The Devonian Norway Rocks
The style of deformation in the Devonian rocks on Hitra and Smela. Central Norway REIDULV B0E, KUVVET ATAKAN & BRIAN A. STURT B0e, R., Atakan , K. & Sturt , BA 1989 : The style of defo rmatio n in the Devonian rock s on Hitra and Smela , Central Norway. Nor. geol. under s. Bull. 414, 1-1 9. The Old Red Sandstone sequen ces in the Outer Trand elaq Region comprise continental conglome rates, sandstones and mudstone s of latest Silurian to Middle Devonian age.During a Late Devon ian tectonic phase (Solundian Phase) the deposits were deformed and metamorph osed. The fold styles on Hitra and Sm01a are quite different and proba bly represent diff erent tectonic levels in a continuous structure. Evidence of mesoscopic thrusting and near bedding-parallel mylonites indicates that the Devonian rocks have been involved in south directed thrusting , which is compatible with deep-seismic reflection data. The metamorphic grade was close to the boundary of the anchizone and lower green schist facies and pressures in the order of 4.1-4.8 kb are indica ted. K-Ar dating of white micas shows that uplift and cooling took place in Late Devonian time. Reidulv B0e, Norges geologiske underseketse , PiO. Box 3006-Lade , N-7002 Trondtie im, Norway. Kuvvet Atakan, Department of Geology, University of Bergen, N-5000 Bergen, Norway. Brian A. Sturt , Norges geologiske unoersekelse, PiO. Box 3006-La de, N-7002 Trondheim, Norway. Introduction The Old Red Sandstone (ORS) (latest Silurian sedimentological development, deformation - Middle Devonian) sequence of the Outer and low-grade metamorphism. Trendelaq region is preserved within a num The age of the ORS sequences in the Ou ber of coast-parallel ENE-WSW-trending syncli ter Trendelaq Region is fairly well establ ished , nes.
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