- - -- - - - " TCr s tTv - s'.'' av Vg.; 25&e WBcMla Bailtj ugle: gtusfflng wcnm'tiijbtv 23, 1888. , . """ hi Kansas CUy Live Stock. E. 11 OONEXHr, M. D. CHHESE COOKERY. AD notices of Employment Situations Wsnua. FOB BENT-liESIDE- Kansas city, Oct. 22. General practitioner of medicine, surgery, gynas-colo- willbecaarsedfortth rate ot t osnts perlias - and obstetrics. Treat all chronic and private BENT Honso of S voonw. good cellar. 5 The Llvo Stock Indicator reports- glTen required. per week: no notice for leas taaa 23 oeata. FOR diseases, oxygen treatment wnea wQl bo well on back porch, with or without Sjitilijse CATTLE Receipts, 6,000; ehipments, COO. Good Plea and all diseases of the rectum a specialty. WICHITA All For Bales or other bneinesa notice bam. at 2S N. Emporia. Call at SH . Emporta. OF A RESTAU- The EAGLE grass range weak, slow and 5c lower; canners and Office removed to 134 North Main street, over Kan- KITCHEN SUPPLIES charted tor at the rata ot 1C cents per line par weelc 1S46S e cow b V 12 a. m.. 1 a ml cows In better demand and steady; good n m sas National Bank. Offlce Hours to to co business notice Tor SO fae 7 8 dur-t- MOTT caien less rMn cent. common; and p. RANT ON STREET. COMMERCE-- . active and steady; ve&x; stcckers and t m. f T?OK RENT A new six room hous for five dollar FINANCE AND feeders slow and weak. Good to cholc corn fed. I- per month in Butler and rWhcr's addition. Ap- 2o: common medium, M25S4.60; gras ply 10 133 Q !?1 4.7fr5 to rTET.P WAftTED-MA- T.rl at room Sedgwick building. range steers, lt02515; stockers and feeders, l.fw E. E. HAMILTON M. D. MARKETS BYTELEGBAPH. 75. A. Spices ContU-racn- is V5; cows, $12532 Dtcnjuvq tS Great Variety of and RENT I have thirteen hoaes contslnlntt HOGS Rcceipta. 2,"i00; shipments, l,VO. Opened c.a(iiTHm nf FOR rooms i closing wea'c: Eye and Throat, "TTfT ANTED Two good solicitors to canvass this six to eight each in ilosimaa's ada New York Mcitey. active and fctrong to 5c higher; Ear. Noe A Stock of Standard Foods, v citrand eoaaty for subscriptions to the Com- which 1 will rent very cheap for the winter. The good to choice, tiAvJ5.C5. common to medium, i4.G0 Catarrh nd fitting glasses. 1134 NEW Oct. 22. corner of mercial Double the usual commission. Call at hore cars on Central avenuo will soon berunnins Tort. 05 40; skips and piss, $ l)O1.40. Office southwest Many of TThich Are 2fot Familiar to Chicago avenue. 13161 to this addition. A good large hoae for J tola a the- "at SHEEP Receipts, 3.500; shipments. 765. Steady Dougias and Market stree. V, Mone y on call was easy "with loans 2S2 W month. Call on J. Arnold. Receiver, over Hi good, weak common: good to choice muttons, upiniirs, ichlta, Kan. dtSO-U- last loan at 2J. for for Americans Sauces. HELP A first class horse-riioer-: one North Main street. t Prime niercant'le paper at 4 $f7. 13.5033.75, common to medium, tl.5033.CM. WANTED plain ana fancy wors; also Sterling exchange, dull but steady at TC51 lor Lonjj beforo Lucullus immortalized him- a first cla&s carriage ivocd wurktaan. None Dut sixty day bllls'&nd J1.87& for demand. thorough workmen need apply. K. W, McClelland, I0E BEST-BOO- MS. fctocks active but weak. Chlcjco Live Stock, HARRY CEOSKET, 31. C. self by regaling the jeunesse doree of Rome fcoi lltS, Wichita, Kan. dl33 6i, 311,694. Printers, Binders, Publishers, f The total sales ol stocks today aggregate CHICAGO, Oct. 22. Reldence UT3 N Wichita street; offlce, 203 E with his hundred thousand dollar dinners his "II'OR RENT Furn!hed rooms, tingle or en uitrr 127 lol-l- j;ood coraico Caswell X 111 t 4s coupon The reports: No 123. worker. H board can be obtAbJtd next door. Apply at w coupon 103H Drover's Journal telephone prototypes were indulging in the same pleas- WANTED: N. Lawrence iHs 15,000: 3, Statloners and dias lie ii iaju CATTLE Rrceips, shipments, Market, rauncfe otic ID good, 10c choice bc-ve- DENTISTS. in Fook-Cho- Missouri Gs steadv for com m n lower; ures on a similar scale Pekin and A grood livu. reliable, enersetlc TTOR RENT One nicely fnrnished front room on 1 t3.40O5.30; steers. t3 25,?j."3, stockers and fetdr?, Blank Book MTrs WANTED wagon; 1 Chicago & Alton rangers, gastronomy has been among the hors and delivery one who E first floor, sue xCs with gas and furnace heat-als- Chicago. Burlington fe Qulncy J10V8 t215i75; Texas cattle, $1.7533.50 wetern TT. for i well acquainted with the retail grocer of the one room lighted cows, mixed, 1 10 a. SEELYE. Sid furained. with Lackawana M 2.4ft4J5. bulls and 403 fine arts in China almost from the beginning city. To the right partv a coed situation will tw and furnace heat, Cr at ZSi N. Empi.r-.-- are. HOGb-Recel- K1X. shipments. 7.0X). removed bi oun-- to No. No.th dlfl-C-tt Erie : Jo3jSj.&). Dentist, has M. L. Country oSered. Address lock box 6i city. met pikeShoro .. WJ& steady; mixed. t5 40a.7c; heavy, Lawrence a e., first door norm t Irt Churc, of Chinese history. The Chinese chef has an Officers' Books ,i light, to 4035.70, skips, S j.5035.10. llo-ii- n Mlfasourl Pacific G.ia administered, TVrANlED-Ca- sh boys at Boston Store. dlSSMJ RENT floor good cellar, ,,, bHEEP-Recel- ptp, 9,0 0; shipments, 3,01 . official status of at least forty centuries' du- and Blanks FOR Three and with Northwestern & (W. $J.0Oj43 bO; and warehouse scale, lu rear of 1Q E. New York Central I steady: natives, tV?4 western, Texas INSTITU1 t2 75S3.55; tJ.50a5 00, WIOSaTA - DENTAL - ration. Two thousand years before the Chris- Douglas: an excellent location for a curatat.Jon Reading &K lambs. A bcoi keeper an 1 stenographer. No Inquire M. A Co. 14 1 as highly WANTED houic. of J. Alien tf Rock Island CEEDIT0E &BU0KWALTEE, tian era he was esteemed and paid City Officers' Books apply. He'erences required. Ad Union Paclflc Y&j as liberally as he is today, and now he is ex- dres B It. A. Co office. 110 if OR RENT Finely furnished front room with Wabash - Ji Dentists only tatO for a good set of tee h. One and Blanks tIe IjlWMOHtL Western Union BAILROAD TIME TABLES. all surgicai operations Ytllhou. pain, ceedingly well paid. Gentlemen who are F DKll.f.C UK " half mice for 116 WANTED interested in MD North 3Iai n street. example, chef in a 1 estaurant in business education short hand or telrffraphy RENT Three nice, & SAN FRANCISCO R. R. For the convenient houes with GRAIN IN SIGHT ST, LOUIS to all at office Southwestern Business Colieiro. FOR pantries clce-et- situated on Fana v avo. WILSON, llott street came to ewYork from San District Court Books Night school Oct. flrst, 7.50 o'clock. En- south of Douglas. They arcs'tual-'- oa 22. Following is a J. C. 40U DougUs ave. four blocti NEW York, Oct. TRAIN3. ARIIIVE. LEAVE. Francisco under a contract by which he re- and Blanks trance to night kchool E. & tf the motor line. In order to get a good tenant tor the Dentist. All work guaranteed t"la,P?I5,!; w will bo very cheat In. of visible supply of grain-o- & $100 besides his board and inter these hnsea rented statement the Going West, pass BfcE. Douglas avenue, over Barnes bon ceives a month, quire at a: N. Mirket s. 13 Saturday, October 20, as compiled at 525 AM 530am lodging, for his services. All things consid- ELP WANTED-I'EM- AIE. Going "West, pass. run REN C Nicely rooms J2.W produce exchange: 515 J! D. W. J. S. Hoogland. ered, is fully equivalent to tho Bar Dockets turn'shed front for the New York through) r Smith. this salary I?OR n eek. 1 d room at IL50 pe? wek.tho a Golng En-s- passenger. 1000 am District Court Bushels. Increase. IQlOl'M SMTTH & H0TJGLAND, $0,000 a year paid to such chefs as preside in ANTED a competent cirl to do general honse splendid sulto of rurnbhed room$ ery cheap it 111 Going East, passenger. OSppm "rrf T wort, now ashing. SUU s. Law reace N. 1J:6 32,972,370 702,109 Douglca vaua. Corner Law- Hoffman house, Delmoni-co'- s, Market. Wheat 122 street, Dentists. E tho kitchens of the ave. 135 11,203,451 742,253 City Union TicJvet offlce, North Mam i) Corn Depot, Oak rence. Wichita, Kan. the Union League club and the Vander-bi- lt RENT Thre large, room in flrst-c- 19,803 and Union street. Protiate Court Books Oats '... 7,733,581 mansion. The Mongolian chef, to judge "TV ANJ ED A good girl for general houtew orlr. FOR gas. etc , suitable for light hou Rye 1,202,342 80,302 Kansas midland railway. ARCHITECTS. and Blanks 11 u.nt be a good cook ironerand washer. Good keeping, dressmaking or tailoring. Appfr at room Lee-A- h, distinguished wages, K fereuce Apply SCBN. Topeka 1,401,070 6S1.30S by who is the individual required. at 6, 3 N. Main .tree!. dlSl 6tt Barley Going North, pass, (daily).. SMAJI like his Caucasian Going north, freight (tri- DTJM0NT & HATWAED, mentioned, is curiously RENT Largo nicely furnished nptalrj 6C1OAM 51 Chicago Grain and Produce.
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