilliliitloti I'utiiuilttuu. The nlTer, hi' crude oil cheap, nnd retains Its Muskmclons, watermelons, berries of trrmlunlu complaint sought out the 1 mill tllsiihllllli'H uf steering Jilt ing Into riullo cnuipiiHsuH unil ct'iitinl HtntlniiH. Hluteil, Ini'lii'leil nil iniilerhil, Incliullng .power for several weeks. FIvo In grown In Ir. Weir Mitchell and elaborate- mocjiatilsm. Tli 11 every hi often ii various kinds season when Within n few inoiilliH, ut uny point nlili ilni'kH, nillroii'' worliH mul uiiiilp. parts crenm of lime, ono part creoltn ly described what she thought wcro lllicr nr freighter nr ii warship was one's own garden or purchased nt n the cimnt, tiiurlniTH will he nhlu tiii'iit. iiiili.'iiiilillu IriickH a:i. I textile nnd ono pnrt kcroscno Is a favorlto Uto symptoms nf Imminent collnpsc. "lust In lliu fog" nr "nut nf iiloui: rcasnnahlo price, nro wonderful stivers rliiiunulH, mill kIiihiI "If I'mui'i' will nut liny a fulr II mlxturo with malty poultrymcn. I'ure 'the famous physician hciinl her out it eoursu." to iipprniicli reefs of tlmo In dessert limiting. with mi nliMiliilu uHMiirmii'u lire." Ihu illiuuliir uildi'il. will Inku kcroscno nnd Vcrnscno emulsion, aro with courteous gravity, wroto n line Tilt United nnrnl cnmmtinlcn- - wiilurs "u When ono cannot afford to servo Suites lliuy not proueuil tun nuiii, the hIIIIT nut nf the country mul null It used with success, If frequently ap or two on n bit of paper and then w Hint will fruit ns n full dessert It may bo used Hon service- list perfected ii system of plied. said: "Tnko this to tho drug store nnr yut uxitcIho Midi crout emit Inn I'lM'whuru." ns n garnish, thus helping nut tho ap- Irlnngiitntlon Hint linn eliminated tlm across tho (111 Theso mixtures shoutd ho forced pearance flavor ns well as tho cost street and they will It ponslhlllty of further iiiiirllliuu reports and for you." Into nil their hldlne places with n tho nf HiIh sort. It Ih not tliu discovery of dessert. When tho nlllng hypochondriac sprayer or brush. Is a most wholesotno nnd de of miy one "inn. Indeed, It truly can SELF-ACTIN- Junket showed tho paper to tho apothecary, ho G Itemove ns mnny Intcrnnl npplt licious nnd when garnished nut li cliiMlfli'il us ii discovery. It Ih LIMBS ARE dessert smiled nnd handed It back. e- nnces ns possible, roosts, nc.its, hop sugared, simply II perfection n basic nf '- with a spoonful of fresh fruit, uf rule pors, etc., and clvo them nn nppllcn "I'm nfrnld you'll havo to fill this position finding Iiiih formed tlm Is sntlsfylug nnd Inexpensive. Unit "Klnematlo Surgery" Developed Ihu Mump to ilevehip a "iniitnr" unit tlon of tho mlxturo nut of doon. out yourself, mndain," ho snld fllliilmiu'iitiil i f range dotcrmliuitloii which, lieliu; lintllul lo thu mills lifter To bo tho most effective, tho sola Plain Junket. In the unity mill straightforward to Extraordinary Degree. tnitulhur over n hiunutli "hunrliiK" uf should bo forced Into all badly "What do you menn?" - tlons Hunt to lukewarm temperature a geometric llii'iinmi concerning Inter- hnnu, nut ins mtli'li art u three-Inc- Then sho rend whnt was written. Infested quarters; and sides, floor and quart of milk, add n tnblct ills-- It ttcctliiK Hues. travel nf thu luir liy iiiuiiiih nf n ru Junket wns simply tho Illhlo verso: "Orentcr Tcn roof must ho treated. solved In it tnlilespnotifiil of cold wit' System Explained. eiluciilhin mul cininllniitluii uf lliu iiiuh. Is lie Hint ruleth himself thnn ho that Italian Physlelan Achieves Remarkable Tho work should bo done on pleas ter, n pinch of snlt, nnd sugnr to Tlm perfected system Iiiih been III clui nf thu slump. tnketli n city." Hxehnngo. Results In Fitting Artificial not dnys when tho (lock cnu liu nut' sweoten to , llavor wllh any In tlm Aiiii'rlciiu miry u year, After thu stump huula I'mfuofur llfui fur Legs. sldo, nnd tho coops nnd poultry housn flavoring, pour Into sherbet cups 14 Wlilli'linll slruut llio system was I'ultl I'uti. nut n Hup of Hush, which At may bo closed for u few hours after nnd lit a warm room lo set. Grizzly Bear Is Fond of explained lirli'lly hy attiirhus uf lliu he fiihln tiaek Ituo an Inulslun to tulie let stand npplylng Ihn mixture so Hint thu wnoil When thick put on Ico to chill nnd Big variety of Eatables New Vurli illnlrlct cenlrnl controlling Ilnlosnii, Ilnly. Iluninrknhle rusultH Ihu llnp This Is iilhiwtNl to heal ami wnrk tuny dry. Keep tlm pests In sub I servo with n spoonful of whipped 1111 Mi huvu I i iiuhluvuil In tn mi mllltitry Iheu Ihrnuuli thu Iimibu Hup of lleull station. jection by frequent applications of cream u spoonful of up-e- and fresh berries Tho nppetlto of tho grlr.ily Is ono It Is lii liu iiNHiiuu'it Hint it ship Ih himpltiiU rucunlly liy lliu lieu ut what a mutnl liar nlth iitlaehmuutH to l some mlxturo during tho summer well sugared, one, or hum. of thu fuw draw to domestlcn-tlo- it liumlnil uilli'H ulT tho intiMlu AHun le Unuwii ni "kl'iematlu niwry." lliu lite thu arllllelnl limit hilluw Is months. bucks his coast. She Iiiih Inst Iiit hearing. llivt'tillnn'tif I'mfuHxur l'liltl of Iluloguii Mnpeiuleil Ills nro not limited, but tic Rico With navigators nru iiniililti to tell her tinlvursllj'. 1'rnfuneor I'uttl'a uiHIiihIs Tliu uiiiU'li'M nf tlm cult nml thigh Dananas. ho duals In largo quantities, In some Hit Peel ami scrapo null longitude. At once lliu linvu itrouHuil lutunau Iniurust mi thp ri'nillly tvupnml after witnu treekn in thrco respects the grlxzly Is a dnlnty feeder. latitude bnnnuns nnd mnsli them with n fork liuwlhlercil ship's niilln llnsliu Ihi pull of Alnurlcnii iloctor iittnuhoU to the iiiorumtrnt nf tliu iiillllclnl leg, mul WORDS OF WISE MEN Uo Is fund, fnr Instance, nf violets, and until stunnth mid urenmy, ntldlng a few Allinrlcnu const n ili'iiiniul In lie tolil tliu llalkmi (imutilmlMii r thu Amur oiuiti the iruure nf the swinging uf will cat several pounds If lie can lint! drnps nf lemon Juice. Stir this lightly them, de- I lie ilatu tliu uomls must: lenti lluil f'roai wlm nru HtiHrtlHltix the iirilflclnl leg tlm 11111"' In a strong mind fear prows Ho likes rosebuds and will Into onn cupful cooked unil "Where nin I?" lliu nillllulnl lu fiiitorlus nlrundy us ele llinuigh Hie llnp nf flush, so Hint tip Into cnulloiis sagacity, grief nf rice vour almost any sort nf bulb. On tho .'Htulill-hu- il servo wllh cream and sugar. Tlm rutjltust i'iiiiiIiib u'lllttrt lliu see-ttt- r InhlUhiil nnd iM'Ing in It inn tie 'iilil lliu tiuiM'lua of the Into niiilulilo tenderness. other hunt!, ho will cat meat of any frir width llm Now Vnrlt district AIIihiin. Snlnnlkl Ilelirinile mul Hueliii-rus- t stump iiciuully uperate liy lheiinelvcH Whnt wo tlo not bcllovo Is of age. Apples and turnips nru pcrhnps Velvet Sherbet. central rniilinllliiK riullo station Ih re-- for tliu Miir' iuutllnlul. thu ineehniiliiil fuiitiirtK uf the iilil-- ! no Importance. Thu suerct of his favorlto delicacies, hut ho also Is Talto tho Julco of three lemons, two (pnlislble, Hid nppenl I received liy At pruaunt ulllwl oliller In Hie Ileltil lliuli llfo Is to discover what wo fond of honey. Usually, ho cats tlio cupfttU sugnr or strained honey nnd live rod entnpuss iocmIimI ut IlHlkntu who have lost thulr lliulm In the ease u' n sptowI Imtiil thu of bees with It. Wasps, yellow Jackets, " stations ono quart of rich milk, as llnlltmik l'oltit, I.. I.; Pirn IhIiiiiiI, nru living llttutl with artlflelnl lllulis uitiaclu groups HtirrinimlliiB the liouu It Is ttstinlly not so much tho freuro fnr grasshoppers, uiitn and their (eggs, Hocknway Itench, Handy Honk unil unil urtna nf n tyM' similar to that are irnlneil to ntienite eiiigut ennN grottncM of our trouhtu, but tho Ico cream. If thu honey Is tint at blind, hugs nnd all sort of grubs aro nlsu on KUKiir and u Utile grated Utnntiiiokliig. N. J. einplo.ieil liy Knrah llurnlinnlt. wtileh. In turn, uiwrute iirtlfluliil lin- littleness of our spirit, that water with his menu, Other delicacies which ha may bo cooked to n tStieli ut iliMo Millions Is connected I'uttl'i inethiKls, howuvur, are gers. mnkes us complain. rind sirup and enjoys nro snakes, rats, tnlco ami cooled. keeps when Willi II Whitehall street ! telegraph n illminei mlvnnop uvur all other nrll-tl- i Not Hliieu the Intrnrtiietlnn of "de Sorrow does nut really chango Tho shurbct better tho Is used, It does not so tPlepliotiD. These radio cmnpn liil iippllniuw in Atnerlunn army meillenl people! It only develop whnt Is sirup as melt and quickly. atntlolis Pdlinot miiiimunlmte u'ttli ihe HIh treatment of iiiiiputnteit llmlia work In I'Yiince has uny miillenl nlrmiily In them: that which they Corn Remains What It Was MlMa.. a.1.11. urn tltuV tin. NM(ilYIm UllU eiuiltH of a unique prupiirutlun nf ereuie.l mi niiieh comment. bring to It they will roup from It. Peach Ice Cream. Before Columbus Landed This Is n most delicious crenm, mndn I on the eontinry. the qunlltlea ho fininh! from very rlpo fruit! I'ecl. innsh and Tho early Indians grew flint corn for ngnliist ' NEW NOVEL OPERA put through n sieve using it pint of hominy nnd Hour cum for brum! unil WRITES Sodium and Potassium Aro pulp, or less will flavor a quart of soups, They Invented "succotash," Most Interesting Metals cream, milling sugnr sirup to sweeten composed of mitlzo nnd bonus, with the ciintllei of Pleas between the Masononi's Latest Effort Is the 60-Fo- Bono Found nnd n little lemon Julco to accent thn butter nnd salt tulded. We owe to them iintiMini nml ihe ilemnernt. hetweun I'erlinpi tho most Interesting metnls pencil llavor. Almond extract Is often ult of our best recipes for tho prepara- Step. oi'prixHlou In mul fruuiliim. Tliu tlmu nf Canadian River Bed of all aro sodium nnd polussltim, snys used nnd well liked In peach Ico crenm, tion of corn, not excepting "hoccako" the of ci ill rue. Is llmlluil to upi'iii. lint Hoy's Life. They nro usually men- hut with nicety flnvnred fruit It Is not and cornbrcads. any one period. Thu npum Is c It was bo-fo- Wlniilpug. Man. A huge liouu. tioned toiioDicr bccaiiso they act In al- needed. Corn remains today what 1 4 but Represents of many periods mul uotilil just ai Chvacttrs. 00 feet In luuglh. rueeiilly was most tho snmo way. If n nlero of Coltiinhui landed, tho great Amer- Whleh Men Have u rtmilly upply to the stirring times Apricot crop. Inst Vr iinenrllieil iilmig the hunks of either Is plnccd on wnlcr It does not Ice Cream. ican food Our yenr's crop Striven. of tho Amurlenu llevulutlou as It would Drnln n can nf nprlcots, of maize, loaded ou wagons In single the I )uer river In Alliertu, sink, but spins over tho surfuco and force In thu I'rcnili revolution, or Hie litis-Sin- through n nprtcot allowing 20 wag- to Infornintloii ruculvuil often, In tho case of potassium, bursts strainer. To tho fllo nnd feet to each -- llnsi-ugii- known to or the Itavarlau. (Un- Julco add one and ono-luil- f cupful nf on, would miiko a line long enough jloinc. I'la'ro here from A .1. tlnvfe. illvislnn-a- l Into flnme. After tlio metal Is to composer uf In pro- nrnngn tho gtobe nine thu "I huvu mi elmrnetiir Ihe englliuer of tliu I'liniulhiii Na- solved In tho water, It will bo found Juice, a few grains of snlt and cnclrclo and a halt iiuil reprwcuttUK any a cupful sugnr, Sitr"iiu nuutennis other duction imrilctilar tional tallwny. .Mr. tin o suya to be soupy. If tho metal Is placed on uf then add tho apricot times. u new Is jf ruuslcHl works, lias written purfHiuitlltles. There no Napoleon. ihe liouu Is thought In Iio pnrt water colored wltti red litmus, tho wa- pasta nnd freeze. Ih (litrlhalill. My elinrue-te- r nrn. "II ltwlo JIunit." which Mellerulrh or of thu akulutnn of a dinosaur ter will turn blue. If thu metal Is Ship Bunks Thut Stay Level. illstlnetly a IiIciih ibarneteriiMl Iwro ns ruptuHUnt the for which men mul an cITnrt will bu inailu to placed In puro concentrated sulphuric 1,1 works. It to keep In stat) oimrutle tin ve enilenvorcil uiitn llnil Ihu ill her pirts. veld nothing will hnppen, but If u drop Hunks for ships so supported that ns Is u Jiih-lie- nwtatrw uo praoiuillttt ehnrncterH Theru elmmi'ler for of water Is lidded there will ho a vio- they remain level no matter how much II ltt stuff. Inn It HiilMtltutuK fnr Ilium for truth, for freedom; and, on lent explosion. a vessel rolls have been patented by Ignor- I jUljefll rcprueientiitluuH uf vlrtuin the oilier hnnd. for tyranny, for an Kngllnh woman. to tho Amerlcun In lily the Recognize Agriculture. lilUlllt similar ance, for wrong. The plan new Firemen Did Rest New Rolling work hna been lo depict In sung the llrnlnlrce. Miish. When n truck Process for Steel. TI;o government Dally Thought. "ofjKlli'st to proditco my nuw opera evolution nf iiiiiu front n eluvo to a hnil o hay nitiglit fire, tlnhert Hnrto Ilrltlsh has decided An Kngltshman patented a proc to thn hoard of agriculture to nBH vSttjer In lUmiV n!d Slutinr JIas. free man through Hit; limlruiiicnliillty nilmly ilrovw II In the tienrest has raise the ess tor rolling hollow from fit.., la i.f t, lultiliitrv U'l.lfti hn thou never things til-g- fidknl g iliU Assijclntetl I'fuas of c.liiirBcijTii reproneiitliig nli.riH:l tH'r milled the uhil'in and alt-i- d. steel bars Didst hear that jn Ingots Dlied .(juirgei '"Hid tueiiio i founded on qualities for which iimii foiisiit. uiid. The llteincil did till rest. that first nro drilled and with the cure of agriculture lit hitd over bad ucceiarBhalrS: Willi gaud. Mta widest sense. epearc. TIIH CAHIU.U.U N15WS

Carrizozo News Perliapi you have a Defective Title To your Real Estate In Uldctl nii LcidinU Ncwiptpir Clf An Alislnicl iniiile ly u will point nut all Hw "r Title cultliun in Lincoln County, New Milto DO IT NOW I Sulncrlpllon, In ..Wtne, $2.00 ptr Yr j American Title & Trust Company AJHi Hit" il.l it (f'W'J The Titsworth Co., Inc. l:irrwi-i,- ulUuJI Mltw Ik WX I IIAHlll l VIIIMAN W..t.lj t Culllloln. N MMlro. Jiiih.11. l fHIIMNM I'.Ml.Ullt WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Camki.uzo, N. M. JNO. A. HALEY

I'UIIIAY. HKI'T. .1, IMU We carry in stock

LOCAL AND PERSONAL WulllllK lltltil ll Illlllldl'IS l .llille lu save loi u ruln lu n ny kou.I Mrs-calor- o ilerp Mowing Machines lte Prude wiik ilowii from people into wulei Cane 0 run u luted Sugar til iw week un business. Hay Rakes Oenrge Welsliar, mayor of Fruit Jan I cent interest. Jiccirllln, spout days this CERTAINLY we pay jut tttudobakcr wagons n Caps week in the county eat. Our Time Account plan for the acctiimila-tio- Fruit Jar funds is a very handy Pump Engines Tlio probate court whs in of your surplus Fruit Jar Rubbers session thin week, Judge Kim method of keeping part of what you earn lilaekloaf 40 hrell ol I'lenclio presiding. husy earning for you. Fly Paper Sum Fumurough, a stockman, Kansas Blackleg Serum You will find it greatly to your advan- was from the another visitor Injur- Swoon Doors Jk.irllln district this week. tage to investigate this form of intereil Harhed wire ing account. , fA force of men are employed Turnip Seed Iron Uoofiug Kalfety thin week roaming the A large measure of pleaiant and pro- west of Oscuro. Willi fitable accompanies a connection Judge Hewitt, of White Oaks, with this Bank. wtis a visitor here several days Oar prices are reasonable tills week. Make this Home Hank your Hanking A geologist and surveyor left Home. hero Tuesday for the Corona dis- trict on oil business. The BAN Iv Titsworth Company, inc. Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Mudgehave EXCHANGE returned from a tliirlvdav vaca CARRIZOZO, N. M. CAPITAN, NEW MEXICO tion in thu golden stale. "Old Homestead" Hour if..S0, "Diamond" Hour So.25 per cwt. at Humphrey Ilros. J. V. Tully was down from the Ruidoio the first of the week. Election Proclamation lip had business before the pro In witli the statutes Our Beys Used Some ol These lo bate court. made and provided, we, the under-signe- d Hilly Wells ami J. C. Ueiuler, Build now county coininiiisioners Whip the lluis miner from the Nogal district, within ami lor the county of ii were doing business in the county hereby proclaim and give i) nr. AND to M'fti this week. the public not iro of an election be of Wm. Sevier, commissioner from for buildings of every kind was lield in the several precinct yilESE WEftPOHSOF on Tuesday, the 1Mb the oast end ol the county, has said iiiunlv WAK HAVE BEEN never greater Hum it is today. d.i of September, I'll'), the object been in town the past week on TKAN3FORMED INTO and imriiose is to vote on the holiness, Over-crowde- con- d houses is the three ailieudiiieiits proponed to WPAI'OMS OF I'EACE. W. W. Uraxel ol Capitati ami ol the iiuiHtitulioii, namely: Mis. McKecu d Arizona were dition in all parts the state. 1. IV'iniittiilK soldiers and tall-in- s married at the Methodist par ANY MAM OK WOMAM. I to vote when absent from nungc Thursday evening. Conditions are as normal now as hey will be for a long time. Let V gel busy place of legal residence. HOY OK OIKL, Mining Kuglueer Mclilici' re .3. board of control of that the war has Cieatlug MAY EARN AND OWM turned from Chicago this week, with the construction all statu institutions, consist-iii- OME OF THESE whore he has been the past mouth halted. ( I four members appoint- oil cumpany business. ed by the governor. GKEMADES liUILI) NOW houses the war stop- Two of the oldest residents of the Hiving legislature power to au- IIY SAVING & UUY1M0 till-- county passed away during ped, and make CAUKIZ07.0 a better thorize the issue ol bonds and WAR tlio past week Capt. John, place to live in. certificates for construction SAVINGS and maintenance of roads and of Carrizozo, and Mrs. A. II STAMPS Austin, of llonito, both octo Prosperity comes only Trout Industry bridges not to exceed $2,(100,-00- lH'iitirlans. and prosperous thinking. Clement Hightower and young The following is a list of the For infotmatltn call at est sou Cree of Mncoln passed Yours for, judges and place of election in thiough Cnrrizozu Thursday, en the various precincts: FIRST HAT10NAL BANK, CAiimzozo, n H. Mr, route to Socorro, whcie Foxworth-Galbra- it Precinct No. I, Teodoro liain-bo- Hightower lived many years be h Floyd llulbcrt and J. II. fore moving to Lincoln. T.ipp; election to be held at the c"lzozo NEW MEX. It. A. Carey, who had lived in Lumber Co. obi court house. JUST RECEIVED liiliculn sisee 'Of, before the Precinct No. 2, I). M. Honnell, R. L. Ransom Indians were placed on the reser I'.iudido Cliuves and Chas. I'ritt; Plasterer Contractor Car Galvanized to be held at Gonzales' vatloil, passed this week to uin election I'aIIiiii.1,1 luruil,l i.u Nil klml. and Painted Steel rolu. He was returning from old saloon huildiutt. ol iUtrihK himI pwiuhui w.irk Th KKNUKKICI) m; (I Rnnfincr titsworth Santa Fe, where his daughter is The Personal Attention l.y the Precinct No. 3, John Fuller, DAIIIIIWI.II MKII rvoonng Co., capitan at schools. olliiTis ol this bank Manuel Carrillo and Ausclino to the individual retiuirements ol each customer is the Pacheco; election in be hold at I The Western Uarage sold four to Precinct No. 11, J. C. Ueuder. Failutidi election to be held at foundation of the efficient service which we render the justice of peace otBce. cart this week. Thu manager our depositor. Unquestioned safety and judicious con Fred Betters and Joe I'ikIiiuii; the Mills store house. llouney Kim- - MT bushiest is good, and a car servatism characterize our methods. Precinct No. I, election to be field in the hotel It. 11. Tavlok, I oni) of Fords are now on the way brell, Pablo Chavez ami Joe office. Acting Chairman, Member here. Federal Rfttrue Syitem Clements; electiun to be held at Wm. II. Suvikh, the old school house. Precinct No. 12, W. (I. Wells, Rnbt. U, (lour, of Chicago, td Member. 11. lien l'nliertson and Will Marr; in Carrizoto this week, and Precinct No. 5, V. Outhrie, Stockmens State Bank election to be held ut P. II, intends to remain some time. Mr. COHONA, NEW MBXICO Dolores Uuerns and Alvino Ko Peters' at Ally lis. Uttir it ititirestid lu utitiing and uiero; .lection to be held at Martinez Saloon building. while hire will look the county otlur two amendment should be j who is l.t years old iuutiedlntoly Precinct No. 13, Pablo Chaves, Classified Advertisements over from a miner's itsntlnoint. carefully road anil considered by sucked the iioIhoii fioiu the wound. Precinct No, 6, Theodore Farm Wilhurn Dishmau and Frank l)u I) For Went Furnished house. The mountains to the east looks the votor. to er, Feliclatin Lujau and P. Hois; to be held at Hen They then returned Cnrrisoxo election See J. s to coin-)KUi- Norton: election to he held at good him. The K. 1,. Stevens Mining where medienl atteutinti was se Stepps. school house building. Rooms For Kent. Clean, neat- M (Cttlcy received 4,000 f r of which has ii lease on the cured. She is reported nut of Masking I'reclurl No. M, It. F. tlolf, ly furnished rooms in the Lucas the sptckled trout variety from Roil Cloud group, in the Oallluus, danger, due to the prompt action Precinct No. 7, I'M. lluihling. tf .lousali'M A. s, C. and Nlc Mnesi elei and II. tftt g?erauitnt Hatchery at Lend-Hit- is reported to have struck n large of her friend. Mr. and Mrs. t. Pitts , eloctlou to held In copper-silvcr-lcu- d Hon to huld at store. iii be the We meet all Write Colo, this week, which he body of oru at Merkl left last night for Cairi-int- be competition. court Iiouhc. for our prices. Western Garage. fllacid i Kglr Creek, whore the a depth of 75 feet. Thu company Koswell Record. Precinct No. 8, I.uclo Archu- tod is located. iutunds to go to a depth of 175 leta, Unli Fnrsytlie and Hen Precinct No. IS, (Jeorut L yrloBMH so Try a SplrelU corset. Mrs. TwrM fry wilt give good sport to feet anil then cross cut. The Teiles; election to be held in I 'a nl Castle, W. II. Corwiu and U. F. V. M. l'ergusou and Mrs. Kor U. T. McUuillen, phone 1. the Himrods about years Red Cloud group lias been worked Mayer's livery barn. Joneti election to lw held t Mai two gusnn, of the Mesa, were visiting hence. years ago with success. No. Carl Pals building. Cars washed at Western Gar here thh weok. They desire, Precinct Ira Taylor, Marujo; election atje. Uf the three amendments to be Frances, the daughter of F. W. through tlio columns of the Nitws, Fiilier and l.tie Precinct No. 10, James A. to he held in C. C. Merchant's vottd oil this month in New Merkl, was bitten by a rattler at to thank the people of Currliozo Cooper, Sr., Juan K'euinue and work guaranteed at office. All repair Mtttto ut least one has consider-- n the Mcljulllcu houss near Carri- unil the Mufia district generally I'M. Comrey; eluetlou to bu held Western Oarage. lite merit, that providing a ballot zozo where she has been visiting for thu many kindnesses and Piuciucl No. 10, Frank Allison, at the school house. Jack-so- Isr jflhliers and sailors while ah-Ji- lt a girl friend. The girls were three sympathy shown thsm in the Charley Currey and J. II. Mununll Imiiit Tubei and He No. IT, F. U. Ulanch-ur- d, front the state and in the miles out when the accident oc- death of their brother, Fred Ker ejection to be held at school Precinct oubllc Casings. Hotu guarauteed Oati Usrage, MrvUe of their country. The curred and the McQullleu girl giunu. home. II. F. Oacktry ami Mc Western COAL SHORTAGE "It It believed that requirement for, this yeur," reade a Burvey alateuirut ON WAY; GOVT. In I'uel Administrator tlarlleld, "will, be about Mii.imtl.ouu lone of bltumlnoue cnnl, of which approximately .10,000,000 You Need SAYS BUY NOW tuna have been ued from a toeIn When liiat yrnr, Icavlun MK),0iXI,IX)0 lona to be produced. Of litis &00.P00,- - tom 178.tiO,ai tuna wre protluc May Be 1917-1- IN Hunopc Repetition of 0 eil illlllliK tin, tlrat tUn monllia, IfhvIhk wonn la ro 3V !t'.".',0u0,000 OMENHU Conditions Inn to be produced in lli IN UELOIUM Job Next Winter Says HO Ywtim I'fimilnliiK weeka, or mi avert ut AT ONGC. Geological Survey. 10,7(I,WK) tuna u week. Ring up 14, Carrizozo News "Tbiia far Mill year production haa been ut tbo rate of R.'.'ini.iXH) ton u Commlitlan Abractd To Slugy the sit MINES IDLE WITHOUT ORDERS. week. In 1IH8 pruductlun Hit at tlio lule of 11,.'JU0,00 tuna a week. uatlcn. K.t.n.lve Program Is "Tbla production will be dllllcutt of it p. I'Unntd- - Cliurch Utny Those Who Delay Ordorlnn ruuipllnliiupnt. 'J im rapuclty of operati- In Other Linda. '"' ng- lulnea ut th preient time with labur Longer May Not Get Their now on Mm puyioll la ubout 10 loner Naahvlllo Teuii iHurohlt CM 11 Hutu It was laal 9 Tlic standing of a business man is estimated by the char )cnr 'I'lili dellclencj aiHiiid"tie i On AiiKuet xviti a Fuel Later On. miiy bo lundf up In mrt or wholly eih If liilaaluu coniMMnl o( Itlahup Juries acter of his printed stationery, whether it is good, bad, or the Mm mliiea have urdera aultlclpnt lo run Atklna, of Nuilb Carollns, John .11.. them lltt. or alx i)aa u week unleaa the ' Tln United Klnti'i (IpuIokIimI Burvey I'eppir. tir, I)r IVsll R, kind. It therefore pays the man to llircnlcned exodus of furvlitn-bur- labur rubber stamp business iinnniinrei from WiisIiIukIm. Ilio y lliimielt, or Kentucky, VI oicura. unit rt I.UKs of iiuoihcr abort- 'I Johinon, ut (Jporfla. have his stationery as neatly and artistically printed as his c.'iiiiriil coiil May Be Car Shortage, mils for Bit us;. neit full nml rt Inter. The an- lope to arruiiKu fur the opening ot Treciit,wni:u ncrvi-tucnt- between is nouncement la IiiimmI, lliu Survey rellKlmia ami pbllantbrtnOs big city correspondents. The best always the cheapest, opprnlora mid mlncra expire with wink In llalKluiu, olkej iii(in ii iiiiiliin will Html)' ut KraiKu and tto, Mm procltihinllou of peace by tlio Pre-lile- war torn countries In Mm hllumliiuo Held, A auaiienalnn of mlnliiK oper-iitlnn- a Thoy repreaiuit Hie Ci'littnary Unless slept mkiMi nii nl mill, wbllo n new wnifti ni;rccinciit la ami Hi Hoard ut MIssloiH at Survey says, In place Hip upon belui; licuollnteil would, mine of couie, the Mellioillal liiaeoNil Otiurtib ii IiiiTimiu'iI Interfere with the production hash of iiroiliii'lliin there of Huulli, which have set a aide 16,000,001 coiil nml If It ahoiild during lMiis In every prtetpcet nf n I Hon to occur the of Centenary funda for office is equipped to do all kinds of fall would n rellglnui Millie degree of lln alluillion tlinl cniuu puulc umuii( buyera In Uumpe mid coiniiincia uf coat." In Mm Ifnllcil Sluli-- iluilni: tliu Tliny kii with nullinrity purollnf There la no nap In Kuinbllnf upon la printing, plain or in colors 11117-18- . pioperly anil open winter nf Mill or any other cuulluiiciicy, fuel work it ouee In llelHlum and to a survey 'I'lie only wuy pioducllon can bo stim- oIIIcIiiIm auy. linn or uiaku m refill The of the uoeda lu ulated ut Hie prcM-n- t lime, It t eahl, H luillvldual who waiila to be aunt of an other counU'ln and rpcomuieud nn udwpiale le plaelnK nrilcra Willi Mm mine for inleiltiiite coal auptdy next enn proiltim. winter OrphuniiKm, cniil which will lit, needed Inter be certain by buylnit conl now. There schoola. social ccnlsrs, uti. rellKloua ll'.prature ami dlroct 'I'lmliictlon iliitlnif Miellrl live month la no oilier way audi uaaurunce uvuitt. bo limn v.111 bo tlio niPthoila employed, of Jhe your," lemN the statement, "fell mil obtained. Tniiipurlntlon nlan pruhilae to be n limiting In aouie or the countrlen lo b ,en. OT.'JK.'.uuu not tuiiK, nr approximately faclur If the Mood tide of dcmiihil couici at a time tried Ilio work will bo conducted' In M below production iIiiiIiik tlie llrnt when the country'a record cropi are roopfliullon with the Metborillt l . 11 o mouth 11118. y We make a specialty of of Mine lire proilui, ImliiK cnrrled. In some dlalrlcla It Church, whleli la already ojefBt-lu- t IliK I now (lie f.lHHI,-UU- foil lit rule of from would appeitr certain that, liutwllh-Hlundlii- In Kratice. Duly and Hip Rnlkgns, Letterheads Folders to 8,500,000 toiiN u week. An aver- Mm ut limit endeavoiN uf the and la plunulug to oxpund Us work age oulimt of 10,700,00(1 II week Itiillroad AiliiilnlHiriiil mil the utll- - K really ua a result ut Hit. ('nloeary, Envelopes Cards (all kinds) must be iniiliitiilneil from .1 inio I lo Iriitlun of II n experience last full, car T.hlcli In the two churches brought JiimiHry 1 next If the eulililry'a esti- hIioiIiikc will b a ruiiae tliiillliiK Ii it lulawhlnnry pledaeH aKgregallug niotn ml prodiicllon. Billheads Receipt Books mated needs of fiOil.lloO.lioo toni till imlil coal mul fur that than IIMiOiio.OuO i.'iikoii It la problemallcui whether Hip 5 e" r ure to lie met." Bank Work eiiectpd production of fitai.utiO.OUO tuna Statements Evil of Delayed Orders. an be attained thla yeur. At no tlnio ilurliiK tliln 'inn (lis of fuc-lo- El Programs : tock Certificates jeur Khorlaiti' labor nlreuily la a rnto of proiliicllon iipiiroiii'lieil Mm that Is cut I Inn down the output In luiiimife. 'J'lio tendency on the hiiii coal producliiK aectloua. accord iK Muivey'a a imrt of buyers to Imlil olT plucliiK their lo Ibe reporl. The oiera-tm- report Mini IW.IXHJ UK) T order U llliillliiff proiliii'lloii, in, Mm frilin to Pl.t ruieliiii-lior- nilueiN expect to return In milieu cuii not slum con I ut Mm point of Uuiopi) hi hooii lliey can net paaa-piiil.- i proiliicllon, nml when Mm iuh of und that many hate ulready re- orders for Hie winter's neeiN comes turned. If continued this movement TWO AND ONE HALF MILLION licit full tliuru In urine thinner Mint will be capable of producing but one ' MEMBERS TO OU8RIIVC DAY Mm milieu, tvllli ilcpleletl labor forces lenult u retliictlun of the uniuiiut of OF 1'ABTINO AND PHAVEH. ii ml Ilia proliublllty of leal adc'iuula coal mined In dlalrlcla where the mine lniiiSioiliillon, will be niiiilile to meet labor U laiKcly forelKii horn, and there many tlio ilemnntlH. Tim loiilt of such u ure audi dlilrlcla. who needs Centenary Commlislon Starts Move.' would bo nn Insulllelenl supply lie cuul nlinultl bealtate no luuuur, .Sow la the time to buy meat To Catabllsh 100,000 Panilly fur Ilio requirements of domestic ' coul, t Altars Following tin Plan public utilities mid Industrial of Old Circuit lllders. Cavvvioio Kfcs uneis generally. Nlslivllln Turn The t!entenary Established 20 Yean rommllou of the Mttlhodlat liplsco pal tbuich, Hoiitli hav named AllfUH Stfllt us a apvchtl day ut faitltiK and Reaches Every Honi in Lincoln County prayer fur t lie two und a half million members nf the church. The L'aininls. Ion lias alio atniled a iiiotement to bitutllili I00.00U I'uuilly Altars, by bnvlilu that many hoinew pledged to observe dally deMitluua Tills la the. revival of nnolenL cus. turns lu tlio church It I the part of an lutenalvit campaign whloli the church has launched In connection SHli the 'spiritual uhlrf'of the Donsur-ratio- For Young Men and Women pronnini irf. tliu Ceiitonary Movpuieiit, tllCilURli whluli thtt Medio, tiata raised ISS.000.003 lu an ellit itay STATE drive last May THE UNIVERSITY OF "The object of tint preiifint caliipalklf, Sf stilled by llet H A Nnhletl, Be NEW MEXICO rotary of thn Department of Spiritual la In eiiioll nt A AUIl'lJllKUyUK Ri'Miuicea. least (Of. ot. Ijt) church muiiilinrs In iho prafiir leiiRiin known a Hie I'allnwslilp ot Will Open October 1, 1919 Interreaalnn, to eaisbllah 100.000 lim-ll- y Allara, aud to aaslst In, ttndlni a peoplo gu sa U151S1STKATION DAYS thouannd yiiunn to uhrqinl nitsHlonarle Momlny, September 29 Tuesday, September 30 iiKiml 21 31 l known as llnllat m'ent Week. Durlns; this psrleill' the ieveu lliousnnil tiaslnrs will ill IIMII D., DAVID S. HIM., I'll I.I.. I)., l'roM.lent membTa to Join the rVllowthlp at 'I rf '.brct'aalon, to oatalillati ituully Altara, l.f.ADKUSIIIP Ind to obetsrvs the day ot faitlnf aiid prayer I'lic win kl t.iiliiy neeils Irnlncil, lojul IcuiIpm, Nultvllliatuiiilliiu; Hull I cim lliuii one hull ol one cent of tile of tile pel iiiiiiliitiuii JAPAN TO MODIFY KOfltlAN RULR, I nitt-i- l Slutc - eniiilleil in ctilleijca mul uillvernltlra, ctilleui-me- itntl wiiiiieu Iiiup pretloiiiliiiilotl rciiinrknlil) In leu lie iluilljlcil for tile, id Predicts Dr. S, E. Hager, yar collt'ur nml niuverslu cniolliliBiil ulliilllll uond t ' ) Hie t .Minl r The rillvpislly ul Now Mexico invite uniliitluiiH a Southern Mr thodlit MltlW'' Sunup mm dinl wuiiirn tit iii)iuif fnr Icutlerolilp ary'ln the Orient. ' ' ' i o OPPOKrUNIIIl.S Tnn That Jr,n'"Hl umderat bar rule In Korvu Is' tils ill-- d I'lic I ti I ve mi l v la iintlerainti renruHiiUiitiun nml licllcriiicnt. nil iitleiitiini will lie (levtit. il lo (lie cinincrvnlloii nl the lieullh I ell nn til Hi M. T Jlniiitf. rHi(illy I Mtiiilenla A new l)eiiiitinciil of Hygiene, snppurlcil in purl returned mhislonary of Utu MatU)ltat l l'eilernl A . t i i lu I inn, will be In opunitlim N'enriiiM tutn tirtoutm) Clitinli. .Uwuib lit, UMHr plntlini h Hie new linllilinu for I'ructloiH Mccliiinlce. Iiialiiu-tiii- .hus than, s a rtUHio'i. , kphiu nan qusulftr. o( ic nlferetl In MnllieiiiiiHcM. lllnloKj', CliciiilMtry, I'liyeli-H- ilciilmy .,'culur( .JiJiumu dolpa rejllglous orii lliiitor, I'nlltlcal Science, IJci.iininlca, Hiiitlnctia Ailinlnialliilltin in leurnlua Home Hctipiiiiika, ,,'Japau tual bar sucdUa liilltciltlini, Hygiene, i'Hyclinloijy, IMillnanlihy 'in alvliiK uixui aon.rWueht f6' lfbMi TEVER wus such right-handed-t- I'lijsiciil Trnlninii. Music mill liiiuliiiueM, Hnt;llali, K Spnnlnli, I'iciicIi, IIiiIIhii, I.uIIii itilil nieek, Coiiriee ireiunilnr 'fa' fruifulii With im 1 fisted smokejoy us you puff out of a In l.itw, Meillclnp ami Mecllnnlenl Hnuiiiccilni,'. t6lerallcH ilnU Uond will tniid' tlikH'ftlu Prince I l iirriciiliini in CIhiiiIchI, lileclrluul. Civil untl 'place ol aud epr-rli- hl ilmmy tipe packed with Albert ' Oeolouicul IiiikIh ctruiu . "The military Undent alie, uiaUUy-- at That's because P. A. has the quality! Jill liill' llioiiiUBUilud.H)UH-Unlit- , 'laaklns tkelr

1 and You cun't fool your taste apparatus any more than you Kemilar I'liuiaen Imiillut; It. it- lleiees. lialuivlly Ihuta - Sryat itemptatiuu.tu Ii") mail of u I So, you i of Arts ,1 f.rd can yet five aces oui of family deck when hit tu rule nuvure llacliuloi of Science utuKuiili Prince Albert, coining and going, and get up half an (hour t . . 'Hut domovlutlt Idea als t earlier just to start stoking your pipe or rolling cigarettes, Utn ul Arts lu Jauan. and more leiunsrat4 ' you know you've got the big prize on the end of yourjllhel imeul ol the slibjlicl rhce 11)" HKSF.kVATIONS f about" " " aays Prince Albert's quality alone puts it in a class of itsjown, KeeuleiillHl uccoiiiii)hIhIIoiiiI nim lililltetl, l'it)eieotltu aliiilents lit" Hi(er the Oliltl rait but when you figure that P. A. is made by our exclusive nlioitlil iintiHNlliilely uililiuas lniiijrica mjti'tpUeat for rescrvo Slutisilerln iUu tlrlaut are etatrtost ir the. auutesa nt Hie Cuultiuary ,m0? we--yo- u llona It. patented process that cuts out bite and parch i taunt. tbroUkb nhUh the abiirchlalind feel like getting u flock of dictionaries to find enough wdrds JOHN I'. WILLIAMS, KerfUler and llu.lncaa Director i Hs.wu.uw, 00 tor nilMiouatr, wo;li lu to express your happy days sentiments! , i,all luudt ... Mllllqus ot thtt Will be sMiBt III 'Un Toppy rd tail, tidy red tin; handiom pound and half-poun- d tin University of Nev Mexico Orient. Hundred's ot new litsliVhlei humldortand- - that clauy, practical pound glut $ humidor ukh ttyttal , .'will be asnt and there villi W top that hctpi the In lacA conditldi. mu&ico t ffiti $pon$t moUttntr perfect AhHuyuumjui-:- nkw it'dvaneo I'noTHiue'ut In medical Wmhl ft J. Rcynoldi Tobacco Company, Winiton-Salem- , n. C, I'lTduiUtlon anS svainellim. Man

EXPECT TO COLLECT Buick and Dodge 3C E1G $1 Agency All Cars Demonstrated ,) AlT(UST H)l in Used ttOUTI'CHN METHODISTS OUTLINE Attractive Bargains Cars PLANS rOM HANDLING CHEAT Y FUND Complete Stock of Accessories A liimli ni fruMhl 11 iLsband'a jolcos is worth two at tlio comic supplement. (JOOIJVF.AK OruaiilMtlon Will Collect Largest TIMS and TUBES Amount Ever HamJIrd 11 An KOKONO llrllgloui Dentmilnstlon Nothing (icicles a man more than to I eel that HSPHCIAI.I.Y PKHPAKHI) Anywhere. a laugh is I'OR WHLDINU AND he is witty and entertaining; and MACIIINI: WORK Ttin ('milinmry riiininlsalnn of th sutih an easy way lo tfive pleasure, and n,,l',lHl MaUrSttlat Kplaroiml Chiirrli, Riuih (.Jive us a share of nir work. No job too small to hat nnnounrtMi ii pinn rot cuIIuciImk the wheels. receive attention, none too large to complete. I he t.OflO.00 00 which wan lilriHu.1 ' fur the mlMlauury work of the clmreli And speaking of giving pleasure and greasing In (lit rwetll clay ilrlve Tim Garrard & Corn Garage plan was pieimrml mid will be dlruil the win els, you realize how much the Food helps ml by Oolonel John K. I'Mm rlon, ol Tenimtsee, Um nfiicritl leiitt-nnr- in that direction. Don't you? timtarer anil Hie illrertiir of thu di' ' IHiiimmi of finance for tli Centeiur F1 Imperial Flour smooths the well-know- n Cuininlaaloii. Colon) KMncrlnii la a well known road to a man's heart. It does make such good bittlhnti mull. Hp la president und manager nf the lobanon Woolen Uake, Biscuits and Pies. Mill, president nf the WIS AUK Till-- : KXCLUSIVH HIbIm Muuuffli'turcrit AsnicIuIIou, and When you go to the ( Jrocers remember IMPERIAL D1SPKNSKKS OK during tint war lit) was u member of the uiectlllvu niinniHi'H of tin- - war In. ituatry buanl appointed by I'rrrldent Order Imperial Flour name Wilson. h "Our slogan la no ahrlnkuge, but au Compounds luttrsasu," mild CiiIihr-- Kilr.i'rtnu re- Nip cently. "Just an Hie Southern Mi'tho BARNETT FEED YARD dial church lias surpassed all records In arxjurlllt; iIkIk fur benevolrul CAIiUI.OZO, N. Al. purpose and liua raised the largest I'KliSCRIPTIONS CARHI'ULLY liiui over Hi vii to liny churt'li at nun DIS TRIBUTORS COMPOUNDED lliiiti In lh lilatnry of Hie world, ao du wu oipMtl In set u new retold lu the liollcvtton of ihtiHH pludiiua." Kodaks. Kodak Supplies and Stationery An Extensive Organisation. Tlia orKanUiillim throiiKh wblth The following merchants handle it: ke (aeam and all Kinds ol Iced Drinks llleie pleiltses will bn iiillected lias four Centura of rinHitmiblllty The (JUOOJVIS' SANITARY STORMS first la 11 Kcnerul fluuiice lOiuuilaaloii with lieailiunrler at Nasliville, headed PATTY & HOURS by Colonel Kdeeiton Tills tommls-- Rolland Bros t Oil ban prepared Ilia nUiiilurd plan 'AWAWMM RROTII hlRS mid will dlruil the entire linweiueul, handing down lo the varloua bodies IhloilRliiint the church detailed plana 312 3E 30 3 IE fur their nuhliiuce Theio will itlan be u (inference cab int--l lu efluli ummiuI mi r mo of the iliUieh, about foil) lu um.. .nr. Thrae eonfei elite luplnei will be toiupoard Of Iho t'oufereiire. .Mlaalonury Hecie-lily- , Onnfeieiiie l! Dlretitoi, 5ac FEED YARD Ills Lay leader, and thu Confluence Ceiilanary Treaaiuor. Kuch of tlieae nlflrlala have mi lulu specific dutlta, HAY AND ORAIN IN CAR LOTS add will direct llm work of cullectlua All Competition Met in Prices on These Commodities all Hie pledges' lu eucli mutual cuufar-enfe- . Roomy Yard Stalls - Water lu each of the tour hundred districts gf the vliuich there Is u aliullar cab- Coal and Wood inet eoniposod of the Presiding lilders, tile lay leaders, Uiimpaliu Directors Qlld the Chairman of dm Methodist m aso avbnub Minute Men. Confidence Mlaelon. Wm. Barnett The -w - -- , , 7 . SD - ,r: ' r T,.-J- rj,. ttry Sei riilnry In mi et officio member W Phone 86 Of all district cublnets The work of rflllectliiK lu the illatrlcta will be su- pervised by this district cabinet Twenty Thousand Churches. : . in lu rash of the S0.000 local churches there will be louiil cabinets composed :'1f..t of the pastor, the centenary treas- urer, the campalKU dlieutor. Ilia lay louder, the chairman of the minute I'llliSlS CAKRS uinu.tlie HunJn) school superintendent Inok su Kbutl thai thoy ctitiuot Hi 0 president the Womiiii's .Mia and of .AMkl.SnuiM: iiitrttc Htm, nt bevontt anvthlrie be resisted. They just alonary Society This cabinet will do are vuu I'vei ' Y.m vt r lusted such full- - collecting ua iroud a1) they InnU . for wu all the actual work of the biidn-i- l mellow mililneHs .iii-Ii i elreshing, dividual pledget appetizing are vury careful about every IImvdi saiiU loolness. Till-- id.ji t-- ( - The parsons who made subacrlp you smotit- the tipiiratloii anil Hi li iH stae rim - yum 1 Items will be dltlded Into lists- ol Kteutei t'oineN I'.inifa oro suol ciga- wltieli ' thuy pasn. our twenty-fiv- the lists will bs rette rBVoMfuin and lie ill tililkiny lliein K""l piated In chance of a certain member Jivei'vtliiiiK :iIiihii t'ltnii-l- Hit vim l.nil n is due to --- no tt Of the churoh cabinet who will colloel (unit that vui will then nii.ilitv tu ilit- ol Btlll uleUnes aa they come due exffil .lit.iie Turllith fi choice I ii'iin-st- tith.-it'cii-s t)ua feature of the sUtmlitrti plan li that tile luenl church will be tespoa You'll suv C mi. is ure in tt cI.imm Uv ttu mselv.-- thuy Hwm 12. ul ih-- i HANNON lUte for oOllM'Uni the full auiouut made lu tnrrt hiiii i hi ti inutiy vviiysl Its lubrlptlon If any eukautbei Pure Food Bakery f KufKUTOK Kiveilom from unv tinpleuHaiit ciuuielly ultet-tnm- tf or iliea or meets with mlsfo 'une aui h t ciBHiutty oilin niukeH CuiiisIh purticulurly rentier It Impossible for htm i ia desirulile to the iiumt limtulioiiH Himikt-iH- . kit ptoJit. It will tw ibe dut ur thi Anil, you mnoku Cumtiln uh LhupBh eabliiet to secure auotkn if Ittiemlly hn meelH youi own wislies. loi thuy never tile your ou to take the plane of the one tiiut tusttt ! You ure tdwuyH een lor the beoatna doftnquat 18c, a package clgtirelle mtlnfactkm tltut inukes tt Is aim) prouoaed that eaery new CaintjlB uatuictiv. Sinukura teul-Iz- e member who routes tutu the etaurct m tliHt thu in sbatl also be asked to woke a ootitfl vullle ill the cinuiotteH Btltlea the Centeuary feud. und tlo not expect pruitiiuiiif) or a TttSi Ueoien fund of IH.OW.UOI I wltl He iuH for the huroh la au ot Cnmmr CumvU wlili any oiilw Special Kacilitit--s tSnalsN ol Its missionary wiirl m I'nr ltaiiiliei and liuiier I'attirs. rfr in the wurltl lit tiny price ! tkfajraout the world. Sensral uilllot - uht ti fl wr Id a, HltlKia'itte Sill be spent tn the devastated is jllsi of rranse lleUlutu, Poland auf nV Irtiiidb 'Maliiimaui.J ihm kmm Or imrm uptilf to tin ' Raasta. Other mllllona will 10 " " ii l,m Garrizozo Eating House aefeq for el in flelda occupied by tbl K.J KLYNOUISTOIIACCOCOMPANV '. t Mu I'. V. (lUltNHV, Atuunuer. absrah --Meslco. llraitL Cuba, i fries Wln,lun-Sl-iii- , N. C. Cblnt, Japan and Korea OUisr ss Itohs will be a peat In the Industrie, seMlBiis of the treat cities. In thl Tabic Sliiplieil with the He til irWuntalna, among ths tmmtraiita, thi the tnatket alTonU. beroe and the Indlaas, and lu build fSa cliurehoe In the missionary Ufa) Jr &4 IU Wlt4 AisUu. raw a. UAUiuzo.o NEWS ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION and are kireby deelgaeted lo act ae Dlrewtore af Ible eorporation for the Ural threw tnonthe after PK0FQ55I0NAL CARDS. .Solid ol raMlcatton STATE Or NEW MIXICO lie fotmtllom thai the number of Dlrectorc lu iba lllitrlet Courl. I ahall Va eaten, and before the eiplratlo of Ike Illu V. rnlOHtlll W (I. UtBCIUMT Cbuntr Of Lincoln f natia tfTfc CKUTiriCATRUrcoUI'ARlHOM aald Ibtee tnontae period In whleb aald dlg 1 TeldmOoHWte United Bielea of America I atad Dlreclora ara hereby autborlied to act a The pKICIIAKI) MKKCHANT Ito.XM vl. Hr Celebrated Fisk Hats mate at New lleilco Dlrreture, a meeting of Ihe Hloekboldera aball HalplilnadsnialH i Hereby it Certine, tut ii.i aoneied ii U called according to law to meal at(Jcuru, AttiinniivhatIav 'Ibe aald defendant, llelpblna lloalntgaj, aa full troe and eomput tranacrtpt tb of Lincoln county, Nw Mciloo, lb how office of are now on display in our hereby notltld tbat a autt In lllWM ba UMd Ciitiricti ti itptfiii aald corporation, on the flret day of Nov amber, rHtx HI.Ik. : Carrlzozo, N. M evimueucwl agalnit you lu Iba Dliitttt 0gn t ik. lll, and Iba aald tueating eball there lit held, fol the CHilt nf Llnenln, Sw lleir, Ceaiaait'l Ceal Ceaialny aod Dlractora aeran In unmlwr, ahall be elected Millinery Department byeaid Ycldru Denial, and Ibal aalew fgej a year, alee. (JKOKOK SPHNCK enter or iNuMuckbolder'e Llabllllyi for period of on andeucli annual eauie tu beaterel !mr spieaM ru Hon ahall U keld aa aforaeald on the Ural day nf aald mil oa or befoie lb 3tb dr of 0Wtr. Notamber arery year at the annual meeting of ATTdKNItVAT'IaAW A 11 eonfciio Ikaeaia will with Ike eudorieioeat thelcou, came netware ll,dcreiieu b atuckbolder bom oUlce, and at llouma 1 and Kichauge Hank lit. let landetnl agalnil you aa file and of record In the otllee ot Ike Male lb. at laid I. meeting day Curpoietlou L'eminlnion which annual to wit on Ibe 6nl ot ll U IXtMavm, year, bualne may be The New Fall Hats Cakhizozo, : : Ninv Mitxico lu'Ieitluiuuy Whereof, llie Htata Oorporallou NoMmbor each other ' trauaaoted, prolldad nothing In tbla certificate Ry II. SI. Coniioluiuu of th of Nw Tlikll, Hll lltllcu ahall b conatruad aa epecial call are delightfully becoming rX K. be eartlficat lo b elgaed timentlhg KHIIHV iaud ttli meeting of the alockboldeic for Ike Iranaaclloo I.' A, N by It ebairuieu aud Ibe eeel vf aald I'latiaa. Uarrlieio. ll., AUJMr of any Ihey are autborite,! Funeral Director and I'lilnllll. OooiiuUcfoi, to L affiled at the City of builueia tbal lo fjm Iranaact ne'er Ihe law and iota re on ILI 1Mb day ot Aoguet, tbltcattlncat l.iccnseil Ktnbalmer along A Woman's Hut .NiitUc A I) , ')0 lor 1'nklltillaii ll aald ekall upon their du Phone IllUtll II WILLIAM), 'Ibal Uireetora enter IBM IK Immediately granting tbla is u peculiar part Cakkzuzm . (l Chairman. tlee after the of Nkw Mhxico IIKI'AIITUBNTOPTIIBIfITEBIOH lltitl aa provided by law, aud thoa hereafter A Ii UumituN, of her attire. U. H. Laud time at Roeaetl, Nm Htttg elected ehall enter upon their duticc on Ibe 1Mb A. Clelk. C. PUKKINS July mi, IMI day of November eaabyaar after their election Nolle la hereby glfen thai Ileunla Ii, Btterii. Ccttltlciitt "I Iticnrpurnlioti ou the aeid oral day of No? embert cald direeUae AttorneyatIaw nf Carrlciitu, N. II., wIhi.wi tnjBil Hah, tilt. of tile ahall elect one of tl.elr numbar I'reeldenl of Ihe Cnrrizozo New Mexico made A.l.lllloiml llini.f.lM.1, No, OMIW, fit Company, aleo ahall elect a Hecrelary and a A shape look odd freak- )l oiiaiitiiera' Coul Cuuiiuiiy may very and quite often NIYHiNHHWli.UMllMiIl.TnwaaMttiB . Treaiurer. Held director ahall hold their ollleee HaligeBH.N 11 l JltllJUu, ajotlM (No Stockholders Liability) be- II. baa filed one year and until tkelr euoceeaork or anecekaor ish, and yet when put on it assumes a most QUOK013 HAKUHK uf iiiteiillun to make thraa year proof, g all Man by we, Ilia to Theie t'tf kpIi, that la elected, provided however bo director cau eatabUtb claim In lb land atom dMorlbatl, uuderelgued. M. II. llaylord, J C. Wllmeith. coming setting. ATTOKNKV AN1I CoUNHKI.I.OK-A- b. bold tor a longer period than nie yeara without fore LIIIlo Slculiingrlfott, V a) Cam miaaloMr, Heamer Hlllerd, A. rWally. J A. lUallng by the etockboldere LAW atOairliNii, M. II , III Mh llajMe-o- HI models ntt dat of aodJohuT Hill. and cltlian of ulatii The now being shown offer such wide Ier, IVIV. K. Cnrrizozo : New Mexico I'aio, Kl raeocounty.rltel of Teiaa, and II. Tba dlrectorc aball have the. iHiwar tomeke. OjalHaut nami-a- IfaSety, reiliUol ana citliau of (euru, Lincoln latitude for choosing thut you can find a becom- Jm II Itnkelle,v,lae:WlTlam J amend and repeal all governing the Wa county Naw llallco, being delrou J. SAGKK lerW. Mi.,limn, Mn W ItrtaaTIIrar ami Male of curporatlauand Ita huklnaae, and aball fill all ing hat quickly and satisfactorily. You will find pKANK Unrrlioiu, N. It. of terming a oerutallou uuder Ibe lava of Ilia vacanelee uu the Hoard of Dlreotote until elao-llo- HM1IHTT I:IKI1 INSUUANCIi Augnat -- Htata of Naw Ueileo, and being all preicnt tub by etockboldere le held, aod at auob meet- hats turned up at the side, others come straight Heptemlwr m, eci thereof Ihe oepltal atock thereof, bate ing the etockboldere may coontui euch eppolnt Notary I'ublic aaiMllta together, and keieby eubeeribe tuentc by ot or other over the head, others in smaller shapes, while .Notice lor rubllcalfsn the Uoard Dlrectorc elect oitti- III Kxahange Hank tlarrlamu. our name aod acknowledge tbla certificate of mem here, OttWlll aod Iba aud of trimmings have been shaped at just such angles I Incorporation for tba potto to TIHTH JIHNI IIP rillilNI KHIUII . H, furudag and ataatlng tlila corporation Tb power tu make, auieud and repeal the by to produce the most becoming and modish effects. HIANI5Y Ii. rl. Un.l Ollleeat llnewell. New Maaleu tiatt lawa made by Ihe director, ehall alwata remain Align! In, IVlv corporation Ihe Con. DHNT1ST Tba nana of Ible tballba euh)etd to ameudmenlor repeal by the etock- Noll icbereliygliMillial 1 hum aal' rjlaolalf, auuikra'Coel Company. No lltoekboldele' Ua ilCiiri,na.N M IB, boldere, but If uol acted oo-i- ahall be Ollice in .win,, uu Jiinuari lilt. mad blllty. Get your Fall Hats early liumelod entry, No, (OHIO, for Ixita 1, 1 s, I, and KxchaiiKc Hank Upstairs IV I H ILIVIKIH U, lilt t. Mertiou ), lowluihiii . IhUi It 11., 'Ihe principal otnce uf tbla corporation aball Tbla aoriHiratluu eball ailat for a period of Misses' and Children's Hats now ou display Carrizozo New Mexico N 11. 1'. Meildlnu, ba hi ul nolle ot lelaatlo ta at Iba town of Oicuro, county of Lincoln aud fifty yeara from the data tboaa artlclee ot lucor. luiiiakothtirear,riiuf, lowlablitb claim tu IhaHtateof New Ueiiee, and tlia Dauaottba poretlon are filed and approved by the Htete the Innd aliovu ilvaeriltl, liefore llciriatar or egenl of the corporation at tald principal alike Corporation Commlilou of Naw Uatlcu, llecalter, ut U H Lund illllee. Iluewell, N II.. In tba Htata at Naw U tlcu tbroagb whom pre. TwiLir Ctrritozo LiJjr Ml the III day of Uclolier. I9IV oaia can lia rind upon eale aorpututlou In tba A t all elaclloha by the atock boldere.eaoh ctock. CUImaut hitlllna u wllnimif Naw Mailco, B. II. wbu Ii In No. N Htataof ll Uellet,. holder ahall bare Ilia right to caat a many vole Ziegler Bros. 40 KlwanlW Wnldeu ut Corona. 11 ,.lotVII abalga of tald I'fleclpal ottlee fororagalnatauyqueatlon or for the election llnghnm. of Coruna, N It . J,.i.u II Hunt, r, TUiau of dlrectorc ae charee owned by him. aud blc KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS lluawell, N W , and i.d A II. .bin. on, .,( Hue ibeobjecta aud purpoeee for which tbla cor- juallfloatlon lo vote and the numbar nf abare well, S. M every Monday evening poration It formed ara. to wit repreaentlng Ibe number uf vote ha la entitled Maale a! h. of I. Hall I. Hill I I I'll Ins. To eeinlre, bold, occupy , own, purebeie, leace, to caat, eball be determined by Ihe clock book Lull Uulldlng Aug J Sept ll llealel. t. patent, dlecoyer, preapect, locata, ntt and and Iranafar book of the corporation, and tka lklllug Urol Lara cordially iuilted lauda containing coal, inloerele, inttal fact tbal a atookbolder'e ctock may be bypothe. K L. WOODS. I I both precioaa and tba heaer tualalt, atona, abalaa eated, pledged or mortgeged, ehall noletTect hie LOl IH ADAMS, h.lif II. A H cllya, ell, l i, timber aad wood or otbar landa. right lo caat a vote e,ual to the full number uf lor any purple of the corporation! totaka from aharea owned by Iba atockbolder aa abowu ou Ike landa ownad, occupied, acquired, porebeied, the atoek aod atock Iranafar book. Reduction in Price I.O.O.F. or dlecovered, tba oil, gaa T talented, loaaed cul, TUIBTII.-I- Lode mlnaralt, uietal, liotb precious and tba batar 'I he board of dlreclora ahall hate full uuutrol (jo;o For uiatala, oraa, rock, atona, claye, wood, tliubar and charge of tba boalueke of the cerporatiou NO. 30 aud all ploduiit tbal inar ba valuable, of oiiui. and aball appoint all ofheera and managera, ac- uerelal uta ur ot nriltt to tba butiatta of tba cept the direotora tbeoikelvve who eball be elect- Cnrrizozo, N. M. Reijiilar meet-iitt- f varporatlou, to actjulra, aall. marktt. daal In ed by the elockboldera, accept uaeiplred termc ni;iits, 1st ami 3rd Kriday Weak aoat, gaa, oil. luluarala, matali, botb praoloui toey be filled lu cacti of vacancy aa hereinbefore in and baacr tuatala, wood, timber, atona, alaya or euch montli. ctated. M. N. aur otbar produeta of Iba landa, aud lo IralUe In la YVitnrke Whereof, we the uuderalgoed bate II. Muntoombici, aud buy aud tall all mcb prottocta of aiary kind, liereuntuauUaribedoarnauecon tblk the ftb Wm. J. LANfiSTON, Sec'y. Women lata and ijuaullly tbat uay ba bouabt, aold and day of Augoat, A. 1) IVIV. lantl IrarUckad In, wbatbar tlia product of tba U, II, llniokU, IUU Share Niillc. lor I'ul.llcalioii by In use lor over 40 years 1 ownad, laaaad, ocautiiad, bald and controlled J. ('. WtLMitiai, lOiiHhar FORDSON TRACTOR nis:i: coal, oil, gaa, ntiuarala, tba company, or tba llgmia HiLLinu, lOUHbai. IIHI'.MirMHNTOI.' I IIHINriillH . 'I liousandiof voluntary oluya. wotal and tluibar In walala, atona, tbr A l'ocaiLLl.M Hharea D. N. Uind Oltlrnnt I'ort Hiltuuer, Sew lleilcn by paraooa, tellers from women, tell-In- K uiaikataaad produaad otbar com. K II. Hharea Ainu. to, lam proapaat, llArutr.W ...NOW... paulaa aud aaociatl.iiiai to drill, J. H. ItiWLIHcia, J5 Hliarea Notice) Ubereliy given Hint lldne U. Iluriiatt. of ot Uie good Cardul opau up and do tacit aod , uiluaa, iuipnira IohnT Hti.i 71 Hharea Jlcarllla, New Meili-u- who, on April .'I. IVIV, aiarylblug nacaaary to tba bualuaaa of taking has done them. Tills Is The Htata otTenaa I made homiMtetnl entry. No utrail forHKtt of aald landa tba laid MluaraU, oil, gaa, aoal ( m . out Couutyoftl Faao Hr. HWUHi-o- tl, Townihlli - H , llauge l.l Hie bekt ptoot ol the v&luu vla)a, inatala, botb praaloua aud baaar uiatala 1). - Uulhlathelllbday of Auguil.A, Il,be- K . N. M. I Uerldlan, baa hied notice of luleli ami tltubar auab f. b. Factory ot Cardul It proves that aod ranioilng tl.a wood frou loreiue iaraojally appeared M I) llaylord, J. $750 o. tlou to maLo llireo year proof, lo ektabllub bald, lauaad, and land ownad aud ocoui.iad ('. Wllmatlb, lleamer lllllard, A. Pouially, 1. rlnim to tlio land nliova diwcribed, liafom Llllle Cat dul Is a good medicine prtaaaMMl by Iraat aald carporattoui toauialt, A. ftaviliug and John T. 11111 and K II lliffet). Mcl'lung Hcott, D. H. CoiiimUaloner. at I an. abaiuloally or otbarwlaa, vuudauaa aud raflna for women. le me pereonally kuoitn lobe the pereonc dec., New lleileu, on tlm llth day ot Hilaiii laud a uay - or aucb produeta of tlia baufuaaur crlbed In and who eiecuted the torcgolog In- liar, KUV There are no liarmlut couiuiarolal value, tu luauufactura tba product atruaiant, and aokuowledged tu mo thai they Claimant nniiie aa wltueeaee habit -- lormlng drugs In Iblug of tu conu. Call or wriio for duHuription of lutu altlclaaaud ua tiada, elecatad the came aa their free act aud deed NlruUa Mae, uf Jlcnrllln, N M Hamuel II aud publlo aud prltuta tikai to bolld, cou. 1 Cardul, It Is composed uiarea In Witneac Whereof, have hereuuto eet my of Inchii, N It , Llndley 11 aud llpplaa, plpa Una, auka truct arret tauk. band etllled my altlclal ceal the day and year Tractor, AUaolminnls, liltc. Htubb, of Jirarllhi, N 11 I'lli-- Miliar of only ot mild, medicinal drilling autaltara, yata, alulra otaua, uiacbluiy, lact abota wrlltal lu Hill ertlficate lirho. N )l way, wanta caaala, rock cruabara, iiuar-r- Ingredients, with no bad wr. I' U. P U UK KIT, .,M ii hit I'ArniN tuacbluary, ga aud oil tank and raaarvtlrt, a. H.. Notary I'abllolu aud for Allgilal in Hapleuiber Z Iteglkter lluaa, aaw liltlla, watar taaartulru and plpa tla Ul - atot.'ouuly.T!. niaclilna abupa, aud do aacb and arary plant, to kly eommiiklen eipirea klay-lla- t, Iknfl tiling btarMury and lawful to tba attainment KNIIOUBKU. Western Garage, Inc. Notice ol SuiplcmctiUI A ppllcat Inn lur I'gtcnl TAKE and objaata of tba aurpuratlout to build and No. 10U5S rallroada, talagraplia and Ulepbonea, I ut t ( ii t t ol llie Interim couatluct for. Ileo'd. Vol. 8 Page tin Phoiu; 80 Cm rizozo, N. M. alrctrle light aud power planta for tba uea aod Certificate, of Inoorporatluu I nltfil Stolen l.oiul Oilier purpose of lb aud lo furuUb tba of tba Uimwell, New Mexirii auiployra with light, gaa, oil, coal and coke for Couaumar'e Uoal Company Inly S, mm duiiieatla ue; to lay out, plat and louata town INoHlockboldet'a Liability) CARDU company itt altaa fur tba oa of tbu and lla bualnai Kllnl In arllse of Htata Corporation Commiaklou Nuliee lieieliy nlven lliul the prubt, and lay aald lowullte r 1 i r aonieulenee asd tu of New kleilco o r i llrlt'k Ciiiii)ini) , a cor oat lu'.a lota, attaala and allay, and la build, Aug, 19, IVIS 1 P. II MKUUNll iiiriitiiin, H liime poHt ulllee nddrt-H- The Woman's Tonic kail aracl aud luiprota auab towualtea nud lo Iba A. UMOIIItlHON, It ll.brhy declared tbat tbeie ahull lie no Kl I'iihii, Tuxiih, I m v I tl ur herein lota thereof tu prirgte Indlildaala and mortgage I'lilupuked UIIH lo JJO, Clerk. ktoekholder'e liability on a, count of on, tlork (die ll n Sillier) You an rely on Cardul. lear, raut, let, aall and otherwise dikiMiktt of the liild. Savings Campaign fur I'lllled lota aud irnpruvauieule of eucb lowua aa fully STATE Or W MIXICO vuiaii imluiil fur tin- - Tt'xns Slur I'ltieer Surely it will do lor you and to all Intent and pnrpoaee aa prliate Thai Ibe - what It tins itonc lor so UKIU'lrlCATKUPCOMPAHlHUN llilkcwltlbentaauil oellluval of lu Is Boon lo Women Survey 17IKI, eioliriielou; lltom- pur ronduel, otaiate, carry on, ttalllo in, corporation ahall be leeoidwl uf United lu tlia oilier tb II 7 .1, many thousands ol other bay and aall ntarcbaudiae, groceriee and other Htatea of America lOJ Ilium ul l.otH mill uf See. T state of New Ueilro (" eouuty clerk ot l.lueolu county. New Malleu womcnl i should help. aud luluge uf Irada for profit and for Nib UVfiimn fttiiilly III OS., K. It Ii., N. N. M., in l.ltuolii atliclea ll la Hereby Certified, tbal the auueied la a too km Tfn, - l) "I was taken sick, beneit of tba coiiiaa, tu leiuo bond upon lb full, true and complete tranacrlpl of the that tblc MlllflcateKwl lli celllleale uf lit LiMilMlaiin, Uhluliiiiiiu ami Naw Mh.xI- Cuiiuly, Ntiw Mexico, nut entered credit ot the company, to mortgage, hypothe- ourpolatlou riibllal,ed seemed to he . . . Certitk-iitt- ' of Hlockluildrr'a Nun ahall be aa iiruvided by ii l not wmallby nnaiigli fur llu llie tl;lil ol wit) ul wuy ul llie IM ," cate, eel), tranafar aod aaalgu the ebaraaof eloek law writes Mrs. Mary ILVesle, ( liitvii I'n mi nud SiMilliwi-Htei- Uuilrund. lk)d, aod tu buy, tell, acquira, Iranafar ur l.littilllty the b WltuetM Wheieof mo, the uiulllguel '1ml) nf tin, lummi" In all ol Madison Heights, Va. eyldeucee in m Hied it h e a I iipillt'iillnil aailgu boud, euil'la and other of CuiiHtitiict'a Coul Liuiipiiii) orgaMtete ot lb aald Cimauntor'e t'oal ooui ll li lllttii uiiiiink'lirea) kIio WiiIiU "I got down so weak, Indebted uaaaoraat ad by otbar eurpotatlouor t iNoHtoekbolder'a l.iabllllyl lay."uo ilockbolder'a liability,' have here- lur ii I'lilted SIiiIi-- pntetit, mo iih tu rin'uuyjii mill Win- hiivIhicm could hardly walk . . . of tba Htata ot Naw auy luo.'-- 'iinirt e atlook Ueslcu or of (No unto eobecrlbed our uama to tide Ctrllfiewlu ul nil uf Hitlii I.uIh n und i I I other etata or couutry, and tkle corporation may wltb the tudoiaemanle thereon, a apt-iit- No Stockholder' Liability 4luitipa, liinvfu'r, lnvm n umut Just staggered around, aaioe al kl IW. Teiaa. in Any mid nil ieiiuiiii cliiiiiiliin ml hold real allele, and pateonel properly, andpur. on file and ot record lu Ihe olllw of the Htata tbi tb 9th day of AogOl, A II lulu liua u wny tlto I read ol Cardul, iimvlileul fur vernely llieiiiliiln;t;roiiMil, preiniHi-- ... chela, mortgage, aall and ooutey the aame out Corporation Cotnmlkilou kl I). (litM.HI. IIU Hlii. and tiller taking one bot- New liiiiiMiwiro In lit lim klt Iihii, lmliit of the Htata of Malleo luTailluony Wbateof. Ihe Stele rorporitton J. C. WiMaaaiiii.Mlu Huaiwa iii oi tiny purllnu tllutenf no ilem rtlied tle, or before taking quite louatu Couiwlikluaaf tb Slate Maaico Illu.Agp, luuHhare Hie limimv rut iiImIi hvi Kpmii riHim in (ur, otNtn llliuta nnd upplled me liereliy uutilieil oil, 1 felt much better. ! Haid coriHilaliou aball bate au ba cauiad Mi Mliai-- autborlied Uilt eeitllcate lu be ilgned t. I'ooati.M. lh luirliir. Id Hie llielt ulijvutiuiiH in the I titled capital itock ol three hundred thouaand dollar by ita I'baitfuau and tb mI at aald II llier lu rJlir took 3 or 4 bottles at tu. I Iiiihi. Vila Stiilt'H t it ml (llllee nliMeauid. I M,U)Ui) dlildad Into thirty Ibotikand kharek Ctwimlwlon. to bo atllted at tba Uilt of J. A lUwiiai.a.Sl Hharea wuniKli wlm wuiu ho a .lie that time, and was able to of tka face or par taloe of tau dollare 1110 wi Haata KeonlblalHbdayof Angl .1. II. John T II ILL. IS Hham lu btiglu hhvIiih HialHiimtluall tmrly ohIiiIiIImIi lliulr clnliil (hereto. do my work. I take II In eaeb, and ahall ! fully paid and uuuaekkeble, Nik. 1 I ill tlllll liuvu iilte) titvostHtl ha male of Tela lllllu aiiinn liMMUTT I'A'I'TO.N the n. Uiiulily Kl I spring when the amount of capital etork wltb whleb tba IH..IJ 11 WII.LIAUH. uf l'aao In Wur liy Mini' lll'till SruiliiRa Slnmim thin KeuiHter I had ehktl tregib bualueaa la DTa Ihotlkand Iltekt Chaixinau, Unthla the lllbilay uf Auguat .1.1). IDIH Iwlore no appetite, Ulnvtiii Wrtr 8avIiikh HIhiiiik, gmiin ul IH, Ml), aud all of aald A. U we personally appeared 11 II llaylunl. J I' I'licil I'tililleiilluu, July mill. and I commenced rating. dullarallWUi nock .ball be aloahtaON, wlilili ci ml um little uu comtoou ktock VTIlmartli, lleamer lllllard, A I'oilwlly. J . ti ll Ullri, I.uit piilillcnlf Sept. Ill, mm Is I Clevk will buy Unit It the best tonic ever lUwllog and John T Hill aud K II. llalltty u kllrliitn ottliliutt iirni liitntii-ig- , saw." Try Cardul. peraonalli - In many llui Itountiwirn '1 ba nautaa au,l poatotuc adilrea of toe IB o - lu ua known to lie the i.ercona dea- .Nutlet lur I'ubllcitlon NuSluukltolilt-r- l.luhillly CeililkuU- til corporator and tb at urlba.1 lu aud whu eieculeil tlnfortgulnginairu- - whu nut liiivii nut ml niivlltliiK In omiul naulMt tliare uberl ol lilt-- bed by eeeliof Ikam are aa follonk, towlt. mint, aad acknowledged tomethal iliyricut iiii-u- uf, iimi it iiiit Iipiiit rni' tlin Wur Ulll'A II I'M K.NTOK THK IN I'hlllult All Druggists Ctiuaiitnrr x Coul d the aame aa kl. I), (lit lord, Pako.Telal. IHJrtt!.. Cotiipuny their Ire art aod deed. Mil villain HIiiiiiim. II H. Laudllltllwlit lluawell, New Ueiiro l iNoHtiHkholdar'e Liability. lu YVItoca I hate bereuulii aet uu Anilii.tTJ, aLr. a 4. C. tVllmwIh. Ul Teiaa, IW Share Kiiitin nf Hit' Imiiiii'i NuvIiikh HiicIii-Hii- II9 know all Mea by thece PratenU wa. U. hand and alOted my ulllelal aeal Ihe aud hereby Sillant, Kl l'aao. Telaa, IU0 Hharea that !) Nulls Ii given that William it Wella I), llaylord, J (' Vfllraeilh, year lu thl In llui lllalllil ll lit in !!,ftwiall), Kl t'aeo, ran., w rtbat.t lleauer lllllard, crlifirt lait abute written uf ration, Naw Ueilni. who, on February llli i A. Poutally.J A. Hawllnga I' V wiiiiimii'h (dull ur ilimrli wirliillim. IWJV. J. 4. hawllnga, 81 l'aao, t'aiaa, Hharea and John T Kill, I'tCKKn, made linmnolead entry, Nu. ulrJIOl for SO au rtildant aod cltliem of Kl faao, CI Paas lUeall Notary I'ublic lu Woiiinn n ru In tltu IiuiiIIIh iHiunda In JobnT lllll, Kl fako. Teiaa, Hharea L'ouatv and for iiilck nniHi acna, luictea ami aurveyi Hectiuu , aud Hlate of Teiaa, and K (I Ilalfety, laaldcnt Id Couuly. IVia fi mi) Intuitu uf N U I'. b! H. Hatlily, Umok, Liicolu count), New l'au Thrill Ninimuiiie in TuwiieblilUHllngallK, .Meridian, Uy liiM-i- "l!eware uf smull axpeuset; a Mulao, tOStaM-- . and cltlian of Ucenro, Lincoln County and Htate ouiuilioopliee Uay Hal. IMI. liuitei liuvo i iticulvpil at Dlilrlrt bu filed notice ot lutentioii lo niuk five year of New Uiilce. all the original organliere KNDOilSKll proof, tn ealal.llkh leak will a ailTH of litailiiiiirl' uf tbe Hvlnn Dlvlghm claim lo the land aboi small sink ureal ship." andtbagobacrll-aial- o tba Certificate Ineor- - Nu MX. C. L' Twe eMPotatkiu may et at DulhiH ur wiiitiHii liavn hUiU'iI decilbd befoieC llercbaul, U. Huy W. S. 8. iW malslalu aud hale I wliu poratleu of the t ouauwer c oal Convpanr (Nu Car llec'd Vol I'ega t'V ati'apilao, N U . on day meeBit-- I ol law Hlaiool New Meiico, and lu hy in tU Jrd. of Liability.) No tmltliii: iimrlin Thrift ISIV. to that way bate oltltee at stockholder Uleday eiecutadbyaa Hlockboldar'a Liabilily Certificate October, a4 an duly atkuowledged Hlninpg uuU wliu hum heini puutiliul (.'aple UulWlna, on Han Anlonlu atraet, El I'ato, dohtrtby icut and of Ihe Illalmant namae aa wltbeeaea acknowledge no In liny tloiliril nrtlcltiu tu lirinlituit up HtPak taunt), feiaa, until laafully changed Inlt eerlilcalaof ctockbolder'a Uonauioer'u Coal Cuuipaay TbouiaO llraftou, uf I'araona, N. 11.. liability, aod thai Ihlaeerllficatelie iNu Stockholder I tliHlr huinu. Aa auuii as Wur 8m Cunohbruok, uf N. 11.. Iketefrom, at which otheee in tCI faao. Teiu, ru,ot filed LUblllt) I'ertohi, I'urur II wltb and made a of Ihe Klled lu olllc In 11 lidglng I'etera, ut N , Capl-la- the Director herein gndthe Ulractara,. pall ctrllncate of Incur. of Blale Corporation .'"in mIMluii liiK Mump builKlit, carnliiR Capltan, U William llu.i. Millinery Opeilm. W, poratlou uf Ihe Conumr'c Coal Company a ul New money N U. Mn. A. )ie eltciad. may tol.l their cuoatlnga, keep the Ueilcu more Wnr S;uIukm Htamim , provtdtd uy Aug IS, IVIV, I1. KUMUI'I'I'Al-lON- Adams invite, all to book ol the company, lueladlng the duplicate taw a U. nro luady liiunny. Thny urn reticent-ubl- ladles ritit mat A. L MOIIIIINON. Aug eA So. lUgltter. her Millinery on Alamo-Kirtl- o eeplaa of the Stock Uook aud IbeHleck Tranl 'Ibe wllh acniieil Inteiimt nl thu iot l'arlor bameot ooitHiralloa of whleb Ible wild Coupnr,! J J 0 to M I' 11 tar Hoaka officii tin tun ilayn' iiutlre, but thu Ioiir ave. She ha received a CBtiaiupplruutand allachad, I the Con t,t. We miyiht, however, circumvent airaaia (omer'a Coal Compaay (No Htockkoldt'a ur I hey nm held, tltt moia money they beautiful liueol Kail Hats, Keailr-to-Wc- ar Ihe aald II, II llaylord, J $30 by 0 Wllmtrtb, and laid corporation baa Ita nlmli-a- l Some people nre like aiitiitie muko for their Itolimrri. the shoes itavint; winter Suits ami I) reuses, etc. ilcamw UUiard. A Pouullt. H. U. j ofBeeln New UaaleuatUncuro, LlucalaCoanty, Ituvn you HLuuip a two. Ifawilbg eggs; boiiKul your Thrift oil year or Our happiest Ladies will save money by visit-ju- g A, and John T, Hill, lubtoriMng clook New aleilea, under Ihe utuagement II, the better you net acquaint- hofderj of 8. tixiayT davs were when we Inndleil her Parlor, ami and Ktganliera of aald corponlloa a ball ed! the more you ItiiugetltiB' ruot),nnt don't like them. f'arutiijil in our bare (eet. her millinery bofore purciiasiiig, THE OARRIZOZO NEWS.

deposited. There were tn the room S us bed, a chair, a portrait of Napoleon HONOR OLD FRIEND Bonaparto and a small table on which wcro a dictionary, a Bible and a num GOOD ber of schoilbooks. Black Hills Pioneers Namo High The Light in the Clearing "These wcro Mary's books," sold Mr. A TALE of the NORTH COUNTRY in the TIME of SILAS WRIGHT Ilnckct "I told your undo that ye Peak for Roosevelt. could use them an' welcome." ROADS I sat down and opened tho seated envelopo with trembling hands and At Its Summit a Cairn Fifty Feet DAMAGE DONE TO HIGHWAYS By IRVING BACHELLER. found In It this brief note: High, Constructed ol Bowlders of Author of EDEN IIOUICN. D'RI AND I. DAtUlEL Or TIID BLESSED "Donr Partner : I wnnt you to nsk Native Oranlte, Has Deen ISLES, LIZZIE, tho you know to KEEPING UP WITH Etc Etc wisest man explain Erected. Public Roads Oureau Experimenting Co7rlRM by trrtn riitcheOr tbeso words to you. I suggest thnt With Matter of Impact on you memory commit them to nnd think pioneers Various Surfaces. meaning. On July 4 tho lllnck hills often of their They aro from Colo-H- Job: honored tint liiemor of tho lutu rude, I always pretend to bo very Hoosctclt by tunning for him tho A now series of experiments, which busy. light word o' recognition "'His bones are full of tho sins of BARTON MAKES HIS FORAY INTO Just a highest peuk In tho lllnck hills. Timed mny hnvo n effect 'Um FIRST THE WORLD AS I his youth, which shall llo down with by wny o' common politeness Then lloiiie-comln- g transportation on tho highways nnd him In to tnko plncii during A STUDENT IN MICHAEL HACKET'S ACADEMY laugh, If yo enn on' do It quickly, lad, tho dust' lllnck tho regulation (hereof, has been un- '1 beltovo that they are tho most week fur Deudwood nnd other an' sho will pass on." hills communities, this ceremony wns dertaken by tho bureau of public wc-- o Imprcsslvo In nil tho literature I have Tho last words spoken In n mmilfcstntlrm of the affection which roads, department of ngrlculture, whisper, with ono hnnd on my breast read. Synopsis liar ton Iinyncs, an orphan, rocs to lira with his uncle, "Tours truly, nil the residents of thnt section of tho Tho work, which Is being ilono by Tcnbody Iinyncs, nnd his Aunt Deol on a form on Itattlcrond, In n IIo turned the strings and plnycd country felt for Colonel Hnnsevelt. the division of road materials, test tho "Fisher's nornplpe." 'Whnt a romp "SILAS WrtlQHT, Jit" neighborhood cnllod Llckltyspllt, nbout tho year 1820. IIo in ret a Soils' rend tho words over and over The tieiik which will henceforth bo und research, Is designed to demon- Dunkclbcrg, nhout his own oro, but socially of n class nbovo tho of merry music filled tho house I I I known us Mount Theodore) ltoosovclt strate tho damage dono to highways had never henrd tho llko and was soon ngnln, but knew not their meaning. Bnyncscs, nnd Is fnsclnntcd by her pretty foco nnd flno clothes. Ilnrton Sadly and slowly I got ready for bed. was cnllcd Sheep mountain or Hound by different forms of transportation also meets ItovltiR Knte, known In tho neighborhood as tho "Silent smiting at him as ho played. Ills bow Top. It Is a detached eminence with units traveling under varying condi- and fingers flow In tho wild frolic of Tho noises of tho village challenged Woman," Amos Orlmshaw, a younR son of the richest man In tho town- my car put out my candle, an elevation of 0,000 feet, threo miles tions. It Is thought thnt tho Infor- tho "Devil's Dream." It led mo out after I had Wyo- ship, Is a visitor at tho Ilnynos homo and Ilovlng Kate tells tho boys' Thcro were many barking dogs. Some from D'cndwood, 10 inHes from mation so obtained will perhaps servo fortunes, predicting n bright futttrn for Ilnrton and death on tho gallows of my sadness Into a world all new to ming nnd 33 miles from the Montnnu as n basis for scientific regulntton of mc. horsemen passed, with a creaking of for Amos. Ilnrton meets Silas Wright Jr., n man prominent In public saddlo leather, followed by n wagon. slntu line. It Is nn tho lllnck Hills trnlllc an different types of pavements, "Now, Ood bless your soul, boy I" ho Incldentnlly Indicating types affairs, who evinces mtirh Interest In tho boy. Ilnrton learns of tho Soon I heard running feet and eager forest reserve, nnd will bo tho center the nnd power of money when Sir. Orlmshnw threatens to toko tho Ilnyncs farm exclaimed, by and by, as ho put down of a bird gnmu refugo iilxn dedl designs of roail which will best servo good voices. I roso nnd looked out of tho and unless n nota which ho holds Is paid. Now In his sixteenth year, Ilnr- his Instrument "Wo shall hnvo a ciited to tho memory of tho tho needs of trnlllc. tlmo together wo will. Not a open window. Men wcro hurrying ton, on his way to tho post nlllco at Canton, meets a strnnRcr and they thnt Is also suggested that from this strnko o' work this dny I Como, I hnvo down tho street with lanterns. It rldo together. They encounter a highwayman, who shoots nnd kills tho 1 All thnt section of the country him knowledgo will bo a guldo hero will toko us down "Ho'a Uio son o' Ben Grlmshnw," fulr consideration stranger. Ilnrton's hnrso throws htm and runs away. As tho murderer that been Intimately associated with vnrl-nu- s in legislative cliirges against to tho land o' the fairies." henrd ono of them saying. "They nssured bends over tho strnneer Ilnrton throws a stone, which bo observes periods In tho 11 to of Colonel mlcroscopo caught him back In tho south woods wounds tho thief, who makes off at once. Then with his ho showed peak which now bears mo Into tho wonder world ltoosovclt The of littleness his tiiiuio overlooks the foothills and of which I had no knowledge. 1 vulleys of northern lllnck hills "Tho mlcroscopo Is llko tho art o' the WW 11 j? the CHAPTER VII Continued. should. You remember Itovln' Koto?" whero tho roloncl limited buffalo. In ho snld. known n- good ha uslced by by. teacher," "I'vo summit nru his cnttlo and to tnko n brnln no bigger sight from tho beauty of day was "Yes," answered. teacher than go nnd his to Deudwood, ns Tho thnt perfect I a fly's foot an' mako It visible to tho in tmlt upon rcmomher "Sorno dny when n Wynbilng ulid Moil-tan- a her, I that her dress you'ro little older naked cyo." well as sections of llko tho color of Its llrowecd bins-som- s I'll tell yo story you'll sco In his was her an' Ono of tho children, of which there whero ho trailed cnttlo tho blue Its sky was whnt happens when men CIlluipHCB of tho Hello and that of an' vvoincn wcro four In tho Hncket home, called mutiny days, oyes and tho yellow of sun-llR- tho law o' dot). Mr, nnd other In her the break Hera's us to supper, Mrs. n stout l'onrclie, the Hcdwiitcr In and red of Its Wright's Decl mo Ilnckct, valleys her hair the letter. Aunt asked womnn with n red nnd kindly face, sat streams flowing down thn In lior cheeks, I remember host to glvo It to you to keep. You'ro old peak and tho clover at ono end of tho tablo, between tho spectator. The August breeze, played with enough now you'll bo goln' nwny to and embraced the her an' thorn wcro children Mary, n territory around It aro now Its golden curving long, guess." tho prct hair, lllnRlne strnndi school beforo I ty daughter of soventcen years; Mag' In the Hello Kourcho Irrigation project neck so I tool: rend again tho nlmut her nnd shoulders that the letter nnd glo, a Iluth, a dellcnto which Colonel Iloosevelt advocated touched my foco, now then, as superscription on Its envelope: milking It and girl of coven, nnd John, n noisy, red' when president. This Is nil we walked I Somehow of the rustlo "To Mnster Ilnrton Ilnynes: faced boy Ave. Tho wcro of arid priilrlu over Into fertile funning a of chairs her dress started straiiRo vibration (To bo opened when ho leaves homo ptnln wood like tho choirs of country. my spirit. I put my arm kitchen In around her to go to school)." today. In tho mlddto of it tablo was The peoplo of built nt the and sho put t .10 waist her arm around I put It away In the p!no box with an empty one pnlntcd green. Beforo summit of tho mountain n calm feet wo along. A feci-In- s mlno as run curious leather binges on Its cover which ho sat down Mr. Ilnckct put his hnnd high of bowlders of untlvo grnulto. T. enmo over mc. I stopped nnd Undo I'enbody had mado for mo and on A, Hrnwn of Speiirllsh, nuo of tho colo- my tho back of this chnlr and snld: loosed arm. wondered ngnln whnt It wus nil nbout, "A merry henrt to you, Michael nel 'm associates of years ago, obtained "It's very worm I" I said as I picked nnd ngnln that night I broko enmp Henry." thn permission of tho local committee of flrowccd. a stalk nnd moved further Into tho world over I wondered nt tho meaning of this, to plnco In this monument it stone Post Itoad In Maine Oullt Under What was there about tho girl which tho silent trails of knowledge. hut dnrcd not to nsk. Tho oldest with the cnttlo brands of his old Supervision. so thrilled mo with hnpplness? Undo I'oabody went nwny for n few daughter nctcd ns n kind of moderator friend chiseled thereon. The dedlcii-lio- n Sho turned nwny and felt tho rib- dnys after tho harvesting. Ito had with tho others. of this monument took place on trnlllc, Rlnco un nccurnto mensuro of bon by which her hair was Ruthorcd gono afoot, I knew not where. IIo "Mnry Is tho constnblo of this house, Inilepemlelico day, when il tablet Impact ilumngo therefrom will bo pos- at tho bnck of her hend. returned one nfternoon In a buggy with power to arrest and halo Into "In .Memory of Theodore sible. After n moment of sllcnco I ven- with tho great Michael Ilnckct of tho court for undno hnsto or rebellion or ItooM'U'lt, the American." wns fast- Tho experiments will cover a wldo : big, tured Canton academy. Ilnckct wns a Impoliteness," Mr. Ilnckct oxplnlncd. ened tn inn) of the bowlders. range, taking Into account four fnc-tor- s 'T guess you'vo never fallen In love." brawny, kindly Irishman I beltovo that Snlly Dunkclbcrg Is those of speed, height of full, "Vi's, I hnvo." with n merry heart and tonguo, tho your friend," ho snld to mo presently. Some Logic In His Protest. typo of tiro used and tbu weight of 'Who with?" latter having a touch of tho broguo of "Yes, sir," I answered. A Rooil story was published In I.e tho transportation unit tho green lslo which bo bad never seen, "I don't think I daro tell you," sho "A flno slip of a girl thnt nnd a born Klgiiro In connection with the news Under tho last heading It will bo slowly, looking for lio had been horn In Massachusetts I Went With Him While He Fed Hit answered, down as sho scholar. I saw you look nt her ns thnt a monument Is being erected at necessary lor tho bureau to consider nnd had got his education In Harvard. Chickens and Two 8mall 8hotes. Dun-det- , walked. tho Tcrslan looks nt tho rising sun." Tiirnsron In memory of Alphouse distribution of weight nbovo un- you IIo was a man of forty. and "I'll tell who I lovo If you wish," then I blushed nnd Mary and her mother yesterday. Tho sheriff said thnt hi tho French novelist who has springs und on bnck nnd "You'ro coming to mo this fnll," ho der front I said. nnd tho boy John looked at mo nnd tried to run away when ho saw 'en thnt quaint town by his nxles, u ipiantlty which Is decidedly said as ho put his hnnd on my arm and laughed. coming." "Tiirtnrlti." It seems thnt the town vnrlublo on different makes of motor I whispered tho word and gavo mo u little shake. "Lad I you'vo nmong Its "Tuer pulcbcrrlmo I" Mr. Ilnckct What was the meaning of this still numbers inhabitants und horse-draw- vehicles. Tho bureau '?." n pntr of I Yo live wns afraid sho would laugh at mc, but sot shoulders shall exclaimed with a kindly smile. What had Amos Grlmshnw been do persons almost, If not quite ns eccen- called upon tho automo In my houso an' help with tho chores has nntlnual she didn't. Undo I'enbody would hnvo called It lug? I trembled as I got back lnt( tric ns tbu renowned Tnrtnrln. Tho bile chamber of commerce tn assist Wo stopped to tho song If yo wish to." bed even now explain why and listened a "stout ccng." Tho schoolmaster hnd I cannot story is Hint n Turnscoiiunls recently 111 tho collection of this data, much "That'll bo crand," sold Undo Ten-bod- of n bird I do not remember what hauled it out of his brain very deftly but long ago I gave up trying t arrived nt the local railway station of which has not been generally tabu bird It was and sho whispered: but, as to myself, Just then, I then and chucked It down beforo rao In a fathom tho depths of tho humat with n mule, und after purchasing a lated, and u questlnnnnlra has been you always know not what to think of It. II ani- "Will lovo mo and kind of challenge spirit with an Inflnlto sea beneath couple of tickets, gravely led tho sent to nil motor truck manufacturers END OP BOOK ONE. crossed by currents mal up the forty steps by which tho "What docs that mcun?" I asked. subtlo tides and of America on this subject Immcdl-ut- o "Yes," In Is I answered tho careless "You shall know tn n week, my son," Wo sco only tho straws on the surface platform reached. On attempting attention to this has been request- way youth. tlrst-clas- s of BOOK TWO ho nnswered. "I shall put you Into I was up at daylight nnd Mr. Hackel to enter u compartment hu ed In order to facilitate tho Kim stopped nnd looked Into my eyes tho Latin class Wednesday morning, came to tuy door whllo I was dressing found his piissiigii burred, lie waved nnd I looked Into hers. Ood yon llko well "A merry dny to you I" ho exclaimed his two tickets Into the faco of tho Which Is tho Story of tho Prin- and help to It as as In tho Initial stnges of tho work "Mny I kiss you J" I asked, and you Sally." "I'll awttt you below and Introduce guard nnd tried to force Ids way In the llko pack has been measured by tho per afraid, with chocks burning. cipal Witness. Again thoy laughed and again I you to tho humhlo herds and flocks ol but the nflli'lnl proved Inexorable. manent of one-ha- by Sho turned nwny nnd nnswered: "I blushed. a schoolmaster," Indignantly: "So many asses deformation one-ha- Inch copper cylinders placed guess you can If you want to." CHAPTER VIII. up yer head, my I went with him whllo ho fed hit travel first class Hint I full tn see why "Ilold bravo lad," under u steel plunger subjected to Now I seem to bo In Aladdin's tower he went on. "Yo'vo n perfect right to chickens aud two small shotcs. n mule should tun," the niub'leer tho I Impact of trnlllc. A varying height of and tn sco hor standing so red and In Which Meet Other Crest Men. llko Sally If yo've a heart to. milked tho cow for him, and togcthet stalked nwny from the train. "Tlun-cur.-" It was a sunny day In Septem- In fnll Is arrived at by different take-off- s graceful and Innocent In tho sunlight lato "A In his 'teens wo drove hor bnck to the rnsturn liidliitmpolls Star. - lid for tho machine. First experiments and that stranRo flro kindled by our ber on which Aunt Decl and Undo Tea- Will nover beam Then wo split soma wood and filled thi know Indicated u wldo ran go In kisses warms my blood again. body took mo nnd my llttlo pine chest It ho hain't an a tor the girls." boie.i by" tho Urcplnco snd tho kltchci He Knew About It. tho force of Impact us between units with solid night n whispered con with nil my treasures In It to tho vil- It was a merry supper, and when It stovo and raked up tho lenves In the Tho other evening whllo doing home That I heard tires und pneumatics. feroneo below after I had rouo up la go whero I wns to go to school nnd ended Mr. llockct rono and took tho doorynrd and wheeled them away, work tho small son of a minister was stnlrs. I know that something wns llvo with tho family of Mr. Michael green chnlr from tho tablo, exclaim- "Now you know tho duties o' youl nrgnlng nnd trying to convince him- Working from theso first steps the mining nnd wondered what It might Ilnckct, tho schoolmaster. ing: office," said tho schoolmaster as wt self Abut "cmigregatu" and "collect" bureau olllcluls plan to perfect a ma-- I remember tho sad excitement of "Michael Henry, Ood bless youl" went In to breakfast. meant tho kiiiiii) thing, for that wns I'hlno which will tnko Into nccount the that rldo to tho vlllnge ami all the Then ho kissed his wlfo nnd snld: Wo snt down nt tho tablo with tin whnt bis tencber hail told him. factors mentioned and which will en words of advlco and counsel spoken "Mnggla, you wild rose of Erin I Tvo family nnd I drow out my letter front Into the argument, which thn min- able them to provide n constant suc- by iny aunt. been nil dny In tho study, I must tnko tho senator und gavo It to Mr. Hackel ister father could not help but over-hea- r, cession of Impacts on selected slabs I remember looking In vain for Sally n walk or I shall get nn cxnltcd abdo to rend. the said father broke: or paving compositions. This will en- re- I 1 experiments as we passed tho Punkelburgr'. I men. Ono Is badly beaten In tho raco "Tho senator Ood prosper him I "What's thnt you nro saying? Tint able the to proceed much member my growing loneliness as tho o' Ufa when his abdomen gets nbend heard that ho enmo on tho Tlnttshuri congregate and collect are the soma inoro rapidly than would bo possible diy wore on and how Aunt Ueel stood of his tnos. Children, keep our young stage Inst night" ho snld ns bo began word?" under actual road conditions. Tests buttoning my coat, with tears friend happy hero until I como bnck, tho rending nn announcement which "Thill's what teacher snld." will bo uindo on horse-draw- as well n do n her cheeks while I nnd mind you, don't forget the good caused mo and tho children to clat "(Julie wrong," replied ihe father. us motor-drive- vehicles. l bin upon the gato In front of fellow In tho green rhnlr." our bunds with Joy. "You let! tho teacher she Is iultn In addition to tho nbovo experi- in ! house, on Ashcry lnne. try' Mnry helped her mother with tho Mr. IMckct thoughtfully repented wrong. There Is nil the difference III ments another series Is planned to de- ni't llko a man nnd rnthcr dishes, whllo I sat with n book by tho tho words from Job with a most Im- the world between n 'congregation' termine tho wearing qualities of differ-cu- t t "t my poor success. Uncle fireside. Soon Mrs. Hncket and tho pressive Intonation. nnd a 'collection.' " Columbus types of road surfaces when sub- "i twl surveying the sky tn children i u nnd snt down with rao, Ho passed tho letter back to mo ant) jected to very heavy trnlllc. tWtli his back toward us. Ilu "Let's piny bnckgnmmon," Mnry pro- - said : 1 nnd nervously blew out his "All posed. truol I hnvo seen It slnktni What He ib Ills lips trembled a llttlo as "I Into bones o' tho young Wanted. SAVE TRANSPORTATION COSTS don't wnnt to," snld John. the and I have IIo had a bard day ami was grouchy. aid seen It lying down aged In "Don't forget Mlchucl Henry," she with tho through a long nnd varied Ufa "I danno but whnt It's to the o' graves. Eight Ton-Mil- e Ef- coin' reminded. dust their It Is a big be had como In contact with so Cents Per Can Be book tho one wo much rain" "Who Is Michael Henry J" I nsked. nro now opening. loquacity on Ihe pnrt of barbers thnt fected When Road Is Lifted to I vut' hed them ns they walked to "Sure, boy hng Ood help us I more pages Durable Class, bo's tho thnt never It has thau be was always on the dcfcnslto when tho tavern sheds, both looking down been born," Mrs, all tho days o' your life. eald Hncket "Ho Just think In u barber's chnlr. Thus It wus at the ground nnd going rnthcr un wns to bo tho biggest o' your body, bravo that and noblest of A and tender on this particular nionilng us ho on Tho report of tho Joint congressional' st lily. Oh, tho look of thnt beloved them kind youth I Is llko n sponge. e. on' helpful nn' cheery It How It lereil the shop n committee which Investigated highway I for shave and settled rnir ns they wnlkcd nwny from mo hearted nn' beloved o' Ood above takes things In an' holds 'em an' fecdi economies In 101 1 all himself down he remarked In an Irrl- - shows that n saving the look of their leaning heads I Their tho others. Wo try to llvo up to upon 'em I A part o every appio ye him." Inhlii tone of volco! "I don't wnnt a of eight cents per enn bo ef- silenco and tho sound of their foot' Ho seemed to mo a very strango nnd cat sinks down Into yer blood an1 haircut, n shampoo, a massage, a hnlr fected In transportation costs when a steps arc, somehow, a pnrt of tho pie wonderful creature bones. Yo can't get It out. the Is this Invisible oc It's tonic, a hnlr slngo or a manicure. Now road lifted from tho dirt tn tho turo which has hung nil these years cupant of tho croon samo way with tho books yo rend an1 class. chair. ran you I This docs not tako Into In my memory. I know now the thoughts ye enjoy, They go down riioss what want?" what I knew not then "Yes," replied the barber, softly, nccount Increased rent i.tntn vnlnii. Sally Dunkclbcrg nnd her mother that Michael Henry spirit Into yer bones an' yo get 'em Hons was tho of can't out "manners." or soclul advantages from tho Im came along nnd said thnt they wero their homo nn Ideal of which the That'll why I llko to think o' Michael provement. Kind I had como to school. could empty green Henry. food Is good Will You Love Me Always and For. I chair was a constant re His thoughts and Qreat not talk to them, nnd seeing my trouble minder, his wlno Is Inughter. I bad a long Hawaiian Honored. evert" oil, a few dnys oro, paid Qood Roads Approved. they went on, Sally waving her hand Wo played backgammon visit with M. II. last night when ye Han tribute and "old tn memory of Kiiiiiehiitnehii Tho secretary agriculture, up to re. Boon Undo I'enbody came op to to me ns they turned the corner below. ninld" "everlasting" wcro alt In bed. Ills face was a chunk the tho of and until Mr. Oreut, founder of the Kiimehntnchu May 1, hnd approved 1,037 project pur llttlo room looking highly serious, I felt ashnmed of myself. Suddenly Ilnckct o' laughter. Oh, what a limb ho Is I returned. who. In n series of wnrs, brought statements for federal uld roads, In- 1 snt, half undressed nnd rather fear- benrd tho door open behind mo and the Tho envelopo I wish I could tell ye alt good sealed which Mr. the nil tho Islands of volving tho Improvement 10,580 ful, looking Into his faco. As I think voice of Mr. tilings lie llawnll under his of Ilnckct: Wright had left at our home, a long said." 100 years ago, of the Iniiuuculnto soul of tho boy, I ho cnllcd, rulo more thnn Kama miles of highways at an estimated "Hurt." "I've a friend tlmo beforo that day, was In ray pocket place feel n touch of pathos In that scene hero who has something to say to you hnmchn's burial Is unknown, the cost of $02,U33,0Oi). At last the hour bad como when Barton and the Rackets hear few aged Ilnwatlnns who held se I think thnt he felt It, for I remember Como In," could open the It and read tho message some news that startles them unvlng died. A grout that his whisper trembled n llttlo as he I nnd went Into tho house. cret street nn Much for Trunk Highways. turned of which I had thought much and and sets Barton to worrying rudn was a nf began to tell mo why men oro strong "Away feature the centennial In It Is proposed Uncle with sadness laddlo buck I" with a growing interest about a secret that ha shares Honolulu, with floats Illustrating thnt Sum spend sad women aro beautiful and given In he exclaimed es be took violin from his $100,000,000 trunk highways, now his I rose and said that I should like to with no one. Don't miss the toric events In Ihe life of "Napo for marriage. Its case while snt wiping my eyes. go to ray the that tho season approaches when I room. Mr. Hncket lighted next Installment leon or tn racinc. There were cere t "You'll ho falling In lovo one o' "Away with I Sho raps a man will have no further reason to sadness often candle nnd took mo upstairs to a monies In front of tho statue of Knme- - p days" ha said. "If s natural yo my ibnr, and while not travel principally with a Bultctuo. it I try to bo llttl room where toj chest bad been (TO HJ0 COMTlHUJiDJ hauiena which facts the capltol. THE OARRIZOZO NEWS.

FLOWER GREEN'S AUGUST HUSBAND In the cood old summer tlmo when frnltfi nf till klnila nil lrpftlnt rlnn MTIOSALF nml toniptlnir. when rnrtitiiherK, mil- - SAVES WIFE IkIioh nud vopptntdM froh frnm tho cntdi'ii nro Inn kihh! to nulcl. whon tho From Suffering by Gelling nlrnlr lirovnltA nml rvorvtinilT GVPITAL AFTAIDS ovoroiitA nml your Atinniirh book Imok Her Lydta E. Pinkham' nn you, thon I tlio tune for "AliKtut Vegetable Compound, riimor." tho mvorolKii romcily for tlrod, tivorwiirhnl nud utom- - illnrdori'd many months' Supromo Court May Have Last Word on tho Treaty nrliA, for- - PlttsburRh, I's. " For it mlini'rn fur lndlBollnn. I was not able to do my work onlns; to int'iitnllnn nf fund, Anur Atnuiiuh. Ali'V n weakness nnico I1T AHIIINtlTON. In the lii'iit nf tliu controviTiiy between tlio president linil tionihii'lio und riintlintlim. It iroiitly caused backache st senate over Iln- - Leiifciio of Nations pulley, tho Kcncrnl public seems to mlmulnton tho llvor, rlonno tho In- - nnd headaches. A hiive overlooked tho fnrt Hint there miiy ho n third piirty to the controversy toAtlnon nml nllmcnlnrv onnnl timkltm friend called mr Sold ovorytthoro. attention to one of i.v whnni tho tliuil nml conclusive ill- - life worth HvltiR. your nowspnper rlslnn miiy ho rotiilori'il. TIiIn third Cotton In Korei. ndvertlsemenU and party is I lie Nuprenio ruiirt of tho Immediately my Ulllli'il Kliiles. Ity oxtoiKlnii nf tho uroil nf Knri'iili husband bought If tho sennto falls to rntlfy. Ilia ml Inn oiililvnthiii, .liiinn oxiiooIm l three) bottles of treiily lioriiiiii'H void hy Hint iictU.n, liuiko thin lt oldof Niuroo nf miii!y I.vdlaE.l'lnkham' HplnnliiK Com mil no iippi'ii! to tho Kiiprciuo court mid thori'hy oiiulilu Hn mid V oro tablo WonvlliK ImlilHlrloH ho pound mr. would ho necenuiry. tn ltnli'iciiih'iit for In fnrclKii nuliiit. It In plmmcd tnluivo After tnklnp; two If tho I.onuiio of Nations covenant 1 felt fine) XSHtnt hy tho ond nf hottlra ihnll he rutllli'il hy Iho senate It will w under cnlllvntlun lid nnd my troubles caused by thnt weak- L'.VMMM) of Amorlonn rnttnn nud no liK'iiinhont on conitress Imincdlnt'-i.- iiiri't ness aro a thine of tho past Allwomea sri.tKH) ncron of iintlvp cotton. to iniiko mi appropriation to cover who sutler as I did should try Lydla E. I'lnkham's Compoui.d." Iho united Wales' pnrtlnn nf the ex- Vefctnblo Such tender bin fine season ot Mrs. Jar. Hoiiiuikiui, C20 Knapp St, of meat uch careful penditure deemed to establish nml provldo for the iinlntcnnnci "BAYER CROSS' ON N. 8., l'ltUlAfrBh, I'b. intr ' Onetaste of Liliby's Vienna Sausage, served the leucuo's secretariat, to ho not up In flcnovn. Women who surfer from nny form ot pipinu hot, will tell you it was prepared by master An soon nn rmicresx necks to do thin, the taxpayers' action will lie wenkness, as Indicated by dlsplocements, chcfsl Ask Vour for a package today. on tho crniiiiil Hint tho I'lilted Htntes, hy IIh t.'iuistltullon. Ih Intilhlted , ulceration, Irregularities, erf'cer GENUINE ASPIRIN backacho, headaches, nervousness Contents wiU serve two. from participation In such n cniiveiitrtin, cortnln nbllcntlonH iiDNinucd hy llio or I'lilicil mutes under the covenant being In direct cotitniveutlou ot provisions "tho blues," should accept Mrs. Hobr-bore- 's Libby, M9NeilI & Libby, Chicago suttRrttlon and pvo I.ydla C of tho r4ttiK It I itnt. l'inkhnm's VctcUblo Compound If tho court should dorldo Hint tho oliJortloiiH mlsed wore round, mid Hint thorough trial. Iho cnvomilit of tho LeiiRUe nf Nation net unity wiillld. In olToi't, liliiond t In? (ESaWEIB) For over forty years It has been 8he Burns That. Napoleon's Faith In Diamond. I'miHtltutliiu, Iho trcnty could tint ho cnrrlod out until tliu Ctiiistltutlnii hud correcting such ailments. If you have In wny It liv lis mysterious complications Mrs. I'hithush I ec on hnvn n Napoleon linil n lurce illiiiiionil set lni'ii iiiiionili'il tho tho C'liiiKtltiillnn Itself provhlcH shall niiicnilod, wrlto for nnmvly, hy tho submission of nn ciiiicltiiont of u federal ninendnicnt. advice to Lydla ii. 1'lnkham McdiclM new ennk mill six iippenrs tu du very In tin' hilt of the sword Im wore ill Ills Co., Lynn, Mass. drcy. ucddlni: wllh tliu fiiiiinuN .loiephlne, Several permit": nro rondy to bring thin lent action, iiinotijt thi'in lioluu .M"r. Ilciisouhurst Isn't Mio ilrwiy, for h" believed Hint Ihi koi.i would IlnnnlH TuyUir, nillilcttT to Spain under .McKlnloy. ltnyer Tablets of Axplrln" to bt Tho nml duty of tliu Kupreinu lit defined In ticctlou 1! nmxt marked with tho thou'eh" hrliiK him i fori ii nr. rlKht court of urllclo Krnutno bo "Ililiv much iln you pny Iter?" 3 of tho Constitution. safety "Ilnyer Cross." Alwnys buy nn THE "BLUES" con- "Oil, W ii month." Important to Mothern unbroken Ilnyer pneknuo which re- I 1 Rxnmlne carefully every bottle pt tains proper dlrrctlnns to snfely "IS alio n Hi i"i mult? iiifnii, dons When Old Dame Nature G 3ts Ready to Seed Gausod by iiiirn niiytlilriK UAHKJiiiA, mill famous oid rcmeoy Scatter lievo Hendnche, Toothnche, Knraclie, shc J" for Infants and children, and nee that It "Ohiy tliu $50, I hcllcvi." Yniilr Neurnlela, Colds nnd pain. Itnndy tin Dears Win., Acid-Stoma- ch Htutcatuuii. tho (T WAS nntlci'd one niiirnlliR lit Mndon, Hint tho mimv which Iny on boxes of 12 tablets cost but n few Slennturo tlio cround hnd ncqulrcd n lirlcht yclluwlli tint. At tho rutno llimi tliu cents at druc stores lnrucr packaces pcojilo Decollete. In TJno for Over !U) Ypars. of I'lorcncc In tho nunc Mute, worn Hurprlnod to llnd thut tho xiniiv slso. Aspirin Is the trade mark of trill kaU whit a.r am t4MfMtt1 "Doesn't thnt timvlo nctress put nn Children Cry for Fletcher's Caetorln "looked dtiKty" nnd linil nciiulrcil n Ilnyer Manufacture of Monoacctlc drnt, hiivt. ip of intnUl rttpri1on( (! nlrs?" "Well, she. oiik'lit to put on rcddli-- hrmvn color, Hlmlhir cITi'Ctii sclueitcr of Bnllcyllcncld. Adr, thM condltloni r ilua to ouli)(t nnunrf Always Sharp. S1PAN0E,HOW wero noticed n fnr ciit ovr whteh thy hv IlllU or no control suinethlnK." J'll'ii I'un. rue Ntarlr howvr, thy en hm treo "Do Iicoh tnsu their temper!" usks pujiv an Vermont nnd Now IlnuipAhlro. Incentive to Speed. to n (tittrnallwr. Kourt Nor 0W IJ IK'S It to t worid red at. bftn Decollete ImtliliiK costumes lire nil nn e :chniiKo. TIiIh ntrniiKO wim "Hotter not keep thnt man wnltltiK nlrtsT aymptoma tn MORNINO with audi well dflnil rl;htns fnr iih they Wo know tholr stings don't. hy rovvrnl HclcutlAts, They nny longer." i1lsTttton, t'lrh1ni htartburn. tloal, tlC c. win, ir not ch'CKtii, in Hint anei io 9omw found thnt n very lino dUKt hnd fnllen, "Why lint?" dcuinuilcd thp mntmnte. rlonrre or othr all th vital org ana. Tnr nppiiroutly nil over tliu cmitcm United "IIo'h been wultlnt; ho Ioiir Hint he narvoua ayatein barnmra tltrangotl, lUaaatloD aufTtra, Tha blood la lmiavrlahvt, HHn StutoH. has heennie acipuilnteil with your and atrtnith ara undtrmlnad, Tha victim of although ha mar not know Tho Mriingcftt thine nhout IIiIk full Their nniunlntiinee bus ri- tha cauia of hla allmanla, facia hla horV of dust wnn thnt It oceiirred In a pened Into friendship, love Ih a natu- couraga, ambition and tntrgy allpplnv. Ana truly Ufa la dark not worth much it reslon the creitter pnrt of whlrli Iny ral ftcqucncc, mnrrlaeo follow h and man or woman who ha a acMatomachf t". piiiiw unow Oat rid of It f Don't lal hold under und hnd heen under then you'll bo shy u K'od sli'iion." you back, wrack your haalth, maka your Delicate for mnny dny. It wns evident, therefore, thnt tho dimt must hnvu trnvclud mlaarabla, maka you a vlrtlm of tu Mechanism dalua', and gloomy thoughtal Thar w ft hundreda, If not tlKiuxntuls, nf in II en Htarvaloua modern ramaJy callad KATOMIt' Tliu ft inly mnde hy pnvcrnincnt fclcnllnlH kIiiiwr thnt thin nvKiiuiptloit WHY DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND that bring, oh auch quick rallaf from ypur ii'mach mlaarUa atla your atomarh la rlbl wim correct. Snnipli'K of tho dtiAt hnvo boon umily7.ed, with the ronult thnt It tr.'sk'ta It at rung, root, awart and rornfort you t your & wnH Bhnwn to cumpoHcd SWAMP-RDD- abla, llalpa Kt bark atrtnglh, vigor, Despito its scope Swift lio of inlncrnlH found, not In tho North wherw tho T vitality, pnthURtaatn and gonl cha ar. t iluit fell, hut In the Bouiliwcxt. Tho fcIciiIIhh nsKcrt pnxltlvcly thnt HiIa dust many tnouaanda upon thouianda nf ifTararsr Company is a business of in- hava mad HATONIO with auch ciuno nil tliu wny from Arizona, New Mexico nnd Kiiiiniih, IioIiik liuriiu hy thimu marloulr For many yran have watched halpfut raiulta that wa ara aura you will finite details, requiring infinite lurco lnovftncntu of the ulr which entmo our viirlutloui of weiilher. drucsliti faal tha aama way If you will Juat rlva H m with much Intercit the remarkable record trial, flat a big 10 hot of K A TO NIC Is to Hint n rnt It IntcrcxtliiR unto little before thoxo xtruliKc iluxtfulln occurred by Swamp-Koot- , th good taatlng tablata that you aat Ilk attention. maintained Dr. Kilmer! bit of candy fnim your druggUt today. Ii In tho North und Nnrthwext there were henvy Kiiiiilxtorius In tho Knuthweat the great kidney, liver and bladder medi- will return yjur mony If raiulta ara no At Albuquerque, N. M there wuh u storm xuch im nonu of tho cine. van mora than you aipact. Experienced men must know could remember to hnvo peen before. Tho ulr vnx tilled wllh clouiht of dust It Ii a phyilclin'i pretcriptlon. livestock buying with a knowl- Slid xii ml xo dciixo thnt street turn mid tiixlcnlm could not run. Swamp-Roo- t It a strengthening medi- Sclentlxts xny thnt llilx iiilcnilnry ilm-- t Ih worthy of enreful Ktudy, ax It cine. It helps the ltldne)a, liver and blad- ATONIC edge of weight, price, do the; the amount cnrrk'R tirmx, KporcH of plnntH und Importiiut eleiuvuts of mill. der the work nature Intended ECioTirxtI15roM?ca) should do, and quality of meat the live Bwsmn-Itoo- t hat stood the tett nl rears. DAISY FLY KILLER It Is sold by all druggists on Itt merit Mhtd"S5 animals will yield. Washington to Drive 15,000 People Out of Alleys A Us MILS. TtM, and It should help you. No other kidney rtan,ernuaaattal,aut medicine so many friends, hat all araiton. liuta c Each manufacturing: operation must noted the world over for ItH clennllneHs nnd order, him Ue sure to set Siranin-Roo- t and start tnttai, can't apUl of WASHINGTON, tipovrri wtil be done with expert skill and scientific ill itttl : t n llvlue In tlltby iilleyx. Nine ti ntli" of thexo treatment at once. or Inlura anfmldthing lienpto nro colored. Thexo unfortuiiutu alley dwellerx must viiiuli- - pre However, If you wUh flrit to test this tlaaranttad affffU. highly perishable product their great I)r BtM. br " precision. A ent liome n yeur Iho xlKidnB nf preparation tend ten cents to S k, Mi'iiWp. nfter & V., must be handled with speed and caro pence Kilmer Co., Illnghamton, N. for a UrooUrn,i..Tj with tleriunny. when an net nf sample tattle. When writing be aura and I1AUULU BUlltlu, IM Us KAlb An., to avoid loss. I'oiiKri'XH nbnlixhlni: ttn nllon iih mention this paper. Adv. pluccH of ri xldi'liie heeomeM effocllve. Chemists, engineers, accountants, WnxhliiKlon now fiieon tho Ins; Too Promiscuous. and other specialists required to prolilein of how In provide hnuxlni! "A unmlerfiil , tho wire Use Cuticura Soap arc ilccnimnoilntloiiM for llicso penplo In lei.." v take care of our intricate problems. mi "Ire-d- overcrow ded cll fmiiires "Hilt lint yet uillipted In xi'ImIIhk To Clear Your Skin will nxki'i! In help xolve Iho prob-lor- lOVI- IIH'NHajtON," AIMrDKglrt.; Hn.!S nintmrnt a A fA Talcum St tuple tph Alert wisdom and judgment must by iippmprliiilui.' fiUMMi.iHKi in "Nnr f. fr. ir "Cttltirs, J. satin" :t tXK be used in getting stocks of goods into er"ft xuiilliiry InnneH "Tbero'M no IpIIIiik i ho would pick Ahniit ten oiim ncn ihe Alle, " ItlriuliiK-haii- i open channels of demand through up Ten thiitiitniiil liltt.' W. N. U DENVER, NO. the mi nt nxxiii'lntlnn lu'iliin 11 (Itslit our four hundred branch houses. for iln- eliniliiiillnn of liiloihlii'il ulleVR In the 1 llutrS, t of f'nliimlilii. Other Very Much 80, Branch house organizations must civic l.iullex Jnlni'il the iiinvenioiit. Am n rexillt of Ihelr cnmh'lieil etTorls n hill There Ik far inure pli'iiNiire tn be "The aiithiir nf The ltaen' wiim wux piixHi'il hv uniinluimiH Mite ot bnih holixeH nf i'iiiikii kh wllilim nut Iho frinn ihe puixili nf happiness riddle. ' show activity and energy to sell ot the lllll'V I'Vll t Ii ii llni. K In eiilcliliii.' II " i ll In- was 11 I'm' Kir." market in the face of acute competi- The ilnle xi'l for the tivneuntloii nf the iilleyx firlitluiilly wiih .Inly 1. 1DIR, tion from other large packers, and ' but beiiiiixe nf the crcut conaentlnn In Ibis i'lty due tn uur t'ouditloliH, i'"ii hundreds of small ones. Ki't'HN rmiiiil It tioeoAxiiry tn exh iiil the ilnte. 'Ih,' iiNMielHtlor Ih of the opinion Hint I In- bullilliiu nf .t.tKNI xnmll Im All requirements intelligence, 'II M "f the IllKh eoxt nf IiiiIIiIIiik, llio rinks i,f ten nix rniieeriied mid llm these of .Hulled time before the law Iwnuieit operutlM', iiiniml be left In private oi l loyalty, devotion to the tusk, ore met prlxe. The Roverninent inild help, JiiAt nn In ntber i iiimtrlii., xueb n Kiiiilnnd in tho personnel of Swift & Company. It. IkIiiiii n ml Kroilnnd, tho iinvcrninonu hnvo douu uiiilur Hhullur in Yet the profit is only a fraction of a cent The nlley law In lint cnnllicntury, us lh alloy building inn be ucd per pound with costs at minimum. nfter ihe law biK'imiex offectlvo for enrnKra, stnlilon, uliop, Morula- - ware--i hnuxi'K and conl xlieilx. How can the workings of this deli- The ellmlnntlon of liibablltHl Mlley will not only .Improve tho henttli nnd cate human mechanism be improved inoralh of the rnpltul, but It will add gntitly tn ItH beauty. Vcicra. Canada upon? is as proXltaLle as Crain Growinql Go Young in WMtern ctnada tirimurowinB is npront maxrr. Kiuinu cattle, to Russia, Man, to Make a Fortune Snwpand Huns hringt certain aucrcai. It's cany to proiper where you Do you believe that Government t can raiMtfuiuiu uusUiTfiicatiaiuoacrnnnu ouy on easy icnna direction would add to our efficiency F YUU want to share In tho crcutct cummerclal nnd Industrial ilevelo. Land at $15 o $30 Per Aero or improve the servica rendered tho merit of tho Immediate future, study the UiiaMiui Iiiiikuiirh, nml 11 ho llussinu Cood Grazing Land at Much Less. producer und consumer? ccovruphy, resources nnd traihi methods. This Ih tho advice nf the bure hi uf Railway and Land Companlct offer unuaual Inducement to lioroe-- cilueiilbin tn jiiium AmerleatiH. litis-si- n ara tnarttla In Wtaatarn Canada anil nlnv hr nrnatrtiv. Innmsuta for the purchaM ol stock or fanning requirements can be hnd at tow Interest In In ehaiiH hut It nlTiiril imw, can't TheGovtrnmenUor Ihe Dominion and rrovineet of Manitoba, fiaaUalclie tn stay In rlimn iiiucli lunuer. And wan and Alberta extend every encouragement tu tho farmer and ranchman whether It eiueiKeN 11 Kiiclnllxt Ktnle. 11 You can obtain excellent land at low pilces on easy terms, and set hluh price Let us send you it Swift "Dollar". your Krnin( anccp arm iioua on ilemiicrney 11 republic, M caiuc. iow iniratnone ciielal or Its mprovemenii), good markets and shipping facilities, freo It will interest you. ISO.! Nm.lHMI people must he supplied schools, churches, splendid climate and sure cropa, Address Swift & Company, It for tlloatratad llUralora, rnapa. (Uacrtptloaef tanda for ! In Minltotsa. with the iiecessllleH nf life: must bo mmm ItrrMwtiii tttui Atbcrta. a I iuk r.luMJ ta'asu tataa. la., itbt la HoiwlntsitidaDi Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. equipped wllh riillriiadx mid liirtories ; " Its fnri'sts nud mines liuiki l.e utilized. 1 W. Y. BENNETT, Room 4, Bte DnlUlnj, OMAHA. NEB. And all sir iimst of this 11111- be ilonv f'nnsitlnn anvornmrnt Asent b. Irnders nml eiiKllifors nn I eaplial-Wi- s from the Vet, fnr II.ik.1h turn & S. ..- -. Swift Company, U. A. neither trained nun. uium-- nor 8t, Johns to De Nationalized. Itiissln Is Ihe world's crcalol nppurtlliilty, ami the fact Is .'ppareui to The Kin ioin. ion of the port of I JiVOrv WoiUJlU TTBIllB 1 must hi the world. Americans kcciii least uniire nf the IIiUhIiiii nipnri unity, Ht Johii. N It appear'. ti hv a tasjeTsMSaHaHrjasjajsjHi! but the bureau of eiluratlun ami the federal hoard fur voealloinil ilui aih'ti sured. This will mean elaborate pa lime been ilnliiK what tliey can til mcrcnuiti Hiik IlldltTereliee. Kurvejs Iiiim pruvenieiits nt once and will place THIS SHOWS been tiunle n '.'.Mi American cities with a view to estuhllslilui! venliiK u.y rWHATBCCOMlS and Ht Johns union); the crentest ports i f Or rh"-i'- IHCAVtRtCt DOUtO s in the lliisshin liiticinico. Special lexlliooks haw been pupareil. 111 Ihe Dominion RlCEIVCD BY A inch Iturslnn biinkliiK, tunic nml slilppllli: terum take the place of the "hut rswiFT & company! nf ih.' curdener" und the "creeii umbrella nf my aunt's cninilfnther." 7fNK Resit. Relretbti, Soothes, FOR PERSONAt HYGIENE in. .ib er miai 11 11 Eusolved In water dotichta ...".NO MOOUCII Here in "new couniry." despite the fnct thut It Is ery old one 11 coun- lleali Keep your Eyes for stop It lll'S pelvle lafbun-nuttlo- n. At flHIl II MIS fCK THI try where nre iniploweil soil, vlrulu furests mill mluerul resuurceM thai have WmM Btrons and Healthy," If caUrrh, ulesi atlon and u y aJ PS MB ttiMifTtr Ismnrt llrl. nr Recommended by LydU E. 0ll II. cinti roa iaso never been tupped. Pinkham VT"f KStodRtistrJl INI rusisHf SjEZW&C num. K Sore, Irritated. Med. Co, r for ten years. ...Kill.1.04 I'rr men of every irndc. nnd proftjitilon, nnd cspcelull for ynunis men hesllng Clin utumt CO Inflamed orGnnulated, A wondir for nasal catarrh, whom nthentnre coiiipensiilt'S fur liurdi-hlp-, Itiissln Is ilia oppoiiuully nf tho lUtIR spra throat and sora ayes. Economical. , SWlft & COMPANY . uss Murinedoften. Sale for Infant or AdulL ' Hm eiUaMjaao, At rierir fuliini At all Druggists Write for Free Eye Book. .Wal. tad eanaUUI

HwUeEjeHemcdr Company, Cblcsjo.lJ.S.L, , T1IU OAKKIZOZd Mlws

'Death of Mr. Autln ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION tlila Iht trntll liar uf Jul, A, II, l, I New H.llMlHlatul..,O.HilHcallu.i uf llli U.K. MailUl.liKN I 'lilt amount cf IU tapltal .luck I. M,IW).UI, STATE OF KIW MEXICO W.H I'll 1,1,1 I'd I ami tbt amuunt actually feaued I. $J)Mi.lll. Mrs. A. II, Austin, about II. W.llMrTthK acd Iberbalacler of Ibe tuuioe.. wblob It U lu CKUriVIOATK OKCOHI'AIIIMIIN ma,t 01 leie- - t 86' years, tiled 1 lu Ihe Htale uf New Tliursdaj uiornlnf? Unit! Htatea ol. America ( .... It.l, , tletH.( ilellculv t VUUlf ID rueue:ai;e la uilnlng Iruu and New Fill at the hemic of lie r daughter, mate em. Utile,, tw IbifHreifie ibe oHderalifneil auuiurily, a Notary etber or, wd Winter It la ll.i.Lr (J.iilB!, 11,. 1 11,. 1. a .'l wllhlu tbe.lale uf Naw Mellon, and fur .i,.i 1'ablle la and fur lit afmcaUJeimitty tail atete, Mrt, V. iY Giiiiiiii, in city. loll, bdiI toiytiltta talil tuiriWiee lu ae,illre, nwu. bold aall tlii. liu. Iran.oiin uf tin, uu Ibl. il. ..mouallyapiraia.l M. K. McUnllra, or mlueial land, Mlate Naw Tbuilccvascil llvcil on CitlifUa Ce,r if Cerllfliate ( leieraerttl.a .f W.H an.1 II W wltblu aald uf the Ilnuito fhllliM flutter, knuwulu inn Meileu. thin county for a Jeil'i fitt k Miiil Capiat lu ha lli iwieyu. wliune uawit. areaelMtillaMl te jjreal main aekimw-ledaei- r'i lb toaitruetieii, uialotaa (No. Iuimi, Kill,Tlri,a cUJ..r.iii.i,l. tliereuu, th furveulu iMtiHiHtnt, ami eertf ally l ailiiou. years, and wan ante, upeiatloii ami uwnliiK ul Ibe train prrvmully known .ana ipmii ciu flit ami ni reonl In lUgttic. lu me that Itwy atfcnleil the aniat fur S (or lallway frum eald mine New uf II.HIU(.'u(i,hIIi,uCoiiii,,U.Ii,d. the ami twiitl'l.ralliMi. therein lu Meiltu tu Boys to moM of the people in that part a puiut uf coiiueotlou with ulher rallwaya Sib luTnllaioei Wl.eieuf, tha Htata t;,.cKratlnn lu aald tialr, luvliuJIuie aegiiltiiluu, of the county. Her liuslianil Uummluloii uf II,. HUI. of New Meliro Ili'l'tMllMiiuy Wl.eie.if, 1 heleafttu .tlh.rilht tat ruualtnetlun, nialnlcuauce, oieralln( and pnwedctl lieecau.e' Hill e.rlllleala lie elmied hy my naiuiiniid allit mi Hal uf oUee, Ibl. Hie her to the reat lleyoml I. uwuing uf awllch ami iparlracka, aud fur- 111 Chairmen anil Ilia of eald Imtl, ilnyi.Uul). A. II riu. lll. ther Including the by pur about live years a 140, Two lul.ilun lu l,a .lllle.1 at ll, vt Haute IB..II II. I' ANDHIIWlN, aiul.ltlua it'll, cha.e, leant ur otberwlie Ihe freebuld la uu Hill L daf ul AukijiI, A I). Nalary I'ublla, D.llaiu I'miHly. ul Uuutihleht survive, her, Mm. Il. Ie. ur hmeebuhl luleleat lu leal HU MUMS II Wll.l.UMa. I'lnltl.til' I'llnllu Ibt i.tlla ut lb. Mtvreltly ailale fill Just received a big shipment rlahl.uf-wa- i puiiMMei, Wallace I,. (Juimii, of thin place, Allot L.'l,aliu,au. ulHlaltlbltnedotJuly, IVIV 11j lueatlua and Mrs. Dr. J. W. I.awH, of HI 1. I. UIIKIIINON. OKI), r . IIOU AUD, uf lie pilnalplt uOlct la tbt III. I. of Fall t'l.ik MMltlury uf Htale. if New lleileo I. de.lgaale.1 a. Ileelli'. Hpur, and Winter Clothing, I'd 10. I'liuurjil services were held H i, Aacliu, t.lnuuhi cuuuly. New Uaiicu, ami HUla f lata I UKCAIIIilKNI'llr MTA'III in thaagaut ua,u whuiii prin-e- agaluat tba ror just in time to fit up your boy the Kelley Chapel Thursday Italian, tluulll, I II, Clerk, ArliUH rWletary 1,0 ilhin.Cblnf IHiinlluu laay U aer.ed la Mai K flinllb, a 11 Know All Man lit tl,e II, at (tar iMion, mid the IT"!,!. Ma, uf HI alt, uf Ilia Nlalouf 'i'elHi.ilu hereby cvlllfy natural full age remains tie Dallam ier.unnf arlually lu ub.orltriliiritu,cltli.uif .until, tliat Ibe futeKulDK li a truw auil eurteol cupy uf the Htata uf New for school. to Kansas City, for Inter-, 'loJtr Ibe ul Ilia Mekico. whunt plact uf abode irol.iuii. CHARUROF I.'aHpur. I'. O.. t, liu furm Ancbu, I.lnclu oanty, ment same evening. JACK'S rCAK TRAMWAT A MINING COMrANT N SI. andia.uriioralaouraalVM fntu a vulauinrj a, with the emlurieiueul. tliti.uu. a. but aiara ull lu Tfia-ta- now MlntM r goods eooialioa fur Ilia itirMiaa of tunaitlutf lu ululotf of record lu tbi. d.pHrtlu.ul. Whereuf. tba aald'i r..k nuulu up of lots of ilau and ulliaf lira, wlllilu Ih. Htala of New A Mielii hue oauiiil Ita uauia lu 1'e.ilimiii) Wherruf I Uatltu, ami tun.ltutiiuii and uiHuatiua; a lint hare liereuntutlmieil tu he hereunto aubaorlhad and Ita The my heme oltUMally uml cnu.etl tu be iae snap Shoe Repairer el ttaoi railway within ild aula, ami In ci.n. and stylo ItfetMnlhereuli Hit Heal uf Hlatt my neetieii wltb talil Anil l llml ami we at preetnl. tu lit titculed by Ita 1're.ldeut uilc. ulllceln Iborily uf Amlili, Ibl. John Skinner, "sole-saver- ." hereby i,loi anil auu.arlba Iht fullawlnf Tra, ami thicrelary, tbla Ul.l day of July, the the day uf July, A. II. IVIII. U II A II T K K nod A. i., Illli AT LAST YEAR'S PMCES has moved shoe-repairi- tut-f- it (Kent I) MIMH, his Article I. Tkl tMiiclilloii alitll liaklmwua. f. JACK'S 1'HAK Til ttlWV A S1ININU CO. t'bler Clerk, Acting fWr.tnry uf Mini., into the Peters house, opposite JACK'S flAK TRAMWAT A MININC COMrANT, hy IH-- U llyN. SI. VINVAIII). tlml 'urcKood willed nana It ahall contract aad. lie euutieoleit llNDllllriHD' I'n.ld.kt. liakery, and is pre- wiUi aoa ami Iw, aud tfauiitcl all It. 11.11 SleitUl.t.HN, pared to all kinds shoe-wor- It baalae.. I nr. Ilep',1 Vul.ll. I'.ii. C17 clecrelary. in to Cirllll.d t'upy uf up Article 11. Tali a..cKlitlou I. furuied fur Hit t.NDOIIHlil): t'ettlnoate uf llicuriiuratluu uf folluwluff imrb..a-(I- Kurtlgn Tutmave lu Jilk'l Pil Triawajr & Mlaloi Cempiay mlnloit Irun ami ullieruree Cur. Iltt'd, Vul. t raga Mi m Kll.d lii Olhct uf tttatt Methodist Church wlllilu tba itata uf Naw lleileu, ami fur l'iirurhtluu t'uinm..luii Htatewentuf aid uf Ntw Mealeu purpoia tuaaiialra, uwn, bulii or mII'l P.ik Triewiy A Mlalai Auiu.hi, mini nr. m C.anr HrllK.ll.ll l..w.lllu, I'a.tor lit. lulu.tal landa wlllilu laid Halt ul N.w D.nlgnallng Cbaract r of lluilueit, frluulpal Full A. I. MOItlllKON, line of School Supplies Mulct. Dltica, Ageut, ale. Sunday school, 10 a. m. Come. I!) The L'umpnreilllWIuMIIM. Cli.k, eoinlillloo, ciiuilrnetluii, inalulan. rlleit In utile. uf Hlata Curpuratluu Cua.ul.ilua Preaching morning and even- - use, ufaraUuK aud uwninv uf a Irani uf New Slallcu railway from aald New mint la Meiluu lu OF Allguitn. IWIUi 2 I'. SI. a uf STATE NIW MEXICO tiulul niaotctioa wltb utbtr rallwaye A I,. MtllllllHON, Spesial music lu aald iDiluiliau Hit at both services, .ll., atiiujiltlun, L'KIITIr'll.'ATK Or' t'Oill'AllloON UiuipareilllWIuMIIM Clerk. THE (ARMOZO TRADING (0. lip worth League, 7:15 p. tuniiruclluu, iiialuttnanee, uueratjoa" and United rllaliK,, if America l in. .twain r. of awlteb aud apur traoki.and fur- Mlate uf New Meiii'o m You are cordially invited. ther fnoluiliun Iheavuniiltiuuhy ,ureheie, It la ller.hy LVrll6... that Ibe nnneie.1 It a STATE OF NEW MEXICO Quality First Then Price Itait ur otherwiia, uf Ilia freehuhl or lease. full, true mid uumplete Itau.cript uf Ibe CIlltTIKIliATKtTr'AI'TIIOIIirv Iiuld lutereit 111 ttutt for Slatinlat tf uurpue UullwlWUIeauf AtutrlrKlUJ .iiiniiniiniiniiniiniffl Cut.iol.c Church Juk'l F.ak Trimwi; & Mlaloi Cemptey HlaloufNew Melicu lHrt Alllil.lll. Tlietilaaa uf bulla... Ilijr wLiltl, Dvilanntlna' llhaiact.r uf lluiiue., It I. Ilarcby Certified, that theie waa uIihI fur nil J, ll.Uiam, li.iioi la ratanl Hit plart of updating aald uluo ami I'rluelial Olllre. Aa.ul, t'lr. reeuril In Ike ulllea uf tba Hlale Curpuralluti Iniuuar) .ball be wlllilu Ik. .lata of Naw in... itmm l'liimUeluuiit tbeHlateuf New Slellcu uu Ilia Kronr now on with n. l'.lb every Sunday. Mealrut tba prlurlpal iilliee auil place uf bnil. tb.reuli, ..aiiit upptala dny uf Augiml, A. II., Iu. at 1 1', SI. by Juk'l September uu lilt uml rtconl lu Hit utile uf ihtHtatt I'tik A Caiaeiar, the Fifteenth 1st. Mass at a. 111., sermon In na. ut laid aaiuclalluu .ball be lo llitclti of tl Tnemir MmIii a curpuralluti daly Dalbarl, Dallam rounti Tviai, t'uipuiatluii Cuiuml.ilun. urganliMl audexlitiug undir ami by tlrtue of Hugllih; 2nd. Mass at 'J:.10 a. m., lu Te.tiiuuny Whtreuf, tbn State Curpuiatluu Hit lawl uf the Hlata uf a Don'. forjjeJ your Coupons AlllcltlV Kald ai.t.lalluu .ball fur u Talaa, oeillAed copy on Third Liberly Loan Honil.i ttlil ruuiml.-iui- i uf tin, Hlatn uf N.w Mellci. i.f Wliclea uf Sermon in Spanish. Ifllu tf dflj IMl tear. it. larri.ratluu aud Htatauient h. rauiinl thi. (erlllleule tu bt .Ign. ileelguatiu,! ,ilucll ultlut III Ihl. Htale, agent, sliould be clipped Arllcla V I'll. Im.liiei. uf a..uoliitl,iu hy ai'iil Sunday school in English at ibl. ed II. rluilrman uud tbt uf aaiil ale., ita pro, bird b) Sutlon 103, Chapter ,'V, ball ba trnnnaolMl by a buahl uf (V) dl. ut 10 a, m., Bros, ulut t'uuimlluli, tulmulllitd the City uf lawauf IWVi at Humphrey re.tor., wbo eleolml l,jr .UiclilioiiltiN rfiiu-iiihe- r .ball lit ibt Kanta Ke, uu Ibe llh day uf Alien.!, Nuw'riiatefoia, The eald la baraby YOU CASH TUHM llicy arc as Knoil Uu, ruriuratluu gKKORR ImiMIni; upstairs', ill Spanish at uaauallr uu liral day ur April uf each year. a. I)., mm. hy aitlhitrlieil the Hlale Curiiatluu CummU.lua - The uamei! atuckbuld.ra are hartby as :it Hii I Wo will In- s lad to i v t 7: JO fultuwluk mum ii., lu builueH. lu theHtuteuf NewSlall.o, (;l'l lank. jr vim liu p. ni., and devotions, at the declared illrectura for Ural, II. L'baliuimi Ibt vli: t, mid tliii hu.liieii I. .iich it. may lit lawfully a U. N. II. W H. cash, or tleio!iit tliem in Suviiins'ainl CliccUini; Account for priest's rzsidence, llreenuuib.N Vln.ianl, Juae., Alle. trauiurti-- hy ouraralluu.uraaulsad nniltr A I.. tbt I'bllllpe. H. N. I.'hllil.ra, W S. ronl. T. II. MIIIIIIIHON. uf thi. mate yon. If you liave no account with coini; Now K. W M. Wllieu, Clelk Ut. n, in. is thu Neaek, II. UcUulleuaad nil III Teetlmuu) Wh.reuf, the Cliaiiiuaa and In Dalball, uf wboiereald.uceaaro lu Dallam NI'AIKMIINT (If IIJIIhlllN t'OIII'OIIA IION Clerk ut .aid Cuimul.aluu bare hereunto time to start one. Uaptlst Church coaaly.'ralaa All b) their hatitl. Kuow bI.ii 'I'liiit 1'ie.enle. 'Ihat Jt.k'i .ft audaltiiad Iheeealof .aid t VI aluok of We appreciate your au-iuiu- of size. II., I, ri, ttuillli, Pealar Article Tbt capital Ul. a.iurln Teak Traev.r A Mialii Cm...,, a curpnialiuiiur. Cuiitmi..luu, at the City uf Hanla Fe, uu manUess tluu ahall ba thllly Ihuuiaml H10,IIUJ) du. iraulied, ami eil.tliig under uud liy virtue uf the the Hlith duy tf Augutl, A. D. IViy. 10 111. Sunday school, a. Ian, la ba dlllileil lulu Ikrrn buudrvd IWJ law. uf the Htata uf 1 ciu., and deidriur, tu Iriin.-ac- t H.,tl IIUllll II. Wlltl.lAMH, HANK WITH US CROW WITH US ibarea uf tba par Talut of IIOU Ul (i.n b'nudied New and even- lie bu.lne.. lu the Hlata uf Metteo, Preaching, morning dollat.) each. dulli beiehy make Ibt folluwlmr .tateiitunt lu A. I,. SIOIIIIUON, CARHIZ07.0, N. M, ing. Come. luTe.tliuwuy Wb.r.ef. wllli..luuriliraalur.i, acoeideuce wltb tbt pruvlaiuli. uf Hellluu II. ik. The Lincoln State Bank

Read this through Then let us help you "cut the high cost of living."

jQELiVKRY EXPENSH is enormous : high cost of delivery car, high salary for delivery man,

tires away up, gasoline 35c a gallon, and a thousand and one other expenses for up-kee- p of car. It ihould be reduced, and the customer given a big saving. With your we are going to cut our deliveries down to two a day at 9:30 A. M. and l:30 p. m. This will give our customers good service, and a big saving also. To show you that we mean to give you this saving, hy with us by giving or phoning your orders promptly, and as early as possible before 9:30 A. M. and 1:30 P. M.( we

quote the following prices : FRESH MEATS Hound Steak, per lb., old price 35e now 27c Rib Stew " 20c now 12)C Loin, und Pork Steaks .35c now 30c " 30c now 17UWc Wutnp Roust 30.32c now 20.22c Arm Roast - " 33c now 26c Prime Kib old price 30c now 23c Hamburger - " 30c now 2Ic

bit worth saying? Four pound Stew, old price 80a, now 50c. Two pounds Shoulder Steak, old Jirice fiOc, now 35"

A few other items you can eave money on : Quaker Hominy Grits, old price 20c now 15c Mothers' Wheat Hearts " 25c now 18c Grape Niils " 17Hc now 15c Pearl Tapioca - " 25u now 20u Rnimliles " 15c now 12ic New Manse Syrup, $1.20 now $1(00 Knitted Wheat 30c now 20c Qts. f.0cnoW50d Fruited Oats " 30c now 20c Tlielco Asparagus, tall cans 50c now 40c

A Carload of the Famom WICHITA BEST FLOUR uj be in soon

Saye your orders. Prices will he right. Don't forget the delivery hours 9:30 and t,30 If goods are not at represented, please phone us and money will lie cheerfully refunded

Help in help you to cut "high coal of living." GROOM'S SANITARY STORE .Rhone 40-0- 5 Alumogordo & Garmozo